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Sort of like how a lot of rivers are just called "River" in the language most local to it?
Yeah, basically.
Just as a point of reference, I haven't regularly spoken Japanese since I was a child, but "Sekai" means "world" and "Chikyuu" means "Earth". Sekai can and often is used in place of Chikyuu, but Chikyuu is specific to our planet.
Thank you for your correction. I´m operating from two years of studying Japanese academically, which failed because my memory just isn´t good enough to study it as a teritary language, so my knowledge is spotty. Although now I´m wondering about the etymology of the word... specifically, about why it was chosen and how it was formed, because while my knowledge of Japanese is spotty, my knowledge of Chinese is outright nonexistent.
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Sort of like how a lot of rivers are just called "River" in the language most local to it?
To paraphrase a Twitter thread...

"So what are the largest hot deserts on your world, Terran?"

"Well, there's the Sahara Desert, the Arabian Desert, the Gobi Desert, and the Kalahari Desert."

"...Did you just repeat the word Desert eight times?"
Wait...she found the alien hot, but not Cobey Smulders? Well...some people have weird tastes.
When dealing with SHIELD she was trying to be professional, and was more focused on trying to help, while with Carina, the most immediate problem was already dealt with, and she had a big glowing violet signal to draw her attention.
Oh wow.

Did she just have everyone's maps change Terra/Midgard to Earth? Everyone going into space is going to have aliens go 'hey, you're from dirt right? We used to call you guys Midgardians but were corrected by that nice glowing girl.'
To paraphrase a Twitter thread...

"So what are the largest hot deserts on your world, Terran?"

"Well, there's the Sahara Desert, the Arabian Desert, the Gobi Desert, and the Kalahari Desert."

"...Did you just repeat the word Desert eight times?"

Not to nitpick, but only Sahara and Gobi can truly be said to be "desert", since Arabian has nothing to do with deserts (what with Sahara being based on the arabic word for deserts), and Kalahari only tangentially meaning desert ("an infamous dry place" is a very rough transliteration).
Not to nitpick, but only Sahara and Gobi can truly be said to be "desert", since Arabian has nothing to do with deserts (what with Sahara being based on the arabic word for deserts), and Kalahari only tangentially meaning desert ("an infamous dry place" is a very rough transliteration).
I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that the term Arab was originally derived for a Semitic word meaning desert, and which came to mean nomad by analogy.
Great story. Pretty well written. I don't agree with everything they are doing, but that's probably more my personality and why I wouldn't be the best fit for an Indigo Ring. Hope you continue it. Either way, thanks for the awesome story
Kinda bummed... I LIKE this story. But MC does not seem to be... using, her powers well.
She could use indigo, blue, or orange light to make herself better. Have Wolverine/Deadpools immortality/healing. Be an Asgardian, with the strength and everything. She could go to Kamar-Taj and not be limited to JUST being dependant on that staff. She could make a White lanter ring... maybe.
There is just SO MUCH that MC is not doing, that she could.
It's just, one of my pet peeves is when you have stories like this. With HUUGE potential for self-improvement. That the MC just ignores...
Zola's inability to change her is literally just the limitation of his own knowledge. Not an actual inability to do so.
I mean, The Eternals were VERY capable of doing so. Heck most VERY advanced people were/are.
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Kinda bummed... I LIKE this story. But MC does not seem to be... using, her powers well.
She could use indigo, blue, or orange light to make herself better. Have Wolverine/Deadpools immortality/healing. Be an Asgardian, with the strength and everything. She could go to Kamar-Taj and not be limited to JUST being dependant on that staff. She could make a White lanter ring... maybe.
There is just SO MUCH that MC is not doing, that she could.
It's just, one of my pet peeves is when you have stories like this. With HUUGE potential for self-improvement. That the MC just ignores...
Zola's inability to change her is literally just the limitation of his own knowledge. Not an actual inability to do so.
I mean, The Eternals were VERY capable of doing so. Heck most VERY advanced people were/are.
Because that would very quickly turn into a vain, shallow and inevitably abandoned powers fantasy fic all about min maxing stats instead of telling a story. Power for the sake of power is like a juvenile getting far too excited over the thought of having more and more new abilities with no actual reason for it just so they can be the super special snowflake that's over 9000. But in reality they just end up being a tool with a shallow depth of character. A piece of paper would have more character than that type of crap character.
Are you planning on continuing this story anytime in the near future?
Don't necro. This is against Rule 7.
Finally a ring bearer that isnt a massive piece of shit
lantern stories are cool, but the main characters tend to be such enormous unlikable selfish wankers, like holy shit can i have the cool superhero story without the main character being a creep or jerk without an ounce of morality in them?

well this story broke that mold, and i liked it
pity it seems to be dead, but know you are appreciated for writing this much of it
Earth means ground, not dirt. Earth (dirt) is named after earth (place everything sits on). Kinda like how orange (color) is named after orange (fruit).

It kinda grinds my gears every time I see that misconception in SF/fantasy.

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