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Discussion: Which skill you think is more powerful.

Which ability you think is the superior one?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I trust you know where the happy button is?
Jan 10, 2022
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I only opened this thread to ask a single question to my fellow questers.

Which skill do you believe is the most powerful:

Banishing Shift from The Testament of Sister New Devil.


Imagine Breaker from A certain Magical Index series.
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Could you give a short description of what those do?

Familiar with Imagin Breaker, but not Banishing Shift.
Being able to erase things with Banishing Shift is cool.

But I'd take Imagine Breaker since that thing allowed Touma to survive in the void after Orthinus destroyed the world. Plus, it gives you plot armor because destiny is being negated by it. Sure it is going to suck being unlucky, but that is just the price for it.
Could you give a short description of what those do?

Familiar with Imagin Breaker, but not Banishing Shift.

The simplest explanation I can give is : It's an abilty that negates any physical or supernatural attack, emotions, or even concepts by banishing them into the Zero dimensión AKA. They cease to exist.

Edit: eh, I messed up with the imagine breaker name, got confused because in some translations is also called Illusion Killer.
Imagine Breaker, when destroyed, regenerates itself. So yeah, the Fap Hand can never be destroyed.

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