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I always thought that the person who were saying they seen alight when they was near of the...


I trust you know where the happy button is?
Nov 12, 2018
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I always thought that the person who were saying they seen alight when they was near of the death was a band of fucking liar, i was right after all. How can you confuse a bar with many bottles of unknows substances… and a creepy person with a hoodie I guess?!

"Who the fuck I am?!" and because the guy with the black hoodie wasn't enough scary, he turned at me and he smiled, not a ordinary smile but a smile where I could see a disproportional number of teeth. I only saw his smile and when I did it, he gave me the idea of run of this place the faster I can but his eyes, when I was looking in his eyes, I knew it would be impossible for me to run. I saw universe in his eyes, not a universe like us, it was universes who was twisted . In these universes, I saw billions of billions of person who was… NO, they are suffering now. They are always, these people crushed, shredded, disemboweled, beheaded, strangled in an endless circle, without end. Is it the end everyone go after the death? is it the place I'll going?! I don't want that, I need to escape, I must escape, do something because I don't want go there, I don't want that but it's impossible, when I watch his eyes, I feel weak, I feel like nothing. I just want to be back at my home, at my mom and at my mom

"have you finished crybaby, have you finished your lamentation?" the voice of this guy was strange like a melody, a melody you can't stop listening even you know you have a danger in front of you, it's the type of voice who are detainees by the person who immediately make you comfortable, make you do everything for ear this voice again.

"I'm a devil and one of my transactions with one of my associate named rob allowed me have the bottles you see around. You was an atheist and normally they become nothing after the death, but you come from a religious family and you didn't tell them your believes so they went to the church for your burial and for the church, for the priest, for your family, you're a Christian and because you denied your belief, your place is in hell but I want do a test, an experience and you'll be my subject. If you won't you can go in hell and I promise, if you refuse I'll create specially for you. The pain of the others would be a dream contrary at yours, so choose: my opportunity or pain for the eternity and let me tell you something, the eternity is a very longtime. I give you sixty seconds for decide."

Decide, he seriously ask me to choose?! Both of us know that I only have one true choice. Whatever I do, he is the winner. If I don't agree, I go in that…in that hell

"50 seconds" I hear his voice announce calmly like if he already knew the result and he probably do

"30 seconds" but maybe his experience is worse than the hell

"15 seconds" I'm really fucked up but I prefer take the risk. It's not like it's possible for something to be worse than hell? Isn't it ?

"5 seconds"

" I accept your offer, what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to drink this bottle" he tended me a bottle with a gold substance in .how did he do that, the bottle wasn't in his hand?! Oh yeah, it's the devil, no he told me that he is a devil which mean that there is the possibility that they're many others abominations like him in the existence… I prefer hide this idea in my mind and forget her. Better take the bottle and drink his contain. When I opened the bottle, I smelled a smell of gold, of power, of divinity and therefore that, I know that would be useless against the monster in front of me . I drank the substance and the substance tasted like the heaven. If you want imagine, take all food you love, merged them(imagine they will have a good taste together even it's not always true in reality), multiply them by one thousand and you'll obtain the 1/10 of what I drank.

"it was the first step. For each next steps, I'll reincarnate you as a baby and you'll do for each reincarnation the purpose I'll give you. I promise you of not send you in hell but for each time you will fail, a part of your mind, of your memory will be take and delete." it looks like it's not such a bad idea and I can write my memory somewhere for not forget them but a human is the result of his experiences, of what he did. People know what they are, what they want, what his bad for them or others because they learnt of the society, of theirs parents. Without his memories ,a human is a white board, he is malleable, he is no more what he was and what type of things he can make me do if I don't have memories of what is good or what is bad? In each situation he is the winner. I do what he want even if they are monstrous or abominable and keep my memory or I don't and I lost my identity, I lost what make me. Since the beginning, I was playing in his ropes.

"you'll rebirth in a world you know" my eyes…so loud…

"i wait of you a success amber levesque" and all was darkness. i could more see. I can just hear that before falling in the nothingness

"I give you just an objective, kill each divinities in this world, show them despair, show them a clue of what will happen to all the multiverses , what will happen to beings like him


PS: it's the first fanfic I write and the English is not my birth language. Sorry if I done grammar or orthographs mistakes. Please give me critics of what I did who is bad and why. Thank you in advance.

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