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Chained Beasts (Naruto)

Actually, for the most part, Jins are neutral to each other, it's their respective villages and nations that will come after us.

"Yeah so let me kill you so I can use your biju to free my waifu who resides in my dreams because long ago she tried to convert a good chunk of humanity into living weapons against her family. Reason she is like this is because she merged with a god-like being to take back what she believes is her power, aka all the chakra. Her son, who is the Sage of Six Paths, stopped her and broke her into the Biju. Don't worry, she is better now and won't try to take back chakra, trust me. I promise to bring you back at the cost of another life using a forbidden technique."

You could find another way. Will most likely take decades or even centuries because you are trying to undo something that Sage of Six Paths did.

As I said, your choice. There is a reason why is a joke option.

Step one: Obtain immortality somehow

Step two: don't go crazy like Orochimaru

Step three: work our ass off and abuse shadow clones as much as possible

Step four: keep the waifu company in our dreams as much as we can so she doesn't go crazy from isolation

Step five: keep at it until profit?

Also I kinda meant trying to figure out a way to make Kabuto's version since iirc that doesn't require a human life to be sacrificed?
Kabuto did require the sacrifice. He just used prisoners of war and Zetsu.
Kabuto did require the sacrifice. He just used prisoners of war and Zetsu.

Ok then we find ourselves Zetsu and clone the shit out of them for our sacrifices. Given he's an evil cannibal we won't have to feel bad about it either! :D
Except he is the child of our beloved.
All Zetsu are born of Kaguya.
I would like to point out that there are bad ends.

Anyway, please enjoy the rest of the quest. Whatever route you choose and whoever you make Naruto's Internal Spirit.
[X] Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[X] Kushina
[X]Avenging Flames (Fem Sasuke)
Except he is the child of our beloved.

"Hey Zetsu! How've you been? Sorry to say this on short notice, but I kinda need some of your clones for my, err...zombie jutsu thingy."

". . ."

"It's for a good purpose I swear! I'll use my zombie army to take over the world and get your mom out of her moon prison! Believe it!"


"Oh and by the way, how about you call me Dad?"

"I'll be thinking about it."


[X] God's Bride

[X] Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[X] Shisui Uchiha
Current Lead Votes

Internal Spirit- Kushina

Route- God's Bride
Anyone else want to vote?
[X]Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[X] Kushina
[X]Gentle Hunger (Ayame)
Voting is over.

[X]Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[X] Kushina

[X]God's Bride

I will post the update later.
Kushina 1
This was a strange feeling. She knew she had died protecting her son. Part of her remember fragments of the Pure World. A place where all souls went after death. Reunited with members of her clan and others that had fallen. But everything was telling her that she was partially alive. She knew of only one technique. Impure World Resurrection. The Internal Spirit Variant.

How she hated that technique and its variant and desired it never have been made. Tobirama had created a monster. At least she could see how her son was treated. If those damned villagers ever mistreated her son, even once.

A terrible feeling swept through the village.

"Are you my Host?" She asked her master.

A yelp was heard, a teenager. Dear spiral. She was inside a teen. That didn't sound right. Mikoto was laughing at her, she knew it.

"Who are you? Are you a ghost?" The teen's heart quickened.

"Calm down. I am your Internal Spirit." This was going to be a chore, wasn't it.

"Internal Spirit? Wait, you're inside me!" A silence gave way. He really didn't think that through.

Kushina felt the teen look at the site where the ritual was. "Um, Miss Spirit…"

"Misses. I was married." The thought brought sorrow and anger.

"Oh. Sorry…" Her Host spoke.

"It is alright. Both my husband and I died to protect our son." The teen looked down.

"Is your son still alive?" A question that burns at her very being.

"I don't know…" She hoped he was and was treated well.

"Well, we will find him." This caused her to perk up. "I promise you."

"You would make such promise that to your Internal Spirit?" Such a strange master.

"I don't know anything about this Internal Spirit or Host stuff. But what I do know is that you want to see your son again. I never go back on my word, that is part of my ninja way." Joy crept back into her heart. There was something strangely familiar about her host.

"Thank you but don't you have that. Your family must be waiting for you." This caused a pang of sorrow from her master.

"I don't have a family…" Oh. "... The Old Man said that he didn't know them."

"Old Man?" Must be someone from the village.

"Yeah, he is the one who runs the village. Kinda did something bad." That would mean the old man is…

"What do you mean bad?" Kushina was now interested.

"Mizuki-sensei said if I took a scroll from the Old Man and learned a technique from it, I would become a ninja. I failed three exams so far and really wanted to pass. He tricked me…"

Someone tricked her host into committing treason. She was going to find this Mizuki and teach him a lesson. Very painful lesson.

"It's not your fault. You know, I went through something similar during my time at the academy."

"Really?" Her host perked up.

"Yes, it took me two times for the exam. I was kinda impatent in my childhood." She laughed a bit.

"Same with me. What is your name? I kinda forgot to ask." The teen sheepishly spoke.

"Right, same here. I was the greatest female ninja of Konoha. Kushina." Which was technically true. She was the one who was the helped her husband.

"Huh, I never heard of you." Those morons, they must have erased her presence.

"When I find those Elders, I am going to have an enlightening talk. How dare they? I am an Uzumaki…"

"Uzumaki…" This hit a chord with the teen.

"Yeah, that is my clan. Well late clan but nevermind that."

"Uzumaki … A clan…" Ok. What was wrong with her host?

"Umm, master? Are you ok?" The Teen fell down and started to cry.

"I have a clan…" Wait. What?

There shouldn't be any other member of her clan except … Oh Spiral. Her host couldn't be… That would be wrong on many level. Her son.


"Yeah… Wait, I didn't tell you my name…" Everything made too much sense now. Right now, she wanted to find that old monkey. He should have taken better care of her son.

"Naruto!" Someone came out from one of the bushes. It was a tanned man with black hair and a scar across his nose.

"Iruka-sensei..." Naruto called out to the person trying to stop crying.

"Thank the sage. You are alright." Iruka hugged his student.

"But… I killed your parents… I am a monster…"

Kushina had reached her limit. "You are not a monster. My son will never be a monster!"

This shocked her son. As the words slowly registered in his, a branch moved.

"You are not a monster." His teacher spoke gently.

"How touching. Why are you protecting the demon? Don't you hate him for taking away your parents? He would kill you and everyone." A silver haired man appeared.

"Yeah… the Nine-Tailed Fox would do that… but Naruto is different. I've acknowledged him as… one of my excellent students. He may not be the hardest worker… and he is clumsy and no one accepts him… but he already knows what it is to feel pain inside your heart. He isn't the monster fox. He is a member of the Konohagakure. He's Naruto Uzumaki!"

Said person had heard everything and looked up at his teacher. "Iruka…"

"That is too bad. I will just have to kill you and the demon. The village will hail me a hero."

"Like hell you are. Time to show this bastard the power of the Uzumaki. Naruto." Kushina wanted this man beaten into his next existence. No one threatens her son.

[]Allow Kushina to fight
[]Naruto fights without Kushina

Sorry about the lateness, dealt with a flu.
[X]Naruto fights without Kushina

We have shadow clones so we can kick his ass no problem, plus we get to show off for mom!
[X]Allow Kushina to fight
[X]Naruto fights without Kushina
[X]Naruto fights without Kushina

Least amount of shenanigans to save everyone else the headaches. Deal with weird shit later, kick Mizuki's ass and show off right now.
Voting is over.

[X]Allow Kushina to fight

I will post the update later.
Ah crap, I can't believe I didn't find this thread sooner and I also can't believe no one wanted Naruto's Internal spirit to be Tobirama Senju.

I get that having your mom's voice in your head makes for a good little fluffy storyline, and gives Naruto access to information about his family early, making for a probably happier life, but Kushina's presence complicates Naruto's eventual relationship with Kurama and Tobirama could have given more information on the Impure World Ressurection techniques, teach the Flying Thunder God technique, barrier techniques, sensor techniques, elemental ninjutsu of various types, Yin-Yang release, and maybe the methods used to create the Sword of the Thunder God.

Especially considering Tobirama was probably the single best teacher in the Naruto!verse, when you consider that he taught the Third Hokage and Danzo to be S-rank shinobi when neither had a bloodline, access to a bijuu, or some stupidly OP secret technique, so his teaching should be applicable to basically anyone.

Also the Irony of a technique he made being used to turn him into a kid's schizophrenia

Missed opportunity people.
[X]Allow Kushina to fight

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