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---A/N This is a Gundam Celestial forge story. Basically, the premise is that the protagonist...
Perk List
Anaheim Degree (200 CP- Nondiscounted): You have the knowledge (and the paper to prove it to people and shove in their faces to establish superiority) of how to build MS. It's trickier than it looks, honestly. Weight balances, servo designs, energy reserves- it's all down to a science and you know how to build the basics. Who knows what you can learn from a bit of hands-on training...

EXO-WOMB (100) Freefall
The first generation of Bowman's Wolves were gestated in dogs with genetically modified red wolf DNA. Now you can have your future generations be developed in a more controlled environment. Simply insert one or more viable biological samples that are no smaller than a single drop of blood into the receptacle and this will provide a perfect and indestructible environment for the child. If you are one of the donors, any perks relating to children and inheritance may apply. It takes the typical amount of time and only works with organisms of the same species unless you have perks to alter that.
No new perks this time, I got unlucky on RNG, but I will put down the orb nobility perk as its an inherent part about this Sai as well as the mobile suit perk:
Noble: You belong to a noble family of Orb (or at least a very influential family in your home country if not from Orb) in practice this means your given a rather extreme amount of social leeway... and if you do anything really impressive expect to be used for propaganda purposes. You've also got a big fancy house somewhere out in the country to live in. [Discount Orb]
Mass Production Mobile Suit (One Free All- 100 CP afterwards): The GM. The Jegan. The Zaku II. The Gun-EZ. The Den'an Zon. They are not powerful; they are not the best of the best, for they are designed for the common soldier. Everyone starts out piloting one of these, just gotta work your way up. (Or like the higher-up on the faction ladders, just buy a better one.) - RGM-89R Jegan A type

-The Right Tools For The Job (-100, free Service Industries)
Every job requires tools, be they a socket wrench, measuring tape, a hand saw, or mop. So long as it is either mundanely accessible without background checks or you already have it, you can summon a copy of any tool you need. This only applies to when you're cleaning, fixing, building, or other material-based preparation. You can't directly use it in combat and you can't use the material of the tool itself.
-Forceful Engineer 200 Darth Bane Trilogy
Force sensitive individuals and species have created wondrous unions of engineering genius and Force energies. Prisons to hold eldritch nightmares, holocrons and seemingly infinite factories that strip entire stars for the resources needed for your unending fleets. You are inspired when it comes to the design of such marvels, even being able to use the Light Side for unseen effects. This brilliance extends beyond the Force into the wider realm of 'Magitek'. The potential trichotomy of Machine, 'Magic' and The Force could give birth to near unimaginable wonders for the inventive mind.
Force Sensitive
(Free for all Origins, but varied per Origin) - The Force is what gives a Jedi, or a Sith, his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together. You are a member of a small percentage of the galactic population that can tap into and utilise the Force to effect the world around you.
Perks showcased (note others were rolled, but I will reveal them when they appear in story)
Mobile Suit Mechanic (200cp)
Where did you pick up this skill? Were you an engineer during the war, or taught by a kindly family member in its aftermath? Whatever your situation, you know everything there is to know about the building, maintenance, and repair of Mobile Suits. From the alloys in their armor, to the generators powering them, to the intricate joints in every limb, the entirety of the pre-war Mobile Suit engineering has been revealed to you. With this knowledge, you could even potentially build your own Gundam X, Satellite Cannon included. Just, please, be careful with this information. This world has been hurt enough by weapons like the ones you can create.
After War (Free All)
The war has ended. Millions are dead, and just as many are irreparably harmed in both body and mind. But people are resilient, and survive even in the face of adversity and hardship. People like you. You have several years of experience surviving alone in this post-apocalyptic world. You know how to setup a camp with only the forest around you, how to forage, hunt, and scavenge for food, and how to find a place to sleep where you won't be disturbed by wild animals or the odd Mobile Suit stomping around.
Mobile Suit Piloting Basics (Free All)
Combat in this world is ruled by the massive machines known as Mobile Suits. And with this perk, you know your way around these iron giants. How to make them move, mostly, but also how to make them fight. You can hold your own against some thug in Daughteress or Jenice, but a Gundam or a veteran pilot is going to give you trouble. Still, this will make sure your presence is felt on the battlefield. That's more than most here can say.
Standard Issue Mobile Suits (One Free, 50cp) (both a Jenice and Daughtress)
These are the bog standard mobile suits used on the eve of the Seventh Space War. The United Nations Earth employed the Daughtress while the Space Revolutionary Army used the Jenice. Both suits' ruggedness has served them well, and they are the go-to models for Vultures nowadays. Given their commonness (or at least as common as a sixteen-meter humanoid war machine can be), you can pick one of these up for free. Don't underestimate them, however. The hands of a skilled pilot can do a lot with these machines.
Gundam X (300cp)
Here it is, the titular Gundam X. The discovery of this weapon of mass destruction will, ironically, set two youths on the journey to heal this world haunted by war. And now you have a copy of it. This machine is worth the price, I assure you. Although it carries a more powerful beam sword, a beam rifle, equipped with the Flash System, and is armored in the resilient alloy Luna Titanium, this machine's primary weapon is its already-unlocked Satellite Cannon upon its back. For reference, this weapon was used to destroy the falling colonies, and can obliterate anything less than a full mobile suit army so long as the moon is visible.
Newtype (200cp)
It appears you aren't quite as normal as you appear. You are now a Newtype, an offshoot of humanity born with several unique, extra-sensory powers. Newtypes have heightened multi-tasking and reflexes when compared against a standard human, making them excellent Mobile Suit pilots. Additionally, their telepathic abilities allow them to speak to others of their kind through thought alone, sense the motions and feelings of other people, speak to the dead or ghosts, and even, at the height of their power, possess other people. While you do not begin with a mastery of these abilities, you will develop your powers as a Newtype through use and time. Eventually you might even reach a point where you could even speak to regular humans after a few decades of use.
Hangar (free/50cp)
I can't expect you to simply throw your machine into your Warehouse, can I? It most likely wouldn't fit. Instead, each mech you import or purchase here will have its own separate hangar attached to the Warehouse, allowing it to be deployed from there at your leisure. Should the machine be destroyed or lost, it will reappear in its hangar a week later. If you have a mech that you haven't imported here but still desire a hangar to store it, or simply want some storage space for some mechs you may eventually get, you may purchase as many empty hangars as you wish for 50cp each.
Technical Schematics(200cp)
This small database is a well organized, easily searchable, and easily accessible list of detailed schematics and scientific texts covering all machines, tools, and sciences understood by the T'au. It cannot be remotely hacked or externally corrupted by others. During your jump, this database includes all T'au knowledge up to either current 40k canon or all information that would be available to the T'au within the next hundred years without your interference, whichever option includes less advanced technology. After this jump, the schematics are upgraded to include all designs and science your T'au have developed and all designs and science developed in canon by the T'au by the end of the Fifth Sphere Expansion.
Advance Processor Fabricator – 100CP
This quantum scale fabricator is focused on producing complex processors and other computer chips. It is able create quantum computing matrixes including seven state processing chipsets.
Datapad - Free
You'll be given a standard datapad for use.
Academy Uniform - Free
If you're attending school then you need proper clothing. You get seven sets of your academy's uniform for free.
Wrench Wench (200 CP- Discount Groupie): Alright, maybe you aren't of the female personage, but this still applies to you dude. You're pretty handy with a toolbox, and thankfully you are of the class to actually repair Mobile Fighter without accidentally switching off an important subsystem while you're at it. You also have a talent for making things work without every single one of their parts- a car still won't run without its engine, but it could be missing a cylinder or two and still run just as good. In addition, say goodbye to getting nipped by metal and catching your hair and nails/fingers in things while working!
Free for all - Lingua-Technis
Known only to the devotees of the Machine God despite the best efforts of outsiders over millennia, the adepts of Mars speak to each other in bursts of binaric code. This allows for a great deal of information to be communicated quickly and discreetly. Even if translated, it is a complex language thick with ancient and arcane terminology that few outsiders could ever hope to make any sense of. This language and your implants allow you to communicate quickly with other adepts, transferring messages and code many times faster than ordinary speech.
100cp - Magos designation (Two purchases free for 'Magos Errant')-- Cybernetics
You have been recognized for your mastery of a facet of the Machine God's mysteries. Choose a field of Imperial technology such as genetic manipulation, voidship construction, cybernetics or even psykana. Beyond the mere rote learning of lesser adepts you have a deep grasp of the principles that govern your field, and can reliably produce even the more uncommon expressions of your specialty. With time, effort and discretion you could even modify and improve upon your specialty as needed. Those few things beyond your full understanding can still be built and maintained by carefully following STC blueprints.
Free - Shrine to the Machine God
Plasma candles and sweet incense frame this small shrine. Items blessed by the devout upon the micro-altar feel surer in hand and swifter in use against those things anathema to the Machine God. But should your soul and intentions be profane, blessings will still be granted even as the altar slowly grows dark and rusted, an ugly asymmetry forming in the eight-toothed cog that now frames the Opus Machina…
Free – Quantum prayer-book
Edged with gold and copper leaf, this tomes details the structure, most common prayers, tenets and rites of the priesthood. People who study the book, particularly those of a scientific bent, will find it very inspiring. May or may not result in machine spirits becoming an actual thing if the doctrine is followed by enough people in a non-40k jump. You will receive non-respawning copies to bequeath to others if you wish.
Free/Mandatory – Mechanicus Implants
The cyber-frame is the all-encompassing term for the system of hardpoints and skeletal reinforcements required to mount bionics upon weak flesh and bone. The Potentia Coil stores the energy required to power all other implants, and electoo inductors allow the coil to transfer power inwards to recharge the coil or outwards to power devices or for self-defense. Electro-grafts are a lesser versions of the MIU, allowing for direct mental communication with cogitator systems. There is also a varying degree of neurological augmentation that accompanies each new implant, which is required to monitor and control the functions of an adept's bionics as if they were a natural part of their body.
Time to cook 200
Wonderland's sense of time is kind of screwy, and it's perfectly reasonable for a chef to go out for a midnight quest to a mountain for an egg and get back before the pot boils over. This perk essentially slows down the progression of time from a narrative standpoint as long as you are focusing on making food that includes everything from acquiring ingredients to preparing the food to setting the table. This does not slow or freeze the movements of those around you, but it basically means that as long as you are focused on cooking, you'll finish everything on time and nothing will interrupt you. For instance, if you are cooking a special potion to boost your troops in time to stop an invasion, you'll get the potion ready on time even if the siege was just an hour away. When you stop doing food-related things, time returns to its normal pace; spell preparations technically count as cooking by Wonderland rules, though.
----Perks Obtained. Aerospace Engineering Makes Things Go Fast (-100)(Free for Engineer) You have an intuitive grasp on the mechanics of wind-flow, material sciences, atmospheric drag, tensile strengths, rocketry, so on and so forth, and how it applies to the art of designing vehicles that traverse the sky and space. A/n: that third POV was just a random morgenrote employee. Not a canon character. I did this because the reality of life is that nameless people matter, so I might as well show them.
----Perks Obtained.
You Runed Everything (Elder Scrolls Online) Before the development of the Arcane Enchanter in the 4th Era which streamlined enchanting to the point that any novice without even the barest hint of magicka could bind an enchantment, and even before the Guild-standardized enchanting techniques of the 3rd Era which drastically eased the process to a simple matter of shoving stored magicka into an item, the tool of choice for infusing an item with a magical effect was the humble Glyph. A Glyph is a combination of three runes, one inscribed with the potency which determines the base strength and whether it adds or removes, one with the desired attribute to effect such as health or a specific element , and a third designating its aspect, ranging from Common to Legendary. You know enough to be able to use and translate up to Rank Five runes(Pora, Denara, Hade and Idode) , with even more becoming available to you as you research and translate more. Transmogrification (World of Warcraft) Have a set of armor that you like? Yet you like another set of armor's stats? Well don't fret! Transmog machine is here! What is it? It looks like a giant washing machine, you can feed any two sets of armor(Head, Chest, Legs, Boots, & Gloves)and choose which one is spit out. The new armor will be the best of both worlds. It'll have the superior stats of the one item, and looks of the other. However the downside is that the other item is destroyed. However both items are in a database so you can always transmog the look. Don't bother taking it apart and trying to figure out how it works, because there's no answer. It just works.
Transmogrification (World of Warcraft) Have a set of armor that you like? Yet you like another set of armor's stats? Well don't fret! Transmog machine is here! What is it? It looks like a giant washing machine, you can feed any two sets of armor(Head, Chest, Legs, Boots, & Gloves)and choose which one is spit out. The new armor will be the best of both worlds. It'll have the superior stats of the one item, and looks of the other. However the downside is that the other item is destroyed. However both items are in a database so you can always transmog the look. Don't bother taking it apart and trying to figure out how it works, because there's no answer. It just works.
Workshop/3D Fabricator GUNNM
Powered tools for cyborg disassembly and repair. Bulky diagnostic computer, ten kilograms of miscellaneous spare parts, very rare compact 3D fabricator capable of milling custom components and printing or repairing circuitry.
The Dark Crystal (azeroth) 200
Draenei use crystals that are, possibly, native to their homeworld for almost all aspects of their daily lives. Even their technology, magic, and homes are made of these crystals. Certain Artificers are capable of 'Programming' these crystals to do certain things ranging from protecting an entire city in a shield or powering magitek spaceships that can travel the void of space. You now have their knowledge of these ancient arts and are capable of incorporating this magitek into your own technology or magic.
What's this Do? [200cp] (Discount Engineer)
The technology used in the frontier can be so complex and advanced it takes years for even the most<br />
brilliant minds to understand. Really now? That's good, you needed something to do after lunch today.<br />
Now, even if your in a dropship in the middle of a fire fight, you can decipher the inner workings of<br />
technology so long as you have the controls to scre- I mean analyze.<br />
Titan Hangar [Free]
A sophisticated auto-factory, this attachment to the warehouse will manufacture any Titan you have the plans for. The designator now causes one of these Titans to be deployed to the point you designate in a drop pod when used. Once deployed, another Titan won't be produced until you return it to the warehouse or it is destroyed.<br />
Additionally, a Titan is now constructed once a day for free, but if you want more than one Titan per day, it will still construct you more if you can feed it the necessary raw materials.
Constructor Drone and AI Kernel
This drone is an automated constructor unit, capable of building simple machines and buildings on its own and more complicated structures and technologies under your direct supervision, so long as it has materials to work with. Its tools can be easily customized or replaced with new or different technologies. Moreover, its software includes a kernel that can be used to grow specialized AI and VI systems optimized for various computational substrates and tasks that are always loyal to you.
----Perks Obtained.
Scavenger (Ravenwood) (100cp)
Sometimes, you do not have the luxury of top of the line equipment and need to rely on what scraps you can salvage. You, however, have an advantage, being able to cobble together scavenged bits into functional equipment that work as well as the real deal. This talent will also inherently improve the durability of such improvised equipment to function even when such materials should not feasible hold up under the strains of use.
Survey (Green Worldz) (100cp)
A simple little survey that, when filled out, reveals the ideal weapon parameters for any given individual. The default length is 239 questions, but the survey becomes longer and more comprehensive as your crafting skills and resources become more diverse. As long as a person fills out the survey truthfully(and they are compelled to do so when faced with this version) , the resulting weapon will be a truly one-of-a-kind tool perfectly matched to their personality and fighting style.
ELDER TECHNOLOGY (The Culture Minds) (200)
Some civs just build to last, and it is not unusual for Sublimed civs to leave considerable artifacts behind. Any technological device, structure or vehicle that you create has an effectively unlimited usable lifespan. Not even organic matter that is a part of the device will decay, or even undergo effects like proton decay over the aeons. They will still need expendable reserves a gun still needs bullets, a laser still needs its power pack replaced or recharged but that gun's moving parts never wear out, and that rechargeable power pack can be reused for aeons and more without loss of performance.
-0-D for Dummies (Megas XLR) (200CP)
A set of textbooks that explains the basics of Hyper-dimensional structure, most potent in making spaces with overlapping existences in layman terms, use tech in making spaces and parts that don't exist in real space. Warning! Extremely energy intensive.
Threadmarks: Phase 2.5 International discourse
----Perks Obtained.
Secrecy is the Key to Diabolical Success (400cp)<br />
It is critical that top-secret projects remain top secret, even from the people working on it. You are able to ensure that everyone carrying out a secret plan or project you have devised remain completely ignorant of what they are doing/making, without hindering their ability to carry out the plan. For instance, you could have each individual soldier make a single part in his spare time and have your general assemble them together in pitch darkness without peeking, and the secret superweapon will be constructed just as according to plan. That said, it won't work if you need to tell people what the plan is, and sometimes it's a good idea to let your allies know what's up before they reach(wrong)conclusions of their own.
Pushing The Envelope [400CP – Discounted Traveler]
Compared to other professions, Mobile Suit engineering isn't the hardest thing in the world. That comes from decades of refining technology in a field where progress has been forbidden for hundreds of years and you end up spending your resources simplifying and refining the tech you already have. But when what you have isn't what you need, people call on you. Breaking the paradigm is your specialty, and you find great success when pushing things in a direction that is unusual. Maybe you'll be the first to create true transforming suits in this timeline, or maybe you'll revive some of the ancient nanotechnology that went into creating the Mobile Armors. Whatever it is, it'll be interesting.

Geirail Frame [Free]
Somewhat of a middle step between the more specialized and high-performance Graze Frame that was derived from it and the powerful Valkyrja Frame it was based upon, the Gierail Frame is the epitome of a general purpose military suit. While the Rodi and Hexa Frames are excellent all-
purpose suits for the purpose of salvage and heavy lifting applications that Mobile Workers are
simply not suited for in addition to combat, the Geirail was engineered with military purposes in
mind. It is somewhat lighter and faster, though not nearly to the extend that the Graze is, and very easy to use.
It also carries a somewhat strange advantage- They are an excellent suit to use if someone wants to remain anonymous. After Gjallarhorn moved on to the Graze platform, only a few Geirail Frames were kept for the purpose of training new pilots, and they were repaired with parts taken from the old prototype test beds that had their registration deleted. Take any Geirail Frame and attempt to match it's Ahab Wave Frequency to the database and you'll get... nothing. No owner, no pilot, no company, no nothing.

Structural Armor and Nanolaminate Armor Coating [200cp] (One Free All Except Imports)
What the average person probably doesn't realize about Mobile Suits is that the thick armor they wear isn't actually what stops the bullets and the thick blows that are delivered to them on a daily basis. No, those armor pieces are more accurately padding. They're ablative armor pieces designed to crumple under blows without compromising the Frame underneath. What actually allows the armor to take multiple heavy impacts, artillery shots and more is actually the paint on the armor. I'm serious.
Nanolaminate is a material that is applied to Mobile Suit armor only millimeters thick, but provides
enough structural stability to avoid denting from incredible amounts of force. What's more, it actually grows slightly stronger when it's under pressure, which is why when paired with the gravity-generating Ahab Waves generated by a Mobile Suit's Ahab Reactor, it grows stronger depending on the output. A Gundam Frame – with it's additional reactor – will have perceptively stronger armor than- say, a Graze- despite the fact that the Nanolaminate on both is identical in composition and thickness.

Despite it's prevalence as the coating on Mobile Suits and on ships, that isn't to say that Nanolaminate is CHEAP- plastic crack is still cheaper, with the prices getting jacked up by the manufacturers based on demand. White is the cheapest of them all since the primary buyers – Gjallarhorn and paramilitary groups – don't want to paint their Mobile Suits in highly visible colors and instead go for green, purple and blue.
You can choose any color scheme you want for your Mobile Suit, however.
(Obscenely bright metallic pink)

Basic Thruster Suite [25CP] (Free Geirail-Series Frames)
Part of the Graze's famed ease-of-use comes from leaving this feature behind on it's predecessor the Geirail Frame. Instead of the two (or four with the backpack) basic thrusters the Graze uses, this is a suite of nominally powerful thrusters mounted all over the Frame- back, legs, knee, inner elbow, name a body part and there's a thruster there. While this gives an incredible amount of turning power and boosting in space, the pilot needs to be careful they don't let the thrusters get in the way of normal operation.

Melee Weapon [25CP] (One Free)
A long handheld melee weapon or a short forearm-mounted melee weapon of some description. Since Nanolaminate Armor makes it difficult to destroy or even disable a Mobile Suit's internal mechanical components, it is considered most effective to just bludgeon the cockpit under the pilot dies or passes out from the shock. For this purpose, blunt smashing weapons are preferred, though a blade can be very effective if aimed at armor gaps and piercing weapons can be effective if aimed at weak points such as the cockpit. While durable, it's not as physically strong as Nanolaminate Armor is, and has a nasty tendency to break if too much force is exerted, although really- if you're just trying to kill the pilot, the sword doesn't really NEED to stay perfectly straight, does it? (Comically large Spoon)
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roll mechanics
Yo, just saw this story and I wanted to ask what the CP accusation rules are?
100cp per 1000 words, only counted if time has passed. Phase 0.5 has rolls due to time actually passing in an effective time skip. Note this story uses a modified CFv3 that includes an extra category labeled GUNDAM which includes any perk from a gundam jump. Yes, even build fighters. Sai could literally obtain an encyclopedic memory of Gundam canon for like 100 cp. It's probably not gonna ever roll, but it might.
Plot relevant Picture #1

I'm the editer btw
I don't think anyone here knows that
Character list
The Charcters of Gundam SEED Celestial Forge

Orb Union Characters

Orb Nobles
Members of the Orb Union's nobility

Sai Argyle

The man, the myth, the legend Sai Argyle, the protagonist of this fic. He tries to be a decent human being and do right by his friends. He can't help but rant at times about what he perceives as severe incompetence, and has a tendency to assume people around him have heard at least a little about at least some of what he compares things to. He has darkish blond hair and fair skin. He tends to procrastinate his own issues because he cares about literally anything else more.
Lord Argyle

Sai's dad. Has the power to send people to Africa. He also runs a toy company as a side hustle. Unlike his son his hair has bright blond and he has a bit of a tan.

Rondo Gina Sahaku

The guy who runs Morgenroete for his dad and dreams of piloting his own edgy black mobile suit. He is a member of the Sahaku noble family and is his father's primary heir, though not his son by blood, as the Sahaku family adopts its heirs. He generally treats people he understands to be experts with respect, though he will go against their advice if he really wants something like payback for badly wounding his ego. Furthermore, he's a Coordinator, but he does not give a shit about PLANT or ZAFT as these institutions are obstacles to his ideal world if anything. He also looks almost identical to his twin sister Rondo Mina Sahaku, they both have long long black hair that goes down anywhere from their collar bones to their elbows depending on when they last got a hair cut. They also have slightly pinkish amber eyes

Rondo Mina Sahaku

Also pretty edgy in terms of mobile suit preferences, she's Gina's sister. Her ego isn't as fragile she's more forgiving and fairly generous. Her hopes aren't easily dashed, and in canon Gundam SEED she still believed Orb and its people would endure even after the deaths of her father and brother. Hair as above is dark/black and her eyes are slightly pinkish amber.

Cagalli Yula Athha

The adopted daughter of Uzumi Nara Athha the current Chief Representative of Orb. Has serious issues with men her age questioning her femininity. She has bright blond short spiky hair pointing down and has almond gold eyes.

Uzumi Nara Athha

The current Chief Representative (leader) of Orb, which basically makes him godking. It doesn't really, but everyone still did what he said years after he died in canon. He is super down with peace and never attacking others and being neutral. He's the head of the Athha family one of the current five big important noble families in Orb. He has long hair swept back behind his ears that goes down just slightly past his shoulders, and a beard that's so full around his mouth that only his lips are visible.

Orb Union Morgonrote
Employees of Morgonrote

Erica Simmons

The smug credit stealing leader of the Astray project. She has a husband and a kid that she cares about deeply. She has chosen to keep the fact she's a coordinator a secret from most for some reason, which is weird given the fact she lives in a country that has no problem with coordinators. She's also an old friend of the mysterious junk guild member "the Professor". She's the only person involved in the Astray project who actually existed in canon.

Angus Takahashi

An engineer who worked on the Astray project and has since become one of Sai's top four students. He looks the most average human possible, just full on bargain bin dark haired isekai protagonist. He is also a half coordinator a person who has not been genetically modified while still in the womb but one parent who is a coordinator and one who is a natural. Has a phone capable of recording decent audio and video. He is very pleased about Erica being a credit stealing glory hound because now she gets all the blame.

Deep Samuel Morris

An engineer who worked on the Astray project who when Sai joined Morgonrote became one of his best students. He's two meters tall(about 6 foot 7) and has the largest handlebar moustache anyone in Morgonrote has ever seen, it's thicker and fuller than most people's actual head hair. He is very happy with how the OM Project and ORaaR plan are progressing.

Mordred Aramis Gatsby

An engineer who worked on the Astray project and was chiefly responsible for the hand plug designs used in the Astray series. Another student of Sai though she hasn't worked with him as closely as Angus or Deep due to her being assigned to analysing the G Weapons, so the Orb can have all the data. She looks like a stereotypical upper class British woman and drinks tea at every available opportunity. Out of all her colleagues she enjoyed watching Sai dressing down Erica Simmons the most.

Rossana Petteri Admiraal

Another engineer who worked on the Astray project and like Mordred a woman Sai hasn't worked with due to her focusing on the Atlantic Federation's G Weapons. Is really happy Erica stole all the credit for the Astrays now.

Juri Wu Nien

A test pilot for Morgonrote who has a massive crush on Sai. She has blue hair. She looks more like Kira's friend Athrun than any of Athrun's actual relatives.

Mayura Labatt

A test pilot for Morgonrote who has a massive crush on Sai. Has dark red hair.

Asagi Caldwell

A test pilot for Morgonrote who has a massive crush on Sai. Has blond hair.

Orb Union Civilians

Kira Yamato

The token coordinator student in Sai's friend group. Spends way too much time watching stuff about the war. In canon, he would have been the protagonist, but that is basically impossible now.

Kuzzey Buskirk

Kid with unfortunate name as a result of having space hippie parents. Has never been to earth and isn't super well-informed about the surface and the ocean.

Tolle Koenig

The only guy in Sai's friend group that's gotten laid.

Miriallia Haw

The token female student in Sai's friend group. She's Tolle's girlfriend.


Flay's friend. Has brown hair. Doesn't know where to buy cloths from when she's drunk.


Flay's other friend. Has black hair.

Earth Alliance Atlantic Federation Characters
Characters from the Earth Alliance member the Atlantic Federation

Flay Allster

Sai's fiancé via arranged marriage though considering she's fourteen, and he's 16 that's at least a few years away, and it could be abandoned by either's parents in the meantime. She has red hair. She's a bit racist.

Admiral Duane Lewis C. Harverton Halburton

Had foresight to advocate for mobile suits prior to the outbreak of the war proper. He is scathing in his criticism of the "idiots in Alaska" aka the leaders of the Atlantic Federation military and arms procurement.

Earth Alliance Eurasian Federation Characters
Characters from the Earth Alliance member the Eurasion Federation

Major General Gerard Garcia

The guy in charge of space fortress Artemis and currently is looking pretty competent to his superiors due to not almost starting a war with a country that might have functioning nukes. He's bald with sky blue eyes.

PLANT and ZAFT Characters
PLANT is the government kinda and ZAFT is the military/militia kinda

PLANT Supreme Counsel
The leaders of the PLANT government

Ali Kasim

Academic Speciality Microengineering.

Tad Elsman

Academic Speciality Biochemistry.

Ezalia Joule

Academic Speciality Aerospace engineering.

Siegel Clyne

Academic Speciality Space Life Sciences.

Yuri Amalfi

Academic Speciality Mechanical Engineering.

Louise Leitner

Academic Speciality Agricultural Engineering.

Jeremy Maxwell

Academic Speciality Chemistry.

Orson White

Academic Speciality Particle Physics.

Eileen Canaver

Academic Speciality Information Science.

Herman Gould

Academic Speciality Political Science.

Parnel Jesek

Academic Speciality Industrial Engineering.

Patrick Zala

Academic Speciality Space Navigation and Control.

Team Nepotism
The idiots who got themselves captured

Miguel Aiman

The only veteran besides Rau and the two ship captains in this team and yes Rau is in other, but he is a part of this team. Miguel mainly signed up to pay for his younger brother's medical bills. He is blond.

Fredrik Ades

Captains the first ship.


Captains the second ship.

Athrun Zala

Kira's friend. Has blue hair. Built the robot bird Kira keeps around.

Yzak Joule

Angry about a lot of things and quick to criticise non-aggressive actions.

Dearka Elsman

Very blond, very tanned.

Rusty Mackenzie

Looks like someone named Rusty. He has the most orange hair known to man. He should have died during the attack.

Nicol Amalfi

He likes to play the piano. Has green hair.

PLANT Civilians

Lacus Clyne

She's an Idol Singer and Siegel Clyne's daughter. She has pink hair. Furthermore, she's a weeb.



One of the three main antagonists of the original Gundam SEED anime. He's dead.
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faction list
Countries, Companies, and NGOs

A country is a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. A company is a commercial business. NGO means non-governmental organisation.

Orb Union
The protagonist Sai's homeland and faction. It's often called the land of peace for some reason. The official name of the mainland is Yalafath, where the Orb capital, Olofat, is located. In addition, there are four cities aside from the capital. The Island nation also has its own Mass Driver, called Kaguya, a space colony Heliopolis, which serves as a resource satellite, and a military space station Ame-no-Mihashira. Orb's government consists of an elected legislature and the five most powerful and influential noble families. The head of state is known as the "Chief Representative". The military is called the Orb National Defense Force.

Equatorial Union
They are neutral. Yes, that's all we know from canon Gundam SEED after over 20 IRL years thats really fucking little considering that if the Cosmic era has a similar population distribution they should have nearly a third of all humans within their borders.

Kingdom of Scandinavia
The Scandinavian Kingdom is composed of the old Earth nations of Sweden, Norway, and Finland. It has strong diplomatic relations with the Orb Union and just like them, It's neutral. The company Winslet World Concern is based here.

Earth Alliance

The Alliance functions as the head of a loose international military coalition, composed of countries that are often working at cross-purposes to each other and thus, it's not uncommon for each of them to withhold the key workings of their weapons and other technologies with their erstwhile allies. The combined military forces of the Earth Alliance are officially known as OMNI Enforcer, but it's more frequently called the Earth Forces or the Alliance Forces by pretty much everyone. The Earth Alliance Council is the authoritative body of the EA's political and military branches. The council is made up of representatives of each of the Alliance's member nations, as well as aligned military industries, such as the Azrael Conglomerate.

Atlantic Federation

They are an Earth Alliance member. Its capital is Washington D.C., and its President lives and works at the White House. The Atlantic and Eurasian Federations have long been rivals, and a strong undercurrent of mistrust remains between them. They have been more heavily infiltrated and influenced by Blue Cosmos than any other nation. As with most others power blocks on Earth, the Atlantic Federation was one of the superpowers which emerged as a result of the Reconstruction War, basically WW3. The Federation also cooperated with the United States of South America to construct the Porta Panama Mass Driver. In C.E. 35, it was the Atlantic Federation who built the Ptolemaeus lunar base and unveiled the first generation of Mobile Armors which we know jack shit about. The creators of seed have never bothered showing us what they looked like. Following the destruction of the United Nations leadership in C.E. 70, the Atlantic Federation announced the formation of the Earth Alliance on February 7th of the same year, and declared war on the PLANTs four days later. Following the refusal of the USSA to cooperate with the Alliance, the Atlantic Federation forcibly annexed them. The Atlantic Federation started the G Project that created the 5 G Weapons also known as the Garbage Gundams.

Eurasian Federation
They are an Earth Alliance member. The Federation is governed by a federal council dominated by the nations of the European region, with its capital in Brussels. They are a powerful member of the Earth Alliance, second only to the Atlantic Federation in power and influence. A strong undercurrent of mistrust remains between them. In terms of Coordinators, the Eurasians aren't strongly influenced by Blue Cosmos, and don't mind as much about Coordinators in their own ranks.

Republic of East Asia

The Republic's capital is Taipei in Taiwan. Taiwan is currently being occupied by ZAFT. They are an Earth Alliance member. They let private companies surgically implant bombs into the faces of employees who used to work for countries East Asia has been at war with in order to ensure loyalty.

South African Union

An economic and military union of several countries in southern and eastern Africa and the island of Madagascar. They are an Earth Alliance member. They currently boast the largest known refugee camp in the world with 1.2 million starving people, thanks to ZAFT's constant attacks on the nation's civilians.


PLANT is the official nation of the 120 PLANT Colonies located at Lagrange Point 5. Its government is led by the PLANT Supreme Council, whose members were each elected from one of the twelve Colony groups. The 120 PLANT colonies are divided into 12 "cities" which are Januarius City, Februarius City, Martius City, Aprilius City, Maius City, Junius City, Quintilis City, Sextilis City(sex lol), September City(they couldn't be bothered altering the names of the months past this point), October City, November City, and December City. The nation's capital is Aprilius One. The nation enforces strict laws regarding regulated marriages, allowing its citizens to wed only if the two possess a high likelihood of producing children together, how they calculate likelihood is unknown but considering they haven't figured out fucking normal humans would solve their fertility problems it probably isn't very reliable. PLANT is a one party state with the only political party being ZAFT which is divided into moderate, neutral, and radical factions. The name PLANT is an acronym but confusingly PLANT as in the PLANT type colonies is a different acronym to PLANT the country. PLANT the colony type is Productive Location Ally on Nexus Technology while PLANT the country means Peoples Liberation Acting Nation of Technology.


ZAFT or Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty is basically the army of the PLANT and the only political party in the PLANTS and the party is its own paramilitary organisation think like the Nazi party' and it's Sturmabteilung(SA) but if it was all one thing. Its commanders range from weirdly honourable/likeable eccentrics to traumatised morons who throw away troops lives like retards. They have a very "rules for thee but not for me" view of things.

Oceania Union

Its capital is Wellington in New Zealand, that's right Australia got taken over by the Kiwis. Other than the fact they don't hate coordinators, we don't know much about them because the creators of Gundam SEED didn't care about anyone other than not Japan(Orb Union) and PLANT when it came to world building. They are one of the PLANT's two allies.

African Community

The Other PLANT ally. Its capital is Nairobi. The only noteworthy thing about it is that they've gotten ZAFT to fight their rebels for them.

Junk Guild

The Junk Guild is an NGO or Non Government Organisation. Most Junk Guild teams spend their days either going through battlefields salvaging usable equipment or working under contract. Contracts can vary from salvage operations to repair to recovery of equipment. Large contracts may necessitate multiple Guild teams, thus it's not uncommon to see a large contingent of Guild techs working on major projects. The Guild acquired new recruits from all walks of life, Natural and Coordinator alike. New recruits underwent basic training and indoctrination, then were sent to a team for on the job training. After a probationary period, the Guild then accepted the recruit as a Junk Tech, and they were assigned to a team.

Serpent Tail

A prominent mercenary company of high renown. Their big advantages include owning a GINN with a sword for a Mohawk and owning a Moebius with a giant gatling gun. They've done work for Eurasia.


Orb's only real arms manufacturer, they are as you might expect based in the Orb Union. Its owned and run by the Sahaku noble family of Orb. They are currently helping Sai put his designs into mass production to replace and refit the Orb National Defense Force or ONDF's various ageing and abysmal machines, equipment, and technology.

Winslet World Concern
They are a private company based primarily in the Kingdom of Scandinavia. They helped ZAFT develop and test it's BuCUE series of quadrupedal ground ms. We only know about them due to like one astray manga.​
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N-Jammer map

Gundam SEED N-Jammer Distribution map

This is a map of N-Jammers dropped onto earth by ZAFT.

If you wanna have fun compare it to the "Index: map as of chapter 11"

Also each of these dots likely represents more than 1 N-Jammer within walking distance of each other
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