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Me desperately trying to get my vampire players to around the same place, but continuously not having all the players at the table
Bruce: So what are we going to say was happening when I was gone?
Me: Okay, Bruce. When you wake up, you are in a park, your guts hurt because you have been cut up and sewn up with paper in your chest, and there is an incredibly tall figure in a suit, he has no face. It is your old friend from Chicago
Bruce: How many times are we going to do this old man?
Me: Slenderman is silent, not moving, but you have the feeling that he is staring at you.
Bruce: I wonder if I can Ghoul Slenderman?
Me: Int+Occult
Bruce: 2 successes
Me: You believe that there might be weird results, but it is technically possible.
Bruce: I pop my claws and go in *gets in two damage by clawing the Fairy's chest*
Fairy: *makes a tentacle and punches Bruce across the field and into a tree, Bruce tanks all the damage due to fortitude*
Bruce: Oh, this thing can kill me
Me: Dude, you tanked all the damage
Bruce: Right, I can do that. Maybe I should run though.
Bruce: Anyways, I'll try this again.
Fairy: * forms an ice sword with magic*
Bruce: Since when can Slenderman do that?
Me: In your studies about this creature, you found associations with the Unseelie Fey and appearing as a knight. This is likely fairy magic
Bruce: Mmm, *gets into animal claw vs ice sword fight with a fairy knight, does more damage but decides to switch over to magic* I have this power from my spirit summoning magic that hits willpower, does that work on fairies?
Me: You don't really know *I go with it working since it uses path rating as damage dice and willpower as resistance, so it isn't too broken*
Bruce: *manages to get some damage in*
Me: So how do you describe this?
Bruce: It is basically the "Your soul is Mine" attack from Mortal Kombat, so this really noxious green gas that explodes and hits him in the face
Me: Slenderman takes a few steps back and looks hurt, he stabs his sword into the ground, roll athletics to avoid getting your feet frozen *success* You hear the roar of a car, and see Candida, your ghoul, inn the car with Cairo, the crow screeching as the car comes to a halt behind you. Slenderman then draws a circle in the ground, making a series of glowing sigils appear around him
Bruce: I run into the car
Me: *slenderman is nearly dead, with having 2 health levels and 2 willpower left* And Slenderman teleports out and Candida asks what that was.
Bruce: Dunno. *decides to head over to an ancient church crypt and tries to summon spirits to ask questions about the future, botches and gets it haunted by bane spirits* Hey guys *the bane spirits hiss* I'll just get going
Me: *Rolls* A handsome man with a dark beard stops his car, and you see him roll down the window, just staring at you as if he sensed something go horribly wrong
Bruce: Is this your crypt?
Salomon Aubert: No, but I just feel like something horribly heretical went on
Bruce: Eeeh, would you know anything about Ventru?
Salomon: I am Ventrue
Bruce: No, not Ventrue Ventrue, Ventru Ventrue.
Salomon: I am Ventrue, I know legends of our founder
Bruce: Could you help us find her
Salomon: Wait what?
Bruce: Well it is the Apocalypse, so we are looking for her to help us get other people, at least a think, and there is stuff involving other monsters…I think
Me: Do you need me to just make notes on all of the things that have happened?
Bruce: *nervous laughter*
Me: He is looking at you in horror since you are talking about finding Ventru
Salomon: Ventru is dead, he has been for a while
Bruce: That's not what I was told, she is supposed to be around
Salomon: Why do you keep calling Ventru a she?
Bruce: Because she is
Me: You get the feeling that the stories he was told and believes are different from the ones you know
Bruce: We are also trying to fight the like…somebody, I forget who, but they are trying to end the world for Lilith or something
Salomon: How about you get in my car and we talk *eyes Candida in the other car*
Bruce: Sure *spills just about everything about the Coterie's plans and actions along with who they work for
Salomon: Who is Mekhet?
Bruce: He is Mekhet?
Salomon: The man who is either the Lasombra or Tzimisce antediluvian
Bruce: Nah, he isn't any of those
Salomon: Think man, there are thirteen antediluvians
Bruce: There are more than that though
Salomon: Everyone knows that there are thirteen
Bruce: You are wrong
Me: You are kind of horrible at explaining things
OOC Bruce: I know
Salomon: Look, I am one of the Inconnu, those who have been seeking true knowledge, and have escaped the Jyhad. Either you are a pawn of your elders, or that of an Antediluvian who has been lying to you. And know this, awakening any Antediluvian will only bring pain and suffering upon the world
Bruce: There seem to be a lot that are awake anyways
Me: You also remember that Mekhet said that Lilith had infiltrated the Inconnu, and has been using them to her agenda
Bruce: Anyways, why do you work for Lilith
Salomon: No we don't, we are free of our elders
Bruce: Nah, you are trying to destroy the world. Why would you guys do that anyways?
*more and more arguing in the car until a manticore-like demon lands on the car and stabs Salomon in the throat*
Bruce: I could jump out of the car
Me: There would still be a demon
Bruce: Could I punch the demon and control the car?
Me: You split the dice pool, but yes
Bruce: *gets a ton of successes to claw off the demon's face and control the car, making it stop and launch the demon backfirst into the railing on the road, snapping its spine* Wow, I am awesome
Me: You see Salomon gurgling blood from his throat
Bruce: Don't worry, I can fix this *uses dark science and magic to heal wounds*
Salomon: The Baali have come to the city, we must save it
Bruce: I want to run away
Me: He is getting his car back into gear, you can either leave it or stay
Bruce: I stay
Lots of Salomon running around and trying to figure out what is going on while Bruce assumes that he can somehow retcon himself to be in the other party
Salomon: I believe that the baali infiltrated the anarchs. If so, I must kill my childe for the others claim that this infestation arose from his haven. Should you desire, you may diablerize him.
Bruce: Why would you want to kill your kid
Salomon: The city is on fire and demons are in it
Bruce: I am gonna run away
Me: So, you run away, with no idea where to go. You see an Arabic man in traditional robes holding two pistols and a Filipino guy with a curved sword. They are arguing in the street-
Bruce; Do you know where Kokoro and Basket are? I'm trying to get to them
Me: Then the Arabic man does a double take before pointing his guns at you
Bruce: Why would you want to hurt me
Pistols Vampire: Capitalist scum, member of the Voivodate, today you die for the glorious Soviet
Sword Vampire: Can we calm down and not make enemies when the city is on fire
Bruce: I don't work for the Voivodate
Pistols Vampire: You came from Voivode Sabina's realm, you work with Kokoro, a member of her accursed false-church
Bruce; Oooh, why do you want to kill me
Me: He just said he is from the Soviet, one of the people at war with your faction
Bruce: Oh, I keep running to Candida's car
Me: He shoots you
Bruce: Oooh
Me: Roll to soak
Bruce: *Is incapacitated by Toreador gunslinger*
Me: You see the two get into a fight now as the other guy is not happy, *Rolls* and the swordsman cuts off all of the guys limbs before picking both of you up and getting into Candiida's car while she looks very worried.
Bruce: Can I eat the guy who shot me?
Me: There are rules on Diablerie, remember willpower
Bruce: *has 9 willpower* Oh right, well, I use my soul breath on him
Me: SO there is just this guy screaming in agony as you start burning his soul into a spec before eating him. Roll willpower
Bruce: *is okay, doesn't have personality drift, gains new disciplines* I should do this more often
Me: The sword guy introduces himself as Ambrosio, part of the Anarch Soviet, and explains that he is part of a kill team with the man you killed, Abd Al-Malik, a childe of Kokoro's sire, and how they are supposed to take her back to the Anarch Soviet for brainwashing.
Bruce: That is bad
Me: But there are more important things, so he wants to team up for now
Ambrosio: Do you know Arabic?
Bruce: Yes
Ambrosio; I will take you to my team, just say your name is Abd al-Malik and claim that Arabic is the most holy language which all should speak to the point that others are filfthy things which should be forgotten, and that you have taken the body of one who attempted to diablerize you. The more arrogant you act, the more they will believe
Bruce: Okay
Ambrosio: *gets Candida to park at the docks and swims out to bang on a partially risen nuclear sub as the city burns to the ground*
Bruce: They have a sub?
Me: And this is how you get to Enoch, driving a soviet nuclear sub ingo it.
=session with just Kokoro and Bruce=
Me: So, Kokoro, when the ship lands in the Underworld, you see what appears to be an absolutely massive cavern whose ceiling you cannot see. As the yacht sails, you can see what appear to be massive columns and the like, but there is light, far more than you are used to, almost as if it was sunset or the like. Actually, there appears to be stars and a sun in the sky
Kokoro: That's…odd
Me: Roll perception plus alertness
Kokoro: *success*
Me: Due to your auspex enhanced vision, it dawns on you that those are not some kind of spectral sun and stars, those are ghosts. There are thin chains trailing down from each 'star' to somewhere else as these conglomerations of ghosts who have been fused together float like a psychopath's hot air balloon made out of the dead. The sun is even larger, made of untold thousands or perhaps millions of souls.
Bruce: *not there but learning the same thing* Yeeeesh
Kokoro: *looks over to Lucian, Mehket, Sadb, and Ilyes* Did Caine do this
Antediluvians: No
Kokoro: So…the Black Hand did this
Me: Your memories from the guy you ate say yes
Kokoro: What? No, why? Why would you ever do that? What is the purpose of doing something like that. We are vampires, there are easier ways to make light, why make an artificial sun? Why, just why?
Mehket: *puts hand instead of a tentacle on her shoulder* Because these people are needlessly and overzealously edgy
Me: Additionally, you can see beautifully carved and painted statues, all over ten times the size of the Statue of Liberty. Do you try to take in what they are of or no?
Kokoro: I am a Toreador, I do.
Me: Okay, the first one you see is of a very young swarthy man in what you would associate with Buddhist or Hindu priest robes, sitting in the lotus position with his hands making signs, he is, thin and lean, with his skull deformed, bone having splintered out and shattered with cracks running down his forehead whilst a third eye protrudes from it. To you, he looks obviously evil. This is Saulot
Kokoro: Isn't he supposed to be an old man
Lucian: *laughing* Obfuscate and Presence are skills which all of us know on some level or another. And what age do you think humans normally lived to in our time? especially at the point when we would have served in our master's armies?
Kokoro: So, the reason people think of him like that, and think he is the nice Antediluvian, is because of mind control
Lucian (The Lasombra): Yes.
Mehket: It seems that we are approaching by the easternmost dock of Enoch, Saulot's passage.
Me: Do you look out for more of the statues? Also, roll to not be mesmerized
Kokoro: *yes, succeeds* I look for lady ones since Arikel
Me: The first female statue you see is of a very buff redheaded woman who is holding up two werewolves or demons by their heads, fingers inside of their skulls as she crushes them with her bare hands. She is not wearing armor so you see abs, and her plinth is basically a mound of corpses. This is Troile the Lion, the second Brujah
Ilyes: Did…did they get rid of my statue
Sadb: Everyone preferred redheaded muscle girl to you
Lucian: Yes, she was quite enjoyable, I can see why your cold dead heart was moved by 'redheaded muscle girl' as Sadb says.
Kokoro and Bruce: *OOC laughing like lunatics, the former is rolling to not laugh in-universe*
Mehket: Everyone loved her far more than the deadfish, I mean, inferior bookworm, that is you
Ilyes: I can control time
Mehket: And so can we, without failing and spending forever outside of the time stream. Also, unlike you, we are real blood mages.
Kokoro: Oh god this is beautiful.
Me: As you approach, you can see Enoch. It is every city, you see bits of Chicago, Vancouver, New York, Seoul, London, Tokyo, Kyoto, basically, every city seems to flicker somewhat in this area as a writhing mass, buildings pointing inward or outward at 90 degree angles as they rise and fall, roads appearing at every angle and twisting as they all seem to bend in and replace one another.
Kokoro: This is some Doctor Strange stuff
Bruce: A Tesseract
Me:…And Kokoro, you see a giant ghostly ship sailing in the distance, it flies the jolly roger. Since you are a battle and history buff, you know that this is The Queen Anne's Revenge
Bruce: That is a cool name
Me: It is Blackbeard's ship
Kokoro: Wait what? Did it become a ghost?
Sadb: Certain items, once destroyed, can appear in the Underworld
Kokoro: Wow, um, lets keep going. We need to find a way out of here.
Mehket: If we wish to get control of the city, we will need a control rod. Items made to give we Antediluvians, access to certain city functions. Enoch can move, and it appears that even being sent to the underworld has not prevented that. With one that gives access to that ability, we should be able to surface the city and leave.
Kokoro: What would one look like
Mehket: Books, crowns, royal scepters, they vary
Lucian: I kept mine as a crown, though I believe that Grandfather's Throne would act as one
Mehket: Yes
Me: Mehket puts a hand on Basket and his dog, they teleport away. And over with Bruce, you are in a nuclear submarine piloted by soviet ghouls. What are you going to try to do
Bruce: Escape
Me: Remember that you have a bird and a human woman, and that this is a submarine.
Bruce: Oh, um, am I in charge?
Me: You failed to get memories from the diablerie, so…you don't think so.
Bruce: Do I have any idea of who is here
Me: You were given a rundown of the other members of the Soviet Killteam.*Puts in icons*
Kokoro: Wait a second, that is Annabeth Chase. Is the Filipino guy Percy Jackson?
Me: You can see is icon, zoom in, blow it up, and a bunch of other stuff. He is not Percy Jackson. Also, it is hard for me to get icons of Russian women who are not actors or from a fighting game.
Kokoro: That is fair
Me: So. The Russian woman is Roksana, she was a medic in world war 2, and is now a Lamia. Which are Necromancer Amazons, basically. She is the main one piloting the sub when it isn't the ghouls. There is this tall, bald guy, Ivan. He is a Tremere and another firearms expert, he also was in World War 2. Though as a vampire. Finally, there is a very buff guy with bulging muscles, he has a very bushy beard, you don't know his name, but everyone calls him Little Stalin. He is a Brujah, who was a member of the secret police.
Bruce: Mmmm, how do I get out of this.
Me: I don't think you know enough about Submarines to properly get out.
Bruce: Yeah, could I order someone to let me out
Me: That might get them to ask their other superiors about what is going on
Bruce: I guess I will wait
Me: So, you guys eventually reach a dock and come up. Ambrosio has everyone load up and does pull you aside to remind you that Abd used guns.
Bruce: I get guns
Me: do you want to spend xp on having the firearms skill?
Bruce: No
Me: You guys get out into what looks like a shipwreck of real and ghost ships all piled together into a kind of coral reef.
Bruce: I stay with them
Me: As you guys travel, you eventually see a group of vampires holding guns. They start shouting at you in a different language, to you, it sounds somewhat like ancient Egyptian.
Bruce: Oh, they just have guns
Me: They continue to shout, the Soviets shout at them in Russian, this pisses off the other guys who have one of them responding in Russian insults while they gesture with their guns to get on the ground, the Soviets refuse
Bruce: I get on the ground
Me: The soviets pause in the midsts of all of this, Ambrosio facepalms and the others are going "Mmm, maybe this is not Abd."
Bruce; Oh right, I am not me.
Me: The other vampires continue to shout, now in Russiian, saying that this is the Holy City of Enoch and only members of the True Black Hand may step upon its most sacred stones.
Bruce; I don't get why these people dislike each other
Me: Maybe the State Mandated Atheist Elder Hating Soviets would dislike the Antediluvian Worshipping Theocracy?
Bruce: Oh
Me: A shoot-out starts
Bruce: *remembers that guns are painful when he gets hit and heals* Uh, I shoot back *rolls really well despite dice penalty due to having disciplines that increase his number of dice.
Me: So, the Soviets start to drink and kill these guys to replenish blood. Do you join in?
Bruce: Nah
Me: Okay, I need you to do some rolls
Bruce: *Ends up lost in the catacombs of the city with the Soviets, decides to use his evil magic book as a compass, letting it pull him around*
Me: And with Kokoro, you guys are sailing into a proper dock, and see a little girl standing in the area where your guys would put the bridge to leave.
Kokoro: Ooooh no.
Me: Prince Noa gives you a dirty look while La Maupin rolls her eyes. What do you do when you dock?
Kokoro: Stare at the girl
Me: You see that her lips have been sewn shut with wire
Kokoro: I do not do anything, I wait to see if anyone else does anything
Me: The pregnant vampire, whose name you have not learned since you refuse to talk to her, stands up despite being in a lot of pain, and asks La Maupin for a knife, which she obliges, Set's mother then cuts the wire.
Kokoro: What happens
Me: The wire wriggles as if it is trying to sew itself back in, and the girl holds onto the dangling ends as they wriggle and writhe. The girl begins to talk in every language you have ever heard in a random jumble which does not make sense to you, this continued for a long time before she settles on English
Revenant Girl: I have been sent to help you, I am-Loz, Nergal, Ninmug, Al-Mahri, the blood is rising, Loz, Nergal, Ninmug, Al-Mahri…, Shaitan is awake and dwelling amongst the sword, his brother and sister sleeping as the slave nurses grudges, ah I hate that.
Kokoro: Why do you have wire on your lips?
RG: The True Black Hand, they took me to the Temple of Lilith, they carved spells into me, I did not like it, and I speak with the voices of four people.
Lucian: There is no Temple of Lilith in En…Mehket was right, they really did let Lilith worshippers in here.
La Maupin: I feel like the sun made out of souls would be a hint to that.
Surgeon General: This place is insane
Kokoro: Oookaaay, can you take us somewhere save
RG: Loz, Nergal, Ninmug, Al-Mahri, Loz Nergal Ninmug, Al-Mahri
Kokoro: Do I know who any of those are?
Me: Roll int+occult
Kokoro: *success*
Me: Nergal is a Mesopotamian god, but people also identify that as the name of one of the Baali Founders, Ninmug is a goddess of metalworkers, you aren't too familiar with the other two, but think there are place names that sound similar.
Kokoro: So she might be saying the names of the Baali founders
Me: Ninmug doesn't sound particularly evil
Bruce: Maybe she was an evil metalworker
Kokoro: Can you lead us to somewhere safe?
Me: Roll a d100
Kokoro: *Does okay*
Me: The girl leads you into the city and you end up in the slums, you see other people at times, some are human, some are vampires, a lot are ghosts, but all have this dead look in their eyes as they do manual labor, trudging on eventually while you are brought to a place which is run down and somewhat sunken underground, but is all young kids or teens, they are wearing rags and makeshift clothing, most have like spears, but a few have guns. The oldest one, a quarterback looking guy, steps forward and asks why you are here
Kokoro: We kind of fell here, would you happen to know where a control rod is
Me: They fucking stare
Kokoro: Nevermind, *looks to the Antediluvians* where could we find one
Sadb: I mostly worked under Ennoia
Ilyes: Mine would have been repurposed or given to the Lion
Lucian: There is Irad's slave pits, Malkav's gardens, the library, the palace, potentially the arena, the Pool of Zillah, temple of birth, and there is always the possibility of one of the homes having one. However, the Deluge could have moved things. mine own was with me in the Second City but destroyed in the revolt
Kokoro: I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO GO, um, kids, do you have a way to get around without trouble
Lead Kid: Nobody really knows how to navigate well, the city changes and moves. Archimedes helps a lot, like, actual Archimedes
Kokoro: Actually, why are you kids here
Revenant Girl: The Boogeymen come, and take us from our beds, then we are here, to be slaves and fed on, some become Boogeymen, and we serve.
Kokoro: This is a bad place
Sadb: Yes, I recommend the Pool of Zillah, it is a wonderful place and we should be able to see the future in its crystal waters
Me: and at that, the kids blink
LK: You mean the execution ground?
Kokoro: Um, they just said crystal waters
LK: The Tal-Mahe-Ra made a gallows over it and let the people the execute rot over it, then never clean it, so it is like a pit of blood and decay.
Me: You know how Ilyes says he has no emotions and Lucian wants to be a shadow monster
Kokoro: Yes
Me: Ilyes twitches while Lucian paints a smile on his face, teeth clenched together, and looks to the follower of Liliith
Lucian: You understand that these people include Lilith worshippers
Ilyes: There are more than these ones, and those of my blood claiming to be True Heirs of Temporis defile my name here, claiming to have no descent from the Lion.
Lucian: So, we are in agreement
Ilyes: Yes, genocide.
Me: You have seen this before in others, the point where someone is just on the edge of frenzy, roll empathy
Kokoro: *Success* they are really pissed off about this huh
Me: You get the feeling that to them, this is like coming home and finding that someone had a drunken orgy in their mother's garden that they used to help tend, and then the people shat all over it while saying that they improved it. Then they started to live in said home while painting it in vomit.
Kokoro: So, murderous rage
Me: So, bruce, when you get to where the book was leading you, there are three black coffins which seem to have grown out of the floor, and a space for a fourth where it seems that one had been removed. There is a grating sound in the distance. You know Egyptian, and can kind of read what is on these coffins. They say, Nergal, Ninmug, Al-Mahri. Ambrosio also seems to be able to read this, and he panics, immediately jumping on the one with the symbol for Nergal on it, and is trying to break it open, fails, and is ripping apart his nails trying to get purchase
Kokoro: Oooh, no. I get where he is coming from
Bruce: Stop, why are you doing that
Ambrosio: This is Nergal, Nergal, the Baali founder
Bruce: And why does that matter
Ambrosio: One of the Founderss of the Baali, the one who worships and wants to become a demon, the horrific dark lord of evil, someone who even Caine considered an abomination against decency and ordered every vampire to hunt down and kill. You know, Satan?
Bruce: Then don't mess with it
Ambrosio: I am going to kill him
Bruce: what if you wake him up
Ambrosio: What if he wakes up after we leave, this is something that needs to die.
Bruce; it might not be that nergal.
Me: You know the name Nergal due to your occult skill, even if this is not the Baali Nergal, it is still someone either names after or who inspired the Sumerian God of War and Disease, so you get the feeling that most people would not want him around based on just that. The other Soviets join in, trying to beat it open
Bruce; Why would they do that?
Me: They are Soviet Vampires who think that this is a vampire who actively tries to become Satan
Kokoro: This makes perfect sense, look, they are taking the chance that this doesn't work out, because it might be worse if he wakes up later and gets some steam rolling instead of when he is groggy.
Bruce: Okay *joins in and causes it to crack somewhat*
Me: Yeah, so can you both roll a d100
Kokoro: *over 80*
Bruce: *over 85*
Me: *rolls a d4* First, you hear a shuffling as an ancient man in robes approaches. He sees all of you and screams. "What are you doing, no stop stop!"
Bruce: I'm just doing what people tell me to do
Ambrosio: Stop negotiating and following the orders of CULTISTS
Bruce: Come on man
Me: Ambrosio seems to be trying to come up with a solution and sighs before staring at the man as the old man *looks at sheets* Wow, White Wolf is terrible at making sheets.
Kokoro: Why?
Me: this is an over three thousand year old warrior vampire and he is supposed to just have three brawl and two melee.
Kokoro: I…what?
Me: Yes, and I am ignoring this sheet because this is stupid. He grabs Ambrosio and lifts him up
Kokoro: These guys are terrible at making sheets.
Ambrosio: *uses power to find out secrets* Wait, you are Elimelech, the guy from the bible, how-
Me: This seems to piss off the old man who crushes Ambrosio's windpipe, do you do anything
Bruce: No
Me: Ambrosio *rolls* manages to just barely get a cut in with his sword, and you hear a crack as the Al-Mahri one opens, the cover grating as it is slowly slid back. A nearly petrified corpse coming out and you feel the presence basically flooring everyone to the ground as it climbs out, then, seemingly teleports to the combat, and sinks its fangs into the old man, instantly draining every drop of blood from his body, leaving the vampire as ash.
Kokoro:….Is this bad
Me: The corpse rapidly changes, taking the appearance of a young woman with tan skin and short dark hair, she addresses the Soviets.
Vampire: I am Aclima, Luluwa bat Hawwa, first woman born, where is my brother Qayin?
Kokoro: Is that?
Me: Yes
Kokoro: Second Generation?
Me: Bruce, your occult lets you know what according to some traditions, the reason for the whole Cain and Abel murder is because Adam went, "I have kids and know they need to make some, you know who makes good matches? God. I should ask God who should marry who, it isn't like it took three tries for me to have a wife, and that ended just swell."'
Bruce: Oooooh
Me: And so Adam went, "hey kids, make sacrifices to God so that he will tell you which of your sisters you should marry." And Cain, twin of Luluwa, gave this some side-eye when God said unto Abel. "Yeah, go have sex with your big brother's twin" and took issue with it, hence rock to head.
Kokoro: does god just like Himbos?
Bruce: So…is she second or first generation vampire
Me; You don't know
Bruce; is this the best result?
Me: The d100s was to see if one of the coffins opened and had someone wake up, the rolls to open the one you were banging on was for the situation that it would be in, and I did a secret roll to see which one woke up. You got First Vampire Queen.
Kokoro: ooh fuck
Me: And Ambrosio kneels before the woman
Ambrosio: I am Ambrosio, a child of Enigma, descendant of the Loyal Baali who slay both the Nergali and Molochim.
Kokoro: Ffffffff
Bruce: I'm not sure if anything is good or bad.
Me: Okay, Bruce. When you wake up, you are in a park, your guts hurt because you have been cut up and sewn up with paper in your chest, and there is an incredibly tall figure in a suit, he has no face. It is your old friend from Chicago
Bruce: How many times are we going to do this old man?
Me: Slenderman is silent, not moving, but you have the feeling that he is staring at you.
Bruce: I wonder if I can Ghoul Slenderman?
Me: Int+Occult
Bruce: 2 successes
Me: You believe that there might be weird results, but it is technically possible.
Bruce: I pop my claws and go in *gets in two damage by clawing the Fairy's chest*
Fairy: *makes a tentacle and punches Bruce across the field and into a tree, Bruce tanks all the damage due to fortitude*
Bruce: Oh, this thing can kill me
Me: Dude, you tanked all the damage
Bruce: Right, I can do that. Maybe I should run though.
Bruce: Anyways, I'll try this again.
Fairy: * forms an ice sword with magic*
Bruce: Since when can Slenderman do that?
Me: In your studies about this creature, you found associations with the Unseelie Fey and appearing as a knight. This is likely fairy magic
Bruce: Mmm, *gets into animal claw vs ice sword fight with a fairy knight, does more damage but decides to switch over to magic* I have this power from my spirit summoning magic that hits willpower, does that work on fairies?
Me: You don't really know *I go with it working since it uses path rating as damage dice and willpower as resistance, so it isn't too broken*
Bruce: *manages to get some damage in*
Me: So how do you describe this?
Bruce: It is basically the "Your soul is Mine" attack from Mortal Kombat, so this really noxious green gas that explodes and hits him in the face
Me: Slenderman takes a few steps back and looks hurt, he stabs his sword into the ground, roll athletics to avoid getting your feet frozen *success* You hear the roar of a car, and see Candida, your ghoul, inn the car with Cairo, the crow screeching as the car comes to a halt behind you. Slenderman then draws a circle in the ground, making a series of glowing sigils appear around him
Bruce: I run into the car
Me: *slenderman is nearly dead, with having 2 health levels and 2 willpower left* And Slenderman teleports out and Candida asks what that was.
Bruce: Dunno. *decides to head over to an ancient church crypt and tries to summon spirits to ask questions about the future, botches and gets it haunted by bane spirits* Hey guys *the bane spirits hiss* I'll just get going
Me: *Rolls* A handsome man with a dark beard stops his car, and you see him roll down the window, just staring at you as if he sensed something go horribly wrong
Bruce: Is this your crypt?
Salomon Aubert: No, but I just feel like something horribly heretical went on
Bruce: Eeeh, would you know anything about Ventru?
Salomon: I am Ventrue
Bruce: No, not Ventrue Ventrue, Ventru Ventrue.
Salomon: I am Ventrue, I know legends of our founder
Bruce: Could you help us find her
Salomon: Wait what?
Bruce: Well it is the Apocalypse, so we are looking for her to help us get other people, at least a think, and there is stuff involving other monsters…I think
Me: Do you need me to just make notes on all of the things that have happened?
Bruce: *nervous laughter*
Me: He is looking at you in horror since you are talking about finding Ventru
Salomon: Ventru is dead, he has been for a while
Bruce: That's not what I was told, she is supposed to be around
Salomon: Why do you keep calling Ventru a she?
Bruce: Because she is
Me: You get the feeling that the stories he was told and believes are different from the ones you know
Bruce: We are also trying to fight the like…somebody, I forget who, but they are trying to end the world for Lilith or something
Salomon: How about you get in my car and we talk *eyes Candida in the other car*
Bruce: Sure *spills just about everything about the Coterie's plans and actions along with who they work for
Salomon: Who is Mekhet?
Bruce: He is Mekhet?
Salomon: The man who is either the Lasombra or Tzimisce antediluvian
Bruce: Nah, he isn't any of those
Salomon: Think man, there are thirteen antediluvians
Bruce: There are more than that though
Salomon: Everyone knows that there are thirteen
Bruce: You are wrong
Me: You are kind of horrible at explaining things
OOC Bruce: I know
Salomon: Look, I am one of the Inconnu, those who have been seeking true knowledge, and have escaped the Jyhad. Either you are a pawn of your elders, or that of an Antediluvian who has been lying to you. And know this, awakening any Antediluvian will only bring pain and suffering upon the world
Bruce: There seem to be a lot that are awake anyways
Me: You also remember that Mekhet said that Lilith had infiltrated the Inconnu, and has been using them to her agenda
Bruce: Anyways, why do you work for Lilith
Salomon: No we don't, we are free of our elders
Bruce: Nah, you are trying to destroy the world. Why would you guys do that anyways?
*more and more arguing in the car until a manticore-like demon lands on the car and stabs Salomon in the throat*
Bruce: I could jump out of the car
Me: There would still be a demon
Bruce: Could I punch the demon and control the car?
Me: You split the dice pool, but yes
Bruce: *gets a ton of successes to claw off the demon's face and control the car, making it stop and launch the demon backfirst into the railing on the road, snapping its spine* Wow, I am awesome
Me: You see Salomon gurgling blood from his throat
Bruce: Don't worry, I can fix this *uses dark science and magic to heal wounds*
Salomon: The Baali have come to the city, we must save it
Bruce: I want to run away
Me: He is getting his car back into gear, you can either leave it or stay
Bruce: I stay
Lots of Salomon running around and trying to figure out what is going on while Bruce assumes that he can somehow retcon himself to be in the other party
Salomon: I believe that the baali infiltrated the anarchs. If so, I must kill my childe for the others claim that this infestation arose from his haven. Should you desire, you may diablerize him.
Bruce: Why would you want to kill your kid
Salomon: The city is on fire and demons are in it
Bruce: I am gonna run away
Me: So, you run away, with no idea where to go. You see an Arabic man in traditional robes holding two pistols and a Filipino guy with a curved sword. They are arguing in the street-
Bruce; Do you know where Kokoro and Basket are? I'm trying to get to them
Me: Then the Arabic man does a double take before pointing his guns at you
Bruce: Why would you want to hurt me
Pistols Vampire: Capitalist scum, member of the Voivodate, today you die for the glorious Soviet
Sword Vampire: Can we calm down and not make enemies when the city is on fire
Bruce: I don't work for the Voivodate
Pistols Vampire: You came from Voivode Sabina's realm, you work with Kokoro, a member of her accursed false-church
Bruce; Oooh, why do you want to kill me
Me: He just said he is from the Soviet, one of the people at war with your faction
Bruce: Oh, I keep running to Candida's car
Me: He shoots you
Bruce: Oooh
Me: Roll to soak
Bruce: *Is incapacitated by Toreador gunslinger*
Me: You see the two get into a fight now as the other guy is not happy, *Rolls* and the swordsman cuts off all of the guys limbs before picking both of you up and getting into Candiida's car while she looks very worried.
Bruce: Can I eat the guy who shot me?
Me: There are rules on Diablerie, remember willpower
Bruce: *has 9 willpower* Oh right, well, I use my soul breath on him
Me: SO there is just this guy screaming in agony as you start burning his soul into a spec before eating him. Roll willpower
Bruce: *is okay, doesn't have personality drift, gains new disciplines* I should do this more often
Me: The sword guy introduces himself as Ambrosio, part of the Anarch Soviet, and explains that he is part of a kill team with the man you killed, Abd Al-Malik, a childe of Kokoro's sire, and how they are supposed to take her back to the Anarch Soviet for brainwashing.
Bruce: That is bad
Me: But there are more important things, so he wants to team up for now
Ambrosio: Do you know Arabic?
Bruce: Yes
Ambrosio; I will take you to my team, just say your name is Abd al-Malik and claim that Arabic is the most holy language which all should speak to the point that others are filfthy things which should be forgotten, and that you have taken the body of one who attempted to diablerize you. The more arrogant you act, the more they will believe
Bruce: Okay
Ambrosio: *gets Candida to park at the docks and swims out to bang on a partially risen nuclear sub as the city burns to the ground*
Bruce: They have a sub?
Me: And this is how you get to Enoch, driving a soviet nuclear sub ingo it.
=session with just Kokoro and Bruce=
Me: So, Kokoro, when the ship lands in the Underworld, you see what appears to be an absolutely massive cavern whose ceiling you cannot see. As the yacht sails, you can see what appear to be massive columns and the like, but there is light, far more than you are used to, almost as if it was sunset or the like. Actually, there appears to be stars and a sun in the sky
Kokoro: That's…odd
Me: Roll perception plus alertness
Kokoro: *success*
Me: Due to your auspex enhanced vision, it dawns on you that those are not some kind of spectral sun and stars, those are ghosts. There are thin chains trailing down from each 'star' to somewhere else as these conglomerations of ghosts who have been fused together float like a psychopath's hot air balloon made out of the dead. The sun is even larger, made of untold thousands or perhaps millions of souls.
Bruce: *not there but learning the same thing* Yeeeesh
Kokoro: *looks over to Lucian, Mehket, Sadb, and Ilyes* Did Caine do this
Antediluvians: No
Kokoro: So…the Black Hand did this
Me: Your memories from the guy you ate say yes
Kokoro: What? No, why? Why would you ever do that? What is the purpose of doing something like that. We are vampires, there are easier ways to make light, why make an artificial sun? Why, just why?
Mehket: *puts hand instead of a tentacle on her shoulder* Because these people are needlessly and overzealously edgy
Me: Additionally, you can see beautifully carved and painted statues, all over ten times the size of the Statue of Liberty. Do you try to take in what they are of or no?
Kokoro: I am a Toreador, I do.
Me: Okay, the first one you see is of a very young swarthy man in what you would associate with Buddhist or Hindu priest robes, sitting in the lotus position with his hands making signs, he is, thin and lean, with his skull deformed, bone having splintered out and shattered with cracks running down his forehead whilst a third eye protrudes from it. To you, he looks obviously evil. This is Saulot
Kokoro: Isn't he supposed to be an old man
Lucian: *laughing* Obfuscate and Presence are skills which all of us know on some level or another. And what age do you think humans normally lived to in our time? especially at the point when we would have served in our master's armies?
Kokoro: So, the reason people think of him like that, and think he is the nice Antediluvian, is because of mind control
Lucian (The Lasombra): Yes.
Mehket: It seems that we are approaching by the easternmost dock of Enoch, Saulot's passage.
Me: Do you look out for more of the statues? Also, roll to not be mesmerized
Kokoro: *yes, succeeds* I look for lady ones since Arikel
Me: The first female statue you see is of a very buff redheaded woman who is holding up two werewolves or demons by their heads, fingers inside of their skulls as she crushes them with her bare hands. She is not wearing armor so you see abs, and her plinth is basically a mound of corpses. This is Troile the Lion, the second Brujah
Ilyes: Did…did they get rid of my statue
Sadb: Everyone preferred redheaded muscle girl to you
Lucian: Yes, she was quite enjoyable, I can see why your cold dead heart was moved by 'redheaded muscle girl' as Sadb says.
Kokoro and Bruce: *OOC laughing like lunatics, the former is rolling to not laugh in-universe*
Mehket: Everyone loved her far more than the deadfish, I mean, inferior bookworm, that is you
Ilyes: I can control time
Mehket: And so can we, without failing and spending forever outside of the time stream. Also, unlike you, we are real blood mages.
Kokoro: Oh god this is beautiful.
Me: As you approach, you can see Enoch. It is every city, you see bits of Chicago, Vancouver, New York, Seoul, London, Tokyo, Kyoto, basically, every city seems to flicker somewhat in this area as a writhing mass, buildings pointing inward or outward at 90 degree angles as they rise and fall, roads appearing at every angle and twisting as they all seem to bend in and replace one another.
Kokoro: This is some Doctor Strange stuff
Bruce: A Tesseract
Me:…And Kokoro, you see a giant ghostly ship sailing in the distance, it flies the jolly roger. Since you are a battle and history buff, you know that this is The Queen Anne's Revenge
Bruce: That is a cool name
Me: It is Blackbeard's ship
Kokoro: Wait what? Did it become a ghost?
Sadb: Certain items, once destroyed, can appear in the Underworld
Kokoro: Wow, um, lets keep going. We need to find a way out of here.
Mehket: If we wish to get control of the city, we will need a control rod. Items made to give we Antediluvians, access to certain city functions. Enoch can move, and it appears that even being sent to the underworld has not prevented that. With one that gives access to that ability, we should be able to surface the city and leave.
Kokoro: What would one look like
Mehket: Books, crowns, royal scepters, they vary
Lucian: I kept mine as a crown, though I believe that Grandfather's Throne would act as one
Mehket: Yes
Me: Mehket puts a hand on Basket and his dog, they teleport away. And over with Bruce, you are in a nuclear submarine piloted by soviet ghouls. What are you going to try to do
Bruce: Escape
Me: Remember that you have a bird and a human woman, and that this is a submarine.
Bruce: Oh, um, am I in charge?
Me: You failed to get memories from the diablerie, so…you don't think so.
Bruce: Do I have any idea of who is here
Me: You were given a rundown of the other members of the Soviet Killteam.*Puts in icons*
Kokoro: Wait a second, that is Annabeth Chase. Is the Filipino guy Percy Jackson?
Me: You can see is icon, zoom in, blow it up, and a bunch of other stuff. He is not Percy Jackson. Also, it is hard for me to get icons of Russian women who are not actors or from a fighting game.
Kokoro: That is fair
Me: So. The Russian woman is Roksana, she was a medic in world war 2, and is now a Lamia. Which are Necromancer Amazons, basically. She is the main one piloting the sub when it isn't the ghouls. There is this tall, bald guy, Ivan. He is a Tremere and another firearms expert, he also was in World War 2. Though as a vampire. Finally, there is a very buff guy with bulging muscles, he has a very bushy beard, you don't know his name, but everyone calls him Little Stalin. He is a Brujah, who was a member of the secret police.
Bruce: Mmmm, how do I get out of this.
Me: I don't think you know enough about Submarines to properly get out.
Bruce: Yeah, could I order someone to let me out
Me: That might get them to ask their other superiors about what is going on
Bruce: I guess I will wait
Me: So, you guys eventually reach a dock and come up. Ambrosio has everyone load up and does pull you aside to remind you that Abd used guns.
Bruce: I get guns
Me: do you want to spend xp on having the firearms skill?
Bruce: No
Me: You guys get out into what looks like a shipwreck of real and ghost ships all piled together into a kind of coral reef.
Bruce: I stay with them
Me: As you guys travel, you eventually see a group of vampires holding guns. They start shouting at you in a different language, to you, it sounds somewhat like ancient Egyptian.
Bruce: Oh, they just have guns
Me: They continue to shout, the Soviets shout at them in Russian, this pisses off the other guys who have one of them responding in Russian insults while they gesture with their guns to get on the ground, the Soviets refuse
Bruce: I get on the ground
Me: The soviets pause in the midsts of all of this, Ambrosio facepalms and the others are going "Mmm, maybe this is not Abd."
Bruce; Oh right, I am not me.
Me: The other vampires continue to shout, now in Russiian, saying that this is the Holy City of Enoch and only members of the True Black Hand may step upon its most sacred stones.
Bruce; I don't get why these people dislike each other
Me: Maybe the State Mandated Atheist Elder Hating Soviets would dislike the Antediluvian Worshipping Theocracy?
Bruce: Oh
Me: A shoot-out starts
Bruce: *remembers that guns are painful when he gets hit and heals* Uh, I shoot back *rolls really well despite dice penalty due to having disciplines that increase his number of dice.
Me: So, the Soviets start to drink and kill these guys to replenish blood. Do you join in?
Bruce: Nah
Me: Okay, I need you to do some rolls
Bruce: *Ends up lost in the catacombs of the city with the Soviets, decides to use his evil magic book as a compass, letting it pull him around*
Me: And with Kokoro, you guys are sailing into a proper dock, and see a little girl standing in the area where your guys would put the bridge to leave.
Kokoro: Ooooh no.
Me: Prince Noa gives you a dirty look while La Maupin rolls her eyes. What do you do when you dock?
Kokoro: Stare at the girl
Me: You see that her lips have been sewn shut with wire
Kokoro: I do not do anything, I wait to see if anyone else does anything
Me: The pregnant vampire, whose name you have not learned since you refuse to talk to her, stands up despite being in a lot of pain, and asks La Maupin for a knife, which she obliges, Set's mother then cuts the wire.
Kokoro: What happens
Me: The wire wriggles as if it is trying to sew itself back in, and the girl holds onto the dangling ends as they wriggle and writhe. The girl begins to talk in every language you have ever heard in a random jumble which does not make sense to you, this continued for a long time before she settles on English
Revenant Girl: I have been sent to help you, I am-Loz, Nergal, Ninmug, Al-Mahri, the blood is rising, Loz, Nergal, Ninmug, Al-Mahri…, Shaitan is awake and dwelling amongst the sword, his brother and sister sleeping as the slave nurses grudges, ah I hate that.
Kokoro: Why do you have wire on your lips?
RG: The True Black Hand, they took me to the Temple of Lilith, they carved spells into me, I did not like it, and I speak with the voices of four people.
Lucian: There is no Temple of Lilith in En…Mehket was right, they really did let Lilith worshippers in here.
La Maupin: I feel like the sun made out of souls would be a hint to that.
Surgeon General: This place is insane
Kokoro: Oookaaay, can you take us somewhere save
RG: Loz, Nergal, Ninmug, Al-Mahri, Loz Nergal Ninmug, Al-Mahri
Kokoro: Do I know who any of those are?
Me: Roll int+occult
Kokoro: *success*
Me: Nergal is a Mesopotamian god, but people also identify that as the name of one of the Baali Founders, Ninmug is a goddess of metalworkers, you aren't too familiar with the other two, but think there are place names that sound similar.
Kokoro: So she might be saying the names of the Baali founders
Me: Ninmug doesn't sound particularly evil
Bruce: Maybe she was an evil metalworker
Kokoro: Can you lead us to somewhere safe?
Me: Roll a d100
Kokoro: *Does okay*
Me: The girl leads you into the city and you end up in the slums, you see other people at times, some are human, some are vampires, a lot are ghosts, but all have this dead look in their eyes as they do manual labor, trudging on eventually while you are brought to a place which is run down and somewhat sunken underground, but is all young kids or teens, they are wearing rags and makeshift clothing, most have like spears, but a few have guns. The oldest one, a quarterback looking guy, steps forward and asks why you are here
Kokoro: We kind of fell here, would you happen to know where a control rod is
Me: They fucking stare
Kokoro: Nevermind, *looks to the Antediluvians* where could we find one
Sadb: I mostly worked under Ennoia
Ilyes: Mine would have been repurposed or given to the Lion
Lucian: There is Irad's slave pits, Malkav's gardens, the library, the palace, potentially the arena, the Pool of Zillah, temple of birth, and there is always the possibility of one of the homes having one. However, the Deluge could have moved things. mine own was with me in the Second City but destroyed in the revolt
Kokoro: I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO GO, um, kids, do you have a way to get around without trouble
Lead Kid: Nobody really knows how to navigate well, the city changes and moves. Archimedes helps a lot, like, actual Archimedes
Kokoro: Actually, why are you kids here
Revenant Girl: The Boogeymen come, and take us from our beds, then we are here, to be slaves and fed on, some become Boogeymen, and we serve.
Kokoro: This is a bad place
Sadb: Yes, I recommend the Pool of Zillah, it is a wonderful place and we should be able to see the future in its crystal waters
Me: and at that, the kids blink
LK: You mean the execution ground?
Kokoro: Um, they just said crystal waters
LK: The Tal-Mahe-Ra made a gallows over it and let the people the execute rot over it, then never clean it, so it is like a pit of blood and decay.
Me: You know how Ilyes says he has no emotions and Lucian wants to be a shadow monster
Kokoro: Yes
Me: Ilyes twitches while Lucian paints a smile on his face, teeth clenched together, and looks to the follower of Liliith
Lucian: You understand that these people include Lilith worshippers
Ilyes: There are more than these ones, and those of my blood claiming to be True Heirs of Temporis defile my name here, claiming to have no descent from the Lion.
Lucian: So, we are in agreement
Ilyes: Yes, genocide.
Me: You have seen this before in others, the point where someone is just on the edge of frenzy, roll empathy
Kokoro: *Success* they are really pissed off about this huh
Me: You get the feeling that to them, this is like coming home and finding that someone had a drunken orgy in their mother's garden that they used to help tend, and then the people shat all over it while saying that they improved it. Then they started to live in said home while painting it in vomit.
Kokoro: So, murderous rage
Me: So, bruce, when you get to where the book was leading you, there are three black coffins which seem to have grown out of the floor, and a space for a fourth where it seems that one had been removed. There is a grating sound in the distance. You know Egyptian, and can kind of read what is on these coffins. They say, Nergal, Ninmug, Al-Mahri. Ambrosio also seems to be able to read this, and he panics, immediately jumping on the one with the symbol for Nergal on it, and is trying to break it open, fails, and is ripping apart his nails trying to get purchase
Kokoro: Oooh, no. I get where he is coming from
Bruce: Stop, why are you doing that
Ambrosio: This is Nergal, Nergal, the Baali founder
Bruce: And why does that matter
Ambrosio: One of the Founderss of the Baali, the one who worships and wants to become a demon, the horrific dark lord of evil, someone who even Caine considered an abomination against decency and ordered every vampire to hunt down and kill. You know, Satan?
Bruce: Then don't mess with it
Ambrosio: I am going to kill him
Bruce: what if you wake him up
Ambrosio: What if he wakes up after we leave, this is something that needs to die.
Bruce; it might not be that nergal.
Me: You know the name Nergal due to your occult skill, even if this is not the Baali Nergal, it is still someone either names after or who inspired the Sumerian God of War and Disease, so you get the feeling that most people would not want him around based on just that. The other Soviets join in, trying to beat it open
Bruce; Why would they do that?
Me: They are Soviet Vampires who think that this is a vampire who actively tries to become Satan
Kokoro: This makes perfect sense, look, they are taking the chance that this doesn't work out, because it might be worse if he wakes up later and gets some steam rolling instead of when he is groggy.
Bruce: Okay *joins in and causes it to crack somewhat*
Me: Yeah, so can you both roll a d100
Kokoro: *over 80*
Bruce: *over 85*
Me: *rolls a d4* First, you hear a shuffling as an ancient man in robes approaches. He sees all of you and screams. "What are you doing, no stop stop!"
Bruce: I'm just doing what people tell me to do
Ambrosio: Stop negotiating and following the orders of CULTISTS
Bruce: Come on man
Me: Ambrosio seems to be trying to come up with a solution and sighs before staring at the man as the old man *looks at sheets* Wow, White Wolf is terrible at making sheets.
Kokoro: Why?
Me: this is an over three thousand year old warrior vampire and he is supposed to just have three brawl and two melee.
Kokoro: I…what?
Me: Yes, and I am ignoring this sheet because this is stupid. He grabs Ambrosio and lifts him up
Kokoro: These guys are terrible at making sheets.
Ambrosio: *uses power to find out secrets* Wait, you are Elimelech, the guy from the bible, how-
Me: This seems to piss off the old man who crushes Ambrosio's windpipe, do you do anything
Bruce: No
Me: Ambrosio *rolls* manages to just barely get a cut in with his sword, and you hear a crack as the Al-Mahri one opens, the cover grating as it is slowly slid back. A nearly petrified corpse coming out and you feel the presence basically flooring everyone to the ground as it climbs out, then, seemingly teleports to the combat, and sinks its fangs into the old man, instantly draining every drop of blood from his body, leaving the vampire as ash.
Kokoro:….Is this bad
Me: The corpse rapidly changes, taking the appearance of a young woman with tan skin and short dark hair, she addresses the Soviets.
Vampire: I am Aclima, Luluwa bat Hawwa, first woman born, where is my brother Qayin?
Kokoro: Is that?
Me: Yes
Kokoro: Second Generation?
Me: Bruce, your occult lets you know what according to some traditions, the reason for the whole Cain and Abel murder is because Adam went, "I have kids and know they need to make some, you know who makes good matches? God. I should ask God who should marry who, it isn't like it took three tries for me to have a wife, and that ended just swell."'
Bruce: Oooooh
Me: And so Adam went, "hey kids, make sacrifices to God so that he will tell you which of your sisters you should marry." And Cain, twin of Luluwa, gave this some side-eye when God said unto Abel. "Yeah, go have sex with your big brother's twin" and took issue with it, hence rock to head.
Kokoro: does god just like Himbos?
Bruce: So…is she second or first generation vampire
Me; You don't know
Bruce; is this the best result?
Me: The d100s was to see if one of the coffins opened and had someone wake up, the rolls to open the one you were banging on was for the situation that it would be in, and I did a secret roll to see which one woke up. You got First Vampire Queen.
Kokoro: ooh fuck
Me: And Ambrosio kneels before the woman
Ambrosio: I am Ambrosio, a child of Enigma, descendant of the Loyal Baali who slay both the Nergali and Molochim.
Kokoro: Ffffffff
Bruce: I'm not sure if anything is good or bad.