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[X] Sneak in before the attack and wait for an opportune moment to strike.
[X] Have the fast one charge in during the attack
[X] Wait for the Dire Wolf and then head home

We need to look for survivors.
[X] Realize you can drink

Would it be possible to magically give back arms man his dick to blow it off again?
Lol the goal of the whole quest was to get booze. Hilarious.

While I am sad that this quest is ending, I am happy with this ending. Now that we can drink, we are much more powerful and intelligent. There are few things that can challenge us since we have a seat at the table of gods.

As for the epilogue, I want to see a drunk duergar, Alabaster alone in the wilderness, and Cauldron's reaction to learning the Scion is a god.

Congrats on finishing this Flabbyknight. It has been a long time and a lot of updates. Few quests can match your update speed. I hope you had as much fun as I did and good luck with your next work.
so awesome

Flabbyknight, please, please, please post a threesome with the Hollow Man and the Transporter.
This was an great journey, sad to see it end. Congrats on completing it though, its a pretty impressive feat.
Just read through this after the fact it was entering the epilogue was posted on the worm fanfiction subreddit. Absolutely fantasitc, I had a blast reading it. I lost count of the number of times I randomly burst out laughing while finished the whole thing.

Great job, and I'm looking forward to seeing you tie up the loose ends and whatever you decide to do next.
I don't really know if this is against the rules but it has been over a year so, have a Mt. Flufflekins fanart. :)
I don't really know if this is against the rules but it has been over a year so, have a Mt. Flufflekins fanart. :)

It's against the rules to necro threads for stupid crap like asking if the story will continue or the like, posting content like fanart, omakes, etc. is generally okay but that's usually on a case by case basis so people don't just spam shitty art or one line 'omakes' just to be a troll. Also if the story is like... 2-3+ years old, generally its better to just let stories have their rest and post fanart like this on the authors profile page, and or ask the author if you can post the content in thread.

Basically most of the rules here boil down to "Don't be a dick." so if you can answer "Imma necro this thread that's been dead for a year or two with 'whens the next chapter?'" With "That's a dick move." And it would make sense to most people? Generally thas no bueno.

This is actually pretty good so if it were up to me it'd get a pass but that's the mods realm of expertise so if one could chime in on the matter?

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