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Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

Recent mining has uncovered a nest of Ash Snakes of varying levels, branded required to clear out. 3 required Minimum level 5 1500 Gilder

Patrols Needed: Branded of at least rank C required for patrols on the eastern and southern trade roads, full parties required, if you do not have a full party, you will be added to one. Rewards are 500 Gilder per person and a 15 point writ, plus full share of loot. Minimum level 5

A number of drakes have taken up a roost near a mining village. After the death of the previous party to attempt, the rank has been increased to C, destroy the nest and return the personal effects of the deceased party. Any gear is free for your taking. Full party required.Minimum Level 7 2000 Gilder

There has been rumors of monster activity in a ruined castle. The castle has been confirmed to not be a dungeon. Number and type of enemies unknown. Extermination desired, but only scouting required. Full party required. Minimum level 7. Reward 3000 Gilder, 1 fifteen point writ each. If monsters are exterminated, rewards will include two green race mods out of the quest givers available selection.

Rare Herbs Needed! A master alchemist requires a number of rare herbs from near a dangerous dungeon. Minimum Level 4. 2 people Minimum 1000 Gilder, and 2 Elixers offered in reward.
New information for our perusal. Level 7 for the mission we want to take. Which I am pretty sure we can handle.
Patrols, Ash Snakes, and Rare Herbs are the current missions we should be looking at. Can we try to do more than one in each action or do we have to pick just one?
We could probably patrol for a bit until we got to the Ash Snakes, then take them out and stop back by the Rare herbs place. Efficiency!
You could do two missions in a day, as long as you budget your time well, but that does give your character incentive to hurry as well.
There was the option to do Ash and Herbs in the morning, split 3/2, then we can do a different thing in the afternoon.

Or do Ash full party.

Castle is minimum level 7, still not too sure.
It's minimum level 7. We're level 6.

Let's not.

Hmmm, for comparison purposes, the Killer Drakes (C, party 5, min lv. 7) and the Investigate Castle (?, party 5, min lv. 7) Missions might be comparable to:
- Wailing Cavern C-Rank (party 3, lv 8-10)
- Drake's Nest D-Rank (party 4, lv 8-9)
- Ashen Grotto's C-Rank (party 4, lv 8-10)
- Ice Queen's Castle D-Rank (party 4, lv 8-9)

On the other hand, Ash Snake Nest (?, party 3, min lv. 5) might be comparable to:
- Goblin' Glade C-Rank (party 3, lv 6-8)
- Wailing Cavern D-Rank (party 3, lv. 6-7)
- Ashen Grotto's D-Rank (party 3, lv 7-9)

Rare Herbs is comparable to Ogre's Den D-Rank and maybe Goblin's Glade D-Rank.

These assumptions are made with a pessimistic view that the information might be underselling the difficulty or probability of failure.

[X] Shop: 2 Ethers, 2 Amritas

[X] Nest of Ash Snakes on Mining Area
- [X] Alice to de-equip Fire and equip Dark
- [X] Sera to focus on Lightning Magic.
- [X] Maya to equip her Tainted Longbow.
- [X] People to generally equip their fire-resistant gears.
- [X] Maya to try and grab Boss-level Ash Snakes as pet, like the last time on Warg Hunt with the White Warg.
[X] Replenish Potions and ethers as needed
[X] Update the Guide with info from Desecrated Fortress and Ice Queen Castle.
[X] Ice Queen D rank
-[X] Equip your shiny new ice resisting dress.
-[X] Try to help Maya to upgrade her Yeti.

Hmmm, for comparison purposes, the Killer Drakes (C, party 5, min lv. 7) and the Investigate Castle (?, party 5, min lv. 7) Missions might be comparable to:
- Wailing Cavern C-Rank (party 3, lv 8-10)
- Drake's Nest D-Rank (party 4, lv 8-9)
- Ashen Grotto's C-Rank (party 4, lv 8-10)
- Ice Queen's Castle D-Rank (party 4, lv 8-9)

Err, Wailing Cavern C is a party of 4. Also Ashen Grotto C/Wailing Cavern C are probably going to be wildly more challenging than Ice Queen D, looking at GG C vs other similarly leveled dungeons we've done.

Graveyard D would probably be the best reference point, if any, but it and all the ones you listed are dungeons we haven't done yet so this isn't really a meaningful comparison.

I'd hazard that the drakes are slightly more dangerous than Drake's Nest D rank, but less dangerous than C. Given that we can tackle the comparable CL D rank, but probably should say "god no" to the C for now, I'd hazard that it's just ever so slightly outside the margin of safety I'd want to try. If it's still around in a day or two, I'd be happy to give it a shot though (Since someone needs to). But we should probably spend an evening action researching the drakes first, because something about this mission is putting adventurers off.

On the other hand, Ash Snake Nest (?, party 3, min lv. 5) might be comparable to:
- Goblin' Glade C-Rank (party 3, lv 6-8)
- Wailing Cavern D-Rank (party 3, lv. 6-7)
- Ashen Grotto's D-Rank (party 3, lv 7-9)

Err, you think Ashen Grotto D and Wailing Cavern D are comparable to Goblin' Glade C?

In GG C we floated at the brink of death (or triggering blessings). Ashen Grotto's only challenge was that the bonus boss had one really nasty attack, while Wailing Cavern was a cakewalk, albeit an annoying one.

I'd guess that the best comparison, given the enemies, level, etc is going to be Ashen Grotto D rank, though probably one larger and more drawn out fight.
*just binged through story posts*

One question: why didn't we fuse water and ice as soon as water hit C? We even got a spare ice crystal if it turns out that water and darkness are mutually exclusive for the purpose of fusion with ice, unlikely as it sounds.
*just binged through story posts*

One question: why didn't we fuse water and ice as soon as water hit C? We even got a spare ice crystal if it turns out that water and darkness are mutually exclusive for the purpose of fusion with ice, unlikely as it sounds.
Alice still needs to finish her studying before she can fuse anything.
Alice still needs to finish her studying before she can fuse anything.

I meant at the labs. I suppose she could have her mom check compatibility and then do the thing herself, but I recon extra time to level new crystal would be more valuable than saved coin.
Nooo, you have to raise the JOBS to C. Ice is at C water is not.
It's possible to fuse some skill crystals. You'll find that most of those are passive skills. getting better actives generally requires a Job fusion or finding superior jobs. Suppose the tutorial is a bit unclear on that.
It's possible to fuse some skill crystals. You'll find that most of those are passive skills. getting better actives generally requires a Job fusion or finding superior jobs. Suppose the tutorial is a bit unclear on that.

So what happenes to relevant skills after the matching jobs have been fused? Do we get a free slot or way to equip both in the same slot? Or do we get to fuse them (mom's explanation to Shimah last update seems to indicate this)? Or nothing hapens and the new job simply gives bonuses to both skills rather than one?

Actually, what happens to our equipped skills when we switch a job crystal in general?
You get better skills that let you benefit from the ones you have, even if they aren't equipped. Changing Jobs doesn't effect your equipped skills
You wake up, and this time you don't panic when you notice that you're underwater. Instead you yawn, sending a trail of bubbles up to the surface. Looks like it's time to get up, another day another dungeon and all that. You haul yourself out of the tub sleepily and start drying off, idly considering the work you need to put into your guide before you deliver it to the copyist today. Couple of dungeons to fill in… maybe you could add a pet section?

You don't really have a wide pool to describe though, and you already jot down monster special abilities in the dungeon bios. Maybe you could just add a notation on the enemies you know to be beasts? Yeah, that's much simpler.

That all aside you finish drying off and settle yourself in at your desk to scribble down the new information. No point in getting dressed yet.

Idly, you consider what you want to do with your day, Ice Queen D rank would be good, for another shot at appropriate gear and jobs, you feel a bit bad about monopolizing the dungeon time, but perhaps you can go to a dungeon that suits somebody else gear wise in the afternoon.

Bleh, you got some ink on your fingers, not much point in washing it off when you just got out of the tub. The guide is updated properly soon enough, and you stuff the growing sheaf of papers under your arm once you've equipped your gear. You head downstairs to find Shimah and Sera already present and talking. Sera looks kinda red-faced, but Shimah is as unreadable as ever… you aren't sure if you want to know what they were talking about.

You slide into a seat next to Sera, who smiles a bit bashfully, "Morning, what's up?" you ask despite your misgivings.

"N-nothing, I was just asking Shimah about some things," Sera replies quickly.

Shimah nods, leaning back in her chair, "It was nothing of consequence."

Suspicious, that is suspicious, you glance back and forth between the two women, frowning, but decide to shrug it off. You doubt it's anything bad, probably just something Sera is embarrassed about.

"So do you think everyone will mind running the D rank Ice Queen today?" you decide to ask, pushing that bit of awkwardness aside.

"I suppose not," Shimah responds after a moment, "With the new boots I received yesterday, the trip should be much less uncomfortable."

"I don't really mind," Sera adds, toying with a stray lock of hair, "We can always do something more likely to drop gear for me in the evening."

"I suppose I can use it as a pet upgrade," Maya muses. You blink, when did she get here? She's gotten fast, "I'm nearly at B rank for my job too, so after today I think I want to do a few missions to get point writs, so that I can rank up wind elementalist without having to change jobs."

That sounds fair you guess, Anshelm joins you then, giving Maya a slightly annoyed look, "D'you have to dash down the stairs like that Maya?"

"Oh, let me have my fun, you got to have yours," she responds blithely, giving the short warrior an innocent smile that is somehow not innocent at all.

Anshelm ducks his head and coughs, pointedly not looking at anyone else as he takes his seat, "So, what're we planning today?"

"Was thinking Ice Queen D rank," you offer.

"The ice castle again?" Anshelm asks, "Sure, might have some situational gear, maybe those big ice golems drops an armor or something."

"Plus Job Crystals," you point out, "Getting an Ice and Warrior fusion would save you some time if you want to go that way."

"Mm, that too," he agrees easily, seeming a bit more enthused.

"Well, at least I'm well suited for destroying the enemies," Sera sighs, "And it will be a big help for Al."

"I'm sure you want to help her all you can, nothing wrong with that," Maya says amusedly.

"There are few dungeons which specialize in Clerical gear, so I can hardly complain regardless," Shimah adds with a shrug, she pauses though considering, "Perhaps I should ask about dungeons with a temple or divine motif this evening…"

Well, seems things are pretty much decided, once breakfast is done you head out to the shop to restock, you grab two Ethers and three Amritas, so you can top off right away after summoning your Guardian. Other than that, it's just switching out Robes. The Ice Sorceresses Robe is much more modest, and actually weirdly plain, mostly just being a plain hooded white covered in a tiny snowflake pattern.

-155 Gilder

As soon as you get outside, you summon your guardian. You direct it to march shoulder to shoulder with the furry behemoth that is Maya's pet, a few steps beside Anshelm, and with that you start the long walk to the Castle.

Once again, the trip is pretty peaceful, all things considered, no rampaging beasts out to devour your faces at all. It's weird, did all your bad luck converge on bringing the Kiln Knight down or something? Ugh, no reason to keep going with that line of thought, it's just going to make you paranoid. The trudge through the snowstorm around the castle is just as annoying for everyone as before.

"This shouldn't be much harder, but stay on your toes in case of the bonus showing up," Maya warns, though she doesn't seem too worried.

"Yeah, we have Sera, so frying this bunch shouldn't be hard," Anshelm adds, as he approaches the gates.

"Ah, and can we try to keep a Yeti alive in the first couple of rooms? I may as well have the higher level version," Mata says, as the dungeon envelops you.

Indeed, the first couple of rooms are still mostly a joke, even if the greater numbers and health of the enemy means it takes a little longer for Sera to burn them to a crisp. Honestly the hardest part is not killing a Yeti until last; the things are quite suicidal in protecting the faeries. In the end you have to spend your time in the second room keeping the last Yeti locked in an aqua prison until Sera finishes burning everything, but hey, now Maya has her own suicidal hairy bodyguard, now in the level seven edition.

In any case the third room is where things start getting a little trickier. The Sorceresses start with their blizzard effect up, and seem much more adept at landing freezes and slows… it shows how annoying freeze can be when Shimah gets caught in one and Maya has to fall back to use a Panacea on her. Everyone ends up using a potion weathering that. Still Sera, and to a much lesser extent, you, are very good indeed at burning everything. Of course, between your robe and the resistance granted by your job, most of the damage dealt to you is paltry at best.

Room four, the grand ballroom, is a bit harder, or at least resource intensive. You have to pop an Ether, but that's mostly because you repeat your strategy of raining acid down on the sorceresses and knights on the stairs. It's less effective, since the pair of Ice Knights seem to have a defense buff aura now. But it still does some work, landing a burn on all four enemies. Lucky.

Sera is two Ethers deep though, she's really just going all out to kill off enemies as quickly as possible, and it shows in the SP she's spending, but you think she went ahead and bought exclusively Ethers today too.

In any case the room ends soon enough, with no more harm than some resources spent. Spawner is up next, and well… what is there to say? Anshelm heads the charge and smushes anything in his path with you and Maya's pets stomping anything that tries to get back up, and you and Sera do some aggressive gardening, reducing the admittedly pretty ice roses to ash and cinder. You take an Amrita, and then it's off to the boss.

Mittens is still a very large kitty. A very large kitty indeed, however his largest improvement seems to have come from a pillar of pure blue ice standing between the rosebush spawners. Not only does it periodically pulse, healing every enemy on the field, itself included, but it periodically spawns a Winter Sorceress, just to make things interesting.

The battle actually gets a little hairy, in that putting down the fairy spawners is much harder when they keep getting healed. Once you've cut off the chaff spawn and can focus the pillar though, it goes down. For once Shimah's poison cloud is extremely useful, in that the faeries tend to congregate in a thickly packed mass, and one good cloud got most of the surviving fairies and made finishing them much simpler.

Mittens himself is still a brick wall with a painful aura and a nasty bite, but in the end, it drops with relatively little fanfare once its backup is cleared.

85 Experience
10 Job points
110 Gilder

The party has Looted
4 Hi potions
3 Ethers
[Yeti Pelt] Warm and fluffy armor for hunters of the north. High resistance to Ice and a boost to Health. 240 Cannot equip
[Frigid blade] A sword made of clear ice, high critical rate and bonus frost damage. 180 Cannot Equip
[Artic Cleaver] An axe forged from magical ice. Deals additional ice damage and has a chance to freeze or slow enemies struck. 260 Cannot Equip
[Snow Tiger Race Mod] The essence of a powerful beast and beloved pet. Increases Agility and Will at the cost of Strength. Boosts Ice damage and resistance. Reduces fire damage and resistance. 300
[Glacier Job Crystal] The frigid and unyielding endurance of a glacier and the mobility of one too. An unyielding warrior with the power of ice. 400.

"Hmm, we have some repeats here…" Maya says thoughtfully.

"I'll take the axe and job, if nobody has any problems. I figure we sell off the armor and sword," Anshelm says after a moment.

"Ethers and potions will be fine for me," Shimah says, "I would prefer we do a less one theme dungeon after this though, for better variety."

"Probably for the best," Sera sighs, "Do you want the race mod Al?"

Well… do you?

[]Loot and planz

Al Lv6
Ice Elementalist C
Health 64/74
SP 56/96

Maya Lv7
Dual Blade Hunter C
Health 72/90
Sp 35/44

Anshelm Lv6
Spear Warrior C
Health 162/200
SP 26/52

Shimah Lv6
Shaman D
Health 100/116
SP 95/115

Seraphine Lv6
Fire Elementalist C
Health 69/75
Sp 45/87
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Is the axe a normal axe or a greataxe?

[X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier
[X] Maya: Snow Tiger Race Mod?
[X] Vault: Consumables
- [X] Alice to grab an Ether, others to replenish theirs
[X] Find Branded: Snow Tiger (no Hunters), Frigid Blade (Lucia? Rose?), Yeti Pelt (no Hunters?)

[X] Return to Town, pick up Mission

[X] Nest of Ash Snakes on Mining Area
- [X] Alice to de-equip Fire and equip Dark
- [X] Sera to focus on Lightning Magic.
- [X] Maya to equip her Tainted Longbow.
- [X] People to generally equip their fire-resistant gears.
- [X] Using Divine Eye, try to compare the Ash Snakes with Maya's Yeti
-- [X] If a better one pops out, or if there is a boss level Ash Snake, then Maya should try and Tame it
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Idly, you consider what you want to do with your day, Ice Queen D rank would be good, for another shot at appropriate gear and jobs, you feel a bit bad about monopolizing the dungeon time, but perhaps you can go to a dungeon that suits somebody else gear wise in the afternoon.


Well, No, that mod is baaad for us. So not it. It would be good for a arcane archer character, so maybe try to find someone heading that way for a trade.
[X] Alice: Snow Tiger
-[X] Remember you will lose some item space when you equip
[X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier
[X] Vault: Consumables
[X] Maya: Model the Yeti Pelt (for Anshelm)

[X] Reequip Handmaiden's Dress
[X] Onwards to Ork Warcamp

Honestly, the Snow Tiger isn't the best, but I bet it boosts more then the Undine since its an uncommon race. It'll do until we find something better.

Also don't forget to switch away from fire.
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Switching requires one to return to Town, and Ice Queen Castle was pretty far, if I remember right.

EDIT: Ah, no general Power, just Ice damage for Snow Tiger, so agreed, not very good, I guess.

EDITEDIT: Updated vote set.
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