Chapter 31: Striptease
Kishou the Badger
Stronger than LOVE
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Chapter 31: Striptease
Velvet Room
The Izanagi and Cu Sith cards were set on the table. The temporal room was silent as the long-nosed man waved his hand. Shirou, having seen the ritual before, kept his eyes more on Igor than the soon-to-be fusion. As his nose picked up the distinct scent of fresh tailored silk and champagne, the table erupted as sigils appeared.
In trying to gauge Igor's technique, he was distracted by the cards once again rocketing to the non-existent ceiling and dancing before blending together in a flash of white. Moments later, the new Persona appeared, feminine in form. She wore a white leotard over her slightly tanned skin, and had flowing blue hair. She looked human enough, beautiful even, but the wings and tail sprouting from behind in the same skin-tone color showed she wasn't normal. In fact, she was very dangerous and represented the Devil arcana.
Her teal eyes shifted to Shirou and she smiled seductively. Without warning, she flew down to his side and started stroking his chin. "Why, hello handsome! My name's Lilim, but feel free to call me Lili for short. Makes me sound almost human, no?"
"Uuuh," was Shirou's intelligent reply. He was aware that Lilims were sex demons, junior to the Succubi, but he was still taken aback from this one's forwardness.
"Aww, you're so cute acting all flustered like that!" cooed Lilim. She glanced back to Igor and Margaret, who were calmly staring and watching them. They might as well be statues, but the she-devil didn't seem to like how cramped the room was. "Say, why don't we go somewhere private and I can show you some of my techniques?"
The boy's face flushed a deep red. Before he could stutter a weak refusal, another Persona from his mind forcibly revealed herself to confront Lilim. "Still your tongue, hellspawn. You will not corrupt this soul under my guidance."
The woman could pass herself off as Lilim's sister in appearance, as they shared the same body size and hair color. The other woman's eyes appeared closed but she was hardly blind. A white sundress covered her body to her ankles, and feathery wings sprouted from her back.
Angel of Justice. Ninth of the nine hierarchies of Heaven, they were among the many messengers and guardians assigned to the equally large number of humans living in the world. Even when found from the remains from a Shadow weeks ago, she claimed to be Shirou's guardian angel, such as she was proving now. Not to say that she wasn't as fond of Nanako as he was.
But perhaps it was a bad idea to fuse Lilim while Angel was around…
Though looking put off from Angel's appearance, Lilim recovered and proceeded to lick Shirou's cheek, much to his discomfort and her anger. "A bit too late for that," the devil grinned. "This guy has a dark, burning fire inside him that's just waiting to get out. And I bet he could rock any girl's world if he let himself run wild."
Angel's eyes scrunched as if narrowing to a scowl. She gently but forcefully wrapped her arms around Shirou's. Tender like a lover, but also possessive. "No man is born perfectly Good or Lawful, but we endear those that try to follow our example. This child tries harder than anyone else, and heroes of the past have an unfortunate track record of acting on impulse than chastity."
"Chastity sucks! Real heroes are so sexy that their fingernails radiate testosterone!" Lilim argued. "And he has the potential to have any and EVERY girl he could want! Why wouldn't he want to have a girlfriend or five?"
"Because it is unbecoming. Love is a sacred bond between family and spouses, yet you seem to confuse it with orgies."
"Don't knock it 'til you try it, honey!" Lilim looked once over at Angel, and smiled seductively. "How would you like to become a Fallen Angel?"
Angel was obviously offended, but didn't show it. Instead she fired her own rhetoric. "How would you like to be a redeemed Nun?"
Lilim gasped as if her mother had been insulted. "I'd rather die before I go through something so demeaning!"
"The feeling's mutual."
Shirou could see and feel Zio sparks ignite from the two Personas glaring at one another. If this kept up, there could be a serious outbreak, leaving nothing of the Velvet Room left. "U-uh, Lilim? Angel?"
"What?" they growled as they turned towards him. Shirou felt his wellbeing at considerable risk now, but he couldn't stop now.
"I understand that you two have a… disagreement with one another." No one was fooled by the gross understatement. "But I would appreciate that you keep your advice and feedback towards my Social Links, so we can all get stronger."
"Understood, child," Angel nodded. Romance was something that took time, and she was content that Shirou would let things take their due course.
Lilim wasn't as patient, and saw this as him siding with Angel. She folded her arms and pouted cutely. "But that's boring! Don't tell you aren't the least bit interested in cute girls?"
Again, Shirou's mind let loose a Persona that couldn't help but add their two-cents in. He felt a bit of horror realizing it was the Duke of Hell, and what he was about to say next. "His heart clearly yearns for young Chie Satonaka, despite his denials and false sense of chivalry. It is most endearing."
"I'm partial to the scent of Cu Taiga myself," the fey dog added, also appearing in the cramped room. "Her kiss still finds its way to his dreams."
"Cu Sith!" Shirou flushed in equal parts embarrassment and anger. How the hell did his Persona even know about those dreams anyway?!
"What is there concern about? They were all chaste in nature after you rescued her from perils such as Kotomine's Tower-"
"Bah!" snorted Eligor. "You are clearly ignorant of the dream where he rescued Chie from the fierce Flygon."
Lilim cracked a smile. "Flygon? That's some sort of lame-man's kiddy monster, right? Why would anyone be scared of a knock-off?"
"The young Chariot has a severe case of entomophobia. It was a dream worthy of film classics."
"Huh. So how cute are these girls he's clearly into?" Lilim asked as she idly twirled her tail along her finger. "On a scale of one to ten?"
"Let me put it this way," said Cu Sith, before letting out a long, primal howl. "Arooooooooooo!"
"Can we please drop this?!" Shirou cried out from his seat. He couldn't sink any lower than he wanted to nor could he hide his face any further. He was just here to fuse more Personas to help Rise. How in the world did it get to the point that they were all talking about Satonaka and Fuji-nee like this?!
"Yeah, sure," Lilim smirked. "I think I'll hang around if your life is like an episode from a harem show."
"My life is not a harem show!" he snapped, for what little good it did.
The Personas finally dismissed themselves back to his subconscious, having their heckling fun. Though it was clear that Angel didn't share his other Personas' good cheer about his love life; in fact, she seemed to be rather disappointed in him.
Igor and Margaret's expressions had the faintest hints of amused smiles. "My," said Igor. "What a colorful ensemble you have collected!"
"And you're quite a hit with the ladies as well," Margaret teased.
Shirou could only glare and twitch with a bright red face. "Are we quite done here?"
"Yes," Margaret nodded, summoning the Izanagi card from the tome now that the joke was over. "Remember what you have seen today, because you'll have to complete the next fusion yourself."
Shirou nodded in understanding. One of the conditions to his magecraft training was to master fusion himself in a series of requests. The first request was to create a "subtle and fast Ippon-Datara". He had been thinking it over after she opened his magic circuits (which was as painful a process as she forewarned), and he assumed what she was asking to create him with a skill or spell to help him get faster. Like Jiraiya's Sukukaja.
Perhaps it was his own Structural Analysis acting up or some benefit of the Velvet Room, but Shirou could see the possibilities of Personas before they fused, including the skills they would inherit and later learn. Cu Sith was a trial run made in a hurry, while Lilim was decided out of other potential fusions because of her ability to learn Sukukaja.
Not that it would happen anytime soon, but rescuing Rise should help towards that.
"I will," he said, before glancing to the older man. "That is, if Igor-san will allow that."
"By all means," Igor smiled while gesturing towards him. "You are our guest, after all."
Route to Rise
Sometime later, everyone regrouped and met with Teddie again. They now had armor, supplies, and a lead. Shirou told Teddie of what he'd heard (Rise's worries about her stage life overtaking her personal one) and like a bloodhound on the trail, the bear was off. Shirou and the others followed close behind.
There was a silent anxiety working over everyone on their second rescue run. Yukiko had undergone trial runs through her castle before, but she was still nervous the whole trip as he looked over her shoulder. Chie herself was sporting a bō staff strapped over her back, looking ready to pull it out at a moment's notice. When asked about the change of weapon, she shrugged and insisted that she needed something easier to use. No one really questioned this and dropped the issue; Yosuke in particular was relieved. In fact, Yosuke seemed beside himself as to how to greet Rise.
"How about 'Hey babe! Name's Yosuke Hanamura! And I want to be your boyfriend for life!'? No, too long, I need to make a good first impression. Maybe if I make a dynamic entrance with Jiraiya and whisk her off her feet? I could play a cool song to go with it. I wonder if I have one of hers on my player-"
"For crying out loud, Hanamura!" Chie snapped hotly. "We're on a mission to save Rise-chan! Stop treating this like a pick-up date!"
"I-I'm not!" Yosuke argued, looking at her warily. "I just want to make sure she likes us!"
"Whether she likes us or not is pointless, Yosuke. Chances are we'll have to end up fighting her Shadow." Shirou reasoned from ahead. He'd settled for a short sword strapped to his hip, and carried his old bow at the ready. He had no quiver, but he figured that as long as he visualized the iron-tipped arrows he needed, it would suffice and he waste prana instead of ammunition.
The auburn-haired teen flustered and grumbled as if shimmering in heat, before shrugging it off. "Well, I guess I'll impress her with my actions instead of my words. Dating can wait after."
Shirou and Chie rolled their eyes, and they pressed on. Teddie hadn't been quipping as much since he began guiding them, which they could only assume required his utmost concentration. And why wouldn't it? This wasn't a rescue of a friend and classmate. It was the pop idol Risette, a famous celebrity. If someone like her were to turn up dead, news of such a tragedy would definitely gain widespread attention. Even the Clocktower might take notice.
Yukiko was far more nervous than her friends, still being new to the group and all. It only got worse as their way forward was getting darker and harder to see through. But surely they would find a clearing after getting through this… cave? Was it a cave? She decided to call it a cave.
Suddenly, due to their guide abruptly stopping, everyone bumped and collided with each other to form a tangled pile on the ground. "Teddie! What gives?" Yosuke complained for all of them as they stood back up.
The bear ignored them, seeming to take in a few more whiffs before turning towards them. "Well, here we are! Lost person world number 4, starring Rise-chan!"
Everyone looked around, but all they saw was darkness. Even the fog glasses couldn't see what wasn't lit up, and this area was very dark. What kind of secret did Rise have to hide here? "Teddie, are you sure this the place?"
"Of course, Yuki-chan!" Teddie nodded. "I can definitely pick up a kindred spirit in Rise-chan here!"
"But why is it so dark here? I can barely see my hand in front of my face," she argued, holding up her hand for emphasis. Not that she was sure if the others could see her or not. "Do we even know what it's supposed to look like?"
"We would if we had seen the Midnight Channel," Shirou said. "Hold on, I'll give us a light."
A card crush later, the divine Persona appeared over his head. Cupping her hands together, she whispered "Hama" before a ball of light started to illuminate their surroundings, such as the pink carpet with heart designs under their feet.
"Ah, that's much better," Yukiko smiled. "Thank you, Ms. Angel. And Emiya-kun, of course."
"It is only a temporary solution," said the divine Persona. "And limiting of my powers until a suitable alternative is found."
"In other words, we need to find a light switch." Shirou supplied.
"Hey, I think I found one!"
Everyone turned and walked towards Chie. Angel's light showed a sort of empty booth back the way they came, like an entrance. It looked like a ticket stand of sorts, and had a big red button with the word "POWER" written in big English letters.
"Guess this will turn on the lights here," Shirou noted.
"But what if it's a trap?" Yukiko asked.
"It's a risk we'll have to take," said Yosuke. "We can't really fight in the dark here."
Everyone exchanged glances and gave unanimous nods of agreement. Shirou reached forward and pushed the button. Lights all over turned on, mostly from the studio steel crates dangling from the ceiling, as well as glowing neon lights that rotated colors. Light blindness aside, the team finally got a good look of their surrounding dungeon.
The pink carpet led to a small elevated stage, wide enough for someone to dance on or enter the large stage door ahead. Red leather couches were set around tables at each side of the carpet, designed with rich taste. Many pink-purple drapes were set up, and partly wrapped around pillars for aesthetic value. The pink stage curtains had patterns of hearts glowing as if coming from spotlights.
The setting was not lost on any of them, except maybe Teddie. Yosuke was busy pinching himself. Shirou's right eye was twitching. Yukiko was busy blinking through the bright lights. Tama craned her neck at the tables and seating. Only Chie had enough function in her mouth to utter the words circling through her friend's heads.
"Oh my God."
Angel's face fell as she covered her already closed eyes in shame, Hama spell no longer active. "Please do not utter the Lord's name here," she weakly pleaded. "It's used enough in these places."
"Oh-ho!" Yosuke grinned perversely. "This looks like the kind you'd find at resort towns, too!"
"I think you're right," Yukiko nodded. Realizing what she said, she blushed and immediately backpedaled before anyone noticed. "N-not that our inn is like that! We do not have one of these at all!"
"Rise's in a strip tease," Shirou groaned bitterly as he dismissed his Persona. "If Fuji-nee ever finds out about this, she'll kill me."
"I don't get it," Teddie asked innocently. "What's the big deal?"
Seeing Yosuke grin towards the bear, Chie quickly stomped on his foot so all he could utter was a pained scream. "I'm not going to let you corrupt him into your image!"
"Look who's talking!" he argued. "You're the one who dropped the word 'scoring' in front of him!"
"Well you're not going to drop the word 'strip'!"
For a brief moment, Yosuke smirked as Chie clasped her mouth shut. Shirou sighed, thinking it was best to run damage control as soon as possible. "Teddie, the word strip means-"
"Oh Shirou-sensei, I'm already familiar with the term!"
"Y-you are?"
"Of course! It's a piece of road where shops set themselves up against!"
Shirou blinked. As did Chie, Yosuke, and Tama as they stared at the confident bear, trying to process his logic. "That's a strip mall," the magus slowly explained. "It's… not the same thing."
"Huh," said Teddie. "Then a regular strip would be a line, right? Like on a zebra?"
Again there was bewildered silence. "You're joking, right?" Shirou asked finally.
Teddie blinked. "Wouldn't you be laughing if it was a joke?"
Exasperated sweat rolled down the three students' heads, and Tama could only paw her face in shame equaling Angel's. Yukiko, more worried about the lighting affecting her glasses and convincing the others that her inn had no relation to a strip tease, didn't seem to notice the exchange at all. Despite of the fact she stood next to Teddie and Shirou the whole time.
Yosuke and Chie exchanged glances. "Should… we explain to him what strip really means?"
"Please don't."
Marukyuu Striptease, 3rd Floor
The dungeon was as suggestive as the entrance implied. Neon lights lit up the ceiling with bright circles and heart designs. Purple heart-patterned curtains were placed not only as "doors" through the halls, but also set up around the walls with lights of full lips and pin-up women silhouettes. The floor path was almost like a runway, with slick silver and pink tiles more suited to a rich home than an adult setting. The paths, much like Yukiko's Castle, branched out in irregular construction pathways. In the dead ends with big space, was a small elevated stand with a stripper pole set up.
And of course, there were Shadows that more or less suited themselves to the setting. Like the Soul Dancer, a pair of male-female figures in ballroom costumes and in an affection dance. It could have passed as a normal duo if not for the rapier they shared in their off hands, or the black heart with a Lovers Noh mask floating over the space where the heads were absent.
It made for an easy target though, Chie soon realized. She hated the things because of their tendency to throw fire magic around, so she swung her staff at the head fast and hard at the heart-head, smiling in satisfaction as the bodies crumbled and then dispersed into black.
"Ha!" she grinned. "I knew getting this staff was a good idea!"
So confident in her new weapon, she didn't notice the five eyeballs or Hermit numbered Noh mask looming towards her. The area behind the eyes distorted, as the figure was cloaked in camouflage. The Shadow looked like a large black face with red marks under the eyes and a red mane-cape fabric flowing off the edges. The Death Seeker started to crackle with energy, and a ball of blue electricity formed in the space of its open mouth-!
Only to be snuffed completely by a plume of flames underneath it. The Death Seeker Shadow too, was eliminated.
Chie only noticed the heat as soon as it vanished, but gave a knowing smile. "Thanks, Yukiko!"
Not too far from her side, Yukiko exhaled a sigh of relief and lowered her extended fan hand. Konohana-Sakuya, with her crescent feather blade, mirrored the action before she returned to Yukiko's subconscious.
As Shirou and Yosuke finished off their own targets, the group huddled back as Teddie and Tama sneaked out of their hiding spot. "Great job, guys! You're really getting the hang of this!"
"It's still annoying that some Shadows can only be hurt by one sort of attack," Yosuke griped as he holstered his twin short blades away. "Like that floating half-crown mask that looked like a cloud of its own dust-"
"Rainy Sister," Teddie supplied.
"No one cares," Yosuke quipped back. "-and how it was only affected by ice, which Satonaka sucks at."
"My ice does not suck!" Chie huffed.
"Then why can't you do that double thing that you used back at the castle? You could level an entire floor with it!"
"It's a super move! You can't just use super moves willy-nilly! There's a time and place for everything!"
Yosuke only stared at her incredulously for a moment before turning to their leader. "Shirou, you can use Personas with ice spells, right?"
"Not right now, but I'll see what I can do with my benefactors," said the magus.
"Please do," Yosuke nodded, deliberately ignoring the hurt and angry glare Chie was sending them. "Anyway, how are we on energy so far? No one abusing physical arts or anything, right?"
"I got a minor scrape from that DNA-looking Shadow ("Miss Gene," Teddie quickly stated), but nothing a small Dia can't fix."
"Allow me, Emiya-kun!" Yukiko offered, already summoning her Persona to help, but he held his hand to stop her.
"It's alright, Amagi. My scrape is nothing serious, and you've been using a lot of spells as it is."
It was expected from her Shadow that Yukiko had a flare for fire spells, but the healing was a boon as well. She even knew how to cast a wide-spread cure in Media, something both Pixie and Jiraiya lacked. The downside however, was that she was purely specialized in magic. That meant low strength, low endurance, and not even a physical attack art like Cleave. So Yukiko was a bit of a vital asset; she could take away pain and dish it out in spades, but couldn't take it, especially from ice.
"It's no trouble though," she argued. "Sakuya has a lot of energy to spare; I don't think I'm at the half-way mark either."
"Just remember to ration what you have and use the spells when we really need it," Shirou insisted, searching through the medicine bag Teddie handed him. "Especially with the Shadows being a bit stronger than at the castle."
Yukiko frowned. Not just at the dislike of being reminded of the castle, but the implication that the fighting was getting worse. "How could that be?"
"It's raining on your side, right?" Teddie asked rhetorically. "It's like I said before. When it rains on your side, the fog thins out and Shadows get rowdy. That also means stronger Shadows that normally wouldn't come out on a normal day show up here. Like the Rainy Sister."
With the battle over and their injuries patched up, the Investigation Team (plus animals) continued their search. Their current floor seemed to have a single corridor with no branching paths, and no other Shadow made their presence known.
Then they approached a wide curtain. Teddie's nose twitched and wiggled. "Hold on… I'm getting something. Something really strong and smelly beyond that door!"
Yosuke blinked. "Smelly? Well either that's Rise behind the door, or a giant turd-based Shadow."
Ignoring his attempt at levity, Shirou pulled the curtains open. Behind them was a widespread room with square support beams, glowing floor panels, and spots on a lone figure ahead of them. It looked almost like a stage, similar to the castle room Shadow Chie had appeared in.
"Why, hello there you lucky VIPs! I feel so lucky having fans coming so early! But not too early if you know what I mean~! <3"
Again the Investigation Team was shocked into silence. The students quickly recognized the red, wavy hair of Risette, as well as a dark blue aura around her. But her choice of attire was far more startling, for it was more suited to a beach setting… or here of course.
Yosuke licked his lips, and uttered in growing pitch and perversion, "Such an itsy-bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini-!"
Indeed, the voluptuous figure of Rise Kujikawa, or rather Shadow Rise, was clad in only a matching two-piece swimsuit, her bust bouncing once as she turned to greet them. Her bosom drew the eyes of everyone, even the girls.
"They're so big," Chie found herself saying in envy.
"Anyway, glad you could make it!" Shadow Rise smiled as she spoke to the microphone in her hand. "Today's a special last minute show. I may have quit the idol showbiz, but don't worry! You'll see a lot of me before we're done."
Her hands idly twisted the microphone very… suggestively. "It may be hard to see through all this smoke, but that's the fun of it, right? Teasing your emotions, getting excited the further you go in? I may be a tease, but if you follow me all the way through, I'll show you e-very-thing!"
She jumped and spread her arms wide, breasts bouncing again. "Join me and together we'll show the world my real, bare, naked truth!"
As if on cue, a large, tacky gameshow sign hovered over her head, in colors of purple, yellow, and pink. The form was oblong with bubbles, stars and a triangle with words printed over. In kanji it read "Maru-Q Midsummer Night Dream's Special", and in English were blubs of "Live!" and "Hot!" and "All the Way!" The eye-catcher was "Risette'S E-X-POSED!!!"
"Toodles!" The Shadow waved quickly before skipping ahead in her bare feet.
The Investigation Team made no move after her, as they were still processing what they had just seen and heard. Only Tama seemed unaffected as she looked up to the wide eyes of the humans and bear. Teddie's face flushed, feeling a sort of rising tension in his chest… but he didn't have a heart, did he? He was empty inside. What was this sensation?
Yukiko eventually turned away and looked to her best friend for comfort, blushing as she did so. "Uh, was my Shadow ever-"
"No, Yukiko, yours wasn't as bad," Chie sighed, and holding Yukiko's hand with both of hers for comfort. "And thank God for that."
"I wish she stopped uttering the Lord's name in here." Angel lamented. Not that anyone would hear or react, as Shirou was having a bit of a mental overload.
"Hey! Listen! Hey! HEEEEY! Snap out of it! Geez, he's acting like he's never seen a half-naked girl before!"
"A strip bar, a busty femme, and conflicting virgin emotions? Oh yeah. I couldn't have joined up at a better time if I had wished for one!"
Shirou eventually snapped out of his stupor, as did Yosuke and Teddie, when they heard the sound of cheap audio laughter. "What was that?"
"The Shadows are getting rowdy, just like at the other places!" Teddie answered for them. "All because of Rise-chan's suppressed feelings."
"Oh man, an idol blabbing about sexual innuendos are way worse than a few nasty secrets!" Yosuke cried. "We've got to hurry and save her!"
"That's right! Or else it might end up getting 'bear' naked!"
Almost collectively, Shirou, Chie, and Yosuke suppressed a groan. Humor was not exactly what they needed to alleviate the mood, and Teddie's puns were some of the worst attempts they had ever heard.
"'Bear' naked?"
They had to suppress another set of groans realizing that Yukiko was about to break into a giggling fit again, and take much too long to calm down and help. "He had to say a bear pun in front of her…" Chie lamented.
And yet… there was nothing. Not even a chuckle. Curiously, everyone looked to Yukiko to find her more confused than amused. "That was a pun?"
The incredulous yet innocent question, coupled with the timing, led to her classmates collapsing due to being caught off guard by her taste in humor. Teddie too had fallen, more in defeat that he couldn't make Yukiko let out that melodic laugh from before. Even Tama was swept off her feet, though no one would know it was because she found not just Teddie's pun, but Yukiko's reaction, highly amusing like in a TV sketch.
Yukiko Amagi could only blink bewilderedly at this development.
Marukyuu Striptease, 7th Floor
"I'm so happy you came, my diehard fans!"
Shadow Rise kept an eager lead in front of the Investigation Team, and always had time to drop thanks and innuendoes as they climbed the dungeon floors. Teddie seemed to discover his true gender ever so slowly as he shared the flustered faces of Yosuke and Shirou.
"Gah, so intense," Teddie huffed. "Must press on. And yet, these colors are making my head dizzy."
"Aww, you're trying so hard too! Well, I am feeling a little shy, so I'll just dim the lights for now."
Like a switch, the floor went immediately dark, earning several startled gasps from the team. It was no different from the entrance before turning the power on.
"If you can find me on this floor, you'll get a special reward!"
"Teddie, Yosuke, calm down," Shirou quickly ordered. It wouldn't do for anyone to get flustered before reaching either Rise or her Shadow. The dungeon was a trial in itself getting through the atmosphere and Rise's teasing Shadow.
"I, I know that! I can buckle down and get serious you know!" Yosuke insisted between stutters.
"That's right, Shirou-sensei!" Teddie added enthusiastically. "I'm ready-no, I'm more than ready to climb the stairway to maturity!"
…that was probably the best response he could get from either of them. Still, the team of four teens and two animals traveled warily on through the dark floor, and huddled closer together. It was a good thing that Teddie's nose worked better than their eyes, and they were able to avoid any unnecessary fights or ambushes.
Eventually they had to rely on Angel making another Hama light, which seemed to help keep the Shadows away. Though it was still dark, and expanding too much light would have drained Shirou's energy, so they ended up fumbling and hugging the walls. Arms would reach out blindly trying to grab a curtain… though Shirou's hand ended up brushing against someone's shoulder.
"EEP!" Without any other warning, the figure spun and brained him with their long weapon.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Emiya-kun!" Chie cried out almost immediately in embarrassment. "It's so dark in here that I'm feeling a little jumpy."
"It's… quite alright," he groaned with a ringing headache. "I was at fault too. Sorry."
"Geez, you're like a sitting duck without your long sword," she frowned. For as good a shot he was, he couldn't move very far and had to stay still before shooting. The blade he brought along might as well be a knife for all the good it was doing him. "Tell you what, just stay close behind me! I'll be your front guard!"
Yosuke, ever the desperate suitor, managed to catch wind of the conversation. "Say, Amagi-san?" he asked the black haired girl behind him. "Want me to be your front guard?"
Damn it, she didn't even let him set up his pitch! Well, it was clear she was trying to put on a brave face, and she didn't have to. "I-I insist, Amagi-san, after all, you don't know what kind of Shadows lurk in the, well, shadows. They could be hideous monsters, like, having see-through guts, or wielding chainsaws!" Seeing her tense, he decided to go for the clinch. "Or, or even having the ability to summon arms that pop up from the ground and pull you underneath!"
"Aaaaaaah!" Two girlish screams echoed the hallways. Surprisingly they came from Chie and Teddie, and both of them latched to the closest bodies to them (Shirou and Tama respectively, and neither seemed to mind). Not exactly the reaction he was aiming for, but hey? If Chie Satonaka was this scared, he could only imagine Yukiko being so terrified that she wanted to hug him too, but nerves wouldn't let her.
But instead, Yukiko smiled and her eyes sparkled. "I know! And in the dark too! Isn't that exciting?!"
The auburn teen could only stare, flabbergasted. His jaw slacked and eye started to twitch. Did he hear her right?
"So many dark corridors and a Shadow could pop up at any moment! Maybe they'd be a pair of zombies bound together in skewers, or a giant blob that can dissolve skin and bones! Why, think of the traps that we could encounter here!"
"Please don't," squeaked Teddie, stroking the fur of a not-so-reluctant Tama like a security blanket.
This… was not the image of Yukiko Yosuke had envisioned at all. She was supposed to be a cute, feminine traditional girl of yesteryear. How the hell was he supposed to get a girlfriend when the girl was excited at the idea of monsters when the tomboy was scared?!
…though in hindsight, this might explain a few things about her castle dungeon.
"I'm going to look ahead!" she said cheerfully as she summoned Konohana Sakuya with a rather eager swipe of her fan. With flames dancing around her rather creepily, she started skipping down the hallway. She was the least suited to play scout but she didn't care. Worse, she started to sing. "Skulls and bones, skulls and bones, spikes and traps so full of holes! Oh, I should have brought a camera…"
Eye still twitching, he turned to Shirou and Chie – the latter clinging even tighter to the former – with a worried expression. Angel floated above ever so stoically with the light illuminating them. "What the hell was-?"
"Horror buff." Chie squeaked quickly between her teeth. "Horror is Yukiko's favorite genre. To an unhealthy degree."
Oh. Well, that's… balls.
Shirou seemed surprised as well, but was far more concerned of Chie's behavior in the dark affecting her ability to fight. "You can protect me, Satonaka."
She looked at him with relieved tears in her eyes. "Thank you."
Yosuke's mood soured as he watched them move on. Then he heard squeaking come up timidly behind him. "C-c-can you protect us too, Yosuke?"
"Shut up," he said, and moved ahead before Angel's light couldn't reach them anymore. Next time he was going to be damned sure to bring a flashlight.
Eventually everyone calmed down. The main concern was finding Rise and stopping her Shadow, so there was no time for getting overexcited about monsters or bikini girls. Not that it was stopping Teddie from looking forward to the prize.
As they reached the umpteenth curtain door, Teddie sniffed once before panting and pointing at it. "There! She's there! Rise-chan is just beyond that curtain!"
"Try to contain yourself," Shirou warned dryly, though his hand reached for the curtain all the same. "We're most likely going have to fight."
"And I'm ready to fight in the name of love!" Everyone stopped and stared at the flustered but excited bear. Yosuke coughed to the side, pretending not to look as conspicuous, but no one was fooled or cared about his behavior.
Rolling his eyes, Shirou tugged the curtain open. Though she was barely visible in the dark room, they saw Shadow Rise waiting for them as promised.
"You found me!" she cooed and giggled. "This is my first time, so please be gentle."
Not a moment later, she snapped her fingers. The lights switched on and she was nowhere in sight.
Instead, the room was full of three Shadows. The one on the left was a giant chariot-centric wheel with spikes attached to both hub sides, and a metal lion's body mounted on top of the rim like an ornament. The rightmost Shadow was a blue-steel armored samurai with a bronze round hat-helm obscuring the face, and poised in position with its long katana. And the third Shadow, positioned between the wheel and samurai, was a floating albino snake with a red Noh mask over its face. The slender neck was through the hole of the Mars symbol, which in turn was linked through the hole of the Venus symbol like a keychain.
Teddie could only stare comically, wide eyed. His previous excitement died much like his verbal reaction; weak and nearly silent. "….a….aaa….ah!"
"Well he warned you!" Chie snapped at the bear.
No more banter was made as the Amorous Snake coiled itself like a pretzel and expelled a thick green gas. On instinct the Investigation Team covered their mouths while expecting some sort of poison, but the gas washed over them, seemingly ineffective.
That's when the Rain Wheel literally revved up and charged forward to mow them down. "Scatter!" Shirou cried quickly, as he and everyone else dived and rolled to safety. Teddie barely managed to move away from the wheel, but that was when he saw the spike rolling closer-
To her horror, Yukiko saw Teddie's head fly off across the room, severed from his body. "Teddie!"
"He's fine!" Yosuke called out, even as Teddie's arms waved about wildly, looking for the head. Heck, the fox even went to retrieve the head where it flew off so he would be back to his quivering self soon. They were without tactical support for the moment but they just had to find their enemies' weaknesses and exploit them, right?
Quick to the draw, he summoned the ninja Persona from within and took aim at the wheel as it made a sharp u-turn. "Garu!"
But alas, the mighty green gale aimed at the support beams of the frame might as well have been a cool summer breeze. The Shadow was undeterred.
"Wind's no good!" he barked, before willing Jiraiya to throw a quick jab at it. To his further surprise, his hand hurt after the punch didn't even dent the gold lion head, and was forced to use both hands to stop the revving advance. Poorly. "Punches aren't working either!"
"I'll back you up! Just hold!" Shirou called out. He led the girls further into the room and away from the wheel. Some good fortune revealed that the snake was vulnerable to fire, so he and Yukiko kept it down and dizzy with constant spellfire.
"Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!" yapped Cu Sith. It was such an annoying sound, but fireballs were still conjured out with each escaped breath. The blossom princess Persona simply raised her hands high in prayer and conjured the flame from the floor.
But while Yukiko was focused on her Persona, Shirou multitasked in drawing projected arrows from his new circuits. He could never thank Margaret or Pixie enough for correcting him, as he never had to worry about burning his spine anymore. With exercises drilled in since Archery club, he fired another perfect shot, this time at the wheel Yosuke was fighting. The arrow tip was reinforced enough to pierce the wheel base, though it did nothing to slow it down.
Meanwhile, Chie charged towards the Rain Leg Musha, swinging her staff wildly behind her like a baton before swinging it down. The samurai stepped away from her attack, and further backed away as she tried to swing across. It was her first time using a staff, but she liked to believe she learned quickly by muscle memory. Watching all those martial arts shows, movies, and even Tomoe helped. The power of the staff was its reach, and as long as she had that, the Shadow couldn't get near her. "Ha! Hoo! Tah!"
But she was still a novice against a pragmatic Shadow. The musha simply bided its time with an enhancing skill and held off from retaliating. Chie's fluid movements finally gave way to an opening – an extended reach in the form of thrusting the staff one-handed. Like lightning, the Shadow closed the distance between them and finally drew its long sword. The slash nearly tore through Chie's armor and sent her flying off her feet at the Shadow's mercy. "Gaah!"
Yukiko glanced away from the downed Amorous Snake in time to witness her friend's vulnerability to the enemy. "No!" she cried, immediately focusing Sakuya's flames on the samurai Shadow. They stopped its advance, but the damage was minimal at best. Yukiko was at a loss; her spells couldn't stop it!
Chie took this reprieve to back away and summon her Persona. As the flames departed, Tomoe shot forth and slashed diagonally across the samurai's armor. She would have followed through again with the other blade, only for the sword to guard at the last moment and force a standstill.
"Yukiko!" she called to her friend. "I could use first aid!"
"O-oh! Right!"
As Shirou tried in vain to blast the wheel with fire magic, the snake finally roused itself up with no interruptions. And thus, the Investigation Team was caught unaware as the snake coiled into another pretzel shape and glowed a light pink.
The wheel's charge forced Shirou and Yosuke to split up again, rolls and all. If they weren't getting hurt from getting run over, they risked it on hitting the floor in a panic. "That thing seems to have no weaknesses."
"Even a strength can be a weakness. If you can't find a weakness, use its strength."
But how, he wanted to ask the Duke. But before he could ask, he saw out of his peripheral vision Yosuke with knives drawn, and attempting to flank Yukiko.
"Amagi! Behind you!"
Surprised from her healing of Chie, Yukiko tensed and looked over her shoulder. She almost relaxed at Yosuke's presence but didn't miss the eerie glow around him. Nor the blades he held up as he swung them down at her back. "Aah!" she cried, barely backing away before he could stab her.
Chie tore her focus from the samurai and blanched. "Hanamura, what the hell?!"
"It's not his fault!" Teddie called out from behind the curtain 'door'. "The Amorous Snake Charmed him into its control!"
"Hey! I got this!" Pixie called from Shirou's head. "Just call me and I'll have him Patra'd faster than you can say-!"
"AIIIIIEEE!" Yosuke cried out, seemingly snapping out of the trance before falling down. Of course, anyone would cry out after taking a kick from Chie Satonaka in a very sensitive place he was now cradling. Again, Yukiko blinked. Again, Shirou winced. And Teddie, Tama, and the Shadows paused and watched with some morbid curiosity at the case of friendly fire.
"There," Chie huffed, ignoring the pointed stares she was now getting. "He's better now."
"…nevermind," the fey deflated.
"I honestly don't know what to make of this," said Angel, just as defeated.
"I do! It's my time to shine!"
Feeling a cue to make a switch, Shirou allowed his new Persona out. "Lilim!"
The little devil fluttered about, sniffing the air twice before smiling. "Oh yes, the Stagnant Air is still ripe for use. Now I just need a volunteer-"
The Rain Wheel finally recovered, revving back for speed before charging head-on at Shirou and Lilim. The former was ready to bolt again, but the latter smiled contently. "Match found! Now, Marin Karin says: STOP!"
A pink hue quickly expelled out and around Lilim's body before hitting the wheel Shadow. The wheel was now saturated in a pink outline and slowed to a stop before her outstretched hand. Lilim allowed her hand to pat the lion figurehead before turning to the now nervous albino.
"Not so fun messing with ailments when they're used against you, huh? That's the thing about Stagnant Air. It affects everyone on the field." Nodding to her improv lecture, Lilim then pulled her hand back into a fist before giving her infatuated enemy its order. "Now my Gorgeous Wheel, Marin Karin says: LET HER RIIIIIP!"
Her behavior was childish, as was the hand gesture of two knuckles pressed together before parting. The wheel did indeed "rip" though. Charging headfirst toward the snake, it reduced the weakened Shadow into the darkened goop of a corpse (only to disappear entirely). With one hostile Shadow left, the wheel turned appropriately to face it head on. The musha turned to face the wheel, but stood its ground all the same. The distance closed between them as the wheel seemed to turn at the last minute, using the spikes to defeat the samurai. In turn, it swung its blade in a deft flash-
And in an instant, both Shadows exploded into black nothingness.
"And that, my duckies, is what happens when an unstoppable wheelie meets an unmovable samurai. The. End."
Lilim nodded to herself after the sage advice(?) and disappeared back into Shirou's subconsciousness. Everyone else stared rather mutely at how quickly the fight resolved itself by forcing the enemies against each other.
"That was… discouraging," Chie said after a while.
"I know," Teddie added. "All that, and I didn't even get a chance to choose! I've been fooled."
Exasperated sweat rolled down the students' heads. "Not quite what I meant, Teddie."
Shirou ignored them as he walked to the blobby mess of the Rain Shadows and started scavenging for parts and cards. For some reason, their remains were of higher quality than the other Shadows, so he had a feeling Daidara would have a field day even having one of these in his hands.
A new Persona was acquired as well; a blond woman with a silver winged mask, wearing chain and leather armor with two swords, one in each hand. Despite having no harness, saddle, or even reins, she sat and rode proudly on a large red horse. "I thank you, master. On my honor as a Valkyrie, I shall serve you to the ends of the world."
"Thank you," Shirou said simply, and accepted the Tarot card she metamorphosed into. Valkyrie of Strength. Another Arcana he had yet to form a Social Link, but she reminded him of someone.
"What… the hell...?"
Chie turned to the slowly raising form of Yosuke. "Oh, you're awake."
"That's all you have to say?!" he wheezed angrily. "After you nearly shattered my nads again?!"
"Well, you tried stabbing Yukiko like some psycho puppet. I figured the best way to stop you was the usual one."
"Guys, we still have an idol to rescue," Shirou intervened. "We can save the bickering for later."
"Right, allow me." Everyone gathered close to Yukiko, who closed her eyes in focus. As the card danced over her fan, she spun around once and slashed the card with the bladed tips of her fan. The flower princess Persona appeared in her prayer position, and a purple vitalizing light bathed everyone with energy. Minor scrapes and bruises healed up, and physical exhaustion slowly left them.
But as soon as the Media came, it left. Sakuya disappeared and Yukiko let out an exhausted gasp of air.
Chie noticed the change right away in alarm. "Yukiko! What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry," she huffed. "I think I reached my limit. I can't do any more."
"Amagi-san's only good at casting spells," Yosuke frowned. "If she says she can't do any more, we're effectively a man down."
Shirou rubbed his chin in thought. They'd climbed so far, and he hoped if they made good time, they could have rescued Rise in one day. Maybe it was still possible… "Tama, how much do your leaves cost again?"
A quick abacus calculation later told them that it was beyond their pay. Maybe if they hadn't spent so much on medicine and armor today, they could have scrounged up just enough, but the fact was the fox was not cheap in her services.
"Now would be a good time to head back and rest wouldn't it?" he asked rhetorically. "What do you guys think?"
"I'm volunteering for a respite!" Yosuke raised his hand. A little too enthusiastically.
"But we've come so far!" Yukiko cried. "If we leave now, we'll have to start all over from the beginning!"
"Not necessarily!" Teddie smiled. "I can leave a checkpoint, so to speak, on this floor. So when we come back tomorrow, we'll skip the other six floors and be that much closer to Rise-chan!"
"I guess a rule of thumb is to assume the victims are always at the furthest level," Chie frowned. "Never makes things easy, huh."
"Well, as long as we can save her later," said Yukiko. "I'm sorry we have to leave because of me though."
"We're all tired, Yukiko. Don't let it get to ya."
"Okay Investigation Team," Shirou nodded. "We'll stop here for today, and sleep early so we can head back tomorrow."
Yosuke sighed in relief as Teddie conjured his diorama. "That's good. I think I could use some downtime before round two. Maybe find something good on TV."
The team leader blinked, glancing over to Yosuke in concern. "What did you say?"
"You know, television. Game shows, anime, that sort of thing. What, don't tell me you never used one for anything besides watching the news?"
Shirou seemed to be lost in thought again, as if weighing his options. "Maybe we should keep going after all."
Yosuke blanched at the betrayal. "Dude, are you still high on adrenaline or something? You just said yourself we should rest!"
"That was before you reminded me that an idol's reputation was at stake," he countered, only earning confused looks. "Think about it; Risette just announced her retirement from idol work, and disappears from the world the very same night. No one knows where she is, let alone that she was kidnapped. And if her Midnight Channel airs tonight…"
Yukiko's eyes widened in realization. "Everyone would believe Rise-chan has become a prostitute."
An uneasy silence filled the room.
"Now hold on, Emiya-kun," Chie argued. "I get what you're trying to say, but isn't that a bit of a stretch? I mean, Yukiko's Shadow was on some power trip about eloping with a prince but no one really believes the real Yukiko is like that."
"Rise-chan's an idol, Chie," her friend said softly. "It's one thing for people to gossip about some small urban girl with an inn to her name. But if the rumor starts, then it will get out to her paparazzi one way or another."
"But it's not even true to begin with! It's just some suppressed psyche going haywire like the rest of us!"
"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not," Shirou frowned, recalling the news media and what Nami said. "If enough people believe even subconsciously in what they're seeing or talking about, then so will everyone else, and no amount of truth could ever fix that damage."
He would save people, that much he knew. But what would saving a person's life be worth if it was going to be forever scarred by a damning commercial and the rumor mill? Kiritsugu may have saved his physical body from the fire, but he could have just as easily left him at an orphanage without ever meeting him at the hospital.
People like Nanako looked up to Rise Kujikawa. To them she was a hero. He knew how much it hurt to find the bad side of his own stepdad, but at least it was by his own choice. But Rise Kujikawa didn't, and he wasn't going to let her go through the same thing.
"Tama," he regarded the fox as he knelt to her level. "Please consider the price of your leaves, just for tonight. This is an emergency."
The fox made no move from her position, or the soroban tool in front of her.
"I may not understand how valuable those leaves at your temple are, and I may understand even less about why you're insistent on making money, but I do know you care about others. You watch over the shrine and make sure those wishes come true, even if no one knows you exist. In fact, rumors have been going around painting you as a ghost haunting the place."
Tama's eyes glanced down to the floor, still silent.
"Please Tama. I'll pay you back later. I'll clean every inch of the shrine. I'll do anything you want. Just allow us to use your leaves for tonight."
Tama's body was still stuck in place. A clearly thoughtful look was present in her eyes, though they refused to look back at Shirou's for whatever reason.
"Tama-chan?" Teddie asked. The fox gave him her undivided attention right away. "If you have any doubts, take it from me. You can trust Shirou-sensei.
"I still don't know what he means about all this Midnight Channel stuff, but I guess it must be important to him to break out and ask for favors. And he seems like a guy who wouldn't do so without good reason. But that's okay, really."
The bear nodded confidently to him. "He's an ally of justice, after all! He always keeps his word, and if he says he's going to pay you back for this big favor, I'm sure he will."
"Teddie…" Hearing the bear speak up for him was touching. He couldn't even begin to put those feelings into words, let alone what else to say to him.
Tama was also moved by Teddie's speech, as she stared intently on the soroban in front of her. Moments later, her neck craned down and she pulled out several zip-lock baggies, each holding a leaf vacuum sealed, and handed them to Shirou.
He was about ready to express thanks when the fox pointed at the soroban intently. The exact amount she wanted for the leaves before, to be paid at a later date.
Shirou only smiled and ruffled her head and ears, earning a yip of contentment. "I'll pay back every yen, with interest."
Inaba Road
"You're still mad, aren't you?"
They were driving away from the station, now on a routine patrol in trying to find anything out of the ordinary. Dojima was deadly focused on the road, and his knuckles were whitening from gripping the wheel so hard. Adachi watched nervously as his senior partner continued to give him the cold shoulder.
He hadn't said a word since they left.
"Come on, Dojima-san! It was an honest mistake! I know you said not to touch anything, but I wanted to be sure that the video was there, you know? And I did see the video of Rise getting kidnapped, like you said! You were talking so long explaining it to the guy, anyway!"
Dojima kept on driving.
"But then I started fiddling with the device… and accidentally pressed the record button."
His scowl grew deeper. Adachi didn't notice and kept on gabbing.
"And that's when you came in yelling at me. I told you the video was proof and I could ID the van!"
His eyes scrunched in anger.
"…but since I have no good description to give to a sketch artist, my word might as well be shit. That's what you said, I think."
Dojima did nothing this time, and still said nothing, yet the building silence made Adachi feel very uncomfortable. "I'm really sorry I got you mad."
He finally spoke, and it wasn't as pissed as he thought it would be. It was more resigned and helpful. "Yessir?"
"There's a saying my senpai would tell me when we worked together, and I made a rookie mistake-"
"You made rookie mistakes, Dojima-san?" Adachi couldn't help asking. He was deftly ignored.
"'Actions speak louder than words. If you have the time to make excuses, then you better damn well have the means to follow them up.'" He final gave the junior detective a side glance, with a bored scowl on his face. "So what should you be doing instead?"
"Uh… working my ass off on the case?"
"Damn straight."
They continued to drive in the patrol car in silence, as Dojima replayed the scene in his head. They had been so close to a lead, and yet it slipped away because of his rookie partner the moment he left the room. He really shouldn't hold it against Adachi, but it's like the guy could do nothing right. Well, when he was through with him, the rookie would learn his mistake and be damn sure not to record over evidence again.
Adachi's worried cry was enough to get him to snap out of his thoughts and warn him of the danger ahead. Ahead he saw a pale, black-haired figure walking in the middle of the road in heavy rain.
In the back of his mind, he thought back to the damn horror movie he watched one too many times as a kid Nanako's age. But he quickly ignored that sinking feeling of fear as he slammed on the brakes and turned the car hard left.
The tires screeched and likely left skid marks, but the car came to a safe stop beside the… naked girl?
Immediately the two cops opened their doors to talk to her, but she kept on walking past them. She probably didn't notice that she had almost been killed, let alone how cold her body was out in the rain. The only distinctive traits she had to her were her mopey black hair and some small item clenched tightly in her hand.
Well, this was definitely out of the ordinary.
Before Adachi could fumble for a weak excuse, Dojima left the car and called out, "Hey!" She ignored him. Either she was messing with him, or she seriously did not realize he almost ran her over.
He tried again, marching over to directly confront her. "Hey, when someone calls out, you-!"
He touched her shoulder. It was real all right. But what was really surreal was her reaction. The girl jumped almost immediately, and turned to look accusingly at him. Her brown eyes held gaze on him for a few moments, before darting around, looking for something familiar but couldn't find it.
"Whe… where am I?" she rasped.
Dojima unfolded his coat and draped it over the girl's shoulders. He was not one to get embarrassed over some teenage nudity (even ignoring the fact that she could be Shirou's age for all he knew) but it was meant for her discomfort in mind than his own. "Near the shopping district of Yasoinaba," he answered. "Where's your family?"
"Family?" she asked, hugging the coat close to her as if it was hers to begin with. "What is 'family'?"
Dojima frowned. This was looking more and more suspicious, and he didn't like it. "What are you doing here?"
"I… I've just been walking here," she said. "I think I was-Aaah!" she suddenly clutched her head with both hands and fell to her knees.
Whatever she had been through, it was too painful for her to remember. But she had to remember something about her life. Anything. "What's your name?" Dojima asked.
The girl stared up at him with scared eyes. "I don't know."
Velvet Room
The Izanagi and Cu Sith cards were set on the table. The temporal room was silent as the long-nosed man waved his hand. Shirou, having seen the ritual before, kept his eyes more on Igor than the soon-to-be fusion. As his nose picked up the distinct scent of fresh tailored silk and champagne, the table erupted as sigils appeared.
In trying to gauge Igor's technique, he was distracted by the cards once again rocketing to the non-existent ceiling and dancing before blending together in a flash of white. Moments later, the new Persona appeared, feminine in form. She wore a white leotard over her slightly tanned skin, and had flowing blue hair. She looked human enough, beautiful even, but the wings and tail sprouting from behind in the same skin-tone color showed she wasn't normal. In fact, she was very dangerous and represented the Devil arcana.
Her teal eyes shifted to Shirou and she smiled seductively. Without warning, she flew down to his side and started stroking his chin. "Why, hello handsome! My name's Lilim, but feel free to call me Lili for short. Makes me sound almost human, no?"
"Uuuh," was Shirou's intelligent reply. He was aware that Lilims were sex demons, junior to the Succubi, but he was still taken aback from this one's forwardness.
"Aww, you're so cute acting all flustered like that!" cooed Lilim. She glanced back to Igor and Margaret, who were calmly staring and watching them. They might as well be statues, but the she-devil didn't seem to like how cramped the room was. "Say, why don't we go somewhere private and I can show you some of my techniques?"
The boy's face flushed a deep red. Before he could stutter a weak refusal, another Persona from his mind forcibly revealed herself to confront Lilim. "Still your tongue, hellspawn. You will not corrupt this soul under my guidance."
The woman could pass herself off as Lilim's sister in appearance, as they shared the same body size and hair color. The other woman's eyes appeared closed but she was hardly blind. A white sundress covered her body to her ankles, and feathery wings sprouted from her back.
Angel of Justice. Ninth of the nine hierarchies of Heaven, they were among the many messengers and guardians assigned to the equally large number of humans living in the world. Even when found from the remains from a Shadow weeks ago, she claimed to be Shirou's guardian angel, such as she was proving now. Not to say that she wasn't as fond of Nanako as he was.
But perhaps it was a bad idea to fuse Lilim while Angel was around…
Though looking put off from Angel's appearance, Lilim recovered and proceeded to lick Shirou's cheek, much to his discomfort and her anger. "A bit too late for that," the devil grinned. "This guy has a dark, burning fire inside him that's just waiting to get out. And I bet he could rock any girl's world if he let himself run wild."
Angel's eyes scrunched as if narrowing to a scowl. She gently but forcefully wrapped her arms around Shirou's. Tender like a lover, but also possessive. "No man is born perfectly Good or Lawful, but we endear those that try to follow our example. This child tries harder than anyone else, and heroes of the past have an unfortunate track record of acting on impulse than chastity."
"Chastity sucks! Real heroes are so sexy that their fingernails radiate testosterone!" Lilim argued. "And he has the potential to have any and EVERY girl he could want! Why wouldn't he want to have a girlfriend or five?"
"Because it is unbecoming. Love is a sacred bond between family and spouses, yet you seem to confuse it with orgies."
"Don't knock it 'til you try it, honey!" Lilim looked once over at Angel, and smiled seductively. "How would you like to become a Fallen Angel?"
Angel was obviously offended, but didn't show it. Instead she fired her own rhetoric. "How would you like to be a redeemed Nun?"
Lilim gasped as if her mother had been insulted. "I'd rather die before I go through something so demeaning!"
"The feeling's mutual."
Shirou could see and feel Zio sparks ignite from the two Personas glaring at one another. If this kept up, there could be a serious outbreak, leaving nothing of the Velvet Room left. "U-uh, Lilim? Angel?"
"What?" they growled as they turned towards him. Shirou felt his wellbeing at considerable risk now, but he couldn't stop now.
"I understand that you two have a… disagreement with one another." No one was fooled by the gross understatement. "But I would appreciate that you keep your advice and feedback towards my Social Links, so we can all get stronger."
"Understood, child," Angel nodded. Romance was something that took time, and she was content that Shirou would let things take their due course.
Lilim wasn't as patient, and saw this as him siding with Angel. She folded her arms and pouted cutely. "But that's boring! Don't tell you aren't the least bit interested in cute girls?"
Again, Shirou's mind let loose a Persona that couldn't help but add their two-cents in. He felt a bit of horror realizing it was the Duke of Hell, and what he was about to say next. "His heart clearly yearns for young Chie Satonaka, despite his denials and false sense of chivalry. It is most endearing."
"I'm partial to the scent of Cu Taiga myself," the fey dog added, also appearing in the cramped room. "Her kiss still finds its way to his dreams."
"Cu Sith!" Shirou flushed in equal parts embarrassment and anger. How the hell did his Persona even know about those dreams anyway?!
"What is there concern about? They were all chaste in nature after you rescued her from perils such as Kotomine's Tower-"
"Bah!" snorted Eligor. "You are clearly ignorant of the dream where he rescued Chie from the fierce Flygon."
Lilim cracked a smile. "Flygon? That's some sort of lame-man's kiddy monster, right? Why would anyone be scared of a knock-off?"
"The young Chariot has a severe case of entomophobia. It was a dream worthy of film classics."
"Huh. So how cute are these girls he's clearly into?" Lilim asked as she idly twirled her tail along her finger. "On a scale of one to ten?"
"Let me put it this way," said Cu Sith, before letting out a long, primal howl. "Arooooooooooo!"
"Can we please drop this?!" Shirou cried out from his seat. He couldn't sink any lower than he wanted to nor could he hide his face any further. He was just here to fuse more Personas to help Rise. How in the world did it get to the point that they were all talking about Satonaka and Fuji-nee like this?!
"Yeah, sure," Lilim smirked. "I think I'll hang around if your life is like an episode from a harem show."
"My life is not a harem show!" he snapped, for what little good it did.
The Personas finally dismissed themselves back to his subconscious, having their heckling fun. Though it was clear that Angel didn't share his other Personas' good cheer about his love life; in fact, she seemed to be rather disappointed in him.
Igor and Margaret's expressions had the faintest hints of amused smiles. "My," said Igor. "What a colorful ensemble you have collected!"
"And you're quite a hit with the ladies as well," Margaret teased.
Shirou could only glare and twitch with a bright red face. "Are we quite done here?"
"Yes," Margaret nodded, summoning the Izanagi card from the tome now that the joke was over. "Remember what you have seen today, because you'll have to complete the next fusion yourself."
Shirou nodded in understanding. One of the conditions to his magecraft training was to master fusion himself in a series of requests. The first request was to create a "subtle and fast Ippon-Datara". He had been thinking it over after she opened his magic circuits (which was as painful a process as she forewarned), and he assumed what she was asking to create him with a skill or spell to help him get faster. Like Jiraiya's Sukukaja.
Perhaps it was his own Structural Analysis acting up or some benefit of the Velvet Room, but Shirou could see the possibilities of Personas before they fused, including the skills they would inherit and later learn. Cu Sith was a trial run made in a hurry, while Lilim was decided out of other potential fusions because of her ability to learn Sukukaja.
Not that it would happen anytime soon, but rescuing Rise should help towards that.
"I will," he said, before glancing to the older man. "That is, if Igor-san will allow that."
"By all means," Igor smiled while gesturing towards him. "You are our guest, after all."
Route to Rise
Sometime later, everyone regrouped and met with Teddie again. They now had armor, supplies, and a lead. Shirou told Teddie of what he'd heard (Rise's worries about her stage life overtaking her personal one) and like a bloodhound on the trail, the bear was off. Shirou and the others followed close behind.
There was a silent anxiety working over everyone on their second rescue run. Yukiko had undergone trial runs through her castle before, but she was still nervous the whole trip as he looked over her shoulder. Chie herself was sporting a bō staff strapped over her back, looking ready to pull it out at a moment's notice. When asked about the change of weapon, she shrugged and insisted that she needed something easier to use. No one really questioned this and dropped the issue; Yosuke in particular was relieved. In fact, Yosuke seemed beside himself as to how to greet Rise.
"How about 'Hey babe! Name's Yosuke Hanamura! And I want to be your boyfriend for life!'? No, too long, I need to make a good first impression. Maybe if I make a dynamic entrance with Jiraiya and whisk her off her feet? I could play a cool song to go with it. I wonder if I have one of hers on my player-"
"For crying out loud, Hanamura!" Chie snapped hotly. "We're on a mission to save Rise-chan! Stop treating this like a pick-up date!"
"I-I'm not!" Yosuke argued, looking at her warily. "I just want to make sure she likes us!"
"Whether she likes us or not is pointless, Yosuke. Chances are we'll have to end up fighting her Shadow." Shirou reasoned from ahead. He'd settled for a short sword strapped to his hip, and carried his old bow at the ready. He had no quiver, but he figured that as long as he visualized the iron-tipped arrows he needed, it would suffice and he waste prana instead of ammunition.
The auburn-haired teen flustered and grumbled as if shimmering in heat, before shrugging it off. "Well, I guess I'll impress her with my actions instead of my words. Dating can wait after."
Shirou and Chie rolled their eyes, and they pressed on. Teddie hadn't been quipping as much since he began guiding them, which they could only assume required his utmost concentration. And why wouldn't it? This wasn't a rescue of a friend and classmate. It was the pop idol Risette, a famous celebrity. If someone like her were to turn up dead, news of such a tragedy would definitely gain widespread attention. Even the Clocktower might take notice.
Yukiko was far more nervous than her friends, still being new to the group and all. It only got worse as their way forward was getting darker and harder to see through. But surely they would find a clearing after getting through this… cave? Was it a cave? She decided to call it a cave.
Suddenly, due to their guide abruptly stopping, everyone bumped and collided with each other to form a tangled pile on the ground. "Teddie! What gives?" Yosuke complained for all of them as they stood back up.
The bear ignored them, seeming to take in a few more whiffs before turning towards them. "Well, here we are! Lost person world number 4, starring Rise-chan!"
Everyone looked around, but all they saw was darkness. Even the fog glasses couldn't see what wasn't lit up, and this area was very dark. What kind of secret did Rise have to hide here? "Teddie, are you sure this the place?"
"Of course, Yuki-chan!" Teddie nodded. "I can definitely pick up a kindred spirit in Rise-chan here!"
"But why is it so dark here? I can barely see my hand in front of my face," she argued, holding up her hand for emphasis. Not that she was sure if the others could see her or not. "Do we even know what it's supposed to look like?"
"We would if we had seen the Midnight Channel," Shirou said. "Hold on, I'll give us a light."
A card crush later, the divine Persona appeared over his head. Cupping her hands together, she whispered "Hama" before a ball of light started to illuminate their surroundings, such as the pink carpet with heart designs under their feet.
"Ah, that's much better," Yukiko smiled. "Thank you, Ms. Angel. And Emiya-kun, of course."
"It is only a temporary solution," said the divine Persona. "And limiting of my powers until a suitable alternative is found."
"In other words, we need to find a light switch." Shirou supplied.
"Hey, I think I found one!"
Everyone turned and walked towards Chie. Angel's light showed a sort of empty booth back the way they came, like an entrance. It looked like a ticket stand of sorts, and had a big red button with the word "POWER" written in big English letters.
"Guess this will turn on the lights here," Shirou noted.
"But what if it's a trap?" Yukiko asked.
"It's a risk we'll have to take," said Yosuke. "We can't really fight in the dark here."
Everyone exchanged glances and gave unanimous nods of agreement. Shirou reached forward and pushed the button. Lights all over turned on, mostly from the studio steel crates dangling from the ceiling, as well as glowing neon lights that rotated colors. Light blindness aside, the team finally got a good look of their surrounding dungeon.
The pink carpet led to a small elevated stage, wide enough for someone to dance on or enter the large stage door ahead. Red leather couches were set around tables at each side of the carpet, designed with rich taste. Many pink-purple drapes were set up, and partly wrapped around pillars for aesthetic value. The pink stage curtains had patterns of hearts glowing as if coming from spotlights.
The setting was not lost on any of them, except maybe Teddie. Yosuke was busy pinching himself. Shirou's right eye was twitching. Yukiko was busy blinking through the bright lights. Tama craned her neck at the tables and seating. Only Chie had enough function in her mouth to utter the words circling through her friend's heads.
"Oh my God."
Angel's face fell as she covered her already closed eyes in shame, Hama spell no longer active. "Please do not utter the Lord's name here," she weakly pleaded. "It's used enough in these places."
"Oh-ho!" Yosuke grinned perversely. "This looks like the kind you'd find at resort towns, too!"
"I think you're right," Yukiko nodded. Realizing what she said, she blushed and immediately backpedaled before anyone noticed. "N-not that our inn is like that! We do not have one of these at all!"
"Rise's in a strip tease," Shirou groaned bitterly as he dismissed his Persona. "If Fuji-nee ever finds out about this, she'll kill me."
"I don't get it," Teddie asked innocently. "What's the big deal?"
Seeing Yosuke grin towards the bear, Chie quickly stomped on his foot so all he could utter was a pained scream. "I'm not going to let you corrupt him into your image!"
"Look who's talking!" he argued. "You're the one who dropped the word 'scoring' in front of him!"
"Well you're not going to drop the word 'strip'!"
For a brief moment, Yosuke smirked as Chie clasped her mouth shut. Shirou sighed, thinking it was best to run damage control as soon as possible. "Teddie, the word strip means-"
"Oh Shirou-sensei, I'm already familiar with the term!"
"Y-you are?"
"Of course! It's a piece of road where shops set themselves up against!"
Shirou blinked. As did Chie, Yosuke, and Tama as they stared at the confident bear, trying to process his logic. "That's a strip mall," the magus slowly explained. "It's… not the same thing."
"Huh," said Teddie. "Then a regular strip would be a line, right? Like on a zebra?"
Again there was bewildered silence. "You're joking, right?" Shirou asked finally.
Teddie blinked. "Wouldn't you be laughing if it was a joke?"
Exasperated sweat rolled down the three students' heads, and Tama could only paw her face in shame equaling Angel's. Yukiko, more worried about the lighting affecting her glasses and convincing the others that her inn had no relation to a strip tease, didn't seem to notice the exchange at all. Despite of the fact she stood next to Teddie and Shirou the whole time.
Yosuke and Chie exchanged glances. "Should… we explain to him what strip really means?"
"Please don't."
Marukyuu Striptease, 3rd Floor
The dungeon was as suggestive as the entrance implied. Neon lights lit up the ceiling with bright circles and heart designs. Purple heart-patterned curtains were placed not only as "doors" through the halls, but also set up around the walls with lights of full lips and pin-up women silhouettes. The floor path was almost like a runway, with slick silver and pink tiles more suited to a rich home than an adult setting. The paths, much like Yukiko's Castle, branched out in irregular construction pathways. In the dead ends with big space, was a small elevated stand with a stripper pole set up.
And of course, there were Shadows that more or less suited themselves to the setting. Like the Soul Dancer, a pair of male-female figures in ballroom costumes and in an affection dance. It could have passed as a normal duo if not for the rapier they shared in their off hands, or the black heart with a Lovers Noh mask floating over the space where the heads were absent.
It made for an easy target though, Chie soon realized. She hated the things because of their tendency to throw fire magic around, so she swung her staff at the head fast and hard at the heart-head, smiling in satisfaction as the bodies crumbled and then dispersed into black.
"Ha!" she grinned. "I knew getting this staff was a good idea!"
So confident in her new weapon, she didn't notice the five eyeballs or Hermit numbered Noh mask looming towards her. The area behind the eyes distorted, as the figure was cloaked in camouflage. The Shadow looked like a large black face with red marks under the eyes and a red mane-cape fabric flowing off the edges. The Death Seeker started to crackle with energy, and a ball of blue electricity formed in the space of its open mouth-!
Only to be snuffed completely by a plume of flames underneath it. The Death Seeker Shadow too, was eliminated.
Chie only noticed the heat as soon as it vanished, but gave a knowing smile. "Thanks, Yukiko!"
Not too far from her side, Yukiko exhaled a sigh of relief and lowered her extended fan hand. Konohana-Sakuya, with her crescent feather blade, mirrored the action before she returned to Yukiko's subconscious.
As Shirou and Yosuke finished off their own targets, the group huddled back as Teddie and Tama sneaked out of their hiding spot. "Great job, guys! You're really getting the hang of this!"
"It's still annoying that some Shadows can only be hurt by one sort of attack," Yosuke griped as he holstered his twin short blades away. "Like that floating half-crown mask that looked like a cloud of its own dust-"
"Rainy Sister," Teddie supplied.
"No one cares," Yosuke quipped back. "-and how it was only affected by ice, which Satonaka sucks at."
"My ice does not suck!" Chie huffed.
"Then why can't you do that double thing that you used back at the castle? You could level an entire floor with it!"
"It's a super move! You can't just use super moves willy-nilly! There's a time and place for everything!"
Yosuke only stared at her incredulously for a moment before turning to their leader. "Shirou, you can use Personas with ice spells, right?"
"Not right now, but I'll see what I can do with my benefactors," said the magus.
"Please do," Yosuke nodded, deliberately ignoring the hurt and angry glare Chie was sending them. "Anyway, how are we on energy so far? No one abusing physical arts or anything, right?"
"I got a minor scrape from that DNA-looking Shadow ("Miss Gene," Teddie quickly stated), but nothing a small Dia can't fix."
"Allow me, Emiya-kun!" Yukiko offered, already summoning her Persona to help, but he held his hand to stop her.
"It's alright, Amagi. My scrape is nothing serious, and you've been using a lot of spells as it is."
It was expected from her Shadow that Yukiko had a flare for fire spells, but the healing was a boon as well. She even knew how to cast a wide-spread cure in Media, something both Pixie and Jiraiya lacked. The downside however, was that she was purely specialized in magic. That meant low strength, low endurance, and not even a physical attack art like Cleave. So Yukiko was a bit of a vital asset; she could take away pain and dish it out in spades, but couldn't take it, especially from ice.
"It's no trouble though," she argued. "Sakuya has a lot of energy to spare; I don't think I'm at the half-way mark either."
"Just remember to ration what you have and use the spells when we really need it," Shirou insisted, searching through the medicine bag Teddie handed him. "Especially with the Shadows being a bit stronger than at the castle."
Yukiko frowned. Not just at the dislike of being reminded of the castle, but the implication that the fighting was getting worse. "How could that be?"
"It's raining on your side, right?" Teddie asked rhetorically. "It's like I said before. When it rains on your side, the fog thins out and Shadows get rowdy. That also means stronger Shadows that normally wouldn't come out on a normal day show up here. Like the Rainy Sister."
With the battle over and their injuries patched up, the Investigation Team (plus animals) continued their search. Their current floor seemed to have a single corridor with no branching paths, and no other Shadow made their presence known.
Then they approached a wide curtain. Teddie's nose twitched and wiggled. "Hold on… I'm getting something. Something really strong and smelly beyond that door!"
Yosuke blinked. "Smelly? Well either that's Rise behind the door, or a giant turd-based Shadow."
Ignoring his attempt at levity, Shirou pulled the curtains open. Behind them was a widespread room with square support beams, glowing floor panels, and spots on a lone figure ahead of them. It looked almost like a stage, similar to the castle room Shadow Chie had appeared in.
"Why, hello there you lucky VIPs! I feel so lucky having fans coming so early! But not too early if you know what I mean~! <3"
Again the Investigation Team was shocked into silence. The students quickly recognized the red, wavy hair of Risette, as well as a dark blue aura around her. But her choice of attire was far more startling, for it was more suited to a beach setting… or here of course.
Yosuke licked his lips, and uttered in growing pitch and perversion, "Such an itsy-bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini-!"
Indeed, the voluptuous figure of Rise Kujikawa, or rather Shadow Rise, was clad in only a matching two-piece swimsuit, her bust bouncing once as she turned to greet them. Her bosom drew the eyes of everyone, even the girls.
"They're so big," Chie found herself saying in envy.
"Anyway, glad you could make it!" Shadow Rise smiled as she spoke to the microphone in her hand. "Today's a special last minute show. I may have quit the idol showbiz, but don't worry! You'll see a lot of me before we're done."
Her hands idly twisted the microphone very… suggestively. "It may be hard to see through all this smoke, but that's the fun of it, right? Teasing your emotions, getting excited the further you go in? I may be a tease, but if you follow me all the way through, I'll show you e-very-thing!"
She jumped and spread her arms wide, breasts bouncing again. "Join me and together we'll show the world my real, bare, naked truth!"
As if on cue, a large, tacky gameshow sign hovered over her head, in colors of purple, yellow, and pink. The form was oblong with bubbles, stars and a triangle with words printed over. In kanji it read "Maru-Q Midsummer Night Dream's Special", and in English were blubs of "Live!" and "Hot!" and "All the Way!" The eye-catcher was "Risette'S E-X-POSED!!!"
"Toodles!" The Shadow waved quickly before skipping ahead in her bare feet.
The Investigation Team made no move after her, as they were still processing what they had just seen and heard. Only Tama seemed unaffected as she looked up to the wide eyes of the humans and bear. Teddie's face flushed, feeling a sort of rising tension in his chest… but he didn't have a heart, did he? He was empty inside. What was this sensation?
Yukiko eventually turned away and looked to her best friend for comfort, blushing as she did so. "Uh, was my Shadow ever-"
"No, Yukiko, yours wasn't as bad," Chie sighed, and holding Yukiko's hand with both of hers for comfort. "And thank God for that."
"I wish she stopped uttering the Lord's name in here." Angel lamented. Not that anyone would hear or react, as Shirou was having a bit of a mental overload.
"Hey! Listen! Hey! HEEEEY! Snap out of it! Geez, he's acting like he's never seen a half-naked girl before!"
"A strip bar, a busty femme, and conflicting virgin emotions? Oh yeah. I couldn't have joined up at a better time if I had wished for one!"
Shirou eventually snapped out of his stupor, as did Yosuke and Teddie, when they heard the sound of cheap audio laughter. "What was that?"
"The Shadows are getting rowdy, just like at the other places!" Teddie answered for them. "All because of Rise-chan's suppressed feelings."
"Oh man, an idol blabbing about sexual innuendos are way worse than a few nasty secrets!" Yosuke cried. "We've got to hurry and save her!"
"That's right! Or else it might end up getting 'bear' naked!"
Almost collectively, Shirou, Chie, and Yosuke suppressed a groan. Humor was not exactly what they needed to alleviate the mood, and Teddie's puns were some of the worst attempts they had ever heard.
"'Bear' naked?"
They had to suppress another set of groans realizing that Yukiko was about to break into a giggling fit again, and take much too long to calm down and help. "He had to say a bear pun in front of her…" Chie lamented.
And yet… there was nothing. Not even a chuckle. Curiously, everyone looked to Yukiko to find her more confused than amused. "That was a pun?"
The incredulous yet innocent question, coupled with the timing, led to her classmates collapsing due to being caught off guard by her taste in humor. Teddie too had fallen, more in defeat that he couldn't make Yukiko let out that melodic laugh from before. Even Tama was swept off her feet, though no one would know it was because she found not just Teddie's pun, but Yukiko's reaction, highly amusing like in a TV sketch.
Yukiko Amagi could only blink bewilderedly at this development.
Marukyuu Striptease, 7th Floor
"I'm so happy you came, my diehard fans!"
Shadow Rise kept an eager lead in front of the Investigation Team, and always had time to drop thanks and innuendoes as they climbed the dungeon floors. Teddie seemed to discover his true gender ever so slowly as he shared the flustered faces of Yosuke and Shirou.
"Gah, so intense," Teddie huffed. "Must press on. And yet, these colors are making my head dizzy."
"Aww, you're trying so hard too! Well, I am feeling a little shy, so I'll just dim the lights for now."
Like a switch, the floor went immediately dark, earning several startled gasps from the team. It was no different from the entrance before turning the power on.
"If you can find me on this floor, you'll get a special reward!"
"Teddie, Yosuke, calm down," Shirou quickly ordered. It wouldn't do for anyone to get flustered before reaching either Rise or her Shadow. The dungeon was a trial in itself getting through the atmosphere and Rise's teasing Shadow.
"I, I know that! I can buckle down and get serious you know!" Yosuke insisted between stutters.
"That's right, Shirou-sensei!" Teddie added enthusiastically. "I'm ready-no, I'm more than ready to climb the stairway to maturity!"
…that was probably the best response he could get from either of them. Still, the team of four teens and two animals traveled warily on through the dark floor, and huddled closer together. It was a good thing that Teddie's nose worked better than their eyes, and they were able to avoid any unnecessary fights or ambushes.
Eventually they had to rely on Angel making another Hama light, which seemed to help keep the Shadows away. Though it was still dark, and expanding too much light would have drained Shirou's energy, so they ended up fumbling and hugging the walls. Arms would reach out blindly trying to grab a curtain… though Shirou's hand ended up brushing against someone's shoulder.
"EEP!" Without any other warning, the figure spun and brained him with their long weapon.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Emiya-kun!" Chie cried out almost immediately in embarrassment. "It's so dark in here that I'm feeling a little jumpy."
"It's… quite alright," he groaned with a ringing headache. "I was at fault too. Sorry."
"Geez, you're like a sitting duck without your long sword," she frowned. For as good a shot he was, he couldn't move very far and had to stay still before shooting. The blade he brought along might as well be a knife for all the good it was doing him. "Tell you what, just stay close behind me! I'll be your front guard!"
Yosuke, ever the desperate suitor, managed to catch wind of the conversation. "Say, Amagi-san?" he asked the black haired girl behind him. "Want me to be your front guard?"
Damn it, she didn't even let him set up his pitch! Well, it was clear she was trying to put on a brave face, and she didn't have to. "I-I insist, Amagi-san, after all, you don't know what kind of Shadows lurk in the, well, shadows. They could be hideous monsters, like, having see-through guts, or wielding chainsaws!" Seeing her tense, he decided to go for the clinch. "Or, or even having the ability to summon arms that pop up from the ground and pull you underneath!"
"Aaaaaaah!" Two girlish screams echoed the hallways. Surprisingly they came from Chie and Teddie, and both of them latched to the closest bodies to them (Shirou and Tama respectively, and neither seemed to mind). Not exactly the reaction he was aiming for, but hey? If Chie Satonaka was this scared, he could only imagine Yukiko being so terrified that she wanted to hug him too, but nerves wouldn't let her.
But instead, Yukiko smiled and her eyes sparkled. "I know! And in the dark too! Isn't that exciting?!"
The auburn teen could only stare, flabbergasted. His jaw slacked and eye started to twitch. Did he hear her right?
"So many dark corridors and a Shadow could pop up at any moment! Maybe they'd be a pair of zombies bound together in skewers, or a giant blob that can dissolve skin and bones! Why, think of the traps that we could encounter here!"
"Please don't," squeaked Teddie, stroking the fur of a not-so-reluctant Tama like a security blanket.
This… was not the image of Yukiko Yosuke had envisioned at all. She was supposed to be a cute, feminine traditional girl of yesteryear. How the hell was he supposed to get a girlfriend when the girl was excited at the idea of monsters when the tomboy was scared?!
…though in hindsight, this might explain a few things about her castle dungeon.
"I'm going to look ahead!" she said cheerfully as she summoned Konohana Sakuya with a rather eager swipe of her fan. With flames dancing around her rather creepily, she started skipping down the hallway. She was the least suited to play scout but she didn't care. Worse, she started to sing. "Skulls and bones, skulls and bones, spikes and traps so full of holes! Oh, I should have brought a camera…"
Eye still twitching, he turned to Shirou and Chie – the latter clinging even tighter to the former – with a worried expression. Angel floated above ever so stoically with the light illuminating them. "What the hell was-?"
"Horror buff." Chie squeaked quickly between her teeth. "Horror is Yukiko's favorite genre. To an unhealthy degree."
Oh. Well, that's… balls.
Shirou seemed surprised as well, but was far more concerned of Chie's behavior in the dark affecting her ability to fight. "You can protect me, Satonaka."
She looked at him with relieved tears in her eyes. "Thank you."
Yosuke's mood soured as he watched them move on. Then he heard squeaking come up timidly behind him. "C-c-can you protect us too, Yosuke?"
"Shut up," he said, and moved ahead before Angel's light couldn't reach them anymore. Next time he was going to be damned sure to bring a flashlight.
Eventually everyone calmed down. The main concern was finding Rise and stopping her Shadow, so there was no time for getting overexcited about monsters or bikini girls. Not that it was stopping Teddie from looking forward to the prize.
As they reached the umpteenth curtain door, Teddie sniffed once before panting and pointing at it. "There! She's there! Rise-chan is just beyond that curtain!"
"Try to contain yourself," Shirou warned dryly, though his hand reached for the curtain all the same. "We're most likely going have to fight."
"And I'm ready to fight in the name of love!" Everyone stopped and stared at the flustered but excited bear. Yosuke coughed to the side, pretending not to look as conspicuous, but no one was fooled or cared about his behavior.
Rolling his eyes, Shirou tugged the curtain open. Though she was barely visible in the dark room, they saw Shadow Rise waiting for them as promised.
"You found me!" she cooed and giggled. "This is my first time, so please be gentle."
Not a moment later, she snapped her fingers. The lights switched on and she was nowhere in sight.
Instead, the room was full of three Shadows. The one on the left was a giant chariot-centric wheel with spikes attached to both hub sides, and a metal lion's body mounted on top of the rim like an ornament. The rightmost Shadow was a blue-steel armored samurai with a bronze round hat-helm obscuring the face, and poised in position with its long katana. And the third Shadow, positioned between the wheel and samurai, was a floating albino snake with a red Noh mask over its face. The slender neck was through the hole of the Mars symbol, which in turn was linked through the hole of the Venus symbol like a keychain.
Teddie could only stare comically, wide eyed. His previous excitement died much like his verbal reaction; weak and nearly silent. "….a….aaa….ah!"
"Well he warned you!" Chie snapped at the bear.
No more banter was made as the Amorous Snake coiled itself like a pretzel and expelled a thick green gas. On instinct the Investigation Team covered their mouths while expecting some sort of poison, but the gas washed over them, seemingly ineffective.
That's when the Rain Wheel literally revved up and charged forward to mow them down. "Scatter!" Shirou cried quickly, as he and everyone else dived and rolled to safety. Teddie barely managed to move away from the wheel, but that was when he saw the spike rolling closer-
To her horror, Yukiko saw Teddie's head fly off across the room, severed from his body. "Teddie!"
"He's fine!" Yosuke called out, even as Teddie's arms waved about wildly, looking for the head. Heck, the fox even went to retrieve the head where it flew off so he would be back to his quivering self soon. They were without tactical support for the moment but they just had to find their enemies' weaknesses and exploit them, right?
Quick to the draw, he summoned the ninja Persona from within and took aim at the wheel as it made a sharp u-turn. "Garu!"
But alas, the mighty green gale aimed at the support beams of the frame might as well have been a cool summer breeze. The Shadow was undeterred.
"Wind's no good!" he barked, before willing Jiraiya to throw a quick jab at it. To his further surprise, his hand hurt after the punch didn't even dent the gold lion head, and was forced to use both hands to stop the revving advance. Poorly. "Punches aren't working either!"
"I'll back you up! Just hold!" Shirou called out. He led the girls further into the room and away from the wheel. Some good fortune revealed that the snake was vulnerable to fire, so he and Yukiko kept it down and dizzy with constant spellfire.
"Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!" yapped Cu Sith. It was such an annoying sound, but fireballs were still conjured out with each escaped breath. The blossom princess Persona simply raised her hands high in prayer and conjured the flame from the floor.
But while Yukiko was focused on her Persona, Shirou multitasked in drawing projected arrows from his new circuits. He could never thank Margaret or Pixie enough for correcting him, as he never had to worry about burning his spine anymore. With exercises drilled in since Archery club, he fired another perfect shot, this time at the wheel Yosuke was fighting. The arrow tip was reinforced enough to pierce the wheel base, though it did nothing to slow it down.
Meanwhile, Chie charged towards the Rain Leg Musha, swinging her staff wildly behind her like a baton before swinging it down. The samurai stepped away from her attack, and further backed away as she tried to swing across. It was her first time using a staff, but she liked to believe she learned quickly by muscle memory. Watching all those martial arts shows, movies, and even Tomoe helped. The power of the staff was its reach, and as long as she had that, the Shadow couldn't get near her. "Ha! Hoo! Tah!"
But she was still a novice against a pragmatic Shadow. The musha simply bided its time with an enhancing skill and held off from retaliating. Chie's fluid movements finally gave way to an opening – an extended reach in the form of thrusting the staff one-handed. Like lightning, the Shadow closed the distance between them and finally drew its long sword. The slash nearly tore through Chie's armor and sent her flying off her feet at the Shadow's mercy. "Gaah!"
Yukiko glanced away from the downed Amorous Snake in time to witness her friend's vulnerability to the enemy. "No!" she cried, immediately focusing Sakuya's flames on the samurai Shadow. They stopped its advance, but the damage was minimal at best. Yukiko was at a loss; her spells couldn't stop it!
Chie took this reprieve to back away and summon her Persona. As the flames departed, Tomoe shot forth and slashed diagonally across the samurai's armor. She would have followed through again with the other blade, only for the sword to guard at the last moment and force a standstill.
"Yukiko!" she called to her friend. "I could use first aid!"
"O-oh! Right!"
As Shirou tried in vain to blast the wheel with fire magic, the snake finally roused itself up with no interruptions. And thus, the Investigation Team was caught unaware as the snake coiled into another pretzel shape and glowed a light pink.
The wheel's charge forced Shirou and Yosuke to split up again, rolls and all. If they weren't getting hurt from getting run over, they risked it on hitting the floor in a panic. "That thing seems to have no weaknesses."
"Even a strength can be a weakness. If you can't find a weakness, use its strength."
But how, he wanted to ask the Duke. But before he could ask, he saw out of his peripheral vision Yosuke with knives drawn, and attempting to flank Yukiko.
"Amagi! Behind you!"
Surprised from her healing of Chie, Yukiko tensed and looked over her shoulder. She almost relaxed at Yosuke's presence but didn't miss the eerie glow around him. Nor the blades he held up as he swung them down at her back. "Aah!" she cried, barely backing away before he could stab her.
Chie tore her focus from the samurai and blanched. "Hanamura, what the hell?!"
"It's not his fault!" Teddie called out from behind the curtain 'door'. "The Amorous Snake Charmed him into its control!"
"Hey! I got this!" Pixie called from Shirou's head. "Just call me and I'll have him Patra'd faster than you can say-!"
"AIIIIIEEE!" Yosuke cried out, seemingly snapping out of the trance before falling down. Of course, anyone would cry out after taking a kick from Chie Satonaka in a very sensitive place he was now cradling. Again, Yukiko blinked. Again, Shirou winced. And Teddie, Tama, and the Shadows paused and watched with some morbid curiosity at the case of friendly fire.
"There," Chie huffed, ignoring the pointed stares she was now getting. "He's better now."
"…nevermind," the fey deflated.
"I honestly don't know what to make of this," said Angel, just as defeated.
"I do! It's my time to shine!"
Feeling a cue to make a switch, Shirou allowed his new Persona out. "Lilim!"
The little devil fluttered about, sniffing the air twice before smiling. "Oh yes, the Stagnant Air is still ripe for use. Now I just need a volunteer-"
The Rain Wheel finally recovered, revving back for speed before charging head-on at Shirou and Lilim. The former was ready to bolt again, but the latter smiled contently. "Match found! Now, Marin Karin says: STOP!"
A pink hue quickly expelled out and around Lilim's body before hitting the wheel Shadow. The wheel was now saturated in a pink outline and slowed to a stop before her outstretched hand. Lilim allowed her hand to pat the lion figurehead before turning to the now nervous albino.
"Not so fun messing with ailments when they're used against you, huh? That's the thing about Stagnant Air. It affects everyone on the field." Nodding to her improv lecture, Lilim then pulled her hand back into a fist before giving her infatuated enemy its order. "Now my Gorgeous Wheel, Marin Karin says: LET HER RIIIIIP!"
Her behavior was childish, as was the hand gesture of two knuckles pressed together before parting. The wheel did indeed "rip" though. Charging headfirst toward the snake, it reduced the weakened Shadow into the darkened goop of a corpse (only to disappear entirely). With one hostile Shadow left, the wheel turned appropriately to face it head on. The musha turned to face the wheel, but stood its ground all the same. The distance closed between them as the wheel seemed to turn at the last minute, using the spikes to defeat the samurai. In turn, it swung its blade in a deft flash-
And in an instant, both Shadows exploded into black nothingness.
"And that, my duckies, is what happens when an unstoppable wheelie meets an unmovable samurai. The. End."
Lilim nodded to herself after the sage advice(?) and disappeared back into Shirou's subconsciousness. Everyone else stared rather mutely at how quickly the fight resolved itself by forcing the enemies against each other.
"That was… discouraging," Chie said after a while.
"I know," Teddie added. "All that, and I didn't even get a chance to choose! I've been fooled."
Exasperated sweat rolled down the students' heads. "Not quite what I meant, Teddie."
Shirou ignored them as he walked to the blobby mess of the Rain Shadows and started scavenging for parts and cards. For some reason, their remains were of higher quality than the other Shadows, so he had a feeling Daidara would have a field day even having one of these in his hands.
A new Persona was acquired as well; a blond woman with a silver winged mask, wearing chain and leather armor with two swords, one in each hand. Despite having no harness, saddle, or even reins, she sat and rode proudly on a large red horse. "I thank you, master. On my honor as a Valkyrie, I shall serve you to the ends of the world."
"Thank you," Shirou said simply, and accepted the Tarot card she metamorphosed into. Valkyrie of Strength. Another Arcana he had yet to form a Social Link, but she reminded him of someone.
"What… the hell...?"
Chie turned to the slowly raising form of Yosuke. "Oh, you're awake."
"That's all you have to say?!" he wheezed angrily. "After you nearly shattered my nads again?!"
"Well, you tried stabbing Yukiko like some psycho puppet. I figured the best way to stop you was the usual one."
"Guys, we still have an idol to rescue," Shirou intervened. "We can save the bickering for later."
"Right, allow me." Everyone gathered close to Yukiko, who closed her eyes in focus. As the card danced over her fan, she spun around once and slashed the card with the bladed tips of her fan. The flower princess Persona appeared in her prayer position, and a purple vitalizing light bathed everyone with energy. Minor scrapes and bruises healed up, and physical exhaustion slowly left them.
But as soon as the Media came, it left. Sakuya disappeared and Yukiko let out an exhausted gasp of air.
Chie noticed the change right away in alarm. "Yukiko! What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry," she huffed. "I think I reached my limit. I can't do any more."
"Amagi-san's only good at casting spells," Yosuke frowned. "If she says she can't do any more, we're effectively a man down."
Shirou rubbed his chin in thought. They'd climbed so far, and he hoped if they made good time, they could have rescued Rise in one day. Maybe it was still possible… "Tama, how much do your leaves cost again?"
A quick abacus calculation later told them that it was beyond their pay. Maybe if they hadn't spent so much on medicine and armor today, they could have scrounged up just enough, but the fact was the fox was not cheap in her services.
"Now would be a good time to head back and rest wouldn't it?" he asked rhetorically. "What do you guys think?"
"I'm volunteering for a respite!" Yosuke raised his hand. A little too enthusiastically.
"But we've come so far!" Yukiko cried. "If we leave now, we'll have to start all over from the beginning!"
"Not necessarily!" Teddie smiled. "I can leave a checkpoint, so to speak, on this floor. So when we come back tomorrow, we'll skip the other six floors and be that much closer to Rise-chan!"
"I guess a rule of thumb is to assume the victims are always at the furthest level," Chie frowned. "Never makes things easy, huh."
"Well, as long as we can save her later," said Yukiko. "I'm sorry we have to leave because of me though."
"We're all tired, Yukiko. Don't let it get to ya."
"Okay Investigation Team," Shirou nodded. "We'll stop here for today, and sleep early so we can head back tomorrow."
Yosuke sighed in relief as Teddie conjured his diorama. "That's good. I think I could use some downtime before round two. Maybe find something good on TV."
The team leader blinked, glancing over to Yosuke in concern. "What did you say?"
"You know, television. Game shows, anime, that sort of thing. What, don't tell me you never used one for anything besides watching the news?"
Shirou seemed to be lost in thought again, as if weighing his options. "Maybe we should keep going after all."
Yosuke blanched at the betrayal. "Dude, are you still high on adrenaline or something? You just said yourself we should rest!"
"That was before you reminded me that an idol's reputation was at stake," he countered, only earning confused looks. "Think about it; Risette just announced her retirement from idol work, and disappears from the world the very same night. No one knows where she is, let alone that she was kidnapped. And if her Midnight Channel airs tonight…"
Yukiko's eyes widened in realization. "Everyone would believe Rise-chan has become a prostitute."
An uneasy silence filled the room.
"Now hold on, Emiya-kun," Chie argued. "I get what you're trying to say, but isn't that a bit of a stretch? I mean, Yukiko's Shadow was on some power trip about eloping with a prince but no one really believes the real Yukiko is like that."
"Rise-chan's an idol, Chie," her friend said softly. "It's one thing for people to gossip about some small urban girl with an inn to her name. But if the rumor starts, then it will get out to her paparazzi one way or another."
"But it's not even true to begin with! It's just some suppressed psyche going haywire like the rest of us!"
"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not," Shirou frowned, recalling the news media and what Nami said. "If enough people believe even subconsciously in what they're seeing or talking about, then so will everyone else, and no amount of truth could ever fix that damage."
He would save people, that much he knew. But what would saving a person's life be worth if it was going to be forever scarred by a damning commercial and the rumor mill? Kiritsugu may have saved his physical body from the fire, but he could have just as easily left him at an orphanage without ever meeting him at the hospital.
People like Nanako looked up to Rise Kujikawa. To them she was a hero. He knew how much it hurt to find the bad side of his own stepdad, but at least it was by his own choice. But Rise Kujikawa didn't, and he wasn't going to let her go through the same thing.
"Tama," he regarded the fox as he knelt to her level. "Please consider the price of your leaves, just for tonight. This is an emergency."
The fox made no move from her position, or the soroban tool in front of her.
"I may not understand how valuable those leaves at your temple are, and I may understand even less about why you're insistent on making money, but I do know you care about others. You watch over the shrine and make sure those wishes come true, even if no one knows you exist. In fact, rumors have been going around painting you as a ghost haunting the place."
Tama's eyes glanced down to the floor, still silent.
"Please Tama. I'll pay you back later. I'll clean every inch of the shrine. I'll do anything you want. Just allow us to use your leaves for tonight."
Tama's body was still stuck in place. A clearly thoughtful look was present in her eyes, though they refused to look back at Shirou's for whatever reason.
"Tama-chan?" Teddie asked. The fox gave him her undivided attention right away. "If you have any doubts, take it from me. You can trust Shirou-sensei.
"I still don't know what he means about all this Midnight Channel stuff, but I guess it must be important to him to break out and ask for favors. And he seems like a guy who wouldn't do so without good reason. But that's okay, really."
The bear nodded confidently to him. "He's an ally of justice, after all! He always keeps his word, and if he says he's going to pay you back for this big favor, I'm sure he will."
"Teddie…" Hearing the bear speak up for him was touching. He couldn't even begin to put those feelings into words, let alone what else to say to him.
Tama was also moved by Teddie's speech, as she stared intently on the soroban in front of her. Moments later, her neck craned down and she pulled out several zip-lock baggies, each holding a leaf vacuum sealed, and handed them to Shirou.
He was about ready to express thanks when the fox pointed at the soroban intently. The exact amount she wanted for the leaves before, to be paid at a later date.
Shirou only smiled and ruffled her head and ears, earning a yip of contentment. "I'll pay back every yen, with interest."
Inaba Road
"You're still mad, aren't you?"
They were driving away from the station, now on a routine patrol in trying to find anything out of the ordinary. Dojima was deadly focused on the road, and his knuckles were whitening from gripping the wheel so hard. Adachi watched nervously as his senior partner continued to give him the cold shoulder.
He hadn't said a word since they left.
"Come on, Dojima-san! It was an honest mistake! I know you said not to touch anything, but I wanted to be sure that the video was there, you know? And I did see the video of Rise getting kidnapped, like you said! You were talking so long explaining it to the guy, anyway!"
Dojima kept on driving.
"But then I started fiddling with the device… and accidentally pressed the record button."
His scowl grew deeper. Adachi didn't notice and kept on gabbing.
"And that's when you came in yelling at me. I told you the video was proof and I could ID the van!"
His eyes scrunched in anger.
"…but since I have no good description to give to a sketch artist, my word might as well be shit. That's what you said, I think."
Dojima did nothing this time, and still said nothing, yet the building silence made Adachi feel very uncomfortable. "I'm really sorry I got you mad."
He finally spoke, and it wasn't as pissed as he thought it would be. It was more resigned and helpful. "Yessir?"
"There's a saying my senpai would tell me when we worked together, and I made a rookie mistake-"
"You made rookie mistakes, Dojima-san?" Adachi couldn't help asking. He was deftly ignored.
"'Actions speak louder than words. If you have the time to make excuses, then you better damn well have the means to follow them up.'" He final gave the junior detective a side glance, with a bored scowl on his face. "So what should you be doing instead?"
"Uh… working my ass off on the case?"
"Damn straight."
They continued to drive in the patrol car in silence, as Dojima replayed the scene in his head. They had been so close to a lead, and yet it slipped away because of his rookie partner the moment he left the room. He really shouldn't hold it against Adachi, but it's like the guy could do nothing right. Well, when he was through with him, the rookie would learn his mistake and be damn sure not to record over evidence again.
Adachi's worried cry was enough to get him to snap out of his thoughts and warn him of the danger ahead. Ahead he saw a pale, black-haired figure walking in the middle of the road in heavy rain.
In the back of his mind, he thought back to the damn horror movie he watched one too many times as a kid Nanako's age. But he quickly ignored that sinking feeling of fear as he slammed on the brakes and turned the car hard left.
The tires screeched and likely left skid marks, but the car came to a safe stop beside the… naked girl?
Immediately the two cops opened their doors to talk to her, but she kept on walking past them. She probably didn't notice that she had almost been killed, let alone how cold her body was out in the rain. The only distinctive traits she had to her were her mopey black hair and some small item clenched tightly in her hand.
Well, this was definitely out of the ordinary.
Before Adachi could fumble for a weak excuse, Dojima left the car and called out, "Hey!" She ignored him. Either she was messing with him, or she seriously did not realize he almost ran her over.
He tried again, marching over to directly confront her. "Hey, when someone calls out, you-!"
He touched her shoulder. It was real all right. But what was really surreal was her reaction. The girl jumped almost immediately, and turned to look accusingly at him. Her brown eyes held gaze on him for a few moments, before darting around, looking for something familiar but couldn't find it.
"Whe… where am I?" she rasped.
Dojima unfolded his coat and draped it over the girl's shoulders. He was not one to get embarrassed over some teenage nudity (even ignoring the fact that she could be Shirou's age for all he knew) but it was meant for her discomfort in mind than his own. "Near the shopping district of Yasoinaba," he answered. "Where's your family?"
"Family?" she asked, hugging the coat close to her as if it was hers to begin with. "What is 'family'?"
Dojima frowned. This was looking more and more suspicious, and he didn't like it. "What are you doing here?"
"I… I've just been walking here," she said. "I think I was-Aaah!" she suddenly clutched her head with both hands and fell to her knees.
Whatever she had been through, it was too painful for her to remember. But she had to remember something about her life. Anything. "What's your name?" Dojima asked.
The girl stared up at him with scared eyes. "I don't know."