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Divine Forge (Fate/PJO)

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Chapter 1: A New Forge
"So this is how it ends," Shirou muttered to himself. For years… decades…...


Your first time is always over so quickly, isn't it?
Jan 26, 2023
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Chapter 1: A New Forge​
"So this is how it ends," Shirou muttered to himself. For years… decades… he had been searching. Fighting. All for one goal. To find her. To find Artoria. He had thrown himself into battles and quests to search for the slightest clue of where to go, but eventually… Eventually it was too much.

Shirou lay beside a small lake, swords and bodies scattered around him. He had been sliced and stabbed in various different places. No matter what he did, he couldn't get up. He turned his head to look at his reflection and let out a weak, mirthless chuckle.

"I never did find you, huh?" He muttered. He cursed himself. He had one job, and he couldn't even do that. No matter how much power he gained nor how many blades he added into his arsenal, it wasn't enough.

"I'm sorry, Artoria…" As he closed his eyes, he saw a faint blue light coming from the river. He felt the pain in his body fade away as the eternal darkness started to take him.
"Rest, hero. Rest so that your time may come again," A soft, feminine voice trickled into Shirou's ears. It was the last thing he ever heard.

Fire. Shirou dreamed of fire. Fire wasn't something rare in Shirou's dreams, but this… this was different. This wasn't the cursed flames of his past. This was the flames of a forge.
That's when Shirou heard it.
The jarring sound of a hammer striking steel shocked Shirou from his daze. He looked around before looking down at his hands. His eyes widened. These weren't the worn, wrinkled hands of an old man. These were the strong and calloused hands of his prime.
The loud sounds reverberated through the forge. Shirou turned his head to the source of the sound to see a man. A man who looked just like him. He was shirtless, but he wore baggy, brown pants. As he raised his hammer once more, he stopped. He stopped to look up at Shirou.
"Bout time you showed up, sprout," He said with a smirk on his face.
"Who are you?" The natural first question came out of Shirou's mouth.
"Me? I'm just an old blacksmith," The man shook his head. "I've been watching over you. You've dedicated your life to a singular goal, but you died before you could achieve it. Seems like you accomplished nothing in the end, huh?"
Shirou clenched his fists. He hated that the man insulted his search, but… he was right. He didn't accomplish anything in the end.
"Don't give me that face. We're alike in that sense," The man looked down at the blade he was working at. "The only difference is that you seemed to have impressed someone."
"What?" Shirou's angered look was replaced by one of confusion as the man smiled down at his sword.
"We don't have that much time together. Someone wants you back down there," The man muttered. "I just wanted to let you know that this old man has your back."
The man placed his hammer down and walked over to Shirou, extending his hand for the Wrought Iron Hero to shake..
"Now, it ain't much, but let this old man give you his blessing, eh?" The man said. Shirou was a little confused, but he felt that it would be impolite to refuse the gesture. As he shook his hand, he felt a soft heat burn through his muscles. His body felt lighter. His eyesight sharpened. He could feel the fire coursing through his veins.
Fire is my blood, huh? Shirou thought to himself. As he let go of the man's hands, his body started to glow gold.
"Looks like your time is up, sprout," The man put his hands on his hips. "Good luck out there. I hope you find her."
"Thank you," Shirou smiled and nodded. "Before I go… can I at least know your name?"
"My name?" The man smirked as Shirou started to glow brighter. "My name is Senji Muramasa."
With that, Shirou's world went white.

When Shirou opened his eyes, the blinding light almost forced him to close them again. It took a little bit of time for his eyes to get adjusted, but when they did, he was face to face with an Asian woman that was smiling down at him. Despite her Asian looks, however, her hair was burning red. It was closer to orange than Shirou's hair, but it still had tints of red.
"He's beautiful," She whispered. At that moment, Shirou tried to move, but something was wrong. His arms and legs. They didn't feel like they usually did. He turned his head to see that his arms were small. Too small. Almost like a baby's. "I… I think I'll name him Shirou."
Shirou screamed.

Five years had passed since that… incident, and Shirou got to learn a lot about this world. He knew it wasn't the same world as his, even if he did live in New York. The mana was much denser here and odd scents that he could vaguely remember as being magical creatures would register every now and then. The year was 1998 now, a year before Kiritsugu died in his world. Shirou tried to smother the thought, but he couldn't help but think about his old family compared to his new one.
His mother, Rebecca Suzuki, was a kind woman who did her best to raise Shirou by herself. His grandparents, Yamato and Isabelle also came by whenever they could to help Rebecca raise Shirou whenever they could. He didn't know much about his father, though. Rebecca assured Shirou that he was a very busy man who loved him, but Shirou doubted that.
It was weird having an actual parent. Kiritsugu did his best, but he was never much of a parent himself. Being cared for and doted on was something that Shirou had never experienced before. Taiga didn't count. She was a freeloader who happened to be his legal guardian. Although Shirou loved Rebecca, he couldn't help but feel that Taiga and Kiritsugu were the ones who raised him, despite the ways they went about it.
"Are you ready, Shirou?" Rebecca asked from down the hall.
"Yep!" Shirou chirped. Despite his happy demeanor, he was anything but chipper. When Muramasa told him that someone had a plan for him, he didn't expect it to consist of him going back to kindergarten.
"Alright Shirou, let's go," Rebecca smiled as she walked over and offered her hand. Shirou gladly grabbed onto it and let her lead him into the car. He was happy that his mom finally got rid of the booster seat. It always felt odd to sit in.
The drive was only five minutes, but Shirou felt nervous. Something in the back of his mind was telling him something was wrong. As he was dropped off, that feeling intensified. The scent of leaves and berries wafted into his nose. Shirou was instantly on guard. With all the uncertainty of this world, he had decided not to turn on his circuits. For all he knew, opening them would attract all these strange creatures to him and his mother. Looking back, it wasn't necessarily the smartest idea, but it was the situation he was in now.
He shook his head and walked into the school building. He could resolve that issue later that night. He looked at the paper his mom had given him. Room 33. As he wandered around, slowly making his way towards the room, the scent intensified. When he arrived in the room, he realized that the scent was coming from inside. When he stepped in, his eyes widened.
Standing in the front of the classroom was a man in his mid-20s with blonde hair and blue eyes. What really stood out, however, was the fact that his legs were that of a goat. Shirou instantly knew what he was. A satyr. What was even weirder was that no other kid seemed to acknowledge the fact that the man was different.
"Oh, come in!" The Satyr beckoned Shirou inside. "My name is Mr. Dimitri. It's nice to meet you."
"Emi— Shirou Suzuki," Shirou caught his slip rather quickly as he stepped inside the room. Dimitri looked at his papers before nodding.
"Yes, you're in my class. Feel free to sit over there," Dimitri gestured towards one of the two empty seats in the classroom. Shirou sat down and a couple minutes later, the bell rang.
"Alright, class," Dimitri clapped his hands together. "This is our first day together, so why don't we introduce ourselves?"
Shirou had to physically prevent himself from groaning. This was going to be a long day.

Shirou heaved a sigh as he walked inside. Being in a kindergarten was an… odd change of pace, but it was nice. At least no one was trying to kill him. As he sat down on one of the benches, he took a deep breath. For the second time that day, an odd scent drifted into his nose. This one was different from Dimitri's, though. It reeked of ash and death. He instantly shot to his feet and made his way back into the classroom. Hopefully it wouldn't be able to detect him here.
"Oh?" Dimitri raised an eyebrow as Shirou closed the door behind him. "You're not going to go play?"
"Just a little tired," Shirou replied. It wasn't a lie. This whole day had been exhausting.
"I understand how you feel," Dimitri said with a gentle smile. "Now, how do you feel about—"
Dimitri cut himself off and stood up abruptly. Shirou noticed the scent of ash and fire approaching.
"Shirou, can you do me a favor?" Dimitri's face was deadly serious. "Can you get behind me?"
Shirou nodded and did so. He knew Dimitri was trying to protect him from whatever was outside. He took a deep breath. Whatever was out there was dangerous. He had to do something. He knew that what he was about to do was painful and risky, but he still didn't want to see anyone get hurt.
As soon as Shirou prepared to insert the metal rod he had not touched for decades into his back, the door flew open, revealing a large, ashen dog with fiery eyes. The satyr was launched back, but he stood up quickly and brandished a small knife made of bronze. That's when Shirou did it.
Shirou screamed out as the burning pain of prana going through one of his nerves spread throughout his body.
"Shirou!" Dimitri turned. That was a mistake, because the hellhound swatted Dimitri aside. He crashed into the wall with a scar on his face. Shirou quickly used the magic energy from his cannibalized nerves to awaken his true magic circuits.
Twenty-eight high quality magic circuits flared throughout Shirou's body as he imagined Muramasa's hammer slamming into an anvil. The first thing Shirou did was flick his eyes over to the knife Dimitri was using. Celestial Bronze, a metal used to kill monsters.
Shirou quickly went through the seven steps of tracing in his mind.
Judging the Concept of Creation
A dagger forged by Lisa Hagen, a daughter of Hephaestus. She was only 14, which shocked Shirou. Not as shocking as the notion of a god having a child in the modern day, though. And what was Camp Half-Blood?
Hypothesizing the Basic Structure
A one-sided knife with a small hilt.
Duplicating the Composition Material
Celestial bronze with simple leather to make the grip.
Imitating the Skill of its Making
Shirou was surprised once more when he realized how skilled this Lisa person was. She had forged this with the techniques and skills of a grown adult.
Sympathizing with the Experience of its Growth
The blade hasn't been used that much in anything other than training.
Reproducing the Accumulated Years
The blade was only a few months old, being issued to Dimitri as a self defense weapon in case a monster attacked. Unfortunately, it didn't do Dimitri much good in this case.
Excelling the Manufacturing Process
WIthin a couple seconds, Shirou had an exact replica of Dimitri's knife. He then took it one step further and altered the blade to be longer. Pushing his young and small circuits even further, he made several more copies before launching them at the beast.
The large hound shrieked as the blades easily sunk into its flesh. Instead of collapsing to the ground, however, it faded away in a cloud of golden dust.
As Shirou powered down his circuits, he felt himself becoming faint. The pain still seared throughout him and it seemed to be too much for his young body. As his world started to blur, he felt something grab onto him.
"I've got you," Shirou heard Dimitri's voice as he blacked out.

As soon as Shirou woke up, he instantly shot into a sitting position. He was… in his room. He could sense that Dimitri was in the apartment, but he was still on edge. Luckily, the pain was gone, so he could function normally.
He fired up his circuits and traced Dimitri's dagger. For its low cost, it had a very good anti-monster trait. He creeped closer to the source of the scent and stopped just by the entrance to the door.
"You son is powerful, Miss Suzuki. He won't be safe here," Dimitri stressed.
"I know… it's just… he's my little Shirou. I don't want him to leave," Rebecca sounded distressed. Another person may have listened for a little longer, but Shirou couldn't stand for Dimitri harassing his mother like this.
"Why would I be leaving?" Shirou asked as he stepped in the room.
"Shirou! You're awake!" Rebecca rushed over to him. "Dimitri told me what happened. Are you okay? He said you were hurt, but you looked fine, so I don't—"
"I'm okay," Shirou assured his mother. "I was just… tired."
"Good morning, Shirou," Shirou then looked up to Dimitri. "Thank you for saving me."
"You got hurt because of me," Shirou shook his head. "I'm sorry I worried you like that."
"It's okay. It's my job to protect young half-bloods like you," Dimitri replied. Half blood… there was that term again. First something about a camp, and then this.
"Half-bloods?" Shirou tilted his head.
"Demigods," Dimitri elaborated. Shirou's face paled. "The sons and daughters of gods and goddesses are called half-bloods."
"Mom isn't a god though," Shirou pretended to have a deadpan expression, which must have looked weird on his face.
"No, honey. You father…" Rebecca shook her head. "He's a great man, but yes. He is a god."
"Oh…" Shirou muttered. So he was the son of a god.
"I was talking to your mother about taking you somewhere safe for young-half bloods like you. Somewhere where you can prepare for what life will throw at you," Dimitri said. Looking back at the history of his knife, Shirou could tell that Dimitri wasn't lying. As he tried to remember more, the person who assigned him to that school was… Shirou's eyes almost widened. With that information, he knew without a doubt that Camp Half-Blood was a good place for him to go.
"Will my mom be safe?" Shirou asked.
"Your mother is a normal human. Monsters won't go after her, but they will go after you," Dimitri explained. "The more a demigod knows about themself, the stronger their scent. The same with powerful demigods."
"Mom…" Shirou turned to look at her. Even though he didn't spend too much time with her, it was still hard. His heart hurt. "I promise I'll visit when I can."
"I understand," Rebecca sniffled as she pulled Shirou into a hug. "Stay safe, Shirou. Don't forget to write to me, okay?"
"I won't," Shirou muttered. As they pulled away, Dimitri stood up.
"Alright, let's go, kiddo," Dimitri said with a shaky smile. "Let's get out of here before any other monsters show up."
Shirou nodded and followed Dimitri out.

Dimitri gripped the wheel as they drove down the highway. He was a senior seeker, having sought out ten half-bloods and bringing them to Camp Half-Blood. Despite that, he had never seen one like Shirou.
He looked in the rear view mirror and saw Shirou looking out the window. There was something off about the kid. He acted much more mature than an average five year old. When learning about Camp Half-Blood, he immediately questioned his mother's safety before his. Another thing was his reaction to discovering his status as a demigod. Most kids would think it was cool and ask about superpowers and the like, but Shirou looked rightfully horrified. Something must have taken his innocence already.
Not to mention the way he killed that hellhound. He was screaming out in pain out of nowhere before launching several celestial bronze swords at the hellhound. He had never seen an ability like this in his years at Camp Half-Blood, and judging from the scream, he must have been in extreme pain when he killed the hellhound.
He would make a powerful warrior, that was no doubt, but Dimitri wasn't worried about that. The kid was messed up. All the most powerful heroes had the most tragic stories. He hoped that Shirou wouldn't suffer a similar fate.
He grit his teeth as he shifted gears. He wouldn't let that happen. His job was to make sure demigods were safe, and he swore that he would see that job through.

"We're here," Dimitri said. The walk was a little tough, but it wasn't that bad for Shirou. As they approached what Shirou assumed was Camp Half-Blood, a cacophony of scents bombarded his nose. Herbs, steel, fire, wood, paper, leather. There was so much. It took a bit for Shirou to sort through his thoughts, but he was able to keep walking.
Shirou looked up at the sign. Camp Half-Blood. He felt a little anxious, but he knew in his heart that this place was just a stepping stone. A place for him to hone his body into what it was in his prime. A place to strengthen his magic so he could finally accomplish his goal.
Just wait a little longer, Artoria, Shirou thought to himself as he took his first step into the camp. I'm coming.

Thank you all for reading! This is the first fic I'm uploading here on Questionable Questing, so please bear with my formatting. It will get better as I get used to the site. With that being said, I'm super excited to get this show on the road! Expect daily updates for about a week and half before going to every other day. I have a discord if you want to join and chat with me and a patreon where this fic is seven chapters ahead of what's available in the public. Thank you all so much for reading once more.
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With all the uncertainty of this world, he had decided not to turn on his circuits. For all he knew, opening them would attract all these strange creatures to him and his
Shirou screamed out as the burning pain of prana going through one of his nerves spread throughout his body.
"Shirou!" Dimitri turned. That was a mistake, because the hellhound swatted Dimitri aside. He crashed into the wall with a scar on his face. Shirou quickly used the magic energy from his cannibalized nerves to awaken his true magic circuits.
I don't get these kind of things in crossover or multicross fic . How the fuck does nasuverse magic circuits work in riordanverse ? Moreover he is an greek demigod here .

Also how come a being of nasuverse reincarnate him in riordanverse ?

The gamer , system user , waifu catalogue and rob based fic has the excuse of their respective powers diffusing conflicting scenarios .
I don't get these kind of things in crossover or multicross fic . How the fuck does nasuverse magic circuits work in riordanverse ? Moreover he is an greek demigod here .

Also how come a being of nasuverse reincarnate him in riordanverse ?

The gamer , system user , waifu catalogue and rob based fic has the excuse of their respective powers diffusing conflicting scenarios .
Well in the Nasuverse, despite having very physical affects, the Magic Circuits are also deeply a product of the Magus's soul. Since Shirou still has the same soul, his Magic circuits are still there. That said, the physical aspect is also a factor and in his original life they were atrophied by how late in life he awakened them because he was using the cannibalized nerve circuits for so long. With a new body, and that of a demigod no less, I imagine some of that has been replaced. This combined with Gaia not constantly rejecting everything supernatural created by humans because the influence of other gods still being around, you get the common trope of Shirou being stronger in a world where the Age of the Gods has not ended. Not because of anything unique to him though, but because all humans were more powerful then. Just because similar to Magecraft, the strength of humanity is finite. The more people the weaker they are individually. Its why there are so few modern heroes on the Throne. Gilgamesh even complains about how his people were way stronger. That said, with the weakening of magic at the end of the Age of the Gods, and all of the Phantasmal Beasts retreating to the Reverse Side, the tradeoff of strength in Humanity for way way way less supernatural predators was usually seen as a good trade.

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