• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

Daily Crashing of QQ

The site just came back after another hour or so off for me (and that's after the several hours earlier whcih has been going on for a few days)... I hope this isn't getting worse
To quote https://questionablequesting.com/members/student-of-zelretch.2477/ from SB.

The reason that things take longer/shorter time some days to get back online, fwiw, is that one of the admins has to manually start the restart process - so if they don't get online till a certain time on a given morning…

We're considering killing the server backup process, which is what causes the errors, until we switch hosts. I don't know for sure if that'll happen, but it's possible. The other option is changing image cache settings from 'forever' to 'not forever', which has its own issues - ideally we can switch hosts quickly & resolve things that way, though.
Given their size/number actually purging the threads would (to the best of my knowledge) basically destroy the server, there's a reason why Xenforo (1 and 2) just hides stuff that's deleted. Unless they need to do it to comply with a court order/stave off unlimited legal troubles the threads aren't going to be hard deleted.

This reminds me of the guy who asked the admins of SB for the total deletion of his account. When he wasnt satisfied, he said that they "Do it manually" which is a stupid idea.
Got it for a couple minutes about 5-10 minutes ago.
Well, glad to know it's not me or my isp that causes this 502 issue.
nope, just lasts hours at a time apparentl.
Does anyone know for how long it will keep happening?
Does anyone know for how long it will keep happening?

Probably until they switch hosting providers, unless they can figure out a jank work around. If every instance of this is caused by db backups temporarily causing the drive to fill up and they have something like 5 previous backups stored, they could theoretically move the oldest ~3 of them to aws and then redo that every day so there's only 2 backups onsite and 3+ offsite.

It just really wouldn't address the underlying problem, it's risky, and isn't a great fix. Maybe worth considering if they've already had to clear any backups before, but they're probably just going to clear space and restart the server manually every day until they can figure out a solution or migrate to a different host.

Whilst I can't give much I'd me more than willing to chip in for server costs.

edit: Huh, the site does have account upgrades, they're just really not promoted.


Brackets for 1x donations are US$5, US$10, US$20 and US$50

Interesting. I'll chip in 5 bucks. I don't think buying a subscription is a good idea when we are about to upgrade.

Mods / Admins, will there be different features offered to subscribers in the update? A username color change doesn't feel like it's worth the cost.
I think you're missing the point here...

Point being?

Someone providing 5 bucks getting the same thing as someone giving 50 bucks isn't an economical choice, unless they are doing it out of the kindness of their heart.

I'm a cheap bastard. Proudly, too. But I spend enough time on QQ to make a subscription worthwhile if it provided some sort of benefit.

The maintenance itself isn't enough, they got on without me well enough, the site will be fine without me after the one month.
That the donations are, ah, donations. It's not supposed to be a fee-for-service thing.

Yes, yes, it's labeled as a donation, but also as an accout upgrade. It is providing a service rendered (name color change) in return for payment (donation).

When you toss away the fancy jargon and get down to it, it is a transaction.
Yes, yes, it's labeled as a donation, but also as an accout upgrade. It is providing a service rendered (name color change) in return for payment (donation).

When you toss away the fancy jargon and get down to it, it is a transaction.
Yeah, very much missing the point.

The subscriptions/donations are ways for members to help keep the community running. The color changes and the like are almost afterthoughts, something of a badge of honor or a "thank you" for doing so. There are no other benefits.

This is deliberate.
Yeah, very much missing the point.

The subscriptions/donations are ways for members to help keep the community running. The color changes and the like are almost afterthoughts, something of a badge of honor or a "thank you" for doing so. There are no other benefits.

This is deliberate.

You can maintain that position, but the fact remains that you receive something for money spent, and the "donations" are under the "Account Upgrades" tab.

If I can't reasonably expect to write it off of my taxes, then I wouldn't call it a donation.

On that note, Admins, technically speaking QQ is a organization dedicated to literary purposes (Quests and Creative Writing). Since QQ is operated in the US (I think), and all donations are, technically a community chest to maintain the site and thus the mission of literary purposes (lewd written works), you could argue that the donations can be tax exempt and thus legally speaking actual donations. Those donations, if used 100% for the website, can be written off from there.

I'm no lawyer, but I have seen weirder tax deductions when I was learning how to file my own taxes.

Like for instance, the IRS is totally fine with you writing your dog's living and medical expenses as a business expense if you claim they are a guard dog. Even a chihuahua counts as an intruder alarm.

If you own a business and have kids (They must be your dependents, or the dependents of a co-owner) you can pay the kid $12,950 a year tax free and write it off as a business expense. My sister does this with her small business, just takes photos of them using her products making them models and it is completely legal. Puts the money into their college fund. Do this for 18 years, and that's $233,100 in their college fund and you've written it all off as business expenses.

They would only be able to afford 2 college textbooks, but hey, hopefully society would have collapsed by then.
I think you're missing the point here...
That the donations are, ah, donations. It's not supposed to be a fee-for-service thing.
The donations are the donations, Nicodemus was talking about the subscriptions.

A donation only giving out a change in name colour is fine, because ultimately you're just putting what you can into the plot to help keep the site running, but a subscription, since it's reoccurring, should have a bit more of an incentive. I'm not talking about anything massive, but something along the lines of what SB used to to (for example, assuming there are image number/DM participants limitations for users*, a subscription allowing say five more of each would be a decent incentive, especially if the image part went with a higher limit for direct upload sizes**).

*Going by the images threads this might not be the case, but that might be because they're all externally hosted.
**I don't believe we have the ability to directly upload stuff, technically, but that could be another little bonus for subscribers.
The donations are the donations, Nicodemus was talking about the subscriptions.

A donation only giving out a change in name colour is fine, because ultimately you're just putting what you can into the plot to help keep the site running, but a subscription, since it's reoccurring, should have a bit more of an incentive. I'm not talking about anything massive, but something along the lines of what SB used to to (for example, assuming there are image number/DM participants limitations for users*, a subscription allowing say five more of each would be a decent incentive, especially if the image part went with a higher limit for direct upload sizes**).

*Going by the images threads this might not be the case, but that might be because they're all externally hosted.
**I don't believe we have the ability to directly upload stuff, technically, but that could be another little bonus for subscribers.
The subscriptions are the same thing, only in recurring form.
good to hear we are getting a new server thx for the good work admins

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