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Chapter - 1: Oni

[Hiroki Sajyou - Pov]

My family is nothing...


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May 30, 2022
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Chapter - 1: Oni

[Hiroki Sajyou - Pov]

My family is nothing dispatchable, and I know that. We might have some Magus bloodline, but it's nothing special like the prestigious Tohsaka, Matou, or Einzbern families. We barely have a lineage of five generations, and we're not as wealthy as those three powerhouses.

But despite what others say, our family has a unique specialty in Formalcraft and Sorcery. People might consider it inefficient and useless, but I scoff at that notion. Formalcraft and Sorcery might appear simple, but they should never be underestimated.

With the right connections, knowledge, and an abundance of prana, Formalcraft and witchcraft can be extremely dangerous, even fatal. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice calling me. It was my daughter, and I turned away from my current activity to greet her. She's a blessing in our family, even at such a young age, she has surpassed me in our family's wizardry business.

Her Formalcraft magic has expanded far beyond my expectations, and I owe a lot of our family's progress to her. While she might have only average magi circuits for a Magus, the quality of her magic is rich and powerful.

"What is it, honey?" I greeted her warmly.

My daughter hesitantly lifted her pale hand and showed me a strange tattoo on the back of it. The moment I saw it, my eyes widened. It was a Command Spell.

"This suddenly appeared on my arm when I was at school today," she said, her voice a mix of surprise and curiosity.

My mind raced, understanding the gravity of what this meant. Command Spells were not something to take lightly. They were tied to the Holy Grail War, a dangerous ritual involving powerful mages and heroic spirits vying for the legendary Holy Grail.

"Have you come across any unusual artifacts or experienced anything strange recently?" I asked, hoping for some clue as to why this Command Spell had appeared on her.

She shook her head, her worry growing. "No, nothing out of the ordinary. It just appeared during class."

I knew we needed to be cautious. The Holy Grail War was no joke, and her sudden acquisition of a Command Spell could mean she was involved in it. We had to investigate further and gather information. As a Magus, I understood the risks involved and the importance of being well-prepared.

"I will contact some of our family's acquaintances in the Magi Association to seek advice and learn more," I assured her. "In the meantime, I must tell you about the story of the rituare of the Holy Grail."


[Third Person]

Kirei Kotomine, the Mediator of the 5th Holy Grail War, sat inside the Church, his usual haunt for the past ten years. He had grown bored with his existence, realizing that the Holy Grail, like him, was an unnatural creation in this world. Both he and the Grail seemed to find joy in the suffering of others.

During the past decade, Kirei had taken delight in people coming to him with their problems. Instead of offering genuine support, he reveled in pointing out their faults and causing them more pain and sorrow.

Strangely, after enjoying their torment, he did provide them with beneficial advice to improve their situations. After all, he was still the Father of the Church, and he couldn't completely abandon his responsibilities.

However, the satisfaction he derived from this twisted cycle of cruelty and counsel paled in comparison to the excitement he experienced ten years ago when Fuyuki City burned in the flames of the Holy Grail War.

The sheer thrill of that event, the joyous laughter that erupted from him, made him question why a being like himself, who found pleasure in the suffering of others, was even allowed to exist. Now, the Holy Grail War was happening once again, and Kirei held the Command Spells in his hand, acquired from his former comrade, Bazett Fraga McRemitz.

He had taken her Servant, Lancer, and now had him scouting for intelligence on the other participants in the war. This time, Kirei was determined to ensure the Grail's completion and the birth of Angra Mainyu, hoping that through this, he could finally find the answer he sought for so long.

Kirei Kotomine's contemplation was abruptly interrupted as a Grail card flashed before him, signaling the summoning of another Servant. This one bore the class "Avenger," a class he was familiar with... A sense of curiosity and eagerness enveloped Kirei as he wondered about the implications of this unexpected class.

He could almost hear the entire chorus of questions echoing in his mind, craving to learn more about this enigmatic Servant and the Master behind it. Kirei eagerly anticipated the unfolding events of the Holy Grail War, with the appearance of the Avenger class once again adding an extra layer of intrigue to the already tumultuous war.


[Manaka Sajyou - Pov]

I am Manaka Sajyou, and everyone around me sees a good and accomplished girl. Kind, mature, and gentle, I am adored by my parents, especially my proud father, who believes I am destined to lead our Sayjou family to greatness, surpassing even the prestigious Three Great Families.

In the eyes of my schoolmates, I am a role model – smart, beautiful, caring, and always wearing an innocent smile. My actions bring cheers to those feeling down, and my presence seems to brighten their day. Despite all the praise, rewards, and success, there's a part of me that feels unfulfilled.

At first, the respect and recognition felt amazing, but as time went on, it grew dull. I can see that what I do benefits my family's Magecraft and legacy, but it doesn't fulfill me personally.

What good is all this fame and respect if it leaves me unsatisfied and longing for something more?

Deep inside, I yearn for the unfamiliar, the unseen. I want to witness unnatural expressions on people's faces, to understand the emotions they go through when facing something unimaginable. It started with my pet rabbit, whom I loved dearly.

But one day, I couldn't resist the temptation to see its betrayed expression, so I killed it with my usual angelic smile. I know it sounds twisted, but seeing that expression piqued my curiosity. I wonder how people's expressions would change if I were to do something even more drastic. Would it bring me the fulfillment I seek?

I'm aware that these thoughts are dark, but something inside me is drawn to explore the unknown and witness the reactions of others to something truly extraordinary. Perhaps it's my connection to the Root from the very beginning that fuels this desire for the extraordinary.

The knowledge of its nature makes everything else seem mundane, and I crave something beyond what my current life offers. I wanted to see my wish granted, and I knew it could only be through destruction. Unfortunately, I wasn't connected to the Root here, the source of true power and fulfillment.

The facade I maintained was merely a means to an end – my desire to reach the Root and witness its incredible abilities.

One day, to my surprise, a Command Spell appeared on my hand. Confused about its purpose, I asked my father for an explanation. To my annoyance, I learned that he had kept the knowledge of the Holy Grail from me, believing it wouldn't matter since it wouldn't manifest for another 60 years.

Though I was well-versed in Magic, I had never known about the Holy Grail's connection to the Third Magic, as my father had never shared this crucial information. Despite the annoyance, I couldn't help but feel exhilarated by the possibilities that the Holy Grail offered. The chance to summon a Heroic Spirit as a Servant intrigued me greatly. The Grail was a means to an end, not for making wishes come true, but to see the Root itself – to witness its form and essence.

Eager to begin my journey, I researched extensively to find a worthy Heroic Spirit to summon. With my developed magic, obtaining a catalyst was no issue, but I decided against it.

Why? Instead, I wanted to leave it to fate, to test my luck. I was curious to see what kind of Servant would be drawn to a person like me.

That's why I wanted to test my luck, if Grail picks me as a Master then what Servant would she gain only using my luck?

That was interesting...

My father initially objected, wanting me to summon the best Hero to ensure my victory in this war, but I convinced him to allow me to test my luck. He reluctantly agreed, and now I stood in the magic circle he had prepared in my workshop, ready to summon the Servant I hoped would be an inspiring event for me.

With determination, I began the chanting, channeling Prana throughout my body and activating all my magical circuits. I invoked the existence known as Heroic Spirit, excited to see which Servant was best suited for me.

The room suddenly filled with a blinding light, and strong winds swept through, accompanied by billowing smoke. I instinctively covered my face, trying to shield myself from the chaos unfolding before me. As the commotion settled, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows – a man, or more accurately monster, an Oni from Japanese legends.

His upper body was powerful and well-sculpted, with a black skin tone adorned with sharp bony protrusions and protective scales. Two menacing black horns protruded from his forehead, and he had short white hair that framed his angular yet cute face.

His pointed ears held gold magatama earrings, adding to the air of mystique surrounding him. I couldn't help but feel both fear and excitement coursing through me as he fixed a cold and indifferent gaze upon my father and me. His words cut through the tense atmosphere, demanding to know who his master was.

Heart pounding, I mustered the courage to step forward. "I am Manaka Sajyou," I said, trying to match the Oni's intensity with my own determination. "I am your Master."

He continued to scrutinize me, as if assessing my worthiness. After what felt like an eternity, he gave a dismissive snort, clearly unimpressed. "Very well. I suppose you'll do,"he said, with indifference as if it were not really important.

Imagine if he feasts on the beasts at the reverse side of the world.
Chapter - 2: True Monster and Innocent Monster

[Third Person]

Heart pounding, I mustered the courage to step forward. "I am Manaka Sajyou," she said, trying to match the Oni's intensity with her own determination. "I am your Master." He continued to scrutinize her, as if assessing my worthiness. After what felt like an eternity, he gave a dismissive snort, clearly unimpressed. "Very well. I suppose you'll do," He said, with indifference as if it were not really important.

Amidst the tension-filled scene, Hakuno Sayjou, Manaka's father, was visibly shaken. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he stared at the monstrous figure before him, paralyzed by the overwhelming presence that emanated from it.

The fear of making even the slightest movement, lest it provoke a deadly response, held him captive.

"My name is Otakemaru, the Supreme ruler of every Yokai on Mt. Ibuki," the Oni declaration carried an eerie indifference, as if the world around had no importance to him.

What the hell was this abomination before him? And what kind of servant introduces his name before his class? What kind of fucking Servant had his daughter conjured up he would have preferred a knight or even just a simple samurai?

In the midst of this unsettling encounter, Manaka's attention was drawn to Otakemaru's gaze shifting towards her. Their eyes locked, and a shiver ran down her spine as she found herself ensnared by the intensity of his gaze.

His eyes, golden with black scleral, stared at her with unearthly intensity, freezing her in place "Ah, so I was conjured up by a little innocent monster, how funny" Otakemaru gave her a brief nod, indicating that he was pleased with the tiny human creature before him.

The description of her as an "innocent little monster" left a strange blend of validation and unease. As if peering into her very essence, his eyes seemed to see beyond the facade she had carefully constructed, stripping away the layers that concealed her true self. Though the color of their eyes was drastically different, there was an inexplicable connection that transcended the surface. A sensation coursed through her, a feeling of vulnerability mingled with intrigue.

Otakemaru's presence was disconcerting yet strangely captivating, stirring emotions within Manaka that had remained dormant until now. As the weight of his gaze persisted, she couldn't help but ponder the implications of meeting the Servant best suited for her "That means it was you who summoned me. Very well, first we will take time to get to know each other, then we can proceed to talk about the upcoming War," he declared, his tone betraying an almost whimsical detachment, as though the entire summoning ritual were a mere diversion.

"Nice to meet you too, little Hime..." he addressed her, a smile on his lips that revealed fangs capable of effortlessly rending the flesh of even the most formidable Phantasmal Beasts. The juxtaposition of his smile and the deadly potential of those fangs was unsettling yet strangely intriguing of her.

Manaka's gaze remained fixed on her newly summoned Servant. His demeanor was undeniably captivating, and she could sense a sincerity in his words.
Despite having laid bare her darker desires, the side of her that harbored the urge to inflict harm upon others, Otakemaru's response remained unperturbed. It was a reaction she had not expected, for typically, anyone who glimpsed her true nature would recoil in fear or disdain.

Yet this man, or rather, this monster, displayed no fear, no revulsion. He acknowledged her darker aspect with an air of nonchalance, as if it were just another facet of her being. The lack of judgment was both refreshing and mystifying, leaving Manaka intrigued by the enigmatic creature before her.

As the conversation progressed, Hakuno, her father, finally found his voice. "Excuse me, Otakemaru-sama, but what class are you?" he inquired, his curiosity breaking through the tense atmosphere. Otakemaru turned his attention to Hakuno, his expression remaining stoically indifferent. "Actually, I can be summoned to any of the seven main classes. Additionally, I have the potential to manifest as one of the three extra classes. However, for this summoning, I have taken the form of an Avenger," he replied, delivering the revelation with an air of calculated detachment that seemed to emphasize the gravity of his presence.

A Servant capable of manifesting in all classes – Hakuno couldn't fathom the implications of such an existence. He was utterly bewildered, having never come across a heroic spirit with such versatility. And to compound his confusion, the revelation of the Avenger class further rattled him. He had never even heard of such a class before.

This sentiment was shared by his daughter, Manaka, whose surprise was evident in her voice."Avenger?" she queried, her curiosity mirroring her father's.

"Yes, Avenger," Otakemaru confirmed nonchalantly, his response dripping with an air of indifference. "You could say it's a class meant for a World Destroyer or something of the sort. As for why I was summoned into that class, well, you're the one who initiated the summoning ritual," he added, punctuating his words with a casual shrug.

Hakuno's bewilderment deepened. "But we invoked the chant for summoning a Saber," he retorted, his brow furrowed in consternation.

Otakemaru's reply was as blunt as ever, his tone dry. "Well, then it seems humanity's luck still leaves much to be desired," he remarked, his words causing a flash of annoyance to cross Hakuno's face at the brusque response.

"Regardless," Otakemaru continued, seemingly undisturbed by their astonishment, "perhaps it's best we relocate to a more spacious setting. This place is beginning to feel too confining for my liking." Hakuno, though still grappling with the whirlwind of revelations, found himself compelled to concede. The enigmatic Servant's presence carried an air of authority that left little room for argument.


[Later on in Manaka's room]

In the confines of Manaka's room, a candid statement hung in the air. "You know what I am...." Manaka's words were direct, her gaze fixed on the enigmatic figure before her.
Otakemaru, who had transformed into a young human with an imposing physique, calmly reclined as he sat. His white hair contrasted against the simple attire he now wore – a white and gray T-shirt, a hooded jacket, and long blue pants. With an air of casual nonchalance, he sipped from a drink he had procured.

The initial tension that had accompanied their meeting had gradually waned, replaced by a shared understanding. Following a brief explanation about the Avenger class and an inquiry from Hakuno about Otakemaru's identity, the three of them had spent time getting acquainted. However, a sense of unease lingered beneath the surface, particularly within Hakuno.

Despite his efforts to remain composed, Hakuno held reservations about Otakemaru. The very presence of this Servant felt like a threat, especially when it concerned his daughter's well-being. Yet, the fear of invoking wrath Otakemaru's are kept him from taking drastic measures – for now. Compounding Hakuno's concerns was the intricate narrative that surrounded Otakemaru. The rise of Shuten-douji/Ibuki-douji had obscured much of the historical records about him, leaving his story shrouded in confusion and uncertainty.

In response to Hakuno's questions, Otakemaru gave an answer. And he hinted at the possibility of discovering a story related to "Otakemaru," although he clarified that it would not necessarily be about him. His story, it was apparently, had been woven into the fabric of myth and legend, a simple fable that should not have existed..

For Hakuno, this revelation was anything but reassuring. The thought of leaving his daughter under the guidance of someone as enigmatic as Otakemaru ignited a fierce inner turmoil. His protective instincts clashed with fear, leaving him in a stalemate. It was no secret to him that Servants could kill their Master if they wanted to or use them only as a Prana battery. So right now while Hakuno was trying to find Otakemaru's story, he gave him and Manaka some time to get to know each other.

Aware of the potential danger that Servants could pose to their Masters, Hakuno was cautious in his approach. As he delved into the task of researching Otakemaru's background, he allowed both Manaka and the Servant time to forge a connection, giving them space to get to know each other.

Manaka's curiosity was palpable as she posed a direct question to Otakemaru. "And you're not even annoyed? Aren't you slightly disgusted? Why are you a monster?" Her inquiry held a mix of innocence and intrigue.

Otakemaru's response was marked by a dismissive nonchalance, as if such reactions were expected. "Yes, I know," he conceded, his tone implying that Manaka's concern was typical for someone in her position.

Manaka's head tilted as she sought to understand the nature of this enigmatic being before her. "I've done and seen worse, little girl..." Otakemaru's retort was laced with a hint of exasperation. "Do you think I ascended to the position of supreme commander of all Yokai through a fortunate stroke of luck? No, I fought and shed blood to earn that title," he explained, his words emphasizing what a real monster was..

His words took a somber turn as he continued, addressing a notion that had remained unsaid. "You are a monster born of envy," Otakemaru stated matter-of-factly, causing Manaka to blink in surprise at the unexpected declaration. "You possess everything you desire, until the allure fades. Then, when you encounter ordinary individuals, you covet the simplicity of their lives... You may not admit it, but deep down, jealousy simmers within you."

The atmosphere in the room shifted palpably as Manaka absorbed Otakemaru's words. It was as if his observations had struck a nerve, causing her bright eyes to grow cold and her once angelic smile to vanish, replaced by an unsettling blend of anger and a piercing stare.

"And how do you know?" Her voice was now laced with an icy edge as she muttered the question. Otakemaru's insight had pierced through her defenses, unearthing a truth that she had been reluctant to acknowledge – the jealousy that simmered beneath her veneer of indifference.

Otakemaru remained unperturbed by the shift in Manaka's demeanor, offering her a serene smile in response. "Because I met someone like you in the past," he explained calmly, his tone carrying the weight of experience. "He was a human, much like you, consumed by revenge and envy. He sacrificed everything for power, only to become a monster himself."

Manaka listened intently, her neutral expression betraying little emotion as Otakemaru continued. "You, little Hime, share similarities with him. While your goals and desires may differ, the path you tread bears a resemblance. I sense it within you. A trajectory that, once set in motion, could lead you down a perilous road, from which there may be no return."

Manaka's features remained neutral as she absorbed Otakemaru's words, her icy blue eyes offering no insight into her thoughts. With deliberate slowness, she finally spoke, her voice carrying a teasing undertone. "What makes you think I care?" Her words danced on the edge of indifference, a calculated facade that concealed the inner turmoil stirred by their conversation.

"Why do you still feel jealous?" Otakemaru's response was measured and direct, his words cutting through her defenses. He laid bare her emotions with a simplicity that caught her off guard. "You are jealous of them, and deep down, you recognize the wrongness of your impending actions... This inner conflict reveals that morality still resides within you."

His slight smile held a gentleness that contrasted with the weight of his words. "And that, my little, is not a weakness," he continued, his tone soft yet resolute. "It is a testament to your humanity. It demonstrates that you still possess boundaries, limits that delineate the line between innocence."

Manaka, who had been listening intently, couldn't help but widen her eyes – a rare display of surprise following her earlier anger. Otakemaru's perspective had pierced through her defenses, illuminating a facet of her psyche that she had been reluctant to confront. Could it be true? Could I really know what I did was wrong? No... I know it's wrong to feel this way, to find out how I will feel when I kill people, but it's the only thing I find fun in this world. To find something new...' Manaka's thoughts swirled within her mind, a tumultuous reflection of her inner conflict. Her gaze remained distant, lost in contemplation.

Sensing her turmoil, Otakemaru rose from his seat with deliberate grace, his hand extending to gently caress her head. The unexpected gesture elicited surprise from Manaka, her vacant expression shifting as she absorbed his touch. His words carried a comforting reassurance. "Hey, there's no need to be so gloomy. If you truly desire to take a life, let's channel that urge towards the battlefield."

Confusion colored Manaka's features as she grappled with the paradox before her. "But you're an Oni, aren't you? Don't you revel in violence? I can't quite grasp it..." Her tone held a note of bewilderment as she tried to reconcile her perceptions with the complexity of Otakemaru's nature.

A soft laugh escaped Otakemaru's lips, a sound that seemed to scorn other creatures similar to him. "Do not confuse me with the common Oni, those who feed solely on battles and the taste of human flesh. I am different from them, for I am their ruler."

His explanation shifted, revealing a different facet of his motivation. "As for why I've chosen to aid you, the answer is simple. If my little master were to succumb entirely to a bloodthirsty monstrosity, it would become my duty to eliminate you. Two such creatures cannot coexist within the same domain," he replied with a smile worthy of an Oni.

Ya I think you posted the chapter 2 again by mistake

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