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Crossing Borders, a Youjo Senki/Strike Witches crossover

You are right,they use LMG.So,infrantry LMG could work,too.Even then - there should send infrantry with LMG teams only,becouse there is no point to send dudes with normal rifles.
And later - with lots of panzerfaust.Each man could take at least 3,i f i remember correctly.
That's a good point. I'm probably going to update the TOE of the liberion infantry to be more like RL late war US Marines, with three BARs per squad and substituting the platoon's 60mm mortars with bazookas while increasing the proportion of rifle grenadiers, although keeping that many automatic weapons supplied in the expansive ETO compared to the small pacific islands is going to be a challenge.
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That's a good point. I'm probably going to update the TOE of the liberion infantry to be more like RL late war US Marines, with three BARs per squad and substituting the platoon's 60mm mortars with bazookas while increasing the proportion of rifle grenadiers, although keeping that many automatic weapons supplied in the expansive ETO compared to the small pacific islands is going to be a challenge.
Sending dudes with rifles is just wasting ilfes and materials made on making such rifles.Becouse when LMG could be sometimes efficient,when rifles were not.
It would be less expensive if you just stop making rifles.
Hmm, I'm curious if any of the Witches will notice that Tanya also gets possessed by a "Spirit" that increases her magical power? Admittedly, the "spirit" in question is significantly more powerful than an animal ghost, but it's powerful to the point of overwhelming the the vessel's entire personality rather than just giving them slightly more animalistic traits...
Sending dudes with rifles is just wasting ilfes and materials made on making such rifles.Becouse when LMG could be sometimes efficient,when rifles were not.
It would be less expensive if you just stop making rifles.
It comes to a question of weight and weight of fire. LMGs are heavy, the Browning Automatic Rifle which was halfway between a battle rifle and a true LMG weighted roughly 16lbs compared to the 9.5lbs of the Garand rifle and due to its higher rate of fire the use of ammunition will be greater than a rifle during prolonged engagements so the soldier using the rifle needs help carrying enough ammo for a prolonged engagement, now in the Marines and in early WWII army infantry formations that was done by an assistant gunner and a ammo bearer or by the rest of the squad carrying some magazines in addition to their own loads. In a theoretical BAR infantry squad even reducing the ammunition loads on account of supression fire and a higher weight of fire the entire unit still needs to carry its own weapon plus at least the same amount of bullets that they would for their Garands (and that's a very conservative estimate), and if they're not part of a mechanized unit they need to walk miles with it just to reach the frontline so they would take longer to arrive and would do so more tired, plus the tactical stamina of the unit would suffer as well, requiring more dedicated logistical support to replentish ammo.

And this is with the BAR, which was such an underwhelming LMG that the US saw the need to have a second dedicated LMG of rifle caliber, the M1919A6 Browning Machine Gun to provide sustained automatic fire instead of the limited bursts of the BAR.

So until the development of lighter assault weapons and the logistical practices for those, the squad will have a limited amount of automatic weapons.

Hmm, I'm curious if any of the Witches will notice that Tanya also gets possessed by a "Spirit" that increases her magical power? Admittedly, the "spirit" in question is significantly more powerful than an animal ghost, but it's powerful to the point of overwhelming the the vessel's entire personality rather than just giving them slightly more animalistic traits...
Completely different mechanics, I haven't quite worked how it works, but the SW spirits are on a symbiotic relationship and the spirit themselves are actual thinking and feeling beings. on the other hand the Type 95 is more like a cursed item that indoctrinates the user but has no will of its own, similar to the gag episode of Road to Berlin when the idol statue gives everyone huge boobs and a desire to become more fertile.

On the other hand Being X hates the spirits of the SW universe, in fact he hunted down the local equivalent mercilessly to the point of actual literal genocide whenever they made even hints of appearing. In fact Shugel's rants and so homicidal that even imperial weapon developers -the same people who supervised the creation of manned V1 rockets- are filling complains abou his declarations of hate which is slowing down the study of the Striker Units enormously.
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On the other hand Being X hates the spirits of the SW universe, in fact he hunted down the local equivalent mercilessly to the point of actual literal genocide whenever they made even hints of appearing.
False gods are false gods, and I don't see any of the Spirits either A) transcending the flow of time or B) spinning off entire new universes that's almost identical except for a few changes and being a century in the past, just to prove their point to a sociopathic salaryman with delusions of grandeur and an inability to accept the words of others at face value.
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well did we see bing x mack a universes as fore spirts transcending flow of time well we not seen that but what do we now about them.
Chapter 3.3
Commandant Marguerite Bientot was tired. Not the kind of tiredness that came after a good, vigorous session of lovemaking, an energetic training course or even brutal combat.

It was like a weight on her neck, dragging her down after every wrecked building, burned vehicle and small cenotaph marking a mass grave in the road.

She arrived to the Consulate of Albion in Paris, formally its embassy before the seat of the government had to be moved to Tolouse. After announcing her presence to the guard outside she was swiftly taken to a small meeting room and after less than five minutes the people she came to see crossed the door.

Countess Felicia Louisa Gresley was a name only those well versed in the hierarchy of the Celtic Covens could recognize, her work over the last sixty seven years could only be described as subtle, her guidance of rising stars amongst witches and the jobs assigned by the Crown being characterized by both discretion and gentleness.

Contrary to Dame Gresley there were very few who wouldn't immediately recognize Charles Lindbergh, an aviation legend and steadfast supporter of witches after one with the innate magic of tracking had saved his son from a kidnapper. As a colonel in the Army Air Corps he was contributing to the development of the Striker non-magical elements, optimizing fuel consumption during cruise speeds, greatly increasing practical endurance and operational range.

It was mesmerizing and a little intimidating to have a private meeting with both of them, in particular since this meeting posed a conflict between her oaths as an officer and those made to Hecate when she started learning The Craft under the watchful eye of her grandmother.

After briefly, and unnecessarily introducing themselves, Madame Gresley commented. "Thank you for coming Miss Bientot, I greatly appreciate you braving the trip to Paris."

"Don't worry madame, the security on the roads have greatly improved since the Liberation and general Leclerc mop-up operations. So far the greatest problem I suffered was the poor state of the roads due to the amount of trucks supporting the scourge."

"Indeed, is refreshing to think that traffic jams, potholes and ongoing construction are a headache instead of a nightmare. During Dunkirk after I ditched my plane I thought that I would die in the road to the beaches." The man who became famous for crossing the Atlantic laughed at the close call, however a contemplative look afterwards did tell her that it had been far closer than he wanted to think about.

She herself had been giving cover during the evacuation, mostly supporting the 150th Infantry Regiment until its destruction, barely escaping on foot in the middle of the night alongside a handful of survivors. "What I wouldn't give for the Neuroi to suffer a tenth of the hardships we suffered during the retreat."

"Well have to make due with simply blowing each and every one of them now that they can't conjure ten more from thin air." Lindbergh added. "But that will be easier with the new toys that our friends from the other side of the mirror, don't you think so? And by the way, nice piece of engineering you did to make their magical clocks work, I heard that Skunk Works is already modding an aether filter based on it."

"It was only a simple brewing purification circle, anyone could have done it."

"Well, you did found a solution the same day you discovered the problem and so far no one got a better idea so just accept the compliment and move on."

"Thanks." She steeled herself, the time for small talk was over. "Having seen it in operation I can say that the Computational Orb is truly remarkable, it's not only its size compared to a striker, or even that it uses a fraction of the magic pressure to operate. It got a repertoire of attack, barrier and utility spells normally only found as innate magic, that by itself is worth the technology even if we don't get a single additional witch."

"The ability to standardize spells will change the way witches are organized and trained. Witches with a particular innate magic are peddled by squadrons as if they were quidditch cards regardless of actual fighting skills to fill a hole in formations, usually left when the previous witch with a similar innate magic had to retire. Hell, statistically witches with too useful abilities retire earlier out of overuse of their magics at their early twenties."

"It's true, the young women who learn to rely too much on their magic gifts by the time they reach their twilight find harder than anyone to not use them when their magic starts dwindling, in particular since doing do might cost them their life. As such anything that prevents that is welcome." Madam agreed with a nostalgic sight before continuing with a far sterner voice.

"However the fact is that the governments that make the League of Nations are certainly more interested in the capability to perform magic without depending on the covens. Belgica still treats their witches as a property of the state, in Rus when Stalin tried the same the Red Guard killed him and elevated Trostky and they're not the worst offenders, history has plenty of examples of what happens when a government decides that a particular form of magic is no longer useful, or a liability…"

"Gaul's druids under roman occupation. It took five generations, but Julius Caesar's command to eradicate them was accomplished." She said as reality started to hit with the strength of a dive bomber.

"The Aztecs, not that didn't have it coming to them with their over enthusiasm for human sacrifices. Still the Conquistadors went too far."

"Or the eradication of Australis aboriginal dreamwalkers, the Crown's own shame. Right now witches are at their strongest political and military influence since ancient times but at the same time envy and resentment is higher than ever. The Warlock Program is all the evidence we need of it."

"I heard some rumors about it, very disturbing ones of artificial witches made with neuroi skins and remains of the Strike Witches. I'm absolutely sure those are false, but what happened?"

"Them experimenting with witches was thankfully false, the neuroi skin not so much although is not something that we can discuss with someone not cleared to know. But the relevant part is that Air Marshal Trevor Maloney is well known to hate witches, he likes to rant in parties even, and to finance his little toy…" The words were dripping with disdain. "…he embezzled money and materials from the 501º JSW and multiple albionese squadrons. The only reason I was briefed on this is because the League of Nations need to audit the entire RAF witches units and they can't depend on the locals to do so."

"Maloney couldn't appropriate so many resources on his authority alone, not with a dozen different squadrons being able to only partially deploy their Strikers and operating with two thirds of their support complements, which means that a significant amount of the officers corps cannot be considered reliable anymore, including parties in high command. Mayor general Doolittle is in charge of supervising the affected units as part of a new Joint Command to keep appearances while rear admiral Tanaka will be in charge of the investigation, while we… cleanse our command structure of Maloney's collaborators, something that as a nation will cost us for years to come, a cost that ultimately will be measured in blood, our blood."

At that point the part of her that dealt with uniform's politics reached an inevitable conclusion. "Wait, news said that the members of the Strike Witches were send to their homelands to rest and pass the lessons of the destruction of the hive to the rest of the Liberation Army, but I know that Dame Perrine Clostermann is on a leave of absence on her territory organizing relief efforts. I thought it was because she is young and inexperienced compared to the rest of the wing but if the situation is this bad…"

"The 501º is temporarily disbanded, their members are being recalled to get a debrief on either the Warlock incident, the destruction of the gallian hive or to testify on Maloney's court martial. Commander Minna has already made clear she will reform the unit, but a plan borne of bigotry just marred the greatest victory of mankind against the Neuroi."

"And now the League has an alternative to witches that gives access to potential mages outside the witch community and can be restricted by controlling the distribution of the orbs…" She said with growing horror as she digested the true magnitude of the impact of the orbs.

"First of all calm down. This is not the first or the last time the world changes and witches are forced to adapt. And I consider this situation as fortunate myself. We are getting a new tool for our sisters and daughters fighting against the Neuroi, just at a time were they are once again evolving in new and terrible forms. So instead of despairing we should focus in how to turn this to our benefit."

"Yes, madame." It still took a moment to process the words and rally herself, but she had indeed faced worst. "So what do we need to do?"

"The Liberion have been pushing for control of the portal, but the 501º found it shortly after their victory, in fact the destruction of the hive might have been the catharsis for its creation. Is part of the nature of the JSW to prevent any kind of cover-up or clandestine negotiations when one is involved, and Commander Minna dutifully filled her report not only to the Karsland's government but also to the LNAF command so everyone from Liberion to Fuso knows and wants a stake on the Orbs, which means research and deployment will be heavily monitored. I suspect that soon most of the personnel involved will receive detailed instructions to prevent the other nations to acquire information, scans or schematics, or for that matter for the research to be moved to a foreign lab. That will give us a window of opportunity to plan the appropriate strategy, not only between us but to coordinate a response with the joint covens."

"I think the first think we need is to estimate how much time we got before the orb conscription can be implemented. What we can do will be determined on how much time we have to do it. I know that G.E. is preparing the filters and those will take at least two weeks but once the design is casted the rest of the orders will be as fast to make as a carburetor."

She contributed her own knowledge to the equation. "Training on the orb for untrained recruits requires roughly one year, most of it for magic training and conditioning which can be compressed for mages with larger than average reserves. He mentions that in those cases it can take up to four months to learn the basics properly plus the time required to learn tactical skills and integration with larger formations, but that at least once someone successfully did a full advanced combat training and orb familiarization course of already graduated mages in two months. We have yet to develop a training plan for witches, but our comparatively large pool of magic power will certainly help with so… let's say that even if we get the orbs and experienced trainers today and start training recruits tomorrow it would take half a year to get a non-witch to become combat deployable in ideal conditions, and a witch no less than three months for direct usage, no idea yet of how long if we try to combine orbs and strikers."

"From the Mages side there is a bottleneck in the orbs production, mines in Liberion, Africa and Asia had been contacted to provide uncut jewels in behest of the Empire. Since its to their benefit to show complete resource independence regarding their magic tools I expect them to have severe limitations regarding their raw resources and are using our own to compensate."

"They also need to find proper researchers and trainers, which are always in short supply in the middle of a war and even with substantial payments measured in squadrons of planes they will be reluctant to release them to the detriment of their own army readiness. That by necessity will limit the size of the amount of mages they can graduate per class and the amount of integration between our two magic systems."

"Commandant, do you have an idea which is the current status of the Empire regarding manpower?"

"Two days ago I was eating dinner with Ilhen, and he told me a funny story about their volunteer laws, apparently those are far more open ended than ours, we got a hard limit of eleven years old volunteers for Second and First Class recruits, while the Empire's volunteers don't have a minimum age requirement or for that matter any other requirements at all."

"Captain Schwarzkopf tells me that one of his former subordinates escaped from her orphanage at the ripe old age of seven to join. Since the law allows for any and all mages to volunteer on their own without discrimination regarding age, gender or education there was literally no recourse for the recruitment office to turn her down, so instead they sent her to the mage officer course with instructions not to mistreat her but also not to give her preferential treatment, tutoring or physical dispensations of any kind."

"Now that's a set of contrarian directives." Dame Gresley said with a raised eyebrow.

"As they explained to Ihlen they didn't want to babysit a little girl, but neither they wanted to sour her to military service. After she flunked they were supposed to have a young officer adopt her and have her volunteer again at a more reasonable age. No one expected the girl to be top of her class in everything but P.E. and earn an early deployment post on merit alone. Recently she graduated from their War College twelfth in her year, got knighted for it."

"Oh ho ho, another person who learns that underestimating a young witch must be done at their own peril."

"The captain is tight lipped on actual information about their war, but after that anecdote the conversation naturally migrated towards the mobilization, I gave some of the numbers of our own and he did the same. Since mobilization recalls are done by newspapers and radiophonic messages no one bothers to hide the age groups called to arms. It won't give solid numbers but they help us get a decent impression of how hard pressed they are."

"Pretty smart…" Lindbergh said.

"Their mage mobilization is roughly similar to ours, the Chantiers de la Jeunesse I mean, for their B and A class mages start at fourteen. The main difference is that while our witches serve until age 21 or discharge for magical deficiency their compulsory service in peacetime is for twelve years after graduating from training before being allowed in the reserves and afterwards the mages must be registered to use magic in the civilian market."

"Allowed to retire on their late twenties at the very least? That's nearly a decade more than a witch gets, and the registry indicates that the remain strong enough afterwards. That longevity in addition to the ability to recruit males must give them a huge recruitment pool compared to witches."

"One that could be seen as either as wide as the ocean or as deep as a puddle. According to their own instruments one of our Third Class recruits is roughly equivalent to one of their A-class while their A-class is barely two and a half more likely to occur than our First Class witches. If their orbs weren't so efficient they would barely have a wing in total." In some ways that fact gave some perspective on the otherwise lackluster aerial performance of their orbs, their best mages, captain Schwarzkopf included, could barely reach the magic power of an average witch.

"This supports their own information on mage demographics, twelve years of compulsory service hinds to a permanent system rather than our own or the liberion points, not to mention the posterior registry which sounds similar to Stalin's proposed methods, at least the public ones before the Red Guard discovered his real intentions. Do you have any information on the rest of their forces? Traditionally the use of levies is a better indicator of the strategic situation."

"Peacetime they were supposed to be conscripted age twenty for two years of compulsory service, in a million strong army. They didn't mobilize at all when they at war with Legadonia, a country that is quite literally two thirds of Baltland, but they did after… after Gallia attacked by surprise without declaring war. As a precautionary move they declared universal conscription ages seventeen and up to forty-five for the army and critical industries but the captain is relieved that so far they are kept busy repairing roads and carrying boxes."

"Which means they probably only called or recalled part of their manpower and are taking their time to train them before deploying. Not desperate yet."

"And if they're not desperate they will try to hold the orbs in order to get a better deal. Not to mention that giving critical information about how to build them on our own is only going to happen if their war becomes an existential threat and they think we have a definitive way for it to resolve on their favor. And for all our advancements I don't think we have anything so terrifying in the worlds combined arsenals, not even with twenty years of refinements in war gasses."

"One problem is going to be Ossman Colonel der Maur has been giving Captain Ugar access to civilian texts of the Great War for them to understand how bad things are going to get if the trench warfare keeps going, he also issued very specific instructions of what they can be told in terms of tactics or historical information. Dangling the solutions reached through three years of battle plus dozens of large scale war games."

"I wish I was naive enough to hope that the lesson they learn is to start looking for peace. Margie, thankfully you weren't born yet, but sometimes the Great War felt darker than even this one. The Neuroi have been murdering us but at least humanity has rallied against them, compared to that the battles in gallian soil saw the worst of mankind."

"Just before the war I was fourteen and had just received my letter of acceptance to Saint Cyr my father took me to our country house in Bordeaux to spend the weekend, just the two of us hunting boar and then smoking it in a hut. He took the time to tell me of his experiences in the Great War, first it was light fare, his training dome of the skirmishes he had with the chasseurs on Africa against the Karsland's colonial garrisons. But then manpower grew scarce in the Republic, he had his horse taken from him, became the second in command of a company of chasseurs a pied and was transferred to the frontlines in Europe just in time for the offensive in Champagne, took a few trenches, survived being gassed out of those trenches, and then once more taking them back. By the end he recovered some kilometers of our land at the cost of so many loses that his company was disbanded and he had to take command of the consolidated platoon that was left, and before his unit was reorganized to go after the next target morale finally collapsed and the poilu rebelled."

"Dad's platoon hadn't suffered as much as the local divisions, so they kept discipline, and while he wasn't one of the unfortunate officers to organize a firing squad, he did set up machine guns behind one of the mutinying companies and forced them to disarm."

"And then the Neuroi came…" Said Lindbergh, as a staunch pacifist he was well aware of the timeline.

"And then the Neuroi came." Dame Gresley agreed. "I was part of the International Red Cross back then and the eruption of them in Verdun and Ypres took everyone by surprise. Suddenly the breakout both sides had tried for years was accomplished by a neuroi marabunta that neither side could contain without leaving themselves exposed to the enemy army in front of them."

She took one sip from her tea before continuing. "And while the armies were busy glaring each other the Neuroi rampaged at their leisure, devouring people, first in small groups, then entire villages. After three months they send the first aerial incursion through the channel while our navy and air force were blockading Karsland and Dover burned. It took six months before sanity was reasserted and a ceasefire was agreed in order to push the Neuroi off the continent."

The ceasefire agreement came only after in Gallia a series of protests by the civilians threatened to topple the government while at the same time the army became increasingly unreliable with the soldiers in the frontlines growing more frustrated with the rumors of entire cities devoured and even rear echelon units demanding to be send to the aid of the besieged countryside instead of suppressing the population. On the other side of the Channel the King of Albion decided to intervene by publishing an open letter to the Parlament at the same time that the Kaiser, freshly returned to Berlin after being kidnapped by a witch insurrection, forcibly dressed as a peasant and taken to a neuroi infestation in the occupied Nederland, and then after his kidnappers charged at a seemingly endless tide of monsters returning to safety as part of a refugee column send a missive to Helvetia to act as intermediary for a truce. Furthermore the Liberion doughboys who had the duty of cleansing the occupied areas of neuroi (a compromise borne out of the fact that as newcomers the karslanders believed that if there was a betrayal they would be easier to defeat than the battle hardened albionese and gallians) discovered that the widely distributed stories of the karslanders feeding children to the neuroi were false, sparking a controversy that president Woodrow Wilson would use to distance himself from the Entente and broker a treaty that made Karsland return all of the occupied territories in Gallia in exchange of relaxing the Monroe Doctrine, buying (at a discount) the albionese Falkland Islands as well as Pewenche territories and performing a joint investment in south american territories that would be developed into Neukarsland after the continental evacuation of the homeland.

"I think that I speak for everyone in my generation that I don't want to emulate anyone from the Great War, not the karslanders who invaded my country, not the gallian officers who decided to sacrifice our people rather than give up a few kilometers of bombed out territory, not junior officers like my father who had to threaten at gunpoint the poor men who refused to die in vain, and most certainly not like bastards like Gamelin and Petain, who out of spite over decades old humiliations delayed for months the deployment of the gallian armies when Wolf appeared over Berlin, allowing it to grow more powerful until it spawned motherships all over Europe."

"We are not going to create delays for the Orb project, too many lives depend on its success. Nor we are going to sabotage any attempt to reverse engineer them. In fact we're going to give our full cooperation to it. The League charter promotes joint research, so we will volunteer our best witches and magical engineers of every nation and we will look at the underlying mechanisms of the orbs and while those in power insist in reproducing the entire mechanism we will focus on understanding how they convert aether into magic, and how to bestow that ability into others, not only witches after the abandonment of their familiar but also men and women with the potential. We will introduce them to magic and offer them to be part of the covens and to fight for the same protections and privileges. Those in power think that we will greedily deny the gifts the gods gave us, we will instead offer them with an open heart."
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Are they going to find out about Tanya in more detail than that orphan that volunteered at seven? When is this in the YS timeline? Has Tanya gotten her quad core yet and her battalion?
Are they going to find out about Tanya in more detail than that orphan that volunteered at seven? When is this in the YS timeline? Has Tanya gotten her quad core yet and her battalion?
Tanya already got her battalion, and both Dacia and Legadonia have fallen by now but before Arene. As for the SW finding about Tanya, they have had limited contact with her during the initial investigation on the portal and a brief firefight between the SW 501º and the YS 203º but both her magic power and her age are common enough in the SW universe than they would find more remarkable her degree of the War College that her Silver Wings Award for courage (equivalent to a Victoria Cross or a Medal of Honor) because the youngest member of the Strike Witches (an elite multinational squadron who mostly recruits aces and/or powerful witches) is twelve.
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"The Aztecs, not that didn't have it coming to them with their over enthusiasm for human sacrifices. Still the Conquistadors went too far."
This is a very common misconception. The closest thing to a genocide of the Aztecs was the Native allies taking revenge, which is completely reasonable given the generations of human sacrifice and cannibalism they had suffered. The Conquistadors actually tried to stop the attacks on civilians, but their numbers were simply too few compared to their native allies to really control the situation.
This is a very common misconception. The closest thing to a genocide of the Aztecs was the Native allies taking revenge, which is completely reasonable given the generations of human sacrifice and cannibalism they had suffered. The Conquistadors actually tried to stop the attacks on civilians, but their numbers were simply too few compared to their native allies to really control the situation.
That actually is true,Aztecs after taking their capitol were murdered by spanish allies,not spaniards.
And,they do not have withes,only priests who mass murdered people.Their culture do not have womans with power.

Back to topic - WW2 stuff for WW1 war should be game changer,so YS Germany should win,unless Being X do something.
And,there is cruel joke from WW1 times:
How to get veteran regiment?
Send fresh dyvision to attack,next day you have veteran regiment.
Being fair WWII tech in limited numbers is not enough to win by itself, three squadrons of P-40s will eventually fall against ten times their numbers in biplanes even if its by attacking them while doing maintenance. On the other hand every imperial fighter squadron being organized in the four fingers formation and knowing the Tatch Weave will allow even slightly outdated pursuit planes to make mincemeat out of more advanced enemies flying in the three plane vic formations. Likewise, the advantage of a torpedo plane from WWII won't only be the fact that is faster than a conventional WWI fighter, but that no one in the Royal Navy expects such attack so there will be no AA formations, evasive actions will be sporadic and uncoordinated, and no air cover will be available.
Being fair WWII tech in limited numbers is not enough to win by itself, three squadrons of P-40s will eventually fall against ten times their numbers in biplanes even if its by attacking them while doing maintenance. On the other hand every imperial fighter squadron being organized in the four fingers formation and knowing the Tatch Weave will allow even slightly outdated pursuit planes to make mincemeat out of more advanced enemies flying in the three plane vic formations. Likewise, the advantage of a torpedo plane from WWII won't only be the fact that is faster than a conventional WWI fighter, but that no one in the Royal Navy expects such attack so there will be no AA formations, evasive actions will be sporadic and uncoordinated, and no air cover will be available.

Yes,it would be massacre,at least till they learn.

But,dive bombers are even better - till at least 1960 it was only viable method to hit target smaller then 100,or even 50m.
And,just like with torpedo planes,WW1 AA could do little to stop it.
Even more important - you could hit targets on land,too. Perfect for supporting troops - German success between 1939 and 1941 were possible not thanks to great tanks,which was average,but coordination with Ju87 which worked as field artillery for them.

About biplanes - even outdated one with stronger engines from futere would be great change.In 1918 german fighters used 138kwh engines - iagine them with not even 800,but 400kwh.
It would be another generation plane.
Yes,it would be massacre,at least till they learn.

But,dive bombers are even better - till at least 1960 it was only viable method to hit target smaller then 100,or even 50m.
And,just like with torpedo planes,WW1 AA could do little to stop it.
Even more important - you could hit targets on land,too. Perfect for supporting troops - German success between 1939 and 1941 were possible not thanks to great tanks,which was average,but coordination with Ju87 which worked as field artillery for them.

About biplanes - even outdated one with stronger engines from futere would be great change.In 1918 german fighters used 138kwh engines - iagine them with not even 800,but 400kwh.
It would be another generation plane.
Agreed, dive bombers are better, in particular against WWI vintage ships with less armored decks. But there is a problem, they're also really good against heavy Neuroi, with the Dauntless and the Helldiver operating not only in the Liberion Navy but also in the Army Air Force as the A13 and the A26. The Ju-87 served well during the evacuation of Karsland and its factory's machinery ceded to Gallia where it resumed production which ended in both countries calling posterior dive bombers as Stukas, not to mention Fuso's own flimsy but long legged designs used in long range strikes.

In other words they don't offer dive bombers because they need as many of those as the can get, since they are accurate but also dreadfully vulnerable to neuroi beams and therefore having a constant need for replacement so the chance of those being declared surplus without every army and air force commander skinning alive the responsible party or for someone to open a production line for imperial use are slim.

As for the engines? Those are more doable as long as they have them stored somewhere or are produced by a third party who can't fabricate anything better. And if used by tanks then the Empire better get on the waiting list.

Remember, as bad as the situation of the Empire is or is going to be, Karsland's and Europe is ten times worse. The League of Nations can afford to sell antiques and specialized craft deemed useless against the neuroi, but the latest version of the Splitfire, the Tiger, VT shells and radar installations will cost a lot more than underperforming training orbs.
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Agreed, dive bombers are better, in particular against WWI vintage ships with less armored decks. But there is a problem, they're also really good against heavy Neuroi, with the Dauntless and the Helldiver operating not only in the Liberion Navy but also in the Army Air Force as the A13 and the A26. The Ju-87 served well during the evacuation of Karsland and its factory's machinery ceded to Gallia where it resumed production which ended in both countries calling posterior dive bombers as Stukas, not to mention Fuso's own flimsy but long legged designs used in long range strikes.

In other words they don't offer dive bombers because they need as many of those as the can get, since they are accurate but also dreadfully vulnerable to neuroi beams and therefore having a constant need for replacement so the chance of those being declared surplus without every army and air force commander skinning alive the responsible party or for someone to open a production line for imperial use are slim.

As for the engines? Those are more doable as long as they have them stored somewhere or are produced by a third party who can't fabricate anything better. And if used by tanks then the Empire better get on the waiting list.

Remember, as bad as the situation of the Empire is or is going to be, Karsland's and Europe is ten times worse. The League of Nations can afford to sell antiques and specialized craft deemed useless against the neuroi, but the latest version of the Splitfire, the Tiger, VT shells and radar installations will cost a lot more than underperforming training orbs.
True,that is why they sell not 1940 dive bombers,but their plans - or,even better,idea of dive bomber so YS Germany could build their own using new engines.
On totally unrelated topic - why both Sralin and Trocky was in Russia,if there is still tsar ruling there ?
True,that is why they sell not 1940 dive bombers,but their plans - or,even better,idea of dive bomber so YS Germany could build their own using new engines.
On totally unrelated topic - why both Sralin and Trocky was in Russia,if there is still tsar ruling there ?
Plans for modern planes are hard. It's not only the plane, but also the infrastructure to build the plane and the raw materials to do so as well as transferring large part of the same machinery you're using to build planes so the resources for that are limited as well.

Another complication is that to set up a factory you'll need a lot of technicians and engineers with an Top Secret clearance and be ready to lose them for months.

All in all is feasible, but the price would be schematics for orb technology, and since that's the only ace under the Empire sleeves to negotiate with the League of Nations they won't give it until desperation sets in or the war is over and they can think about long term infrastructure.

As for Trostky? The October revolution went largely the same, communism won the Tsar was killed. At some point afterwards Stanlin gets power, but he conspires to get the witches under his thumb as a preliminary step to bring the party under his heel, forgets that witches got very good ears and gets whacked by his own praetorian guard.

Also Lenin lives a little longer due to magic, but he eventually dies and witches make damn sure he won't become a communist zombie and buries him like any other head of state.
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Plans for modern planes are hard. It's not only the plane, but also the infrastructure to build the plane and the raw materials to do so as well as transferring large part of the same machinery you're using to build planes so the resources for that are limited as well.

Another complication is that to set up a factory you'll need a lot of technicians and engineers with an Top Secret clearance and be ready to lose them for months.

All in all is feasible, but the price would be schematics for orb technology, and since that's the only ace under the Empire sleeves to negotiate with the League of Nations they won't give it until desperation sets in or the war is over and they can think about long term infrastructure.

As for Trostky? The October revolution went largely the same, communism won the Tsar was killed. At some point afterwards Stanlin gets power, but he conspires to get the witches under his thumb as a preliminary step to bring the party under his heel, forgets that witches got very good ears and gets whacked by his own praetorian guard.

Also Lenin lives a little longer due to magic, but he eventually dies and witches make damn sure he won't become a communist zombie and buries him like any other head of state.

About dive bombers - what about planes with two engines?
Germans during WW2 used dive bomber version on East front,soviet built Pe2 dive bombers/and used as horizontal,becouse they do not trained crews enough/ ,french build
prototypes of dive bomber version of Potez 63/army/ and Breguet 693/army and Navy/

YS Germans could certainly used some 2 engine bombers,they could turn them into dive bombers with stronger engines now.Even if that would be 500 kwh engines,not 1000,they could still outrun allied fighters.
About dive bombers - what about planes with two engines?
Germans during WW2 used dive bomber version on East front,soviet built Pe2 dive bombers/and used as horizontal,becouse they do not trained crews enough/ ,french build
prototypes of dive bomber version of Potez 63/army/ and Breguet 693/army and Navy/

YS Germans could certainly used some 2 engine bombers,they could turn them into dive bombers with stronger engines now.Even if that would be 500 kwh engines,not 1000,they could still outrun allied fighters.
All of them very good ideas, but I haven't thought that far. At this point both sides are still testing the waters with the Empire offering only the A35 Junkers training orb and the League offering military surplus readily available that can be drawn by theater commanders in Europe with limited paperwork. As the relationship becames less shaky, the scientists are reassured that the hole between dimensions is not going to implode anytime soon and the utility of the orbs is confirmed under fire the allies are going to offer more, and at the same time demand more while the Empire will have to start thinking how to allocate their store credit to get the most bang for their buck, especially because Tanya will eventually point out that the allies have twenty years of additional knowledge, thousands of research institutes and a magical tradition almost as long as written history, if they became too bothersome the League will pull off all the stops to reverse engineer the Computational Orbs, and if the daughter of an albionese poet could do it then five thousands scientists with near unlimited budget can do as well.

But yeah, twin engine dive bombers and other goodies are not off the cards yet. They will however require some planning to get, especially as the Empire's priority shift from an stalemate with Gallia to waging war against half the planet.
All of them very good ideas, but I haven't thought that far. At this point both sides are still testing the waters with the Empire offering only the A35 Junkers training orb and the League offering military surplus readily available that can be drawn by theater commanders in Europe with limited paperwork. As the relationship becames less shaky, the scientists are reassured that the hole between dimensions is not going to implode anytime soon and the utility of the orbs is confirmed under fire the allies are going to offer more, and at the same time demand more while the Empire will have to start thinking how to allocate their store credit to get the most bang for their buck, especially because Tanya will eventually point out that the allies have twenty years of additional knowledge, thousands of research institutes and a magical tradition almost as long as written history, if they became too bothersome the League will pull off all the stops to reverse engineer the Computational Orbs, and if the daughter of an albionese poet could do it then five thousands scientists with near unlimited budget can do as well.

But yeah, twin engine dive bombers and other goodies are not off the cards yet. They will however require some planning to get, especially as the Empire's priority shift from an stalemate with Gallia to waging war against half the planet.
Something which help and easy to transport -
1.Good trucks,like Studebackers.YS Germany could mass produce them
2.pistol machines,but easy in production - like soviet PpSz.
3.stronger Engines for planes,trucks and tanks.
4.1944 artillery,like USA 155mm Long Tom
Something which help and easy to transport -
1.Good trucks,like Studebackers.YS Germany could mass produce them
2.pistol machines,but easy in production - like soviet PpSz.
3.stronger Engines for planes,trucks and tanks.
4.1944 artillery,like USA 155mm Long Tom
Artillery is very doable, Neuroi are irritatingly hard to kill with indirect fire so batteries are overall found in smaller quantities and there's a surplus of prewar artillery available, including acoustic locators for counterbattery and (empty) chemical rounds.

For the trucks is more likely that Zettour asks for modern heavy duty cargo trains. The Empire's logistics are adapted to the efficient use of railways, the amount of roads in good condition near the battlefield is limited and the flexibility of truck logistics is less useful in trench warfare. For the League part, they will be happier giving those than the equivalent value in trucks, right now after years of holding the line they are rushing to liberate Gallia, unlike with human armies they can't just do a Falaise Pocket and starve the Neuroi, they need to clear every town and destroy every retreating monster, which needs loads of semi-independent company and battalion sized forces with their own logistical pipeline. On the other hand the train neuroi (modeled after a modern japanese bullet train that wrecks tracks as it goes through them) and often derailed by the maquis and commando units) has destroyed hundreds of miles of tracks so the army actually has a small surplus of railroad equipment they can't use.
Artillery is very doable, Neuroi are irritatingly hard to kill with indirect fire so batteries are overall found in smaller quantities and there's a surplus of prewar artillery available, including acoustic locators for counterbattery and (empty) chemical rounds.

For the trucks is more likely that Zettour asks for modern heavy duty cargo trains. The Empire's logistics are adapted to the efficient use of railways, the amount of roads in good condition near the battlefield is limited and the flexibility of truck logistics is less useful in trench warfare. For the League part, they will be happier giving those than the equivalent value in trucks, right now after years of holding the line they are rushing to liberate Gallia, unlike with human armies they can't just do a Falaise Pocket and starve the Neuroi, they need to clear every town and destroy every retreating monster, which needs loads of semi-independent company and battalion sized forces with their own logistical pipeline. On the other hand the train neuroi (modeled after a modern japanese bullet train that wrecks tracks as it goes through them) and often derailed by the maquis and commando units) has destroyed hundreds of miles of tracks so the army actually has a small surplus of railroad equipment they can't use.
Why,neuroi used trains ? WHY? they could fly,right ?
And,i forget about elephant in the room - radio.
WW2 radio would be priceless and let quickly advance,and coordinate fire for artillery.
I read that polish arillery in 1939 was relatively good,but becouse germans coordinated their with radio,and we with phones,it stopped worked when wires were cut by exploding schells.
The same could be true for advancing YS germans here.

And,mortars - not only 81,but also 60,120 and 160mm - all was used during WW2,and would be very useful in trench warfare.
Maybe missile launchers,too - both soviet and german versions.
Why,neuroi used trains ? WHY? they could fly,right ?
And,i forget about elephant in the room - radio.
WW2 radio would be priceless and let quickly advance,and coordinate fire for artillery.
I read that polish arillery in 1939 was relatively good,but becouse germans coordinated their with radio,and we with phones,it stopped worked when wires were cut by exploding schells.
The same could be true for advancing YS germans here.

And,mortars - not only 81,but also 60,120 and 160mm - all was used during WW2,and would be very useful in trench warfare.
Maybe missile launchers,too - both soviet and german versions.
Some neuroi fly some don't. We actually see ground neuroi on the SW Movie, the spin off Brave Witches and the third OVA. As for why a train? In addition to geometric figures of different grades of complexity Neuroi imitate animals (real and mythological) and tech, not only from the WWI and WWII but also from the future, with at least one becoming a freaking SU-47 Berkut. The Bullet Train Neuroi appeared during the evacuation of Karsland as a method to pursue the humans through the railroad system, they were relatively unsuccessful at that role since air recon could find them with ease and derailing them followed by mortar fire was actually safer than engaging a conventional heavy neuroi unit. But since they ripped apart the tracks they did immense damage to existing infrastructure, in particular in abandoned stations were the most expensive gear is found.

As for radio? SW electronic industry is working at full capacity to produce radar, radios and particularly VT shells for AA artillery, the only way of defending against high altitude neuroi when witches aren't available (some types eat fighters for breakfast) so the expenditure is at least two orders of magnitude greater than RL. Additionally neuroi sometimes follow radio waves as if they were HARM missiles so replacements of battalion and upwards radio sets are quite necessary. Exports to YS of any kind of electronic equipment will be limited, so yes they can have radio, they also can get prewar radio interception equipment, they even can get a few outdated land based radar systems from Fuso but they will never get enough sets to supply at company level their forces.
Some neuroi fly some don't. We actually see ground neuroi on the SW Movie, the spin off Brave Witches and the third OVA. As for why a train? In addition to geometric figures of different grades of complexity Neuroi imitate animals (real and mythological) and tech, not only from the WWI and WWII but also from the future, with at least one becoming a freaking SU-47 Berkut. The Bullet Train Neuroi appeared during the evacuation of Karsland as a method to pursue the humans through the railroad system, they were relatively unsuccessful at that role since air recon could find them with ease and derailing them followed by mortar fire was actually safer than engaging a conventional heavy neuroi unit. But since they ripped apart the tracks they did immense damage to existing infrastructure, in particular in abandoned stations were the most expensive gear is found.

As for radio? SW electronic industry is working at full capacity to produce radar, radios and particularly VT shells for AA artillery, the only way of defending against high altitude neuroi when witches aren't available (some types eat fighters for breakfast) so the expenditure is at least two orders of magnitude greater than RL. Additionally neuroi sometimes follow radio waves as if they were HARM missiles so replacements of battalion and upwards radio sets are quite necessary. Exports to YS of any kind of electronic equipment will be limited, so yes they can have radio, they also can get prewar radio interception equipment, they even can get a few outdated land based radar systems from Fuso but they will never get enough sets to supply at company level their forces.
Train neuroi was waste of resources,then.
And WW2 radio is sometching which could be made with 1920 technology,as long as they get plans for both radios and machines to make them.
Possible quickly made tanks - i think,that YS Germany could quickly made sometching like Italian Fiat 3000 and Semovente 18/75, it would be enough for WW1 level opponents.
Some neuroi fly some don't. We actually see ground neuroi on the SW Movie, the spin off Brave Witches and the third OVA. As for why a train? In addition to geometric figures of different grades of complexity Neuroi imitate animals (real and mythological) and tech, not only from the WWI and WWII but also from the future, with at least one becoming a freaking SU-47 Berkut. The Bullet Train Neuroi appeared during the evacuation of Karsland as a method to pursue the humans through the railroad system, they were relatively unsuccessful at that role since air recon could find them with ease and derailing them followed by mortar fire was actually safer than engaging a conventional heavy neuroi unit. But since they ripped apart the tracks they did immense damage to existing infrastructure, in particular in abandoned stations were the most expensive gear is found.

As for radio? SW electronic industry is working at full capacity to produce radar, radios and particularly VT shells for AA artillery, the only way of defending against high altitude neuroi when witches aren't available (some types eat fighters for breakfast) so the expenditure is at least two orders of magnitude greater than RL. Additionally neuroi sometimes follow radio waves as if they were HARM missiles so replacements of battalion and upwards radio sets are quite necessary. Exports to YS of any kind of electronic equipment will be limited, so yes they can have radio, they also can get prewar radio interception equipment, they even can get a few outdated land based radar systems from Fuso but they will never get enough sets to supply at company level their forces.
A lot of what the Empire could best use would be schematics and a few examples. More importantly, the best case for everyone is that the Great War is brought to a quick end by diplomacy, allowing the Empire to do what it does best; mass production.

If they can start producing WW2 level equipment for the SW allied powers, they can cut the majority of the supply lines by thousands of miles. The constant complaints of running out of artellery shells? Gone. Low supply of Stukas? The Germanian Empire has a lot of factories eager to sell as many as possible. Running low on machinegun and small arm ammunition? The Empire's got your back.

The Empire won't need to move the manufacturering sector if its economy off a war footing, all while the rest of it can. Their army can demobilize down to slightly inflated peacetime size, and any who haven't had their fill of war can volunteer on the other side of the portal. The Empire can thrive off this transaction, instead of just have a one and done deal, all while coming out of it with a massivly boosted techbase.
A lot of what the Empire could best use would be schematics and a few examples. More importantly, the best case for everyone is that the Great War is brought to a quick end by diplomacy, allowing the Empire to do what it does best; mass production.

If they can start producing WW2 level equipment for the SW allied powers, they can cut the majority of the supply lines by thousands of miles. The constant complaints of running out of artellery shells? Gone. Low supply of Stukas? The Germanian Empire has a lot of factories eager to sell as many as possible. Running low on machinegun and small arm ammunition? The Empire's got your back.

The Empire won't need to move the manufacturering sector if its economy off a war footing, all while the rest of it can. Their army can demobilize down to slightly inflated peacetime size, and any who haven't had their fill of war can volunteer on the other side of the portal. The Empire can thrive off this transaction, instead of just have a one and done deal, all while coming out of it with a massivly boosted techbase.
Indeed, if the Empire is smart and not too greedy they will come on top. However half of the canon problems come from the Empire being both cocky and greedy, the surprise attack by NotFrance comes from the fact that after Legadonia's border intrusion (an action that pathetic doesn't deserve to be called an attack) instead of containing them with the Northern Army and calling for a ceasefire with the support of the Allied Kingdoms (who brokered the first peace treaty) they decided to conquer them using the Central Army, their strategic reserve, creating both an intolerable security hazard for the Francois (being x, I hate that name) and an opportunity since their reserves were on the other side of the country. If Revolving Door happens as in canon (and I haven't decided yet how far the SW butterfly changes things) then the tech they get from the other side will just add fuel to the fire and provoke the world to escalate even faster.

I do have plans to get them to deescalate to the point that a peace treaty last longer than a couple of weeks but if I cannot make the canon personalities see reason then it will be scrapped, there are too many deadly stubborn people in YS and the deus ex machina of Being X is against it by default.
Train neuroi was waste of resources,then.
The League of Nations need to be frugal with their finite resources in order to fight a war after having a continent half-depopulated. The Neuroi gets resources from thin air as if they were part of a cheap videogame or anime, they don't care about wasting their resources until after the defeat of the Gallian Hive when they are finally losing, and by then the heroines are getting cheap power-ups like a videogame or anime character.
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However half of the canon problems come from the Empire being both cocky and greedy,

To be completely fair to them, when they basically won against not-France, in the manga they were planning on limiting their demanded concession/reperation so as to not antagonize them any further.

Which, is kinda naive yet honourable, I guess. It also bite them in the ass not so long after. And then, the Albish and not-Russia join the party.

At which point, it basically strangled whatever left of the Empire reasonableness/good will.
To be completely fair to them, when they basically won against not-France, in the manga they were planning on limiting their demanded concession/reperation so as to not antagonize them any further.

Which, is kinda naive yet honourable, I guess. It also bite them in the ass not so long after. And then, the Albish and not-Russia join the party.

At which point, it basically strangled whatever left of the Empire reasonableness/good will.
Yeah. Perfectly reasonable for them to be pissed off. Now imagine what would happen to Gallia if the Empire detects and decisively stops a large scale evacuation under flag of truce done with the willful and malicious support from Albion?

Which is a serious problem because that's about the only point early in the series where a reasonable chain of actions can get a resolution to the war before it polarizes to the point the survival of the Empire is in question. I mean, if I as a leader discovered that I would start gifting gallian land to NotItaly and NotSpain to break off the country.

I need to add a voice of common sense, and I cannot even use WWI or WWII historical facts to do so since I erased the worse of the Treaty of Versailles as well as give the impression during the Great War Karsland was winning and in fact it had to be paid a South American colony to give the gallian territory back.

I also need to somehow make NotUK and NotUSA hesitate long enough for a peace treaty to be accepted without any intervention of the Strike Witches universe since sure as hell the Empire is not going to pass a message.

And any deus ex machina solution needs to take into account that a god is on the background with the intention of making this war so horrible that people goes back to being faithful out of horror. Ironically enough that's the only problem in which I got a relatively easy solution (which I'm not telling).
Is this story going to focus more on Strike Witches or Youjo Senki?
Is this story going to focus more on Strike Witches or Youjo Senki?
I'm trying to find a balance between each other, although I admit it's easier to write on the SW side because the timeline is far less saturated than YS and the characters have less to worry about interference from third parties which gives a lot of freedom to incorporate whatever element I want without having to consider a very close possible endgame such as Revolving Door or the Evacuation.
I'm trying to find a balance between each other, although I admit it's easier to write on the SW side because the timeline is far less saturated than YS and the characters have less to worry about interference from third parties which gives a lot of freedom to incorporate whatever element I want without having to consider a very close possible endgame such as Revolving Door or the Evacuation.
You could always focus on YS characters on the SW side of the portal. Anyone who joins in on the fighting over there can expect a massive tech windfall, and can make a obscene amount of money from millitary sales. Simply exporting food should make a lot of money, as it would be fresher and going over a shorter logistical train. A lot of the ammunition used on both World Wars is compatible, as is fuel.

Reparations payment could easily consist of stripping excess war material from involved countries, allowing fast demobilizatiom, and giving a bumper crop of supplies to the SW nations. Basically, it allows the transfer of stuff from people who can't immediately legally use it, to people who desperately need it, all for transport cost, and avoiding storage costs.

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