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Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

Warhammer 12
"WHAT?! WE HAVE TO CAPTURE THAT TRAITOR!?!?" Jaghatai Khan was, as expected, really angry. I gave my best equivalent to a shrug.

"That's what I was told. The Emperor couldn't get much over the shouting of the daemons." I replied while keeping a side eye on the frontline. Tzen sent more daemons to fight with me. That one really does not want me touching Magnus. Who apparently couldn't leave where he was at the moment cause he was researching something called the Black Library.

"We cannot ignore the will of the Emperor. What about pushing to the other end of the tunnel?" Chapter Master Phoros asked. I showed a map, a massive map using my Glop.

"We won't be sending everyone to Magnus. I'm hoping that Primarch Khan here will take a Legion of Glops to push at Magnus's location. While the Primarch is doing that we will continue our assault further to the tunnel while destroying the Dark Eldar Cities in our path. The Daemons are using those cities to make stronger Daemons to attack us with. The more we crush and filter out, the easier our push toward the other end of the tunnel will be." I said, showing examples using the malleability of my body.

""Which Legion?"" Chapter Master Phoros and Chapter Master Tu Shan both spoke at the same time. I give both of them a look. This isn't the time to be fighting over credit.

"The Salamander Glop Legion. They would be more effective in this instance. That Daemon God forces are quite weak to the Salamander Glops. They would be an effective force for Primarch Khan to use. I'll also send a Legion of standard Glops to follow Primarch Khan's example, so he will have a Legion of Glops on his own to use." I said, mentally separating more Glops from the whole.

"Wait, so you are saying I'll have an army of these little guys?" Khan said, pointing to the Glop on his shoulder.

I nodded, or well, shook my body. "Yes. They will learn from you and take on aspects related to you the more action you see. Like how Chapter Master Phoros and Chapter Master Tu Shan did."

He had a massive grin on his face. "Hear that little guy? We are going to get you some battle brothers!" The glop spun in place… Why is the Glop acting like a cute child?! Oh well. Not much I can do about that.

"What about the White Scars? They would wish to meet with the Primarch before he goes off on this mission." Chapter Master Tu Shan said.

A sigh came out of me. "They will have to wait. The Emperor's orders can't be ignored. The only one I know capable of containing a Primarch would be another Primarch. Primarch Khan here is the only one we have access to."

Primarch Khan nodded. "Glop here is right. If Magnus must be captured instead of killed. It is best if I deal with them. Plus it will allow me to show the damned chaos why they shouldn't have messed with me."

"On that note. I actually have some Missions for your Legions on the materium side Chapter Master Phoros and Chapter Master Tu Shan." They focused on me. Prepared for the worst. The Glop I was using as a map unflattened itself, instead taking the shape of a cube, adopting a more transparent color as it started to show a star chart. Several locations were immediately highlighted.

"I need you to go to these worlds and recover the STC's located there."

"So many?!?" Chapter Master Phoros spoke first, shocked.

I nodded. "Yes. I've found several corrupted AI souls that I had to clean up. In the leftover data, I found these. I'm unsure how intact these STC's are, but I do know a lot of them are corrupted. I'll be sending a Legion of my newly named Purifier Glops with both of you to clean the Chaos taint off the STCs, your Tech-Priests should be able to do the rest."

"Abominable Intelligence was holding back on us." A new voice interrupted us, Tech-Priest Gera spoke.

I nodded, "Yes. For some reason, the A.I.s of the Dark Age of technology refused to actually tell us the truth. It took a bit of work to get them to spill what they actually know. I'm not sure why the humans of old tried to put so many logical inconsistencies within the A.I."

"You're blaming ancient humanity for the failings of the abominable intelligence Glop?" Tech-priest Gera spoke, letting out a bit of anger.

I shrugged. "Possibly. It's hard to tell, honestly, I'd probably blame the Eldar for this. It fits their M.O."

The Tech-priest was still mad, but at someone else now. "How?"

"Do any of your know why A.I. is considered an Abominable Intelligence?" They all nodded no.

I sighed, "Time for a history lesson then. A long time ago, during the Golden Age of Humanity, Humans were at their peak. Our culture was unsurpassed, our technology was far beyond its time, and our power was strong. The Emperor hadn't needed to reveal himself at this time, preferring to instead watch as humanity developed. We grew so advanced that we started to use machines… a lot of machines. Machines were part of humanity from the bottom up. To the point where they made the Men of Iron. Machines dedicated solely to waging war in humanity's stead. A.I. powered Human Society, controlled the Men of Iron, and even assisted in progressing science. In only a few dozen years we would start to surpass even the peak of the Eldars Empire."

They were entranced by my words. "Some factions in the Eldar. Namely, those with Farseerers took offense to this. They refused to see humans as more than animals that they could occasionally have fun with. So these factions decided to make a move. They started by setting off a chain of events that would cause Humanity to remove its human lead armada. The United Navy was disbanded and completely replaced by the Men of Iron in totality. But this would have been fine, perfect even. But the Eldar had messed with the A.I.s logic templates. Causing a virus, a virus that would spread. Unknowingly the Eldar had played right into the Daemon Gods' hands."

"You see, the Chaos Gods had eyes on this mechanical army of humanity, and they wanted it. It was a direct line into controlling the Material Realm. The virus that the Eldar had caused to appear? It allowed the Chaos Gods to directly corrupt the A.I. of the Men of Iron, and every other A.I. thus forth. Then we reach the Men of Iron's last service to humanity. The A.I. that hadn't been corrupted yet, had warned Humanity of the Men of Iron's upcoming rebellion. Causing a devastating war to break out. But it was an inevitable defeat. The Men of Iron had been too corrupted, leaving the loyalist A.I. with very few forces to fight back with." The entire time I was speaking, the glop cube had been showing them the forces of the past.

"But the unity of A.I. and Man was too powerful. It allowed Humanity to push back, to destroy the Men of Iron. But the damage had been done. Humanity had been fractured, and the foundations of the Age of Strife had been put into place. As far as the Eldar were concerned. They were successful. Humanity would no longer threaten their dominance." Then I laughed, a grim and evil laugh.

"Then they murder fucked a Daemon God into existence completely screwing their entire race." The Glop showed the complete collapse of the ancient Eldar Empire, and an uncountable amount of lives erased in an instant.

"Leaving only the Chaos as the winners… Except humanity had one final fallback. One final line of defense against the forces that be." I showed the Emperor in his full glory starting the Imperium.

There was silence as they processed the information.

"How did you get all this information?" Chapter Master Tu Shan spoke.

"Memories of the past reside in the immaterial realm. You just have to look for them."
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The old one final demise too. Enslaver came out from their fear of being "enslaved" if they lost the war against Necron / C'tan. ( aka they feared having the same fate as the Necron. Because of course them being arrogant assholes assumed the C'tan would prefer having them as slaves over the Necron. )

With the Birth of the Enslaver ( practically Proto daemon ), the few surviving Old ones got munched by them.
Yeah, I was having a good time writing this one. I'm playing some DBD now tho.
As always, in 40k it's important to remember the age-old adage: "It's all those fucking elves fault."
Not only in Warhammer. No matter where you look, you almost always find that elves fuck something up for the rest of the world.

Dwarves were right all along, fucking elves.
We got a lot of votes for Halo, should be an interesting next universe.
Also if you happen to have Amazon Prime you can give me Bezo bucks by using Twitch Prime on my twitch :p

The votes close when the next update is pushed out which will likely be either tomorrow or the day after depending on how much brainpower I have.
Not only in Warhammer. No matter where you look, you almost always find that elves fuck something up for the rest of the world.

Dwarves were right all along, fucking elves.

Damn right. Those tree hugging, girly looking knife ears are always screwing something up for everyone else. Mostly because they don't care about life that isn't their own.
Will Glop leave behind his legions for the Imperium when he leaves for another world, or will they follow along with him? Would be neat if there ended up being legions with glop members just spread out through the imperium after he leaves.
Will Glop leave behind his legions for the Imperium when he leaves for another world, or will they follow along with him? Would be neat if there ended up being legions with glop members just spread out through the imperium after he leaves.
Hope he will own this reality, because if he finish helping Emps getting rid of Chaos God's, he'll theoretically "conquer" it. As he will own it, he will know more or less what is happening there all the time.
Or he could just create a link with this plane. Like in MTG.
Or something similar or something
Started up my stream and I have started to write, please leave me tabbed if you can, I can use the ad rev.
Warhammer 13
Elsewhere, on the frontlines of the Glop vs Daemon battlefield.

There was a moan of delight, as a Daemonette was ripped apart. Many Daemonettes and Bloodletters fought together against the Glop army, although occasionally they would turn on one another. However, that was child play in comparison with the fight between a massive glop and a bloodthirster. Green goo would fall from the wounds of the giant glop, onto more Daemons, which would then consume those daemons to make smaller Glops. The fight in this particular area was getting stronger, as Chaotic Energy increased massively despite the Glop's own energy calming the Immaterium at the same time. Then it happened. Something in the materium caused the area to change, as the ground beneath the daemons and Glops fell and broke apart, as a planet merged with the immaterium for a time. A warp storm capable of bringing a world into the Immaterium had occurred for a brief moment, causing everything in the area to disappear, before a new ground formed. But the damage had been done.

In the material realm, on a world that had very few touches from the Imperium, chaos had erupted. There were only three forces in this world originally. King Overith of the Argen Empire, a small Imperium of Man Outpost, and the Chaos Cultists. It had been abandoned for some time by the Imperium of Man. However, a massive ritual was made by the Cultists, one that sacrificed thousands of lives to cause a warp storm. To separate the Imperium of Man outpost from the rest of the Imperium of Man. So they could turn this into a world dedicated to the worship of the Chaos Gods. Thus Daemons had been brought forth into this world.

And at the same time, Glops had been brought forth into the materium as well. The Bloodthirster of the earlier battle was giddy as they started to do lasting damage against the Giant Glop, and the Giant Glops' blood was no longer making smaller glops. Instead, there was a goo on the ground that was unmoving. Dead. Elsewhere Tzeentch cackled as their plan came to fruition. They had finally found a weakness in the parasite. It just required forcing the parasite into the Physical Realm. However, the Bloodthirster didn't get to laugh for long, as the glop formed scythes and cut the Bloodthirster apart. The Glops' method of battle completely changed. When in the Immaterium they used pure force to rip the Daemons apart. When in the material world, they changed their bodies into blades and cut them to shreds.

Tzeentch was angry now. Their plot was a success. But it didn't make the Glops helpless. The Glops knew how to fight Daemons in the Material Realm. Khorne on the other hand laughed. He knew of the Glops' capabilities in the material realm already. Khorne had sent a small fleet of his cultists to act as Inquisitors to separate the Imperium of Man and Glop earlier. He wanted to see someone else embarrass themself instead of sharing what he had discovered. Plus, he was a god of war. There was no way he would let others know his military secrets.

Groundside, Afirma [World Name]

A child wept inside his thatch hut. His parents had gone out to fight the invading enemies. But the fighting outside fell silent. He hid under the bed. Then something, something inhuman came through the door. He recognized the feet, it was his father… but something was wrong. His father was leaking blood… and in his father's hands was the head of his mother. He gasped. A big mistake, as the bed was flipped into the wall. His father's face had been twisted and flayed. They were grinning at the boy.

"How nice, a young soul to celebrate this new body." The thing rasped out. Before leaping at the boy, who screamed… and then the boy opened his eyes. The thing was still as a bloody spear had gone straight through its body. Then the spear moved, tossing the body off of itself. Revealing it not to be a spear, but an attachment to a ball of slime. The spear-like tail shook itself free of the blood. Before it began to speak.

"Hey, kid? Are you hurt?" The boy didn't answer. His eyes were wide.

"Ah, shock. I see… Don't worry, you can have all the time you want to get your bearings. We are cleaning up the rest of the daemons here now." The glop said. "I'll be right here to protect you till you get your bearings… just let me get this out of view for now." It proceeded to drag the body out of the hut. The boy saw a peak of what was going on outside. Inhuman monstrosities had been cut to pieces, and there were more green slime things going around moving bodies and cleaning up everything. There must have been hundreds out there.

The boy sat on the floor. His bed was stuck in the wall… and he cried.

Afirma, Imperial Outpost.

"Damned Heretics! I knew this would be trouble." Inquisitor Hassaph was pissed. The Cultists had grown under this Afirma Empires' nose simply because they refused to recognize the legitimacy of the Inquisition or the Imperium of Man. If they had an exterminatus they would have just removed this blight of a world after the third disagreement. Instead, they had to set up shop. Because at least it could be used a world to warn the other worlds when an invasion would happen. It gained the term border world since it wasn't part of the Imperium of Man despite the Inquisitor's best efforts. If it was part of the Imperium an Imperial Guard regiment could have been stationed here to use against the damned heretics and daemons.

There was a knock at the door. "Cadet Drivers reporting important information."

The Inquisitor kneaded his forehead. "Come in Cadet." The door opens to a young man.

"Inquisitor, I bring news. It appears the Emperor has graced us in our time of need." The man spoke. Before pulling up a piece of paper, a picture of green slime was displayed. "These things are apparently an ally to the Imperium according to Inquisitor Timur."

Inquisitor Timur? That name was familiar. Ah yes. They were sent to another planet further in with the Lamenters. A cursed position it was, working with the Lamenters. Someone higher up must have disliked Inquisitor Timur. Still, "Is the identity confirmed."

"Yes Sir. They have credentials and everything. A Legion of Space Marines is on the planet now. These… Glops apparently allowed them to cross through the Warpstorm to get here."

Laughter rang out. "Maybe we can knock out two birds with one stone. We can get rid of the damned cultists, and bring this world under the banner of the Emperor. They won't be able to say no to a Space Marine Legion! I'm going to the vox caster. Cadet, you are to go to our records and drag up everything you can against the Empire of Afirma. I'll convince the Space Marines to help drag the people here back under the Imperium of Man." Either that King submits, or he will no longer be a king anymore.
Noproblemo, been keeping you tabbed the last couple of days.
Do I need to register tho? I've just been watching as 'guest' I think.
Warhammer 14
POV: Primarch Jaghatai Khan

Perspective Matters in the Immaterium. It can change everything. Glop Vision changes the chaos of the Immaterial and that matters, heavily matters. Originally I had viewed the chaos as space, something that was hard to traverse, with random pathways we know as the web ways… but with Glop Vision? It's an ever-expanding world. You can walk from one area to the next with no problem at all. It was a massive game changer as it was nearly impossible for the Daemons to sneak attack, or hide. Because they didn't perceive the world the same way the Glops did. Perception changed how you traveled the chaos as well. There were areas that were unreachable in my original perception, yet now only a step away now.

It was fascinating, and given to me by these little green guys… "Whose my adorable murder slime! You, yes you are my adorable little murder slime!" I watch the small Glop jump in happiness. The behavioral difference between the 'prime' Glop and the younger Glops are massive. Where the 'prime' Glop does a large amount of thinking and work, the younger ones just know how to fight. These ones were apparently one of the Lamenter Legions Glop. They were going to be swapped out for Salamander Glops, but I convinced them to let me keep this squad.

While we are traveling I put my Glop Legion through training. Harsh Training. The Glops take to it like water, apparently, physical training does actually help them. They actually get physically stronger and they take to the mentality of the one training them quickly. The physical characteristics also change depending on who trains them. The Slimes following me were starting to turn whiter and started to grow horns. Attempting to replicate the appearance of my legion the White Scars. With a few differences.

Regardless, we are slowly approaching the Eye of Terror. Which looks like a massive hill through Glop Vision. It was covered in chaotic castles and mazes. The good thing was that I was targeting a tower that practically screamed NERD to the top of its lungs. If I look closely I can see the bookworm pouring over books through the window. A bit more bloody than usual, but still nerdy. So my brother hasn't changed too much. But with his soul taken by the Chaos, we will have to restrain him.

I glanced back at the army of Glops following me. They were constantly changing, trying to improve themselves constantly. Trying to follow my example. To become stronger, and more respectable. The Salamander Glops took the lead, melting down any Daemons that got in the way. The Glops that were instructed to follow me and learn from it? Hated it. I could tell, with Glop's vision you can feel the jealousy focused on the Salamander Glops. I focused on the Glop that bounded next to me. A link to the Prime Glop. "Glop, why are you so interested in helping humanity?"

The Glop shuddered for a second, as I felt the presence of the Prime Glop manifest. "Why? Hm, probably cause of a similar reason to the Emperor."

"That would be."

He shrugged. "Potential. Not all humans are terrible, and not all humans are good. They are each individually different. But when they try, they can do amazing things. For example, something everyone likes to forget, humanity was getting to the point where we could rival the Eldar Empire at its peak. That is insane, considering the Eldar were created by godlike beings to help fight an eternal war. The Eldar started with everything and had the ability to change reality itself, yet Humanity was going to match it."

I decided to point out something I noticed. "Despite all the bad you say about the Eldar… you don't seem to hate them?"

He shrugged. "The main thing I dislike about the Eldar aside from arrogance is their Farseerers."

"I sense there is a bigger reason than them seeing the future?"

He burst out, "THEY DON'T!" He said it with such force and certainty the ground almost cracked with his presence.

But… "What do you mean?"

"They don't actually see the future! They guess it! They are seeing the damned past! You don't see the future through the warp, the warp collects emotional information and historical events. You can use that information to predict the future. But you can't actually see the future. What's more, this information can be twisted by the entities of the warp. What an Eldar Farseer does is take a massive amount of information that their mind can't handle, and the mind filters that into a dream, which they call visions. It doesn't tell them the future, it just shows them possible events!" He spoke with vigor and certainty.

"You speak from experience?" I said, reading between the lines.

"I pour over information from the past constantly Primarch Khan. I've seen what the Eldar have seen. I've done the same Farseeing thing they do, with far greater accuracy. It does not work the way they think. They see a possibility and overreact massively. It's not entirely accurate when you don't have enough information as well. They never actually saw the creation of the Daemon God of Lust. They saw the possibility of them having to respect what they saw as a lower race and threw a hissy fit. Normal Eldar is fine in my eyes. But these Farseers? I'd execute them in a heartbeat."

"But I have heard of Farseers that have done well?" I asked, confused.

He focused on me. "When a Farseer has done well, has it ever positively benefited everyone else? Has it ever truly hurt the Chaos Gods?"

I grew silent. "No… it hasn't. Delayed them sometimes, but never truly doing lasting damage."

"There is my point. What is the point of interfering when you already know what they will do is pointless overall? That is the problem with Farseers. Chaos can predict them, manipulate them, and change them with ease. They rely on the Immaterium for their visions, and the Chaos can manipulate the Immaterium. That is why I dislike the Farseers so much." Glop replied his righteous anger was starting to melt the ground behind us… then he calmed down. Releasing a sigh, he spoke again.

"Regardless, even knowing that you can't do much against Farseer shenanigans. They get a full read on you through the immaterial. They can predict your every move depending on how good they are at it, and can legitimately force you to follow the timeline they predicted. It's near impossible to truly counter it beyond erasing your presence in the Immaterial Realm. But no one knows if that is even possible. If it was the Imperium might not have ever formed with the leadership of the Federation being completely unpredictable. Hmm? I got to go focus on the frontline Primarch Khan… this was a good talk."

Then he left, huh, it was more like he talked and I listened. Still, I got a lot of important information out of the Glop this time.

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