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Forth Towards Glory (Empire Quest)

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Forth Towards Glory

As time passes, nations fall and rise. But some, some preserve. Or even...


QQ voters, geniuses at opposing their own goals.
Aug 19, 2013
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Forth Towards Glory

As time passes, nations fall and rise. But some, some preserve. Or even prosper, as they consume the ashes of those that came before them to reach new heights. However, not all nations will leave their name behind- if not more. As there are nations, so are there the leaders that bring them to their height... or to their demise and ruin. Will you be one of those leaders whom bring prosperity, fame, and... lasting glory? Or one who drives the shining stars into the blackest void?

What nation are you and your family from?
[ ] A Fledgling Kingdom of which seeks to solidify its presence and take what it believes to be rightfully its. But whom will preside over its ascent? (North Western nation. Church Influence Present.)
+No Starting Enemies and Hostile Nations to your Family and Nation.
+Easier Starting Position​
-Reduced Starting Political Influence
-Reduced Assets Options & Variety​

[ ] A Ruined Kingdom, gathering itself from the wake of a civil war. Though weakened, it now stands unified more than it has ever been, with some former supporters now formally joining their ranks. (North Western nation. No Church Influence.)
+Increased Starting Reputation
+Improved Assets Options & Variety
+Internal Unity/Loyalty in Nation (includes Family)​
-Nation Starts off Weakened (Affects Allies within Nation as well)
-Reduced Starting Assets (Stacks)​

[ ] A Olden Kingdom that has seen better days... and worse. Time and time again it has preserved, but only of recent has it seen a return to its days of glory... but will it last? (South Central nation. Extremely low FER Influence.)
+Increased Starting Assets
+Significantly Increased Assets Options
+Increased Personal Power
+Increased Family Power​
-Hostile National Relations to neighboring nations.
-Potentially having Family enemies at the Start.
-Starts with a somewhat negative Relations with the Church.​

[ ] An Empire from a different Region, having long since restored itself to glory... it has since slowly fallen apart. Not from without, but from within. As the end nears, each faction steadily begins their move. (Eastern nation. Minor Church Influence. Extremely low FER Influence.)
---[ ] You are of one of the major factions, not the head of it, but still within the higher ranks of it.
+Increased Starting Assets
+Improved Potential Allies Options
+Easier Starting Position
+Increased Number of Starting Allies​
-Starting Enemies (Other Major Factions)
-Aligned & Subordinate to a Major Faction​
---[ ] You are of one of the minor factions, but at least your family is the head of your faction.
+Independent or Unaligned or Contender Faction (Further Modifies Advantages)
+Below-the-Radar or Solid Starting Position (Further Modifiers Advantages)
+OCP Nature (Due NW Family or FE Clan in a Eastern Nation)​
-Increased Starting Difficulty
-Greatly Increased Politics Involved​

[ ] A Confederation of minor nation-states banding under one banner. Officially, it supports the Church, however, in due practice, it varies and in most cases, it is merely for the sake of profit itself. As the nations grow and rise in power, the bonds that hold them together... will it last? Or will one take hold of the Confederation and lead it forward? (South Central nation. Officially Church aligned, actual practice varies.)
+Functionally semi-independent 'mini-nation'/city-state
+Vastly Increased Starting Assets
+Solid Starting Position
+Vastly Increased Assets Variety​
-Increased Politics Involved
-Fragile Unity
-Neighboring Nations eager to crave out chunks of the Confederation.​

[ ] An Exiled Nation, driven from their homeland and with nothing to lose, fled to the South Central region and now seek to re-establish their nation anew. With much lost, they are remnants of their former glory... yet all the same, despite their few numbers that retained, they have made much progress in their short time present. With their strength lacking, they gather those they deem sufficient to their nation. (Far Eastern nation. No Church Influence, Minor FER Influence.)
+Increased Personal Starting Power (Cumulative and Stacks with FE Family Options)
+Increased Family Starting Power (Cumulative and Stacks with FE Family Options)
+Increased Starting Allies.
+Increased Loyalty (In General)​
-Weary Neighbors. All of them.
-Church Aligned Nations set to Hostile.
-Nation is at odds with all nations that are not Academic States, Kingdoms, or Empires. (Increased Political and Diplomatic difficulties)​

Is your family religiously aligned?
[ ] Your family is Church aligned. (Increased Difficulty: Olden Kingdom, Confederation, Exiled Nation ; Decreased Difficulty: Fledgling Kingdom)
[ ] Your family is not Church aligned.
[ ] Your family is FER aligned. (Increased Difficulty: Fledgling Kingdom, Confederation ; Decreased Difficulty: Exiled Nation)

Your family is...
[ ] A well distinguished Family of Light Knights, not merely from just the deeds and actions of your great grandparents generation to yours... but their great grandparent's great grandparents. Or simply, a long legacy of Light Knights. One could make the case that you can trace your family lineage to Royalty at some point. [+Excellent Personal Power & Family's Personal Power, +Diluted Royalty grade Pure Lineage, -Small Family, -Reduced Starting Assets]

[ ] A Family of Weapon Knights, following in the traditions (Weapon type) of your Family's distant founders, the Family has established and grown to lead a Knight Order completely under their direct control. However, given the size of the Family, your great grandparents had taken measure to ensure that their parent's efforts did not go to waste, as a result, your grandparents, your parents and your marriage were prearranged by them. Of course, this is not all unfortunate, as a result, you have some measure of claim to Royalty, if ambit it means making the claim will force you into direct conflict with others. [+Loyal, +Large Knight Order, +Large Family, +Greatly Increased Starting Assets, +/- Prepackaged Marriage]

[ ] An Fudai Clan of Samurai, originally from the Far Eastern region, they were driven out of their homeland due to the collapse of the Shogunate and pursuit by their enemies. However, since then, they have rebuilt while maintaining the same standard as before- in spite of the hardships of rebuilding almost everything from the ground up. Eventually, they were reunited with other fellow Clans once under the same Shogunate and reaffirmed their ties. Having tasted such loss and devastation, the Clan has since vowed to never suffer such a disgrace again. As a member of a Fudai Clan of Samurai, you technically have claim to Royalty. [+Excellent Personal Power, +Fudai grade Pure Lineage, +Clan Loyalty, +/- Clan Allies & Obligations to Clan Allies, -Loyalty to Nation]

[ ] Remnants of a Samurai Clan, having since rebuilt themselves after having lost nearly everything- even the Clan itself. For naught? No. Not quite. Even if the Shogunate fell, fellow Clans fallen, at the very least, they achieved their task in the matter for the sake of their pride, loyalty, and duty to their liege. Such dedication and valor, even in the eyes of others, is praiseworthy if somewhat suicidal- the latter of which the Clan has moved away from, as there is little need to do so while rebuilding the Clan. The Clan has since incorporated the remaining survivors from the Shogunate and also other nations that had fallen to their mutual enemy. The distance between them has allowed for the Clan to rebuild in safety as well as thrive, of course, the latter comes with obligations to you- as it did to your father. [+Excellent Personal Power, ? Pure Lineage, +Very Loyal core Clan followers, +Ties to a Royal Family (status varies), +Allied Clan (weakened), +No Honor/Loyalty ties to Nation, +/- Prepackaged Marriage, -Increased cautiousness from neighboring Families/Clans/etc., -Rag-tag starting Clan forces, -Low Starting Clan Assets.)

Light Knights are renown as the premier classification of Knights that the North Western region is known for. They are generally skilled and powerful enough to outfight and defeat lessers in either 1 vs 1 or more, especially as one progresses up the ladder in capability. It is uncommon for a Light Knight to also possess a Lineage, but those that do are entirely on-par if not an edge up over the average Samurai. Light Knights generally come from a wide range of background as their limiting factor to become one is primarily skill and power as opposed to in-born criteria.

Weapon Knights generally form the majority of higher tier Knights though a fair bit second to Light Knights. Unlike LK, Weapon Knights are skilled and capable with their chosen weapon and have, at minimum, the needed elements to make it work effectively. In teams, they are able to make up for their lesser capabilities and are able to compliment each others skills and short comings effectively- perhaps more so than the average LK- even with little to no experience with their fellows.

Samurai are generally subdivided into three major sub-groups, though in general, they all have at least a Lineage, and are well versed in combat, similarly to a Light Knight. They are however, fewer in number in contrast, but more powerful with particularly high ranked Clans being relatively akin to Royalty.
---[Fudai grade Pure Lineage] Samurai - Fudai Samurai generally form the core loyalists and cream of the crop in a Far Eastern nation and do have capacity to make a claim for Royalty due to the quality and purity of their Lineage, but generally do not out of loyalties and ties.
---[Pure Lineage] Samurai - Major Clans generally have a solid, if 'normal' Pure Lineage, and they are the ones of whom possess Pure Lineages as par norm. They are generally greater in number in more than one meaning of the word in comparison to Fudai, though they are noticeably weaker in comparison not purely due skill or power, but from the difference in Lineage purity.
---[Mixed Lineage] Samurai - Most Samurai however, are not so fortunate, and merely have Mixed Lineage, and these Samurai are generally of Minor Clans, whether they are directly in service of, sworn to, or subordinate to a higher Clan. (Employed by, Apart of, and Loyal to respectively.) They are directly comparable to Light Knights in capability, though with more limited membership.

Knight Orders are entire organizations created and ran by Knights. The conditions and criteria for joining varies, as does the organization's loyalties. Unlike independent Knights, the organization's members only work for those that the organization is affiliated with or under employ by. The organization's reputation and status generally allows for it to obtain a voice and say in matters which individual Knights would not have. A Knight Order can obtain and possess its own lands and is often considered the North Western equivalent to a FE Clan despite their differences. As long as the KO is following at least one of its stated objectives drawn up in its formation, the Order's leadership may employ a sizable amount of its forces and assets freely. As a Knight Orders members are not considered apart of their native nation or sworn liege, a Knight's duties to the Knight Order generally takes precedence, though some Knight Orders handle it differently.

The Church is the North Western region's religious organization that holds tremendous influence, sway, and power there, though their influence outside of the region is far less, with the South Central region the closest second. The Church possesses its own vast military, though it is generally scattered across the region and normally functions in support of Church aligned nations/followers, or in other cases, pursuing the Church's goals. The Church is known for its widespread prosecution of Monsters, Witches, Alchemists, and other particular groups. It should be noted that the Church is not particularly on good terms with the FER, though it seems to be a rather one sided matter. The Church also has its own variation of Light Knights called 'Order Knights'.

The FER, or 'Far Eastern Religion' is the unofficial, but formal name for the religious organization from the Far Eastern region. Unlike the Church, their religious agenda seems to be less 'concentrated' or focused, and as a result, the lack of complete (or major) consistency in general is the supposed reason for the lack of a official name for the organization. The organization generally lacks much influence outside of the Far Eastern region, and does not seem to care much about expanding their influence outside of there. Their general rank and membership varies in profession with regards to males, but females are generally (near almost always) Miko. The FER generally does not prosecute Monsters, instead they prefer a co-existence, but are fully willing to completely eliminate those that prey on humans.

Regions are lands separated by the Distorted Range which have since time before, a time forgotten, since developed certain cultures and more, of which defines them in general.

The North Western region is akin to a pesudo-feudal Europe. It is known for the Church and Light Knights.
The South Central region is known for its Academic States (by extension, Students), being the only place with non-Empires/Kingdoms, and also the meeting of various cultures from different regions.
The Eastern region is known for its martial skill and power, however, this is at the expense of skill in magic.
The Far Eastern region is known for its Samurai and the FER (by extension, Miko).

Crossposted on SB and SV.
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[Information Corner]​

Ranking/Level information & reference
There are 8 Ranks/Levels with two 'in between' sub-section for each one. The highest is L while D is the lowest, normally. It is further split between "Basic" and "Advanced" classification.

F << D < C < B < A < S < EX < L
Basic Rank Tier
  • The 'in between' of each one is a +/-. A + means it is 1/3rd to the next Rank/Level, whereas a - means it is 1/3rd from the Rank/Level it is attached to. Magic Capacity-wise, it rounds down to the nearest 10's.
    • F = Non-Existant; It's there, but almost the same as not having what the F Rank/Level is attached to. For magic, this is a necessary minimum rank for an element to learn magic of that element within any reasonable amount of time; Magic Capacity = 0
    • D = Below Average / Sub-par; Is technically two ranks/levels above F; Magic Capacity = 100
    • C = Average / Normal; Magic Capacity = 200
    • B = Above Average / Strong; In comparison to C rank/level; Magic Capacity = 350
    • A = Superior; In comparison to C rank/level; Magic Capacity = 500
    • S = Powerful / Impressive; Magic Capacity = 750
    • EX = Extraordinary / Extreme; Much beyond the norm, it is particularly impressive. Should be noted that it takes the equivalent of two Ranks 'worth' of progress after factoring scaling between ranks ; Magic Capacity = 1500
    • L = Legendary; The base Rank tier for Basic that has no real problems with breaking physics, though doing so is at a cost to power behind the act/etc. Which at this degree can be be impractical for difficult match ups. Effectively takes the equivalent of three Ranks 'worth' of progress, after factoring scaling, to reach ; Magic Capacity = 3000
Advanced Tier
  • After L Rank (Basic) is D Rank (Advanced), which requires a L Rank (Basic)'s worth of progress. The same is true for each Advanced Rank, though (Advanced) EX & L Ranks require 2 and 3 L Rank's worth.
  • Anything 'after' L Rank (Advanced) uses the same requirement as L Rank (Advanced).
  • Although the scaling for Rank increases no longer applies after L Rank (Basic), this is because the difficulty bar of what and how much it takes to count as 'progress' is increasingly higher still.

  1. Personal Skills can only reach EX Rank normally and do not distinguish between Basic/Advanced.
  2. Magic Capacity can also be modified/affected by various other factors, such as affinity or talent.
  3. Elemental advantages are enough to drop the weaker element's effective Rank in a matchup by a whole Rank (ex. Fire gets a Rank debuff when used against Water)
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You may post now.
[X] An Exiled Nation, driven from their homeland and with nothing to lose, fled to the South Central region and now seek to re-establish their nation anew. With much lost, they are remnants of their former glory... yet all the same, despite their few numbers that retained, they have made much progress in their short time present. With their strength lacking, they gather those they deem sufficient to their nation. (Far Eastern nation. No Church Influence, Minor FER Influence.)

[X] Your family is FER aligned.

[X] Remnants of a Samurai Clan
[X] A Fledgling Kingdom of which seeks to solidify its presence and take what it believes to be rightfully its. But whom will preside over its ascent? (North Western nation. Church Influence Present.)
[X] Your family is Church aligned. (Increased Difficulty: Olden Kingdom, Confederation, Exiled Nation ; Decreased Difficulty: Fledgling Kingdom)
[X] A well distinguished Family of Light Knights, not merely from just the deeds and actions of your great grandparents generation to yours... but their great grandparent's great grandparents. Or simply, a long legacy of Light Knights. One could make the case that you can trace your family lineage to Royalty at some point
Tally Updated!

Vote Tally: Closing vote tomorrow. later today.

[3] Fledgling
[QQ-1] Truthswraith,
[SV-1] Da Boyz,
[SB-1] EagleBlue,

[5] Ruined
[SV-3] Night Stalker, King Arthur, Happerry,
[SB-2] backgroundnoise, shad4c,

[2] Olden
[SB-2] Tyrant's Bane, Wing101,

[5] Empire
[SB-5] Eternal Dreamer, D King Hecht, Ceslas, Slavania, Mug Ruith,
---[3] Major
---[SB-3] Eternal Dreamer, D King Hecht, Ceslas,
---[2] Minor
---[SB-2] Slavania, Mug Ruith,

[7] Exiled
[QQ-2] Enthalpy, Total Absolutism,
[SV-5] Robotninja, Lucienz, Vanestus, Dark Ness, veekie,

[6] Church Aligned
[QQ-1] Truthswraith,
[SV-2] Night Stalker, King Arthur,
[SB-3] Mug Ruith, EagleBlue, shad4c,

[10] Not Church Aligned
[QQ-1] Total Absolutism,
[SV-2] Vanestus, Happerry,
[SB-7] Eternal Dreamer, D King Hecht, Ceslas, Slavania, Tyrant's Bane, backgroundnoise, Wing101,

[5] FER Aligned
[QQ-1] Enthalpy,
[SV-4] Robotninja, Lucienz, Dark Ness, veekie,

[9] Light Knights
[QQ-2] Truthswraith, Total Absolutism,
[SB-5] Slavania, Tyrant's Bane, backgroundnoise, Wing101, shad4c,
[SV-2] King Arthur, veekie,

[2] Weapon Knights
[SB-2] Mug Ruith, EagleBlue,

[8] Fudai Samurai Clan
[SB-3] Eternal Dreamer, D King Hecht, Ceslas,
[SV-5] Night Stalker, Robotninja, Lucienz, Dark Ness, Happerry,

[2] Remnants (Samurai Clan)
[QQ-1] Enthalpy,
[SV-1] Vanestus,
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Tally updated. Religious vote locked due to decent majority. Closing vote later. Please post/note any vote changes you make. Thank you.

Exiled 2 vote lead over Empire/Ruined.

Religious is at... 10 for not Church Aligned. Religious [locked]

Family/Clan is at 1 vote lead for LK now, a reversal from the previous lead for Fudai.
[X] Exiled
[X] Not Church Aligned
[X] Light Knights
[X] An Exiled Nation, driven from their homeland and with nothing to lose, fled to the South Central region and now seek to re-establish their nation anew. With much lost, they are remnants of their former glory... yet all the same, despite their few numbers that retained, they have made much progress in their short time present. With their strength lacking, they gather those they deem sufficient to their nation. (Far Eastern nation. No Church Influence, Minor FER Influence.)
[X] Your family is not Church aligned.
[X] A well distinguished Family of Light Knights, not merely from just the deeds and actions of your great grandparents generation to yours... but their great grandparent's great grandparents. Or simply, a long legacy of Light Knights. One could make the case that you can trace your family lineage to Royalty at some point. [+Excellent Personal Power & Family's Personal Power, +Diluted Royalty grade Pure Lineage, -Small Family, -Reduced Starting Assets]
The Asukura 'Shogunate', or as others called it, the 'Kingdom' without a King, in the formal sense of the meaning of course. For your Family, that little difference is both minute and significant. On one hand, it simply means that the method and ties that bind emphasize more on the hierarchy as opposed to directly sworn- a boon in its own little way for your ambitions and goals. However, the other is more complicated, as it also means that the structure favors those with skill and power... or as they say, actual competition. Then again, for your Family, there are rather fewer still that could be called meaningful competitors though with most of them being directly sworn vassals to the Asukura Shogunate, that leaves a scant handful- though those few have more at their disposal than your Family does. For now. It's a factor you'll change. After all, you'll mark a return to your Family's Royal heritage!

Of course, it's not like your Family hasn't made any arrangements towards that end. It's obvious to anyone that your Family has standards! But it's less obvious to others why, which is an excellent question you yourself had at one point. Unlike others with no true heritage to call their own, your Family maintains the purity and strength of its Lineage... though with attempts at further improving its purity should it present itself. That does, however, mean your Family lacks as much options in their choices in partners but it's a small price that they've made work.

Your Family Assets (Aka Completely Under Family Control) [Pick 4 (5 - 1 = 4)]
[ ] A small organization of Alchemists directly subordinate to your Family. [Costs 1]
[ ] A "Proper" Household Guard befitting say, Royalty! (Current: Only Standard Household Forces) [Costs 3]
[ ] Expanded Holdings/Territory (Current: 1 Town) [Costs 1 ; Can be selected multiple times. At 3 times choose Small City or Multiple Towns]
[ ] A Subordinate Clan [Costs 2 ; Can be selected multiple times]
[ ] A Knight Order [Costs 5]

Though, due to a combination of political maneuvering and carefully planned baiting, your family has managed to secure some allies. Unfortunately, it's rather difficult to sink one's fangs into more... equal parties. Especially given the difference in culture and... values. Oh well. One can simply say it isn't always worth the costs to secure an ally of equal status and assets. Sometimes, it's far wiser to place people into your debt for securing a rise for them that they'd only dream of.

Your Family's Allies [Pick 3 (2 + 1 = 3)]
[ ] The Izen Minor Clan of Samurai, a mostly fledgling Clan by the usual standards that the Samurai use, its size is abnormal for its age but has potential value if it's guided properly. Of course, it's little in comparison in terms of their individual power against that of Samurai from higher Clans. Other than such abnormality, the fact the Clan maintains and possesses a strong cohesion with no obvious infighting or dissent is impressive- or it could be due to some other reason? [Costs 2]
[ ] The TrisField Guild, an odd little Guild comprised of Witches and Alchemists. Somehow. Although relations within the Guild seems fairly stable, if not perfectly sound, the strangeness of it combined with the age old disputes between the two groups in general, tends to drive away potential joinees. But results speak for themselves, as they do have a number of contributions of note to their name. But with much distrust and poor public relations amongst their kin... it would not be an understatement to say that they stand little chance of getting anywhere without outside aide. Not that they haven't sought such, but that actual partnerships that would allow them to make progress is nearly non-existent or requires a degree of numbers or muscle they lack. [Costs 1]
[ ] The Listra Family of Bow Knights, a fairly small-medium-ish but with some particular note to them. Namely, the Family is actually one with and that maintains a Lineage. It's unclear how far or the other details around it, but at least the head and heir do possess a Pure Lineage. Though, outside of those particulars, the Listra Family is fairly obscure despite their efforts to establish a name for themselves due the simple fact that Weapon Knights are but one of the 'second fiddle' to Light Knights. [Costs 2]
[ ] The Ideesa Merchant Group, a fairly... normal Merchant group at a glance, though they at least seem to know their way around a Far Eastern nation fairly well. Except that they face the usual problems merchants face from Samurai, between effectively oppression to downright scorn and consequently, a damper on their ability to conduct business profitably. Which normally, isn't a problem, except for the little fact that their guards that they employ... are actually another branch of their business they run. Simply put, they also dabble in mercenaries, which consequently compounds their difficulties with business within the nation. Thus they shouldn't be within the nation in the first place, except they appear to refuse to leave. The exact reason why they haven't left for greener grounds seems a well kept secret. [Costs 2]
[ ] A small organized group of Diviners with little actual influence due being displaced by the FER's Miko. The group itself seems rather intent on cultivating and teaching others their craft, but to little avail as there are none whom wish to sponsor them, never mind contribute sufficiently to help their cause. Of course, they seem to understand their circumstances and simply make do but enthusiasm can only carry one so far. Their uses for paper 'talismans' with magic is clearly a factor that is rather interesting and unusual, but one that supposedly overlaps with that of the Miko. But beyond that, it's said that Diviners are... able to 'divine' the future, or at least a vague or general idea- so rumors say. It's one that's neither been affirmed or denied, and information towards confirming it is quite conflicting. [Costs 1]

That of course, is your Family's efforts, not yours. But that's not to say you yourself did nothing, it's just that with your age at the time, and busy schedule, there was only so much you could do. Making connections, picking out and pursuing potential connections, and other matters are all extensive matters that tax what little time you had outside of your lessons. Certainly one could say those lessons were 'excessive', but then without them, you would not have plenty of time to work with... without care for your age. A decade is pittance for eternal youth that many dream of... yet will never achieve.

With your free time, what did you pursue? [Pick 2 (1.5 + 0.5 = 2)]
[ ] "Progress" - You met with a number of engineers and researchers, discussing and learning particular aspects and finer points that most care little about or for. Especially those taking after culture of places other than that of South Central itself. A number of 'advances' and developments may be impractical or hazardous to the prolonged survival of one's nation, but only by knowing the pitpalls of it and how to avoid them can one dabble in them and turn them into a reality. [Can only be taken once.]
[ ] "Peers" - You spent your time meeting with and socializing with others of equal rank and station. Certainly there is merit to developing potential relations with them, or at the very least, an understanding of who and how they are. Although one could say it is unnecessary, it is not entirely true. Meeting with others before they take upon their stations and duties expected of them grants a particular understanding and knowledge that one would be hard pressed to otherwise. That is not even considering the potential conflicts in schedules and more then. [Can be taken multiple times.]
[ ] "Subordinates" - You took into consideration the need for those who would be particularly loyal to you yourself, those who would act in your best interests with less regard for their own or their own needs. That is not to say it is all 'take' with no 'give'. With your station, your potential, your goals... there is certainly little that you cannot 'give' as to earn their loyalty or perhaps more. [Can be taken multiple times.]
[ ] "Power" - Upon further thought, you had decided to invest more of your time into training and your lessons. Certainly there were potential benefits to using this time for other things... but those were nothing that you couldn't obtain later right? [Can be taken multiple times.]

As for yourself, your lessons and training were but quite harsh. Brutal you could say, if it were not for the fact that it did not become 'worse' in any particular way as you grew. No, it simply became the 'standard' and eventually, it was little more than a normality for you. With what little you did see of others lessons and training, it's more than theirs, but that's because you have to meet a higher level of standard, one that you could call befitting of future Royalty. As a member of a Family of Light Knights, your occupation was a given, but that doesn't mean that's all there is to it. The 'core' material and skills necessary for a Light Knight is not everything, there is, more to it of which is primarily decided and based purely around one's personal preferences.

For you, that was...
[ ] Melee Combat - You preferred maintaining a decisive distance, one that would allow you to immediately, and swiftly cut down the enemy. To do so, naturally one requires excellent mobility and refined skill at reacting to the smallest of movements with almost- if not- the same degree of speed.
[ ] Close Range Combat - Engaging enemies in a straight one-on-one is useful in its own way against particular foes, but at the same time, that's only part of the time. You also have to deal with other instances as well, so keeping enemies close by allows you to seamlessly transition into it and out as needed, while also providing a degree of safety for yourself.
[ ] Medium Range Combat - Given a Light Knight's training already gives plenty of emphasis to melee and close range combat, you consider a greater need to expand the scope of range you're able to handle effectively, as opposed to as they say 'putting all your eggs in one basket'. Although you do give up greater ability to engage effectively at closer ranges, you instead opt for being able to better control the distances as well as choosing your engagements.
[ ] Long Range Combat - Although long distance combat is taught to Light Knights, it really isn't a particularly 'heavy' area that's given too much emphasis normally. But you consider it something more... fitting. After all, why should you have to deal with pests up front? There's no need to deal with them that personally.

Your Family's Name is...
[ ] (Write In; Western Surname only)

Your Name is...
[ ] (Write In; Western Name only)

Gender: Male

Your Appearance is...
[ ] Insert Picture/Short Description

Note: Lineage will be handled next part.
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Your Family Assets (Aka Completely Under Family Control) [Pick 4 (5 - 1 = 4)]
[X] A small organization of Alchemists directly subordinate to your Family. [Costs 1]
[X] Expanded Holdings/Territory (Current: 1 Town) [Costs 1 ; Can be selected multiple times. At 3 times choose Small City or Multiple Towns]
[X] A Subordinate Clan [Costs 2 ; Can be selected multiple times]

Your Family's Allies [Pick 3 (2 + 1 = 3)]
[X] The TrisField Guild, an odd little Guild comprised of Witches and Alchemists. Somehow. Although relations within the Guild seems fairly stable, if not perfectly sound, the strangeness of it combined with the age old disputes between the two groups in general, tends to drive away potential joinees. But results speak for themselves, as they do have a number of contributions of note to their name. But with much distrust and poor public relations amongst their kin... it would not be an understatement to say that they stand little chance of getting anywhere without outside aide. Not that they haven't sought such, but that actual partnerships that would allow them to make progress is nearly non-existent or requires a degree of numbers or muscle they lack. [Costs 1]
[X] The Listra Family of Bow Knights, a fairly small-medium-ish but with some particular note to them. Namely, the Family is actually one with and that maintains a Lineage. It's unclear how far or the other details around it, but at least the head and heir do possess a Pure Lineage. Though, outside of those particulars, the Listra Family is fairly obscure despite their efforts to establish a name for themselves due the simple fact that Weapon Knights are but one of the 'second fiddle' to Light Knights. [Costs 2]

With your free time, what did you pursue? [Pick 2 (1.5 + 0.5 = 2)]
[X] "Peers" - You spent your time meeting with and socializing with others of equal rank and station. Certainly there is merit to developing potential relations with them, or at the very least, an understanding of who and how they are. Although one could say it is unnecessary, it is not entirely true. Meeting with others before they take upon their stations and duties expected of them grants a particular understanding and knowledge that one would be hard pressed to otherwise. That is not even considering the potential conflicts in schedules and more then. [Can be taken multiple times.]
[X] "Subordinates" - You took into consideration the need for those who would be particularly loyal to you yourself, those who would act in your best interests with less regard for their own or their own needs. That is not to say it is all 'take' with no 'give'. With your station, your potential, your goals... there is certainly little that you cannot 'give' as to earn their loyalty or perhaps more. [Can be taken multiple times.]

For you, that was...
[X] Medium Range Combat - Given a Light Knight's training already gives plenty of emphasis to melee and close range combat, you consider a greater need to expand the scope of range you're able to handle effectively, as opposed to as they say 'putting all your eggs in one basket'. Although you do give up greater ability to engage effectively at closer ranges, you instead opt for being able to better control the distances as well as choosing your engagements.
ReinZero Why did you start a new one rather than just revive the quest you were running before? The character gen seems much the same and that one had a fair few story posts already.
ReinZero Why did you start a new one rather than just revive the quest you were running before? The character gen seems much the same and that one had a fair few story posts already.

Believe it or not, I've actually tried that, thrice. Once with one quest... and twice with another. Neither attempt really worked out in comparison to starting a new one. If it did work out then I wouldn't really bother with starting a new one.

Tallying in a hour or so.

For Names and Pictures...

Family Names:
[1] Artio
[SB-1] Wing101

[1] Renouart
[SB-1] Slavania

[1] Amber
[SB-1] D King Hecht

[1] Kreiger
[SV-1] Night_Stalker

Your Name:
[1] Artos
[SB-1] Wing101

[1] Raignald
[SB-1] Slavania

[1] Corwin
[SB-1] D King Hecht

[1] Monty <-Tentatively allowed.
[SV-1] Night_Stalker

Rejected: (For one reason or another, so this/these are not for voting)
Leroy Jenkins (by Dark Ness)

Appearance/Pictures: (Currently all from SB...)

Reason: Heavy Armor isn't as often used by higher tier/ranked professions/unit types in general. The ones that do usually make very good use of it (significantly more than lower tier ones). So it could work still depending on Combat choice + Lineage (in next part)

"I'll think on it":
Reason: In-Setting relative workings with regards to magic towards aging. I'll at least keep the picture for later use however.
[X] A small organization of Alchemists directly subordinate to your Family. [Costs 1]
[X] A "Proper" Household Guard befitting say, Royalty! (Current: Only Standard Household Forces) [Costs: 3]

[X] The TrisField Guild, an odd little Guild comprised of Witches and Alchemists. Somehow. Although relations within the Guild seems fairly stable, if not perfectly sound, the strangeness of it combined with the age old disputes between the two groups in general, tends to drive away potential joinees. But results speak for themselves, as they do have a number of contributions of note to their name. But with much distrust and poor public relations amongst their kin... it would not be an understatement to say that they stand little chance of getting anywhere without outside aide. Not that they haven't sought such, but that actual partnerships that would allow them to make progress is nearly non-existent or requires a degree of numbers or muscle they lack. [Costs 1]
[X] The Listra Family of Bow Knights, a fairly small-medium-ish but with some particular note to them. Namely, the Family is actually one with and that maintains a Lineage. It's unclear how far or the other details around it, but at least the head and heir do possess a Pure Lineage. Though, outside of those particulars, the Listra Family is fairly obscure despite their efforts to establish a name for themselves due the simple fact that Weapon Knights are but one of the 'second fiddle' to Light Knights. [Costs 2]

[X] "Subordinates" - You took into consideration the need for those who would be particularly loyal to you yourself, those who would act in your best interests with less regard for their own or their own needs. That is not to say it is all 'take' with no 'give'. With your station, your potential, your goals... there is certainly little that you cannot 'give' as to earn their loyalty or perhaps more. [Can be taken multiple times.]
[X] "Power" - Upon further thought, you had decided to invest more of your time into training and your lessons. Certainly there were potential benefits to using this time for other things... but those were nothing that you couldn't obtain later right?

[X] Medium Range Combat - Given a Light Knight's training already gives plenty of emphasis to melee and close range combat, you consider a greater need to expand the scope of range you're able to handle effectively, as opposed to as they say 'putting all your eggs in one basket'. Although you do give up greater ability to engage effectively at closer ranges, you instead opt for being able to better control the distances as well as choosing your engagements.

Your Family's Name is...
[X] Bartholomew

Your Name is...
[X] Herald
Char Gen Part 2 Current Tally: Closing vote a bit later. Please resolve the three way tie for Allies, because that ends up being 1 Cost over.

Your Family Assets
(Aka Completely Under Family Control) [Pick 4 (5 - 1 = 4)]
[8] A small organization of Alchemists directly subordinate to your Family. [Costs 1]
[SB-2] Slavania, D King Hecht,
[SV-4] wingstriker96, Dark Ness, Night_Stalker, veekie,
[QQ-2] Happerry, Truthswraith,

[3] A "Proper" Household Guard befitting say, Royalty! (Current: Only Standard Household Forces) [Costs 3]
[SV-2] wingstriker96, veekie,
[QQ-1] Truthswraith,

[3] x1 Expanded Holdings/Territory (Current: 1 Town) [Costs 1 ; Can be selected multiple times. At 3 times choose Small City or Multiple Towns]
[SV-2] Dark Ness, Night_Stalker
[QQ-1] Happerry
[3] x2 Expanded Holdings/Territory (Current: 1 Town) [Costs 1 ; Can be selected multiple times. At 3 times choose Small City or Multiple Towns]
[SB-3] Wing101, Slavania, shad4c
[1] x3 Expanded Holdings/Territory (Current: 1 Town) [Costs 1 ; Can be selected multiple times. At 3 times choose Small City or Multiple Towns]
[SB-1] D King Hecht,

[6] Subordinate Clan [Costs 2 ; Can be selected multiple times.]
[SB-3] Wing101, Slavania, shad4c,
[SV-2] Dark Ness, Night_Stalker,
[QQ-1] Happerry,

Your Family's Allies [Pick 3 (2 + 1 = 3)]
[1] The Izen Minor Clan of Samurai [Costs 2]
[SV-1] Night_Stalker,

[5] The TrisField Guild [Costs 1]
[SB-2] Wing101, shad4c,
[SV-1] Dark Ness,
[QQ-2] Happerry, Truthswraith,

[4] The Listra Family of Bow Knights [Costs 2]
[SB-2] Wing101, Slavania,
[QQ-2] Happerry, Truthswraith,

[6] The Ideesa Merchant Group [Costs 2]
[SB-2] D King Hecht, shad4c,
[SV-4] wingstrike96, Dark Ness, veekie, Vanestus,

[6] A small organized group of Diviners [Costs 1]
[SB-2] Slavania, D King Hecht,
[SV-4] wingstrike96, Dark Ness, veekie, Vanestus,

With your free time, what did you pursue? [Pick 2 (1.5 + 0.5 = 2)]
[7] "Progress" [Can only be taken once.]
[SB-3] Wing101, Slavania, D King Hecht,
[SV-4] wingstrike96, Dark Ness, Night_Stalker, veekie,

[4] "Peers" [Can be taken multiple times.]
[SB-1] shad4c,
[SV-2] wingstrike96, veekie,
[QQ-1] Happerry,

[7] "Subordinates" [Can be taken multiple times.]
[SB-3] Wing101, Slavania, shad4c,
[SV-2] Dark Ness, Night_Stalker,
[QQ-2] Happerry, Truthswraith,

[2] "Power" [Can be taken multiple times.]
[SB-1] D King Hecht,
[QQ-1] Truthswraith,

For you, that was...
[1] Melee Combat
[SB-1] D King Hecht,

[1] Close Range Combat
[SB-1] shad4c,

[6] Medium Range Combat
[SB-1] Slavania,
[SV-3] wingstrike96, Night_Stalker, veekie,
[QQ-2] Happerry, Truthswraith,

[1] Long Range Combat
[SV-1] Dark Ness

Family Names:
[1] Artio
[SB-1] Wing101

[1] Renouart
[SB-1] Slavania

[1] Amber
[SB-1] D King Hecht

[1] Kreiger
[SV-1] Night_Stalker

[1] Bartholomew <-Tentatively allowed.
[QQ-1] Truthswraith

Your Name:
[1] Artos
[SB-1] Wing101

[1] Raignald
[SB-1] Slavania

[1] Corwin
[SB-1] D King Hecht

[1] Monty <-Tentatively allowed.
[SV-1] Night_Stalker

[1] Herald
[QQ-1] Truthswraith

Rejected: (For one reason or another, so this/these are not for voting)
Leroy Jenkins (by Dark Ness)

Appearance/Pictures: (Currently all from SB...)
Reason: Heavy Armor isn't as often used by higher tier/ranked professions/unit types in general. The ones that do usually make very good use of it (significantly more than lower tier ones). So it could work still depending on Combat choice + Lineage (in next part)

"I'll think on it":
Reason: In-Setting relative workings with regards to magic towards aging. I'll at least keep the picture for later use however.
Last edited:
And vote locked.

Family Assets: (Aka Completely Under Family Control) [Pick 4 (5 - 1 = 4)]
[X] A small organization of Alchemists directly subordinate to your Family. [Costs 1]
[X] x1 Expanded Holdings/Territory (Current: 1 Town) [Costs 1 ; Can be selected multiple times. At 3 times choose Small City or Multiple Towns]
[X] Subordinate Clan [Costs 2 ; Can be selected mutliple times.]

Family Allies: [Pick 3 (2 + 1 = 3)]
[X] The Ideesa Merchant Group [Cost 2]
[X] A small organized group of Diviners [Costs 1]

With your free time, what did you pursue? [Pick 2 (1.5 + 0.5 = 2)]
[X] "Progress" [Can only be taken once.]
[X] "Subordinates" [Can be taken multiple times.]

For you, that was...
[X] Medium Range Combat
Family Assets: (Aka Completely Under Family Control) [Pick 4 (5 - 1 = 4)]
[X] A small organization of Alchemists directly subordinate to your Family. [Costs 1]
[X] x1 Expanded Holdings/Territory (Current: 1 Town) [Costs 1 ; Can be selected multiple times. At 3 times choose Small City or Multiple Towns]
[X] Subordinate Clan [Costs 2 ; Can be selected multiple times.]

Family Allies: [Pick 3 (2 + 1 = 3)]
[X] The Ideesa Merchant Group [Cost 2]
[X] A small organized group of Diviners [Costs 1]

With your free time, what did you pursue? [Pick 2 (1.5 + 0.5 = 2)]
[X] "Progress" [Can only be taken once.]
[X] "Subordinates" [Can be taken multiple times.]

For you, that was...
[X] Medium Range Combat
The Etherclad Alchemist Company was the organization of Alchemists that effectively are part of your Family. Not effectively were, but effectively are. To be precise, they are a organized group of Alchemists that are capable of using Aether as a standard requirement in addition to their usual specialization with Alchemy and combat, of which the particular differences from the normal was taught by one of your forefathers and honed over the course of the organization's first century of existence. Although the organization's leadership is effectively separate... well, they literally owe everything to your Family. Of course, with the rather particular requirement needed for their membership combined with their well versed practice in combat sets a relatively high bar for potential newcomers, thus heavily contributing to their abyssal membership growth from outside sources. You figure they'd probably be about par with a Alchemical Knight, if not a bit better than one supposedly equal in capability.

Aside from the EAC, well it is a mouthful, there's also the Akiyama Clan of Minor Samurai that your great grandparents managed to quite literally, secure their fealty though a combination of superior firepower, name clearing, and debt sweeping. Or the shorthanded version that you prefer, thoroughly beating them senseless repeatedly, resolving the debacle their previous liege buried them in while tarnishing their Clan's name and... a few particular acts you'd rather not recall, and the debt that outpaced their ability to properly clear off. In terms of overall skill and ability, you're fairly certain the bit of history since their subordination to your Family that it's improved thanks to the changes and additions that's been shoved down their throat for their own good. It's a success case you figure that needs a bit more testing, perhaps you could get your hands on a Clan to experiment on....

Though, your Family's holdings is... well, not that much or particularly great. But it's a start with a fairly bustling Town and a fair number of villages to work with. Most of the lesser Family's and Clans don't even have a Town, never mind more than one Village! Of course, this is rather insignificant in the greater span of things but all things have to start from somewhere. Besides, without actual lands to your Family's name, you wouldn't have the chance to actually get hands on experience with governance and running things. Ambit it is rather limited, but it's better than nothing. Well that and popular support of the local populace, which means you're doing things right, as a leader without support of the common people is... unsuitable for the position.

Which is why the association and subsequent acquisition of an ally in the form of the Ideesa Merchant Group was a boon. Sure you're not getting the full amount from the benefit they bring but you do reap the benefit of improved financial gains and profits. But that on it's own wouldn't really account to merely benefiting from them, specifically. No, it's the fact that they take careful care to 'draw' others who are less content in their village, town, or perhaps city, to your lands. Troublemakers excluded of course, as it'd be bad for business and relations with your Family. Though with a more secure lines of income, their mercenary detachment is more... able to make something of itself, except it takes careful care to limit the extent shown while turning down jobs that would most likely infringe upon what they're concealing. Without better methods of seeking out information on them that would be beholden entirely to you, it's rather difficult to piece together more on the matter. Though one could wonder why they assigned a liaison to you... from the mercenary side. Correction, why someone your age instead of a full fledged professional?

Your Family's other ally is unfortunately, less useful in this regard though if they weren't, they wouldn't have been as quick to establish a working relationship of sorts. While your family does sponsor their activities within your lands, it's primarily limited to getting a small school set up and some degree of nudging the general populace to reach out to them. A start, but one that shows fruit and more or less solidified the relations between them and your Family. The Diviners are led by a man by the name of Qiao Li, and seem to call themselves the 'Sky Liberators' which... appears a rather unpopular name within the group. From what you're able to gather, one of the main reasons they follow him is because they have... no one else really that can both keep the group together and going.

Well, speaking of 'going', on your free time between lessons and training, you've had the leisure of meeting with a number of people who professed to be researchers and engineers. At first you were a bit skeptical of their claims, but with their rather through demonstrations and displays of what they put together and their papers... you admittedly had a check done for a peace of mind over the authenticity of their claims. With what your parents taught you and the sheer amount of proof of how things work as they do, there was little reason for you to consider their proposals so one can't really fault you for doing so. But after that, admittedly, interest took. It's around that time that you finally bothered to remember their informal leader's name, informal because they had no actual structure or hierarchy to their little group, but Heidburg Artistam more or less held the reins of their rag tag group together as one unified cohesion- completely different from that of the 'Sky Liberators'. You took the liberty of agreeing to sponsor them somewhat provided they share their findings and developments with you.

Of course, the one that stood out to you most were... [Pick 1]
[ ] The model ship that they were drafting designs for. Certainly it didn't seem to be used for traversing the seas. (Last you check there weren't any around your area.)
[ ] A seeming improvement in the handling of processing metals. (You don't recall having any mines though.)
[ ] A the rough draft proposal for a system of sorts. It seems to be in the theory stage and mostly hypothetical... you think.

Though aside from merely associating with Heidburg's group, you also took the time and effort- especially effort- to look for individuals whom you could bring to your cause and banner. No, you should say it was the reverse order. You hadn't associated with Heidburg's group before you started your searching. It's just that you never gave as much weight to what you were doing then. Probably because your parents instructed you to do such acts of charity and help as per becoming of one bearing responsibility for the lives of others. And for cultivating a good public image and relations with the masses. Simply put, the distinction between "loyal subordinates" and "excellent subordinates" was one you hadn't entirely understood before as you assumed, understandably given the Far Eastern culture in the nation and the normal expectations of a Knight, that they came hand-in-hand. You simply went with the choice of gathering loyal subordinates, after all, 'excellent' subordinates will gather around like moths to a flame when you make your name. But even then, you'll need people you can fully trust. No, especially then.

Of those prospective ones, the ones that you checked over were... [Pick 3]
[ ] Serilda, a girl of mixed descent whom you once saved from a particularly arrogant brat from a minor Samurai Clan of which no longer exists in no small part due to the disgrace he wrought upon their name. After all, he was caught attempting to go beyond the degree that was considered acceptable towards a commoner- that was not even including having already taken her mother's life which, under due laws, was supposed to be the end of that matter. You personally made sure to make his death quick and unfortunately, painless. You found out afterwards that Serilda was more or less orphaned at that point and simply took her home with you. And that was that. Now that you've thought more on the matter, you recall idly having approved a particularly insignificant request for some sort of intensive training and lessons that you normally do when you're wanting a challenge.
[ ] Qia Lin and Fei Lin, pair of Eastern sisters whom of which are a year apart from one another, with Qia the elder of the two a year older than you. They're from a family of martial artists, of what in particular you don't particularly recall. What you do recall is that she was more or less pressed for aid and assistance in healing curing her grandparents' ailing health in light of her parents' deaths. Given a combination of being nearly broke and lacking any real means of procuring the funds on short notice and then finding a healer, it was really just her luck you happened have been passing by. From what you last heard, they supposedly stayed as to pay off the debt, though you're pretty sure you've read something saying they were expecting a few relatives to join them here. (Cost 2)
[ ] Aila Arslune, a girl with more talent and potential than both her parents put together. By trade from her mother's side, she's skilled in the bow, but due to debt incurred by her father due to a failed attempt at a business endeavor and no luck securing funds to pay it off, he was 'relieved' of her shortly after the death of Aila's mother due a unfortunate turn of events during a supposedly simple decent pay escort job. You, were unfortunately, not the first to be approached by the handlers who had taken "custody" of her. It was mostly on a whim that you decided to 'take' her off their hands, mostly due annoyance at the likely continuation of the downwards spiral their actions would take her fate otherwise, though you used the exact information they had cited of her background then effectively resorted to performing highway robbery upon them by milking their extremely poor presentation of her at the time. Half dead and mostly starved with signs of what amounts to abuse by their previous failed sales attempts. As they settled for a 'no returns' clause in exchange, you didn't really dwell on the matter further after that.
[ ] A young adult by the name of Rus Hartfort once had nothing after being kicked out of his home by his parents and was on the verge of dying from starvation and exhaustion after a month of going from job to job of questionable pay and finally resorted to attempting robbery- except his luck was as poor as it had been the whole month. You didn't consider him worth killing over the affront and tossed a bit of pocket change and told him to make something of himself instead or another. Years later now... you think you recall idly having dismissed some routine letters from him as you had better things to do.
[ ] Lebert Telheim, a mercenary by trade, he was forced to retired due to sustaining rather grievous wounds without a sufficiently skilled healer to patch him up. And neither the funds to arrange for such either. You had only bothered to go out of your way to remedy that purely because he seemed to have been a fairly good instructor who knew what he was doing when you dropped by. A instructor that did miss the days where he could fight himself instead of seeing others do so, though given the time since his 'retirement', had taken its toll in both age and sharpnesses, it also gave him time to try to bring his skill with magic up to par, a matter of which he had mixed success over, but that's as expected of one from a commoner background. You figure his connections would be worth it despite his more... limited potential due the problems of mortality.

Though overall, even with subordinates, you do need to be quite able of handling yourself in a fight. It's why you put emphasis towards handling ranges further out than the usual for a Light Knight. Not long range or further- that's particularly moot if you can close the gap enough while at the same time, the distance itself means others would be able to protect themselves adequately against your attacks. Instead, being able to fight at a 'middle' distance, would be useful to force your enemies to fight at a distance that you prefer- or keep them at a distance. Keeping that idea in mind, you use polearms alongside swords for that purpose while adjusting the manner you employ your magic in. But... that's not the totality of your style, but merely the basis that you built around what your Lineage provided you.

Your Lineage was... [Lineage Purity: Royalty grade Pure Lineage (Non-Diluted)]
[ ] Starfall Resonance - The pinnacle of non-standard elements designated with the 'star-' prefix, Starfall Resonance replaces your Affinity with it and functionally provides thrice the benefits an Affinity would for all 'star-' prefix elements while providing the normal benefits for Starfall Resonance itself. Naturally, you are able to formally obtain and employ any 'star-' prefix elements without the use of Starfall Resonance, but for those you have not formally acquired, you may directly utilize them through Starfall Resonance. Any opposing use of 'star-'prefix elements against you that is 3 ranks higher than Starfall Resonance or lower can be freely seized. Any that exceed 3 ranks suffer reduced effectiveness unless they are effectively 13 Ranks higher (In which case you should start running then).
[ ] Blazing Azure - Burning away impurities and hostilities, the Blazing Azure modifies all base elements into a Azure sub-type along in addition to replacing your Affinity with it and also granting the Blaze, Runes, and Azure elements. Blazing Azure acts as an Affinity for all of them as well and allows them to ignore normal elemental immunities, resistances, reductions, and seizing when using Blaze alongside them, this applies for Blazing Azure itself. Functionally, Blazing Azure itself as an element ignores the normal limitations of physics and laws and thus requires less to achieve more. It is functionally a flaming water that combines the properties of wind and ice together into one element that blends the strengths and weaknesses of the component elements together to create a different mixture of strengths and weaknesses. However, Blazing Azure and Blaze use can be countered with traditional elemental measures and opposing use of Blaze.
[ ] Moonlit Dawn - Bridging the gap between night and day, the Moonlit Dawn allows one to freely employ the non-standard element Moonlight without regard to the time, place, occasion that lesser variations would require along with the limitations they suffer. Furthermore, Moonlit Dawn itself halves the effectiveness of all Fire, Lightning, and Light element magic used against you or your magic while also neglecting all lesser 'Moon-' prefix elements. Moonlit Dawn also sets itself as an Affinity while also enabling Moonlight as an element separate of Moonlit Dawn, though it does benefit from Moonlit Dawn's Affinity. 'Moon-' prefix elements and Light element can be used through Moonlit Dawn itself but not through your Moonlight element.

PC Name & Family Name & Appearance:
[ ] (Any from previously pitched names and pictures. If no majority is reached, then I will decide from the tie.)


Note: The next update will be the prologue turn~
Note #2: Each of the Lineages reflects the core that the rest of it will based around it barring deliberate and willful effort to shift what it grants to you over time. The rest of the 'base' core will be revealed after the vote selection, though depending on discussion and more, it may help 'influence' which they are. This principle applies in general and not just specifically in this case/instance.
Note #3: Additional Information on terminology so such will be up in a bit (the update was already delayed by rl end, getting this up before any more delays pop up). Please ask if you have question(s).

Edit: Clarifying Note #2: Basically, depending on the discussion/planning/etc. and the quality/activity of it, I can give some leeway to option that end up not getting voted in. I have done this before since way back in earlier quests.
Last edited:
[X] A seeming improvement in the handling of processing metals.

[X] Serilda, a girl of mixed descent whom you once saved from a particularly arrogant brat from a minor Samurai Clan of which no longer exists in no small part due to the disgrace he wrought upon their name. After all, he was caught attempting to go beyond the degree that was considered acceptable towards a commoner- that was not even including having already taken her mother's life which, under due laws, was supposed to be the end of that matter. You personally made sure to make his death quick and unfortunately, painless. You found out afterwards that Serilda was more or less orphaned at that point and simply took her home with you. And that was that. Now that you've thought more on the matter, you recall idly having approved a particularly insignificant request for some sort of intensive training and lessons that you normally do when you're wanting a challenge.
[X] Aila Arslune, a girl with more talent and potential than both her parents put together. By trade from her mother's side, she's skilled in the bow, but due to debt incurred by her father due to a failed attempt at a business endeavor and no luck securing funds to pay it off, he was 'relieved' of her shortly after the death of Aila's mother due a unfortunate turn of events during a supposedly simple decent pay escort job. You, were unfortunately, not the first to be approached by the handlers who had taken "custody" of her. It was mostly on a whim that you decided to 'take' her off their hands, mostly due annoyance at the likely continuation of the downwards spiral their actions would take her fate otherwise, though you used the exact information they had cited of her background then effectively resorted to performing highway robbery upon them by milking their extremely poor presentation of her at the time. Half dead and mostly starved with signs of what amounts to abuse by their previous failed sales attempts. As they settled for a 'no returns' clause in exchange, you didn't really dwell on the matter further after that.
[X] Lebert Telheim, a mercenary by trade, he was forced to retired due to sustaining rather grievous wounds without a sufficiently skilled healer to patch him up. And neither the funds to arrange for such either. You had only bothered to go out of your way to remedy that purely because he seemed to have been a fairly good instructor who knew what he was doing when you dropped by. A instructor that did miss the days where he could fight himself instead of seeing others do so, though given the time since his 'retirement', had taken its toll in both age and sharpnesses, it also gave him time to try to bring his skill with magic up to par, a matter of which he had mixed success over, but that's as expected of one from a commoner background. You figure his connections would be worth it despite his more... limited potential due the problems of mortality.

[X] Starfall Resonance - The pinnacle of non-standard elements designated with the 'star-' prefix, Starfall Resonance replaces your Affinity with it and functionally provides thrice the benefits an Affinity would for all 'star-' prefix elements while providing the normal benefits for Starfall Resonance itself. Naturally, you are able to formally obtain and employ any 'star-' prefix elements without the use of Starfall Resonance, but for those you have not formally acquired, you may directly utilize them through Starfall Resonance. Any opposing use of 'star-'prefix elements against you that is 3 ranks higher than Starfall Resonance or lower can be freely seized. Any that exceed 3 ranks suffer reduced effectiveness unless they are effectively 13 Ranks higher (In which case you should start running then).
Lineage - Lineages are the resulting 'boon' that parents with sufficiently vast amounts of power impart their offspring(s) with (not a consciously done act/action). It does not always require both parents to be of such power, as one parent can potentially make up the difference, but that weakens the resulting Lineage. Alternatively, one or both parents may possess a Lineage, which may substitute for the needs of power. Lineages grant a wide range of possible powers and boons, though this is affected by how 'pure' they are. It should be noted that purer Lineages tend to vary wildly between even members of the same family, though it is possible to narrow down the range which it draws from through generations of effort.
Mixed Lineage - A Mixed Lineage is the lowest category of Lineage. It's namesake comes from the fact that its boons and powers it provides are little more than the normal array of possible things for one to be born with. However, it provides more of those by default and like all Lineages, provides further benefits and powers as one ages, though it takes longer for a Mixed Lineage to impart additional benefits/powers. They are formed from sufficiently diluting higher Lineages or meeting the base requirements for causing one to be formed. In either case, the divide between Mixed Lineage and Pure Lineage is fairly large though stronger Mixed Lineages can be more than equal to a weak Pure Lineage.
Pure Lineage - A Pure Lineage is a Lineage that possesses and grants boons and powers that are primarily inborn and otherwise unacquirable, though some component benefits/powers they provide are not limited to Pure Lineages, the difference in the ability to make use of them to their full- if not true- potential is only available to those with a Pure Lineage. Pure Lineages are further sub-divided based on their purity.
(Diluted) Pure Lineage - These are the ones that are barely in the general range that qualify as a Pure Lineage. Their boons and powers it provides may overlap into that of a Mixed Lineage, but its rate of acquiring new boons/powers is faster and may grant something properly fitting that of a Pure Lineage. Those with these in Samurai Clans are oftentimes also counted by Minor Clans as if they were Samurai with Mixed Lineage.
(Normal) Pure Lineage - The 'average' Pure Lineage falls under this category due to the broad range it covers. Some of the particularly rare and more powerful and useful boons that can be found in Mixed Lineages do show up occasionally but always as a component or 'side' to the boons and powers provided by the Pure Lineage. These are the ones that are most commonly referred to and that come to mind when talking about Pure Lineages.
(Major) Pure Lineage - These are Pure Lineages that have been well cultivated and gradually improved over time, and the ones that are generally referred to when speaking about Major Samurai Clans or Families of at least a few generations that have a Pure Lineage. Unlike lesser Pure Lineages, they do not have anything from Mixed Lineages. Instead, what they grant and give are considered the simplest and most basic of what some call "true" Lineages.
(Fudai) Pure Lineage - The step below Royal purity Pure Lineages, they are actually well into it in terms of Purity, just they are on the 'lower' side of that scale. However, this is a significant gap between Fudai Pure Lineages and Major Pure Lineages as they can be considered excellent if not perfectly intact, downscaled versions of proper Royal Pure Lineages. Consequently, with a relatively normal growth scale in power and capability, one with a Fudai Pure Lineage will not really (if at all) dent the purity of a Royal Pure Lineage should they have offspring.​
(Royal) Pure Lineage - To sum it up quite simply and in general, a Royal Pure Lineage is a complete monster in terms of the boons and power it provides, especially as one goes purer. A 'normal' Royal Pure Lineage's core and starting powers & boons are more or less is equal to 2~5 'cores' of a Fudai Pure Lineage (excluding the starting base set for them).​
Affinities & Elements

- Affinities remove the standard need for improving one's knowledge, understanding, and application of Magic Theory for that element or field. This also extends to providing additional benefits for non-standard elements or field of magic, usually including a dedicated pool to draw from for it and in the case of those (fields of magic) like Runes or Alchemy, make them viable to learn if not achieve skill far beyond the norm in them. Affinities in general also provide increased progress rate for the element they preside over, a 50% increase in efficiency, and a 50% increase in the pool's capacity. Affinities are merely uncommon, though those without Lineages or other particular backgrounds will only have one Affinity at most. Non-standard element Affinities usually serve only to make that element viable to learn, but not necessarily 'easy'. (So yes, Affinities can be for a field of magic instead of a element.)

Elements - There are 6 basic elements, though two elements are derived from them. Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. Ice and Lightning are derived from Water and Wind respectively. All four basic elements however, are derived from Aether. Aether is fairly uncommon-to-rare, and most people tend not to have all 6 basic elements. Non-standard Elements exist, though they suffer from both obscurity in comparison to the basic 6, limiting requirements (severely if without an Affinity), difficulty effectively cultivating them, and extremely little information widely available on them. These issues are primarily for those of Commoner background in addition to their normal difficulties.
I'll tally in a bit. Here's 3 more info terminology/tidbits~

Alchemy - A field of magic derived from Earth element magic that allows for creating permanent creations using magic as a catalyst or simply mundane materials- or simply just changing them. Other uses of course, include more traditional ideas of separating minerals or the like, though effectiveness varies. When using magic as the catalyst, the end product at minimum, takes on the properties of the element used, though its strength and durability are affected both by the element used and the amount of raw power put behind it- further modified by one's skill and capability with Alchemy. It should be noted that without an Affinity or Lineage favoring Alchemy, that learning and progressing in Alchemy is fairly difficult and only becomes harder as one progresses.

Runes - A field of magic derived from Fire element magic that allows for the creation of functional engravings and symbols to be employed as a way of efficiently and effectively reducing the amount of magic needed to perform, execute, and maintain spells. The field possesses fairly great potential but the difficulties of learning and properly forming Runes in addition to their usage (at higher Ranks) merely escalates significantly in spite of the seemingly reasonable beginnings in the field. It is possible to use Runes to allow others to use them, though if they lack sufficient power it will simply not work. As a reminder, Runes are element based, so someone who lacks Fire and Aether cannot use a Fire Rune.

Diviners - A occupation/unit type that originates from the East and Far East. They utilize talismans as their main forte which they perform far better in than their (supposed) counterpart in the FER, and are able to make far more and extensive use of them. Unlike normal uses, they are able to use talismans to create and manipulate effects and capabilities that the component element(s) would normally not be able to do/use (or at least not without a lot of focus/skill towards pursuing it). However, Diviners are typically not suited for frontline engagements, though they can hold their own somewhat against lower tier forces, to a point.
Tally up~ Closing vote later or so. That tie on/over Lineage. I'm pretty sure people are aware of this, but of the 1 pt options, for Subordinates 3 of them, if not chosen means that person is dead.

Of course, the one that stood out to you most were...
[Pick 1]
[6] The model ship that they were drafting designs for. Certainly it didn't seem to be used for traversing the seas. (Last you check there weren't any around your area.)
[SB-1] backgroundnoise,
[SV-5] King Arthur, wingstrike96, veekie, Lucienz, Night_Stalker,

[3] A seeming improvement in the handling of processing metals. (You don't recall having any mines though.)
[SB-1] Ceslas,
[SV-1] Happerry,
[QQ-1] Truthswraith,

[5] A the rough draft proposal for a system of sorts. It seems to be in the theory stage and mostly hypothetical... you think.
[SB-5] EagleBlue, Slavania, D King Hecht, shad4c, shout27,

Of those prospective ones, the ones that you checked over were... [Pick 3] Context Spoilers, when each refers to? Not saying~
[4] Serilda [Cost: 1] Maiden of thy Sword, the Fateful Blade, Servant, and Shield
[SB-1] backgroundnoise,
[SV-2] Night_Stalker, Happerry,
[QQ-1] Truthswraith,

[12] Qia Lin and Fei Lin [Cost: 2] Foresakened ones Casted out from Afar, Granted a Chance Anew
[SB-7] EagleBlue, Slavania, D King Hecht, Ceslas, backgroundnoise, shad4c, shout27,
[SB-5] King Arthur, wingstrike96, veekie, Lucienz, Night_Stalker,

[10] Aila Arslune [Cost: 1] Maiden of the Bow, A Path no Longer Lost
[SB-5] EagleBlue, Slavania, Ceslas, shad4c, shout27
[SV-4] wingstrike96, veekie, Lucienz, Happerry,
[QQ-1] Truthswraith,

[1] Rus Hartfort [Cost: 1] A Dead Man's Second Lease on Life, A Venture Returning
[SV-1] Happerry,

[2] Lebert Telheim [Cost: 1]One who Failed to Die, Carrying the Burden of Those who Died
[SB-1] D King Hecht,
[QQ-1] Truthswraith,

Your Lineage was... [Lineage Purity: Royalty grade Pure Lineage (Non-Diluted)]
[6] Starfall Resonance
[SV-5] King Arthur, wingstriker96, veekie, Lucienz, Happerry,
[QQ-1] Truthswraith,

[6] Blazing Azure
[SB-6] EagleBlue, Slavania, Ceslas, backgroundnoise, shout27,

[2] Moonlit Dawn
[SB-1] shade4c,
[SV-1] Night_Stalker,

PC Name & Family Name & Appearance: Hm....
[1] Monty
[SB-1] EagleBlue,

[1] Raignald Renouart
[SB-1] Slavania,

[3] Corwin
[SB-1] D King Hacht,
[SV-2] wingstrike96, Lucienz,

[2] Slavania's Picture
[SB-2] Slavania,

[5] Wing101's Picture
[SV-4] King Arthur, winstrike96, veekie, Lucienz,
[SB-1] Wing101

[1] Dark Ness's Picture
[SB-1] EagleBlue,
[SV-1] Dark Ness,
[X] Whichever ReinZero thinks is the most interesting to write. I am just voting because he told me to, because I bugged him to get an avatar.
Vote Locked. Going sleep now, if there's enough planning/discussions/omakes/etc. that occurs before I get back on tomorrow, I may still throw in one of the other options for subordinate with the highest vote. If not... well to quote myself:

I'm pretty sure people are aware of this, but of the 1 pt options, for Subordinates 3 of them, if not chosen means that person is dead.

Winning Votes:
Of course, the one that stood out to you most were...
[X] The model ship that they were drafting designs for. Certainly it didn't seem to be used for traversing the seas. (Last you check there weren't any around your area.)

Of those prospective ones, the ones that you checked over were...
[X] Qia Lin and Fei Lin [Cost: 2] Foresakened ones Casted out from Afar, Granted a Chance Anew
[X] Aila Arslune [Cost: 1] Maiden of the Bow, A Path no Longer Lost

Your Lineage was... [Lineage Purity: Royalty grade Pure Lineage (Non-Diluted)]
[X] Starfall Resonance

[X] Corwin
[X] Wing101's Picture
Of course, the one that stood out to you most were...
[X] The model ship that they were drafting designs for. Certainly it didn't seem to be used for traversing the seas. (Last you check there weren't any around your area.)

Of those prospective ones, the ones that you checked over were...
[X] Qia Lin and Fei Lin [Cost: 2] Foresakened ones Casted out from Afar, Granted a Chance Anew
[X] Aila Arslune [Cost: 1] Maiden of the Bow, A Path no Longer Lost

Your Lineage was... [Lineage Purity: Royalty grade Pure Lineage (Non-Diluted)]
[X] Starfall Resonance

[X] Corwin
[X] Wing101's Picture
The model ship was rather interesting in and within itself, starting from the very simple fact that there were no seas around your lands or well, without crossing well through three different nations at minimum. A fact at odds with their mutual understanding with you that they would at least prioritize subjects that could at least be applied for use instead of purely for the sake of exploring it. As Heidburg put it best, "It's a ship that sails the skies."

It took a while for it to sink in, not because of the problems and logistics of operating one, but the potential threats to one that could render such... moot. Which admittedly, was still due to the more traditional thinking with regards to flying so far up. Dealing with aerial monsters would simply mean just fitting the ship with the proper crew and potentially, armaments to better deal with them. The logistics of operating a "sky ship" was rather surprisingly simple, it is not much different than that of a sea bound vessel, though the particular requirements are difficult to work with but they assure you it should be possible to iron them out or reduce the problems they warrant- but that requires testing and actual construction to be carried out. All additional costs that could potentially prove a little troublesome at the moment.

However, that's if you can't arrange for... the cheaper methods of getting it solved. For powering it, you'd need a grimore or talisman that can hold and store enough power to safely maintain extended operation, and at least a decently powerful person to maintain it, though having more than one person would be best as they say that the 'pilot' would incur mental fatigue and exhaustion from handling it for so long. Reinforcing the structure to best handle stray hits or other minor nuisances would also necessitate at least an Alchemist to help with makeshift repairs and the like, along with ensuring that the ship's integrity is intact when making proper repairs after landing. Navigating is the third and last problem, as a "true" form of long range communications is... lacking presently, and there is a limitation to the 'pilot's' effectiveness at carrying out potential combat maneuvers due to a lack of direct line of "sight" or any real method of "seeing" the outside. It's not a problem when out of combat, but a fatal one in combat.

[Obtained: Prototype Sky Ship Designs]
Prologue: As the Stars Shine...
"As I've said, Mr. Li, this is not looking down on the 'Sky Liberator's' craft in any way or sort," you say while resisting the urge to shake your head in exasperation at his stupid complaint. Instead, you straighten your back as you lean back into your chair.

"Then what do you call using it just for powering that contraption of yours?" Qiao Li gestures over the copy of the schematics you had made for the express purpose of conveying the need for his group's assistance.

"An important if not critical component to liberating the skies," you state truthfully. Which, you note, should actually be a matter that would match the agenda of a group named 'Sky Liberators'. But no, the old geezer is being almost spitefully unhelpful about it.

"Liberating? Is it not burying your claws into them?" retorts the geezer, ambit with some validity behind his words.

"It depends on the intent behind it of course, which as I've stated, is for the greater good as opposed to claiming it purely for my own purposes." Which, is partially true. It would be for your nation, and not your exclusive use- even if it would be primarily military usage or a supportive capacity. "Besides, if I were seeking to do what you claim, I would need far more assets than what I possess."

The Eastern geezer purses his lips for a moment as he gives it some thought. "... for now then. But if I heard it used otherwise."

"I understand Mr. Li, so please, rest assured." While you're still in charge that is. "I won't."

"Fine." The geezer nods slowly once, as if reassuring himself of it before turning and heading for the door.

"The copy?" you ask, after all, it's for him.

"No need, it would be a waste," Qiao Li replies without turning and a few steps later, departs the room.

"You can come in already, Aila," you say, exhaling sharply as you 'relieve' yourself of the annoyance that had built up over the course of the little spat the leader of the 'Sky Liberators' had with you.

Peering in from the side of the doorway is one blond haired girl with her hair tied back into a pair of twin tails. She opens a closed eye, in feigned drowsiness, as she smiles, "Eh? You're done already?"

"There was no need to wait. After all, if it's Qiao, he'll find some excuse or another to cause trouble over the project." You shift your posture and form a smile, if merely one for the purpose of going with the mood. There was no harm in that after all. "Serilda isn't with you?"

Aila grins. "She's showing Hector the door."

"The usual huh." You chuckle lightly at the mental image of Serilda tossing Hector over the wall and off the premise. A regular occurrence whenever he tries hitting on her, Aila, or showing up uninvited or without prior announcement in advance. Or because Serilda's annoyed. Especially when she's annoyed. "How's the matter I asked you check on?"

"Well, according to Irena, the EAC's making progress in it, though she's having trouble keeping people from trying to make their own little improvements or tweaks to it…," Aila brings her index finger to her cheek, as if not understanding the complaint, "or simply taking the testings a little further than needed."

"As long as it's done as requested, I don't think the experimenting would hurt." You shrug. "Besides, it's better than having someone breathing down your neck because their ego's sore."

"No relation to 'that'?" asks Aila as her head moves out of sight for a moment as she, finally, decides to enter. Not without reason of course, as from down the corridor from the doorway, hurries a familiar girl with long flowing black hair and yellow eyes, Serilda.

"None at all," you remark. "He gave you any trouble Serilda?"

Slowing to a halt as she reaches the doorway, Serilda makes a curtsey in spite of the formal military dress attire, and maintains it. Fairly simple in design and modeled in between the pattern of a set of armor and a… maid outfit. Headdress not included. "No, he did not. Please pardon my tardiness, my Master."

"It's fine." Right, it was a halfway compromise between getting her to wear something that didn't look as if it were from a used hand-me-down second hand bargain market goods or dressed for combat all the time. It still looks a little closer to combat garb than you'd like, but that's why you dragged up her mother's background so she'd willingly accept something more colorful. Except the headdress, you expressly banned her from wearing it. You have a image to keep, and to cultivate an image for her as well. "How's that matter?"

With your usual casual acceptance of her needlessly pointless apology in casual company, Serilda ends her extended curtsey and nods. "It's progressing without delays, but at the current pace… it'll take too long for them to meet sufficient standards."

She doesn't propose the alternative. No, it never crosses her mind, for a simple reason if you didn't mind the costs, then this wouldn't be needed. Raising the performance, skill, and overall 'quality' of one's forces is a costly endeavor and a time consuming one. With limited assets presently, 'cost' is not something you can afford to splurge on, thus optimizing what you can with as little expenditure as needed to guarantee ample returns, will simply have to suffice. For now.

"... Seri, you did ease up a bit on them right?" asks Aila as she moves to the wall before leaning back onto it.

"Hm?" Serilda tilts her head in confusion as she look at Aila. "What do you mean?"

Aila just stares right back at her. "Not everyone can handle that sort of training regime."

""They can't?"" You and Serilda question in perfect unison.

Aila merely palms her forehead before proceeding to rub it as if nursing a headache, "For the … something-th time, no, we're talking about forces drawn from the ranks of the masses. If we were talking about talented individuals then there shouldn't be any issue with this."

"Aile-san," Serilda smiles a empty smile, "does that also not include ourselves?"

Her eyes twitching for a moment, Aila simply sighs as she hangs her head, "Well, yes. I don't know why I bother with this still."

Probably because she's the popular choice for filing any complaints or issues to with regards to training and instruction. Though, you're pretty sure it's fairly reasonable to begin with. You only used an approximation of a Heavy Knight's training while Serilda incorporated a little bit from her approximation of a Magic Knight's instruction.

"Moving along," you say, directing Serilda's attention away from Aila, as Serilda's a bit too touchy about these things for some reason. "Where are the Lin siblings?"

"Fei was saying she wanted to give any additional instruction for those who wanted extra guidance over today's lesson," answer Serilda as she shifts her full attention back to you, almost as if she hadn't even registered Aila's presence.

She's annoyed at Aila still. Though that being said, from Serilda's tone, you understand that she genuinely approves of Fei's volunteering to do so, especially given the two sisters skills at helping make sure the instructions are properly memorized, understood, and carried out. You merely nod without repeating your question, it would be merely redundant.

"Qia left to help out Izuna with the preliminary screening the prospective recruits," says Aila while lowering her hand to her side. "Though from the looks of it, I don't think even half that pass will last a week."

"No matter, if we were looking for normal forces, it would be a troubling matter," you assure. "Which reminds me, the records for dropouts and prospective recruits that didn't make the cut are up to date, correct?"

"Yes, it should be. I'm not sure if Fei's ran a triple check over it yet though. Then again, Qia's pretty spot on so there's little for me to do." Aila shrugs at the last bit.

"Serilda, please check it again later just to be sure."

"Understood, Master." Serilda nods in redundant affirmation.

"If there's nothing else-" Aila stops as Serilda glares at her, as usual.


Without further need for words, she drops her glare and shifts her attention back to you while lowering her head slightly in acknowledgement of her rudeness. Though that means little as this occurs regularly, but not due to any personal reasons. Instead, it's merely because she means well for you, even if- no especially if- she must take on an unfavorable role towards others. "... my apologies."

Aila merely shrugs, "It's fine."

To a point, yes, there's nothing else to discuss. But that's only when accounting for members absent presently of your circle of… subordinates. Of the two Lin sisters, Qia's the more useful of the two for gathering information and combing for details of importance. Whereas Izuna of the Akiyama Clan is reliable for having a different cultural point of view to look at things from, though she's also fairly good at expanding upon what others propose. Irena though is probably the only one you can count on to keep certain pairings from… baring their fangs at one another while you're absent.

There are a few matters you could discuss though. With, or without your full circle- potentially minus Fei, and naturally excluding Hector as he doesn't count in it.

First, there's the matter of Qiao Li of the "Sky Liberators" being an annoying pest, thus simple how to deal with him- or on the extreme end, remove him. Second, getting Hector to be actually helpful instead, like what it seems was the intention as opposed to… his current behavior. Third, the matter of improving and further cultivating the Household Guards… project you're running off to the side. Fourth, your other project with regards to getting this village to make progress, progress into more than just a mere village. And lastly, whether or not to simply nudge your Father to also support the war advocates. For potential profit of course, through the ransom of enemy prisoners taken by additionally provided forces from the Family.

Discuss or not to Discuss presently?
[ ] Don't Discuss - If you don't, this will occur later, with all members present.
[ ] Discuss - Without all members present.

If Discussing presently which topic to broach?
[ ] Dealing with Qiao Li of the "Sky Liberators".
[ ] Getting Hector to be actually helpful.
[ ] Your Household Guards improvement project - Unviable presently due participants.
[ ] Your Village improvement project.
[ ] Supporting War… or not. The potentially looming one that is.

If not presently Discussing, whom will you go check on?[/u]
[ ] Go check on Irena and/or the EAC.
[ ] Go check on Fei and/or the current members in your Household Guards improvement project.
[ ] Go check on Izuna and/or the Akiyama Clan.
[ ] Go fetch Qia, maybe there's something of note you could get her to check over- or well find.
[ ] Go bug Hector, because. Stress relief.
[ ] Go see if you have any guests or visitors? It's not often you have any, so maybe you do today?


Note: The next few update(s) will more or less set the tone for the prologue. Technically Pre-Turn 0 Event.
Note #2: Putting up character sheets later. They won't really influence much for this Event.
Last edited:
Vote Tally (Excludes discussion topic due unanimous votes for Don't Discuss. Also partial vote lock.)

[10] Don't Discuss <-Locked for obvious landslide vote.
[SB-3] shout27, D King Hecht, Ceslas,
[SV-7] wingstrike96, Wing101, veekie, Night_Stalker, varano, ZabetTheRabbit, theorion,

[6] Go fetch Qia, maybe there's something of note you could get her to check over- or well find.
[SV-6] wingstrike96, veekie, Night_Stalker, varano, ZabetTheRabbit, theorion,

[4] Go see if you have any guests or visitors? It's not often you have any, so maybe you do today?
[SB-3] shout27, D King Hecht, Ceslas,
[SV-1] Wing101,

Edit: Was tallying on mobile. >_>
Last edited:
[X] Don't Discuss
[X] Go fetch Qia, maybe there's something of note you could get her to check over- or well find.
"Dismissed," you say as you make up your mind. "Serilda, stand guard until I return."

"Yes Master." Serilda merely nods lightly for a moment before striding over across the room and taking up position behind your seat and to the left.

"Eh, I suppose I'll check on how Fei's end is going," notes Aila before she starts making for the doorway.

"Then I'll be borrowing Qia," you remark, purely so that she'll pass word along to Fei. An action mostly to avoid Fei causing a small fuss over not finding her sister.

"Excuse me then." Aila turns and makes a quick half bow before continuing out the doorway. A formality for the most part- and probably because of Serilda.

Standing, you simply make your way to the doorway then pass it with a rather smooth, but prideful stride. Mostly for effect and appearance's sake as opposed to fueling your own ego. Because it simply isn't practical. That being said, fetching Qia yourself is not because you're skipping work, but merely because you can. And going around while giving the appearance of doing something important while you're at it, helps build a image of a hard working, and a more 'down to earth' leader that people can connect to. Of course, that's why Serilda is better of the two for keeping watch while you're out, as most people will likely misinterpret her expressions and tone in a manner that makes your 'excuse' all the more convincing. It's also informally giving her a break if by force.

Within mere minutes, you've arrived at the outskirts of the recruitment field for the project. The distance itself was arranged for the convenience of the girls as opposed to fully prioritizing your own safety, both because you do care and because the display itself serves to project an image of confidence in your safety and fearlessness towards prospective enemies. You merely wave off the guards before they can respond, after all, they're employed to do their jobs right and not stroke your ego- though you'd have to bear with it when outside guests are present.

Moments later, you soon hear the sounds of two familiar voices as you step into the grounds proper. From your point of entry, it is slightly off to the sides and thus not immediately noticeable thanks to the combination of the direction Izuna and Qia are looking towards, the prospective recruits being completely preoccupied with the testing assignment put forth, and also simply because you preemptively dismissed formalities by the guards thus merely neglecting to announce your presence. After all, if you do, you won't really get to see much 'normal' activities and behaviors.

Izuna is dressed as usual in her formal attire, one styled akin to a knight's armor but the coloration and details reflect a samurai's instead. Her vibrant green hair sways slightly in the wind, gently brushing over her red-orange-yellow color scheme uniform, of which her black eyes stand out in stark contrast to. At her waist is a pair of swords as par norm for a samurai, though instead of Far Eastern style swords, they are instead of North Western make. "To confirm, none in this lot?"

The choice in words is simple, there's no need to be that blunt. Well, to be precise she means 'Qia, none of them have any potential, correct?'. It's something you were taught, to read the meaning or actual message of others without having it spelled out to you. Of course, you do need at least some idea or it'd be difficult if not impossible to do. In this case, well, you were the one who ordered the record keeping, so the context of her words is as clear as day.

"No, (these) two have (some) potential, but they're unsuitable," says Qia as her finger points out two prospective recruits. Unlike Izuna, Qia's upbringing has more influences from that of a commoner background due her grandparents and several relatives, as opposed to a full upbringing akin to that of a Proper Noble- like Serilda- if not a Proper Noble, like Izuna. As a consequence, neither sister are as good at phrasing accordingly, but at least can omit key terms as needed while understanding intent, though Fei is more limited in that regard whereas Qia has no such debilitating limitation.

Izuna merely nods, "But otherwise passable, correct?"

Qia shakes her head, her orange ponytail sweeping across the back of her Eastern clothes, "Not at this point. Not enough potential to suffice."

"It can't be helped," Izuna closes her eyes for a moment before glancing around the grounds, as if expressing a mild disappointment with this time's lot. Until her eyes spot you. Without pause, she immediately shifts to a kneeling position facing towards you before bowing as well.

"This one apologizes for her failure to notice her liege," says Qia as she makes a bow, though contrary to the formalities, she smile slightly.

"(Please) Stand, all of you," you say stress the last part offhandedly in reference to the recruits. After all, people do notice very obvious occurrences- and what it means with regards to hierarchy. A factor further reinforced by Qia's formalities, even if Izuna is the more serious of the two with regards to it.

"Hai." Izuna immediately stands, and proceeds straight over while directing the rejected lot, "The Exam is over."

Qia trails smoothly behind Izuna, both in movement and in words, "A notice will be sent later. Dismissed."

Although some of the prospective recruits groan, others are seemingly more hopeful of their prospects. The two of whom Qia had noted are among the latter, though their expressions are slightly 'grim', as if understanding that reality is not as gentle as to play favorites.

As she comes to a stop before you proper, Izuna bows again. "Tono, this one asks that you forgive her lax behavior."

Stopping next to her, Qia merely purses her lips and shrugs. A lack of station with regards to her family means less absurd adherence to formalities... for family's sake. Though of course, if one serves someone who likes or firmly adheres to formality to any excess or more, then Qia's laxness would be a problem. "The results is as my lord has (probably) overhead."

Izuna nearly tips over for a moment, catching herself and maintaining her bowing posture. It is noticeably lower now though, less from nearly tipping and more personal disappointment with herself. Or simply put, Izuna's usual behavior in her position as a member of the Akiyama Clan.

"Izuna, substitute for Serilda," you say. Not order, as she would react in excess accordingly. It's a simple 'Fill in temporarily for Serilda as my escort'.

"Hai, Tono," says Izuna as she dips slightly lower for a moment before straightening up, which she immediately proceeds to take up position behind you to your left. As she passes by you, you note the faint satisfaction in her eyes. Her tone is slightly more obvious, but you blame Serilda for your grasp on that- otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell her feelings on anything. It's the sole, glaring problem with devout subordinate from a family of any notable position combined with being Proper Nobles- they will outright maintain their liege being correct unless it would be suicidal for their liege, in which case they have difficulty directly conveying so to their liege as they otherwise never have to do so. It's why those that take more blunt approaches only do so because they don't understand what other way to present it to their liege- and to maintain standards, almost always take it poorly if not to the point of committing suicide afterwards or deliberately taking on suicidal tasks for their liege when the opportunity presents itself.

It's stupid. But you wouldn't put it past either Izuna or Serilda to do so. Especially Izuna. So you cultivate emotional attachment, personal emotional attachment towards you, though overt methods would be meaningless. As long as she believes it's 'part of her job', her mindset will simply ensure she never realizes it unless you point it out... or she attempts anything suicidal. "Qia, come."

You don't bother to check her response directly as you turn to leave the grounds. Izuna's light nod is already more than enough.

So where do you go from here?
[ ] Head over to the EAC and have Qia check over things there- while you also personally observe how progress is going.
[ ] Head over to the training grounds and have Qia help check over things there.
[ ] Head back to your office and have Qia help check over papers and help get them done as well.

Notes: Sorry about the delays, argh. >_<
[X] Head back to your office and have Qia help check over papers and help get them done as well.
Vote Tally (Closed). Going to start on update so such now.

[5] Head over to the EAC and have Qia check over things there- while you also personally observe how progress is going.
[SV-2] veekie, Happerry,
[SB-3] D King Hecht, Ceslas, backgroundnoise,

[4] Head over to the training grounds and have Qia help check over things there.
[SV-3] wingstrike96, Night_Stalker, theorion,
[SB-1] shout27,
[2] Head back to your office and have Qia help check over papers and help get them done as well.
[SV-1] Wing101,
[QQ-1] Truthswraith,

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