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Fable 3: Calling of the King

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Chapter 1. The Hero King
"Avo's balls!" cursed the...
Fable 3: Calling of the King - Adam Black and Elise Oak

The due are the main characters of Fable 3: Calling of the King.

Prince Adam Black, second heir of the throne of Albion, former lieutenant of royal guards, leader of the rebellion that oppose King Logan Black. Unlike the game Adam wasn't shelter at the castle, but the second command of Albion elite soldiers that station at Bowerstone city. By tutelage of Adam's father, the late Hero King William Black and the captain of the royal guards Sir Walter Beck. Adam was inspired to take the sword by the many deeds and adventures of the last Hero, his father. Adam is steadfast and honorable modeling himself after his parents, however, he is quite stubborn, and impatient.

Senator, heiress of Oakfiled and the fiancee of Adam Black, Elise Oak. Elise is a noble of Albion largest farmland, in Oakfield. Elise is a young, beautiful caring woman using persuasion to solve disputes. She isn't, however, above underhanded means to get her way, using manipulation or seduction. She took inspiration of the late Warrior Queen Alex Black and the Witch Lady Elvira Grey. Elise represents Oakfield in Albion senate making deals with the other noble senators and bring her grievance to King Logan.

Here the link of my story. Fable 3: Calling of the King Chapter 1: The Hero King, a fable fanfic | FanFiction

All credit and thanks for the art goes NarutoRenegado01 NarutoRenegado01 - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
King William Black(Sparrow) and Queen Alex

Sparrow the Hero of Bower Lake and Alex are a product of Fable 2. This is an AU of a prologue of Fable 3, that Sparrow journey comes to an end. It's not too different from the canon, but more depth of how Albion comes to fuction. The main difference is that Alex met Sparrow beginning of his journey before he left Bower Lake almost being sold as a slave. During the course of the journey not only did the two fall in love, but Alex becomes a fierce warrior over time, being skilled enough to fight alongside the four heroes, despite being a normal human, even worthy enough to wiled the leganday weapon Judge's Steel and soon after the Royal Sceptre. While her husband wieldn the legandary katana the Daichi.

The Hero King William Black, was once named Sparrow before he changed his name and took his ancestor William Black's first and last name. Sparrow is similar to his Fable 2 counterpart with some mild differences. He took an active role in Albion politics during his quest to hunt down Lucien Fairfax with Alex and Elizabeth Spade. Thanks to Sparrow's many heroic deeds across Albion the people few him as their Savior his action of Spire solidifies this by making the ultimate sacrifice. His rise to the throne was during the Aristocrat War. When Sparrow took action against the consent battle of the nobility competing who take Albion's seat of power after a year of Lucien's death. Using his heroic bloodline of William Black the first Archon to claim his right of the throne. Sparrow was viewed as a messianic king view by the common folk bringing salvation and prosperity. Sparrow discards his old name and changes it to William Black. In a form of atonement for the lives he had taken during his hunt for Lucien. He named himself d as William Black following his ancestor's footsteps.

Alex was known as Warrior Queen, similar to her Fable 2 counterpart of Till Death Do Us Part quest, however, she met Sparrow at the beginning of his journey of finding Lucien. She was captured by Thag a leader of the bandits in Bower Lake as she was about to be sold as slave. Sparrow from the start of the journey saves and decides to accompany him and train her how to fight. Over the years she became a fierce warrior to be reckoned with, to the point she once wielded both the Judge's Steel and the Royal Sceptre. While her husband wielded the Sword of Daichi. While not as powerful as any Hero, her martial prowess made her keep up with the four heroes. Like her husband, he was known as the Hero King and herself the Warrior Queen.

All credit to the art - NarutoRenegado01 - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt

Fable - King William Black(Sparrow) and Queen Alex by Moshe30350 on DeviantArt
Fable 3: Calling of the King - Logan and Walter Royal Guard

Prince Logan and young Walter Beck leading the Royal Guard in a rescue attempt to save Captain Bob Daren during the siege in Wraithmarsh.

Fable 3: Calling of the King Chapter 1: The Hero King, a fable fanfic | FanFiction

Before the events of Fable 3 where Sparrow is known as William Black and the current king of Albion. Prince Logan is the Captain of the Royal Guard and the crown prince wielding his mother legendary weapon the Judge's Steel. Sir Walter Beck was the captain of the Royal Guard before Logan and a trusted adviser to King William. He steps down the position of captian and become a full time advisor for the King William and Queen Alex.

During King Logan's expedition at Aurora, he reorganized the Royal Guard and the standard guard to Logan Elites with the Commandant as his head enforcer. A portion of the Royal Guard was integrated into Logan Elites or stationed in leader positions of the standard guard army. Know led by the second prince, Captain Adam Black only a handful remain and are stationed in Bowerstone. Only a matter of time before both the Royal Guard and the standard guard are integrated to Logan Elites, the purple coats.

All credit and thanks for the art goes to NarutoRenegado01 - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt

The Royal Guard are Albion elite soldiers, the personal armed forces of the king. Also known as the Crimson Guard and the Old Guard the Albion elite forces were trained by both William Black and Walter Beck. Each guard is strong enough to fight a single Balverine in a head-on fight with a sword in hand. All of these weapons they wield are master class. They are not to be taken lightly or mistaken for a castle guard or a station guard also known as the Red Coats. They are Albion elite soldiers that are sent dangerous missions that are far from the duty of a standard guard. The majority of the Royal Guard were victims of the Spire whether it be a mindless husk Spire guard or as a slave from the Spire.