Code Teyvat Ch2
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A/N: Thanks to Icysnowsage helping me with ideas and Greatkingrat88 for his beta work on the chapter. I could've posted this much sooner, but I had some serious stuff going on in real life which played havoc with my drive to write and post chapters. But chapter three's beta work is underway now and beta work for my other story War of the Seven Kings is back on track, which I hope I can post soon.
Anyway much of this chapter had been rewritten from the original due to a shift of original ideas and changings done to the first chapter that affected this one and other chapters after it, which was another cause for delaying its posting. And the feedback for something else I'll explain at the end of the chapter to avoid spoilers.
So let us move on to the chapter itself.
The following morning before the sun rose over the lagoon, the training began. Dainsleif nudged Lelouch awake, and began with a light run around the lagoon. It did not take long for the boy's feeble physique to catch up with him, and a run became a jog, which almost immediately became a stumbling walk. It took over an hour before they came back to camp, where Siegfried was creating fire from one hand, using another to add wood to get a fire going to cook breakfast.
That must be the result of the powers that Dainsleif told me about, Lelouch said, curious about the nature of it.
"I see Dain mentioned Visions to you," Siegfried said, standing up. He opened his coat to reveal a red gem attached to his belt. It was encrusted in a gold double helix frame, with the emblem of flame upon the gem. "This is mine, a Pyro Vision. As the name suggests, it lets me manipulate fire in various ways."
"So- so you can shoot fire from- from your hands?" Lelouch wheezed, still short of breath.
"More than that," Siegfried said with a smile. "With time and practice, you can do much more than simple flame conjuration. For example, I can create a shield for myself, using my flames to empower my friends in battle and even infuse the flames into my blade. There is almost no end to the level of versatility an element can offer. It's a matter of skill and creativity."
"Interesting," Lelouch said, pondering on the implications. The idea of magic was still new to him, still hard to believe even when he could see it with his own eyes. But at the same time, that kind of power… if he could get his hands on it, what couldn't he do with it? The possibilities were enormous.
"Uh, I assume this one doesn't belong to anyone?" C.C. asked, holding up a Vision. Unlike the one Siegfried had, the gem was yellow with a different emblem. The frame was different, with three prongs above it.
"It's not mine," Dainsleif said, looking at Lelouch who shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head.
"I woke up with it this morning," Nunnally said. Everyone looked surprised, except C.C.
"That is a Geo Vision," Dain said, leaning in closer to inspect it.
"How did Nunnally get one? We have been in Teyvat for what, forty-eight hours?" Lelouch said in disbelief.
"Remember what I said was a requirement?" Dainsleif replied, "A certain drive or ambition are factors, but a strong wish still counts."
"I see," Lelouch said, deducing what was likely the wish Nunnally had.
Considering what happened yesterday… Lelouch wondered if that was the cause, or at least a factor.
"I… I… hated how I was a burden to my brother yesterday. If I wasn't blind, we could have escaped together. I am blind and crippled, and I couldn't do anything," Nunnally said. Her voice was steady and quiet, but it sounded like she was holding back tears.
"N-Nunnally, you are not a burden," Lelouch tried to offer reassuringly, but both siblings knew the harsh truth.
"Brother, don't lie. I know you care for me, but because of me, you had no chance of escaping if you had to worry about me." Nunnally's voice was a mix of different emotions, sadness and frustration. "I can't take care of myself. I am a burden, even if I know you're happy to help me."
Lelouch paused. What could he say? He couldn't deny it. She had a right to think for herself, didn't she? To live with that, knowing you couldn't care for yourself… how frustrating would that be?
"I… know. But I'll never abandon you as they did," he said.
She had depended on him for so long. She had been through so much. If she had a power of her own… it would be dangerous, but could he really deny her that? If there was a way for her to have just a little bit of independence?
"I know, but I wished more than anything to not be helpless anymore. And… I guess this power just came to me."
"I understand," Lelouch said, although he still had reservations. What worried him was how it seemed too sudden. Although part of him was glad Nunnally could have some means of defending herself, the other part was skeptical. It seemed wrong to gain such power so quickly, and he had to wonder if it would come at a cost. Dainsleif's explanation about Visions echoed in Lelouch's mind.
"I can probably help you learn how to use it. But I must warn you, your disability could make it difficult," Siegfried warned her.
"Okay," Nunnally replied, blind to her brother's concerns.
Later that night, once Nunnally was asleep, Lelouch approached Siegfried and C.C. where they sat by the fire. Dainsleif remained nearby, listening in. There was an uneasy silence at first until Siegfried coughed, a tactic to break the silence.
"No doubt you have many questions, Lelouch," he said.
"That is putting it lightly. Dainsleif told me about the Princess and you, and where you all hail from? So what happened after you came to Earth, and how did Britannia come to be?" Lelouch asked, sitting down on a broken piece of stone as a makeshift chair.
"I'll start there, then." Siegfried replied. "Following our exodus to Earth, we had difficulty trying to settle. Not only did we have limited supplies and resources, but we found that the world we came to was inhabited by humans, perfectly identical to the people of Teyvat as far as we could tell. We had the means to defend ourselves easily, but not the means for conquest. Not to mention the language barrier…"
"But somehow things worked out?" Lelouch asked.
"Yes. We landed in England, by chance. We were met by villagers and a woman who aided us in understanding the language, and after a few months we could speak their language passably. In return we protected them from harm. At this time England was at war with France, leaving their homes undefended. The people of the village faced attacks from bandits trying to raid them, taking advantage of the country's focus directed to the war with France," He smiled."Despite our limited numbers, our battle-hardened veterans had fought the Abyss, and a few brigands were nothing to them."
"The Abyss?"
"Ah," Siegfried said. "Dain didn't mention it? Leading up to the cataclysm that destroyed our homeland, monsters from the abyss terrorized the land. We sent many of our soldiers and machines to war to combat them, but the enemy was fearsome. Those who faced them and survived were among those who came with us and their families. Compared to the Abyss monsters, handling human bandits was nothing."
"I see…when did you arrive? 'England at war with France' doesn't exactly narrow things down all that much," Lelouch said, recalling his world history.
"We came in the reign of Henry VIII," Siegfried said. "Around 1544, I believe."
It was a little bit mind boggling for Lelouch to think he was face to face with somebody who had seen such history, over five hundred years back. Curiously, he tried remembering his history. King Henry was known for the English Reformation, leading to the separation of the Church of England from papal authority, leading to the rise of the Protestant religion overshadowing Catholicism as the dominant religion in England. Of course, he was also infamous for the latter half of his reign where he became paranoid and tyrannical, having multiple of his own wives executed.
"Were you and the others were involved in the wars that followed?"
"We were. We repelled a raiding party sent from Scotland, during the time when Scotland invaded England at the request of King Louis XII of France."
"Your people intervened in the battle?"
"That's right. In fact, Queen Catherine visited us personally. She had heard the reports of how formidable our forces were, and proposed an alliance between the soldiers she had and ours. So, we joined the side of England for the Battle of Flodden, killing the Scottish King. We then pushed into Scottish lands. As people in Teyvat call them, the Ruin Guards eliminated all opposition, allowing England to seize all of Scotland."
"What happened when King Henry returned?"
"The war failed for England. King Henry had supported Ferdinand II of Aragon and Emperor Maximillian of the Holy Roman Empire out of his own pocket, yet received nothing in return. He was forced to abandon his campaign and ultimately make a treaty with King Louis. Hearing all of Scotland now belonged to England was a welcomed consolation prize, so in return for our contributions myself, and my properly married wife Princess Genevieve and others were granted lands and nobility, we were put in charge of Scotland more or less with the full support of the king," Siegfried explained.
"And your people flourished in Scotland," Lelouch asked. Siegfried nodded, replying,
"There were some troubles down the road, but in time our descendants would be known as the Dukes of Britannia. To ensure our continued survival in the future, we aided England as much as we could to secure our place throughout history. And choosing political alliances wisely, such as supporting Queen Elizabeth further cemented us powerful allies of the crown."
"I didn't expect you and the princess would get married, but I shouldn't be surprised," Dainsleif mused.
"Well…" Siegfried replied with a nervous laugh. "What can I say, disaster and loss can bring people together."
"So how did you become immortal then? It doesn't sound like any of you were cursed by being sent to another world," Lelouch asked.
"Well, after we had mastered the language of this world, we met a woman who offered a power to aid us in return for making her wish come true. Given the uncertainty we were facing, with no way to return home without risking falling victim to the curse of those who stayed behind, we accepted. I chose to accept this power that granted me advance foresight, which was useful in ensuring our survival, especially in the times that came after King Henry died."
"And what she wanted in turn resulted in you becoming immortal?"
"Indeed," Siegfried said, his expression saddened. "Once my power encompassed both of my eyes, the woman who gave me my power said it was time to make her wish come true, to grant her death. With my power having reached its full potential, a power she called Geass, I alone had the power to kill her, but doing so would make me inherit her Code of Immorality. She begged for release, and I hesitated until Genevieve urged me to honor the bargain, and use my immorality to watch over our children and their descendants as well as our people."
"You fulfilled your end of the bargain, then, but you would outlive your wife and children."
"Yes, but I kept true to the promise I made to Princess Genevieve, even now as you are one of my descendants."
"But aren't the rest of the Royal Family your descendants?" Lelouch pointed out.
From sadness, Siegfried's expression showed signs of disappointments and flashes of anger in his eyes.
"Yes, but it's hard to consider them as such. The Age of Revolution changed everything, especially when Britannia was created. They were dominated by the descendants of those who fled Khaenri'ah, who held the highest of noble titles and wealth. Even now, most of Britannia's population has some degree of blood or connection to Khaenri'ah. Their ideals of social Darwinism and the strong ruling over the weak is something I opposed, but sadly they became embedded into Britannian Culture as the nation rebuilt itself from the American Colonies they fled to. It just got worse, until the Emblem of Blood incident and later Charles zi Britannia overthrowing his own father, finally proving just how far we had fallen. From a certain point of view, Britannia has become no better than the gods we hated," Siegfried said. Although his voice was even, there were echoes of emotion in there, reverberating through Lelouch's mind.
"But why me and Nunnally? Why save us?"
"Because your mother was a dear friend, who I recommended be inducted into the Knights of the Round. I was disappointed when she became Charles' consort, but I saw how Charles acted around her and I had prayed that maybe she could change him for the better. It was a foolish hope that came to nothing after she was killed. But you were different from Charles' other children. Your time in Japan changed you. So I chose to save you and Nunnally, to uphold my promise to my beloved princess. The rest of the family is a lost cause."
"I see," Lelouch said, processing this information for a few moments. He'd known about his family's ties to England, but this secret history was a new layer to it- raw and unfiltered. Believable.
"Do you know who killed my mother?"
"Yes, but I won't tell you yet. Even if I did, what would change?There is more you must know first before I can reveal the truth," Siegfried replied sternly.
"What?!" Lelouch snapped.
"Even if I told you, you wouldn't be able to much with the information. Succeed at Dainsleif's training, and I'll tell you once you are ready to handle the truth," Siegfried said.
Lelouch balled his fists. How dared he…
Keep calm. If you push him now, he won't give it up. Wait a second… realization struck.
"V.V.. The one she was trying to get away from and sent the assassins after us, was it him?"
Siegfried sighed, "Yes, I'll confirm that much V.V. was responsible. But the rest, I'll reveal when you are ready."
"Very well then. So how does she fit into this?" Lelouch asked, pointing at C.C.
"She was your mother's friend and companion. She gave her a Geass power which apparently didn't manifest, which was odd," Siegfried revealed. C.C. glared at him in annoyance.
"I could've answered that."
"No. You would've danced around the answer, and given an indirect one. You do that," Siegfried replied, staring right back at her.
"So she's an immortal too?" Lelouch said.
"I am," C.C. said, folding her arms around her chest.
"So why is V.V. after you, then?" Lelouch inquired, but C.C. shrugged her shoulders.
"That is, like Siegfried explained before, a need-to-know kind of question."
"He's right. You are evasive," he muttered, frustrated. There was so much to know- she was a friend of his mother's? But he couldn't press them too much…
"Alright, I think that is enough for tonight. Lelouch needs his rest for training tomorrow," Dainsleif said, his tone making it clear the discussion was over.
In the days following Nunnally would be told the same story as Lelouch, except the details regarding Marianne's death was kept out of the conversation. Lelouch would keep the details of that night in his mind, though. He now knew who killed his mother. That was a prize worth sticking around for, to know the full truth of his family, of his past…
Three Months Later
"Foot work, foot work!" Siegfried insisted, pushing forward with his wooden sword, keeping Lelouch on the defensive in the spar. The boy continued to give ground, barely keeping up.
Lelouch was covered in sweat, breathing heavily. He no longer wore the clothes he'd had when he left Earth, having been given rough, simple clothing for training; a tattered shirt, black pants and boots.
"You can do it, brother," Nunnally cheered.
I am trying, Lelouch wanted to cry out, but Siegfried was relentless, and it took every ounce of his focus to keep his guard up.
It had been three months since Lelouch and Nunnally had been brought to Teyvat, and the group was planning to leave. Lelouch had been forced to push himself to his limits in the meantime; Danisleif's swordplay had come on top of a brutally punishing physical regimen aimed at building up his stamina. There had been runs before breakfast, runs after breakfast, physical exercises- an absolute hell on the frail young man, his mentors giving him only as much rest as he absolutely needed.
He'd been made to run around the lagoon more times than he cared to count; each time had taken hours because of how quickly he'd exhaust himself and need rest. He'd been made to lift and carry stones to improve his strength. He'd collapse onto his simple bed every night, completely exhausted, sore and aching, only to be made to do it all over again the next day. And as soon as he'd started to build his endurance, he'd been handed a sword. A sword! He came from a world where the gun was supreme, but this world would be different.
But the training was already yielding results. The first month had been the most hellish, Lelouch fainting several times from the exertion. But after that month had passed, he found that the runs were no longer quite as exhausting, nor the stones as heavy. Once slim as a noodle, Lelouch had begun to fill out a little. He was still scrawny, and still had a long way to go, but three months of dedicated training had transformed him beyond heights he had previously thought impossible.
Even as his body screamed for rest, Lelouch's stubborn pride made him stand, pushing him to evade Danisleif's attacks. It was late afternoon, and he was already tired from his daily run, but he had no choice- there would be no rest until he'd gotten himself knocked around by the swordsman. He knew his mentor was holding back, he knew there was an ocean between them, but still he had to try.
But no amount of stubborn pride could keep his worn-down body moving. As Danisleif noticed him moving sluggishly and slowly he lashed out with his sword, slapping the training weapon out of Lelouch's grasp with a strike to the wrist.
"That's enough. You might be willing, but your body isn't fit for much more today. Rest, and we'll do this again tomorrow." Dainsleif said, picking up Lelouch's wooden sword and moving to put them away.
"Dáinsleif, did you forget we'll be heading to Watatsumi Island tomorrow? Lelouch will have at least a little break," Siegfried pointed out. He had been sitting next to Nunnally, watching.
Lelouch was thankful to hear that, but he was curious about their destination. Right now, though, he was too busy panting and trying not to fall over. Nunnally asked what he was wondering, though.
"Watatsumi Island? What kind of place is that?"
"It's the westernmost island of the archipelagic region of the nation of Inazuma. Inazuma consists of a series of islands, with the capital on Narukami Island. Watatsumi Island is the furthest from Narukami, but it is also the closest island to our location; that will take several days to reach by boat," Dainsleif said.
"But we won't be going by boat," Dainsleif added. "Inazuma and its islands are surrounded by an unending thunderstorm. It's not impossible to navigate through it, but it is quite dangerous. Thankfully there is another way."
"Those beacons you showed me the day after we arrived here?" Lelouch managed, still short of breath.
At the start of his training regime, Dainsleif had shown Lelouch an old stone beacon with a blue gem encased on its top. The stone object hung over a stone platform, as if by magic. Dainsleif had told him that despite its mundane appearance, one could use them to teleport to different places across Teyvat as long as you touched one to connect to it. Lelouch didn't fully understand how the concept behind it worked, but it seemed simple enough to use. Apparently, one could teleport to any of the beacons from anywhere as long as you connected to a beacon by touching it first.
"Thankfully, Siegfried and I can teleport another with us. One of us will simply have to come back for you, C.C."
"So I am the one being left behind?" C.C. said, raising an eyebrow.
"For no more than a minute at most. One of us will just stay with the children while the other gets you," Siegfried said.
"Alright," C.C. said, protesting no further.
"So why this island?" Lelouch asked, grunting as he sat down on the ground to rest.
"Watatsumi Island isn't visited very often by outsiders, but I know one of the leading priestesses there. She has agreed to help shelter you all for the time being. It isn't the best, but it should suit our purposes until I can make the necessary arrangements to help you further," Dainsleif explained.
"How?" Nunnally asked, but Lelouch deduced a likely reason.
"To provide documents for our identities so we can move around this world?"
"That's right," Dainsleif said before elaborating further. "This world might not be as developed as Earth in some regards, but it still has a bureaucracy. To avoid unwanted attention, records will be forged as a necessity for travel and to confirm your background to match your cover story."
"Cover story?"
"As far as anyone will know, both you and Nunnally will be the children of miners who migrated from Fontaine to Yashiori Island, but tragically lost their lives to raiding Hilichurls," Dainsleif replied.
"Hilichurls?" Nunnally asked.
"That's right. Hilichurls are humanoid monsters who wear tribal masks, using crude weapons. They assault anyone who gets too close, occasionally attacking traders and their caravans, and sometimes a village or a city if they have the numbers."
"We're going to need time to get you two up to speed on the need-to-know facts that are common knowledge for everyone," Siegfried added.
Even as exhausted as he was, Lelouch noticed Siegfried and Dainsleif exchanging glances with one another. It made him wonder if there was something more to these Hilichurls than they mentioned.
"Makes sense. Since Hilichurls sound like a common problem, is there anything or anyone else we should be cautious of?" Lelouch asked.
"Aside from dangerous creatures and monsters, you need to avoid two groups. The first would be the Abyss Order, an organization of humans corrupted by the Abyss who seek vengeance against the divine for the destruction of their homeland," Dainsleif answered.
Lelouch got up from the ground, curiosity overtaking his weariness.
"You mean the people of Khaenri'ah?"
"Correct. I told you how the curse granted the survivors with undying bodies, doomed to erode over time. However, some gained inhuman power by being corrupted by the Abyss, turning them into inhuman beings. Unable to die and with no way to lift their curse, they've dedicated themselves to overthrowing the divine for the sake of vengeance." Dainsleif answered.
"That's such a terrible fate," Nunnally said sympathetically.
"Yes, indeed it is. Some of them managed to retain their humanity, but to stay human is usually a struggle," Siegfried continued. "They go through an erosion of both the mind and body. I've managed to stave off the worst effects, but some are not so lucky."
"To bring down the divine…" Lelouch muttered. What an idea…
"Yes, but they've directed their rage at everyone else- or rather those who worship the divine, which are most people on Teyvat," Dainsleif answered.
"So, a bunch of vengeful extremists then?" Lelouch said, earning a nod from Dainsleif.
"That is about right. They're delusional, of course. The Heavenly Principles destroyed our nation in a single night with the aid of six Archons. Their power is absolute."
"I am guessing that's why you brought us here?" Lelouch suggested finding a fallen pillar to sit on. "If such a powerful being existed, I cannot imagine Britannia would be foolish enough to declare war on her."
"Yes. Britannia doesn't have a presence on Teyvat, beyond keeping a military force to guard and protect the gate in the Britannian Homeland on both sides. Beyond certain members of the Royal Family who are told of their heritage and the existence of the gates upon reaching adulthood, none even know it the oldest houses of its aristocratic class know the truth; their children naturally aren't told anything until they come of age. Thus they help fund an armed guard, and those of lesser families descended from those who came from Teyvat are a part of this special military division tasked with protecting and guarding the gate," Siegfried explained.
"If V.V. wants C.C.'s code that badly, wouldn't that change?" Lelouch questioned, having learned that aside from Siegfried, C.C. has a code of immortality.
"Perhaps, but he wouldn't risk the wrath of the divine with a large-scale military response. I doubt we fooled him, but he can't be sure if you live or not. I am sure he'll try to send agents, but finding us won't be easy," Dainsleif said reassuringly. "All the more reason you'll need a false background; it will make it easier to hide from their attempts to find you, even if C.C. is the more likely target."
"V.V. will likely send agents from the Geass Order who have Geass powers," C.C. spoke up, "but Siegfried and I are immune to them thanks to our Codes of Immorality. Since he does not know Siegfried has a code himself, that gives us another edge and an element of surprise on any agents he sends."
"I wouldn't call that comforting. So that is the second group, the Geass order?"
"Yes, which is all the more reason you need to be stronger to survive," Dainsleif said, seriously looking at Lelouch.
"I know," Lelouch sighed, knowing there would be no end to his training.
It was evening, and Lelouch was struggling to read a line in the Teyvat language. He was slowly making progress, but for Nunnally her blindness added an extra layer of difficulty. Siegfried had found a way to better instruct her; the Vision she had been given allowed her a strange new ability: Elemental Sight. It was the ability to perceive and sense elemental energy or traces. Using his ability to manipulate flame he would mark slabs of stone with words for Nunnally to read, allowing her to perceive them in red against a colorless world.
According to Siegfried, Nunnally's elemental sensitivity was impressively high. Inspired, and after much experimentation, Siegfried found a way to use it to both teach Nunnally the language of Tevat, but also to better refine her elemental sight. It was no true replacement for her eyes, but with enough training Siegfried was confident she could perceive her surroundings better
Dainsleif noticed he was distracted, observing Siegfried with Nunnally.
"Don't worry. When we move to our temporary home, you two will be ready to mingle more with the people. Come, there is something I want to try with you."
"What do you mean by that?" Lelouch asked, on guard.
"It's a simple test to determine if you are a Descender or not."
"A Descender?"
"A being capable of transcending this world's laws. There was one I knew who could use all seven elements. Her method involved making contact with statues of the seven Archons, each granting her access to the seven elements in various ways," Dainsleif answered. "Other specifics have been the subject of much debate."
"So touching one of these statues could be a way to determine if I am or not?"
"Yes, but there could be a chance you are not. Descenders are usually attributed to those who come from outside Teyvat. This is true for those known, but not all outlanders are Descenders, as Nunnally has proven by receiving a Vision."
"Meaning at least I shouldn't have to worry about anyone from Britannia becoming one," Lelouch said, but noticed the silence and uneasy expression on Dainsleif's face. "There is one, isn't there?"
Dainsleif nodded, "Your uncle V.V. became one, likely due to his possession of a Code of Immortality, which in some sense removes you from the binding of the world."
Lelouch turned to C.C. who merely smiled. She raised both hands, and in her left palm lighting could be seen, while a small whirlwind formed in her right.
"I am not that experienced yet, but give me time," C.C. replied. She was perhaps a beginner, but Lelouch was impressed, intrigued to see the use of the elements in action- but he did not let it show. Among them all, she was the most inscrutable, and the one Lelouch was the most cautious of.
"I just need to touch a statue to see if I could use more than one element?"
"Yes. I'll accompany you when that day comes."
The following morning, Lelouch, Nunnally, Siegfried, Dainsleif, and C.C. gathered near the teleporter after cleaning up their camp and preparing to leave. Nunnally and Siegfried went first. They touched the artefact, and a blue glow enveloped them. Then they were gone, vanished in an instant. Even though it was supposed to be safe, Lelouch could not hel but worry about Nunnally. The first time could be disorientating, they had explained- and Lelouch did not quite trust magic… but what choice did he have? None, these days.
"Our turn," Dainsleif said, gesturing for Lelouch to take his hand.
"Don't take too long," C.C. said, folding her arms.
"Siegfried will be back in a few moments after we arrive," Dainsleif said. Lelouch took a deep breath and offered his hand. The knight's grip was gentle but strong, firm. He reached out to touch the artefact, and Lelouch felt the hairs on his body stand on end as a prickling sensation quickly enveloped him. The blue glow encased them, filling up his vision until only whiteness remained in his vision. There was a sudden sensation of being pulled in some direction- although he could not tell which- almost like a falling sensation before sleep.
Then, a second later, they stood on the other side. Lelouch's knees gave way, and had Dainsleif not supported him, he'd have collapsed. His head was spinning a little.
"Easy there," Dainsleif said with a wry smile.
"I'm fine," Lelouch muttered, steadying himself, blinking to adjust to the light. He was standing in a grassy little glade. It was a very different scene from the ruins that nature had reclaimed. A grand landscape was before him.
"Welcome to Watatsumi Island," Dainsleif said. A newly arrived Siegfried and Nunnally joined them.
"What is it like, brother?" Nunnally asked, as Siegfried carried her and her wheelchair over to where Lelouch and Dainsleif were standing.
"It's beautiful, Nunnally," Lelouch said sincerely. "It's all rocks- huge, flat square rock plateaus stacked on top of each other, surrounding this whole valley. You could fit whole houses on them, maybe even a village. They're covered in green, grass and a few trees. We're standing far up, but from the ground I can see bubbles coming, sailing through the air. There's water down there- little ponds, I think. And there's a fine mist covering the whole thing."
"I guess this island is special because we have bubbles everywhere," C.C. said, appearing in a flash. Siegfried laughed.
"An oversimplification," Dainsleif scoffed. "Besides its distinct plants and colors, this island is unique with its bubbles coming from the ground and exotic plants and pearls. The people of Watatsumi Island are descended from the people of Enkanomiya, a land that existed deep underground until the god Orobashi no Mikoto fled to their land, unaware of their existence."
"Fled?" Nunnally asked.
"During the Archon War, Orobashi no Mikoto was among the gods who battled for supremacy. According to legend, he was defeated and fled to the underground realm, hoping to escape and recover from the war. A child found Orobashi no Mikoto in a cave; taking pity on them, he overthrew Enkanomiya's corrupt rulers before using the corals growing on his giant body to create a way back to the surface, leading to the founding of this island," Dainsleif explained.
The Archon War was a war between gods.
Lelouch recalled Dainsleif telling him of the Archon War, during the times he had to rest during his training regime. It was a time when many different gods and supernatural beings walked Teyvat, and while Khaenri'ah had no god, the lands beyond their own did. The war ended over two thousand years ago, although how the war began wasn't clear. Dainsleif was among a select few who believed the war was caused by Celestia as gods fought to claim one of the seven divine seats available who would be chosen to administer Teyvat and direct the development of humanity. Khaenri'ah had managed to keep out of war even as it raged between the gods devastated the land, causing an untold amount of casualties and leaving scars upon the land that could still be seen today. By the end of it, seven gods stood victorious, and each founded their own nations based on their own element and belief. Inazuma was one of these nations, ruled by the Electro Archon, the Goddess of Eternity.
I guess the war with the gods fueled Khaenri'ah's distrust towards the divine, Lelouch thought, suspecting the war and its aftermath probably affected their view of the divine. He was intrigued, wanting to see some of these scars left behind by such a war, hoping an opportunity would come one day.
"If this land is ruled by the Electro Archon, then…" Lelouch inquired.
"For a time, they co-existed peacefully, but rumor has it that Orobashi no Mikoto had come to learn knowledge deemed forbidden in Teyvat. Once Celestia became aware of this, they called for his demise and the destruction of Watatsumi Island. Still, Orobashi no Mikoto chose to sacrifice himself for his people. He attacked Inazuma, forcing the Electro Archon to slay him. This caused a rift between Inazuma and Watatsumi Island that has persisted through generations. Fearing Celestia could destroy Watatsumi Island, he had to hide the true reason behind his actions," Dainsleif explained.
"So Watatsumi Island and Inazuma went to war, then?" Nunnally asked while Lelouch seemed in deep thought.
"Yes and no. Watatsumi Island was outnumbered by the forces commanded by Electro Archon, but they made up for it by having capable commanders and soldiers. They succeeded in capturing one of the islands, but once the Shogun and her army got involved it wasn't long before the tides of the war turned against them. With the loss of their most capable commanders, followed by the demise of their god, it led to the war ending."
"I take it Watatsumi Island is under the Shogun's rule having lost against them?"
"Yes, but they were allowed to continue their worship of their fallen god and the island has a degree of autonomy. Despite that, however, relations between the two islands have been tense ever since." Dainsleif answered. "I suppose that concludes today's history lesson, but I don't think I need to tell you that you should keep quiet about what I've told you. The people of Watatsumi Island revere Orobashi no Mikoto quite highly."
"I understand," Lelouch said.
"For now, let's head into the village; someone has set up living quarters for all of us," Dainsleif said, gesturing for everyone to follow. Siegfried carried Nunnally, while C.C. took care of her wheelchair.
After a walk through the vast canyon, the group found a path leading down to Bourou Village. The village looked a bit like those old fashioned Japanese villages Lelouch had seen in books. The people there mainly wore kimono-style robes, too. A few people they saw on the way in wore simple pants and a shirt, likely for working in the fields.
Most people went about their daily business, one or two people casting a curious glance at them. Soon they reached a house near the edge of the canyon. They were greeted by a woman with brown hair and blue eyes.
"Welcome back, Dainsleif," she said, approaching him before noticing the rest of his group. "I take it these are your companions?"
"Yes. This is Lelouch, Nunnally, C.C., and my old friend Siegfried who is looking after these three," Dainsleif replied.
"Nice to meet you," Nunnally said, smiling.
"Likewise, ma'am," Lelouch said politely.
"Thank you for having us," Siegfried said with a nod while C.C. simply waved.
"Not at all; Dainsleif has done more than his fair share for our village whenever he is in the area. I am happy to help him when he needs it."
"You are too kind. Everyone, let me introduce Izumi Aina. She is a priestess of the Sangonomiya Shrine," Dainsleif said.
"Thank you. Now, if everyone would like to come inside, there is plenty of food. Dain has collected the necessary supplies well in advance," Aina said, gesturing for them all to come inside.
As the day turned into evening, Lelouch helped Siegfried and Aina prepare dinner for everyone as best as he could. They didn't need a cook, so he set the table. Dainsleif had left after they had settled in, with C.C. also missing until Lelouch found her just lazily lounging in her room, helping Nunnally as the siblings settled into their temporary rooms.
Once he was done, he joined Nunnally in the dining room. It too was traditionally Japanese with its seating style. Thankfully, Lelouch was familiar with such things thanks to his time in Japan. He was intrigued by the similarities between Inazuma and Japan, wondering if some who had created the gate in Japan might've returned to settle in Inazuma. Maybe the reverse had happened, although it didn't seem likely.
"So what do you think dinner will be like, brother?" Nunnally asked, sitting on a cushion next to him at the table.
"I am not sure, but likely different from the food we've been having so far," Lelouch said, shrugging his shoulders. No matter what, he would at least get to sleep in a normal bed tonight.
My back has felt so stiff since we came to Teyvat, and I am sure a proper bed would be good for Nunnally, too.
Dinner was laid out, consisting of Tri-Flavored Skewers, individual dishes with three pieces of cooked meat on a skewer, while the other two had fried meats with dipping sauce on the plate. Next was a Sashimi Platter, a dish with various fish meat and shrimp on it. Lastly for dessert, a full plate of Taiyaki, which Lelouch recognized from his time in Japan. For drinks, the adults got wine, Lelouch and Nunnally were given milk to drink. Just as the table was set, Dainsleif returned.
"You've returned just in time," Aina said with a smile.
"I was dealing with the Hilichurls that the Tenryou Commission hasn't been bothered to deal with," Dainsleif replied.
"Thank you. We've been having more trouble than normal. Aside from an attempted raid or two, they've harassed our merchants trying to travel to the other islands."
"Not at all," Dainsleif said. This must've been one of the conditions of a deal to allow him and Nunnally to stay on Watatsumi Island, Lelouch figured.
"You always make it sound so easy," Aina mused as she and Siegfried joined everyone at the table. "If only we had capable warriors like you protecting our island, instead of the Shogunate's men. They barely have a presence on the island. You have to wonder if they care about us at all."
I guess the tensions between the two islands apply to the Shogunate too. I imagine they can't be happy that the people of Watatsumi Island worship a different god, one that was even killed by the god the people of the Shogunate worship, Lelouch thought. Nunnally was quiet, and Lelouch figured she suspected the same thing as him. Perhaps she didn't want to accidentally offend Aina by speaking carelessly.
"Just the same, I'll be happy to host you and your friends while you are here as long as the Hilichurls are kept in check," Izumi said reassuringly, confirming Lelouch's assumption.
"Thank you. On my honor, this island will know some peace as long as I am here," Dainsleif said confidently.
"Could the Hilichurls be removed completely?" Lelouch inquired.
"Sadly no. Even in the past when we've completely wiped them out and their camps, some days or weeks later they manage to reappear, no matter how thorough we are in eliminating them," Aina replied. "Even the Tenryou Commission run into the same issue, when they actually do their jobs."
"I see. They must be quite tenacious."
"You have no idea," Dainsleif muttered.
"Anyway," Aina said, "I do apologize that my daughter couldn't join us tonight. But my Naki does take her studies up at the shrine very seriously. I am sure you will all meet her tomorrow." She sounded proud of her child.
"I am sure we'll meet her when she has time. You told me how serious the training to become a shrine maiden for the Sangonomiya Shrine is," Dainsleif said.
"Yes, if not tomorrow at the very least."
"We thank you for your hospitality, Aina," Siegfried offered kindly.
"Of course. Dainsleif's friends are my friends, and I am glad to honor my duty of hospitality."
After Aina gave a prayer, everyone gathered at the dinner table to eat.
The following morning, after breakfast, Lelouch was brought to the hills behind the Sangonomiya Shrine. The path leading to them was difficult for Lelouch. There was no clear path to be taken by foot. They had to traverse rough terrain, climbing up hills, rocks and little cliffs to get anywhere. Without Dainsleif, Lelouch knew he could never have made it. After an hour, Lelouch found himself wishing he was back at the lagoon doing laps…
He couldn't believe he was even thinking that, but still his body was already sore and aching by the time they reached the hills.
"Here it is," Dainsleif said, a barely hidden disdain in his tone as he spoke. Before them was a statue upon a pillar that was worn and weathered, seeming like it had been left to the mercy of the elements. It was a woman wearing a robe and a hood, holding a mirror in her arms upon her chest.
"Is this a statue of the Electro Archon?" Lelouch asked, suspecting what this was based on the tone of Dainsleif's voice.
"Yes. Raiden Shogun, the God of Eternity."
"Given all you've told me about the people of Watatsumi Island, I thought they would've destroyed this," Lelouch said. Other than being worn down by time and nature, the stature was mostly intact.
"Some felt that way, but these statues are harder to destroy than you think. Doing so can bring down the wrath of the owner. For their hostility towards the Shogun, even they knew they would stand no chance against her in a direct confrontation, so they left the statue to the mercy of nature and time instead," Dainsleif said, folding both arms across his chest.
"So why are we here? Another history lesson? Or…" Lelouch asked, realization striking him. "You want to test me?"
"I am glad you remember. I want you to touch the statue; it is time to see if you are a Descender or not," Dainsleif said, motioning toward the statue. "Do it the same way I told you about forming a connection with the teleporter beacons."
Lelouch hesitated. Magic… it could not be trusted. For a moment, a vision flashed before his eyes; what if he was consumed by the power, or cursed by it? But his resolve hardened. His old life had ended long before this day, and he would need power if he ever wanted safety and security. He closed his eyes and approached, touching the stone.
Suddenly Lelouch felt something. He didn't know how to describe it, but he felt some kind of connection or power connect within him. The feeling wasn't unpleasant, strange yet somehow comforting, stirring something within him.
"Something happened, didn't it?"
"Yes," Lelouch said, withdrawing his hand. In that instance, sparks of electricity formed upon his fingers. He leaped back from the statue in a panic, yelping.
"As I thought. Coming from a world different from Teyvat, the same rules don't apply to you as it did to her."
"Someone I once considered a friend long ago. She came from another world, but like her it seems you can wield their respective element by touching the statues owned by Archons. I don't know how much you can truly compare to her in terms of raw power. However, in terms of potential you will be able to command all of the seven elements as she did. How you use them exactly will be up to you." Dainsleif said, sounding intrigued.
"What do you mean? You mean like Siegfried used his power over flames to carve words for Nunnally to learn?"
"Yes. It will take time and training, but should you master the use of the elements. You'll find very creative ways to use them, I'm sure. The girl I knew can provide a good example of what you are capable of, so I can help you based on my past experiences with her."
"I see, but in that case what else can you tell me about her? Anything that could be helpful for my training then?"
Dainsleif became quiet before closing his eyes in contemplation. Clearly, it was something just a bit too personal.
"I'll tell you once you are ready to survive on your own, but let that motivate you for now. We have a lot of work ahead, or rather you do. From this day on, I'll teach you how to wield the elemental power you've just gained."
"So I can't extend my arm or wave my hand or something?"
"No. It takes more control than that, otherwise you might accidentally hurt yourself or someone else," Dainsleif warned.
But how is Lelouch a Descender? Having the blood of my people and living in another world shouldn't be enough.. It was doubtful Lelouch could gain elemental power from the statue, but curiosity had compelled him to find out.
"I see," Lelouch said. Despite the sparks just now, he felt normal again, the same as before. "But your friend, that woman you mentioned, she was the Descender you mentioned back then?"
"Yes," Dainsleif replied.
Lelouch wanted to ask more questions, but thought better of it. Who was she?
"Come there is more to see," Dainsleif said, leading Lelouch up the stairs to the very top of the mountain overlooking the shrine at the center of the island.
At the summit, Lelouch and Dainsleif came across the remains of an old shrine, the moss and plants growing from it suggested it had fallen into ruin many years ago. Maybe decades or even longer, Lelouch couldn't tell, but he knew Dainsleif would explain.
"This is the Mouun Shrine. It's the original shrine dedicated to worshiping Orobashi no Mikoto, the god who uplifted the people of Watatsumi from the depths, until the war with Inazuma," Dainsleif replied. "When the war ended in Inazuma's victory with the Raiden Shogun, killing the giant serpent god, the shrine was abandoned with the new one you see at the heart of the island."
"It looks like it crumbled from neglect…"
"Come, I think you should see what remains of Orobashi no Mikoto, to truly understand how dangerous the Archons are," Dainsleif said, taking Lelouch's hand before the pair teleported. "Welcome to Yashiori Island, where the war was decided and where a god fell. From here, you should be able to see the god's remains."
Looking around Lelouch saw they were on a very tall mountain, one that provided a breathtaking view of the whole island. Looking in the direction Dainsleif pointed, he saw a large serpent's skull. Lelouch's jaw dropped. The skull was massive, more than twice again as tall as any of the trees nearby it; he could only imagine how enormous the creature must've been when it was alive. He had also seen its scales, which made up the heart of the island itself too. It had to have been an absolute titan… he shuddered to think what kind of creature was capable of killing it.
Scanning the rest of the island, Lelouch saw parts of the great snake's spine poking up from the ground of the island, much of its remains buried and now literally part of the island. Even the mountain they stood on covered a part of its neck leading to its head.
"Consider for a moment that the Raiden Shogun, at least in size, is no different from you or me," Dainsleif said ominously.
"To think she won and defeated something so colossal," Lelouch remarked, trying to envision that ancient battle.
"The Musoujin Gorge was created when the Raiden Shogun struck the final blow, cleaving both the island and the Orobashi in half. The gorge that runs through the island is the result," Dainsleif said.
"She did that all on her own, in a single strike?" It seemed unbelievable.
"Yes and there are other Archons who are just as capable and destructive as her in combat," Dainsleif cautioned. "I have no love for many of them to put it kindly, but even I am not foolish enough to underestimate their combat prowess."
"And these gods were veterans of the Archon Wars?"
"Correct. They slew other gods and other threats to win their positions as one of the seven."
Just seeing the gorge and understanding what created it, Lelouch began to understand how destructive the Archon War must have been. The scale of it boggled the mind.
"I think I understand why Britannia wouldn't attempt a full scale invasion of this world."
"The only god they wouldn't have trouble with would be the patron god of Mondstadt, the Land of Freedom and Wind overseen by the God of Amemo, Barbatos. He is the weakest of the seven Archons, but even he is mighty. He has a hands off approach to governing his nation, with no central government. The Knights of Favonius is the only thing they have that even resembles law enforcement."
"I take it that is the reason you didn't pick Mondstadt for us to stay in?"
"No. It's the weakest of the seven nations. The Amemo Archon is unwilling to manage his nation, spending his days getting drunk. Why people still worship that Archon is beyond me."
"Is he dead or alive?"
"He's alive last I checked. But while he might be the weakest of the Archon I do urge you not to relax your guard around him. His lack of interest in governing his own nation, has allowed him to blend in among his own people, playing the role of a bard."
"So he could get the jump on anyone who could be hostile then?"
"Yes, but always remember being the weakest of the gods doesn't mean he is powerless. I just don't want you risking your life by ever picking a fight with such beings," Dainsleif warned.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Lelouch stared into the distance, feeling a little overwhelmed. Gods, dead. Teleportation magic. Powers that could rearrange whole landscapes in a single blow. Everything he thought he knew was being called into question, and… this was only the beginning.
He had a long road ahead of him. But this power of his? It would be a start.
A/N: Nunnally got a Vision, which was a point of contention for some people much to my surprise, but since I am the kind of person who hates redoing chapter scenes after the beta work gets done. So to resolve it I ran polls on both Spacebattles and Questionable Questing, and after a couple weeks, the "Nunnally gets a Vision" won after combining the results.
The idea was that she should've been a Descender like her brother, but the reason I didn't go for it was because it was something I was worried might be a bad idea, if there were more descenders. But I have ideas to ensure and justify Lelouch becoming one without anyone having to worry like something as silly as all CG characters being descenders.
Moving on, Lelouch got to see some of Ei's handiwork, something he'll be sure to remember, especially later.
But next chapter, Lelouch will be getting a new friend. It will go up as soon as the beta work is done on it.
Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any feedback.
Anyway much of this chapter had been rewritten from the original due to a shift of original ideas and changings done to the first chapter that affected this one and other chapters after it, which was another cause for delaying its posting. And the feedback for something else I'll explain at the end of the chapter to avoid spoilers.
So let us move on to the chapter itself.
Chapter 2
Adapting to the new world
Adapting to the new world
The following morning before the sun rose over the lagoon, the training began. Dainsleif nudged Lelouch awake, and began with a light run around the lagoon. It did not take long for the boy's feeble physique to catch up with him, and a run became a jog, which almost immediately became a stumbling walk. It took over an hour before they came back to camp, where Siegfried was creating fire from one hand, using another to add wood to get a fire going to cook breakfast.
That must be the result of the powers that Dainsleif told me about, Lelouch said, curious about the nature of it.
"I see Dain mentioned Visions to you," Siegfried said, standing up. He opened his coat to reveal a red gem attached to his belt. It was encrusted in a gold double helix frame, with the emblem of flame upon the gem. "This is mine, a Pyro Vision. As the name suggests, it lets me manipulate fire in various ways."
"So- so you can shoot fire from- from your hands?" Lelouch wheezed, still short of breath.
"More than that," Siegfried said with a smile. "With time and practice, you can do much more than simple flame conjuration. For example, I can create a shield for myself, using my flames to empower my friends in battle and even infuse the flames into my blade. There is almost no end to the level of versatility an element can offer. It's a matter of skill and creativity."
"Interesting," Lelouch said, pondering on the implications. The idea of magic was still new to him, still hard to believe even when he could see it with his own eyes. But at the same time, that kind of power… if he could get his hands on it, what couldn't he do with it? The possibilities were enormous.
"Uh, I assume this one doesn't belong to anyone?" C.C. asked, holding up a Vision. Unlike the one Siegfried had, the gem was yellow with a different emblem. The frame was different, with three prongs above it.
"It's not mine," Dainsleif said, looking at Lelouch who shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head.
"I woke up with it this morning," Nunnally said. Everyone looked surprised, except C.C.
"That is a Geo Vision," Dain said, leaning in closer to inspect it.
"How did Nunnally get one? We have been in Teyvat for what, forty-eight hours?" Lelouch said in disbelief.
"Remember what I said was a requirement?" Dainsleif replied, "A certain drive or ambition are factors, but a strong wish still counts."
"I see," Lelouch said, deducing what was likely the wish Nunnally had.
Considering what happened yesterday… Lelouch wondered if that was the cause, or at least a factor.
"I… I… hated how I was a burden to my brother yesterday. If I wasn't blind, we could have escaped together. I am blind and crippled, and I couldn't do anything," Nunnally said. Her voice was steady and quiet, but it sounded like she was holding back tears.
"N-Nunnally, you are not a burden," Lelouch tried to offer reassuringly, but both siblings knew the harsh truth.
"Brother, don't lie. I know you care for me, but because of me, you had no chance of escaping if you had to worry about me." Nunnally's voice was a mix of different emotions, sadness and frustration. "I can't take care of myself. I am a burden, even if I know you're happy to help me."
Lelouch paused. What could he say? He couldn't deny it. She had a right to think for herself, didn't she? To live with that, knowing you couldn't care for yourself… how frustrating would that be?
"I… know. But I'll never abandon you as they did," he said.
She had depended on him for so long. She had been through so much. If she had a power of her own… it would be dangerous, but could he really deny her that? If there was a way for her to have just a little bit of independence?
"I know, but I wished more than anything to not be helpless anymore. And… I guess this power just came to me."
"I understand," Lelouch said, although he still had reservations. What worried him was how it seemed too sudden. Although part of him was glad Nunnally could have some means of defending herself, the other part was skeptical. It seemed wrong to gain such power so quickly, and he had to wonder if it would come at a cost. Dainsleif's explanation about Visions echoed in Lelouch's mind.
"I can probably help you learn how to use it. But I must warn you, your disability could make it difficult," Siegfried warned her.
"Okay," Nunnally replied, blind to her brother's concerns.
Later that night, once Nunnally was asleep, Lelouch approached Siegfried and C.C. where they sat by the fire. Dainsleif remained nearby, listening in. There was an uneasy silence at first until Siegfried coughed, a tactic to break the silence.
"No doubt you have many questions, Lelouch," he said.
"That is putting it lightly. Dainsleif told me about the Princess and you, and where you all hail from? So what happened after you came to Earth, and how did Britannia come to be?" Lelouch asked, sitting down on a broken piece of stone as a makeshift chair.
"I'll start there, then." Siegfried replied. "Following our exodus to Earth, we had difficulty trying to settle. Not only did we have limited supplies and resources, but we found that the world we came to was inhabited by humans, perfectly identical to the people of Teyvat as far as we could tell. We had the means to defend ourselves easily, but not the means for conquest. Not to mention the language barrier…"
"But somehow things worked out?" Lelouch asked.
"Yes. We landed in England, by chance. We were met by villagers and a woman who aided us in understanding the language, and after a few months we could speak their language passably. In return we protected them from harm. At this time England was at war with France, leaving their homes undefended. The people of the village faced attacks from bandits trying to raid them, taking advantage of the country's focus directed to the war with France," He smiled."Despite our limited numbers, our battle-hardened veterans had fought the Abyss, and a few brigands were nothing to them."
"The Abyss?"
"Ah," Siegfried said. "Dain didn't mention it? Leading up to the cataclysm that destroyed our homeland, monsters from the abyss terrorized the land. We sent many of our soldiers and machines to war to combat them, but the enemy was fearsome. Those who faced them and survived were among those who came with us and their families. Compared to the Abyss monsters, handling human bandits was nothing."
"I see…when did you arrive? 'England at war with France' doesn't exactly narrow things down all that much," Lelouch said, recalling his world history.
"We came in the reign of Henry VIII," Siegfried said. "Around 1544, I believe."
It was a little bit mind boggling for Lelouch to think he was face to face with somebody who had seen such history, over five hundred years back. Curiously, he tried remembering his history. King Henry was known for the English Reformation, leading to the separation of the Church of England from papal authority, leading to the rise of the Protestant religion overshadowing Catholicism as the dominant religion in England. Of course, he was also infamous for the latter half of his reign where he became paranoid and tyrannical, having multiple of his own wives executed.
"Were you and the others were involved in the wars that followed?"
"We were. We repelled a raiding party sent from Scotland, during the time when Scotland invaded England at the request of King Louis XII of France."
"Your people intervened in the battle?"
"That's right. In fact, Queen Catherine visited us personally. She had heard the reports of how formidable our forces were, and proposed an alliance between the soldiers she had and ours. So, we joined the side of England for the Battle of Flodden, killing the Scottish King. We then pushed into Scottish lands. As people in Teyvat call them, the Ruin Guards eliminated all opposition, allowing England to seize all of Scotland."
"What happened when King Henry returned?"
"The war failed for England. King Henry had supported Ferdinand II of Aragon and Emperor Maximillian of the Holy Roman Empire out of his own pocket, yet received nothing in return. He was forced to abandon his campaign and ultimately make a treaty with King Louis. Hearing all of Scotland now belonged to England was a welcomed consolation prize, so in return for our contributions myself, and my properly married wife Princess Genevieve and others were granted lands and nobility, we were put in charge of Scotland more or less with the full support of the king," Siegfried explained.
"And your people flourished in Scotland," Lelouch asked. Siegfried nodded, replying,
"There were some troubles down the road, but in time our descendants would be known as the Dukes of Britannia. To ensure our continued survival in the future, we aided England as much as we could to secure our place throughout history. And choosing political alliances wisely, such as supporting Queen Elizabeth further cemented us powerful allies of the crown."
"I didn't expect you and the princess would get married, but I shouldn't be surprised," Dainsleif mused.
"Well…" Siegfried replied with a nervous laugh. "What can I say, disaster and loss can bring people together."
"So how did you become immortal then? It doesn't sound like any of you were cursed by being sent to another world," Lelouch asked.
"Well, after we had mastered the language of this world, we met a woman who offered a power to aid us in return for making her wish come true. Given the uncertainty we were facing, with no way to return home without risking falling victim to the curse of those who stayed behind, we accepted. I chose to accept this power that granted me advance foresight, which was useful in ensuring our survival, especially in the times that came after King Henry died."
"And what she wanted in turn resulted in you becoming immortal?"
"Indeed," Siegfried said, his expression saddened. "Once my power encompassed both of my eyes, the woman who gave me my power said it was time to make her wish come true, to grant her death. With my power having reached its full potential, a power she called Geass, I alone had the power to kill her, but doing so would make me inherit her Code of Immorality. She begged for release, and I hesitated until Genevieve urged me to honor the bargain, and use my immorality to watch over our children and their descendants as well as our people."
"You fulfilled your end of the bargain, then, but you would outlive your wife and children."
"Yes, but I kept true to the promise I made to Princess Genevieve, even now as you are one of my descendants."
"But aren't the rest of the Royal Family your descendants?" Lelouch pointed out.
From sadness, Siegfried's expression showed signs of disappointments and flashes of anger in his eyes.
"Yes, but it's hard to consider them as such. The Age of Revolution changed everything, especially when Britannia was created. They were dominated by the descendants of those who fled Khaenri'ah, who held the highest of noble titles and wealth. Even now, most of Britannia's population has some degree of blood or connection to Khaenri'ah. Their ideals of social Darwinism and the strong ruling over the weak is something I opposed, but sadly they became embedded into Britannian Culture as the nation rebuilt itself from the American Colonies they fled to. It just got worse, until the Emblem of Blood incident and later Charles zi Britannia overthrowing his own father, finally proving just how far we had fallen. From a certain point of view, Britannia has become no better than the gods we hated," Siegfried said. Although his voice was even, there were echoes of emotion in there, reverberating through Lelouch's mind.
"But why me and Nunnally? Why save us?"
"Because your mother was a dear friend, who I recommended be inducted into the Knights of the Round. I was disappointed when she became Charles' consort, but I saw how Charles acted around her and I had prayed that maybe she could change him for the better. It was a foolish hope that came to nothing after she was killed. But you were different from Charles' other children. Your time in Japan changed you. So I chose to save you and Nunnally, to uphold my promise to my beloved princess. The rest of the family is a lost cause."
"I see," Lelouch said, processing this information for a few moments. He'd known about his family's ties to England, but this secret history was a new layer to it- raw and unfiltered. Believable.
"Do you know who killed my mother?"
"Yes, but I won't tell you yet. Even if I did, what would change?There is more you must know first before I can reveal the truth," Siegfried replied sternly.
"What?!" Lelouch snapped.
"Even if I told you, you wouldn't be able to much with the information. Succeed at Dainsleif's training, and I'll tell you once you are ready to handle the truth," Siegfried said.
Lelouch balled his fists. How dared he…
Keep calm. If you push him now, he won't give it up. Wait a second… realization struck.
"V.V.. The one she was trying to get away from and sent the assassins after us, was it him?"
Siegfried sighed, "Yes, I'll confirm that much V.V. was responsible. But the rest, I'll reveal when you are ready."
"Very well then. So how does she fit into this?" Lelouch asked, pointing at C.C.
"She was your mother's friend and companion. She gave her a Geass power which apparently didn't manifest, which was odd," Siegfried revealed. C.C. glared at him in annoyance.
"I could've answered that."
"No. You would've danced around the answer, and given an indirect one. You do that," Siegfried replied, staring right back at her.
"So she's an immortal too?" Lelouch said.
"I am," C.C. said, folding her arms around her chest.
"So why is V.V. after you, then?" Lelouch inquired, but C.C. shrugged her shoulders.
"That is, like Siegfried explained before, a need-to-know kind of question."
"He's right. You are evasive," he muttered, frustrated. There was so much to know- she was a friend of his mother's? But he couldn't press them too much…
"Alright, I think that is enough for tonight. Lelouch needs his rest for training tomorrow," Dainsleif said, his tone making it clear the discussion was over.
In the days following Nunnally would be told the same story as Lelouch, except the details regarding Marianne's death was kept out of the conversation. Lelouch would keep the details of that night in his mind, though. He now knew who killed his mother. That was a prize worth sticking around for, to know the full truth of his family, of his past…
Three Months Later
"Foot work, foot work!" Siegfried insisted, pushing forward with his wooden sword, keeping Lelouch on the defensive in the spar. The boy continued to give ground, barely keeping up.
Lelouch was covered in sweat, breathing heavily. He no longer wore the clothes he'd had when he left Earth, having been given rough, simple clothing for training; a tattered shirt, black pants and boots.
"You can do it, brother," Nunnally cheered.
I am trying, Lelouch wanted to cry out, but Siegfried was relentless, and it took every ounce of his focus to keep his guard up.
It had been three months since Lelouch and Nunnally had been brought to Teyvat, and the group was planning to leave. Lelouch had been forced to push himself to his limits in the meantime; Danisleif's swordplay had come on top of a brutally punishing physical regimen aimed at building up his stamina. There had been runs before breakfast, runs after breakfast, physical exercises- an absolute hell on the frail young man, his mentors giving him only as much rest as he absolutely needed.
He'd been made to run around the lagoon more times than he cared to count; each time had taken hours because of how quickly he'd exhaust himself and need rest. He'd been made to lift and carry stones to improve his strength. He'd collapse onto his simple bed every night, completely exhausted, sore and aching, only to be made to do it all over again the next day. And as soon as he'd started to build his endurance, he'd been handed a sword. A sword! He came from a world where the gun was supreme, but this world would be different.
But the training was already yielding results. The first month had been the most hellish, Lelouch fainting several times from the exertion. But after that month had passed, he found that the runs were no longer quite as exhausting, nor the stones as heavy. Once slim as a noodle, Lelouch had begun to fill out a little. He was still scrawny, and still had a long way to go, but three months of dedicated training had transformed him beyond heights he had previously thought impossible.
Even as his body screamed for rest, Lelouch's stubborn pride made him stand, pushing him to evade Danisleif's attacks. It was late afternoon, and he was already tired from his daily run, but he had no choice- there would be no rest until he'd gotten himself knocked around by the swordsman. He knew his mentor was holding back, he knew there was an ocean between them, but still he had to try.
But no amount of stubborn pride could keep his worn-down body moving. As Danisleif noticed him moving sluggishly and slowly he lashed out with his sword, slapping the training weapon out of Lelouch's grasp with a strike to the wrist.
"That's enough. You might be willing, but your body isn't fit for much more today. Rest, and we'll do this again tomorrow." Dainsleif said, picking up Lelouch's wooden sword and moving to put them away.
"Dáinsleif, did you forget we'll be heading to Watatsumi Island tomorrow? Lelouch will have at least a little break," Siegfried pointed out. He had been sitting next to Nunnally, watching.
Lelouch was thankful to hear that, but he was curious about their destination. Right now, though, he was too busy panting and trying not to fall over. Nunnally asked what he was wondering, though.
"Watatsumi Island? What kind of place is that?"
"It's the westernmost island of the archipelagic region of the nation of Inazuma. Inazuma consists of a series of islands, with the capital on Narukami Island. Watatsumi Island is the furthest from Narukami, but it is also the closest island to our location; that will take several days to reach by boat," Dainsleif said.
"But we won't be going by boat," Dainsleif added. "Inazuma and its islands are surrounded by an unending thunderstorm. It's not impossible to navigate through it, but it is quite dangerous. Thankfully there is another way."
"Those beacons you showed me the day after we arrived here?" Lelouch managed, still short of breath.
At the start of his training regime, Dainsleif had shown Lelouch an old stone beacon with a blue gem encased on its top. The stone object hung over a stone platform, as if by magic. Dainsleif had told him that despite its mundane appearance, one could use them to teleport to different places across Teyvat as long as you touched one to connect to it. Lelouch didn't fully understand how the concept behind it worked, but it seemed simple enough to use. Apparently, one could teleport to any of the beacons from anywhere as long as you connected to a beacon by touching it first.
"Thankfully, Siegfried and I can teleport another with us. One of us will simply have to come back for you, C.C."
"So I am the one being left behind?" C.C. said, raising an eyebrow.
"For no more than a minute at most. One of us will just stay with the children while the other gets you," Siegfried said.
"Alright," C.C. said, protesting no further.
"So why this island?" Lelouch asked, grunting as he sat down on the ground to rest.
"Watatsumi Island isn't visited very often by outsiders, but I know one of the leading priestesses there. She has agreed to help shelter you all for the time being. It isn't the best, but it should suit our purposes until I can make the necessary arrangements to help you further," Dainsleif explained.
"How?" Nunnally asked, but Lelouch deduced a likely reason.
"To provide documents for our identities so we can move around this world?"
"That's right," Dainsleif said before elaborating further. "This world might not be as developed as Earth in some regards, but it still has a bureaucracy. To avoid unwanted attention, records will be forged as a necessity for travel and to confirm your background to match your cover story."
"Cover story?"
"As far as anyone will know, both you and Nunnally will be the children of miners who migrated from Fontaine to Yashiori Island, but tragically lost their lives to raiding Hilichurls," Dainsleif replied.
"Hilichurls?" Nunnally asked.
"That's right. Hilichurls are humanoid monsters who wear tribal masks, using crude weapons. They assault anyone who gets too close, occasionally attacking traders and their caravans, and sometimes a village or a city if they have the numbers."
"We're going to need time to get you two up to speed on the need-to-know facts that are common knowledge for everyone," Siegfried added.
Even as exhausted as he was, Lelouch noticed Siegfried and Dainsleif exchanging glances with one another. It made him wonder if there was something more to these Hilichurls than they mentioned.
"Makes sense. Since Hilichurls sound like a common problem, is there anything or anyone else we should be cautious of?" Lelouch asked.
"Aside from dangerous creatures and monsters, you need to avoid two groups. The first would be the Abyss Order, an organization of humans corrupted by the Abyss who seek vengeance against the divine for the destruction of their homeland," Dainsleif answered.
Lelouch got up from the ground, curiosity overtaking his weariness.
"You mean the people of Khaenri'ah?"
"Correct. I told you how the curse granted the survivors with undying bodies, doomed to erode over time. However, some gained inhuman power by being corrupted by the Abyss, turning them into inhuman beings. Unable to die and with no way to lift their curse, they've dedicated themselves to overthrowing the divine for the sake of vengeance." Dainsleif answered.
"That's such a terrible fate," Nunnally said sympathetically.
"Yes, indeed it is. Some of them managed to retain their humanity, but to stay human is usually a struggle," Siegfried continued. "They go through an erosion of both the mind and body. I've managed to stave off the worst effects, but some are not so lucky."
"To bring down the divine…" Lelouch muttered. What an idea…
"Yes, but they've directed their rage at everyone else- or rather those who worship the divine, which are most people on Teyvat," Dainsleif answered.
"So, a bunch of vengeful extremists then?" Lelouch said, earning a nod from Dainsleif.
"That is about right. They're delusional, of course. The Heavenly Principles destroyed our nation in a single night with the aid of six Archons. Their power is absolute."
"I am guessing that's why you brought us here?" Lelouch suggested finding a fallen pillar to sit on. "If such a powerful being existed, I cannot imagine Britannia would be foolish enough to declare war on her."
"Yes. Britannia doesn't have a presence on Teyvat, beyond keeping a military force to guard and protect the gate in the Britannian Homeland on both sides. Beyond certain members of the Royal Family who are told of their heritage and the existence of the gates upon reaching adulthood, none even know it the oldest houses of its aristocratic class know the truth; their children naturally aren't told anything until they come of age. Thus they help fund an armed guard, and those of lesser families descended from those who came from Teyvat are a part of this special military division tasked with protecting and guarding the gate," Siegfried explained.
"If V.V. wants C.C.'s code that badly, wouldn't that change?" Lelouch questioned, having learned that aside from Siegfried, C.C. has a code of immortality.
"Perhaps, but he wouldn't risk the wrath of the divine with a large-scale military response. I doubt we fooled him, but he can't be sure if you live or not. I am sure he'll try to send agents, but finding us won't be easy," Dainsleif said reassuringly. "All the more reason you'll need a false background; it will make it easier to hide from their attempts to find you, even if C.C. is the more likely target."
"V.V. will likely send agents from the Geass Order who have Geass powers," C.C. spoke up, "but Siegfried and I are immune to them thanks to our Codes of Immorality. Since he does not know Siegfried has a code himself, that gives us another edge and an element of surprise on any agents he sends."
"I wouldn't call that comforting. So that is the second group, the Geass order?"
"Yes, which is all the more reason you need to be stronger to survive," Dainsleif said, seriously looking at Lelouch.
"I know," Lelouch sighed, knowing there would be no end to his training.
It was evening, and Lelouch was struggling to read a line in the Teyvat language. He was slowly making progress, but for Nunnally her blindness added an extra layer of difficulty. Siegfried had found a way to better instruct her; the Vision she had been given allowed her a strange new ability: Elemental Sight. It was the ability to perceive and sense elemental energy or traces. Using his ability to manipulate flame he would mark slabs of stone with words for Nunnally to read, allowing her to perceive them in red against a colorless world.
According to Siegfried, Nunnally's elemental sensitivity was impressively high. Inspired, and after much experimentation, Siegfried found a way to use it to both teach Nunnally the language of Tevat, but also to better refine her elemental sight. It was no true replacement for her eyes, but with enough training Siegfried was confident she could perceive her surroundings better
Dainsleif noticed he was distracted, observing Siegfried with Nunnally.
"Don't worry. When we move to our temporary home, you two will be ready to mingle more with the people. Come, there is something I want to try with you."
"What do you mean by that?" Lelouch asked, on guard.
"It's a simple test to determine if you are a Descender or not."
"A Descender?"
"A being capable of transcending this world's laws. There was one I knew who could use all seven elements. Her method involved making contact with statues of the seven Archons, each granting her access to the seven elements in various ways," Dainsleif answered. "Other specifics have been the subject of much debate."
"So touching one of these statues could be a way to determine if I am or not?"
"Yes, but there could be a chance you are not. Descenders are usually attributed to those who come from outside Teyvat. This is true for those known, but not all outlanders are Descenders, as Nunnally has proven by receiving a Vision."
"Meaning at least I shouldn't have to worry about anyone from Britannia becoming one," Lelouch said, but noticed the silence and uneasy expression on Dainsleif's face. "There is one, isn't there?"
Dainsleif nodded, "Your uncle V.V. became one, likely due to his possession of a Code of Immortality, which in some sense removes you from the binding of the world."
Lelouch turned to C.C. who merely smiled. She raised both hands, and in her left palm lighting could be seen, while a small whirlwind formed in her right.
"I am not that experienced yet, but give me time," C.C. replied. She was perhaps a beginner, but Lelouch was impressed, intrigued to see the use of the elements in action- but he did not let it show. Among them all, she was the most inscrutable, and the one Lelouch was the most cautious of.
"I just need to touch a statue to see if I could use more than one element?"
"Yes. I'll accompany you when that day comes."
The following morning, Lelouch, Nunnally, Siegfried, Dainsleif, and C.C. gathered near the teleporter after cleaning up their camp and preparing to leave. Nunnally and Siegfried went first. They touched the artefact, and a blue glow enveloped them. Then they were gone, vanished in an instant. Even though it was supposed to be safe, Lelouch could not hel but worry about Nunnally. The first time could be disorientating, they had explained- and Lelouch did not quite trust magic… but what choice did he have? None, these days.
"Our turn," Dainsleif said, gesturing for Lelouch to take his hand.
"Don't take too long," C.C. said, folding her arms.
"Siegfried will be back in a few moments after we arrive," Dainsleif said. Lelouch took a deep breath and offered his hand. The knight's grip was gentle but strong, firm. He reached out to touch the artefact, and Lelouch felt the hairs on his body stand on end as a prickling sensation quickly enveloped him. The blue glow encased them, filling up his vision until only whiteness remained in his vision. There was a sudden sensation of being pulled in some direction- although he could not tell which- almost like a falling sensation before sleep.
Then, a second later, they stood on the other side. Lelouch's knees gave way, and had Dainsleif not supported him, he'd have collapsed. His head was spinning a little.
"Easy there," Dainsleif said with a wry smile.
"I'm fine," Lelouch muttered, steadying himself, blinking to adjust to the light. He was standing in a grassy little glade. It was a very different scene from the ruins that nature had reclaimed. A grand landscape was before him.
"Welcome to Watatsumi Island," Dainsleif said. A newly arrived Siegfried and Nunnally joined them.
"What is it like, brother?" Nunnally asked, as Siegfried carried her and her wheelchair over to where Lelouch and Dainsleif were standing.
"It's beautiful, Nunnally," Lelouch said sincerely. "It's all rocks- huge, flat square rock plateaus stacked on top of each other, surrounding this whole valley. You could fit whole houses on them, maybe even a village. They're covered in green, grass and a few trees. We're standing far up, but from the ground I can see bubbles coming, sailing through the air. There's water down there- little ponds, I think. And there's a fine mist covering the whole thing."
"I guess this island is special because we have bubbles everywhere," C.C. said, appearing in a flash. Siegfried laughed.
"An oversimplification," Dainsleif scoffed. "Besides its distinct plants and colors, this island is unique with its bubbles coming from the ground and exotic plants and pearls. The people of Watatsumi Island are descended from the people of Enkanomiya, a land that existed deep underground until the god Orobashi no Mikoto fled to their land, unaware of their existence."
"Fled?" Nunnally asked.
"During the Archon War, Orobashi no Mikoto was among the gods who battled for supremacy. According to legend, he was defeated and fled to the underground realm, hoping to escape and recover from the war. A child found Orobashi no Mikoto in a cave; taking pity on them, he overthrew Enkanomiya's corrupt rulers before using the corals growing on his giant body to create a way back to the surface, leading to the founding of this island," Dainsleif explained.
The Archon War was a war between gods.
Lelouch recalled Dainsleif telling him of the Archon War, during the times he had to rest during his training regime. It was a time when many different gods and supernatural beings walked Teyvat, and while Khaenri'ah had no god, the lands beyond their own did. The war ended over two thousand years ago, although how the war began wasn't clear. Dainsleif was among a select few who believed the war was caused by Celestia as gods fought to claim one of the seven divine seats available who would be chosen to administer Teyvat and direct the development of humanity. Khaenri'ah had managed to keep out of war even as it raged between the gods devastated the land, causing an untold amount of casualties and leaving scars upon the land that could still be seen today. By the end of it, seven gods stood victorious, and each founded their own nations based on their own element and belief. Inazuma was one of these nations, ruled by the Electro Archon, the Goddess of Eternity.
I guess the war with the gods fueled Khaenri'ah's distrust towards the divine, Lelouch thought, suspecting the war and its aftermath probably affected their view of the divine. He was intrigued, wanting to see some of these scars left behind by such a war, hoping an opportunity would come one day.
"If this land is ruled by the Electro Archon, then…" Lelouch inquired.
"For a time, they co-existed peacefully, but rumor has it that Orobashi no Mikoto had come to learn knowledge deemed forbidden in Teyvat. Once Celestia became aware of this, they called for his demise and the destruction of Watatsumi Island. Still, Orobashi no Mikoto chose to sacrifice himself for his people. He attacked Inazuma, forcing the Electro Archon to slay him. This caused a rift between Inazuma and Watatsumi Island that has persisted through generations. Fearing Celestia could destroy Watatsumi Island, he had to hide the true reason behind his actions," Dainsleif explained.
"So Watatsumi Island and Inazuma went to war, then?" Nunnally asked while Lelouch seemed in deep thought.
"Yes and no. Watatsumi Island was outnumbered by the forces commanded by Electro Archon, but they made up for it by having capable commanders and soldiers. They succeeded in capturing one of the islands, but once the Shogun and her army got involved it wasn't long before the tides of the war turned against them. With the loss of their most capable commanders, followed by the demise of their god, it led to the war ending."
"I take it Watatsumi Island is under the Shogun's rule having lost against them?"
"Yes, but they were allowed to continue their worship of their fallen god and the island has a degree of autonomy. Despite that, however, relations between the two islands have been tense ever since." Dainsleif answered. "I suppose that concludes today's history lesson, but I don't think I need to tell you that you should keep quiet about what I've told you. The people of Watatsumi Island revere Orobashi no Mikoto quite highly."
"I understand," Lelouch said.
"For now, let's head into the village; someone has set up living quarters for all of us," Dainsleif said, gesturing for everyone to follow. Siegfried carried Nunnally, while C.C. took care of her wheelchair.
After a walk through the vast canyon, the group found a path leading down to Bourou Village. The village looked a bit like those old fashioned Japanese villages Lelouch had seen in books. The people there mainly wore kimono-style robes, too. A few people they saw on the way in wore simple pants and a shirt, likely for working in the fields.
Most people went about their daily business, one or two people casting a curious glance at them. Soon they reached a house near the edge of the canyon. They were greeted by a woman with brown hair and blue eyes.
"Welcome back, Dainsleif," she said, approaching him before noticing the rest of his group. "I take it these are your companions?"
"Yes. This is Lelouch, Nunnally, C.C., and my old friend Siegfried who is looking after these three," Dainsleif replied.
"Nice to meet you," Nunnally said, smiling.
"Likewise, ma'am," Lelouch said politely.
"Thank you for having us," Siegfried said with a nod while C.C. simply waved.
"Not at all; Dainsleif has done more than his fair share for our village whenever he is in the area. I am happy to help him when he needs it."
"You are too kind. Everyone, let me introduce Izumi Aina. She is a priestess of the Sangonomiya Shrine," Dainsleif said.
"Thank you. Now, if everyone would like to come inside, there is plenty of food. Dain has collected the necessary supplies well in advance," Aina said, gesturing for them all to come inside.
As the day turned into evening, Lelouch helped Siegfried and Aina prepare dinner for everyone as best as he could. They didn't need a cook, so he set the table. Dainsleif had left after they had settled in, with C.C. also missing until Lelouch found her just lazily lounging in her room, helping Nunnally as the siblings settled into their temporary rooms.
Once he was done, he joined Nunnally in the dining room. It too was traditionally Japanese with its seating style. Thankfully, Lelouch was familiar with such things thanks to his time in Japan. He was intrigued by the similarities between Inazuma and Japan, wondering if some who had created the gate in Japan might've returned to settle in Inazuma. Maybe the reverse had happened, although it didn't seem likely.
"So what do you think dinner will be like, brother?" Nunnally asked, sitting on a cushion next to him at the table.
"I am not sure, but likely different from the food we've been having so far," Lelouch said, shrugging his shoulders. No matter what, he would at least get to sleep in a normal bed tonight.
My back has felt so stiff since we came to Teyvat, and I am sure a proper bed would be good for Nunnally, too.
Dinner was laid out, consisting of Tri-Flavored Skewers, individual dishes with three pieces of cooked meat on a skewer, while the other two had fried meats with dipping sauce on the plate. Next was a Sashimi Platter, a dish with various fish meat and shrimp on it. Lastly for dessert, a full plate of Taiyaki, which Lelouch recognized from his time in Japan. For drinks, the adults got wine, Lelouch and Nunnally were given milk to drink. Just as the table was set, Dainsleif returned.
"You've returned just in time," Aina said with a smile.
"I was dealing with the Hilichurls that the Tenryou Commission hasn't been bothered to deal with," Dainsleif replied.
"Thank you. We've been having more trouble than normal. Aside from an attempted raid or two, they've harassed our merchants trying to travel to the other islands."
"Not at all," Dainsleif said. This must've been one of the conditions of a deal to allow him and Nunnally to stay on Watatsumi Island, Lelouch figured.
"You always make it sound so easy," Aina mused as she and Siegfried joined everyone at the table. "If only we had capable warriors like you protecting our island, instead of the Shogunate's men. They barely have a presence on the island. You have to wonder if they care about us at all."
I guess the tensions between the two islands apply to the Shogunate too. I imagine they can't be happy that the people of Watatsumi Island worship a different god, one that was even killed by the god the people of the Shogunate worship, Lelouch thought. Nunnally was quiet, and Lelouch figured she suspected the same thing as him. Perhaps she didn't want to accidentally offend Aina by speaking carelessly.
"Just the same, I'll be happy to host you and your friends while you are here as long as the Hilichurls are kept in check," Izumi said reassuringly, confirming Lelouch's assumption.
"Thank you. On my honor, this island will know some peace as long as I am here," Dainsleif said confidently.
"Could the Hilichurls be removed completely?" Lelouch inquired.
"Sadly no. Even in the past when we've completely wiped them out and their camps, some days or weeks later they manage to reappear, no matter how thorough we are in eliminating them," Aina replied. "Even the Tenryou Commission run into the same issue, when they actually do their jobs."
"I see. They must be quite tenacious."
"You have no idea," Dainsleif muttered.
"Anyway," Aina said, "I do apologize that my daughter couldn't join us tonight. But my Naki does take her studies up at the shrine very seriously. I am sure you will all meet her tomorrow." She sounded proud of her child.
"I am sure we'll meet her when she has time. You told me how serious the training to become a shrine maiden for the Sangonomiya Shrine is," Dainsleif said.
"Yes, if not tomorrow at the very least."
"We thank you for your hospitality, Aina," Siegfried offered kindly.
"Of course. Dainsleif's friends are my friends, and I am glad to honor my duty of hospitality."
After Aina gave a prayer, everyone gathered at the dinner table to eat.
The following morning, after breakfast, Lelouch was brought to the hills behind the Sangonomiya Shrine. The path leading to them was difficult for Lelouch. There was no clear path to be taken by foot. They had to traverse rough terrain, climbing up hills, rocks and little cliffs to get anywhere. Without Dainsleif, Lelouch knew he could never have made it. After an hour, Lelouch found himself wishing he was back at the lagoon doing laps…
He couldn't believe he was even thinking that, but still his body was already sore and aching by the time they reached the hills.
"Here it is," Dainsleif said, a barely hidden disdain in his tone as he spoke. Before them was a statue upon a pillar that was worn and weathered, seeming like it had been left to the mercy of the elements. It was a woman wearing a robe and a hood, holding a mirror in her arms upon her chest.
"Is this a statue of the Electro Archon?" Lelouch asked, suspecting what this was based on the tone of Dainsleif's voice.
"Yes. Raiden Shogun, the God of Eternity."
"Given all you've told me about the people of Watatsumi Island, I thought they would've destroyed this," Lelouch said. Other than being worn down by time and nature, the stature was mostly intact.
"Some felt that way, but these statues are harder to destroy than you think. Doing so can bring down the wrath of the owner. For their hostility towards the Shogun, even they knew they would stand no chance against her in a direct confrontation, so they left the statue to the mercy of nature and time instead," Dainsleif said, folding both arms across his chest.
"So why are we here? Another history lesson? Or…" Lelouch asked, realization striking him. "You want to test me?"
"I am glad you remember. I want you to touch the statue; it is time to see if you are a Descender or not," Dainsleif said, motioning toward the statue. "Do it the same way I told you about forming a connection with the teleporter beacons."
Lelouch hesitated. Magic… it could not be trusted. For a moment, a vision flashed before his eyes; what if he was consumed by the power, or cursed by it? But his resolve hardened. His old life had ended long before this day, and he would need power if he ever wanted safety and security. He closed his eyes and approached, touching the stone.
Suddenly Lelouch felt something. He didn't know how to describe it, but he felt some kind of connection or power connect within him. The feeling wasn't unpleasant, strange yet somehow comforting, stirring something within him.
"Something happened, didn't it?"
"Yes," Lelouch said, withdrawing his hand. In that instance, sparks of electricity formed upon his fingers. He leaped back from the statue in a panic, yelping.
"As I thought. Coming from a world different from Teyvat, the same rules don't apply to you as it did to her."
"Someone I once considered a friend long ago. She came from another world, but like her it seems you can wield their respective element by touching the statues owned by Archons. I don't know how much you can truly compare to her in terms of raw power. However, in terms of potential you will be able to command all of the seven elements as she did. How you use them exactly will be up to you." Dainsleif said, sounding intrigued.
"What do you mean? You mean like Siegfried used his power over flames to carve words for Nunnally to learn?"
"Yes. It will take time and training, but should you master the use of the elements. You'll find very creative ways to use them, I'm sure. The girl I knew can provide a good example of what you are capable of, so I can help you based on my past experiences with her."
"I see, but in that case what else can you tell me about her? Anything that could be helpful for my training then?"
Dainsleif became quiet before closing his eyes in contemplation. Clearly, it was something just a bit too personal.
"I'll tell you once you are ready to survive on your own, but let that motivate you for now. We have a lot of work ahead, or rather you do. From this day on, I'll teach you how to wield the elemental power you've just gained."
"So I can't extend my arm or wave my hand or something?"
"No. It takes more control than that, otherwise you might accidentally hurt yourself or someone else," Dainsleif warned.
But how is Lelouch a Descender? Having the blood of my people and living in another world shouldn't be enough.. It was doubtful Lelouch could gain elemental power from the statue, but curiosity had compelled him to find out.
"I see," Lelouch said. Despite the sparks just now, he felt normal again, the same as before. "But your friend, that woman you mentioned, she was the Descender you mentioned back then?"
"Yes," Dainsleif replied.
Lelouch wanted to ask more questions, but thought better of it. Who was she?
"Come there is more to see," Dainsleif said, leading Lelouch up the stairs to the very top of the mountain overlooking the shrine at the center of the island.
At the summit, Lelouch and Dainsleif came across the remains of an old shrine, the moss and plants growing from it suggested it had fallen into ruin many years ago. Maybe decades or even longer, Lelouch couldn't tell, but he knew Dainsleif would explain.
"This is the Mouun Shrine. It's the original shrine dedicated to worshiping Orobashi no Mikoto, the god who uplifted the people of Watatsumi from the depths, until the war with Inazuma," Dainsleif replied. "When the war ended in Inazuma's victory with the Raiden Shogun, killing the giant serpent god, the shrine was abandoned with the new one you see at the heart of the island."
"It looks like it crumbled from neglect…"
"Come, I think you should see what remains of Orobashi no Mikoto, to truly understand how dangerous the Archons are," Dainsleif said, taking Lelouch's hand before the pair teleported. "Welcome to Yashiori Island, where the war was decided and where a god fell. From here, you should be able to see the god's remains."
Looking around Lelouch saw they were on a very tall mountain, one that provided a breathtaking view of the whole island. Looking in the direction Dainsleif pointed, he saw a large serpent's skull. Lelouch's jaw dropped. The skull was massive, more than twice again as tall as any of the trees nearby it; he could only imagine how enormous the creature must've been when it was alive. He had also seen its scales, which made up the heart of the island itself too. It had to have been an absolute titan… he shuddered to think what kind of creature was capable of killing it.
Scanning the rest of the island, Lelouch saw parts of the great snake's spine poking up from the ground of the island, much of its remains buried and now literally part of the island. Even the mountain they stood on covered a part of its neck leading to its head.
"Consider for a moment that the Raiden Shogun, at least in size, is no different from you or me," Dainsleif said ominously.
"To think she won and defeated something so colossal," Lelouch remarked, trying to envision that ancient battle.
"The Musoujin Gorge was created when the Raiden Shogun struck the final blow, cleaving both the island and the Orobashi in half. The gorge that runs through the island is the result," Dainsleif said.
"She did that all on her own, in a single strike?" It seemed unbelievable.
"Yes and there are other Archons who are just as capable and destructive as her in combat," Dainsleif cautioned. "I have no love for many of them to put it kindly, but even I am not foolish enough to underestimate their combat prowess."
"And these gods were veterans of the Archon Wars?"
"Correct. They slew other gods and other threats to win their positions as one of the seven."
Just seeing the gorge and understanding what created it, Lelouch began to understand how destructive the Archon War must have been. The scale of it boggled the mind.
"I think I understand why Britannia wouldn't attempt a full scale invasion of this world."
"The only god they wouldn't have trouble with would be the patron god of Mondstadt, the Land of Freedom and Wind overseen by the God of Amemo, Barbatos. He is the weakest of the seven Archons, but even he is mighty. He has a hands off approach to governing his nation, with no central government. The Knights of Favonius is the only thing they have that even resembles law enforcement."
"I take it that is the reason you didn't pick Mondstadt for us to stay in?"
"No. It's the weakest of the seven nations. The Amemo Archon is unwilling to manage his nation, spending his days getting drunk. Why people still worship that Archon is beyond me."
"Is he dead or alive?"
"He's alive last I checked. But while he might be the weakest of the Archon I do urge you not to relax your guard around him. His lack of interest in governing his own nation, has allowed him to blend in among his own people, playing the role of a bard."
"So he could get the jump on anyone who could be hostile then?"
"Yes, but always remember being the weakest of the gods doesn't mean he is powerless. I just don't want you risking your life by ever picking a fight with such beings," Dainsleif warned.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Lelouch stared into the distance, feeling a little overwhelmed. Gods, dead. Teleportation magic. Powers that could rearrange whole landscapes in a single blow. Everything he thought he knew was being called into question, and… this was only the beginning.
He had a long road ahead of him. But this power of his? It would be a start.
A/N: Nunnally got a Vision, which was a point of contention for some people much to my surprise, but since I am the kind of person who hates redoing chapter scenes after the beta work gets done. So to resolve it I ran polls on both Spacebattles and Questionable Questing, and after a couple weeks, the "Nunnally gets a Vision" won after combining the results.
The idea was that she should've been a Descender like her brother, but the reason I didn't go for it was because it was something I was worried might be a bad idea, if there were more descenders. But I have ideas to ensure and justify Lelouch becoming one without anyone having to worry like something as silly as all CG characters being descenders.
Moving on, Lelouch got to see some of Ei's handiwork, something he'll be sure to remember, especially later.
But next chapter, Lelouch will be getting a new friend. It will go up as soon as the beta work is done on it.
Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any feedback.