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Fanfic Search Thread

Looking for a ZnT/Fate Zero cross. It had Tabitha being a reincarnation of Iri, can't remember where it is. I used the search function to find "Tabitha" but its none of those as far as I can tell. And I thought it was on this forum. I can't even remember if it was a fanfic or a quest at this point either come to think of it.
I'm looking for a Worm/Mass Effect cross that i read before i remember it somehow had Taylor pretending to be an AI called the shadow broker saint was freaking out cus he thought there was an unbound AI he had no control over. Anyone know what it was?

Edit: found it paragon interupt
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So im new to qq and i came here looking for a wonderwomen/worm cross called skitter into fantasy. However all i can find is a post by the author that it isnt dead could someone tell me where the story itself is? Thank you
Recently told by someone on reddit that there are a few Taylor/Simurgh smut snippets floating around on here, but I can't find them. Don't suppose anyone can point me in the right direction?
I'm trying to recall an Eva fic I read some time ago. I remember that, during the Dummy Plug incident, Shinji managed to save Toji by arming the self-destruct system on Unit 01 and threatening to trigger it unless Gendo turned off the Dummy Plug and let him save his friend. This later came back to bite everyone in the ass, because had all the self-destruct systems disabled, which Rei discovered the hard way when she tried to activate Unit 00's when an Angel started to merge with it (the incident that, in canon, would have lead to the activation of Rei III).

Edit: I specifically remember when Shinji gave his ultimatum, the bridge crew discussed options; one of the suggestions was raising (or possibly lowering) pressure in the entry plug to render Shinji unconscious, but it rejected because they couldn't be certain it would knock him out faster than he could push the button.

It was probably on Fanfiction.net, given when I think I read it.
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Anyone know the fic where Taylor wakes up in the hospital with amy right next to her. Then amy asks for permission to heal and Taylor trys to answer, but whatever she says QA translates it to if Taylor believes herself a god. Then accidentally masters amy to worship her?
Looking for a Harry Potter story. I don't recall much about it, but a major plot point was that Hermione was revealed to be a high-functioning sociopath*. This is presented as an explanation for her rule-loving nature early in the series - being herself incapable of comprehending what is morally right or wrong or judging what is socially acceptable, she substitutes slavish obedience to the published standards of behavior, i.e. the Rules - as well as her total lack of compunction about the her morally questionable actions in the pursuit of her goals later on (e.g. getting people to sign a cursed parchment without warning them, mind-wiping her own parents, etc.). In particular, one example that is given is her attitude towards house-elves: she is literally incapable of grasping the difference between the enslavement of house-elves and the enslavement of humans, so she reacts to their treatment the same ways she understands that she ought to react if humans were being treated that way.
I'm pretty sure the fic was set well after Hogwarts, and I think it was Harry/Hermione.

*: I'm not sure if this is the correct term, nor do I recall if the fic itself used it. As I recall, the fic presented her as being incapable of innately judging morally right from wrong or identifying what is socially acceptable behavior, but it did not present her as being incapable of genuine emotion; in particular, while many of her friendships and relationships were simulated on her part, her care for Harry (and possibly Ron) is genuine.
Probably not what you are looking for, but seventh horcrux on space battles has harrymort claim (convincing himself and possibly others) that Hermione is naturally evil with the same justification. It's not after hogwarts, and it's not harry/hermione though.
Probably not what you are looking for, but seventh horcrux on space battles has harrymort claim (convincing himself and possibly others) that Hermione is naturally evil with the same justification. It's not after hogwarts, and it's not harry/hermione though.
I've read it, it's brilliant, but it's definitely not the one I'm thinking of. 7th Horcrux clearly had Hermione's 'evil' nature be the product of Harrymort's bizarre perspective; the one I'm talking about was a dead serious alternate character interpretation of her actually being, not evil, but clinically incapable of telling good from evil without an external reference frame.
Alright. It was something nsfw. Worm, Madison films Taylor in the locker room as part of bullying. Madison eventually insults Taylor's dead mammy. Taytay snaps and it's some violent stuff with Madison being real into being a sub and smacked and all that.

im also pretty sure it was just the one shot but I could be mistaken.

Thanks in advance.
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Alright. It was something nsfw. Worm, Madison films Taylor in the locker room as part of bullying. Madison eventually insults Taylor's dead mammy. Taytay snaps and it's some violent stuff with Madison being real into being a sub and smacked and all that.

im also pretty sure it was just the one shot but I could be mistaken.

Thanks in advance.

Power Plays in the NSFW Worm Ideas thread. Five posts total, link between them under the chapter title.
I am looking for a worm fic where Taylor's apperent frog like appearence to some sort of wasting disease because of mal nutrition. I think it also was an alt power where Taylor has non manton limited telekinesis of up to a max of 10 pounds of force or so in a radius. Also she is friends with lisa and lisa is the reason for finding out about the wasting disease. Also apperently Taylor has brain cancer as well.
I am looking for a worm fic where Taylor's apperent frog like appearence to some sort of wasting disease because of mal nutrition. I think it also was an alt power where Taylor has non manton limited telekinesis of up to a max of 10 pounds of force or so in a radius. Also she is friends with lisa and lisa is the reason for finding out about the wasting disease. Also apperently Taylor has brain cancer as well.
That Gnawing Worm, Cancer [Worm AU], by Nugar.
I can't seem to find the quest/fic where taylor got a random new power every day, with the strength decided by a dice roll.

I remember resurrection (Taylor's mom and Hero), Island Creation and the ability to kill anything being particularly noteable.
I remember reading a fic about a guy being inserted as Weiss schnees brother but I can't find it anywhere? Any help would be appreciated.
Looking for a Harry Potter story. I don't recall much about it, but a major plot point was that Hermione was revealed to be a high-functioning sociopath*. This is presented as an explanation for her rule-loving nature early in the series - being herself incapable of comprehending what is morally right or wrong or judging what is socially acceptable, she substitutes slavish obedience to the published standards of behavior, i.e. the Rules - as well as her total lack of compunction about the her morally questionable actions in the pursuit of her goals later on (e.g. getting people to sign a cursed parchment without warning them, mind-wiping her own parents, etc.). In particular, one example that is given is her attitude towards house-elves: she is literally incapable of grasping the difference between the enslavement of house-elves and the enslavement of humans, so she reacts to their treatment the same ways she understands that she ought to react if humans were being treated that way.
I'm pretty sure the fic was set well after Hogwarts, and I think it was Harry/Hermione.

*: I'm not sure if this is the correct term, nor do I recall if the fic itself used it. As I recall, the fic presented her as being incapable of innately judging morally right from wrong or identifying what is socially acceptable behavior, but it did not present her as being incapable of genuine emotion; in particular, while many of her friendships and relationships were simulated on her part, her care for Harry (and possibly Ron) is genuine.

Biigoh: Might I suggest moving the thread to (or at least linking to it from) the main Creative Writing sticky list? Every time I look for this thread, it takes me forever to find because I don't think to look in the Index subforum; I expect Index to contain, well, indexes, not search and discussion threads. I don't think I'm alone in that; the NSFW search thread, which lives in the main NSFW Creative Writing forum, has 10 times as many views as this one.

There was a story I read that talked about getting along with certain people requires understanding their true nature. It was set during their school years. If I remember correctly it gave three examples:

1. Treat everything Luna says and you say to Luna literally.
2. Treat Molly Weasley as the dueling champion she used to be.
3. Understand that Hermione's adherence to the rules is so strict because she know she doesn't understand morality, and uses rules as a crutch. The example given was that Hermione doesn't understand the difference between turning someone's hair green and killing their dog as a prank.

I'm looking for it but not having any luck.

Edit: Found it, Googled "hermione" "killing their dog"

The Dark Lord's Equal

You could tell he was in such a prickly mood by his overly formal attitude. Overly formal for him I mean, he relies on procedure when in bad situations, in the same way as I rely on doing crazy, impossible shit when cornered.
Please don't get me wrong. I don't mean this is in anyway a bad thing, we are all different, and Perce is one of my closest friends, along with Molly. You only need to understand the context.
With Molly it's all about talking to the twenty year old girl, the one who won her last championship, and then, for whatever outlandish reason, decided to give it all up in 1970 to raise her firstborn son.
With Hermione, you've got to realise her little flaw. She's not evil, it's just that she has a bit of trouble telling the difference between turning a person's hair green for a joke, and killing their dog. It is because of this little problem that she always follows the rules strictly, so as to never be caught out.
With Luna you just have to accept the universe exactly the way it is, and then talk directly to her, without hinting, or relying on the little subtleties.
Neville I have no idea about. I get the impression that he has a read on me though, and he accepts whatever personality quirks I happen to regularly express without remarking on them.
Fleur, Fawkes, and Astoria are all like that too. You can't really deal with them until you get the lowdown on each one's personality.
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Awesome fic (shame it isn't better edited, though), and one I've read before, but not the one I'm looking for. The author's notes for that one do say that many of the elements were borrowed from other fics he'd read, so maybe he was copying the one I'm thinking of? The 'can't tell the difference between changing hair colour and killing dogs' line sounds like it might be a reference to the 'can't tell the difference between enslaving a human and an elf' thing.

Aha! Found it. Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You by SmallBurnyThing.
Okay so Hi all I am searching for a Worm fic where Regent of all people strikes friendship with Glory Girl who is mourning loss I think it was Gallant, not sure who. Regent is blasted by the emotional aura of glory and he finds that thanks to it he can feel real emotion. It went so far that he even started to prepare for revenge against Gallant killer. Can anybody help. Also any good happy Worm recs will be greatly appreciated.

Cheers noir
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Okay so Hi all I am searching for a Worm fic where Regent of all people strikes friendship with Glory Girl who is mourning loss I think it was Gallant, not sure who. Regent is blasted by the emotional aura of glory and he finds that thanks to it he can feel real emotion. It went so far that he even started to prepare for revenge against Gallant killer. Can anybody help. Also any good happy Worm recs will be greatly appreciated.

Cheers noir
Oh that sounds interesting.
It wasn't main plot more of a subplot, but it was really interesting and by gods I have been trying google fu to find it for the whole day without any success. Sign I cant remember if it was on Spacebattles, sufficient Velocity A03 or FF.net any help will be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Noir

found it for those interested Genom on sufficient velocity
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Hey, does anyone know the fic where Glory Girl thinks she's the one who's adopted? She isn't really, she just thinks she is.
I recall reading a fic at some point in the last few months in which EMIYA is contracted by Alaya to head back in time and something something to do with Arturia. It was working pretty hard to incorporate Arthurian mythology, incorporating stuff like Uther's magically enabled rape of Igraine, the various petty kings which fought with or against Arthur, the confusion between Morgause and Morgan le'Fay, and a bunch of other good shit.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Edit: Found it, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11258037/9/Contractual-Obligations
I was under the impression it was a more recent fic. Shame that it (appears to be) dead, as while Fate/In Time isn't total garbage, it's also a step away from an isekai story, and it has fuck all to do with Arthurian legend, which was what lured me into Nasu's bullshit in the first place.
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i have been reading once, few years ago a Bleach fic on FFN, dealing in the powerless ichigo time-wise, where the love-struck Yuzu confronts ichigo, only for some strange reason,he finds himself drawn to her.
there is a part where they about to 'do the deed' and later he wakes up, from a nightmare where he did it with his little sister. he checks himself and sees he still has underwear on.
Yuzu is relieved she left in time. later when he goes to shower he has a moment of panic as he notices that his boxers are on backwards.

it turns out that yuzu awakened her quincy powers and as a female quincy who deeply feels for a male, some rare instinctive quincy power made her irresistable to the male she fancied, to make sure quincy wont go extinct.

supossedly it will only stop once conception is accomplished.

ichigo is panicked and loosing it, yuzu doesnt know what to do, isshin is lost...ryuuken ends up as the doctor for the couple...
last chapter i remember reading had ichigo vowing to support yuzu, as he got a bit back to himself after the mental breakdown and self loathing he had most of the fic.

i think its no longer on FFN.

pretty sure it has a scene where yuzu invites her friends over to her room, one has a perfume she claims will guarantee a boy smelling it will fall for her.
and a friend tries it on big bro ichigo, who pretends that it works, scaring the girls into going home, and he laughs at the prank, only to do that again to yuzu-that time falling under the above-mentioned power of hers.

i thing the author also had another fic that no longer on -one that had ishida falling for karin, get to meet an Idol oc fullbringer whose item of power is a phone, and the power is reading people/thoughts...

both fics focused on the emotional turmoil as the boys were put into what was shaping to be taboo relationship, and trying to avoid it, and fate insisting otherwise.
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