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Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)

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A self-insert chain beginning in Chronicle. The first jump will only last about the...
Generic Worldwalker Jump
Hello! Generic Worldwalker is a... not quite new jump originally by Edrogrimshell that was adopted by Vanvoid. A fantastic update to it was created and posted on Reddit last night. I really like it. All our lad has is the 100 CP and free stuff, but that's not nothing.
Essence of Afarkaup Avakostir
The Essence Of Afarkaup Avarkostir
This essence tastes like the feeling that accompanies watching a really good prank's punchline. All parts of this are optional, and you can ignore the expanded math if you like the base version of this from the jump better.
  • By downing this essence you have simultaneously gained a multiplier and a divisor, one that always works to protect and help you. It functions based on the power of threes.
  • As an example of how this essence works, let's say that a motel room costs forty-five dollars a night. In order to get to sleep there one night, you'd only have to pay five dollars. The basic math here is that the cost of the room is reduced to fifteen dollars, and each dollar YOU pay has the same value as three dollars. If you paid forty-five dollars, you'd be able to stay in the room twenty seven nights (since the end results of things ALSO get multiplied by three, so it goes from staying nine nights (the base math) to multiplying that initial nine by three) without anyone finding it odd.
  • As a further example of this, in order for you to make one meal, you'd only need one-third of the ingredients, one-third of the time, and any meal you'd make would be three times as good and could feed three times as many people.
  • This functions for EVERYTHING, not just things you buy, sell, or make. You'd only need to study or train a third as hard as anybody else, and you'd see greater gains from it then they would. You only need a third as much sleep, food, or water, and every bit of sleep, food, or water you get is three times as potent and sustaining as it'd otherwise be, effectively reducing your needs to a NINETH of their base. So a human adult male, who normally needs (roughly) 2,500 calories a day only needs 277 (roughly) calories a day with this essence. Adult human men need about 7 hours of sleep a day... you only need forty five minutes.
  • You get three times the stuff when you purchase something, and that's only if you purchase something at the third of a cost you'd pay. If you pay the full price, the three times becomes nine times, given how this maths out. This does not negatively affect the original owners of the things, so if you buy one packet of noodles your noodles will multiply post-purchase, effectively instantly producing the two ADDITIONAL packets from nothing. No one will question this unless you yourself point out how odd it is.
  • Additionally, you can tell anything's exact value with a glance and you can buy it even without being able to find the owner and even without the owner's consent. This means you can buy something like a national park, or one's house, BUT you do have to pay the cost. The money paid will transfer over to the owner, or in the case of something unclaimed like a tract of land that belongs to no one, the money will vanish.
  • If you make a deal that requires something more esoteric then exact, literal money you can substitute stuff, so long as SOME effort at equivalency is made. A deal that requires a human soul? Have some lifeforce instead. You need to give up your freewill for a bit? How about they can command your servants to do something basic once a day for a while instead? There has to be SOME effort at an equivalent exchange, but this is real loose.
  • Things that are YOURS are known to be yours and people can determine not only that they are claimed but who they are claimed by at a glance. You will know who stole something of yours if they dare to do so, and can track them unerrringly.
  • Things lent to you function at their full power, and are considered YOURS for the duration of the loaning period. This means that if someone loans you a weapon but does not set a "Return by" date, the thing is yours and can even be used against them to its full effect.