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[DC] You are Raven's Apprentice

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Thought about putting this in General, but it has a decent chance of leading to some fiction, so...

Prince Charon

Just zis guy, you know?
Feb 20, 2014
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Thought about putting this in General, but it has a decent chance of leading to some fiction, so it's here.

From this old thread on SB.com, edited a little.

Raven is given a prophecy that her first apprentice will be 'banished from this world' (where 'this world' refers to her Earth), by Raven. Knowing that she can't just refuse to take an apprentice, Raven decides to bypass a potential tragedy, by summoning a good and willing student from a world that needs, or is going to need, superheroes (so, if you would have refused, or if Raven would consider you evil, you wouldn't be summoned), and then banishing him or her when the student has learned enough.

You arrive in a pentacle, on the floor of Raven's room in Titans Tower, in the form of a healthy and fit version of your teenage self (late teens, or perhaps mid-teens, depending on your preference). For a bit of added humour, you appear nude, Raven is skyclad, herself, and before either of you get a chance to get dressed, one of the Titans walks in, sees this, and decides to leave you two alone. Preferably, this should be someone who is gossipy or Impulsive enough to tell everyone, and let them jump to conclusions.

When she summons you (i.e., which era in the DCU) is up to you. Likewise, you can choose some AU version, such as the cartoon, an Elseworld, or a fanfic - though if you choose the latter, it would be polite to provide a link to it (or at least the title and author, if it has to high a rating for this site). You can also make your own AU, if you prefer.

Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?

Do you go adventuring with the Titans, once you're powerful enough to help, or do you only get involved when the Tower gets attacked?

What sort of spells would you want to focus on?

What would your uniform be like, if you bother with one?

Who do you try to date, if anyone?

What do you do when you get back home?

How do you deal with fangirls & fanboys?

If you clicked on this link thinking that you were going to be Revan's apprentice, and are disappointed, I should point out that you could certainly create a story in which Raven is Revan. Not sure which Titans would be Malak or the Exile, though.
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My responses, at least as of the original 2009 thread (subject to change, but here for the record):

So, do you go adventuring with the Titans, once you're powerful enough to help, or do you only get involved when the Tower gets attacked?

Yes, as I implied in the OP, I'm assuming I'll need the practice. Of course, there's a pretty good chance that the Tower will be attacked before I'm powerful enough to be much help, hence the support spells, below.

What sort of spells would you want to focus on?

Well, I'd start with support stuff: defensive, healing, information gathering, et cetra. Also, I'd look into creating magic items, including something like an Intelligent Device. Would probably look into memory spells, and non-magical memorization techniques. I'd also want to look into teleportation and full-spectrum invisibility, as keeping a secret identity on modern Earth (assuming I decide that I need one) would otherwise be nearly impossible.

What would your uniform be like, if you bother with one?

Armoured, probably mixing magic and technology. Includes an illusion projector, usually set to make a hooded cape. Also, would want to get a crossbow, railgun, or something like that, and a supply of trick bolts/darts.

Who do you try to date, if anyone? How do you deal with fangirls & fanboys?

Probably Raven, if she's interested. Otherwise, I'll be to busy training to approach anyone. Of course, that doesn't mean no one will approach me, as superheroes do tend to attract (fan)girls. A lot of those girls are either evil or useless, though, so I'd mostly ignore or arrest them.

What do you do when you get back home?

Prepare for whatever's coming, and investigate things that might lead to my being needed. Said preparation would include gathering other likely heroes, of course, & possibly starting a school.

Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?

An AU I've been thinking about. Will try to post something on it, later, but a big part of it is that Steph is Robin, Tim is Nightwing, Dick is Batman, and Bruce Wayne (who's getting old, but hadn't planned to retire, yet) is Mayor of Gotham (that part inspired by Error In Judgement, by Adrian Tullberg - which I highly recommend). Also, Superboy is alive, because Cassandra (Wonder Girl) went to her sister Persephone, and asked for a favor. (I was writing this in 2009, which I think was before they brought him back. Still, it's not a terrible reason to have a resurrection.)
Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?
For the sake of my own suffering, Teen Titans Go.
Do you go adventuring with the Titans, once you're powerful enough to help, or do you only get involved when the Tower gets attacked?
As the only sane man I'm contractually obliged to get involved when needed.
What sort of spells would you want to focus on?
Probably transmutation and other transformations.
What would your uniform be like, if you bother with one?
Fuck it I'm going to wear a suit.
Who do you try to date, if anyone?
Fuck no they're all insane.
What do you do when you get back home?
Get a bottle of scotch and murder the writers of Teen Titans Go for creating that universe since it's basically canon in DC that they're a work of fiction.
How do you deal with fangirls & fanboys?
I'll ask them what their favorite animal is and then turn them into that with a timed 24 hour transformation.

AKA, the "Leave me alone" tactic.
Thought about putting this in General, but it has a decent chance of leading to some fiction, so it's here.

From this old thread on SB.com, edited a little.

Raven is given a prophecy that her first apprentice will be 'banished from this world' (where 'this world' refers to her Earth), by Raven. Knowing that she can't just refuse to take an apprentice, Raven decides to bypass a potential tragedy, by summoning a good and willing student from a world that needs, or is going to need, superheroes (so, if you would have refused, or if Raven would consider you evil, you wouldn't be summoned), and then banishing him or her when the student has learned enough.

I'm a good guy for the most part... I just... well... lets say I'd probably have killed Joker years ago. Or at least rendered him paraplegic or and asked Green Lantern to drop him off on some godforsaken "Escape from NY" style Prison Planet about 500 sectors over.

You arrive in a pentacle, on the floor of Raven's room in Titans Tower, in the form of a healthy and fit version of your teenage self (late teens, or perhaps mid-teens, depending on your preference). For a bit of added humour, you appear nude, Raven is skyclad, herself, and before either of you get a chance to get dressed, one of the Titans walks in, sees this, and decides to leave you two alone. Preferably, this should be someone who is gossipy or Impulsive enough to tell everyone, and let them jump to conclusions.

"... Please tell me you've summoned me to fulfill your carnal pleasures..."


"... Must you kill all of my dreams?"

When she summons you (i.e., which era in the DCU) is up to you. Likewise, you can choose some AU version, such as the cartoon, an Elseworld, or a fanfic - though if you choose the latter, it would be polite to provide a link to it (or at least the title and author, if it has to high a rating for this site). You can also make your own AU, if you prefer.


Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?

General DCAU/Teen Titans cross with the Green Lantern Animated Series added in... and maybe some tweaked Animated Marvel (Earths Mightiest Heroes/XMEN Evo) if it can be done without being too much an asspull. because fuck you, I love Marvel and I love the idea of Supes having been a Captain America fanboy as a child.

Do you go adventuring with the Titans, once you're powerful enough to help, or do you only get involved when the Tower gets attacked?

I'd probably end up being the sarcastic, lovable coward (IE has a sense of self-preservation) teammate who when pushed is also the most likely to use lethal force.

Also would be the out of the box thinker as I'm not restrained by comic book tropes.

What sort of spells would you want to focus on?

Not sure... but I'd sure as hell went at least one Mega-death-beam spell.

Oh, stop fooling myself... I'd want to be the Master Exploder. Giant fucking explosions for EVERYONE (who pisses me off)

Hell, Master Exploder might even be a good cape name.

What would your uniform be like, if you bother with one?

Honestly... very simple. Black shirt with symbol on it, black cargo pants, combat boots, black trench coat that contains more crap than batman's belt, and a domino mask. Basically own the low budget metal head superhero look.

Might graduate to Techomagical Power Armor later on...

Well, that or I call myself Revan and cosplay a sithlord :p

Who do you try to date, if anyone?

Raven... you've seen what she looks like when she grows up, right?

What do you do when you get back home?

Retrieve my cats and go back...

How do you deal with fangirls & fanboys?

Tempted to abuse the privilege. ;P

If you clicked on this link thinking that she was going to be Revan's apprentice, and are disappointed, I should point out that you could certainly create a story in which Raven is Revan. Not sure which Titans would be Malak or the Exile, though.

Nah, I knew who you were talking about.
Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?

The animated version since it's the only one I know. Teen Titans Go can go die in a fire.

Do you go adventuring with the Titans, once you're powerful enough to help, or do you only get involved when the Tower gets attacked?

Likely only if they need me, or to prevent Terra from going cray cray and ending up with deathstroke killed. Don't really care for the guy, but it ended badly for everyone involved.

What sort of spells would you want to focus on?

Utility to do chores and stuff with a flick of my wrist and my inner pyromaniac demands fire. Illusions and showy spells would be next.

What would your uniform be like, if you bother with one?

I will have a stylish hat, wear jeans and a black shirt. The hat is the most important part as it marks me as someone of importance and not a mook.

Who do you try to date, if anyone?

Nope, I likely wouldn't date anyone because I'm just like that.

What do you do when you get back home?

Do the greatest magic shows ever in Vegas for big cash and stop crime as a hobby.

How do you deal with fangirls & fanboys?

Naruto fanfics taught me the perfect solution for this. Run and hide and hope to god they can't smell my fear.
Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?
Animated series, all I really know.
Do you go adventuring with the Titans, once you're powerful enough to help, or do you only get involved when the Tower gets attacked?
If they need me too I'd help, but I'd stick around base and nail assholes who tried to attack or steal our shit.
What sort of spells would you want to focus on?
Healing/Flesh modification, Tantric magic, Sympathetic magic and/or familiar binding(general mind magic), and a nice side of transmutation/tranmogrification/whatever.
Become some twisted badass combination of Skitter and Zouken, except not limited solely to insects.
Become a one man army, and mod all my familiars/extensions to be basically super-soldier equivalents of their species.
Also, eternal youth sounds nice, not eternal life though.
I might want to pull the plug on myself sometime down the line.
What would your uniform be like, if you bother with one?
To start with? (I'd do research on which part of the body armor is designed to protect.
A helmet made of carbon, layered with gel to protect from impact.
Carbon chainmail, also layered with gel a points.
Enchanted silk, spun from horrifyingly lovingly mutated spiders, dyed primarily charcoal grey, with bits of white and black to give it a feather pattern. (Hoodie with inner pockets, shirt that covers chainmail, cargo-pants)
Enchant the shit out of my pockets to be expanded if I can't figure out pocket dimensions.

Maybe technomagic power armor or an exoskeleton later.
Preferably armor >.>
Who do you try to date, if anyone?
But probs just Raven realistically.
What do you do when you get back home?
Become God Emperor Krow.
Wreck whatever the problem is.
How do you deal with fangirls & fanboys?
I'm sorry, did you just mention my personal army/zealots?
This looks entertaining.

So, do you go adventuring with the Titans, once you're powerful enough to help, or do you only get involved when the Tower gets attacked?

No. I have little interest in fighting villains-of-the-week when I could be learning to bend the universe to my will. Of course, if combat is the best way to improve my magic, I'll be right out there with the rest of the Titans - and I will cheat like a motherfucker, as is the right and proper way of things. The word 'fair' is not in my vocabulary when it comes to keeping myself safe.

I may also 'accident' the Joker as soon as I can make it stick. Something something Gotham Hellmouth something. Probably Ra's Al Ghul as well, because fuck that guy (figuratively) and fuck his daughter (literally, except as mentioned below it'd be a pretty bad idea for me.)

What sort of spells would you want to focus on?

All of them. Well, I'd start with mind-enhancing magic so that I can remember more spells (and be the smartest guy in the room even more often, because there are far too many super-geniuses in comic book worlds), and magic that can increase my ability to do magic. If it's possible, repeatedly bootstrap my magical power upwards into lolfuckyou levels by increasing my power, then using my increased power to increase my power even more. If not, get it as high as possible, and then move on to my next priority, which is magic that helps me not die, such as the regeneration side of healing, rapid teleportation, intangibility, defensive magics, and non-evil soul fuckery, plus a few combat spells just in case. Then, divination spells make me god of the stock market and basically solve my budget issues forever. After that, enchanting and warding, as well as its cousin curse-breaking, and maybe refine my healing depending on how good I got at it when learning to not die. Combat spells would probably be last, honestly, because if you actually get into a straight fight as a wizard you're not trying. Though learning to put up nasty curse wards may by necessity translate into learning those curses as direct-application spells.

What would your uniform be like, if you bother with one?

Armour. Preferably power armour. Magical power armour. And then as many overlapping layers of personal defensive spells as I can possibly raise, which I will never ever take down.

Why would you not? Wizards are squishy. Or at least, they're squishy until they finish their permanent strength- and durability-enhancing spells. Or maybe their superpower-stealing spell. That sounds like a good spell to develop.

Who do you try to date, if anyone? How do you deal with fangirls & fanboys?

I have wonderful wife, with whom I am very happy, who is almost as much of a pervert as me. That said, she, like I, does have limits, and finding out I slept with another woman without including her or at least asking her permission would be one of them. Once I'm done in Titans-verse and I start hopping to and fro might be a different story, but that's in the future.

I am also in my mid-thirties, which would probably creep out most of the prospects in one direction or another even if I was willing (too old mentally/too young physically.)

Fangirls/boys can go die in a fire. Unless I am currently under attack, in which case they can go die under enemy fire while I run in the opposite direction. Or unless they possess some sort of useful mystic property, in which case they can languish in my extradimensional vault until I have need of them. Well, okay, no, because that would be 'evil'. But I'd think about it.

What do you do when you get back home?

First, go and get that million-dollar prize from that one university offering it if you can prove you have superhuman abilities. Use it as startup cash for my own company, with one employee who also happens to be the sole owner: me. Then sell defensive wards, physical touch-ups (de-aging, illness removal etc.) to rich people, banks and governments. Include a free undetectable paeophile-accidental-death-inducing ward and embezzlement-and-corruption-exposing ward in each scheme, even if they didn't ask for one or know I was going to do it (which will be everyone.)

Fix the ecosystem, and create and hand out free magical power sources to put the oil companies out of business. Use the stupid quantities of money I now possess to drive all the other environment-ruining or unethical sweatshop-using companies out of business, replacing them with magic-powered alternatives at rock-bottom prices. Use magic and my stupid quantities of money (because even super-cheap prices are massive profit when everyone's buying them and you pay literally nothing to make the stuff) to bootstrap all the nations of the world up to modern first-world living standards.

Be rich and immortal with a monopoly on everything and the adoration of the world for fixing everything ever and singlehandedly bringing about a post-scarcity society. Laugh at all the silly supervillains because I did what they've all wanted to do (i.e. conquer the world) and I didn't have to so much as knock over a street sign for it, let alone commit mass murder and wreck entire city blocks in super-powered smashdowns.

Scud back and forth between Titans-verse and home, maybe a few other choice worlds if I figure out how to find them. Enjoy eternity in the multiverse, and probably never decide to die because there's an infinite amount of stuff to see out there. I may disappear off into the depths of possibility, but I don't see myself pulling the plug. Though after who knows how long, that might change, in which case I would go quickly, quietly and indistinguishably from having just disappeared off into the depths of possibility.

Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?

Haven't the foggiest. Canon, I guess?
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Are you tempted to run it, or just to play? Given how often I'm tired when going here (which was a problem with the last quest I tried to run), I don't feel up to running it, but I've enjoyed reading your quests, before (an example, for those who are curious).

That was more a RP. I like RPs more than quests. It's easier to work with 3-4 players (with on of them running you) and keep up the interest... along with less rampant stupidity
Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?

Haven't the foggiest. Canon, I guess?
There are multiple canons. There's pre-Flashpoint canon, post-Flashpoint canon, post-Rebirth canon (which may or may not be pretty close to pre-Flashpoint canon), Teen Titans cartoon canon, Justice League vs Teen Titans canon, DCU Online canon...
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There are multiple canons. There's pre-Flashpoint canon, post-Flashpoint canon, post-Rebirth canon (which may or may not be pretty close to per-Flashpoint canon), Teen Titans cartoon canon, Justice League vs Teen Titans canon, DCU Online canon...

This is why I said 'haven't the foggiest'. I've never seen Teen Titans.
Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?

Teen Titans cartoon since i'm most familiar with it

Do you go adventuring with the Titans, once you're powerful enough to help, or do you only get involved when the Tower gets attacked?

I'd say decide on an adventure by adventure basis. In general, practical experience for when I eventually get banished back to my world that is in need of superheroes would be conductive to a longer lifespan.

What sort of spells would you want to focus on?

telekinesis, telepathy, and tool creation/enchantment/artificing. The psychic package because I'm pretty sure they are Ravens strongest areas and therefore the best to learn, and most powerful and useful short of my idealised superpower. Artifice because tools and armour will always have use. Plus something that is going to let me go from home Earth to Titans earth at will after I eventually get banished. I'm thinking some kind of gateway.

What would your uniform be like, if you bother with one?


Who do you try to date, if anyone?

Teenagers man, too much drama. Or whatever happens.

What do you do when you get back home?

Create some superheroes using means purloined from Titan-verse so I don't have to do the job myself. Alternatively, become the reason my world needs superheroes. One of those two.

How do you deal with fangirls & fanboys?

Special events, with a cover charge and merchandising.
A combination of being a fan and morbid humor compels me.

Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?
If I get to pick, the most recent version of her from the new DCAU, probably right after the Trigon incident concludes.

Do you go adventuring with the Titans, once you're powerful enough to help, or do you only get involved when the Tower gets attacked?
Probably the latter unless there's something specific I see a way to help with. I doubt I'd volunteer to patrol for ordinary crime.

What sort of spells would you want to focus on?
Healing, wards, and the like, then polymorphic spells. I'm tempermentally suited to a support role, like that, and I would obviously invent a gender-polymorph spell if there wasn't already one that I could learn.

What would your uniform be like, if you bother with one?
Emerald green accents on black, for the color scheme. Other design factors would depend on stuff.

Who do you try to date, if anyone?
Realistically, I pine silently for Raven until my awkwardness overcomes her patience, after which I just emotionally shut down completely to spare her further awkwardness, becoming her perfect robot-like apprentice, slowly descending deeper and deeper into unnoticed abject misery.

What do you do when you get back home?
Teach magic to any QQers who wanted to learn! And then probably get abducted and/or killed by, like, the NSA or the CIA, probably.

How do you deal with fangirls & fanboys?
Hide when I can hide, hugs and smiles when I can't hide.
Actually I hear they revoked it recently.
I thought it was James Randi offering the prize, but we may be talking about different prizes.

The James Randi Educational Foundation isn't so much cancelling the prize entirely, as changing how they deal with people making the claim... or at least, that's what they're saying. I think we're well past 'early next year' from a date of September 1, 2015, unless they mean next school year (school still starts in August or September, right?), but judging by the link, they have not officially cancelled it permanently.

Of course, if you can't figure out another way to make a lot of legal money with access to useful DC-verse magic, you're probably not thinking hard enough.
Honestly, I may adapt this into a fic I am starting. I am starting in Harry Potter, and wasn't sure what my method of Reality Travel would be. Getting summoned by Raven and learning magic from her might be useful. When she "banishes" me, instead of heading back to Harry Potter, I get sent to my new destination. And probably summon Raven to me after I arrive and make sure things are safe.

Provided I manage to lock down my Magic System for the Gamer System my character is using, Raven might be able to teach "Dark" element magic, which is shadow manipulations, and debuffs mostly. Death would just be a powerful Debuff, and one Raven doesn't use. Toss in a bit of Time magic, and you get Necromancy, though I want to avoid that with this story. Only question is what her second element would be, since everyone will have at least two from Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Dark, Time, and Space. Probably give her Space, since she does so much with Portals.

Which version of Raven & the Titans do you meet?
Probably an original creation version. While I know a lot about the DC multiverse, little of that is focused into specific timelines.

Do you go adventuring with the Titans, once you're powerful enough to help, or do you only get involved when the Tower gets attacked?
I will probably help out if I join the actual team. If I am just an apprentice then it is my job to help in my "master's" workshop, and learn magic. If she allows me to join the Teen Titans, all the better. Though the Titans have a rather bad history of sixth members.

What sort of spells would you want to focus on?
My character for the fic is focused on Earth, Dark, and Space magic. Combination elements lead to Void (Basically Anti-Magic, combination of Dark and Space) and Gravity (Combination of Earth and Space). As Raven's apprentice, I would probably want to focus on her specialty of Dark magic, since she is my master and I am supposed to learn from her. If I give her Space as an element as well, then we could both learn Anti-Magic together.

What would your uniform be like, if you bother with one?
Jon Constantine with Body Armor. Probably heavily enchanted. The trench coat would have expanded inner pockets to serve as my "utility belt", and be enchanted to be bulletproof. I might have one already, from the Harry Potter world, which would be Dragon Skin and Acromantula Silk or something.

My body armor would be woven carbon nanotubes or something, with gold threads to create runes of protection and durability.

Who do you try to date, if anyone?
Raven is Best Girl. After we beat Big Daddy Tripod, she is free to go anywhere she wants.

What do you do when you get back home?
Instead of going home, I will continue the adventure in a new world. Maybe Naruto?

How do you deal with fangirls & fanboys?
This secret technique has been passed down the Uchiha family for generations! "hn" and ignore them.

Edit: I am apparently blind, and did not see the "last post" date. My apologies. I am used to SB and SV, which have a warning if it has been too long.

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