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Chained Beasts (Naruto)

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Uzumaki Naruto
Gender: Male
Rank: Genin
Status: Host/Master
Age: 14
Current Condition: Healthy...


Warning: Tends to irreverent in most situations.
Jun 9, 2014
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Uzumaki Naruto
Gender: Male
Rank: Genin
Status: Host/Master
Age: 14
Current Condition: Healthy

Current Stats
Ninjutsu: Genin
Taijutsu: Chunin
Genjutsu: Genin (Weakness)
Intelligence: Genin
Strength: Chunin
Speed: Chunin
Stamina: Jounin
Chakra Control: Genin

Special Abilities
Power of Human Sacrifice: Able to tap into the power of the Nine-Tailed Beast
Uzumaki Heritage: Superior Body.

Jutsu Library
Sexy Tranformation
Shadow Clone
Impure World Resurrection: Internal Spirit

Special Items
Master Seal


Gender: Unknown
Rank: Unknown
Status: Internal Spirit/Servant
Age: Unknown
Current Condition: Unknown

Current Stats
Ninjutsu: Unknown
Taijutsu: Unknown
Genjutsu: Unknown
Intelligence: Unknown
Strength: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Stamina: Unknown
Chakra Control: Unknown

Special Abilities

Jutsu Library

Special Items


Naruto: 1
Kushina: 1


NSFW thread
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Naruto 1
Legends, Myths and Folktales are a powerful thing. Especially to those know how to separate truth from its embellishments. One such legend tells of a great and powerful entity that once existed before the enigmatic Sage of Six Paths. The stories tell of this entity being a true god. With its power, the world was given life. No-one knows what happened to this entity, only that it disappeared once the Sage of Six Paths appeared.

Another legend is that of a great destroyer. This god-like force of nature ravaged the world until the Sage of Six Paths stopped it. Very little is known how but some stories say that he sealed it away somewhere that no-one would find. A dead end.

Final myth speaks of Nine Beasts. Each a mighty force of nature and destruction. They appeared after the death of the Sage of Six Paths. Often they would be in the distance of some town or in their caves. Never bothering anyone that didn't disturb their solitude. Occasionally, some lucky fool may get a boon from these Beasts. They vanished within the past hundred years.

To the untrained, these would seem to be unrelated. However, to one person, they meant more than his peers would know. And to this person, a deep annoyance at his late family member.

Tobirama had completed his latest technique. Impure World Resurrection. A dark way to call back dead. At the cost of another's life. The scales must be balanced somehow. He wanted nothing more than to erase all trace of this forbidden evil. However, it had a use to correct his brother's mistake.

Hashirama had given these Beasts to the fledgling Hidden Villages. Leaving the Nine Tailed Beast with their village. They didn't know that the Nine were in fact pieces of something much larger. That didn't matter as he prepared to take back those beasts. No village or nation should control such power.

Thus he began the Beast Wars. Using an altered version of the Impure World Resurrection, one that sacrificed the self. Created warriors with the knowledge, power and skill of the long dead. For a while, it seemed he would achieve his goals.

One thing he didn't plan. Mito, followed the wishes of her late husband and gave the other villages this version of the Impure World Resurrection. Thus lead to end the First War. In a sign of solidarity, each village would forbid the use of the Technique.

However, the seeds were planted. Over the years, people have figured out what Tobirama has learned. Second Beast War began as those that desired god-like power once more used Impure World Resurrection and it's special variation: Internal Spirit. It was ended by the combined efforts of various ninja and samurai.

It didn't last long as a Third Beast War broke out. In the shadows, a dark force had gathered to create something terrible. This force played other powers against themselves. Only one person found out about this, Minato, the man who would win the war. He located the secret base and raised it to the ground. In effect, destroying whatever this group had created.

Only later did a few people figured out what happened. The Hero of the Third Beast War spoke this. "Something that should never be used."

Peace had once again reigned. Lure of Power is hard to ignore and god-like power is almost impossible. Once more, did the siren song play...

-Chained Beasts-

A blond child swung alone, sadness shown in his blue eyes. Today was his third attempt to take the exam in order to become a ninja. Failed, again. Why couldn't he pass these exams?

"Hey Naruto." A silver haired man walked up to him. "Don't look so down."

"But Mizuki-sensei, I failed three times…" Naruto started to speak.

"I know. You are still having trouble with your Clone Technique. But you are good with your other basics." Mizuki smiled reassuringly.

The blond glared at the school. "Only if Iruka-sensei let me pass."

"He is just worried about you. After all, that particular technique is very useful. Iruka doesn't want you to get hurt." The silver-haired teacher spoke.

This caused the child to look down.

"I am not supposed to do this but there is another way." Mizuki saw the light in Naruto's eyes get brighter. "There is a certain scroll in the Fire Shadow's office. Steal it and learn a technique from it."

"But isn't that wrong?" Stealing was a crime, especially from the Fire Shadow.

"It's a secret test. If you pass it then you can become a ninja. Meet me at this place when you are done." With that, the ever so eager child started off to pass this secret test. Unknown to both, this moment set in motion events of the past.

-Chained Beast-

Naruto had sneaked into the Fire Shadow's Office. He had been here a quite a few times. A feeling twisted in his gut. Gramps was nice to him. However, he wanted to pass this test and become a ninja. It wasn't hard to find the scroll as someone walked in.

"This is it. The Scroll."

"Who's there… Naruto?" An old man with an interesting shaped hat came into the room.

"Oh... Hey gramps…" He was caught.

"What are you doing with that scroll?" Something didn't feel right to the old man.

"Sorry, but I need to pass this secret test to become a ninja. Sexy Transformation Technique!" In a puff of smoke the male blonde disappeared.

"Naruto, what are..." Before the aged leader of the ninja's could continue to speak, the smoke cleared a bit.

A female blonde woman that was completely naked, her more womanly parts obscured by the smoke, appeared. Her blue eyes and whiskered face revealed this woman's identity. "Hey gramps~"

That was all that was need to send the Fire Shadow down with blood trickling down his nose. Such a dangerous technique for people like him. The blond changed back and grabbed the scroll.

With a leap out the window, Naruto began to head towards the place he was meeting Mizuki. Finding out that he was the first one there, he started on finding a new technique to learn. There was one that was perfect for him. Shadow Clone.

-Chained Beast-

Impure World Resurrection: Internal Spirit

This variation is like it's parent technique. However the key difference is the sacrifice. Where the original took another person as the target. Internal Spirit as the name suggests took the user. It is considered slightly better then the original for this reason, however this is not really the case.

Ultimately the result is that the user becomes the Host of the dead spirit. Like the parent, the Host can use all the knowledge, power and skill of the deceased. While the deceased once more can walk among the living. Such a technique would be a powerful tool and is but it is forbidden for the same reason as the original. It rips a soul from the afterlife and placed it into a living body.

Several weaknesses of this variant have been found. One is the need of separating the two souls. Should the two souls merge, they create a terrible abomination. These abominations are marked for death by all and enforced almost fanatically. Another reason is due to the strength of the Internal Spirit. If the deceased consumes the host soul, it would be indistinguishable from it's parent. These weaknesses are partially solved with the sealing array engraving itself into the user. But if that seal was somehow damaged or destroyed...

The other major weakness is the inherent sacrifice. If the technique was ever broken or released then the consequences are fatal. Without immediate medical attention, the user will die like the parent user. This is due to the technique use of the deceased DNA partially overriding the Host's. Without the Internal Spirit to help maintain their DNA, the host's body begins to break down at an accelerated rate. Those who do get medical treatment in time are crippled and thus no longer are active. There has been a few cases where the user were able to recover enough. Most consider these cases to be miracles.

Due to the existence of such a terrible technique, all nations and organisations guard their important dead with almost fanatical and draconian devotion.

-Chained Beast-

A dark-haired man with a scar across his nose was running through the forest. One of his students had just stolen the Scroll of Seals. Filled with Forbidden Techniques collected by his village.

"There you are."

"Iruka-sensei!" Naruto got up after finishing learning. "I can become a Shinobi…"

Iruka smacked the younger male on the head. "What were you thinking? Do you know how much trouble you are in?"

"But Mizuki-sensei told me if I learned a technique from this scroll then I would be able to become a Shinobi!" This alerted the teacher to the real problem.

"We need to return to the village, now!"

"What is the rush?" Mizuki appeared on a branch. "Give me the scroll."

"Naruto. Don't give it to him. He used you to steal that scroll." Iruka readied himself for combat.

Mizuki glared at the both of them. "Give me the scroll. And you, Iruka, why aren't you protecting that monster…"

"Monster?" Naruto was confused.

"Oh, right no one told you…"

"Don't you dare!" Iruka shouted

This cause the silver haired traitor to laugh. "You know about the Nine-Tailed Fox and how the Fourth Fire Shadow defeated it. However, he didn't kill it…" He dodged a few knives thrown at him. "... He sealed its power way. You are the Nine-Tailed Fox!"

"I am the Nine-Tailed Fox…" Naruto began to feel panic, dread and self-loathing.

"Best part, you killed Iruka's parents." He turned to his teacher.

"Iruka-sensei?" When he received no reply, he ran away as far as he could.

He ran and ran until he fell down into another clearing. Tears falling down his whiskered face. He noticed at the center was the ruins of a secret hide out. Carefully walked towards the ruins, he saw three pronged knifes scattered around. These were the Fourth's special weapons and tool. Getting closer, he saw the complex sealing matrix upon the floor. Part of it was the symbol on his clothing.

With a single touch, the matrix began to glow as he felt his own Chakra started to drain out of him. That was when he felt it. On his right hand started to burn a red swirl. The pain caused him to scream loudly. When it was said and down, the Ritual had finished. Naruto's whole body ached greatly.

"Are you my Host?"

A voice in his head spoke as he yelped.

[]Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[]Canon Write in (Can not use Minato or any Otsusuki Member)
-[]OC Write in

[]Shy Sun (Hinata)
[]Spring Blossoms (Sakura)
[]Gentle Hunger (Ayame)
[]Mad Fantasy (Yakumo)
[]Avenging Flames (Fem Sasuke)
[]Bloody Sands (Fem Gaara)
[]Hateful Stone (Kurotsuchi)
[]Red Thunder (Karui)
[]Kind Frost (Fem Haku)
[]Faithful Sight (Shion)
[]Steel Flower (Shizuka)
[]God's Bride (Kaguya- Joke)
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[x] God's Bride.

11:05:01 AM	MerelyaGod  The God's Bride Route has Kaguya visiting our dreams.
11:05:23 AM	Anon-at-Lab  Ah, it's not a Joke?
11:06:10 AM	asdx11  Kaguya visiting a hormal teens dream.
11:06:16 AM	MerelyaGod  If people actually want it then I will do it.

What could go wrong?!
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Do Hagoromo's sons count as otsutsuki members?
[X]Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[X] Madara

I hope this is a valid choice since he is dead.

[X]Mad Fantasy (Yakumo)

This was a super hard choice.
... You know what?

[X] Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[X] Kushina
[X] Mad Fantasy (Yakumo)

This is alright. Hopefully this won't come back to bite us in the ars- Oh who'm I kidding.

[X] Kind Frost

[X] Hashirama Senju

I do not need to say why, do I?
Kaguya is best girl! Vote for the Moon Milf!
[X] Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[X] Kaguya
[X] God's Bride
[X] Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[X] Kushina
[X] Mad Fantasy (Yakumo)
[X] Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[X] Kushina
[X]Avenging Flames (Fem Sasuke)
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Vote for the Moon Milf and we can romance THE goddess of the Naruto world :D
[X] Naruto's Internal Spirit
-[X] Hashirama Senju
[X] Bloody Sands
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I do have to reassure something. Are you guys really sure you want God's Bride?

Cause that path is one that will set you against the world in order to free your Waifu.
If one must take an Uzumaki, take Mito, greatest Seal Mistress of her age! But vote for Hashirama, for through him we will return to Konoha what is rightfully it's. We will give them the Mokuton.
He won because he rallied people to his side. You are literally shooting your power base the bird. You are not powerful enough to take on EVERYONE
Why not? Naruto fought the world and won in canon with his NINJA JESUS SHONEN POWERS so I think we can do it here :D
You would have to put humpty dumpy back together. Aka get the biju and bind them together. So basically you have hunt down your fellow Jins, take their biju and use the device that Minato said shouldn't be used. For your love. Wait... why does that sound oddly familiar?

Just confirming your choice.
And we will not even have Kamui to help us be Uchihax
You would have to put humpty dumpy back together. Aka get the biju and bind them together. So basically you have hunt down your fellow Jins, take their biju and use the device that Minato said shouldn't be used. For your love. Wait... why does that sound oddly familiar?

Just confirming your choice.
Weeeeeeeell we likely have to beat them anyway given they'll probably be coming for us as well?

Plus we could try improving the resurrection jutsu to bring them back afterward? Who knows, maybe we could even use our charisma to get them to help us (like maybe talking them into a Obito rezzing Madara as a super zombie type deal)

Or figure out some other way that hasn't been tried/discovered yet.
Weeeeeeeell we likely have to beat them anyway given they'll probably be coming for us as well?

Plus we could try improving the resurrection jutsu to bring them back afterward? Who knows, maybe we could even use our charisma to get them to help us (like maybe talking them into a Obito rezzing Madara as a super zombie type deal)

Or figure out some other way that hasn't been tried/discovered yet.
Actually, for the most part, Jins are neutral to each other, it's their respective villages and nations that will come after us.

"Yeah so let me kill you so I can use your biju to free my waifu who resides in my dreams because long ago she tried to convert a good chunk of humanity into living weapons against her family. Reason she is like this is because she merged with a god-like being to take back what she believes is her power, aka all the chakra. Her son, who is the Sage of Six Paths, stopped her and broke her into the Biju. Don't worry, she is better now and won't try to take back chakra, trust me. I promise to bring you back at the cost of another life using a forbidden technique."

You could find another way. Will most likely take decades or even centuries because you are trying to undo something that Sage of Six Paths did.

As I said, your choice. There is a reason why is a joke option.

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