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General chat thread


If the text were readable, I'd set this as a new avatar. But at avatar size it wouldn't be, so let me just say I laughed for about 5 minutes straight upon seeing this.

(I'd been wishing that were an option several times before that scene.)
Never7. Okuhiko is the other male in the main cast, who acts like a pickup artist for most of the VN. In this particular scene he was chewing out one of the heroines for going out alone for the day with the protag... despite the fact that he was already involved with another of them. Said involvement resulted from him deceiving said other heroine into thinking he'd saved her life.
Someone tell me they can do magic eyes.

I could scarce believe mine.
Someone tell me they can do magic eyes.

I could scarce believe mine.
I can do them, but I'm not sure what that thing is supposed to be. I can make out a curved form, what are probably supposed to be legs, and either an oddly shaped head or an oddly shaped tail. But I do not recognize it.
Just a quick check in. Doing Longshoring training. I am fucking loving it. I am close to the dock, dressed like a jackass, and bombing about in a Vest, Helmet and Gloves for safety gear.

And my boots I stole from Garda.

I might still be depressed, but fucking hell, I am enjoying myself here. I feel I am among brothers. It is a strange feeling for a security guard.
Terrible shower thoughts - it must have been terrifying to be around megafauna like the T-rex during mating season. Like two skyscrapers bumping uglies with fire hoses.
I don't know where to ask this so might as well put this here, but for NSFW fiction titles, do they have to be SFW or can they be ripped straight outta compton pornos?

Example: SPACE RAPTOR BUTT INVASION(okay okay but you know what im getting at.)
Me: "Man I wish you could date Toriumi in persona 3, but you can't really date anyone much older than you in 4 so it's unlikely something like that will happen in 5"

Persona 5: *Adds four older women that you can date, one of them being a teacher*

*Me furiously wiping the sweat off my brow*

on an off note, anyone know if there's a discord?
Better than not waking up from them.
Not really. Dreams that you don't wake up from are usually forgotten; that's why some people say they "don't dream".

And, of course, if one didn't have such a dream in the first place, one would not wake up from it. And I could kinda do without having dreams where I'm put in such a hopeless situation that I sever two of my carotids.

I had yet another Slaaneshi dream, but this one actually wasn't as horrifying as usual. So of course after briefly waking up I dreamt about somebody harshly criticising my dream as though it were a bad fanfic and calling me a Mary Sue.

Fuck depression.
Today I learned that Macron married his high-school drama teacher. His parents sent him away to boarding school to split them up but, they started dating after he turned 17.

The (probably) next president of France lived out the plot of a Dr.P Hentai manga; Deathwings you wanna field that?
Today I learned that Macron married his high-school drama teacher. His parents sent him away to boarding school to split them up but, they started dating after he turned 17.

The (probably) next president of France lived out the plot of a Dr.P Hentai manga; Deathwings you wanna field that?
I'm not really the kind of person that care about such thing. My motto is that as long as they're good at their job, I couldn't give less of a shit about people's personal lives. They're their personal lives after all, what do they matter ?

Tough, I suppose it's traditional to some extend ? It's not the first time we'd have a president with a strange love life. I mean, at one point, we had a president who was well know to have a mistress that his wife was aware and approving of and nobody gave a shit back then, so it's not the first time one of our president would turn out to be an eroge protagonist. :p

Also, ANYTHING is better then Le Pen, regardless of how "scandalous" they are.
well I mean

it's not so much that I hold it against him exactly, I just thought it's weird (she was 41 when they started dating, 41/2+7 = 27.5, he was a full decade younger than that when they started dating so it's weird)

And honestly I was kinda surprised that I hadn't heard about it before now, I mean, because it's so weird though

I mean I woulda voted for him in the first round, if I was a French voter, and it's not like this changed that. (I don't wanna get into it more than that 'cuz we're already scuffing our toes against the "no politics" rule).

But I was like "that's such French Politics thing, both the weirdness and especially that the weirdness is a non-issue"
I briefly considered whether, (as a matter of potential future policy, not commentary on the current exution of policy) whether the intent o' Rule 8 would be better served by a ban specifically on divisive politics.

And then I felt stupid for even having thought that, givn how easily it could accidentally promote a situation where only the side that talks forst can talk. -_-
Still recovering from a migraine. Want to write but my brain is being very uncooperative rn.

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