Chapter 45: Shadow of the Mysterious Self
Kishou the Badger
Stronger than LOVE
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Chapter 45: Shadow of the Mysterious Self
For better or worse, the team was in a familiar area. Days of running around the open ground floor of the castle for training came to them quickly, and there was plenty of room to coordinate with each other.
However, they never had to fight a giant bear-themed Frankenstein Monster swinging column-sized claws to sever and/or crush them to death. It took most of their energy just to avoid getting swatted by the claws.
"What the hell, bear?!" Yosuke yelled. "Didn't you say you had some sentiment about not fighting us?!"
"I never said I wouldn't do what I had to," the Shadow coolly stated. "Just as you are determined to find the truth of this crime, I am determined to stop that from happening."
"But why?" Shirou demanded. "Why stop us? Why stand by and let innocent people keep dying?!"
"If you have to ask, then you wouldn't understand even if I told you."
Shadow Teddie reared his head back for a deep breath, and then exhaled as he leaned forward. A frigid breath of ice flooded the room, spreading frozen crags in a ripple-like effect. Yukiko held back, immediately crossing her arms into a guard and crouched down to avoid being knocked away. The others stood their ground, shrugging off the attack and avoiding the crags. Chie all but vaulted forward with her armored boots, crushing the icicles underfoot with nary an effort.
"Boots of Abigor, don't fail me now," she muttered under her breath. She ducked into a slide, with the speed and grace of a figure skater. As she skidded right up to the front of Shadow Teddie, Chie lifted her right leg and smashed a roundhouse kick directly into his face.
With momentum and a Persona on her side, the kick actually did some knockback and damage enough to cause the Shadow to rear back. Chie didn't let up. She offhand summoned her Persona card and crushed it in her free hand without fanfare. Tomoe brandished her naginata in a quick flurry fast enough to land several hits at once.
The monstrous bear Shadow had girth and weight in his new form, and although the impact forced his already fractured head back, he ignored the barrage of Persona strikes with a heavy swing of his tree trunk-sized paw. He struck Tomoe true, sending her, and subsequently Chie, flying across the room.
"Chie!" Yukiko cried out. She was too far out of range for Konohana Sakuya's healing. Chie's reflexes shined through though with her righting herself just before skidding on the floor, panting for breath. Relief soon turned to anger as Yukiko slashed down her Tarot to summon her Persona and subsequently conjure a pillar of flames under the Shadow's feet.
Shadow Teddie stumbled backwards, staggered by the singing embers on his fur. Shirou sheathed his sword and drew out his bow. "Pelt him at a distance! His reach is long but he can't hurt what he can't hit!"
"Sounds good to me!" Kanji yelled and swung his wet-floor sign at his Persona card. Take-Mikazuchi set his sword down in front of him before crushing it with his fists from both sides, letting out a surge of electricity.
"Let's blow him away!" said Yosuke, summoning his own Persona with a stylish jump cut. Jiraiya made a ninja hand-sign that unleashed a gale, barely inconveniencing him from the way his scarf fluttered back.
Arrows and spells struck the bear in rapid succession, slowly pushing him further back. The assault gave the others, especially Chie, much needed breathing room to consider another plan of attack. They all knew it would take a lot more than this to even come close to defeating the Shadow.
"It's futile to resist," Shadow Teddie droned, slowly righting himself through the barrage. "Even if you win against me, you will fall to the might of my mistress, and only know despair. There is nothing worth fighting for in this path."
"Stuff it, bear!" Kanji cried, throwing his fist forward in a jab. The action followed suit to his thunder-sword God Persona as he changed gears, stomped forward and threw his own punch.
It cracked against the eroding "face" of Shadow Teddie, chipping a few pieces off and slugging him a good distance away from the Persona. Shadow Teddie showed no clear sign of fatigue, and stared Take-Mikazuchi down with his eerie ghost eyes.
"You're a poor listener, even towards Sensei's orders."
He crouched for a moment, and then pounced on the Persona with the full weight of his forward tackle. Kanji gasped and fell, a phantom pain crushing his chest down. A one-two punch later, Take-Mikazuchi dispersed into light from the pain of a giant bear's might bearing down… no pun intended.
"I-I'm alright, Yukiko-san," he winced. He wanted to get back up to assuage her worries but this pain wasn't something he could ignore right away. At least his senpai was quickly healing his wounds with Diarama.
Shirou and Yosuke were the only ones left standing for the vanguard, to which Shadow Teddie was advancing towards in lumbering steps. They abandoned ranged combat in favor of melee, rushing forward with their Personas in tow.
Shadow Teddie did not give them a chance to intercept. He swung his claw arm down like a sledgehammer at the ground in front of them, and the resulting shockwave distorted the Personas' forms and blew them away into shattered light. Their users were just as easily thrown back, sliding across the floor before colliding against Kanji.
"Ow!" he yelped. "Hey, I just got that bruise mended!"
"Uh, guys?" Yukiko started, and they looked up to see the feral bear towering over them. Chie was still out of bounds, Rise was between them when trying to reach her, and the fox Tama had disappeared sometime when the fight started.
Yosuke winced even as he pushed himself upright. "Yeah, this isn't going well at all."
Shadow Teddie leered down at them as he stomped closer. "Such a misfit team to search for the truth if there ever was one. Some children in education, a former idol, a pet, and a private eye who isn't here. Not even the loud one could hope to close the gap."
"'Loud one'?" Shirou echoed. "Who's that supposed to be?"
"I want to say he means me, but I don't want to be insulted for having a loud mouth," Yosuke said.
"He obviously means me!" Kanji yelled. "I got a good hit on him, didn't I?"
"So you admit to being a Moronji?" Rise deadpanned, nearly out of earshot. Nearly being the operative word.
"I told you to stop calling me that!"
"It's neither of you idiots," The Shadow said with a no-nonsense droll. "It's the one that escaped the mistress on her own and then trained. You know, the one in the-" Shadow Teddie gestured with his pointing claw towards the group, but stopped. The finger and eyes searched for something that wasn't there. "Wait. Where is the loud one?"
A loud, primal jungle cry echoed in the room. High above, swinging from a chandelier chain, was the "loud one". Taiga, while everyone was distracted, climbed the stairs to the upper foyer and latched onto a chandelier. After swaying her body on it a few times, she now had a swinging vine.
"Fuji-nee!" Shirou exclaimed. He was more surprised than worried that she took such initiative, and she was at the perfect height to counter the Shadow.
She leaped off as she came close to the giant bear, and landed on his head before grabbing a fistful of hair to stay secure. Then with her other hand, armed with her shinai, she started to smack the Shadow.
The attacks forced a bear-like roar from Shadow Teddie, either from pain or fury or both. With his attention preoccupied, everyone quickly scrambled away to regroup and steer clear of his building rage.
Shadow Teddie immediately tried to reach her from his back, but struggled doing so. His arms might be long, but his body was wider than before, and he had trouble moving his arms and legs in a restrictive body-shape to begin with. "Get off of me."
"Not so high and mighty now, are ya?" Taiga gloated between strikes.
"Cease this futile assault and I will rend your body to ribbons," he said neutrally, as if he didn't just emit an angry roar moments ago.
"I think you got the order messed up there," she said smugly. That earned her a more immediate claw attack grazing the Shadow's back, and forced her swing slightly away. "Whoa! Okay, fuzzy, why don't you pick on me while I'm your size?" She held her shinai up, and her Tarot card appeared just below it. She swung down to crush it, and smack the bear's back in the process. "Persona!"
Kaihime vaulted out from the blue flames conjured around Taiga, and landed in front of the Shadow. Body bent low, she drew her sword and quickly slashed at his arms hard enough to smack them back. Shadow Teddie swiped back at her as fast as he could, but she was faster still as she parried the claws higher while she ducked. Following that motion, she moved her katana in a semi-circle before quickly striking the exposed abdomen. And just to remind the bear of his other problem, Taiga continued to smack his back with her shinai while clinging to his fur.
The two-pronged attack continued to divert the giant Shadow's attention away from his other attackers. The rest of the Investigation Team were now recuperating at the opposite end of the foyer, as Shirou, Yosuke and Yukiko took turns mending wounds with their Dia and Diarama skills.
"Hell yeah, look at her go!" Kanji cheered. "Kick his ass, Sensei!"
"Don't celebrate just yet," Shirou said. "Fuji-nee is strong, but not strong enough to handle that Shadow on her own."
"So what's the plan, leader?" Chie asked. "Do we support her or what?"
Shirou furrowed his brow in thought. Every large Shadow fight thus far was a trial by fire, and Teddie's was no exception. They couldn't afford to be reckless with what attacks he could muster. But they couldn't be too cautious either, else he would come up with his own counter strategy. And they still had Satsuki to find, too.
Yukiko stiffened and stopped healing, looking over her shoulder. "Wait, did you hear that?"
"I did," Shirou said, also looking around. "And it sounded like-" He stopped and stared when the fox slowly walked over to them accompanied by a barely familiar face.
Compared to his usual round, cheery self, Teddie looked like a balloon that had sprung a leak and deflated. Due to a lack of support from his lower body, the poor bear was draped over Tama like a towel as she carried him. It was a morbid look for sure, one that made most of the Investigation Team retch with horror and sympathy.
"My god, what the hell happened to you?!"
"I'm-<cough> I'm sorry, Sensei, everyone…" the bear wheezed weakly. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I… don't even know what to say, except sorry."
"It's okay, Teddie, we've been there," Shirou assured. He personally hadn't, but he knew that personal demons were never an easy thing to handle. "Once we take care of your Shadow, we'll beat the vampire too."
"No, not that. Well, not just that. I mean I'm sorry for lying," Teddie clarified, coughing again. "The thing is, I haven't been completely honest about myself."
Flashback, yesterday
"Oh, where are they?" Teddie said, pacing around by the stack of TVs. He was feeling more antsy than usual, hoping the others would come back soon. But they had been gone for a long time doing "studying" for a "test". Teddie had lost track of how many days it'd been.
Before, he had no trouble waiting or wandering around for days as they flew by. Now he was impatient, curious, and wanting. Having friends who were willing to help fix his world made him eagerly enjoy the visits where they fought through the Shadows. But he wished they came here for more than just business.
"Whaaaa!" Teddie jumped and whirled around. Where did that feminine laugh come from? It didn't sound like Rise-chan or the other girls. "Who's there?"
He didn't need to look very long before seeing a silhouette at the edge of the studio area. He couldn't make out the body shape, or even if they had long hair or not. It was almost entirely black. It laughed again. "Hehehehe…"
"Huh? A girl?" That's what it was supposed to be, right? How did she get in here? Another victim pushed inside? She was just far enough out of reach that he couldn't quite smell her.
Then she turned and walked away, deeper into the world of Shadows.
"Hey! Wait up!" Teddie rushed after her. It was dangerous here, and she didn't seem to understand the rules of this world. A Shadow could easily get to her if she lapsed from a strong emotional outburst!
He didn't know how, but in following her he ended up right back at the Voidania castle. His concern for the girl grew as it was the most dangerous place in the world thus far. He hoped she didn't go any further than the front door because he didn't have enough courage to go further himself. Not when it looked foggier than ever, and that was supposed to keep the Shadows docile.
Just as Teddie was contemplating about waiting for Shirou-sensei and the others, he heard her voice again. "Do you want to play with me?"
Teddie looked around, spooked, "P-play?"
"Play. Maybe have a date? A play date?"
Teddie flushed and tapped his paw digits together. "Uh, I'm uh… not sure how to answer that."
"You can just say yes. Or no, if you don't want to go."
"Well, we can't date now anyway!" Teddie said. "You shouldn't even be here! You know how dangerous this place is?"
"You're a pretty funny bear, you know?" The girl sounded disappointed. "Why are you wearing that silly costume? You're fit for something more scary or powerful, like maybe a wendigo!"
"I don't want to be scary, though! I'd scare the girls like Chie-chan and Rise-chan!" Teddie argued. Then he scratched his chin and pondered. "Although Yuki-chan might be the exception."
"So there's someone that might understand," she said. "As long as you're true to your real self, you'll be fine!"
This girl didn't seem to listen to him. And what was that about a costume? Or real self? He wasn't wearing or hiding anything. Right?
"But… this is the real me, isn't it?" Teddie asked. His uncertainty was in whether he asked that question to the girl or himself.
"You don't even know? That's silly. Everyone at least knows something about themselves. Don't you know what you are? What you want?"
Teddie felt very put on, almost forgetting that he was supposed to help this girl get back home. Instead she was grilling him with uncomfortable questions. "What's with the twenty questions!?" he snapped. "You sure like to hear yourself talk! Do YOU know who you are? Huh?!"
"I know I want to drink blood. Which reminds me–"
Suddenly, Teddie felt a pair of hands hold his head and shoulder in place as a pair of incisors punctured holes into his body. Between the zipperline, actually. "GAAH!"
It lasted only a moment before he was alone on the ground floor again, and still had the bite wound on his person. "Y-You bit me!" It dawned on him that this person wasn't actually a victim, but the victimizer. "You're the vampire!!"
"Yep, though don't worry about me turning you," she said carelessly. "Trust me, I tried. Your eyeholes don't seem to register my hypnosis and you have no blood to drain out. You're weird."
Teddie was relieved to learn that he was immune, but didn't like the idea of having no blood. Much less being called 'weird'. "I'm weird?! I don't go around eating people for fun, you DA-wannabe!"
"What's a DA?"
Teddie almost answered that, but realized that he knew despite feeling like he shouldn't. So he huffed and folded his arms. "None of your business!"
The vampire girl laughed. "You're interesting, if only because you don't know who you are."
"Of course I know who I am! I'm me! Just a bear named Teddie! That's the real me!"
"Real? Me? What a trife."
"Whoa, did your voice get deeper or something?" the vampire asked eagerly.
Teddie's blood (or lack thereof) froze. He didn't say those words just now, and he wasn't hearing things either. Slowly, he turned around, and his eyes shrunk at what he saw. A near copy of him, leering down at him with golden eyes.
But how?! This shouldn't-!
"This shouldn't be possible. Is that what you are thinking?" The other Teddie said coldly, despite his mouth-line not moving. Teddie gulped and stepped away, tripping over his feet and fell down on his backside. "The truth of the matter is pointless, as it's unobtainable regardless. It will always be obscured by the fog you see before you. Some areas might look brighter than others, and you may fumble to grasp something in the mist, but that's it.
"And because you can only scratch the surface of the mysteries around you… why bother? What sense is there to yearn for a truth? Another one will just pop up in its place, in a near infinite loop. It is too stressful to think, so it is better to close your eyes and lie to yourself."
Teddie knew he shouldn't argue. He had seen enough times to know where this was going, and he wasn't sure what he was going on about anyway. But he felt personally attacked for being told to lie. He was a member of the Investigation Team. A team determined to save his home and find out why everything bad was happening in their worlds.
"Now wait just a minute!" he shouted. "Where do you go off saying stuff like that? You must think you're so smart using big words like that. Maybe I'm not smart, but I think hard every day! And right now, I think you're full of it!"
The other Teddie's eyes narrowed. "It is the defiant actions you speak of that are the very fumbling of truth, and thus useless. You already know this, and yet you refuse to accept it."
"But you are not the only one. You are but one in a million, among others who also deny what is inevitable. You were just… disappointed, that you fell in line like the rest. Like those 'fuddy-duddies' who fight a losing battle with progress."
"Okay, now I know you're making stuff up!" Teddie pointed angrily. "Never mind your cryptic bad guy allusions, but I only remember being alone here! And I never thought of Shirou-sensei and the others like that! They're my friends!"
"Friends that you coerced into a personal problem you had no courage to resolve on your own," the other Teddie cooly retorted. "And would they truly still think of you if they knew you? The real you?"
Teddie shrunk under his lookalike's gaze. The intensity alone made him uncomfortable, like they were freakier looking than usual. But the questions made him feel especially squeamish. "I-I don't know-"
"Exactly. And it is that uncertainty that provides comfort. You are better off not knowing the truth than finding it out at all. At least in this middle ground you understand that your friends accept you as you are, for now."
At that moment, there was no castle. No girl that he tried to look for. Just him and his mirror self, overwhelming him with a sense of vertigo.
"But if they knew the truth? That your current form is just a shape to deny your nature? That you are literally a shell of a past life, formed from regret and bitterness? That you had no lost memories at all?"
"Shu-shut up…"
"Shall I spell it out for you, 'Teddie Kuma'?" The lookalike sneered with mocking. "You are but a mere-"
He rushed to attack, make him stop before he said anymore, but then he was casually swatted aside. Or rather, the action was swatting, but it felt like a boulder-sized fist crushed through the part of his body that was bitten and something was gushing out of him. Blood? Air? Or was it… some black ooze that filled his body up?
Regardless, Teddie collapsed on the floor with no strength left inside him. A familiar sensation crept over him as a cloud of darkness surrounded the figure, and Teddie's own eyes became heavy as he lost consciousness. The last thing he heard was the vampire girl's voice commenting on the whole development.
"I think I can work with this…"
"After that, she drank me dry and tossed me aside while ordering the other me around like a butler."
Chie broke the silence with the only words anyone could think to say. "Oh, Teddie…"
No one said a word until the end of Teddie's story. It wasn't groundbreaking or revealing at first glance, but it revealed that even the bear was insecure about himself. The evidence was all there in hindsight, but he'd had his Shadow moment.
Part of the problem was because of them. Even now he was still afraid to admit to them what he was or might be. Shirou had a faint idea what that might be… but he decided it wasn't important. If Teddie didn't want them to know, then that was his business, not theirs.
There was some truth to his Shadow's words, ironically enough. One can't grasp at every bit of truth they want and hope for the best. It comes out when it's ready, and that usually comes in confronting it. But if Teddie ever needed to confront that part of him, the hurdle of the Shadow needed to be dealt with first.
Speaking of which… holy hell, was Fuji-nee still holding the giant Shadow back?!
"Just what the devil are you, woman?" Shadow Teddie droned. He had been throwing swipes and spells left and right but she parried them with finesse. Her dress suffered minor scratches and frost chippings that were starting to melt from room temperature, but she looked smug and confident. Her heightened breathing was due to adrenaline from her fighting rather than exhaustion.
She posed with her left side facing the Shadow, an action her Persona Kaihime mimicked beside her. "I'm the woman who is feared in Inaba and Fuyuki alike! Wielding the cursed sword Torashinai, I am the Tiger of Fuyuki! Taiga Fujimura! And with the power of my Stand Kaihime, I'm gonna kick your stuffing!"
"My god, she knows JoJo," Yosuke whispered in awe. The girls were more impressed by her boasting the name reference, and Kanji was chuckling to himself.
Shirou, on the other hand, was embarrassed and worried. If she had enough sass to do an act like that, then she might actually be running on fumes after all. Or attempt something crazy soon. "Oooookay, I think now's a good time to jump in before she really hurts herself," Shirou said.
"You'd… still fight?" Teddie asked slowly. "I guess that makes sense, if only to save Tiger-chan."
"We're helping you too, Teddie," Shirou insisted.
"Yeah, to help you get through whatever… this is," Rise added. The others nodded. Even the fox.
"B-But… I don't even know who I am," he said dejectedly. "What use does a liar bear like me have?"
Shirou smiled and gently rubbed Teddie's now flat head. "You're our friend, Teddie. That's enough for now."
Teddie was so moved that his eyes glistened with tears. "Shirou-sensei!"
With a grunt of slightly aching muscles, Shirou turned to his team. "Come on, guys! Let's help Fuji-nee!"
With the team motivated, Kanji answered for all of them as he flexed his arm with an elbow curl. "Hell yeah, let's kick some stuffing!" And they rushed over to join the fight.
Teddie watched them from the flank, still supported on Tama's back, softly crying. "Good luck, guys."
For better or worse, the team was in a familiar area. Days of running around the open ground floor of the castle for training came to them quickly, and there was plenty of room to coordinate with each other.
However, they never had to fight a giant bear-themed Frankenstein Monster swinging column-sized claws to sever and/or crush them to death. It took most of their energy just to avoid getting swatted by the claws.
"What the hell, bear?!" Yosuke yelled. "Didn't you say you had some sentiment about not fighting us?!"
"I never said I wouldn't do what I had to," the Shadow coolly stated. "Just as you are determined to find the truth of this crime, I am determined to stop that from happening."
"But why?" Shirou demanded. "Why stop us? Why stand by and let innocent people keep dying?!"
"If you have to ask, then you wouldn't understand even if I told you."
Shadow Teddie reared his head back for a deep breath, and then exhaled as he leaned forward. A frigid breath of ice flooded the room, spreading frozen crags in a ripple-like effect. Yukiko held back, immediately crossing her arms into a guard and crouched down to avoid being knocked away. The others stood their ground, shrugging off the attack and avoiding the crags. Chie all but vaulted forward with her armored boots, crushing the icicles underfoot with nary an effort.
"Boots of Abigor, don't fail me now," she muttered under her breath. She ducked into a slide, with the speed and grace of a figure skater. As she skidded right up to the front of Shadow Teddie, Chie lifted her right leg and smashed a roundhouse kick directly into his face.
With momentum and a Persona on her side, the kick actually did some knockback and damage enough to cause the Shadow to rear back. Chie didn't let up. She offhand summoned her Persona card and crushed it in her free hand without fanfare. Tomoe brandished her naginata in a quick flurry fast enough to land several hits at once.
The monstrous bear Shadow had girth and weight in his new form, and although the impact forced his already fractured head back, he ignored the barrage of Persona strikes with a heavy swing of his tree trunk-sized paw. He struck Tomoe true, sending her, and subsequently Chie, flying across the room.
"Chie!" Yukiko cried out. She was too far out of range for Konohana Sakuya's healing. Chie's reflexes shined through though with her righting herself just before skidding on the floor, panting for breath. Relief soon turned to anger as Yukiko slashed down her Tarot to summon her Persona and subsequently conjure a pillar of flames under the Shadow's feet.
Shadow Teddie stumbled backwards, staggered by the singing embers on his fur. Shirou sheathed his sword and drew out his bow. "Pelt him at a distance! His reach is long but he can't hurt what he can't hit!"
"Sounds good to me!" Kanji yelled and swung his wet-floor sign at his Persona card. Take-Mikazuchi set his sword down in front of him before crushing it with his fists from both sides, letting out a surge of electricity.
"Let's blow him away!" said Yosuke, summoning his own Persona with a stylish jump cut. Jiraiya made a ninja hand-sign that unleashed a gale, barely inconveniencing him from the way his scarf fluttered back.
Arrows and spells struck the bear in rapid succession, slowly pushing him further back. The assault gave the others, especially Chie, much needed breathing room to consider another plan of attack. They all knew it would take a lot more than this to even come close to defeating the Shadow.
"It's futile to resist," Shadow Teddie droned, slowly righting himself through the barrage. "Even if you win against me, you will fall to the might of my mistress, and only know despair. There is nothing worth fighting for in this path."
"Stuff it, bear!" Kanji cried, throwing his fist forward in a jab. The action followed suit to his thunder-sword God Persona as he changed gears, stomped forward and threw his own punch.
It cracked against the eroding "face" of Shadow Teddie, chipping a few pieces off and slugging him a good distance away from the Persona. Shadow Teddie showed no clear sign of fatigue, and stared Take-Mikazuchi down with his eerie ghost eyes.
"You're a poor listener, even towards Sensei's orders."
He crouched for a moment, and then pounced on the Persona with the full weight of his forward tackle. Kanji gasped and fell, a phantom pain crushing his chest down. A one-two punch later, Take-Mikazuchi dispersed into light from the pain of a giant bear's might bearing down… no pun intended.
"I-I'm alright, Yukiko-san," he winced. He wanted to get back up to assuage her worries but this pain wasn't something he could ignore right away. At least his senpai was quickly healing his wounds with Diarama.
Shirou and Yosuke were the only ones left standing for the vanguard, to which Shadow Teddie was advancing towards in lumbering steps. They abandoned ranged combat in favor of melee, rushing forward with their Personas in tow.
Shadow Teddie did not give them a chance to intercept. He swung his claw arm down like a sledgehammer at the ground in front of them, and the resulting shockwave distorted the Personas' forms and blew them away into shattered light. Their users were just as easily thrown back, sliding across the floor before colliding against Kanji.
"Ow!" he yelped. "Hey, I just got that bruise mended!"
"Uh, guys?" Yukiko started, and they looked up to see the feral bear towering over them. Chie was still out of bounds, Rise was between them when trying to reach her, and the fox Tama had disappeared sometime when the fight started.
Yosuke winced even as he pushed himself upright. "Yeah, this isn't going well at all."
Shadow Teddie leered down at them as he stomped closer. "Such a misfit team to search for the truth if there ever was one. Some children in education, a former idol, a pet, and a private eye who isn't here. Not even the loud one could hope to close the gap."
"'Loud one'?" Shirou echoed. "Who's that supposed to be?"
"I want to say he means me, but I don't want to be insulted for having a loud mouth," Yosuke said.
"He obviously means me!" Kanji yelled. "I got a good hit on him, didn't I?"
"So you admit to being a Moronji?" Rise deadpanned, nearly out of earshot. Nearly being the operative word.
"I told you to stop calling me that!"
"It's neither of you idiots," The Shadow said with a no-nonsense droll. "It's the one that escaped the mistress on her own and then trained. You know, the one in the-" Shadow Teddie gestured with his pointing claw towards the group, but stopped. The finger and eyes searched for something that wasn't there. "Wait. Where is the loud one?"
A loud, primal jungle cry echoed in the room. High above, swinging from a chandelier chain, was the "loud one". Taiga, while everyone was distracted, climbed the stairs to the upper foyer and latched onto a chandelier. After swaying her body on it a few times, she now had a swinging vine.
"Fuji-nee!" Shirou exclaimed. He was more surprised than worried that she took such initiative, and she was at the perfect height to counter the Shadow.
She leaped off as she came close to the giant bear, and landed on his head before grabbing a fistful of hair to stay secure. Then with her other hand, armed with her shinai, she started to smack the Shadow.
The attacks forced a bear-like roar from Shadow Teddie, either from pain or fury or both. With his attention preoccupied, everyone quickly scrambled away to regroup and steer clear of his building rage.
Shadow Teddie immediately tried to reach her from his back, but struggled doing so. His arms might be long, but his body was wider than before, and he had trouble moving his arms and legs in a restrictive body-shape to begin with. "Get off of me."
"Not so high and mighty now, are ya?" Taiga gloated between strikes.
"Cease this futile assault and I will rend your body to ribbons," he said neutrally, as if he didn't just emit an angry roar moments ago.
"I think you got the order messed up there," she said smugly. That earned her a more immediate claw attack grazing the Shadow's back, and forced her swing slightly away. "Whoa! Okay, fuzzy, why don't you pick on me while I'm your size?" She held her shinai up, and her Tarot card appeared just below it. She swung down to crush it, and smack the bear's back in the process. "Persona!"
Kaihime vaulted out from the blue flames conjured around Taiga, and landed in front of the Shadow. Body bent low, she drew her sword and quickly slashed at his arms hard enough to smack them back. Shadow Teddie swiped back at her as fast as he could, but she was faster still as she parried the claws higher while she ducked. Following that motion, she moved her katana in a semi-circle before quickly striking the exposed abdomen. And just to remind the bear of his other problem, Taiga continued to smack his back with her shinai while clinging to his fur.
The two-pronged attack continued to divert the giant Shadow's attention away from his other attackers. The rest of the Investigation Team were now recuperating at the opposite end of the foyer, as Shirou, Yosuke and Yukiko took turns mending wounds with their Dia and Diarama skills.
"Hell yeah, look at her go!" Kanji cheered. "Kick his ass, Sensei!"
"Don't celebrate just yet," Shirou said. "Fuji-nee is strong, but not strong enough to handle that Shadow on her own."
"So what's the plan, leader?" Chie asked. "Do we support her or what?"
Shirou furrowed his brow in thought. Every large Shadow fight thus far was a trial by fire, and Teddie's was no exception. They couldn't afford to be reckless with what attacks he could muster. But they couldn't be too cautious either, else he would come up with his own counter strategy. And they still had Satsuki to find, too.
Yukiko stiffened and stopped healing, looking over her shoulder. "Wait, did you hear that?"
"I did," Shirou said, also looking around. "And it sounded like-" He stopped and stared when the fox slowly walked over to them accompanied by a barely familiar face.
Compared to his usual round, cheery self, Teddie looked like a balloon that had sprung a leak and deflated. Due to a lack of support from his lower body, the poor bear was draped over Tama like a towel as she carried him. It was a morbid look for sure, one that made most of the Investigation Team retch with horror and sympathy.
"My god, what the hell happened to you?!"
"I'm-<cough> I'm sorry, Sensei, everyone…" the bear wheezed weakly. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I… don't even know what to say, except sorry."
"It's okay, Teddie, we've been there," Shirou assured. He personally hadn't, but he knew that personal demons were never an easy thing to handle. "Once we take care of your Shadow, we'll beat the vampire too."
"No, not that. Well, not just that. I mean I'm sorry for lying," Teddie clarified, coughing again. "The thing is, I haven't been completely honest about myself."
Flashback, yesterday
"Oh, where are they?" Teddie said, pacing around by the stack of TVs. He was feeling more antsy than usual, hoping the others would come back soon. But they had been gone for a long time doing "studying" for a "test". Teddie had lost track of how many days it'd been.
Before, he had no trouble waiting or wandering around for days as they flew by. Now he was impatient, curious, and wanting. Having friends who were willing to help fix his world made him eagerly enjoy the visits where they fought through the Shadows. But he wished they came here for more than just business.
"Whaaaa!" Teddie jumped and whirled around. Where did that feminine laugh come from? It didn't sound like Rise-chan or the other girls. "Who's there?"
He didn't need to look very long before seeing a silhouette at the edge of the studio area. He couldn't make out the body shape, or even if they had long hair or not. It was almost entirely black. It laughed again. "Hehehehe…"
"Huh? A girl?" That's what it was supposed to be, right? How did she get in here? Another victim pushed inside? She was just far enough out of reach that he couldn't quite smell her.
Then she turned and walked away, deeper into the world of Shadows.
"Hey! Wait up!" Teddie rushed after her. It was dangerous here, and she didn't seem to understand the rules of this world. A Shadow could easily get to her if she lapsed from a strong emotional outburst!
He didn't know how, but in following her he ended up right back at the Voidania castle. His concern for the girl grew as it was the most dangerous place in the world thus far. He hoped she didn't go any further than the front door because he didn't have enough courage to go further himself. Not when it looked foggier than ever, and that was supposed to keep the Shadows docile.
Just as Teddie was contemplating about waiting for Shirou-sensei and the others, he heard her voice again. "Do you want to play with me?"
Teddie looked around, spooked, "P-play?"
"Play. Maybe have a date? A play date?"
Teddie flushed and tapped his paw digits together. "Uh, I'm uh… not sure how to answer that."
"You can just say yes. Or no, if you don't want to go."
"Well, we can't date now anyway!" Teddie said. "You shouldn't even be here! You know how dangerous this place is?"
"You're a pretty funny bear, you know?" The girl sounded disappointed. "Why are you wearing that silly costume? You're fit for something more scary or powerful, like maybe a wendigo!"
"I don't want to be scary, though! I'd scare the girls like Chie-chan and Rise-chan!" Teddie argued. Then he scratched his chin and pondered. "Although Yuki-chan might be the exception."
"So there's someone that might understand," she said. "As long as you're true to your real self, you'll be fine!"
This girl didn't seem to listen to him. And what was that about a costume? Or real self? He wasn't wearing or hiding anything. Right?
"But… this is the real me, isn't it?" Teddie asked. His uncertainty was in whether he asked that question to the girl or himself.
"You don't even know? That's silly. Everyone at least knows something about themselves. Don't you know what you are? What you want?"
Teddie felt very put on, almost forgetting that he was supposed to help this girl get back home. Instead she was grilling him with uncomfortable questions. "What's with the twenty questions!?" he snapped. "You sure like to hear yourself talk! Do YOU know who you are? Huh?!"
"I know I want to drink blood. Which reminds me–"
Suddenly, Teddie felt a pair of hands hold his head and shoulder in place as a pair of incisors punctured holes into his body. Between the zipperline, actually. "GAAH!"
It lasted only a moment before he was alone on the ground floor again, and still had the bite wound on his person. "Y-You bit me!" It dawned on him that this person wasn't actually a victim, but the victimizer. "You're the vampire!!"
"Yep, though don't worry about me turning you," she said carelessly. "Trust me, I tried. Your eyeholes don't seem to register my hypnosis and you have no blood to drain out. You're weird."
Teddie was relieved to learn that he was immune, but didn't like the idea of having no blood. Much less being called 'weird'. "I'm weird?! I don't go around eating people for fun, you DA-wannabe!"
"What's a DA?"
Teddie almost answered that, but realized that he knew despite feeling like he shouldn't. So he huffed and folded his arms. "None of your business!"
The vampire girl laughed. "You're interesting, if only because you don't know who you are."
"Of course I know who I am! I'm me! Just a bear named Teddie! That's the real me!"
"Real? Me? What a trife."
"Whoa, did your voice get deeper or something?" the vampire asked eagerly.
Teddie's blood (or lack thereof) froze. He didn't say those words just now, and he wasn't hearing things either. Slowly, he turned around, and his eyes shrunk at what he saw. A near copy of him, leering down at him with golden eyes.
But how?! This shouldn't-!
"This shouldn't be possible. Is that what you are thinking?" The other Teddie said coldly, despite his mouth-line not moving. Teddie gulped and stepped away, tripping over his feet and fell down on his backside. "The truth of the matter is pointless, as it's unobtainable regardless. It will always be obscured by the fog you see before you. Some areas might look brighter than others, and you may fumble to grasp something in the mist, but that's it.
"And because you can only scratch the surface of the mysteries around you… why bother? What sense is there to yearn for a truth? Another one will just pop up in its place, in a near infinite loop. It is too stressful to think, so it is better to close your eyes and lie to yourself."
Teddie knew he shouldn't argue. He had seen enough times to know where this was going, and he wasn't sure what he was going on about anyway. But he felt personally attacked for being told to lie. He was a member of the Investigation Team. A team determined to save his home and find out why everything bad was happening in their worlds.
"Now wait just a minute!" he shouted. "Where do you go off saying stuff like that? You must think you're so smart using big words like that. Maybe I'm not smart, but I think hard every day! And right now, I think you're full of it!"
The other Teddie's eyes narrowed. "It is the defiant actions you speak of that are the very fumbling of truth, and thus useless. You already know this, and yet you refuse to accept it."
"But you are not the only one. You are but one in a million, among others who also deny what is inevitable. You were just… disappointed, that you fell in line like the rest. Like those 'fuddy-duddies' who fight a losing battle with progress."
"Okay, now I know you're making stuff up!" Teddie pointed angrily. "Never mind your cryptic bad guy allusions, but I only remember being alone here! And I never thought of Shirou-sensei and the others like that! They're my friends!"
"Friends that you coerced into a personal problem you had no courage to resolve on your own," the other Teddie cooly retorted. "And would they truly still think of you if they knew you? The real you?"
Teddie shrunk under his lookalike's gaze. The intensity alone made him uncomfortable, like they were freakier looking than usual. But the questions made him feel especially squeamish. "I-I don't know-"
"Exactly. And it is that uncertainty that provides comfort. You are better off not knowing the truth than finding it out at all. At least in this middle ground you understand that your friends accept you as you are, for now."
At that moment, there was no castle. No girl that he tried to look for. Just him and his mirror self, overwhelming him with a sense of vertigo.
"But if they knew the truth? That your current form is just a shape to deny your nature? That you are literally a shell of a past life, formed from regret and bitterness? That you had no lost memories at all?"
"Shu-shut up…"
"Shall I spell it out for you, 'Teddie Kuma'?" The lookalike sneered with mocking. "You are but a mere-"
He rushed to attack, make him stop before he said anymore, but then he was casually swatted aside. Or rather, the action was swatting, but it felt like a boulder-sized fist crushed through the part of his body that was bitten and something was gushing out of him. Blood? Air? Or was it… some black ooze that filled his body up?
Regardless, Teddie collapsed on the floor with no strength left inside him. A familiar sensation crept over him as a cloud of darkness surrounded the figure, and Teddie's own eyes became heavy as he lost consciousness. The last thing he heard was the vampire girl's voice commenting on the whole development.
"I think I can work with this…"
"After that, she drank me dry and tossed me aside while ordering the other me around like a butler."
Chie broke the silence with the only words anyone could think to say. "Oh, Teddie…"
No one said a word until the end of Teddie's story. It wasn't groundbreaking or revealing at first glance, but it revealed that even the bear was insecure about himself. The evidence was all there in hindsight, but he'd had his Shadow moment.
Part of the problem was because of them. Even now he was still afraid to admit to them what he was or might be. Shirou had a faint idea what that might be… but he decided it wasn't important. If Teddie didn't want them to know, then that was his business, not theirs.
There was some truth to his Shadow's words, ironically enough. One can't grasp at every bit of truth they want and hope for the best. It comes out when it's ready, and that usually comes in confronting it. But if Teddie ever needed to confront that part of him, the hurdle of the Shadow needed to be dealt with first.
Speaking of which… holy hell, was Fuji-nee still holding the giant Shadow back?!
"Just what the devil are you, woman?" Shadow Teddie droned. He had been throwing swipes and spells left and right but she parried them with finesse. Her dress suffered minor scratches and frost chippings that were starting to melt from room temperature, but she looked smug and confident. Her heightened breathing was due to adrenaline from her fighting rather than exhaustion.
She posed with her left side facing the Shadow, an action her Persona Kaihime mimicked beside her. "I'm the woman who is feared in Inaba and Fuyuki alike! Wielding the cursed sword Torashinai, I am the Tiger of Fuyuki! Taiga Fujimura! And with the power of my Stand Kaihime, I'm gonna kick your stuffing!"
"My god, she knows JoJo," Yosuke whispered in awe. The girls were more impressed by her boasting the name reference, and Kanji was chuckling to himself.
Shirou, on the other hand, was embarrassed and worried. If she had enough sass to do an act like that, then she might actually be running on fumes after all. Or attempt something crazy soon. "Oooookay, I think now's a good time to jump in before she really hurts herself," Shirou said.
"You'd… still fight?" Teddie asked slowly. "I guess that makes sense, if only to save Tiger-chan."
"We're helping you too, Teddie," Shirou insisted.
"Yeah, to help you get through whatever… this is," Rise added. The others nodded. Even the fox.
"B-But… I don't even know who I am," he said dejectedly. "What use does a liar bear like me have?"
Shirou smiled and gently rubbed Teddie's now flat head. "You're our friend, Teddie. That's enough for now."
Teddie was so moved that his eyes glistened with tears. "Shirou-sensei!"
With a grunt of slightly aching muscles, Shirou turned to his team. "Come on, guys! Let's help Fuji-nee!"
With the team motivated, Kanji answered for all of them as he flexed his arm with an elbow curl. "Hell yeah, let's kick some stuffing!" And they rushed over to join the fight.
Teddie watched them from the flank, still supported on Tama's back, softly crying. "Good luck, guys."