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Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

well thats going to surprise the hell out of the imperium, a primarch basically treating the glops as if they were minions. And the fact that the orks have a human soul is hilarous when they are still screaming waagh lol
Imagine a bunch of middle-aged, chubby white guys running up to a daemon and beating it up with sticks.
Imagine a bunch of middle-aged, chubby white guys running up to a daemon and beating it up with sticks.

Love it,would that make the weirdboys, chubby middle aged rastafarians,
Or the paindocs chubby mad scientists.
Or the grots creepy little childen riding dogs while weilding kitchen knives.

Its also amusing to think of rednecks driving toyoto pickups as the form of their armored forces lol
Warhammer now needs to add the Emperor's greatest experiment humans with off brand ork powers better known as "Rednecks" the craftiness of rednecks and using the power of belief to enhance their sketchy as hell repairs/creations the army will never fall to attrition.
Trying to figure out how to fullfill the multiverse aspect of this story... I have had multiple ideas.
Grow big enough to exit the way he came in maybe?
Or help fix the Warhammer-verse and let the surviving/saved beings of power team up to punt Glop back out?
Warhammer 9
I was overseeing the invasion of the nest. We had managed to push further and further into the materium. I had a wargame map that I was showing to the Lamenters Chapter Master and he was helping organize my forces relatively well. His curse had been completely eaten by this point, not that he realized it. The effects were instant as he was less prone to anger or madness.

"What is that?" Chapter Master Phoros pointed at a fairly massive human. I blinked. Focusing on my other view before answering.

"I'm pretty sure that is a Primarch… It seems a Lamenter Glop Marine Squad found them." I said focusing on the man.

"By the Emperor… haha haha!" He broke down laughing in tears.

"Those White Scars are going to be envious. That's Jaghatai Khan! The Inquisition will not be able to stop our cooperation with his help."

"Seems the Glop Marines are helping with that. Khan is wearing them as you would wear power armor. Lamenter Glop Marine #10 is acting as both his eyes and claws. That glop is enjoying its existence cutting through daemons and the dark Eldar." I replied. It is weird to see how the Glops develop when I am not directly controlling them. The Green Glops have no thoughts beyond basic, while the ones trained by the Chapter Master have all developed their own individual unique personalities.

The Chapter Master focused again. "It seems the dark Eldar are grouping up at this spire in the city. I recommend we pressure it to prevent any rituals."

I focused on where he was pointing. I didn't see the Dark Eldar as Eldar, instead, I saw them as tall Asian people. It has made me realize that I see different aliens as different stereotypes of humans. Orks are hillbillies and rednecks. A human was stark white or black. Regardless of their original skin color. I don't mean brown. I mean pure black to the point they were almost vantablack and pure white. I wonder what the little people were in that case? What race in 40k could be related to a little person, I'll have to ask them later. Regardless, there were reasons for the perspective shift, but what those reasons were I do not know. I do realize I have quite a few Eldar in my territory now at least.

Regardless of how fascinating my perspective was, I should probably get back to focusing on the task at hand. The really strong Daemons cannot form at this nest anymore. Neither can the small ones either. It was now a battle of eradication. Once the last dark Eldar falls and the last daemon is driven out the nest will be officially conquered.

"We will have to alert the White Scars Legion of the discovery of Jaghatai Khan. They will be excited about the discovery of a Primarch in this day and age… What's with his eyes?"

"Uh, they are gone. That's why the glop is acting like his eyes, to give him the ability to see." I replied. Checking on the situation again. The Chapter Master frowned and I could feel a massive undercurrent of rage. Chapter Master Phoros was angry.

"The damnable daemons and dark Eldar will pay." I casually kept eating the rage that was emanating from him.

Then I focused. "For now let the Primarch work off his rage. I'll keep support up and keep an eye on him."

Huh? A large daemon just appeared… Well, let's line up the slime canon and, no wait. Never mind the Primarch just started to beat the hell out of it. The Glops acting as the man's armor are having the time of their lives.

Then I heard Chapter Master Tu Shan speaking. They had crossed over one of the gates again. "Glop, the Inquisition has sent a fleet. I need your assistance to prevent them from causing too much damage."

I split my attention, leaving one instance of myself with Chapter Master Phoros as I rapidly formed a Glop near Chapter Master Tu Shan. "What's going on?"

"The Inquisition declared Inquisitor Jarem a traitor, as well as calling the Salamanders a traitor legion."

I blinked, "What? How they shouldn't have the ability to do that without investigation."

He was frustrated as well, "They shouldn't. Someone is overreaching. Someone wants us out of this region, it's likely someone in charge has been committing heresy. The Daemons likely don't want us to assist you anymore. So they are reaching where it would hit hardest."

"Did they send another Legion?"

Then he frowned. "No, only a bunch of Inquisitors. This is strange, cause the Inquisition shouldn't have a Legion of ships this far out."

I began to focus. The influence of the materium should change the land of the immaterial realm… Oh. "They are Heretics," I said with certainty.

"You have proof?" He said, narrowing his eyes.

"There is a trail of daemonic influence stretching into your region. Plus with everything else, I wouldn't be surprised if there were actual Daemons on those ships." I focused again, "Did they provide identification?" I asked.

"No… in fact they did not. Not officially. They only came and declared what they intended."

I smiled. "This reeks of the Tzen Daemon God. That one is a master of plots. It's likely that it is trying to drive a wedge between us. They do not want the Emperor to return in any way."

"Why do you sound so happy about that?"

I laughed. "Simple! It means I have test subjects! You see, since they are chaos tainted they are influenced by the Immaterium. It's possible that I could use them as a test to see if I can replicate the way Daemons travel into the materium. If I can do that… whose to say I can't do it vise verse?" My grin was feral now. Imagining ambushing the Chaos from outside of my encirclement.

The Chapter Master froze for a moment… thinking about it. "I see… if you can pull what the daemons do with Psychers with your soldiers… you could strike them from here. Confirming their influence."

My gloppy body jumped with excitement. "I should go test now!" My other self was focusing on dealing with the nest. Let's see if I can figure out how to do this.
wanted this to be longer, but I'm a bit tired. May be a few errors cause half of it was written at work on mobile. Feel free to leave me tabbed on twitch to support me! I'm doing something IRL but when I'm done I'm going to be doing some Dead By Daylight Trapper games.
Huh, as you've mentioned DbD, I come to realise I've never seen a fic with MC as The Entity. Few with various Survivors and maybe one with a Killer but at the end of the day, they all were kinda meh.
Huh, as you've mentioned DbD, I come to realise I've never seen a fic with MC as The Entity. Few with various Survivors and maybe one with a Killer but at the end of the day, they all were kinda meh.
I tried that but failed miserably. Will likely try that again one day in the future. But not at the moment.
I tried that but failed miserably. Will likely try that again one day in the future. But not at the moment.

I'm not surprised actually. It's kinda hard to create a benevolent Entity with what we know is its canon behavior and general modus operandi. Stray far away enough from malevolent Entity and you have to change the whole "Idea" behind Dead By Daylight. Even writing an Evil Entity, or canon one, would be hard as not to make the whole thing boring quickly.
I'm not surprised actually. It's kinda hard to create a benevolent Entity with what we know is its canon behavior and general modus operandi. Stray far away enough from malevolent Entity and you have to change the whole "Idea" behind Dead By Daylight. Even writing an Evil Entity, or canon one, would be hard as not to make the whole thing boring quickly.
Actually, I was thinking of keeping the idea I had originally, but expanding on it. Doing something similar to Terror Infinity where the characters would go through different scenarios inorder to gather 'points' which can be used to redeem things from the SI entity. Say like there would be single and multiplayer type scenarios. With the entities power you won't actually perma die in the scenarios unless you have no more emotions left to consume.
That's actually a neat idea. To say the truth, for some reason, the first thing that came to mind was The Saw but with a twist.
It's still in "Idea" phase, or do you have some semblance of Lore, Background, Motives or System behind everything?
I got everything I need to write it. I haven't cause I am already working on a lot.
War hammer 10
Charles was having a good day. Their god was happy with their progress, and the Space Marine loyalists were having a troublesome time. With the infighting caused by their personification of the Inquisition. Course they had to watch their behavior and act as close as they could to the loyalist scum's worst force. Regardless. It was manageable. Plus, the Alpha Legion Space Marines would do nicely for a final surprise. They wouldn't even realize what was going on.

Then there was a knock on the door. Charles frowned in annoyance. There shouldn't be anyone knocking at this time. He opened the door. Seeing no one. "Someone playing a damnable prank? You better not let me catch you or you will become today's sacrifice!" Or well. One of today's many sacrifices actually. A new gateway to disrupt the parasite was needed with the Dark Eldar city under attack. There was a squelching sound beneath. I looked down at a Purple Ball of Slime.

"Damn." That was the last word out of the man's mouth as the Glop shot out a tentacle and ripped them apart.

"Sneak Sneak Glop Alpha 102 reporting. The upper floors have been cleaned." the Slims spoke to the air.

"Gud job git! Keep being sneaky git and show Glop, Gork, and Mork, How well you've taken to training under me, Big Boss Hidden Claw!"

"Ye Boss! We shall we show them the kunnin of Mork and ram this flya into the other flya?"

There was silence for a moment before grand laughter echoed out. "I luv it ya git! Show them the kunnin of Mork!"

"Aye Aye Boss!"

Then the ship started to change course. The vox started calling out as the other ships attempted to contact it. But it was too late. The ships were too close together in space for evasive maneuvers to be used. This happened to several of the other ships as well. In a few minutes the entire "Inquisition" force had been turned into blood baths. On the wreckage fighting began between the Orky Purple Glops and the Chaos Space Marines of Alpha Legion.

Back in the Glops Territory Influence a massive redneck was smiling and wiping a tear from his eyes. "So proud of those sneaky gits!" He said as he watched the situation on the war table. Across from him was a green Glop. Who had only one thing to say.

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Btw to all those that leave me tabbed when I am streaming. Thank you! It does help quite a lot. I am actually close to my first ever payday from twitch. It took two months to get there but after I make 8 more bucks from ads I get 50$ from twitch. Very excited about it.
Warhammer 11
Of course, I wouldn't let a resource like the Orks go unused. They were training my more unconventional glop legions. The Sneak Glops, Splodin Glops, and Thinkin Glops were massive boons to my forces. I figured using the backdoor that was provided to me I could invade the fake inquisition forces with my Sneaking Glops. They took to it like an Ork does a Waaaagh!!!. Of course, it was not easy to get them to actually train my Glops. I had to act like something like Gork and Mork. Glop wasn't a very Orky name. Or well, I thought it wasn't one. I was proven wrong when they took to my existence like water. The Warbosses each got themselves a legion of Glops. 300,000 Glops each. They were each competing to be the best. I only chose three of them. Depending on the way their Orks acted. Thus I got myself a Legion of Weird Boys, a Legion of Sneaky Boys, and a Legion of Flaming Boys. I say flaming, cause they are covered in fire and will not stop burning. I'm pretty sure my Glops were Orkified.

Regardless. They were not as effective as the Space Marine Glops. However, I couldn't deny they were useful in other situations. For one, the Orkified Glops didn't seem to end. They replicate similarly to the Orks and grow rapidly. It also starts my next projects. I'm always engineering new weapons against the Chaos, and I wasn't stopping. The power of the Primarch was envious to me. Thus I started to work on a Glop that could do what I could do, but with its own independent thought and power. It was not going well. I have a feeling eventually I'll succeed at it. But it will take a while. I'm playing with a large portion of my soul in the creation of these Primarchs. I'm thinking of taking a similar route the Emperor did and using a soul seed to grow them the necessary way. That way they become as powerful as I am.

Regardless, it is a long-term project. We are currently spearing our way towards the other end of the tunnel leading directly to the Emperor, and in doing so the resistance is growing. More and more daemons are appearing that are less and less afraid of true death. Leviathans, Giants, and Corrupters. The Bloodthirsters were annoying as well, as they never seemed to just die. Took forever to take them down and when you took them down another would take its place after a couple of minutes.

Well, there is one more piece of information that I have been mostly repressing.


[UncleNurgle: Why would I? I'm just sharing the accomplishments of my kids!]

[AnethemicEmperor: I agree with the slime. Shut up.]

[ThirstyBitch: I don't know, I rather enjoyed the sounds of the latest venture.]

[GlopsRLife: Why do you think we want him to shut up ya bitch?!]


[GlopsRLife: lol, no head here. Just glop.]

[ChangeIsInevitable: I don't know, maybe he will stop trying to attack you if you stop trying to assist the Anathema.]

[GlopsRLife: Emperor what do you have to say about that?]

[AnethemicEmperor: Fuck them up. When I get off this damn throne I'll rip them to shreds myself.]

[GlopsRLife: I prefer the Emperor's Answer. Time to go back to tuning you all out.]

Yeah. That's a thing. Got a chatroom in my head. Apparently, it was made just to annoy the Emperor and I managed to get into it when I grew large enough. It's really annoying cause they will basically try to tear you down if you pay attention too much. But they do leak information on accident occasionally that can allow you to gain decent ground in the Immaterial realm. The Emperor will occasionally use it to alert people that are about to get attacked and prevent major areas important to the Imperium from falling. The Emperor tried to talk to me, to limited effect once. He gets spammed over when we try to talk to one another. But he does know of me and he doesn't disapprove of my actions. But I did get a piece of information that was really important to act on. The location of another Primarch. Magnus the Red.

The Emperor ordered I capture him. But not kill him. I am unsure why. But I believe Khan will prove to be useful in retaking Magnus. I've started working on a prison to contain Magnus till the Emperor can personally deal with him. So it's about time to speak to Jaghatai Khan myself. I prepped myself mentally as he approached the Chapter Master and me.
You can leave me tabbed on twitch to support me! I'm wanting to play some games for a bit.
I'm thinking of taking a similar route the Emperor did and using a soul seed to grow them the necessary way. That way they become as powerful as I am.
I am already foreseeing the glrop-horus heresy
Yeah. That's a thing. Got a chatroom in my head. Apparently, it was made just to annoy the Emperor and I managed to get into it when I grew large enough.
The Emperor ordered I capture him. But not kill him. I am unsure why. But I believe Khan will prove to be useful in retaking Magnus. I've started working on a prison to contain Magnus till the Emperor can personally deal with him. So it's about time to speak to Jaghatai Khan myself. I prepped myself mentally as he approached the Chapter Master and me.
Ah, the TTS timeline. good choice.
Honestly I like TTS better than original flavor
you know that the "Glop" near Jaghatai will turn into a Mongolian Horde by proximity. Glop horses ( capable of holding the Khan and space marine ) carrying Glop Marine charging until Jaghatai finishes venting.
The Emperor ordered I capture him. But not kill him. I am unsure why. But I believe Khan will prove to be useful in retaking Magnus. I've started working on a prison to contain Magnus till the Emperor can personally deal with him. So it's about time to speak to Jaghatai Khan myself. I prepped myself mentally as he approached the Chapter Master and me.

Poor Magnus boutta get Slime'd.

you know that the "Glop" near Jaghatai will turn into a Mongolian Horde by proximity. Glop horses ( capable of holding the Khan and space marine ) carrying Glop Marine charging until Jaghatai finishes venting.

Nah, it's the White Scars Primarch so it won't be horses.

...It'll be horse-themed Jet Bikes. Which, of course, will make Magnus far more jealous furious. :V
Interesting now The Emperor is supporting Glop

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