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Sorry this fic has been deleted
Space between paragraphs would make this look better, specially in mobiles.
Dats an enormous block of text. I mean that's a big ol' boy. DAMN GIRL HE THICC BOY HE THICC.
Nice. Thanks.

Edit: okay just read the first "chapter". Tossing my dislike for Xianxia assholes and Wannabe Xinxia protags outta window, this chapter came across as less of a story and more of a Inventory List with live commentary of a Aspirant Chuuni. Wordcount and grammar were OK, and hopefully the rest of the chapters ahead will have less Lists and more action.

After all, if your main goal is to start your protag off already as the Biggest of OP!Grey!Independent!OC-MC you'd only need a minimum of an update in skills... Like, you could have an index with your massive Char sheet filled with EX super skillz and in the main story just have a spoiler (like it was a game window) on what he gained or lost.

Overall? It's like a lot of gamer fics, and like them, I shall watch and perhaps even enjoy them so keep up the fun work mate.
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What is this I see? A Campione story!? How exciting! Continue good sir, it's so hard to find one nowadays.

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