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Harry Potter & the Shipgirls

Bad dreams
Harry Leferts

Lips curling a little as she watched the frog struggle even as the snake devoured it, Daji/Natsumi tittered a little behind one hand before a childish giggle beside her. Turning, she smiled a bit more at seeing the young, Japanese boy watching the death struggles of the amphibian in glee. In his eyes there was a sparkle of cruelty which made her internally chuckle.

Absolutely nothing was needed on her part to get him started down the road that he was on. There was something...
invigorating about that, seeing a human descend into the depths of depravity. Especially one with such potential power ahead of them. It made her shudder in pleasure after all just to experience it as a bystander.

Tongue poking out between her lips to wet them, she hummed a bit as she considered everything. She had fled from her native China to this land to the east, the Land of Wa. But she had been injured by one of the Champions of the Celestial Bureaucracy in the process and hunted. And so she had needed to go into hiding for a time. Thankfully, however, she had known how to survive even being reduced to something barely alive. She had found a woman of one what passed for 'Noble' clans in this land. That woman had been pregnant at the time and asking for someone to save her infant as one of the sorcerers predicted that she would lose it. And she, Daji/Natsumi, had decided to help.

Of course, the infant was long past the point of help from any but the divine.

Which meant that as it's soul had passed on, there was a...
space that she could use as the body was not quite dead, just a shell. Suitable as a way to hide. Oh, her 'Mother' had been overjoyed for her survival, which internally made Daji/Natsumi laugh at the idiocy of humans. Amused, she reached up to lightly run her fingers along the golden amulet that had her "Clan's" symbol. Three leaves within a circle of them, which made her shake her head.

Her attention was grabbed though as the young boy laughed as the frog was fully swallowed by the snake, "Ah! All gone!"

Practically gliding over, she pressed herself against his back, an older girl, "Truly a shame, my Prince. And yet... all things pass in time, but in death, one can find... pleasure, can they not? Same with pain."

Much to her glee, the boy shuddered and smiled, "Hai, Hime..." Then he noticed a butterfly and nodded towards it, "Let us catch it! Quick, before it leaves!"

Eyes widening, Daji/Tamamo leaned towards him before whispering, "And then what?"

Grinning wide, he looked at her as he got up, "Then we pluck it's wings and place it on an ant hill..."


Behind her illusion of a passive expression, Daji/Natsumi laughed alongside the boy, now young teen. He had some men climb high into the trees before his spearmen attempted to stab them. Even as she watched, one fell to his death, with the boy next to her declaring to finish him off. As she set some drinks before him, the cruel teen looked at her. He could see past the illusion after all. A "gift" to him for the entertainment he had provided her.

With a chuckle, he took the drink from her before leaning in, "Does this not please you?"

Glancing at the men and those watching who obviously wanted to be elsewhere, but stayed and performed as ordered because their Lord's word was law, Daji/Natsumi wrapped an illusion around them as she smirked, "Oh, it pleases me greatly, my Prince. Greatly indeed as a matter of fact. Nearly as much as the execution you performed the other day."

Shuddering in pleasure, he hummed, "Yes, it was invigorating as always. To hold a life in my hands... and then
end it. And to see the ruby liquid of life spill against the ground. Simply marvellous..."

Also leaning in, she paused for a moment, "Take warning... there are whispers of those who would be against you. Who see you as being 'Impure' for seeking your pleasure."

Softly snorting, the teenage boy reached up and cupped her cheek, "Let them think such. My power is absolute after all. It is a sad thing that you, out of all those I take to my bed, are the one who understands me most."

Breath hot against his, Daji/Natsumi smirked, "And you understand me, my Prince, my Lord..."

And then, she leaned the rest of the way in even as another fell from the tree and was split upon a spear.


Hot breath against her damp, sweaty skin, Daji/Natsumi gasped as she was pressed against the wall. The young teen now a man growling into her throat as he grasped at her clothes. Something that she did in return as as she could still taste copper upon her lips, upon her tongue. A long groan escaped her as she looked to the side as he sucked at her pulse point.

Where laid a young woman staring with sightless eyes, her throat slit and her blood still pooling on the ground.

A hand covered in fresh blood cupped her cheek smearing the carmine on her pale skin, and forced her to look into the maddened eyes of her lover. Her own widening as a sigh escaped her as she took the bloodied finger between her lips. She could remember him being removed from his position due to what he had done. Cloistered, they called it. He had been angry, or so angry. But it makes her so very amused by it as well to see, though she did internally sigh. While she had not become a consort because some might be watching, perhaps next time...

Her attention was pulled away from her thoughts, however, he pressed himself close. Licking the blood on her cheek to a moan from her, he gave a soft sigh, "Beautiful..."

Lips curling into a cruel smile, Daji/Natsumi hummed a bit, "Me... or her?"

Now glancing at the corpse, he grinned, "Why not both? Yet her beauty right now is fleeting as the cherry blossoms. Unlike yours, Hime." Another passionate kiss followed before he pulled away as their bloodied hands left stains upon their expensive clothing. Face smeared with blood, he grinned, "But no more about her... especially as she could barely mount a scream..."

And then, the two were lost to their passions as things faded from view.


Skin slick with sweat and the like, Daji/Natsumi sat in the small cave that she used as a hide out since her "Death". Oh, she had kept up the illusion of her aging for long enough as the body she had borrowed underwent a transformation from human to fox over the years she inhabited it. But now she was free of such limitations.

Indeed, such was shown by the nine fox tails that waved in the air behind her.

A relaxed smile on her face, Daji/Natsumi looked at the old amulet. One of the last few reminders of her "Old Life" she had. In the firelight it glinted as it spun in the leather cord it was on. Stopping the spinning, she chuckled before tossing it and stretching a little with a soft sigh as she tried to ignore the guilt that clawed at her deep within her soul. The sense of betrayal to Him, her true husband and love. But, as always, she shoved that down, for it was nothing compared to the fires of hate and disgust she had for humanity.

The very humanity who had sentenced him to death for the "Crime" of loving her. Of having a child by her created by their love. And sentencing said child to death as well for being an "Abomination" to the laws of the natural order. No... humans were disgusting, hateful beings as had been proven time and again to her. Her husband was not one, could not be one.

Something that she told herself many times.

Hearing a grunt, she turned toward her... bed mate, if a number of furs could be called such. The one who was once a boy, then a teen, and an adult, was now an old man. It amused her how much pain he was in after their short joining. Granted, she used her illusions to lessen them, just a touch. And now...

Leaning forward, she grinned widely as she cupped his cheek, tenderly stroking it, "Ah, you're awake, my Prince."

With a grunt, he grimaced, "I am, Hime."

Expression one of sympathy, Daji/Natsumi nodded, "You're in quite a bit of pain, it would seem. Only to be expected with how active you have been with me at your age. But... worry not, that will be over very soon." Fingers ghosting against wrinkled skin until they reached the bottom of his jawbone, she sighed moments before the claw at the end of one punctured the skin and cut across it, ruby gushing forth as the man gasped, "Your use is at an end, but do enjoy this last gift from me as well as a promise... that thanks to you, bloodshed greater than you have known will spill across the land in time..."

Softly smiling, she leaned down and kissed him, with him returning it even as copper filled their mouths. Pulling back, she smirked as he tried to laugh, which only came out as gurgles before he fell back. With a sigh, she ignored both his death rattles as well as the blood that was cooling even now on her skin, she hummed, "Seems that I shall have to get rid of my furs, a shame."

Getting up, she dug in the discarded clothing before pulling out the item she was looking for.

With a soft chuckle, she raised the golden cylinder up to the firelight which glinted off it. A personal seal, similar to some, but important in another way. For this one like only a certain subset were enchanted for only the user, or someone of their blood, could use it to prove who they were. A fact that was well known throughout the land. Even as she held it and smiled, her hand cupped her swollen stomach as she darkly chuckled, "Yes... soon there will be bloodshed..."


Gasping, Natsumi sat up in bed with sweat soaking her and the sheets. For several moments she sat there before getting up and making her way to the bathroom where she promptly began to get sick into the toilet at what had happened in her dream. Soon enough, a hand began to gently rub between her shoulder blades as she continued to puke and she could hear her mother's voice as she spoke, "Natsumi-Chan? Are you alright?"

Just spitting into the toilet, Natsumi nodded, "Hai... Haha-ue. I just... had a bad dream. From what could have been then."

Eyes widening a little, Sakuya's expression melted into one of understanding and care, "I see. Do you wish to go back to bed, or..."

Leaving the question hanging as she handed her daughter a cup of cold water, she was not surprised when said younger Kitsune shook her head after washing out her mouth, "No... I think that I'm just going to get up now."

Only humming as she hugged Natsumi, Sakuya nodded, "I see, then I shall get started on breakfast. You wash yourself clean, hmm?"

In reply, Natsumi gave a sigh and a nod, "Thank you." A few minutes later found the fourteen year old Kitsune standing under the shower head as warm water cascaded across her body. Leaning against the wall, she sighed as she tried to make sense of what she had seen before turning inward, 'I know that you're there watching. That you saw what just happened... is that...?'

From the depths of her mind, Tamamo's voice drifted up, 'Is that what happened all those years ago? And who Hoshi's and Tsuki's Sire was?' Getting a mental nod of the head, she sighed, 'Yes, that was who their father was. A few years after they came across his remains, believing that I did not know, a team of Onmyouji lead by Abe no Seimei retrieved them.'

Grimacing, the teen grabbed the soap and began to sud up, 'So that would mean that the two of them are actually...' Upon getting a mental nod, she frowned, 'Why though?'

Despite not being able to see the form of Tamamo, Natsumi could somehow feel her shrug, 'Because my plans at the time called for bloodshed. That seal would be used to prove who their sire was. And with that, I could cause a civil war with them. Unfortunately for my plans, but fortunate for others, they did not turn out like either myself or their sire... or, perhaps, they did turn out like myself but before the death of my husband.'

Natsumi could feel the sadness and grief at those last few words and continued to wash herself. However, she did not comment on that but waited a few seconds before washing herself off and soaping up again, 'No offence, but I really need to get that image out of my head and feel clean.'

A hum answered her and there was a silence for a few moments before the echo of the deadly fox spoke once more, 'Perhaps you wish that it was of you and Bao bei? Without the death and blood... like this?

Suddenly, Natsumi had the image in her head that was near identical to the other. But there was no blood, no corpse staring at her, or madness in Harry's eyes as he pushed her up against the wall with passion, passion that the her in the vision returned full heartedly. Eyes wide, Natsumi felt like her cheeks were on fire before screeching inside her head, 'ERO-FOX!'

All she got back was laughter though before she knew Tamamo was grinning at her, 'Ah, but I am not an "Ero-Fox", simply one who understands such things and will not deny. Perhaps in time you shall listen to my advice in regards to such arts~'

Then, she retreated back into the depths of the younger Kitsune's mind, laughing the whole way. As for Natsumi? She did the only thing that she could do in such a case...

And that was take the shower and turn it as cold as possible while internally ranting about perverted vixiens even as she shivered.

It was shortly afterwards that she had breakfast and just did her summer homework to keep her mind busy. But after a few hours, her ears perked up and she turned towards the front door before getting up and rushing over. Opening the door, Natsumi felt her expression light up as Harry was right there blinking with a container in one hand, "Harry-Chan!"

His own expression lighting up, Harry pulled her into a hug with a happy laugh, "Natsumi-Chan!" The two stayed like that for a few moments, just hugging each other before he kissed her cheek and pulled back some, "Um... so how are things?"

Understanding what he meant, Natsumi gave a small nod, "Better now." Her smile came back as she gave him a once over, "Especially as you're here and safe."

Not quite sure what to say, Harry just blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Um, same here... I'm glad that you're safe and doing better." There was a moment of thought before he leaned forward and gently kissed her for a second or two, "Really glad."

For her part, the fourteen year old Kitsune was blushing heavily before she glanced back at the kitchen doorway. Part of her swore that she heard snickers from there, but shrugged it off and gave Harry a kiss in return before turning her attention to the container though she could smell peanut butter, "What's that, Harry-Chan?"

Also glancing at the container, Harry gave her a smile, "Well, I thought that I should bring over something to eat. So... I made up some chocolate covered peanut butter squares for us..."

Noticing him trail off as well as the odd, amused look on his face, Natsumi turned and internally groaned. Because, sticking their heads out of the kitchen were the other three female Kitsune in the house. First was Hoshi, then Sakuya, and finally Haru herself. Facepalming, Natsumi frowned, "Really? I mean, really you three."

With a blink and looking at her sister as well as Hoshi, Haru shrugged, "It's peanut butter."

Just rolling her eyes, Natsumi was about to comment when Harry tapped her shoulder, "Um, Natsumi-Chan?" When she turned towards him, he tapped just below his lips, "You're kind of drooling yourself a little."

Embarrassed, the Kitsune wiped at her mouth and looked away from him before clasping his hand in hers, "Anyways, let's go to the dining room."

Rather than say anything, Harry took off his shoes and put on the slippers before walking along with Natsumi's hand in his. Entering the kitchen, he set down the container with an amused expression on his face as he noted the three adult Kitsune watching intently before noticing something, "Natsumi-Chan?" Getting a hum as she put in some tea, he frowned, "Where's your Obaa-Chan and Ojii-San? I thought that they were staying around for a while longer."

That caused the teenage Yokai to grimace, "Something came up." Glancing at her mother, she got a slight nod and sat down next to Harry, "It's... Harry-Chan? As I am sure you can guess, my Clan has enemies, right?"

Slowly, he nodded even as he frowned, "Hai? I mean, I would be surprised if you didn't." It clicked in his head and he frowned even deeper, "Wait, did something happen involving one?"

Haru snorted a little as she rolled her eyes, "You could say that, and couldn't happen to a nicer person." At the looks, she frowned, "What? We all know her and her Clan." Then, the Kitsune sneered, "I'm not going to shed any tears for the bitch considering all that she has done to us over the years."

Confused, Harry turned to Natsumi who clinched before she cleared her throat, "Well... Oba-Chan is kind of right. There's bad blood going back centuries between our clan and that one. Mainly because of their Clan Head, a female Kyuubi like Hoshi-San, Obaa-Chan, and Ojii-San. I'm not even sure if they know the reason themselves?"

At the questioning tone, Hoshi sighed and shook her head, though she took an ordered peanut butter square from Harry before biting into it, "The reasons are... personal, I'm afraid." Taking a sip of tea, she frowned, "Her husband attempted to take your Obaa-San for his own and your father caught him and killed him... before sending back the head as a warning."

That caused Natsumi to flinch a bit, "Um, right..."

Deciding not to comment on that little piece of information, the wizard simply frowned, "Okay? So lots of bad blood then, but what happened?"

Natsumi gave a shrug and shook her head, "She died last night somehow, so everyone is freaking out a bit as it shakes things up politically. I mean, some of her family are trying to blame us, but even others are noting that is impossible. We were all here last night and they're on the other side of Japan across the mountains."

With a soft snort, Hoshi shook her head, "Which is not mentioning how she died." Sipping her tea after finishing the treat, she frowned, "I got a few sources I trust that she was in a ritual room and those outside heard a scream and found her dead with her blood covering the walls. No idea what she was doing, but knowing her? She likely deserved it." A grimace on her face, the Kyuubi shook her head, "She reminded me far too much of my... Haha-ue."

For some odd reason, Harry had the odd feeling that he might have been involved somehow, but dismissed it. It was impossible after all. Instead, as Natsumi set down a cup of black tea in front of him, taking her own as well as a treat, he decided to change the subject, "Um, anyways, I decided to drop by and spend some time with Natsumi-Chan and also ask you about the trip to Shiromizu's village and if Natsumi-Chan can still come along."

Lightly chuckling, Sakuya gave her daughter a look, "Well, as to the first? I don't think any of us, especially Natsumi-Chan, would mind. And for the second? I don't see a real issue as we're going as well to keep an eye on things."

While that was annoying to both teens, they could still understand it and only sighed before the conversation turned elsewhere...
Abyssina 46 Canut forging

Canut was in her forge. Much of her time outside training the fleet in blade-work had been spent in the forge, and even then, there had been many a time that the Battleship Demon had left the training to Angband in her stead. For months, Canut had scoured Antillia and the surrounding seas for materials; had traded with other Abyssals for materials from beyond the borders of Gateway's domain, for very specific items; had labored to grow in her skills beyond weapon-craft. She hadn't by any means neglected her duties, but she would, if pressed-, admit to not having devoted her fullest effort to them.

Canut was in the midst of her crafting; so long and continuously had she been at-work, that the whole of Clan MacHamish had had to work the bellows in shifts, lest the working be ruined and her efforts wasted. For nine days and nine nights, Canut had hammered and heated, had chanted and woven magic into metal. Spells of strength, of resiliency, of resistance to the ravages of time; the words rolled from her lips in a rhythm steady as the waves on the shore...

And one spell more...


It was a haggard, tired Canut, who at last knelt in front of the throne with a tarp-covered Something behind her. "Your Majesty, I have labored long to produce this. I am no true judge of my own craft, for it is said that a craftsman's harshest critic is one's self, but I believe in my Heart of Hearts, that this piece is thus-far the greatest work that I have yet made." She pulled the canvas from off her creation, and bared her work to her liege.

It was a statue, a stone base of marble and turquoise that to the smallest detail recreated the domain of the Ancient Atlantic Gateway Princess; atop this stone was a plowshare of Abyssal-Steel, and inserted so-cunningly as to seem to blend seamlessly with the plowshare, were blades. An atgeir, and more; each weapon or set of weapons was one known to tales as having been wielded by the fleet of Skadi the Northern War-Demon.

"Your Majesty, these weapons are the arms of my Sisters, the weapons of the fleet of the Northern War-Demon, save for the Dane-axe and the Sword. My axe, 'Sea-Wolf', as you know, has long become your daughter's spear, 'True-Heart', and Skadi's sword, 'Sea-Eagle', yet resides in the hands of the Shipgirl Nagato, lest she's given it to the Northern Princess Hoppou. The Dane-axe is a recreation of mine, the steel freely-donated from among your subjects; the Sword, the same, save that the steel was donated solely by Lady Angband; I had asked for a donation of steel from your Champion, but I fear I perhaps phrased the request in a manner inappropriate, for it was met by the Demon of Ocean-Liners not merely rebuffing me but threatening violence upon me for my seeming temerity. I have laid upon those arms and their places a Working of Seidhr, that only the most-truly-worthy may draw them and claim them."

Canut drew a breath. "Upon the plowshare is engraved the Fourth Verse, of the Second Chapter of the Book of Isaiah: And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." She gestured to the reverse side of the plowshare, and said, "Upon the reverse, is engraved a quote commonly attributed to both the Humans George Orwell and Winston Churchill: We sleep peacefully in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us."

Canut, who was showing a stoic visage despite her obvious exhaustion; who swayed without realizing it; who held her bearing despite her fatigue, smiled slightly under her helmet. "It is my hope, that you find my work worthy, Your Majesty..."

Canut's voice trailed away; those who were close-enough to see her eyes saw her pupils constrict to pinpoints, then widen to consume her irises. Without a single word more, without a thought of decorum, the Battleship Demon who was both Court Wizard and Mistress-at-Arms of the Ancient Atlantic Gateway, pitched forward unconscious and lay snoring upon the stones...
Concert for ButterKlavier and Audience 5

Concert for ButterKlavier and Audience #5 "Feu de la benne à ordures de Colombes"

5 July 2014

Passel House, Hampshire, England

Nothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors.-Ludwig van Beethoven
Spoiler: Claire Plays One Of her Favorites!

Colombe du Chasteler smiled at Duke of York as the two walked into the corridor. She then paused at the sight of a half dozen people clustered in the door to where Claire was playing. A fond smile flickered around her lips and she turned to the British battleship. "Ahh, I see the concert hall is standing room only."

The smile widened as Victoria shifted slightly as her foot tapped in time to the piano music, showing the familiar pale blond ponytail of Ehren at the front of the pack.

Duke nudged her elbow and pointed to the door to the library they were standing next to. "We can get in through there, follow me."

Colombe followed with a spring in her step as the piano music beyond the crowd segued into Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody #2. Her face shone with a happy smile and she sighed happily, as she remembered Claire playing that for her first Christmas with her family.

Such a wonderful moment that was for me and my little gir---

Colombe stepped around Duke as the battleship reached the connecting door. The Muramasa rapier stared in shock at the familiar brunette girl sitting in the lap of a white skinned Abyssal giantess with glowing blue eyes.


Ehren smiled happily as her beloved Big Piano Sister and Summer finished their duet and Claire whispered something to the beaming Princess.

Summer nodded shyly and hugged Claire around the waist as the piano spirit grinned with a slightly maniacal smile. The brunette suddenly launched into the thunderous and dramatic slow Lassan introduction to Hungarian Rhapsody #2. Summer's glowing blue eyes got comically wide as Claire expertly built the tension with the notes that she was playing. Ehren's foot tapped in time with the majestic notes and she whispered to Victoria, Lara, Angie, Ron, and Jean Bart as they stood beside her. "Just wait, she's about to take flight..."

With that Duke appeared at the door across the room to her right. As the British battleship smiled at the scene of domestic bliss, Claire began the faster playful gypsy melodies of the Friska as her hands began to dance across the keyboard at lightning speed.
Spoiler: The ButterKlavier Plays A Butterknife Theme

Colombe stepped from behind Duke and stopped dead with naked shock written on her face as she stared at Summer and Claire.

Ehren's steel blue eyes widened in horror as the look of shock on her mother's face turned to something far more deadly. An old remembered pain in her chest flared to life as Colombe's hand flashed to her rapier hilt.


With that Ehren flash-stepped to place herself between her beloved sister and her mother once more, blocking access to the innocents under her sworn protection with her arms spread.


Behind Ehren, Victoria's eyes widened and then narrowed as Colombe's face froze in the same expression that she remembered from 1899 as the dessert had been served. The house spirit tensed to act to protect her family as the first quarter-inch of steel cleared the rapier's sheath.

I knew it!


Summer whimpered at the blonde stranger's glare at her and hid behind her New Piano Friend as the music played.



Colombe's hand froze with her steel half-drawn as her brain caught up with her combat reflexes and realized this must the be the Allied Abyssal princess who Ehren had told her about. A wave of guilt and remorse surged in her spirit and made her eyes fill with tears as she remembered nearly killing Ehren once before in similar circumstances.

A moment underscored as her youngest daughter appeared in her way as a living shield to those beyond. Colombe knew deep in her heart that if the Abyssal was even remotely a threat to Claire, Ehren would have acted to defend Claire from her.

Just as she defended Claire from me... again.


Claire gave her mother a pout and upset stare that made several of the Passel House contingent melt a little at the sight of the adorably angry kitten looking at her mother.

Her gentle melodic voice spoke with disappointment that caused Colombe to visibly wince as the piano kept playing. "Not during Liszt, Mother! You made me miss a sixteenth note during my favorite variation on the Cadenza!"

She puffed out her cheeks and played a major chord that expressed disapproval as she continued to play free-form Liszt variations for her Cadenza. " And you scared my new friend too! Ooooooo!!"


Colombe blushed and slid the rapier back into her sheath and took her hand off the hilt. "I am sorry, I was shocked and not expecting Miss... Um"

Claire spoke in her gentle voice with a tone of velvety annoyance it in it. "Summer, Mother. She's nice and sweet and I'm teaching her how to piano." The aforementioned Abyssal peeked out from behind Claire to survey the sheepish-looking rapier.

"Summer, oui. My apologies for causing a stir and disrupting the music everyone was enjoying, especially for causing Claire to miss a note." Colombe curtsied to the Abyssal while Ehren walked back to Ron and Victoria as the tension ebbed.

Ehren spoke into the silence as the piece ended. "Mutti has fought in many wars and sometimes her combative nature gets the best of her."

Victoria nodded slowly as did the shipgirls. After all, they knew how battle took a hidden toll on the survivors.

Meanwhile Claire whispered to Summer, who got a somewhat dark smile of anticipation and nodded. "Mother. You have told me and Ehren that 'an apology means nothing but air without action'. Ehren, grab my tablet."

Mahogany brown eyes turned to survey the paling French rapier with a disappointed stare.

Ehren snapped to attention with a heel click. "Jawohl!" she barked out, before departing at the double in the direction of their guest room.

Summer untangled herself from Claire to make room on the bench. Claire gently patted the space beside her.

"You and I will serenade the house with some Rachmaninoff. Summer would like to hear it and it will be a nice technical challenge for us, yes?" Claire spoke in a quiet, gentle voice with steel in it as Colombe nodded glumly.

The rapier made her way to the bench with a heavy tread and sat down beside Claire like a prisoner awaiting execution under the dissapointed puppy eyes of her daughter. Ehren appeared with the tablet in question and Claire punched in a command to display the sheet music.
Spoiler: Mother Was Naughty!

Ehren whispered to the others as Colombe began to play with Claire. "Mutti cannot stand Rachmaninoff. She finds him moody and dark as well as a challenge to play. Claire loves to test herself with him when she is upset. And she missed a note playing one of her favorite pieces so is very upset indeed."

Ehren glanced at the enthralled Summer as the two played piano. "I suppose for Summer's birthday I should get an instructional book on how to play piano, ja?" She murmured to the audience.
[Ginzan Fest.] Heading for the Mountains 1
Harry Leferts

Having packed the last of his bags, Harry laid back on his futon and smiled at Shiromizu who was currently relaxing herself, "Well? Excited for what is going to happen tomorrow?"

The Mizuchi looked over at him and chuckled a little, "I am, as a matter of fact." Bemusedly shaking her head, she sighed, "Maybe a bit too excited to sleep." Throwing her hands into the air, Shiromizu stretched a little, "I mean, tomorrow I'm being enshrined."

Arms behind his head, Harry's lips twitched a little, "Well... while I don't understand fully, I can guess that it would be understandable to be honest. I mean, it is a big day tomorrow after all."

With a happy hum, Shiromizu slithered over before laying with her head on his stomach, "You might not understand it now, Harry. But one day? You will since I will have you enshrined there as well alongside me."

Blinking, the thirteen year old wizard frowned before scratching his cheek, "Still don't understand that, you know. I mean... why enshrine me? Doesn't make sense as I have not really done much for that..." upon seeing her look, he blinked, "What?"

Just rolling her eyes, Shiromizu reached over and tapped the end of his nose, "Only that you're a Baka if you cannot see it. Anyways, even if you had not done anything great? I would still have you enshrined with me as you are my Otouto."

Lightly blushing, Harry was not quite sure what to say, so instead he decided not to say anything at all. Seeing her smirk though, he poked her in the side and made her squirm a little, "Yeah, yeah, Miss Kami." He then tilted his head a little, "Though something else is bothering you.

Now it was the serpent's turn to look away with a blush, "That obvious?"

Crossing his arms, Harry gave a slight nod, "Only thanks to knowing you so long." Frowning, he continued, "So what is it?"

For a few moments, she chewed her lip before answering, "Well, it has to do with Onee-Sama." Shiromizu noted the confusion and continued, "She's planning something. I mean, I know that I have been going to meet with her and such at the village over the past two weeks, but... every time that I have mentioned wanting to see the Shrine or the house that they built for me, she smiles and tells me that it will be a surprise. Just that I will have room for anyone that I invite over to stay and that is it!"

Harry gave a hum and scratched his cheek, "Hmm... interesting... So she won't let you see it, huh."

Unknown to him, his expression caused Shiromizu to narrow her eyes before she sat up and growled, "Harry... you know something."

Rapidly blinking, the teenage wizard looked away, "Uh, I... don't? Not anymore than you might." Suddenly, two hands slammed down on either side of his head and he gave a shaky grin, "No, really, I don't know."

Bringing her face close to his, Shiromizu glared, "Bull. You know something about what is happening! Now, what exactly is it!?"

With a cough, Harry once more looked away, "I really don't know anything, Shiromizu. About all I know is that I funded the building of your home and Shrine. Because, well, your village wouldn't be able to."

That made the Mizuchi blink, 'Wait, he funded it? Because my village couldn't? How...' A thought occurred to her then and she gave him a look, "How did you fund it, Harry?"

Still looking away, he coughed, "Well... I sent them gold and silver to use actually. Because, well, that was easiest. With that they were able to fully pay for construction."

Eyebrows furrowed, Shiromizu stared at him for a few moments before pulling back with a sigh, "I hope that neither you or Onee-Sama went too far. I just want a little shrine and a home, that's all."

Lightly laughing, Harry placed his arms behind his head, "Well, that is what you're getting."

Still frowning, Shiromizu grumbled, "Knowing you and Onee-Sama? That is what I'm afraid of..."

The fact that Harry whistled and had an innocent expression only made her more suspicious... so she whapped him with a pillow.

Meanwhile, close to the base of the mountain where Shiromizu's stream flowed, one could see what looked like a giant plow slowly digging a furrow in the ground. Rocks, dirt, and grass were pushed aside by the plow as it moved on its path. And behind it, pushing it, was Akitsu Maru who was softly humming as she walked with what looked like giant solid snow shoes made of thick steel which groaned with every step. Looking up just over the bank which was eye level, the shipgirl smiled at Misa who got off an ATV which took off once she was making her way towards Akitsu Maru, "Hello, Misa-Chan. Something going on?"

Gently smiling, the Unagi Hime shook her head and chuckled, "No, Akitsu-Chan. Nothing of the sort as a matter of fact." Holding up a large, wrapped box, she grinned, "I brought you some food as a matter of fact."

That caused Akitsu Maru to laugh and nod, "I'm looking forward to it once I'm done here." She then tilted her head to the side, "Which shouldn't be much further, I think. About... thirty minutes." All Misa did was nod and walk alongside the embankment. Sure enough, thirty minutes later, the plow broke through a wall of earth and Akitsu Maru pushed it fully through before lifting it and tossing it to the side where it landed with a boom and sank partially into the earth. Dusting herself off as she walked a bit more, the Amphibious Assault Ship nodded as she walked to the edge and then leapt onto the embankment with a sigh before stretching, "And there we go."

Amused tilt to her lips, Misa chuckled as she held out the food and a thermos, "And here you go, Akitsu-Chan."

Chuckling back, Akitsu Maru took the offered food and drink, "Thank you." With a hum, she took a sip of tea before looking out over the hollow in front of her. There was a scar on the land here which internally made her frown, "So this was once a lake?"

Nodding slightly, Misa sighed a little, "Hai, once, thousands of years ago when the climate was wetter. Or that is what the No-Maj scientists tell me. All I know is that about two hundred years ago, humans began digging it out due to the gold in the gravel as a form of mine." She gestured to a group of hills, "There is a small stream over there, not a big one, that they used to pan for the gold and dumped the gravel besides its banks. And when they built the town, they used the gravel for construction of both it and the railway as well as a nearby road making the pit deeper." Turning back to Akitsu Maru, she gave a small shrug, "It is something of an eyesore to be perfectly honest. During wet months you get small pools and what is sort of a swamp that breeds biting insects. They only last a few weeks, however, so having Lady Shiromizu's river flow into it and fill the depression would be a good thing."

Considering that, the shipgirl slowly made a sound of agreement, "I suppose so. A nice lake would definitely look better than, well, an old open pit. Especially as you want to put beaches alongside it... though..." Akitsu Maru softly snorted as she turned her attention to two stone piles in the pit a short distance from where she had made the trench, with either one of the trench's "Mouth". And on top of each was a stone dragon. She knew that with time, the piles would become islands as the pit filled with water, "Some parts look more interesting than others."

Unable to help herself, Misa giggled, "Yes, I suppose so or at least that is what we think. Especially as we are planting flowering trees around the shore. Sakura and others will, in a few short years, be blooming and reflected in the lake."

Staring out, Akitsu Maru could almost see it herself. Trees covered in soft, pink blossoms with lanterns, all reflected in the dark lake water. And later, fireflies dancing among the groves, "Beautiful."

Only humming, Misa nodded with a soft sigh, "Hai, it will be." With a happy smile on her face, she turned to Akitsu Maru, "Thank you, once more. You and your crew have done so much for our village, helping us build and get everything prepared. Including all the work you laid for Lady Shiromizu's River. You dug the trench all the way around the mountain to her, so that she encircled it with her waters like a snake would encircle a stone. That... means a lot."

Heavily blushing, Akitsu Maru looked away and scratched her cheek some in embarrassment, not quite sure what to say. Finally, she decided on the truth and turned to the Unagi Hime, both of them standing there with the pale moonlight and starlight of the night, "I'll be honest with you, Misa-Chan... all of this work I have not minded. In my previous life, and this one, so often I have needed to destroy. So it feels good to be able to build for a change with my abilities. And to help people get their lives back and improve upon them. Seeing smiles like your own makes it worth it."

This time, it was the Yokai who looked away with a blush, "A-ah, I see... you are very welcome, Akitsu-Chan." For some reason, in Yokosuka, Shiromizu felt like she had missed a prime teasing moment for her Onee-Sama. Back at the mountain though, Misa cleared her throat, "Are you going to be at the Festival tomorrow, perhaps?"

With a slow nod, Akitsu smiled, "Hai, my fairies can operate the sluice gates without me. Though I'm likely going to be wearing my dress uniform to it rather than a Kimono."

Softly smiling, Misa hummed in thought, "Well, you do look rather handsome in it."

The two shared a smile before she giggled and Akitsu Maru chuckled.

Up on the mountain at the Shrine, meanwhile, Arutemisu sighed a little as he looked over the area. That was, of course, until two warm arms encircled him from behind as he felt his wife's body press into his back, "Stop worrying so much, Arutemisu. The Shrine is in the best shape that it could be and likely ever will be."

Looking over his shoulder, the Inaba smiled and chuckled sheepishly, "Sorry, Kat-Chan. Just... you know, worried about tomorrow. Shiromizu-Sama will be arriving to be enshrined here after all. And, well... you know."

All Kat did was nod and smile, "I do know, Arutemisu. Just like I know that tomorrow, you will do fine with the ceremony and, more than that, perform it perfectly. Because this is you, we're talking about."

Moments later, she leaned in and kissed him, which soon deepened before Arutemisu pulled away flushed and panting, "D-damn... you do give a fine pep talk, though, um... maybe not the best place to continue this."

Humming, his American wife buried her face in his neck before slowly making her way up it, nibbling as she went, "Oh, I don't know about that, my Sexy Rabbit. I don't think that Shiromizu-Sama would mind all that much." Feeling him shudder as her teeth lightly grazed his jawbone, she smirked, "Or... you could come back to the house and I'll make sure that you would be too tired to worry about it and get some nice sleep."

Despite himself, Arutemisu tilted his head a little and groaned as he could feel her wandering hands, "B-but what about the baby..."

Feeling his hand against her baby bump, Kat grinned a bit, "I'm pregnant, not dead. And we already checked with the healers and they said it is perfectly safe." Blowing into his ear, she internally cackled as he jumped, "Besides... there's other ways of having fun~"

Much to her amusement, both rabbit ears on his head shot up straight and he turned to stare. At her waggling eyebrows, he took a deep breath and began to walk with her and his next words made her laugh, "Right then, back home it is." As they walked out from under the Torii, he shook his head, "I swear that the pregnancy made you worse."

Throatily chuckling, she gave him a look that said it all, "Perhaps just slightly... but then, you always swore that I have to be part rabbit~"

Arutemisu was still blushing as ten minutes later as they walked past a gate set inside a stone wall, sunflowers in a field beside it...
Vixen Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Vixen Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood

27 June 2014

Moon Under Water Brewpub, Victoria, British Columbia

The door to the nightclub opened up and a beautiful 22-year old Asian woman with a Chinese bob haircut strutted in with the unconscious grace of the grandmaster martial artist that she was, her hips swaying to the sound of the beat from the local band doing live music on a Friday night.

She grinned and tucked her thumbs into the pockets of her sprayed-on blue jeans as she unzipped and removed the windbreaker (Victoria Royals Special Junior Hockey Championship Edition) to show off her 'WARNING-HOT MOM' T-shirt.
Spoiler: Yuying's MILF Shirt

With a vulpine smile she spoke to the waiter, and made her way to her reserved table in the back corner.

She sat down and smirked slightly as she waited for her acquaintance. "Creepy Uncle Dunkel for me and my friend, and a fry bowl with poutine for an appie. I need comfort food badly."

With that she leaned back, basking in the admiring glances of some college students. Mei Yuying preened a bit as she inscribed an invisible hanzi character on the table with one red fingernail to insure that she would not be disturbed unnecessarily.

She reflected that she still 'had it' in spades, but she was not here to trawl for a date.

Not yet.

With that, a second Asian woman entered the bar attached to the microbrewery. Yuying chuckled to herself at the sight of her friend in a leather miniskirt, fishnet stockings, high heeled ankle boots and a tight T-shirt proclaiming her love of the all-female hard rock band Vixen.

The irony of a nine-tailed Japanese kitsune walking around with a T-shirt naming her a vixen did not escape the Chinese huli jing.
Spoiler: Tsuki's Tees!

As the Kyuubi arrived Yuying grinned toothily. "You drove the motorcycle, no?"

Tsuki sat down and then sipped her glass of microbrewery craft beer as the waiter emerged with the appetizer. "Damn straight I did. I'll have the Teriyaki with tuna. You?"

Yuying nodded. "Tuna rice bowl with added salmon." With that she placed fries and poutine on her side plate and began to eat them as she inscribed additional privacy characters on the tablecloth with her finger.

Tsuki frowned, then reached into her purse and touched an ofuda hidden inside, empowering it. The noise of the band doing a cover of AC/DC's Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap) faded into a background buzz.
Spoiler: A Chat Among Vixens

"You didn't call me here to go out clubbing again, especially since I'm happily married now. So spill Yuying." Tsuki's amber eyes narrowed as she pinned the three-tail huli jing with a flat stare.

Yuying sighed heavily and took a deep pull of her beer. "Right. All my cards on the table. As you know well, I throw the yarrow sticks and consult the Book of Changes on a regular basis for myself and Eldest Daughter. For the last half year, I have been getting 'increasing danger' and 'great change' results aimed at her. Starting just before she finally managed to run her father down."

Tsuki blinked. "Oh shit, you don't mean..."

Yuying shook her head and ate another poutine-covered fry. "Not that, thank the Supreme Personage of Jade. The reunion was resolved quite well and Daughter is hopeful that Colombe's legal difficulties will be resolved. Irony of ironies, it turns out that my Eldest Daughter's Paternal Grandfather is the Japanese blade Muramasa-no-Norimune, whom Colombe managed to track down too recently. But the signs of trouble kept building. Then Verdun broke loose and Ying was involved up to her neck in that too alongside her Father and Father's kin."

Tsuki frowned as their food arrived, then speared a slice of tuna steak. "Let me guess, that did not show resolution."

Yuying shook her head and ate a strip of salmon. "No. As you know, there was an outbreak of Hungry Ones up North, and I thought that was surely it. But no. Then four days ago two things happened. There was a spike of energies from the Land of the Rising Sun. Massive. And... Ying had a dream."

Tsuki nodded. "I am aware of what happened in my former homeland, but what was the dream?"

The Kyuubi paled at Yuying's hushed words as the other fox glanced around nervously. "Ying was contacted by the spirit of the Thousand-Year-Vixen from the Investiture of the Gods. Who spoke to her and asked her what her heart's desire was and tried to force Ying to say her True Name."

"Shit." Tsuki growled

"Oh it gets worse. Much worse." Yuying sighed deeply. "Ying woke up to hear her alarm ringing with that spike in Japan. AND got a letter from an ally mentioning a 'mysterious and beautiful woman with no confirmable past' has taken over the Hidden Ministry in Beijing. I think we can both put a name and face to who that truly is."

Tsuki nodded soberly. "It fits her mode of operation."

"One last piece of the puzzle. The Auguries pointed that Ying must travel to the Middle Kingdom in the near future and have informed us in no uncertain terms that the Mandate of Heaven is in flux seeking a new Founder. So I have to ask, do you know of any ties between the person who we are talking about and Japan? Or anything that Japan stole from China that might be of value in controlling China?" Yuying finished and drained her beer.

Tsuki frowned and looked at her Teriyaki bowl. "Not offhand to the second, although I can ask around. I know people in Japan who can and will make inquiries. As for the first... oh yes." The Kyuubi grinned humorlessly. "I know for a fact after causing trouble in China, and India, and China again and possibly points West that the person who we are talking about made her way to Japan just over a millennia ago. And was destroyed there under her new name of Lady Duckweed according to the legends and what I witnessed."

Yuying nodded slowly. "You don't sound confident that she is dead and gone though."

Tsuki shook her head. "Not confident in the least. She was a master of planning and schemes and if anyone could cheat death to pull a millennia-long con, she could. The first time she surfaced in China and wound up in the Investiture, she ducked the lynch mob after her by sacrificing a portion of her power, a tail and some other parts of her power specifically, to create a duplicate to take the fall for her actions. Budding off a clone like a candle lighting another candle or a plant sending a runner to create a new plant. I'm pretty sure that she was trying that again when she was killed in Japan, hence the legends speaking of her pelt flying off and causing trouble, one of her tails forming a Yokai, and of course the Sessho-shiki Stone."

Yuying boggled. "That's possible?"

"For her, it was." Tsuki said slowly. "I heard from one of my contacts that Kamo got his hands on her pelt sometime before the end of the Pacific War and empowered her necromantically to try to resurrect her. Fortunately that got stopped... four days ago"

Yuying rubbed her chin. "That explains the pulse and the timing. But what's her plan??" The Chinese fox's eyes narrowed and her lips firmed. "Even now, my oldest daughter is moving deeper into her webs of deception, lies and treachery. Like her father, when the trumpet sounds for a hero to come forth, she leaps at the call. But we both know full well a hero will answer the call but not all heroes will return to their mother."

All Tsuki could do was shake her head sympathetically and place a hand on the shoulder of her friend to provide what comfort she could.
A Very Butterknife New Year's Eve
: Yellowhammer

Something WAFFY and potentially noncanon for the thread.

A Very Butterknife New Year's Eve

Passel House

Ehren took Summer's hands and began to gently guide the giantess. "Like this, you see. One... two... three, One... two... three."

Summer smiled and whispered. "So just like that?"

Ehren released her and then nodded. "Ja, just like that. Now just have your count go every time Claire gives a strong bass chord when she plays."

With that she gestured to Ron to approach. The young man took Summer's right hand with his left, and then his right hand rested on the bottom of her left shoulder blade as she towered over him.

Ehren looked approvingly at the two then nodded as the clock slipped from 11:59 to 12:00. "Claire, Mutti, Now."

Colombe cast a spell, turning Summer's normal white sundress into a rose pink ballroom dress that reached her ankles and brought out the pale beauty of her skin and complexion as she was crowned by a wreath of pink and red roses. Meanwhile Ron's normal clothes shifted into a dark tuxedo with a white rose in the lapel.

Claire played An der schönen, blauen Donau from memory as the two, surrounded by their friends and family, began the first steps to ring in the New Year to the sound of the greatest piece of waltz music composed.

Spoiler: Bonus Claire Funny Moment

The Writer of Goldfish Saver Ma-Chan

SkyeFire said:
One of Nameless's side projects is an ongoing wordless 4-koma about a sword-wearing girl who collects goldfish. Snuggles them, pets them, feeds them, uses them as teddy bears (keeps prying them out of the jaws of sharks, the tentacles of octopi, trawler nets....)​
"Goldfish Saver Ma-Chan?" Chisuheri asked dubiously. Akutoku nodded.

"I know it looks kind of silly, but trust me, it's great. Just read the first chapter."

"You sound so certain."

"That's because I am." Chisuheri cocked an eyebrow, still unconvinced. "Okay, it looks like it's just about a girl who runs around rescuing goldfish from ridiculous situations, but it's also got a lot of stuff about coping with trauma and dealing with situations that you have no control of, and the story just kind of slowly shows up through each chapter and it's really great so read it."

"And yet, it's still about a girl who runs around saving goldfish."

"Aw, come on, Sis--"

As usual, Kyoshu's entry into the conversation was completely unexpected. Nameless wheeled herself after her at a more sedate pace. "Hey, everyone! What are you doing? Are those goldfish? Hey, I like goldfish!"

"Kyoshu! Kyoshu, off!"

Nameless watched calmly as Kyoshu ran off to the kitchen searching for goldfish. Akutoku chased after her upon realizing that the "Goldfish Sword" had run off with the computer mouse, and Chisuheri followed to make sure that the two didn't break anything.

Nameless rolled up to the computer desk and opened a drawer, selecting a spare mouse and plugging it in to the computer. After testing to make sure it worked, she turned on the scanner and pulled a small sheaf of papers out of its resting place beside her leg. Norimune had told her that this was a good, interesting direction to take the story. She just hoped that all of her readers felt the same.

(Nameless didn't know that she was keeping any sort of secret from her hosts. When she found out, Norimune laughed uproariously and Nameless facepalmed with both hands out of embarrassment.)
[Ginzan Fest.] Heading for the Mountains 2
Harry Leferts

"Eeee! We're going to a festival, Juuchi-Oba-Chan!"

Leaning against a counter, Juuchi watched as her newest... niece, leapt and danced around. Every so often fading away from sight and memory, only to appear nearby. Smugly smirking, she peeled a blood orange, "We are indeed, Kenshō-Chan. Hopefully we'll have fun there."

Practically bouncing as she threw her arms wide, the Kogatana nodded, "Hai! And I even got a Yukata from Tsukiakari-Onee-Chan to wear!"

Those words caused Juuchi to pause and frown, "She got you a Yukata, Kenshō-Chan? A new one?"

Not even noticing the tone, the seemingly little girl spun, "A really nice blue one! With goldfish on it too!" She then gave her aunt a slow, serious nod, "I like goldfish."

Even as the smaller blade resumed her dancing in excitement, Juuchi turned to the Kyu-Gunto and raised an eyebrow. For her part, Tsukiakari looked away with an innocent look, "All I did was contact Honjo-Senpai and ask her if she knew where I could find a nice Yukata. That is all."

Her expression stating just how much she believed her 'Kohai', the Muramasa hummed, "I see..." Glancing back at Kenshō, however, she just sighed, 'Cannot be helped, I suppose...' Instead, Juuchi popped one of the slices of blood orange into her mouth and chewed, enjoying the citrus flavour. Once she swallowed, she gave Kenshō a look, "Now remember, Kenshō-Chan, enjoy the festival but keep close to Master just in case. You know he can get into trouble."

From where he was packing some food, Harry gave her a look which made Tsukiakari giggle along with his next words, "I'm right here, you know. Besides which, I don't go looking for trouble, it goes looking for me."

Seemingly ignoring him, Kenshō puffed out her chest and gave Juuchi a salute, "Hai! Don't worry, I'll keep close to Master and protect him!" Fading out of view, she faded back into it next to Harry as she hugged him, "I won't let anyone harm Master!"

Rather than comment, Harry rolled his eyes before giving Kenshō a pat on the head followed by a muffin, which made her cheer.

Bemused, the teenage wizard only shook his head as the Kogatana munched happily on the muffin. Just a few minutes later, he turned as Shiromizu slipped into the kitchen and placed a cup of tea in front of her. The Mizuchi, meanwhile, gave her a slight, thankful smile, "Thank you, Harry."

Lightly chuckling, Harry smiled back at her, "You are very welcome, Shiromizu. Figured that you might need something to wake up considering how early it is."

Glancing out the window, at the predawn light, Shiromizu gave a nod, "Hai, I do need something to wake me up." Moments later, she perked up as Harry placed a plate full of eggs in front of her, lightly salted and peppered, just as she liked them. That... actually made her feel lighter and she gave him a smile, "Thank you, Otouto."

Waiting until she speared the first of the eggs, the teenage wizard nodded and went back to getting all the food ready for the day. After all, they were going to stop partway there for lunch and it was best that they had some food for that. Glancing up, he placed more plates out for Nagato as well as Hoppou, who were coming out of their rooms, "Hey there, give me a moment and I'll have some more food set up."

His lips did twitch a little as Hoppou hopped up onto a chair though and grabbed a muffin. And it was not just him who was amused as Nagato give a small chuckle before sitting down for breakfast, "Thank you, Harry. It looks wonderful, as always."

Even as he nodded, his adoptive little sister thanked him as well before biting happily into her muffin. As he began to do the dishes, Harry looked over his shoulder at Shiromizu, "So... have you packed everything that you are going to use in your new abode? Including the furniture and what you need for the library?"

Swallowing the last bit of eggs, Shiromizu wiped at her mouth with a napkin before she answered, "Hai, I placed the desks, drawers, and such into the expanded trunk. When we get to my home, we'll set them all up there. Though..." Narrowing her eyes, she shook her head, "I think that there's too much in the chest, Harry. There's got to be at least eight bookshelves, two tables marked for the library, and a large number of books."

Just turning away, Harry hid his smirk best that he could, "That so? Well, best that you have something in case you do need it. Besides... I thought that you could use the books for the library that you are going to have in order to have Ryo-San manifest in your home."

Now frowning, the Mizuchi furrowed her eyebrows, "Of course, just like I asked Onee-Sama to plant a field of sunflowers just outside for Himawari-Chan and dig out a spring on the site for a small pond to attach Suihou-Chan. But it was just going to be a small room..." Thinking back at the chest of books, Shiromizu narrowed her eyes some, "But there's a lot of books there as it is. Light novels and other fiction, science and history books, magical books... not to mention the magazines. What I am going to do with at least a decade's worth of National Geographics, I'm not sure. Heck, you somehow managed to find an entire Encylopedia Brittanica series!"

Continuing to wash, Harry simply hummed, "That was hard to find, but I did. It should look pretty good in your library, Shiromizu."

As he was turned away, he did not know that only made Shiromizu even more suspicious than she had been the night before, 'What is he playing at... Did Onee-Sama do something? Because she always goes overboard...'

For the rest of the breakfast, the serpent continued to stare at her "Little Brother", as if demanding he give up his secrets. But despite the stares, he held fast and simply pretended not to notice them. Granted, Shiromizu did note that he had a slight, smug smirk on his face not unlike that which Juuchi had. Something that raised her suspicions even more.

However, she was unable to give voice to said suspicions as they soon left the apartment and headed outside to where there was a van waiting. One of the windows rolled down to reveal Kensuke there with a smile on his face, "Ready to head out?"

Just nodding, Harry was about to say something when the side door opened and two blurs shot out that he knew to be the youngest Onos, "HOPPOU-CHAN! HOPPOU-CHAN!"

They were met partway by said Abyssal who was giggling madly, "ASUKA-CHAN! REI-CHAN!"

Ignoring the two kits for the moment as them and Hoppou were excitedly dancing around each other and chattering, Harry turned towards Natsumi with a slight smile, "Hey there, Natsumi-Chan."

Natsumi returned the smile and walked over before placing a short kiss on his lips and hugging him, "Good morning, Harry-Chan. Are you ready to head out?"

With a small smile on his face, Harry gave a shrug, "Hai, I am." He then gestured beside him at the little Kogatana trying to hide behind him, "Natsumi-Chan? Meet Kenshō, my newest blade."

At the unsure look in the blade spirit's eyes, the Kitsune crouched down and gave her a small, gentle smile, "Good morning, Kenshō-Chan. Are you excited to go to the festival as well then? Because I know that I am as well and that we'll all have a lot of fun."

Shyly, Kenshō glanced up at Harry and, after he nodded, stepped behind him and bowed, "H-hai, I am looking forward to having a lot of fun with you all, Natsumi-Sama."

Reaching out, Natsumi placed her hand on Kenshō's head and ruffled her hair some, "That is good to hear, and I am sure that you'll be able to keep Harry-Chan out of trouble, as hard as that is." Ignoring the grumble from said boy, she gave Kenshō a smile, "He really needs it."

In return, Kenshō puffed out her chest a little, "Hai! I'll do that."

Lips twitching, the Kitsune turned to Harry and he shrugged a little, "From what I heard, Carnwennan will be coming with some of the others..." Hearing a beeping sound, he turned and blinked a little at the Mini that pulled up until he noted who was driving it, "Carnwennan?"

Smile on his face, Carnwennan rolled down the windows and gave a small nod, "Indeed it is I, Master."

Juuchi blinked once before doing so again, "... You actually bought a Mini."

His smile turning into a smirk, the Arthurian blade did so, "Much as I said that I would." Patting the car, he gave a small nod, "Quite the good little automobile, though I shall also have it enchanted soon enough. And at least it is not a Prius." Ignoring Juuchi's grumbles, Carnwennan smiled over at Tsukiakari, "If you look in the trunk, you shall find your ride and passenger, Tsu."

Eyes lighting up, Tsukiakari rushed to the back and found the vehicle in question before taking out the item. A wave of her true self, and it revealed the item to be a WWII era motorcycle with a side car. Then, Goldie manifested with a smile on her face and wearing motorcycle leathers as she patted the bike, "This shall be our Chariot, one that the Emperors would have been pleased to ride in."

As the Kyu-Gunto nodded, Juuchi frowned slightly, "You do realize that is an American made motorbike, correct?"

Blinking, Goldie turned to her and gave a small shrug, "While built in the United States, it is of Rome. For all good things are Roman in the end, Umu."

Only barely able to keep back his snort of amusement, Harry looked into the Mini and noted that in the back seat sat Andraste and Sabah, while Dracul was in the front passenger seat, "Good morning you guys."

Sipping her iced coffee and then lowering her shades, Dracul grinned a little which showed one of her fangs, "It is, indeed, a good morning Master." Placing her sunglasses back, she hummed, "I am looking forward to this festival."

When he turned to them, the two spirits in the back seat also nodded with Andraste answering for them both, "We are quite happy as well, Master. Going to an actual festival? We are looking forward to it as are the others." Seeing his look, the Shield shook her head, "They shall come later via Owl Box. We decided that it would be best not to have too many around after all."

After a few more minutes of chatting with them, it was time to go and they all got into the needed vehicles before leaving. Inside the van, Harry had a thoughtful look on his face as they drove out into the city as the Sun slowly broke over the horizon. Yawning, Natsumi turned to face him, "Is something wrong, Harry-Chan?"

Harry blinked for a moment and then shrugged, "Not really? Just wondering a bit about Benio and Tatsuya. I was talking to them last night before bed since he wanted to know if I could contact Miyuki-Nee. I did, but she brought along Oboro as well with her. Something about some wizard and odd sea life behavior..."

That made more than one of the adults turn to look at him but then they glanced at each other and shrugged.


Small tears in her clothing, Benio frowned a little as she looked at the others in their group. Tonbo was grumbling a bit as she looked around with narrowed eyes while Tatsuya had a look on his face that was one she saw rarely... disbelief as even this was ridiculous by their standards. Even the two shipgirls with them seemed to be having trouble accepting what was happening. Behind them, Reiko had a frown on her face, "Um... guys? I think that we might be in trouble."

Just nodding slowly, the Yuki-Onna Hanyou raised her bat a little, "Seems like they caught us in a... pincer attack."

Utter silence met her at that, even from the crabs and the wizard who had a lobster on his head. Closing his eyes, Tatsuya groaned a little bit, "If I had not known you for as long as I have, Benio, I would have thought that this was due to you hanging with Potter-San too much."

Miyuki gave a nod of her own at that, "Hai, same here." Scratching her cheek, she frowned a little, "Harry-Chan does love his puns after all."

Now grinning, Benio had a sparkle in her eye, "Hey, don't be so crabby now, Tatsuya."

Facepalming, Reiko sighed into her hands, "Why... just why..."

However, having shaken off his confusion, the wizard began to cackle as he spread his hands, "It matters not! For now, my plans have come to fruition! Kamo and my fellow researchers back in the war laughed at me! But I shall have the last laugh! With my army of magically controlled and intelligence boosted crustaceans, I shall take over the town first! And then... the crustaceans shall rise once more and conquer the world! With my as their overlord leading legions of Lobstermen and Crabwomen to take it back!"

Slowly, Oboro raised her hand, "Um... do you have Lobstermen yet? And what was that about Crabwomen?"

Just blinking, the wizard blushed and coughed, "Details... but I shall show that my idea did have credit! That armies of crustaceans could crush all opposition!"

Eyebrow raised, Tatsuya turned towards Miyuki, "Well? Could they?"

Completely nonplussed, the Destroyer sighed, "I have no idea..." Looking on at the wizard, she blinked with a "What am I even doing here" expression, "And while I knew some of the projects were just wierd... this takes the cake." Miyuki raised her guns, only to blink as a hand pushed them down, "Oboro-Chan?"

Grin on her face, Oboro spread her arms, "I got this! For these are my people!" Stepping forward, she took a deep breath, "Crabby! Hit it!"

It was not just Miyuki who was staring as the Destroyer's pet crab came out of where it was hiding in her rigging. Then, it started to bounce up and down on it's legs while clacking it's claws in time. Confused, the wizard opened his mouth, only to note that Oboro was tapping her foot in time as well, "What are you..."

Trailing off, he noticed that all the crabs were staring as well before some began to mimic Crabby's movements. As the clacking sound made and pounding some of the other crabs did made an odd music, Oboro began to move away from the others, "I got this, you handle the wizard..." Starting to dance with some of the crabs following her movements in dancing along, she gave a shout as she lead them away, "CRAB RAVE!"

Slowly, the mass of crabs, dancing and making music, disappeared over some dunes as everyone watched. For a minute or two, they listened to further calls of "CRAB RAVE" in disbelief. With a deep breath, Tatsuya gave a sigh, "Well... that happened."

Pinching her nose, Miyuki sighed a little as well, "I... don't know what to say. But wat."

With a small shrug, Reiko frowned a little, "I just don't know myself and... Benio, are you dancing?"

And, sure enough, Benio was, indeed, dancing to the beat as she bobbed her head, "What? It's catchy."

Just looking at the sky, Tatsuya was silent before shrugging and pointing at the wizard who was shouting for his army to come back, "Let's... just beat up the bad guy, okay?"

Looking at each other, all of them gave a shrug, "Sure."
FoL Tampa approaches Hawaii

Over a month without a new post... this snippet just didn't want to be made. But finally, I have a semi-complete snippet, ready just in time for the new year!


Nuri ran a hand through her hair blissfully, basking in its newfound silky-smoothness. "Ah, so nice…" she hummed to herself. "Spending so much time out in the briny wilderness makes it so easy to forget the havoc it wreaks on your hair." Glancing to her sister, she smirked. "Especially for you." After a complimentary salon treatment from the locals, Sunny's head looked like it had spontaneously grown a half-inch wider, purely from the restoration of her hair's natural volume and luster. It was actually kind of a strange sight, when her siblings were more used to her thread-like hair clinging to her scalp so closely.

"Bah, I could hardly tell—my hair looks amazing either way!" Sunny chuckled, flipping her mane with a flick of her head. "No, but it does feel good to not have my hair sticking to me like seaweed. It was really nice of the natives to treat us like this." There were murmurs of agreement among their fleet.

Nuri simply nodded as she turned to her sisters. "Now, then…" she called out. "One last check, before we set out: does everyone have their affairs in order?"

After a few seconds of thinking, one of the girls raised their hand. "I wanted to try some poi while we were here…"

The sibling's request was met with a mix of amusement and exasperation, the mention of the native foodstuff bringing a certain destroyer to mind. "You could have done that at any point in the past two days, Rizzo…" Nuri said. "We don't want to overstay our welcome here by loitering. This is a diplomatic expedition, remember?"

The sheepish Ri-class let her hand fall. "Sorry…"

Nuri waved a hand. "It's alright, Rizzo. You'll have another opportunity to try it when we come back through here, on our way home. Anyone else?" When nobody answered, she nodded in satisfaction. "Alright then. Without further ado… onward to Pan—"

Nuri's voice was suddenly drowned out by a distant sound—sirens, blaring out a single steady note. Instantly, the entire group stiffened, their collective gaze snapping to the nearest siren. They were intimately familiar with this sound… bringing back memories of the home they lost years prior, where they had been drilled in the various siren calls and their meanings.

There were enemies inbound.

The Abyssals' radios crackled to life. {This is USS Tennessee issuing a warning to all friendly ships in the vicinity of Pearl Harbor: unidentified Abyssal ships have just been detected on course for the Harbor! Only two ships have been spotted, but they don't match the description of any known Abyssal type—they are assumed to be Demon-class ships or higher! Nearby friendlies are urged to change current course and move to intercept. Coordinates are as follows…}

Sunny and Nuri shared a glance, communicating wordlessly with each other, before turning to their fleet.

"Change of plans, girls…"


After three days of sailing, Tsu-class's everything ached. Her armored-over turret rings continued to burn long after their reinforcement… her remaining guns were grating and creaking in their housing… two of her boilers had sprung leaks… her rudders felt loose… and she could swear one of her turbines was making a grinding sound.

But worst of all… after several years without sailing, she was remembering the feeling of true hunger.

The Tsu-class brought her clunky armored hand to her gut, as if trying to suppress her growling stomach. Her oil reserves were down to a little under a quarter after several days of ducking and weaving around human patrols, escaping into the open ocean so they could turn back around and approach the nearby harbor head-on. They could have saved a lot of time and fuel just skimming the shores of these islands, taking a straight course to their destination… but it wasn't worth the risk. If Abyssals popped up right in their backyard, the nearby shipgirls would be liable to shoot first and ask questions later.

She glanced up as the ever-present buzz in the air grew louder. It was a shipgirl's scout plane, making another flyby to try and identify them. Neither sister even bothered to tag the scout with radar, let alone train their guns on it—never mind their overall degraded equipment making a killshot incredibly unlikely, doing so would be against the point of this whole endeavor. They could feel the sonar pings of the submarines stalking them, anyway, which made any attempt to hide from prying eyes utterly useless. They simply maintained their course, advancing to the human-controlled harbor at a cautious 15 knots.

As the flat blue of the distant horizon was eventually disrupted by the summit of the volcanic island before them, her sister suddenly came to a stop. Concerned, the Tsu-class turned around and made her way back to her sister's side. She could see her sister's strained expression; her eyes closed, the twinges in her facial muscles. She knew what this was. "...they're arguing," she stated simply.

Tampa wasn't alone in her body… not anymore. She shared it with four of her fallen sisters—the donors of her mismatched body parts, saved from passing on to the next realm by whatever mystical force had uplifted the Ta-class.

None of them considered it a blessing.

Tampa opened her eyes and sighed softly. "So many ways... this could go wrong. They know we're here, now… so we can't return to living alone again. But we still want... to try and turn back."

"Rocket and Waffle?"

A soft nod. "They're afraid. And we cannot deny their fears."

The Tsu-class reached out with her good arm and gripped her sister's shoulder. "We have to keep moving forward. I can't give up on my family a second time…I've got too much guilt in my heart already." She started up her engines again, slowly tugging the conflicted Ta-class forward. "Come on… the shore can't be much further." The pair continued moving, albeit at a much slower pace… a result of Tampa's loss of inner harmony making it that much harder to will her patchwork body into motion. Over time, more of the island on the horizon became visible—they could make radio towers, construction cranes, warehouses…

And the distant wall of raid sirens, as almost a dozen shipgirls formed a defensive line between them and the harbor.

The head of the defensive fleet came forward—a battleship with tanned skin and blonde hair, training all of her main guns on them. "You two are either desperate or insane, to sail up to our doorstep like this," she said simply. "Were it not for your current states, we would've had every reason to gun you down by now." The battleship folded her arms. "Who are you, and what are you doing in Pearl Harbor?"

The Tsu-class flinched. She'd known they were squatting somewhere close to the Hawaiian islands, if not one of the islands themselves… but of all the military bases Tampa could've chosen to travel to, did she really have to choose the biggest and most heavily fortified of the lot!? Her knowledge of the military presence on Hawaii had faded substantially over the years, but even then she could recall at least three other naval outposts that would have provoked a far less aggressive response then Pearl Harbor!

But… the pair hadn't been fired on yet. They were still being given a chance to say their piece.

Slowly, carefully, the Tsu-class produced her fishing spear—with the tattered remnants of a Ta-class's cape tied to the top—and started waving it over her head.

"Please… please don't shoot!" she called out. "We surrender! We surrender!" Seeing the Abyssals brandishing a white flag, the shipgirls of the defensive fleet paused. Several of them looked to the pair suspiciously. "It's not a trap, I swear! Our guns are unloaded!"

After several long seconds, the battleship drifted forward, coming within several yards of the sisters. She spent a moment looking them over before grimacing. "You two look like you haven't been serviced in years," she said bluntly.

The Tsu-class answered the question upfront. Honesty was their only option, if they wanted the shipgirls to help them. "We haven't."

The battleship blinked, taken aback by the equally-blunt response. "You're… you're serious?" The Tsu-class simply nodded. "...Jesus Christ. What fleet did you two come from!?"

"The fleet of the... the Northern Ocean Princess."

The moment those words left the Tsu-class's mouth, the battleship froze—as did the rest of the defensive fleet. The shipgirls' heads started whipping back and forth as they all exchanged shocked stares with one another.

"Northern Ocean Princess…" the battleship almost whispered. "You're one of HERS…?"

The Tsu-class perked up. "Y-you know about her!?" She began to babble in her excitement. "Is she alive? Where is she? Is she safe? Are we at peace—"

Her excitement was quickly quashed as the shipgirl leveled her guns on her. "Before I say another word on the matter," she growled, "I want to see irrefutable proof that you are connected to the Northern Ocean Princess."

"O-oh…" The Tsu-class hesitated briefly, before something came to mind. "H-hold on." She reached up and pulled her helmet away, offering it to the shipgirl. "She, she made me this, a long time ago. She engraved a message on the inside…"


The Tsu-class's head snapped to the side. Standing off in the distance was an Abyssal Battleship Demon… and behind her, were more than a dozen faces she'd thought she would never see again.

"You're… you're alive!"
Goldfish Saver 4koma

Yellowhammer said:
Mei Yuying: "I don't need to bring up the Chinese curse about 'may you live in interesting times!', do I?"​
Well, you remember how the whole thing goes, right?
  • May you live in interesting times
  • May you be recognized by people in high places (sometimes also reported as: May you attract the attention of the government)
  • May you find what you're looking for (often heard as "be careful what you wish for… it may just come true…")
I think that Ying is about to run facefirst into all three parts.
Yellowhammer said:
Mei Yuying: "Well, when Nainai needs to blow off steam, no reason not to use my shapeshifting powers to hit the clubs with a 36B-24-36 body and an ass you can bounce a toonie off and get eight quarters back in change."

Wei Ying: "MOTHER!!!"







Mei Yuying: "Like you haven't done it too, Eldest Daughter..."​
Hah! Only if she's 5'3"!
(which, being Asian, Yuying might just be about that height)
Yellowhammer said:
That is truly hilarious and evil! Have a peanut butter cookie, Tamamo-no-Echo!
Yellowhammer said:
This was a great snip, and truly funny NHA! I think of it as canon.​

None of the characters are ever actually named, although the fanbase assumes the sword-carrying girl is the titular Ma-chan. At first, there's just her and the character the fans dub "Big Goldfish," but later Little Goldfish shows up as a recurring character. Other fan-named characters that sometimes appear are Spear Goldfish, Fang Goldfish, Pervert Goldfish, Coldfish, CutterFish, Blind Goldfish, Muffin Man, Black Mizuchi, White Mizuchi, Bell Goldfish, and others.
(Hm... if all the Butterknives are Goldfish, what would the Breadknives be?)

"She's Not Heavy...."
Panel 1: Ma-chan, Big Goldfish, and Little Goldfish, cheerfully wandering down a country road (Ma-chan in her wheelchair, the Goldfish air-swimming), looking at the flowers and butterflies
Panel 2: Ma-chan's wheelchair gets stuck in some mud
Panel 3: Ma-chan looking worn-out trying to push through, general dismay from the Goldfish
Panel 4: Big Goldfish cheerfully carrying Ma-chan along on her back, with a line towing the wheelchair along (Little Goldfish is gamely pushing the chair from behind, with an expression that practically shouts "I'M HELPING!")

"A kiss in time...."
Panel 1: Ma-chan (in a snorkling mask) and the Godfish are swimming somewhere deep
Panel 2: Ma-chan's cheeks puff out and she grabs her chest, looking scared
Panel 3: Ma-chan stroking hard for the surface, but looks strained. Little Goldfish is pushing her from below, but Big Goldfish is nowhere to be se-- wait, is that her tail dangling down from the top of the frame?
Panel 4: Big Goldfish is cheerfully kissing Ma-chan, with air bubbles rising from their liplock indicating what she's really doing. Ma-chan looks much more relaxed, but blushing. Little Goldfish is half-covering her eyes with her fins.

"No bad dreams...."
Panel 1: Ma-chan and Big Goldfish are on on separate futons. The moon is visible in the window, and Big Goldfish is snoring, but Ma-chan is staring at the ceiling wearily.
Panel 2: Big Goldfish starts thrashing around in her sleep, with a 'dark aura' sketched out around her
Panel 3: Ma-chan dragging her futon towards the nightmare-ridden Goldfish
Panel 4: Ma-chan and Big Goldfish both sleeping peacefully under the same blanket arms and fins hugging each other

"So slippery...."
Panel 1: Ma-chan is practicing swings with a shinai, looking sweaty and tired. Big Goldfish has just popped up over one shoulder
Panel 2: Big Goldfish blows inquisitive bubbles in Ma-chan's ear. Ma-chan, startled, loses her grip, and her shinai goes flying out of frame
Panel 3: Big Goldfish also goes flying out of frame, as Ma-chan looks to be yelling angrily
Panel 4: Big Goldfish bringing back the shinai like a dog, and Ma-chan pets her. Her expression says she wants to stay mad, but just can't

"A bigger stick...."
Panels 1-3: near-duplicate of "So slippery," but Little Goldfish is also present
Panel 4: Little Goldfish has proudly retrieved the shinai... but Big Goldfish has retrieved Spear Goldfish, who has a "WTF?!?" expression. Ma-chan's expression says "Oh good grief" in a very Charlie Brown fashion

"It's okay...."
Panel 1: Ma-chan and Big Goldfish are cleaning the kitchen (Little Goldfish's tail is protruding from the dishwasher, making Industrious Cleaning Motions)
Panel 2: Ma-chan is wearing a bucket over her head, soaking wet. The motion lines connect the bucket to the tail of Big Goldfish, whose motion lines indicate she has just performed a fast 180 for some reason, and whose face is wearing an "OH NOES!" expression. Little Goldfish's head (wearing an anime cleaning-lady style hair-bandanna) is poking out of the dishwasher in alarm.
Panel 3: Big Goldfish is trying to dry off Ma-chan and just making it worse, crying her eyes out. Little Goldfish is hovering overhead, wringing her fins with a "what do I do?" expression.
Panel 4: Ma-chan has gathered both Goldfish into a wet hug, wearing an "It's all right, don't cry" expression

"Eyes bigger than her stomach...."
Panel 1: Muffin Man is holding a plate of steaming muffins. Ma-chan is already biting into one, and Muffin Man is holding one out to Little Goldfish
Panel 2: Little Goldfish's mouth grows into a huge fanged orifice three times the size of her body, and CHOMP!s the entire muffin, leaving only crumbs on MM's hand. MM and Ma-chan both have Very Big Eyes
Panel 3: LG is "floating" on her back, looking stuffed and burping. BG is clapping her fins together making an "Me next ME ME MEEEE!" expression at MM, who looks amused and holds out another muffin
Panel 4: BG has (somehow) swallowed MM's arm up to the elbow, and has an apologetic "oops...?" expression. Ma-chan and LG are facepalming with identical expressions, and MM is rolling his eyes in affectionate exasperation
[Ginzan Fest.] Welcome home, welcome back, welcome to your humble shack!
Harry Leferts

"... And in other news, the shipgirl named Oboro was recorded as leading what seemed to be a flashmob of crabs across a beach. There has been no comment as to how the Destroyer managed to train the animals to do such from the military as of this moment, but a number of biologists have stated that they would like to speak to her. And now for the weather..."

Glancing at the radio, Sakuya sipped her tea while glancing at Nagato who was pinching her nose, "I take it that you know who that is?"

With a sigh, Nagato nodded, "Hai, I do. She's one of the Ayanami Class and has an odd obsession with crabs. Has one as a pet that hangs out in her rigging that she calls 'Mr. Crab' and 'Crabby'. Though some think that they're two crabs as she sometimes calls them either female or male."

Rather bemused at the idea of a shipgirl keeping a crab as a pet, the Kitsune gave a small nod, "I see..." Looking in the mirror, she chuckled a little bit. At the look from Nagato, Sakuya nodded back a little before whispering, "Natsumi-Chan as well as Harry-Kun and Louisiana-Chan."

Eyebrow raised, Nagato smiled a little when she looked into the mirror to find both teens leaning against the American Battleship who had joined them. Softly smiling, she turned to Sakuya and shook her head a little, "They look comfortable, do they not?"

Softly smiling, Sakuya giggled a little, "They do, would be a bit of a shame to disturb them." Glancing at the mirror again, she shook her head, "For what it is worth, I feel Natsumi-Chan has chosen quite well. And I do approve of it, as odd as it may be. Especially after..."

Understanding what she meant, the Japanese Battleship reached over and gently squeezed a hand, "Both of them are alright, Sakuya-San. Neither are in danger, not in the slightest."

Only taking a deep breath, Sakuya gave a slight nod, "I can understand that in my mind, but in my heart... more than once over the past week, I have woken from a nightmare where that has not been true. But... perhaps this will help."

Humming as she fully understood, Nagato changed the subject which made two adult Kitsune very grateful, "So from what I have been told, Taichi-San will arrive with both Kaga and Akagi? And your parents shall arrive in another car as well?"

Just nodding, the Kitsune chuckled, "Hai, and that is another case where I am quite pleased with how my children have chosen their partners. I have found both Kaga-San as well as Akagi-San to be quite the women personally. Strong, but not so much that they will take over my son's life. And also they fit together quite well with the bonds that they have forged before meeting Taichi-Kun. So I very much doubt that the usual issue there will pop up."

To that, Nagato chuckled a little as she remembered various things, "That is a very good point to be honest. I will admit, there were a number among us who thought that there was no chance of someone being allowed with either of them as they seemed to suit each other the very best. Still... even Zuikaku commented that Kaga seems to have some rough edges smoothed off. And it is not like it is much trouble and everyone is supportive." A snicker escaped her, "Even if it does lead to a number of jokes about 'Touching fluffy tail' for them to deal with."

Unable to help herself, Sakuya giggled a little, "Yes, I can see that. A danger of being in a relationship with a Kitsune as our tails are quite fluffy."

Both women smiled at each other and grinned before lightly laughing.

It was not long after that before Nagato turned in her seat with an amused look on her face, "We're only an hour out from the train station we need to take."

When they looked at Shiromizu, she blushed lightly, "I thought that it would be nice to take the train up the mountainside, at least for the first day." Poking her fingers together, she looked away, "It sounded nice, though when they have it up and running I would not mind trying the ropeway that they have also been talking about building."

Reaching over, Harry placed his hand on her shoulder, "I don't think that any of us really mind all that much, Shiromizu. Besides... riding a train up the mountain doesn't sound that bad."

From where she sat on the otherside of Louisiana, Natsumi gave a small nod, "It actually sounds pretty fun. And we did come to sightsee a little and see how things have changed after all. It is a festival after all."

Grateful, the Mizuchi gave a small nod, "Thank you."

Anything else though was stopped as Rei, who was poking her head over the headrest of one of the seats, gave a gasp, "Look! There's a stone bridge up ahead!"

Blinking, Shiromizu frowned as she leaned to the side to look only to furrow her eyebrows, "That's odd... there shouldn't be a bridge there."

Only humming as the van slowed a little, Kensuke raised an eyebrow, "It looks like one of the ones from the eighteenth century. Remember those, Sakuya-Chan?"

Lips twitching a little, the Kitsune in question gave a nod, "Hai, I do remember those old bridges. A little bit of a shame that many of them no longer exist, but this one? It looks much newer."

As they crossed the bridge, Shiromizu realized something else, "Wait, there's a dug out channel down there. No water, but... it looks like it is going in the direction of the old gravel pit? Why would they even dig it here?"

Glancing out the window, Harry hummed a little, "Maybe flood pervention? I mean, when spring melt comes, you would get quite a bit of water coming off the mountain. Same with any typhoons that sweep through here... a way to get all the water out of the way."

Still frowning, the young Mizuchi chewed her lip some, "I guess that makes some sense...?"

Unnoticed by her, Natsumi gave Harry a raised eyebrow in question. One that was answered by a smirk by Harry, which made her blink before she grinned at understanding the hidden message, 'Oh, I cannot wait to see her face...' Rather than comment on that, the teenage Kitsune cleared her throat, "So how are some of the other things going on with your mountain?"

Confused, Shiromizu turned her thoughts away from the oddness of what she was seeing to Natsumi, "What?"

Rolling her eyes, Natsumi sighed a little bit, "You mentioned before that you had some farms nearby? And orchards as well as a Inn?"

The thirteen year old wizard of the group spoke up at that point, "Which is owned by Miyuki-San the Yuki-Onna and her husband. From what she told me, she was very happy and her relatives are as well."

Just nodding, Natsumi turned back to Shiromizu, "Hai, I remember that..."

Her thoughts having been derailed about the dry channel, Shiromizu shrugged a little, "Not much to say? There's a few chicken farms and such around as well as a small dairy farm. Well, we have a berry farm as well, they bought some blackcurrents and the like to sell, from what I heard they are already making a profit on those. We also have some damson orchards as well, since I gave them a number of pits that Harry and you brought back with the fruit from Britain, but those are higher up the mountain where it gets a bit too chilly for normal fruit trees..."

Nagato then spoke up, "It is a little bit of an experiment actually. If they do well here, the government is considering having some planted up in Hokkaido in colder areas to provide more fruit to the nation. The blackcurrents are another as they are a very good source of Vitamin C and they think that they can spread them out to help with any rationing."

With a nod, the Mizuchi turned back to her friends, "We did take some cues from your hometown though, Natsumi-Chan. Some of the old mines have been magically reinforced and had space expansion charms used on them as well as some other environmental spells. So we got deer farms, goat farms, and the like operating under the mountain as well as some fish farms. They had to check to make sure that some of the mines in that last case have no exit points for the water... but it seems to be working with magical filters and the like keeping the water oxygenated and clean. The Japanese government seem to be interested as it mixes magic and non-magical technology. That's beside the other things as well."

The conversation continued from there as the van turned onto an exit and drove along it until they came to a small parkade which made them nod as they drove in followed by Carnwennan and Tsukiakari. When they parked though, there was also another van as well as motorcycle which made the teens grin. As soon as they got out, Harry made his way over to where Asuka the Tengu was, "Asuka-San!"

Blinking, she looked over her shoulder at Harry and the others before smiling herself, "Harry-San! Natsumi-San!" Asuka grinned at them both before noticing Natsumi's little sister who shared her name pouting, "Is she still on about..."

Amused, Natsumi gave a shrug, "About you stealing her name? Hai, she is." She snickered a little and shook her head, "I wouldn't worry too much about it." Then, the Kitsune turned her attention to the other members of the Abyss Divers that were there before bowing, "Hello, I'm Ono Natsumi-San. And... thank you, for the help you gave us a year ago."

One of them, a tanned woman, blinked before giving her a grin and speaking in an Okinawan accent, "Don't worry about it, at least you got the spider who was causing it, uh... right?"

Scratching her neck, Natsumi nodded, "Hai, myself, Harry-Chan, and Shiromizu-Chan killed her." Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Shiromizu greet Jin and shake her head, "So... excited to be at the festival? I mean, it is in your honor..."

Much to her amusement, that caused the various human pilots to lightly blush out of embarrassment before one of the males coughed, "Uh, still getting used to that. I mean, a festival? That is partially dedicated to us? I mean..."

It turned out that she was not the only one who was amused as Ai chuckled, "I would say that you should get used to it, Kudzu. After all, I believe that they have already stated their intentions to enshrine you once you pass. It is highly likely that you will be aware when you become a Kami."

At that, another of the male pilots shook his head and disbelief, "Yeah, no offense, Tengu? That is just plain odd, not just the whole enshrinement, but... the whole thing about the Kami being real? And that 'Celestial Accords' thing making them not able to interfere directly and stuff." With a shrug, he turned to Natsumi, "Right, names Taikomachi by the way."

Right then was when Shiromizu returned with a slight smirk, "As an aside, your future Shrine is quite nice." Seeing them jump, she snickered, "It's a side Shrine to my own and while empty at the moment? They already have everything for it including two statues of F-15JS fighters as Koma Inu. Though..." The Mizuchi turned towards Ai, "From what I have been told, they wish to enshrine the planes as well?"

With a small nod, Ai brought out a bolt that had come from the plane she used, "Hai..." Turning over the slightly rusted piece of metal in her hand, she sighed a little, "I will admit to being somewhat saddened that she can no longer fly, at least she gets respected as she should be. I also have pieces from the others as well just in case."

The Mizuchi only nodded in agreement with that before gesturing for them to follow her, "I think that sounds just fine. But... right now, I think that we should be going."

Getting nods, they began to walk and talk though Gyaru was happy when hearing that there would be a Shīsā and her Kitsune husband operating a stall where they would sell goat cooked Okinawan style. Much to the others amusement, she started bothering her friends with eating "True Okinawan cuisine for a change, not tourist shit" much to their amused exasparation. All Gyaru did though was grin at the snickers and such. Granted, they did wait as Kaga's car arrived at that moment followed by the van used by the elder Onos.

Much to Harry's surprise was who had obviously come with Natsumi's grandparents, though part of him wondered how it was that Kaga, Akagi, and Taichi were late as they set off before them... Though the red marks on his neck as well as that of the two Carriers provided something of an answer. But Harry's focus was more on whom was walking out behind the elder Onos and Kogitsune, "Grandmother?"

A soft smile on her face, Siusan walked over and gave him a hug, "It is indeed, Harry-Child. My friends asked me if I wanted to be here and I could not turn it down."

Even as she took a step back, Haruka was there and giving him a hug as well before she, too, pulled back, "And to be quite honest, I agree with Siusan, Harry. It also gives us some more time to spend together."

The only thing that Harry did in reply was smile and agree before they started towards the small station that they could all see.

Upon reaching the small railway station, which did have an inside area for people to sit as well as drink and food machines, Boke blinked and raised an eyebrow at the small , blue locomotive that sat there, smoke coming from it's stack. Behind it, there were three train cars with seats inside them, "Is that what we're riding up in?"

Just slapping him on the back, Kero grinned, "Hey, it is a narrow gauge railway for a reason." He gave a small bow towards the conductor who was standing before the cars, the man having wolf ears on his head, "Uh, hello?"

Lips curling into a smile, the conductor tipped the brim of his old fashioned hat, "And a good day to you as well. Welcome aboard Ginzan Express, we will be making our way up the mountain as soon as you are all aboard."

Bowing alongside the others, Shiromizu smiled some, "Thank you, Susumu-Kun. How are you and Yoshiko-Chan?" There was a slight gleam in her eye as she glanced at the Engine where the female Engineer sat with a blush despite being far enough to not be able to hear normally, "I heard that the two of you have been dating since you fixed her up?"

Unable to stop himself, Susumu blushed at that and cleared his throat, "We, um, have been doing quite well for ourselves, Shiromizu-Sama. And she is now quite happy that she is able to travel up and down the mountain again."

Her lips curled into a knowing smile, the Mizuchi nodded, "Hai, I have heard that she is quite good at climbing peaks." Ignoring how the blush on both the wolf Yokai and the tsukumogami increased, she gave another bow as she made her way aboard, "Still, thank you both for the ride."

Soon after, they found seats with Kero bouncing a bit on one as they were done up in two rows at either side of an aisle, "Huh, these are pretty comfortable. I mean, really comfortable."

Walking up the aisle, Susumu paused for a moment before nodding, "We used cushioning charms on them, the same we used environmental charms on the cars. They keep cool during the summer and warm during the colder months... though we might open the windows a little for the scent."

And, with that, he walked to the end of the car and through the door. Watching for a moment, Harry gave Shiromizu a raised eyebrow, "So, I take it that Yoshiko is the name that the train's tsukumogami is going by? And they're together?"

Shiromizu chuckled a little bit as she nodded, "Hai, it is as a matter of fact to both. Susumu-Kun was the one who was called in to restore her as he had worked on engines like her back in the 1920s. Once he was done, she manifested and asked him to become her conductor as she overheard him during repairs telling her it had been a dream of his. The two of them, of course, hit it off and..." She waved her hand a little, "From what I have been told, they're planning on marrying next spring."

Despite how odd it was, that only got nods from the others even as the train began to move. It only took a few minutes for it to reach the bottom of the mountain and begin to climb upwards as it took a spiraling path along the mountain surrounded by wildflowers. At various places, it stopped to allow Yokai from various small communities on the mountain to board. Said communities were not much, just a few dozen. But it still serviced them and, as they continued to climb, the area around the mountain itself.

Where the amusement park had been, they could see a number of buildings which Shiromizu nodded, "That will be where the new combined schools for the mountain will be going. It'll service everyone from elementary up to high school level..." She blushed lightly and coughed, "I guess there's been a population boom recently."

From where she was leaning back, Jin grinned, "From what I heard, the population has, what? Tripled? Mostly Yokai and the like."

Giving a small nod, Shiromizu smiled shyly, "Hai, a number of whom are setting up magical industries. There's even going to be a small velomobile plant being built not far from here which will provide more jobs as well."

That only got her nods from those listening, while others were too interested in the outside. All along the track there were flowers and flowering bushes as well as tsubaki trees. Part of Harry remembered Shiromizu telling him that those were recently planted to provide color and beauty to those riding the train itself.

But, all too soon, they reached the station for the main village and got out.

As they did get out, the last of those on board the train, they noted the large group of Yokai and humans before them with Misa in her Kimono at the front. The Unagi Hime walked forward on her fins before bowing, "Welcome back, Lady Shiromizu. Welcome to you and our heroes who helped end the darkness of Kuroshi upon our mountain!"

Each of the human fighter pilots blushed some at the cheers as did Shiromizu, Harry, and Natsumi. Ai just smiled a little and nodded and Jin...

Jin just raised her hands clasped together and shook them, "Damn straight!"

However, before she could get much further, there was another cheer and she froze at a familiar voice, "BEHOLD THE DARK ONE HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! ALONG WITH THE CRYSTAL ONE, THE PURE ONE, AND THE BAKER! BEHOLD!"


Bemused at their responses, Harry raised one eyebrow and looked at Shiromizu, "'Crystal One'?"

Scratching her cheek, she nodded a little, "Hai, because my waters are clear unlike Senpai's. Crystal clear, so... well..."


All Shiromizu did was shrug and gesture, "Something like that."

Meanwhile, Jin was groaning a little bit, "Where the fuck did that bunch come from?"

Highly amused, Misa giggled a little, "Why, we put them up in the local hotel. After all, they worship both one of our heroes as well as Lady Shiromizu, so we could not leave them out of the festival since you shall be enshrined as well, Jin-Sama."

Grimacing, the undead Mizuchi grumbled a little even as her cult lead another cheer.

Eventually though, they got started on their journey through the village with them making note of the stands and the like along the road. There were also various businesses also open for the festival for anyone visiting, with them calling out towards the group their thanks. Hence, it was something of a relief for Shiromizu as they reached the small lake her "Onee-Sama" called home before looking over her shoulder, "We're nearly to where I told them to place my house up here. Hopefully, we can all stay..."

Upon hearing the snickers from both Harry and Misa, she narrowed her eyes at them in suspicion. But her attention was soon grabbed by Hoppou pointing, "Look! Sunflowers, Mommy! An entire field!"

Humming as she looked over the field, which had smaller sunflowers bordering the larger ones, and what looked like footpaths through it paved with stone, Nagato gave a nod, "Hai, and it is a beautiful field indeed." Head cocking to the side, she smiled, "I think that later it might be nice to take a walk through them."

Just nodding, Shiromizu chuckled as they walked along the edge, "I'm happy with this as I am sure that Himawari-Chan will love it when she fully syncs up with it." Three minutes later, the opposite edge could be seen, "My home should be right on the other side..."

She trailed off at seeing the wall that was there, with a tilted roof. As they reached an open door, Shiromizu boggled a little at the traditional Japanese manor, complete with a small "Keep" obviously based on her little castle at the back. The path itself was covered with white stone with a large, dry pond with what looked like a well in the middle where she knew that the spring that would belong to Suihou would be at the bottom of once she broke through the last rock layer.

If you had asked her, she expected a modest home, not... this.

Very slowly, she turned to a grinning Misa and Harry who bowed to her, "Welcome home, welcome back, welcome to your humble shack!"

All the Mizuchi did was twitch a little at that.
[Ginzan Fest.] She's a Material Girl (again)
Harry Leferts

Utter silence met Harry and Misa as they held their pose with grins while Shiromizu twitched. Silence, that was, until snickers from Hoppou, the two Kits, and Natsumi could be heard. There was an odd grinding sound as the Mizuchi turned to stare at her Kitsune friend, "... You knew, didn't you."

It was not a question as much as a statement, but Natsumi answered anyways with a grin on her face, "Not quite knew, but guessed enough." She then jerked her thumb at Harry, "Also? I know Harry-Chan far too well."

Placing her face in her hands, Shiromizu groaned, "I just wanted a house you two. Not a... a... a palace!"

Harry made a show of looking back at Shiromizu's new home and humming, "Well, it is a home, you know."

Moving aside two fingers enough to glare, the Mizuchi grumbled, "Yes, but not the sort that I expected or wanted!" She pulled her hands away from her face before waving them in the air, "How did you bunch even pay for this?! It had to be expensive!"

With a small shrug, Misa smiled at her "Little Sister", highly amused at catching her off guard, "It was to some extent. But Harry-San sent us quite a bit of gold and silver among other metals which we were able to sell. Also, there was a gemstone he sent as well as some garnets he had gathered. They brought in enough money on the magical side to fully fund it. Many of the villagers came and helped to build it." Walking over, she took Shiromizu's hands in her own, "You wouldn't want to dismiss all their hard work, would you?"

For several moments, Shiromizu once more stared at he Unagi Hime before her hands met her face, "Why... just why...?"

Only smiling, Harry chuckled a little, "Because we care for you and want the best for you?" At her glare, he shrugged, "It's true after all."

Just sighing, Shiromizu shook her head before gesturing inside, "I give up, I just give up." She then gave Harry and Misa an evil grin, "Just you wait though, I'll get you both back for this."

All the two did though was simply shrug and then began to walk inside the walls.

While they walked, Misa pointed out various things to them all, "As you can see, we have a garden pond dug out over there." She continued while ignoring Shiromizu's mutters of it being a small lake, not a pond, "The Well is where the water for it will come up in order to keep the spring feeding it clear from debris. At the bottom, there's a number of large stones to help that still further. We also have some islands with bridges between them for people to travel along. As well, we have some statues out in pillars that we sank down into the bedrock."

Considering, Siusan ran her eye along it before tilting her head, "If I may ask, how are you going to handle the overflow?" At the look, she gestured at the pond, "If it is fed by a spring, the water needs a way to exit or else it will overflow and find a way."

Simply nodding, the Unagi Hime pointed at one section of the pond, "Behind those rocks we have a pipe filled with pebbles. It runs along and under the wall to where the sunflower field is. There's small channels throughout the field so that the water that comes out will flow along them, irrigating the flowers before eventually flowing into the lake. Hence, it does a number of tasks and even during the hot summer, the spring will flow and water them."

Blinking, Shiromizu raised her eyebrows at that, "I... have to admit, I never thought of using the water that way. That is pretty clever."

From where she was walking beside her, Jin gave a small nod, "Yeah, not something that would come to mind. Still pretty damn smart just the same as irrigation is important." Patting Shiromizu on the shoulder, she grinned, "Let's get our stuff set out and we'll get started in hooking your attendants to the Physical."

That made Shiromizu frown a bit and blanch in realization, "Oh Kami... if Harry and Onee-Sama did this in the physical... what did those three set up in the spiritual?!" Her only answer was laughter which made her hang her head, "Guys! It's not funny! What did those three do in the spiritual?!"

Upon entering, they left their shoes behind and began to walk through the hallways. Looking at the Fusuma, Harry could only nod at the various scenes that had been placed on said items while other parts had shoji screens on them. All in all, he was rather pleased by what he was seeing.

One by one, Misa showed them their rooms and where they could stay for the festival. Granted, Harry did raise an eyebrow at how him, his mother, Hoppou, and the Potter weapons each got their own rooms in what amounted to a small wing of the house. But he did not comment. He was happy, however, when shown the kitchen. Of course, she showed other parts of the house, though Shiromizu sighed at the library... which was a small building that had two stories to it. Something that got Harry a glare when he snickered at her expression as well as another matter of getting him back.

However, one part did make everyone boggle a bit as Misa showed them, and that was the bathing area. There was a section with a bath filled with steaming water as well as a walk in shower. Seeing that, Natsumi had a bit of a smirk on her face as she quipped, "That was not something that they had in the Heien!"

Lightly laughing, the Unagi Hime shook her head, "No, I am afraid that they did not, Natsumi-Sama. But this is the largest of the three bathing areas and you are welcome to use it during your stay. The others only have a walk in shower and a furo large enough for two people."

Glancing at the small pool, which could likely fit all of them, Jin snorted a little, "Heh, I can see that. Pretty impressive set up." She glanced over at the magical jacuzzi, "Really impressive."

Head tilted to the side, Kero frowned a little, "Isn't it a waste to have the water just sitting there? I mean... you can't possibly keep it heated the whole time."

Softly chuckling, Misa had a gleam in her eye, "Not quite." At their looks, she gestured at the bath, "We actually bring in water from Lady Shiromizu's hot spring for it via specially magically insulated underground piping. It keeps the water nice and hot. We even use it to keep the house warm in the colder months by magically spreading the heat much like with the Shrine." Seeing the confused expressions on Shiromizu's face and on the others, the Unagi Hime shook her head, "There is piping under the stonework of the Shrine grounds and inside the buildings. When it gets cold, we'll turn it on and hot water will warm the paths and keep snow build up to a minimum. As Lady Shiromizu's hot spring also underlays the village, most of the houses and buildings have been built to use it for heating via pumping hot water up from the depths and the cold water is ejected out into her stream further down the mountainside turning a turbine as well. It works out quite well actually."

Eyebrows raised, Natsumi's grandfather gave Shiromizu a small nod, "Now that is extremely impressive. Most of the town?" When Misa nodded, he smiled, "Yes, I can see how that would work."

With a small shrug, the Unagi Hime chuckled, "We also use it to heat some greenhouses for crops to allow them time to germinate before the snows even melt. However... the bath is not the only such thing that we have done. If you'll follow me..." Misa opened the glass doors and walked along a board walkway before pushing side a curtain, "We also have this."

Everyone sort of just stared at the private hot spring that was there. It looked completely natural in a way, except for a small, clay pipe that had water gushing from it as well as steam. Water that filled the hot spring itself as bamboo grew around the edges with some flowers here and there. Considering it, Harry looked at Misa who had a grin on her face, "Magic to keep the heat in some and keep the air warm, right?"

Smiling, Misa chuckled a little, "Correct, it will make it so that even in winter, the temperature is nice. The boardwalk will also be enclosed using storm shutters with lanterns so one does not need to worry about the outside when traveling here in winter from the main house."

For a few moments, Shiromizu signed as she looked at the hot spring and then shook her head. Part of her was thankful though that Misa than suggested that they would drop their things off in their rooms though. It would give her some time to think and prepare.

It was only forty minutes that found them all in front of the pond waiting as Shiromizu slithered across the rocky bed. Watching her, Kenshō tilted her head she held Harry's hand in her much smaller one, "Mou... Master, do you think that she will have goldfish in the pond? Because goldfish look nice in ponds."

Lips twitching as he chuckled, Harry gave a small shrug, "Maybe? Though goldfish would look nice, I agree."

Meanwhile, the Mizuchi reached the well and ran a hand along the rough, stone edge of it. The rock that made up the sides had been fitted together somewhat well, yet Shiromizu could tell that water would easily seep through the cracks. Which didn't really bother her all that much to be honest as it was more a way for the water to reach the surface. Looking over the edge, she could just see the bottom stones, about ten feet down in the sort of darkness that the well created. They weren't small stones either, but good sized ones. Still, all they would do was protect the actual spring itself.

With a deep breath, Shiromizu stood in the edge of the well and held out her hands, palm down as she closed her eyes and concentrated. She could have done Himawari first, or Ryo, though in his case some of the fairies of the shipgirls were setting up the library to some extent (he could change it up as he pleased). But Suihou, being a water spirit like herself, was much easier to attach. It would also give her some practice and experience for the other two as well. Thus, Shiromizu concentrated on the potential spring below her. It was not a powerful spring, though it could start a small brook at least. But the water could well up from it easily and fill the pond around her. Slowly, she tracked the spring itself as she had been advised. Down, and down into the rock of the mountain her mind went, following the water as it flowed between the cracks in the rock, between the very grains. She could sense her own spring, not far off, and it would not take much to attach it to this one. They were separated by a volcanic dike after all. Just a little bit of pressure, and she could boost her power by adding another spring...

And Shiromizu snapped down on that thought, crushing it in her mental coils until nothing remained.

Instead, she continued to follow the flow of the water as it had worked its way through the rock of the mountain. Eventually, she found the source near the peak. Somehow, there was a flash of insight in regards to the past. Many centuries ago, before humans had mined the mountain, some Tengu had found exposed veins of gold and silver at the peak. They mined out the exposed veins, sometimes digging deep into the rock. Once said veins were gone, they simply left. And over the centuries, with the spring melt as well as rain, water gathered in the holes and crevices left behind, seeping down into the rock. Slowly, it would make its way through the mountain. Sometimes the water would encounter an old mineshaft and pool there in vast, underwater lakes that filled it before seeping further down.

Eventually, some of it ended up right below her, where Suihou's spring would be. Slowly, Shiromizu nodded as now was to come the next part. Mentally, and spiritually, she reached out to the Otherworld, where spirits and the like laid. After a short search, she found what she was looking for in the form of Suihou, and, gently, she took a thread of power from her attendant as she had been instructed and began to slowly weave it into the spring to be. Deeper, and deeper along the water underground did she spread her friend's influence as she prepared for the next step.

Meanwhile, in the Spiritual Realm, Suihou had paused as she was walking alongside Ryo and Himewari on a garden path. Seeing that, Himewari turned with a blink, "Suihou-Chan? Is something wrong?" The water spirit suddenly gasped, though in her case it sounded like rushing water, something that made the sunflower spirit rush over to her friend, "Suihou-Chan? What's wrong?"

Gasping again, Suihou shuddered a bit, "N-nothing at all." At the concerned look, she arched her back a little, "I can feel... Lady Shiromizu! She's anchoring me to the Material World with a new spring and... oh... by the Kami it's so much bigger than I used to have..."

Face red as she gasped again, Ryo coughed and turned away as the water spirit's chest heaved even as she glowed, 'R-right... that seems to be a thing... focus on Himewari-Chan. She'll likely be next and...' Unbidden, an image entered his mind where Himewari was in Suihou's place and he slapped himself, 'I cannot think of my precious Cinnamon Bun like that!'

Yes, he had given her a pet name, so sue him! She was just so cute when eating cinnamon buns and enjoyed them that it was obvious. Also, it always made her flustered.

Back in the Material World, Shiromizu continued to thread Suihou's power into the underground spring. It did not take her very long to complete her work though and so she proceeded to the last step and held out one hand before closing it into a fist as some water dripped from it and onto the stones. Said water rolled over the rock and down to the bottom before they began to glow and seemed to burrow into the the floor of the well. Moments later, the rock at the bottom cracked and splintered as Shiromizu expanded a small bit of energy to break the hard cap and wetness began to seep up.

Above, the young Mizuchi could bear the breaking sounds below until they stopped and all was silent for a few seconds. That was, until a low gurgle could be heard and she opened her eyes and looked down before smiling as she sensed the cracks, several feet deep, fill with water rapidly. And, even as she watched, the stones at the bottom began to dampen until one could see a small shimmer of water. Water that creeped up the stones until, after a few minutes, it covered them and continued to rise. It was only when it reached a few inches below the rim that the water paused and Shiromizu smiled even more, "Suihou-Chan? Please come on out."

Slowly, in the middle of the pool, the water rose upwards in a column. One that soon took a female shape as a Kimono appeared around it and Suihou smiled happily though it could barely be seen as her body was composed of pure spring water. Spring water that began to spill over the lip and onto the gravel bed of the pond as she bowed to Shiromizu, "Lady Shiromizu, I have arrived as you have asked. This one is your faithful servant."

For her part, Shiromizu bowed back with a smile, "Welcome, Suihou-Chan, to the Material Realm once more, and to my home here. It is good to see you."

The two water spirits happily smiled at each other upon finishing the small ritual.
Dougiri's paramour

Minato District, Tokio
31 July 2014
"Ahh, I hate summer classes!" said a fourteen years old female student as she exited her school.

"If you had studied more before the exams, you could have evaded them, but nooo, you entered that kendo tournament and forgot to study, so you are reaping the consequences Ushi-Chan" said her partner, another female student.

"For the last time, if you don't want to use my surname it's fine, but please call me Yoshi, not that old nickname, I had enough embarrasement for life with the incident." said Yoshi-Chan. "And aren't you in my same position with the classes Yuri-Chan?".

"Not really, I did study, but clearly not enough, but you are more intelligent than me, the proof is that we scored almost the same and you didn't study" said Yuri-Chan. "And we don't have the fault that the cows like you so much that they treated you as one of them."

"I know, but it is embarrasing still."

Passing the arm around her neck, Yuri pulled Yoshi to her. "Then earn another nickname and bury the old one. You can do it." she released her. "Yes, I can see it." Yuri extended her hands above her head and spun once. "Matsudaira Yoshi, also known as Ichigo, Kendo's national champion"

Groaning, Yoshi replied. "Don't be silly, I don't have orange hair nor I am a shinigami, so that doesn't work, sorry." stopping at the bus station they just reached, Yoshi said "Here we part ways, take care in your way home, Yuri-Chan."

"You too Yoshi-Chan, until tomorrow."

Waving her hand until Yuri turned and began to walk, Yoshi waited for the bus.

Some time later, after she got off the bus she reached her house, a cheap apartment where she and her nineteen years old cousin lived.

"Tadaima!" she said entering the front door. After some time passed and not getting an answer, she thought 'Hmm, Onii-chan is late again, so I'm cooking today'

Going to the kitchen, she opened the fridge. 'Let see, today's menu will be white rice and miso soup, I wish I could make another dish, but I don't have enough ingredients and he will come at any time.'

Picking up the ingredients, she began to make the food.

Humming while she cooked, she heard the front door opening.

"Tadaima!" said a male voice.

"Okaeri, Onii-chan!" responded Yoshi. "I'm finishing the food, can you set the table, please?"

"All right, but we need to talk while we are eating."

'Something serious, I hope he hasn't been fired' thought Yoshi.

After putting the food on the table, they began to chat.

"So what do you need to talk with me, Yori-Onii-Chan?" said Yoshi.

"Well." said Yori. "I have a good new and a bad new, which one do you want to hear first?."

Swallowing the rice in her mouth, she said "The good one, please."

"I have been transferred to another site with a better pay." said Yori as he refilled her bowl with seconds.

"Oh, that's good, now we could actually save money, and the bad?"

"It's in Yokosuka." sentenced Yori.

She was shocked "So are you telling me that we have to move to Yokosuka?"

"Unfortunately yes, I'm very sorry but this transfer is unavoidable."

"And what happens with my school and with my friends, Onii-chan? I still have summer classes!" said Yoshi with a higher tone of voice.

"Please calm down." said Yori "The transfer won't be effective until the next month, so we can search a new house and a new school for you, and you will have plenty of time to saying goodbye to your friends and exchanging contact data once we found the place where we will life."

"It's enough time, but I am still upset" said Yoshi getting up of the table. "I need time to process it."

"Don't worry, cousin, let me help." said Yori getting up as well.

"I am your imouto, don't forget all we have passed together." said Yoshi as she remembered a decade ago. "I didn't know why, but I always wished an older brother, but I was an only child so it was impossible for me to get one, but the attacks came and Okaa-san died protecting me, entrusting me to you, and from that day you acted like my Onii-chan, always helping me, and the only one who believed me when... that memories came."

"Yes, as I had the same problem back when I had your age." rebembered Yori. "And we stated that whoever we were, we will life this live honoring them."

Remembering something he said a little after the attacks, Yoshi asked "And your dream, will you be able to achieve it?"

"Don't worry, if I can get an appartment as cheap as this one, I will buy the ring in a year or so, and once I get it, I will challenge Yasutsune-Sama to a duel and when she aknowledges my skill with the sword, I'll ask her to marry me."

"You seem very confident in having the same skill level as her now." said jokingly Yoshi.

"She uses the same moves as the old me, and you stated that in your old life there was a matron in the main house entrusted with my sword that looked like her."

Negating with the head, Yoshi replied "Not looked like, She is her splitting image, and judging for what we know, she can be the same as us too."

"But how could she take the sword from the museum? Maybe there is a secret branch of the Minamoto that learns how to use my sword and their task is to protect Japan from the magical or Yokai disasters, she called Tsubaki-Chan for help anyways." pondered Yori as he remembered a little red Oni from his other life.

"Well, you can ask Yasutsune-Sama when you marry her, 'Raikou'-San." said Yoshi grinning.

"Heh, so do you want a beating, 'Ushiwakamaru'-Chan?" said Yori grinning as well.

"Same place as last time?" asked Yoshi while picking up two bokkens from the stand they had for them.

"Hai, let's see how much you have progressed." said Yori opening the front door.


I hope you liked it.
[Bunker]First Sortie 1

First Sortie (I)

Yokosuka Naval Base

23 June 2014

A siren sounded in her dormitory and Karen, the natural-born spirit of the Improved Takao-class heavy cruiser Fuji that had been secretly begun construction by the Kamo Government in the dying days of the Second World War, blinked sleep from her hazel eyes. Her black wolf ears perked up on top of her head as a bolt of electricity shot down her spine and caused her bushy black tail to wag.

She concentrated, shifting her sleepwear to her uniform of white naval coat, white pencil miniskirt, black stocking and white heels. One hand found the hilt of her katana and gently grasped it as she joined her fellow Yokai shipgirl sisters Mami and Izumi as they reacted as they had been trained to this unplanned drill.

Karen rushed through the hustle and bustle that was Yokosuka Naval Base on full alert until she reached her assigned post at Kanmasu Launch Facility #1.

A moment later Mami and Izumi followed as they waited at the entrance to the sea-side bunker-like building housing the launch mechanism.

Right behind them the Nekomata twins Kokoro and Megumi fell into line.

Just as they would be screened by the trio of heavy cruisers in the event of battle.

A moment later, Musashi's spirit joined the assembling task force as she moved into formation next to her half-sisters in the Yashima-class battleships.
Spoiler: To Stand In Defense

Facing them at the door, Yamato herself nodded, her normally serene face in a tight, unsmiling line as Yahagi stood at her elbow. The tall battleship waited for Takao and Atago to reach them and then stepped forward. "I know for some of you, this will be your first action, so follow your training and your superiors. Atago, you will be commanding Cruiser Division Four, I shall command the battleship squadron as task force flagship. Our objective is as follows."

Yamato pulled out from her hull a overhead aerial snapshot of a wooded hillside. "Underneath this ridge is a bunker complex from the Pacific War that was hidden by the Kamo government to house biological magical weapons that would have been unleashed upon an American invasion of the Kanto Plain. We have intelligence that suggests that some of the creatures inside survived the war and pose a grave risk to Yokosuka and the surrounding cities"

The pit of Karen's stomach acquired a ball of ice as Yamato continued inexorably. "There is a strike team assembling to storm and secure the bunker as we speak. In the event that they fail, our job will be to crack it and destroy anything that emerges by concentrated shore bombardment assisted by airstrikes from our carrier force. To prevent a civilian panic caused by our preparations, all communications will be done by blinker light under total radio silence until and unless the command is given to open fire."

"Once you reach your assigned positions in Kaneda Bay, anchor to hold station and launch spotting aircraft to observe the site. At this point in time, load Armor Piercing shells with smoke dye packets for shell salvo identification for the initial bombardment but stand by to switch to High Explosive when ordered. The Bunker may be warded from direct non-magical aerial observation. In that event Fuji shall direct heavy cruiser gunfire corrections for Atago, Sakurajima shall correct for Takao. Yashima shall direct my corrections and Tsukushi shall correct Musashi's fire." Yamato's voice was quiet and determined as she continued her briefing. "Are there any questions?"

Eight heads shook in negation.

The superbattleship paused for a long pregnant moment as she looked deeply into the eyes of her command one by one. "Some of you I have been honored to fight alongside before in my past life and this one. Others of you are facing your first action by necessity and I am honored to stand alongside you for it as your commander. Know that Japan is relying upon us to do our duty today, and I have the utmost faith in your steel, my comrades and my sisters."

Yamato reached out her hand to Yahagi. Obediently the light cruiser handed her a Hachimaki headband that was hand-calligraphed 'Nippon' As Karen watched while her boilers thudded, the battleship tied it around her head slowly and reverently and then surveyed them one last time.

"Prepare For Sortie."


Kaneda Bay

Her anchor splashed into the water of the bay off the south-eastern coast of the Miura Peninsula where Yokosuka sat. Karen rocked to a stop and then trained out her gun turrets to the starboard side of her rigging. She was uneasily aware that five hundred meters off her port beam the line of battleship girls were also preparing as monstrous 460mm cannons elevated and made ready.

Karen took a deep breath as her Aichi E13A airplane was reported ready for flight and then nodded to her captain. With a buzz, the plane was launched from her catapult and flew toward the hills with the slumbering menace underneath. She swallowed as her eyes glazed over while she watched the terrain underneath the plane.



A Kindergarten.

A Playground.

All relying on her and her sisters to protect them from the threat that lurked nearby.

She felt more than heard the breeches close and lock on her ten 203mm guns. With the grinding sound of hydraulically operated gears, she elevated and trained them out to their firing angles while her gunnery officers plotted the expected fall of shot from her first salvo and her shell hoists brought up a second load of shells from her magazines to stand ready.

All too soon her scout plane reached its assigned position over what seemed to be a tree-covered hillside with the scar of a fresh mudslide clearly visible.

As the pilot began his circle at the assigned altitude for the gunnery spotters he turned back toward her. Beyond the gun line that she was a part of, she could see through his eyes the wakes of their close-in antisubmarine escorts... and past them the additional wakes of the carriers, their decks parked with planes loaded with bombs and surrounded by yet more screening destroyers.

She whispered a prayer as she gave the command for her signalman to activate her blinker light to signal Yamato.


Her plane turned again and she saw movement below like a kicked over anthill as a steady stream of Ospreys landed to disgorge men and equipment. She zoomed in through the binoculars that her observer carried as she continued her observation while the minutes ticked away and then gasped.

Standing next to a young woman with a spear on her back was an instantly familiar blonde figure with a fox tail and massive nodachi on her back.


As she waited for the command to open fire, Karen gave a sigh of relief and some of the tension left her frame. She remembered her communication officer's stories that he had heard from his sensei in the 1930s before he enlisted. Either Norimune was the biggest liar to have ever lived, or she was one of the greatest heroes to have ever wandered the face of the earth.

And judging by the assembled people below, Norimune was no liar. Karen hummed to herself thoughtfully as she watched her old teacher speak to a miko down below with a katana at her waist.

As the minutes ticked by, Karen nibbled her lip nervously. She took a deep breath then caught the eye of Takao directly ahead of her. Hesitantly, her signalman began to flash a message to her older half-sister and friend.


Her fellow heavy cruiser gave her a thumbs-up and a reassuring smile.


Karen gave a faint smile and her own thumbs-up and then returned to her vigil as preparations were made to breach the bunker.
[Ginzan Fest.] Enshrinement
Harry Leferts

Nothing happened for a few moments as the two straightened from their bows, even as water continued to spill over the lip of the well and over the gravel bed. It was not a large amount, but those watching could see that it would only take a few days at most for the spring to fill the pond with water. After a few seconds though, Shiromizu moved and pulled Suihou into a hug, "I'm glad to see you here at last."

While it was hard to tell, what with the features made of clear water, it was obvious by some of the steam wafting off the top of her head that Suihou was more than a little embarrassed, "L-Lady Shiromizu!"

Just chuckling, Shiromizu pulled back a bit with a smile on her face, "Sorry, Suihou-Chan, I'm just happy. After all, one of my friends is here."

If anything, that seemed to embarrass Suihou more, but... she also seemed rather pleased by it as well, "A-ah, I see. Well, I am happy to be here as well, Lady Shiromizu." For the first time, she looked around and gasped at seeing the currently dry pond, "Is... is this for me? Really?"

Amused by her reaction, the young Mizuchi nodded, "Hai, it is as a matter of fact. This pond will be yours in the end." She pointingly ignore the smirks on Harry's and Misa's faces before clearing her throat, "Now, I have some people to introduce you to..."

Blinking, Suihou turned and boggled a bit at the group who were waiting along the "Shore" for her arrival. Quickly, she bowed a little, "Ah, hello there. I'm Suihou, one of Lady Shiromizu's attendants and I am very pleased to meet you." Harry bowed back a little as did Misa and the others with the Unagi Hime introducing herself followed by Harry and the others. Of course, that was when Suihou frowned in thought before nodding, "I remember, Lady Shiromizu spoke well of you both, Lord Harry, Lady Misa. As a matter of fact, she spoke a lot about her Otouto and Onee-Sama."

It was now Harry's and Misa's turns to be somewhat embarrassed much to Shiromizu's not so hidden glee.

However, soon afterwards, both water spirits stepped out of the dry pond bed and onto the grass beside it. Looking towards the manor, Suihou tilted her head some before she smiled, "Ah, now this is a proper home for a Mizuchi. We were concerned that Lady Shiromizu might go for something much smaller."

Unseen by her, Shiromizu placed her face in her hands while Harry and Misa smirked. With a sigh, the young Mizuchi shook her head before a thought occurred to her, "Suihou-Chan...? What does my residence in the Spiritual Realm look like...?"

Turning towards her, Suihou blinked, "Your spiritual home?" At the nod, she waved her hand at the manor, "Oh, it's not a mansion like this, Lady Shiromizu. So you don't need to worry."

Relieved, the young Mizuchi nodded with a slight smile, "That is good to hear-"

Meanwhile, Suihou continued, "Oh no, we managed to build your castle there in record time. Ryuujin-Dono, Amaterasu-Sama, and Inari-Sama as well as Uzume-Sama directed workers to complete it as soon as possible. It is quite something to see to be quite honest and overlooks the entirety of your domain." Realizing that Shiromizu's smile had become fixed with her eyes closed, as well as how Harry and several others were coughing, the water spirit frowned, "I... is something wrong? Did... did we do something wrong?"

Shiromizu just shook her head slowly, still with that fixed, closed eyed smile, "Oh no, nothing is wrong at all and you did absolutely nothing wrong." She could hear the sigh of relief from Suihou, but it was drowned out by her internally screaming, 'A CASTLE!? THEY BUILT ME A CASTLE IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM!? WHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYY!?'

As the younger Mizuchi was having her internal breakdown, Jin walked over to Suihou and cleared her throat. When the weaker water spirit looked at her, the undead Mizuchi gave a hum, "I got to admit... I never thought that you could take that form outside the spiritual realm. How'd you manage it?"

Happy to have her mind taken off the thoughts that, perhaps, she had done something wrong, Suihou smiled, "You mean the form that I am currently in?"

Jin gave a nod as she crossed her arms with a thoughtful look, "Yeah? I mean, I know that you and others can take such a form in the Spiritual Realm and stuff. But outside it? I thought that the best that you could do is just to manage something... less human looking."

Coming out of her breakdown, and happy for the focus on something else, Shiromizu turned to her Senpai with a blink, "Oh, that's because of me."
Now that answer surprised the older Mizuchi, "Say what now, Shiro? How is this because of you?"

In reply, Shiromizu gave her an unsure look, "Um... it was something that I checked out during Kannazuki. Ryo-Kun helped point it out to me as a matter of fact." Walking over until she stood beside Suihou, she continued, "I'm using a little of my own power to allow for her to be able to take the same form in the Material as she does in the Spiritual. Not much, but..."

More than a little intrigued, Haru looked over Suihou in interest, "That is possible? Really?"

With a hum, the younger of the two Mizuchi nodded, "Hai, it is as a matter of fact. I suppose it is..." Considering the question, Shiromizu frowned in thought for a few seconds, "I suppose that it is kind of a symbiosis. She uses some of my power to gain a form such as she has in front of you, and perhaps a human one in time while placing her higher in rank. In exchange, I get a little magic and can count her spring under my own in regards to power, though she has ultimate control over it. I can technically command it though if I so wished."

For several seconds, Jin stared at her as she rolled that around in her head, "Uh... Shiro? You mean by doing this, her spring is technically part of yours without you being in complete control? As in, her water belongs to you, though you are letting her have ultimate control over it?"

Lost, Shiromizu blinked some before nodding, "Hai? I mean, I can do it because Ryuujin-Dono stated that all the waters on the mountain are under my command." Turning, she waved her hands a little towards Suihou, "N-not that I would do something with them against your will, but still..." Thr young Mizuchi turned back to Jin who had pinched her nose, "I... also made similar agreements with the other springs and brooks? Apparently it gives them a slight power boost, enough to take their own forms."

Closing her eyes, the older Mizuchi placed her face in her hands, "Oh my fucking God, Shiro. Jesus fucking Christ on a stick... how much of your power did you tie up?"
Still confused, Shiromizu checked before giving a small shrug, "Um... about fifteen percent of what I have now? B-but I kind of get it back from them?" Now unsure, she gave Jin a look, "I... I asked Osamu-San about it and all he did was stare at me and ask if I was serious. And when I said that I was... he started laughing and fell out of his chair. Something about how he could not wait to see Fuji-San and the others reactions next year."

For several moments, Jin just stayed like that with her face in her hands, "Kid? I'll level with you right now." Pulling her hands away from her face, she took a deep breath, "Under most circumstances, Mizuchi would never pull that sort of thing because it requires us to actually share what we have. Give and take, and a lot of Mizuchi have an issue with the first. Yodo and Shinanokawa are two who, from what I understand, have done what you have. Some of them have elevated lesser brooks and springs into minor Mizuchi who then stay within their courts, which some of the others scoff at-"

Perking up, Shiromizu nodded, "I've been thinking about that, Senpai! Such as with the stream that helped you with the Gashadokuro. I think that I can hook up a few buried springs to it and... Senpai? Why are you facepalming?"

And, sure enough, her Senpai was facepalming, but also had her shoulders shaking. Lips twitching, Jin gave a shuddering sigh as she shook her head, "Shiro? Never change."

Confused, Shiromizu looked at the others, but Misa had a smirk on her face while the Kyuubi there were grinning and snickering, "Um... okay? But I don't see what the big deal is, Senpai. It helps them after all and if I am ruling over the waters of the mountain... well..." She gestured towards Harry, "It is something that I read from Harry's books. Noblesse oblige. If I am to be in charge, then I am obliged to do so in a manner that benefits those beneath me even if it comes at a cost to myself." Pausing, she gathered her thoughts before continuing, "That I may rank higher than they do only means that my responsibilities to them are, thus, that much greater. It is part of my duty, my very honour, that I work to make their existences better."

Unnoticed by her, Suihou had a look of awe upon her face as she gazed at the Mizuchi she swore loyalty to, 'Lady Shiromizu...'

Others too, were giving her a very pleased look and nodding in complete agreement at what she was saying. Under their breath, Kogitsune chuckled a little, "No wonder Inari-Sama is interested in her. Same with the others..."

Lips curling a little, Natsumi's grandmother muttered back with her own chuckle, "Yes, our Granddaughter has certainly chosen well for allies."

Placing her hand on Shiromizu's hair, Jin ruffled it a bit with a grin, "Kid? Trust me... you did good. You did really good right there." She paused for a moment, "Did they agree? The other waterways?" At the younger Mizuchi's nod, she grinned, "Heh, I am looking forward to the next few years myself."

Despite Shiromizu asking her, the undead Mizuchi didn't answer her question of why it was a big deal. Internally, Jin just shook her head in amusement. Yes, the whole thing came with a short term cost in that for a time, the Mizuchi would be weakened hence why most didn't do it. Their pride would mean that they would not do something that would leave them weak.


That was just short term. In the long term, it would gain the Mizuchi very loyal allies. More than that, the waters would, indeed, be considered theirs as well as the original spirit's. It did not just add to a Mizuchi's rank in power, spiritual or physical...

It was multiplicative in regards to such over time.

Sitting in Seiza upon silk wrapped cushions, Shiromizu, if one was to see her, had a blush upon her face as she swayed along.

Part of her had been quite happy that they got to her mountain quickly. The roads had been fixed and gone from dirt to paved ones, which meant that their vehicles had been able to get along them quicker. Even the train that they took meant that they reached their destination relatively quickly, something that she was thankful for. As it was, it took roughly an hour to bring forth Himewari and Ryo from the Spirit Realm into the Physical one. It also left her feeling slightly weak, though not by much.

Not long after the greetings and introductions, Himewari as well as Suihou, Haru, Natsumi, her grandmother, and Misa all helped prepare her for the day. Which meant dressing her up much the same as she had been for the presentation to Ryuujin's Court after a bath. Of course, this meant that it was coming up to Mid-Afternoon by the time it was all done. Shiromizu had sighed a bit as it meant that she would be walking to her Shrine...

Thoughts that had lasted right up until she walked outside to find a transport.

Granted, part of her blush was due to seeing her Mikoshi waiting for her. It was obviously a norimono created from fine, laquered wood. At the top, on either end of the roof, were carved dragons made from what looked like ivory. Something confirmed when Hoppou mentioned that she was happy that they liked what Tanith had sent when asked. The sides, meanwhile, had been painted with pictures of serpents like she had once been along them except seemingly made from silver. More than that, part of the poles used to carry had ivory snakes wrapped around them as well. The inside, too, was lavishly painted in the form of her spring gushing out of the landslide and down the mountain.

All in all, Shiromizu had her jaw drop at seeing it, needless to say. Harry snickering and taking a picture of her reaction only made her glare at her "Otouto", even as he slipped his phone back into his Kimono. Even now, Shiromizu could see him to the side of her Mikoshi walking alongside it as she was paraded around the lake towards where her shrine was. At his side, he had Juuchi and Tsukiakari sheathed and, briefly, the Mizuchi was reminded of pictures and stories of Samurai alongside their lords and ladies. And it seemed that she was not the only one as she could hear cheers for him.

On the otherside, she could see Natsumi in a Kimono of her own. And at her side was Carnwennan sheathed, but obvious for all who could see. Her friend, lending her own strength. As the people carrying her Mikoshi continued to chant, and cause it to sway for her own amusement, with them every once in a while hopping as if stream water gushing down the mountain, Shiromizu could not help but smile. Especially as she could see Jin out front of her alongside Misa, the undead Kami doing an odd dance every once in a while.

Yes, she would be enshrined in a Branch Shrine within Shiromizu's own, but this was her Kohai's day, not hers.

Eventually, they reached the stream formed by her spring. But instead of going over it, or around, the people carrying her laughed as they walked down a ramp and into the stream itself as Harry and Natsumi simply leapt over it, to cheers from the crowd. Thanks to waterproofing spells layered onto the Mikoshi, as well as her own magic, it was unharmed by the water that was hers even as it gushed through through holes in the bottom. For a bit of amusement, as they got out, Shiromizu manipulated the water to form a mizuchi that twirled and spun through the air to much applause and cheering.

Finally, they arrived at her shrine and entered it which caused a tingle to run down her spine. After the Mikoshi was set down upon the ground, the doors were open and Shiromizu climbed out as graceful as she could, which actually was very much so. Those who had not seen her enter it gasped as she stood upon seeing what she looked like done up. Looking around, Shiromizu could see many there knelt with Yokai and the humans who lived in the communities on the mountain being those. Harry and Natsumi also knelt, only for Shiromizu to place her hands on their shoulders, "Natsumi-Chan... Otouto... please rise and stand alongside me. You too, Misa-Onee-Sama."

The three named rose to their feet beside her and nodded before they turned and made their way to where Arutemisu waited alongside Kat, who was dressed like a Miko. His family were also there, but off to the side to observe it. As she reached him, both Kat and Arutemisu bowed deeply to her, "Welcome to your Shrine, Shiromizu-Sama."

Bowing back, Shiromizu smiled at the two, "Thank you, it is a lovely shrine."

As she looked around, the young Mizuchi smiled even more. It was... a larger shrine than she had expected, or wanted. But each bit she could tell had been made lovingly by those who worked and lived on the mountain. At the front, she could see the two dragon style Koma-Inu statues that Harry had made. One had an orb made of clear crystal and the other from smoky quartz, symbolizing her and Jin.

She could also see the smaller Hokora that would be dedicated to others, such as Jin, the planes that the Abyss Divers had used as well as the pilots themselves when the time came, and the like.

With a deep, calming breath, Shiromizu turned towards the crowds who were watching. The Mizuchi knew that the Kyuubi of the group were using illusions to "Project" what was happening above the Shrine. That way, they could see and hear it for themselves, especially as most of those on the mountain were there for this event and there was far from enough room on the grounds of the Shrine.

For several moments, the young Mizuchi observed them before bowing, "I do not know quite what to say, for this is truly among the greatest of honours that you wish to bestow upon me. Once, I thought myself a simple rat snake, different only in normal color. I grew up on this mountain long before I knew of my true nature. Those of you who were there... were kind to me. Looked after me as friends and siblings. And for that, there is nothing that I can do to repay each and every one of you." Slowly, she straightened and let out another breath before speaking louder, "Today, you wish to enshrine me here. But I wish to let you know right now, that despite being a Kami, a Mizuchi, I do not see myself above you, any of you. I do not want you to see me as a far off figure, someone never seen. Rather... I want you all to see me as I see you, as a friend. When needed, I will try my best to help. When you are in pain, I wish for my waters to sooth the ache. If you need a helping hand, I am willing to lend it. Such as if you need a hand to build a home here, I will gladly help, even holding up the boards as I have done before and will do again. I do not care if some see that as beneath my position, for they are not me. For this is my home as much as it is yours, and you are my friends, my family. I swear that I shall protect this mountain as much as I am able, even if it means drawing my last breath to do so, I will do it gladly knowing that I am doing so to save and help you."

Everyone just watched as Shiromizu once more bowed to them.

Then, slowly, she straightened and opened her eyes with a smile, "For I am a friend..." She glanced at Natsumi who smiled, "An Imouto who has likely turned her Onee-Chan grey prematurely." That brought a smile to Misa, "An Onee-Chan to a somewhat troublesome Otouto who trouble seems to follow like a puppy." Harry smirked a bit, "A student, hopefully a good one." At that, Jin gave a small nod, "Friends... and family, that is what I hold important, and that is what I see you all as. No matter your station compared to mine." With a deep breath, Shiromizu spread her arms wide, "For I am me, and no other. I am Ginzan no Shiromizu, Mizuchi of the Shiromizu no Kawa, Protector of Ginzan-Yama. And I thank you."

She wasn't sure who was the first to clap, but she suspected Harry, yet soon, everyone was giving her applause and smiles as well as cheers. There were slight tears in her eyes as she turned towards Arutemisu who nodded back as he softly whispered towards her, "A very well done speech, Shiromizu-Sama."

Lips curling into a slight smile, Shiromizu's own voice was a whisper, "Thank you."

With a nod, the Inaba waited until everyone had calmed down before clearing her throat, "And now, it is time for the enshrinement. Potter-San? I believe that you have the shintai for the Shrine?"

Blinking, Shiromizu turned as Harry nodded and removed a wooden box from the bag at his side, "Hai, I do." With a smile, he opened it and removed the object which got gasps. It was a ball made of rock crystal upon a stand of stone that she could tell had come from those her waters ran over and a cage of sorts made of what she could tell was silver held it all together. But inside... upon a lily pad with the lily in bloom, frozen as if in a moment of time, was shed skin from her. But it did not look like normal shed skin, for it in fact looked nearly alive.

Despite his it being soft, Harry's voice could be heard loud and clear, "For many years, I gathered Shiromizu-Nee-Chan's shed skins. Never knowing why, but... something told me to do so. I came across a spell, one that could combine shed snake skins from the same snake into one. So... I used it, and then preserved it within crystal for her Shintai, for all time. For it is as she was, is, and will always be. My Onee-San."

Understanding the symbolism, Shiromizu felt tears prickle at the corners of her eyes, "Thank you, Otouto."

Gently taking the object, Arutemisu set it down before going through the preparations for enshrinement. Already, Shiromizu could feel a pull towards it, which increased as he placed a shimenawa around it before he lifted it. Despite the weight, he was easily able to hold it and smiled, "Shiromizu-Sama... if you will."

Not saying anything, the young Mizuchi looked down into the rock crystal. It... was almost like looking back in time and seeing her younger self sleeping. She could feel a lump in her throat as she could also feel the care and love that Harry had put into it, crafting it with his heart and via his magic. All to make it perfect for this very special day. With a deep breath, Shiromizu let it out, "Hai." Eyes closing, she hummed a bit as she concentrated on the thread that stretched between them. Unlike her Senpai, she was not going to disgust or shock people like Jin had.

Instead, she brought up her hand and held it before her chest, an inch above it. All those there watched as her clothing and flesh seemed to ripple, like waters of a pool. Slowly, an orb made of pure water that softly glowed made it's way from her body until it was held in the palm of her hand as she pulled it away from her chest, though streamers of water stretched between her chest and the orb. Gently holding it, she moved it towards the orb and them let out a breath as she moved her hand until it was vertical, the orb somehow still held within it and then, she pressed the orb into the rock crystal one, the two seemlessly merging together with the snake skin lighting up and red markings glowing upon it with the lily itself shining as Shiromizu gasped.

Unknown to the others, she could feel something... click, deep with in. Suddenly, she was... elsewhere. In her mind, she could feel the mountain and all the waters upon and within it. She "Saw" it form, once on an ancient seabed until tectonic forces raised the rock, folding it. Magma, from deep below, rose upwards as dikes and sills, cutting into the rock and transforming it. The pressure of the molten rock, as well as earthquakes, created cracks through which superheated fluids flowed. As the fluids cooled, crystals formed in the rocks and it left behind not just minerals such as quartz, but metals such as silver and gold. And still, the rocks rose higher and higher, until it formed a mountain.

Her mountain.

Behind her eyes, she could see the history of the peak, how Yokai and humans lived, and died, on the mountain from the earliest times. Mining gold and silver among other things from the slopes. The coming of Kuroshi, and even now she could feel the Jorogumo's grudge within its tomb... which she promptly crushed, utterly destroying it and sending it on its way before it could become something else.

Then, she could see the landslide that happened, from which her spring bubbled. At first, just a small seep that wet the soil. But with each rain, like a serpent breaking through an eggshell, the spring pushed itself more and more out. She also saw her mother, the snake that gave birth to her and now dead. The egg had been unfertilized, a so-called "Slug" and thus would never hatch... until the spirit of the spring entered it. And, from that egg, she, Shiromizu, hatched. The rest of her story, she knew and passed in a heartbeat.

And then, she went on another journey. Outside, those watched saw her glowing as red markings appeared on her skin and, around them, a ghostly Mizuchi flowed and entered the spring. Her mind and spirit following her spring waters down through the rock, inside the cracks and faults of the mountain. Down and down, to places far below when she found it, a mile beneath the mountain in it's roots. A magma chamber, that stretched in all directions for miles. Briefly, Shiromizu entered it, feeling the heat, though it did not burn her, around her. Wrapping like a mother would swaddle an infant in a blanket and love.

One day, perhaps in a century or two, one of the cracks would reach the surface nearby and a volcano would be born. But right now, the magma sat there radiating heat. And around it, water was superheated. The very same water that rose up and had become her own spring after a crack had formed sometime in the recent past and allowed for her to reach the deeper reservior. Smile on her face, she rose up from the magma, renewed, and flowed along the cracks, quicker and quicker, until she burst into the warm sunlight as her waters did. As she re-entered her body though, she did note something out of the corner of her eye and blinked before internally chuckling.

Breathing deeply, Shiromizu opened her eyes on her Shrine grounds to find herself glowing before the water orb left the Shintai followed by a second it was connected to. For a few seconds, the two orbs sat there in midair before the second, and closer one to it, sank back into the Shintai and disappeared as the cords of water between it and the other orb faded from view, but Shiromizu knew that they were not gone. The other orb, and the first one, she gently cupped and brought back to her chest where it hovered between her hand and the rippling form of her midsection.

Gently, the young Mizuchi pressed the orb against her chest and it sank back in as she gasped a bit. Pulling her hand back, she found the ripples stilling, until it was just flesh, bone, and fabric that was there. Even now, she could feel the other orb in the Shintai, which was an odd feeling. As if she was in two places at once somehow. Putting that aside, she turned and blushed a little at the awestruck crowd before bowing, "It is done."

Expressions lighting up, everyone began cheering and applauding her even as she smiled before she got back into her Mikoshi and was carried back into town with the festival beginning.
[Bunker]First Sortie 2

First Sortie (II)

Kaneda Bay, Along The Miura Peninsula

23 June 2014

Spoiler: Standing At Readiness

Karen breathed in and out slowly as her fists clenched and then relaxed in an uneasy rhythm.

Inside her hull, the tension hovered and slowly built as she watched the preparations to breach the bunker complex that threatened her homeland.

Salt tears stung her eyes as she reflected that the JMSDF had given her and her sisters something infinitely precious and valuable.

A chance to make a difference.

A chance for her to protect the young yokai orphans who she had grown up with and served as the Big Sister for.

A chance to show the no-maj Japanese people that she was no monster from legends of Yokai and Yuurei, but a honorable and brave protector of her homeland. To redeem her origin as a ship crafted to do evil in the hands of the madmen of the Kamo government.

A chance to get respect and honor for her words and deeds to make life easier for her kind of Wolf Yokai when the Statute of Secrecy finally fell. To blaze a path that others could follow.

A chance to use her pay to give her adopted mother the Hachishakusama what she needed to give the younger foster children a good life and a chance to improve themselves. Just as a good Onee-sama should.

A chance for her to use the teachings of Muramasa-no-Norimune that the sword spirit had given her officer when he was a young boy to honor her sensei and carry on something that she sensed was worth fighting for.

With that thought, her eyes through her spotter plane focused on her sensei as the sword spirit down below nodded and drew herself. Next to Norimune, the miko's own katana flashed from the scabbard.

To one side, a golden glow formed and built around another woman that was kneeling.

The drawn masterwork steel glittered and flashed in the sunlight as the rising sun peeked through the clouds, silvering the field below like a scene from the great battles of legend such as Sekigahara or Dan-no-Ura.


The ball of ice in Karen's stomach became infinitely colder and larger as she braced herself. Her lips opened and whispered soundlessly. "Norimune-sensei, may the kami go with you. Know that if you fall here, I shall finish the job that you will have given your life to accomplish."

Underneath her spotter plane an explosion of breaching charges blew earth and smoke into the air.


Karen's eyes widened in horror and revulsion at the sight of the wave of skeletons charging out of the now-revealed entrances. Magic and gunfire lit up the field below and blew the first ones to emerge apart, but more and more and more came out, clambering over the bodies of their fellows in a nigh-unstoppable tide of death and hate.

The yokai shipgirl gulped as the first of the horde reached the surrounding defenders and slammed into them like a mighty wave crashing upon the shore.

But the thin line of heroes held.

, fighting like the heroes of the samurai manga that she had read in secret from the library as a young girl, they held.

As Karen watched in shocked awe, step by bloody step, striding over the shattered bodies of the undead and their own dead and wounded, they advanced toward the hole in the hill that was spewing forth more and more undead. Her eyes found Norimune in the battle and then went wide at her sensei's transcendent skill and courage.

Then she heard a cheer from directly behind her. She looked back to see her younger sister Mami clapping her hands. "Way to go Tokunotakai-san, Way to go Musashi-san!"

From the battleships a white-haired shipgirl blinked. "This Musashi is curious which of the individuals fighting is your old sensei Masamune-no-Musashi?"

Mami looked at the superbattleship named for Musashi province. "The pink haired girl who just carved up that giant Oni skeleton with her two swords. On the port flank at the point of the wedge that is cutting in there."

"Aha, I see." Musashi adjusted her glasses as she focused in on her namesake through her own spotter. The battleship gave an impressed whistle as the most skilled sword spirit in Japanese history reaped her opponents like grain before the scythe in a razor-edged whirlwind of steel. "This Musashi is quite happy that her namesake is so skilled and powerful."

Karen glanced at Mami. "If they survive this, we should visit your old teachers, since they are still around."

Mami nodded. "Tokunotakai-san has taught in the Tsurugaoka Hachimangū shrine in Kamakura for generations. Musashi-san is her sister, so I am certain that Tokunotakai-san will know how to contact her, especially since they are fighting side by side today."

Karen nodded slowly. "I tried to find Norimune-sensei on a day off after arriving here but her old house was destroyed in the War and is now a bar. Until today, I was unsure if she was alive. I need to speak to her and thank her for everything that she did for me. Lieutenant Jiro is demanding it, he has a few things to say to his old teacher."

As the last of these skeletons fell to spells, steel, and simple human courage, Mami and Izumi nodded to her. "We will help you find her and have that conversation, Big Sister."

Karen smiled at her sisters in grateful thanks before resuming her vigil.


Karen checked her chronometer for the thirtieth time.

The minutes were ticking by agonizingly slowly, only broken by the irregular but steady trickle of stretchers out of the entrance to the tunnel complex to be rushed to the field hospital tents.

Each one carrying a man, woman, wizard, witch, yokai, or spirit who had just sacrificed for Japan.

A shorter, but steadily growing row of body bags next to the medical tent were watched over by a small honor guard.

The heroes who had just given the ultimate sacrifice for her homeland.

Once more, Karen rechecked her fire calculations for her first salvo and resolved that these sacrifices would not be in vain.

As she watched a quartet of Oni rushed out at the double with a pair of stretchers. One was hurried to the medical tent, while the other, covered in a bloody groundsheet, passed the saluting honor guard to be tended to by the Graves Registration staff.

Fresh tears stung Karen's eyes as the Oni stretcher bearers grabbed more ammunition and hurried back inside the tunnels to the battle raging there. She did not know what the human on the first stretcher had done to receive the salutes from his stretcher bearers as they passed him in the triage area, but she resolved that his deeds would not be in vain.

For when and if called upon, she and her sisters, her family, would finish the task that he and his had given their lives to begin.
[Ginzan Fest.] The festivities commence
Harry Leferts

The F-15JS dodged the thrown stone from the Gashadokuro as it rolled in the air. Moments later, explosions happened in front of the giant skeleton and it stumbled back. Increased as Nagato fired at it. Reaching out, it attempted to grab one of the Fighter Planes even as Hoppou rocketed into it and uppercut the monstrosity. Then, a white and scarred Mizuchi appeared and struck the Gashadokuro as they began their own battle.

Meanwhile, in the crowd, Gyaru chomped down on some dango as she watched the bunraku play on the stage in front of them. Above the stage various puppeteers maneuvered the puppets around, including ones in the form of the F-15JS that the Abyss Riders piloted, "You know, this is pretty damn awesome to see. I mean, we got a fucking Bunraku play about us."

Arms crossed as she watched Kero recording the play, Ai smiled a little as Asuka hovered next to her, "I suppose that it is impressive."

Watching as firecrackers went off to represent "Bombs", Boke snorted, "Try awesome. None of the other Flights get an actual play about them."

Somewhat amused as she ate her own dango, Asuka tried to imitate Ai's smile and dry tone to the best of her ability, "Well, it is not really a play as much as a bit of one."

Taikomachi groaned and facepalmed, "Dammit, now there's two of Ai... just great."

However, the smirk on his face belied his actual thoughts and all those chuckled as suddenly, "Nagato" fired her guns and a previously covered spotlight was revealed and turned on for a few seconds and then vanished, the "Gashadokuro" laying on the ground defeated. The puppets then ran off the stage and everyone cheered, especially the children there. After that, the lights on the stage beside it turned back on and everyone watched as actors, one of whom had a fake thorax on, "Battled" with one being Harry, another Natsumi, and the third being Shiromizu as played by a young Nure Onna. Watching as he drank some bubble tea, Kudzu gestured at the scene before them, "How close do you figure this is to what actually happened?"

Frowning, Ai tilted her head a little before humming, "Not far off as a matter of fact." At their looks, she gave a slight shrug, "I decided to look for any information regarding this place when I found out that we were coming. Best to be informed and there was a number of different reports directly from those involved."

Asuka blinked at that, "They made Harry-San, Natsumi-San, and Shiromizu-San all write up reports on it? Really?"

Rather amused, the older Tengu nodded some, "Hai, they did indeed have them encounter that bane of all things... Paperwork. Remember what happened when you got out of the bunker?'

Slowly, Asuka nodded even as she rubbed her wrist in memory, "I remember... that was a lot of writing..."

Chuckling, Kudzu gave her a small grin, "Don't worry too much about it. Unless you start attracting trouble like Harry-San does, it won't amount to much."

Gyaru then grinned, "Besides, focus on something more important... like how you are going to be flying with us in a week or two." Seeing the teen perk up, she shook her head as she remembered how excited the younger Tengu was about being allowed to ride on one of their planes. As the play came to an end, she stretched some, "So... they're going to be doing this play once every two and a half hours, huh?

With a slow nod, Ai smiled, "Apparently so from what I have heard, to give all those involved time to rest up before the next play happens." Checking her watch, she gave another nod, "The festival is supposed to last at least one more day after all." All of them smiled at that before noticing the Tengu still with the smile fixed on her face. Then, she grasped Asuka's hand and began to pull her along, "Let us try some of the other parts of the festival then."

Lips curling into a grin, the female Okinawan of the group snickered as she heard something rather recognizable, "You sure, Tengu? We could stay here for a little bit..."

Eyes narrowing into a glare, Ai twitched, "I am sure."

And with that, she disappeared into the crowds with the other pilots following while laughing outside of Boke who had a scowl on his face as he muttered while nearby there was another call, "BEHOLD THE WIND HOWLER! SHE WHO COMES FROM THE SKY AS IF A THUNDERBOLT THAT LAYS WASTE TO ALL LIKE THE WHIRLWIND!"


Elsewhere, Harry was humming as he accepted the food from the street vendor and paid for it before walking a short distance. A smile on his face, he held out one of the sticks of Yakitori on it to a smiling Natsumi before holding it to a happily gasping Kenshō, "Here you go, hatsu yakitori for Natsumi-Chan and sasame yakitori for Kenshō-Chan, and butabara yakitori for myself."

Clapping her hands, the spirit of the small blade danced around before taking the offered piece of food, "Thank you, Master!" She then opened her mouth and took a bite, "A-umpf!"

Unable to help himself, Harry chuckled a little bit at that and patted her head which made her hum as she squirmed a little, "Enjoying it?" Getting a mumbled sound of agreement as she chewed, he glanced at Natsumi who had snorted a little bit, "That is good to hear."

For her part, the Kitsune held out her hand which Kenshō took even as she had another happy bite and Natsumi took a bite of her own food. The three of them began walking through the crowds together in the darkening evening. Even as she chewed, Kenshō was smiling brightly, she was at a festival! An actual festival and part of it was honouring her Master! Not to mention there were all sorts of tasty treats and such all around, though she did pay for them!

She did not want to disappoint her Master or her Aunties... or even her new Onee-Chans after all.

Of course, unknown to the three as they walked, they did get some raised eyebrows. Not just for the fact that Natsumi was a two tail despite her age, or the fact that Harry wore two swords at his side. But because more than one could just swear that they looked like two parents taking a daughter to a festival before realizing who they were. Natsumi's own grandparents sometimes taking pictures, especially when Kenshō was not eating and instead grasping both Harry's and Natsumi's hands. Every once in a while, the goldfish Yukata wearing Kogatana would point at something excitedly and the two teens would laugh and nod along, which only reinforced appearances.

A short distance back, Tsukiakari sighed and clasped her hands together, "Don't they look cute together?"

Munching on a treat, Juuchi smugly smirked, "Sickeningly so, as a matter of fact."

Frown on her face, the Kyu-Gunto turned and gave her a look, "Senpai! You know that is not true!"

In return, Juuchi finished off her own treat before tossing the wrapper and container into a trash can, "And yet, somehow, I can feel my teeth slowly decay. How else could that happen unless they are sweet together? Hmm?"

Carnwennan appeared from seemingly nowhere with a new treat that he gave to her, "Here you go, Tsu. Some of that Imagawayaki you wanted." Looking at his own, he took a bite before giving a nod, "Quite good."

Humming, Tsukiakari smiled at him, "Hai, Grandfather. Though..." Looking at hers in interest, she took a bite before nodding, "Blackcurrant custard!"

Just reaching over, Carnwennan ruffled her hair a little bit, "Indeed, I thought that you might like such." Taking another bite of his own, the dagger looked over at where Harry and Natsumi were with Kenshō and smiled, "Quite adorable those three, are they not?"

That only got him nods and sounds of agreement from the other two.

Not far away, Shiromizu stretched a little before hearing her name be called and turned to find a familiar Inaba walking towards her, "Usagi-Chan, hello there."

Grin on her face as she slowed down to the Mizuchi's pace, Usagi smiled back as she bowed, "Shiromizu-Sama." At the grumble, she laughed, "Okay, okay, hello Shiromizu-Chan."

Smile back on her face, the Mizuchi nodded, "Much better." Both girls grinned at that before they shook their heads and laughed. Shiromizu then turned back to Usagi, "How are you enjoying the festival? Is it good?"

With a snort, Usagi shook her head, "It's actually pretty great, especially considering that your village is still sort of new... ish, I suppose." Giving the matter a moment of thought, she shrugged, "Still great."

Just chuckling, Shiromizu grinned a little, "True, it is small and kind of new with people moving back that had left due to Kuroshi."

Briefly, her gaze went to the burial mound where said Jurogumo's remains laid. They put her body into her well after dropping some concrete down into it, and filled the rest with concrete, sealing it before dumping more on top and then dirt. No one wanted to take any chances, and having felt the grudge there festering? Shiromizu did not blame any of them, especially having been attacked time and again by the psychotic spider Yokai. Hence why she crushed it.

Following the line of Shiromizu's sight, Usagi frowned a little, "Is that where...?" At her nod, the Inaba tilted her head with a slight grimace, "Just... out of curiosity, can I ask you something?"

Blinking, Shiromizu gave a slight nod, "Of cource, I don't mind being asked a question."

Slowly nodding, the rabbit Yokai glanced around, "I can guess the issues that the locals would have with Jorogumo, and I can't blame them if they do. But... I did see one walking around." Head tilted to the side, Usagi frowned, "Which does make me wonder why?"

For a few moments, Shiromizu was quiet before she smiled slightly, "There's a very good reason, actually. You are right that those who stayed here during her... reign of terror, do feel slightly unsure to say the least around Jorogumo. And said Yokai don't blame them... but at the same time? I spoke to them all a few months ago when I was asked because a Jorogumo wished to open up a clothing shop here in the village. As I told them, we should not judge a being by what species they are, but of their character. There were humans, after all, who were just as cruel as Kuroshi, but then you had ones like my Otouto, who helped to end her. And I also told them that ones like Kuroshi are now in the minority, which Yua-San and her husband are not. Both of them are kind and have helped out in rebuilding the community. Some of them still watch her, but... she understands why."

Only nodding, Usagi considered that before smiling, "I see, that is good to know." Nose twitching a little, she glanced at her friend and chuckled before bowing, "I must thank you again for taking my Onii-Chan up as the Head Priest of your Shrine. Him and Kat-Onee-Chan were very happy for it as it gave him some place to settle down."

Lips curling upwards, the Mizuchi shook her head, "You don't need to thank me for that, besides which? I'm very happy with him as my Head Priest." Her tone became dry, "Granted, considering his wife's actions shortly after when she dragged him back to their house and they only just returned..."

Softly snorting, Usagi grinned even wider though there was a slight blush on her cheeks, "That's Kat-Onee-Chan for you, she really likes playing up being a completely shameless American. But the two of them love each other and I love her as an Onee-San with her seeing me as an Imouto. In the case of earlier, well..." Her own tone turned as dry as Shiromizu's had been, "Apparently seeing her in a Miko outfit does things to Onii-Chan that makes them need some time alone."

Unable to help herself, Shiromizu laughed at that before shaking her head, "Utterly shameless, but that's fine to me. It makes for amusing situations." Raising an eyebrow, she gave Usagi a look, "You are rather open about it."

In reply, Usagi pointed at her ears, "Rabbit Yokai. You know the jokes? I can state that at least with my family, they're true. Runa-Onee-Chan lets us know it with her Kitsune boyfriend all the time." At the blink from her friend, she smirked, "In that case, the rabbit caught the fox."

That got a snort from the serpent before she shook her head, "Okay, I will admit, that is hilarious."

With a small shrug, Usagi shook her head, "But yeah, my family is pretty open about it after all. I got... something like fifteen Oba-Sans and Oji-Sans to start with for example and you don't want to know how many cousins I have." She waved a hand around, "My Obaa-Chan, who is a Priestess at Ise Grand Shrine, just had another daughter, my newest Oba-Chan, two years ago. Rabbit clans get big really fast." Then, the Inaba gave Shiromizu a smirk, "So you better be ready for a large number of Priests, Priestesses, and Miko in the near future."

Her lips twitching, Shiromizu snickered a little, "Somehow, I have little doubt of that, Usagi-Chan. Though I don't mind too much..."

Noticing her trail off, the rabbit Yokai looked at a thoughtful Mizuchi, "Something wrong, Shiromizu-Chan?"

Just glancing at her, Shiromizu chewed her lip, "I... noticed something during my enshrinement." At the curious look, she glanced around before lowering her voice, "When I placed part of myself within the go-shintai, I... had a kind of outside body experience. I could see my whole mountain, all the streams and springs on it. And I was able to follow my own deep within the mountain, all the way down to the magma that heats it miles down. It was... incredible."

Eyes wide, Usagi stared at her before becoming thoughtful, "I will admit, I have not really heard of such a thing myself. But I could ask Haha-ue and Chichi-ue? Or even my Obaa-Chan, if you want." When Shiromizu gave her a thankful nod, the Inaba hummed, "Still... that is certainly something. Though it explains a little." At the look, she gave a shrug, "You sort of... glowed and this spiritual dragon flew into your spring for a few minutes before exploding out with a wave of water before re-entering you. It was a sight to see."

Lightly blushing, the Mizuchi in question scratched her cheek, "Ah, I see." Pausing, she took a breath, "But... that was not all I saw. Just before I re-entered my body, I noticed something, about your Onii-Chan's unborn children."

Now worried, Usagi frowned, "What was it? Is something wrong with them?"

However, she was relieved when Shiromizu shook her head, "Nothing at all, actually. Quite the opposite as I could tell that they would be born healthy." Waiting a few moments as Usagi sighed in relief, she continued, "But it was something else."

Curious now, her friend blinked, "Something else? What sort of thing?"

Lips curling into a smirk, Shiromizu leaned in towards her, "Around them, I saw two ghostly hulls slowly being built. And I actually recognized them as a matter of fact."

Jaw dropping, Usagi stared at her in complete and utter shock, "Shipgirls... they're going to be Natural Borns, aren't they?" At the nod, she shook her head in disbelief, "What sort of shipgirls?"

Amused, Shiromizu chuckled a little, "Carriers in fact, and they sort of look like Souryuu class, but I know that Kamo never built any of those." When she got a confused look, she shook her head, "We got a list from Ume-Chan and Sakura-Chan. Both of them confirmed that they were not given any of that class in the Magical Imperial Navy. However... I know of one ship class they could be, either Unryuu or Ikoma class."

For almost a minute, the Inaba digested what she had just been told before smirking, "Shiromizu-Chan? Do me a favor... don't tell my Onii-Chan just yet or anyone else in my family." Rubbing her hands together, she cackled a little, "It is so few times that I get to know a secret that none of them know first."

In reply, Shiromizu smirked back at her and nodded in agreement before the conversation turned to other things.
[Wardens] Metamorphosis

January 24, 2014
Georgia Strait, Salish Sea, British Columbia, Canada

The Wardens were feeling both anxious and excited, as they were preparing to set foot on the water for the first time in over a week. Alongside several Canadian shipgirls, they would be heading to Vancouver for a week before the final steps in joining the RCN. They would participate in a swearing-in ceremony before beginning training as part of the Royal Canadian Navy.

For the past four days, they had been examined by Canadian doctors as well as the repair ship Cape Breton, with each Warden examined for damage, design variances and changes from the standard humanoid and semi-humanoid Abyssals, as well their overall health. The Wardens, like the crew of HMCS Regina, had shown signs of undernutrition, due to the time spent isolated and surviving on foraging and hunting. The examiners were pleased to see that their weight was improving since they appeared with the Fleet of Laughter in Japan. They were, however, baffled by the changes happening to all the Wardens, even compared to their sisters in the Fleet of Laughter. While Tandy's steady changes were impossible to miss, the others also had visible alterations.

For instance, Wonda's "hat" was starting to look rounder and softer, with the gun turret on each side looking more like human designs. Nelly Deslisle's stomach "tentacle" now had a covering which went from stomach to turret, making it look less like intestines bursting out of her belly and more like a natural appendage. Nelly's gun turrets also appeared to resemble a cross between British, American and Japanese designs. Tsumi's rigging now closely resembled an Atlanta-class, with the gun mounts looking more like their American counterparts.

Along with the medical checkups, Intelligence branch officers had been interviewing each of the Wardens for any pieces of intelligence they could provide. Despite some of the Wardens fearing a traditional interrogation, the Intelligence Officers pointedly went for a more pleasant experience, gently prodding the Wardens after providing them a snack or meal. The Officers mostly asked about what happened during the Scattering, as well as any hostile abyssals they may have encountered along the way. The Wardens were surprised with some of the questions, particularly about any islands with remote and/or abandoned settlements.

Tandy despite her calm appearance, the leader of the Warden was very nervous, but not just for the visit. She and her husband were going to meet his family, and she was worried about how his parents and his younger sister would think about Bruce marrying an Abyssal.

Tandy stepped on the water first, her rigging materializing around her. The Ta-class battleship was soon followed by the carriers and cruisers, and then the others also entered the water. The Wardens stayed in formation as their escorts, comprising Quebec, Nootka, Micmac as well as a quartet of corvettes, joined up. After some final checks and radio calls, Tandy sounded her horn to mark the start of their short trip eastwards.

There was more shipping now than in the immediate aftermath of Blood Week. The Americans and Canadians were able to secure the coast from Anchorage to San Diego and had largely cleared the coast down to South America, allowing for convoys to sail between the Americas. As well, BC Ferries had largely returned to normal operations. Civilians today got a surprise as shipgirls and abyssals flying the Canadian Flag headed up the Salish Sea.

Four Hours Later

The City of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, was the home of over 600,000 residents, and the major seaport of Canada's West Coast. It was also the largest urban centre of Greater Vancouver, also known as Metro Vancouver, a sprawling metropolis comprising over 21 interconnected cities and municipalities, the Tsawwassen First Nations, and other areas, spanning over 2,882 Square Kilometres. Greater Vancouver was home to over 2 million residents, many of whom had endured that fateful week in 2005.

Considering the fate of other coastal cities, Greater Vancouver had been spared catastrophic damage as municipalities on Vancouver Island, as well as Seattle and Puget Sound, bore the brunt of the attacks. The Abyssals had focused on targets of opportunity, as well as military facilities such as CFB Esquimalt. However, as Canadian and American forces fought the attackers, some abyssals managed to sail behind the Canadian-American Defenders, and attacked. Off the coast of Delta, BC, a pair of Heavy Cruisers and a Light Carrier managed to shell parts of the city, as well as carry a number of air attacks on Greater Vancouver. While these abyssals were ultimately sunk under peculiar circumstances, the damage had been done. Richmond and Vancouver International Airport bore the brunt of the shelling, as well as Downtown Vancouver, with several skyscrapers damaged beyond repair. Over 1,500 civilians were killed during Blood Week, along with over 400 soldiers and emergency services personnel, and over 20,000 wounded.

Despite the tragic deaths and the continued risks as a coastal metropolis, life in Greater Vancouver continued on, though things had changed. There were regular air patrols over the region, as well as an increased military presence. Some buildings now featured air raid shelters or reinforced basements, while bimonthly drills still occurred in case the abyssals tried to attack once more. Along the edge of Sea Island, home of the repaired Vancouver International Airport, there were observation posts, as well as regular patrols by troops on the ground, headquartered near CCG Hovercraft Base Sea Island.

Today, military police and other personnel waited by the hovercraft ramp for the arrival of the Wardens. Some of the handlers had flown in from Esquimalt ahead of the Warden with the seniormost officer in radio contact with shipgirl cruiser Quebec. The Wardens arrived, and one by one, they walked up the ramp, dismissing their rigging. They were directed to a pair of coaches for the trip to Downtown Vancouver as well as Burnaby for some shopping and recreation.

However, Tandy was led by her husband, along with her two children, to a waiting SUV. She sighed as Bruce intertwined his hands with her in reassurance. She could only hope his family would accept her and the children.


Commander Ferguson looked horrified as his younger sister and his mother began to talk about his younger years, particularly about embarrassing things he did as a youth, things he had kept secret from his fellow crewmembers on Regina. Such as a particular incident involving a hockey stick, a bunch of Canada Geese and molasses. Tandy appeared to be both mortified but also highly amused by the things spoken by her in-laws. Inwardly, Bruce was happy his family was accepting of Tandy but he was rather horrified to learn that his little sister was getting along far too well with Tandy. She was already proclaiming Tandy to be the baby sister she never had and talked about treating the battleship to a girls night out.

Meanwhile, Tasha and Nathan were enjoying some sweets from their grandparents, with their Grandmother doting on just how adorable her grandchildren were, much to Tasha's grumbling. Their grandfather was already looking forward to further spoiling them and teaching Nathan how to play hockey.

Bruce's face met his hands as his mother announced that Tandy needed to see some videos from his youth, including a few stunts he tried to perform.

Emphasis on tried.

'Mom, no!'

Looking at her son, she grinned almost as wide as a Re-class.

'MOM, YES!!!'
[Bunker]First Sortie 3

First Sortie (III)

Kaneda Bay, Along The Miura Peninsula

23 June 2014

Spoiler: A Student's Dutiful Lessons

Through her spotter plane Karen watched yet another figure make its way out of the bunker carrying a stretcher. She then blinked in surprise, for the corpsman was a Re-Class using her tail to carry the other end of the stretcher as she hastened to the field hospital. A half dozen more stretchers followed.

Then her radio receiver crackled with static.

Karen swallowed as it crackled again, and then she heard Yamato's voice.

"All Task Force units stand down and prepare to weight anchor to Gunnery Range #2. We will expend the shells brought out of the magazines there. Order your aircraft to return to their ship for recovery. Report readiness for departure for gunnery practice on radio."

Karen could hear her crew cheering with relief as she relayed the message to her eyes in the sky.

Over the bunker, her pilot acknowledged the order to return to base. "DESU!" As he banked away, the observer stowed his binoculars and saluted the figures on the ground below.

Karen ordered her turrets to rotate to her port beam so that any accident would not result in shells being fired onto land as her crew made the recovery crane ready for her float plane and orders were given to prepare to weigh anchor.

As her float plane was hoisted aboard and secured to her deck, she nodded to Lieutenant Jiro. The ghost of the young man who had been killed in the explosion of her main magazines in 1945 handed her the microphone for her radio system.

"Cruiser Fuji prepared to weight anchor." She spoke formally.

Finally the words that she had been hoping to hear sounded through her bridge. "Weigh Anchor and assume Fleet Formation H-3. Then proceed to Gunnery Range Two at cruising speed."

With a rattle of chains on her capstans, her anchors lifted from the seafloor. She nodded to her helmsman to follow in Takao's wake until the time came to split the cruiser force to provide a fore and rearguard for the heavier battleships.

A small smug smile flickered around her lips as white water churned behind her from her screws. After all, she and her sisters had a small side bet going that the one who scored highest on any gunnery run got her choice of a manga volume bought by the lowest scorer in that run.

And she knew that the next volume of The Ambition of Oda Nobuna had just hit the shelves this week....


Tsurugaoka Hachimangū, Kamakura

24 June 2014

Karen sighed as she watched Mami put a bookmark in her brand-new volume of One Piece as their train approached the station servicing Kamakura.

Since when did her little sisters get that good plotting their shots?

Regardless, she walked out of the train and joined them, looking around curiously. "This is my first time in Kamakura, which way to the Tsurugaoka Hachimangū?"

Izumi pointed to the left as they exited the station. "Up this road as a matter of fact. This used to be a processional way between the shrine and the seashore, according to Tokunotakai-sensei."

"Oh." Karen blinked, tucking her hands in the pockets of her blue jeans after straightening out her Oda Nobuna. T-shirt. "Considering that this is a major shrine to Hachiman, it makes sense that they would have this for festivals."

Mami gave an impish grin. "The shrine itself is eight centuries old, Onee-chan. In fact, without the shrine, there would be no Kamakura since the village grew to support the shrines here."

Karen nodded and then gave an impressed whistle as they approached the main complex. "It is beautiful."

Izumi smiled happily. "Indeed it is, it brings back memories of climbing these stairs for kendo practice." The smile widened. "Although at least this time I will not be going down them with bruises from Tokunotakai-sensei's lessons. I doubt her bokken can dent my main belt armor."

Karen glanced over as they walked to the foot of the stairs. "What was your sensei like? Norimune-sensei was almost gentle in a way. She wanted us to learn and pushed us, but almost saw her students as her own children. She would have done a lot to protect us, although she was also..." Karen trailed off and sighed. "She had seen too much evil and had been hurt badly by it."

Mami gave Karen a nod as they slowly walked up the steps. "I see where you got your big sister impulses from, then. Tokunotakai-sensei was about helping us find what was within ourselves and draw it forth. She pushed us, and woe betide you if you did not uphold bushido -- true bushido -- in everything that you did. But she wanted us to live up to our potential. She also taught us humility and that other people and other cultures had value. She made it clear that a samurai was 'one who serves' and that service was not just to a daimyo or a superior officer, but also to those under our protection such as our imoutos in the foster home."

A soft soprano female voice joined them from the opened door of a storage shed to their right as they walked across the courtyard at the top of the stairs toward the dojo on the left. "The essence of warrior traits are demonstrated by integrity with self, and honesty with others. The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego."

Mami and Izumi instantly spun to see a young woman in miko robes stepping out of the shed with a rolled up cotton quilt in her hands. The two sister ships exclaimed in chorus as they bowed in welcome. "Tokunotakai-sensei! It is good to see you again."

The Masamune blinked curiously as she returned the bow politely. "Pardon me, I do not recognize either of you."

With that a faerie dressed in an IJN Commander's uniform stepped onto Mami's shoulder. "Desu, desu desu! Desu. Desu desu."

Toku's blue-green eyes widened as her smile lit up her face. "Oh! Miki-san! So this is the natural-born spirit of your ship the cruiser Sakurajima that you were assigned to by the Magical Navy."

"Desu desu, desu." The faerie nodded.

Toku nodded along. "It is very good to see you too. So you made Commander then after we parted for the last time in October 1942 and were assigned as her executive officer when she was sunk by a lurking submarine on the way back from battle in the South Pacific in January 1943."

"Desu!" The faerie said with a bow, then patted the cheek of the blushing shipgirl.

"Yes, I agree that Mami-chan is a beautiful ship indeed, and would be delighted to further her understanding of the Way." Toku said with a smile. "Perhaps then I can help you finally master that kata since she has the same skills as you have."

Toku turned to the other two girls. "And you are her sister ships?"

Karen nodded. "Karen, Natural born spirit of the lead ship of our sisterhood, the cruiser Fuji. I was sunk in a night air raid on the hidden magical port facilities in Singapore in September 1944. A bomb detonated my magazine spaces and I broke in half with heavy loss of life."

Izumi stepped forward and bowed. "Hai. I am Izumi, the spirit of the cruiser Kunimigaoka. Captain Ryoji Matsumae wishes you well, sensei. He skippered me to the end, but I took heavy damage in the same raid that sank my sister Fuji and I was unable to be repaired with the resources that could be gathered before the British captured me when the port surrendered."

Toku grinned in memory. "Tell that old he-wolf that it will not make his sensei go easy upon him when we spar! He was a challenging pupil for me as a child sent from Hokkaido to train under me, but then I am proud of the samurai that he became after my tutelage. Although..."

The smile faded and then Toku bowed deeply to Izumi. "I owe him and you an apology. I was an unworthy instructor when he was first sent to me in 1862. I had fallen far from the Way by then through arrogance and pride and he deserved better from me before I was set back on the Way."

Izumi blinked as her captain spoke to her. "Then the change in your training style and attention after that fight with the blond foreigner...?"

Toku nodded solemnly as she finished the sentence for Izumi while they began to walk to her dojo, "...was how I should have taught all along. Before then in my arrogance and folly, I did not see students clearly then. They are of great worth for each one is a rough gem that requires my special care to polish, shape, and develop to turn into something worthy of my steel and my teachings. Instead when he came to me first, I saw my students, saw him as something of a waste of my time. In truth, I was the fool then, and he deserved better. Even a kendoka with little talent for the Way can be of great worth and beauty when they achieve all that they are capable of, just as much as one of great abilities who becomes a grandmaster."

With that Toku opened the door, and placed her sandals beside a second pair in the foyer. "I shall prepare tea in a moment, I must check on my patient first."

Karen blinked. "Patient?"

Toku nodded as she gestured at a shoji screen to the side of the kitchen. "Yes, my sister Masamune-no-Fudo is recovering here after her injuries from events yesterday worsened. If you shall wait on the porch, I shall join you."

With that she opened the shoji. Inside was a short-haired young woman lying on a futon in deep slumber.

Red-stained bandages covered her abdomen and she was surrounded by a hexagon of glowing ofuda floating in the air.

Toku stepped through the screen with a gentle sigh. "I must change her dressings as well, forgive me."

The shipgirls all shook their heads and murmured quiet words forgiving Toku for tending to the injured young woman.

The shoji slid closed.
Fudo's Stupidity
Spectral Waltz

Well... Given the ending of Yellowhammer 's most recent post, I can't really put this off any longer. This wasn't a fun piece to write, but I think it's an important one, because this is the lowest point in Fudo's life, the part where the night is the darkest, and the dawn seems far away.

It's not pretty, it's not happy, but it is important.

Trigger Warning: Depression, Self-Loathing, Suicidal Impulses, Suicide Attempt
Quoted for the sake of making this easy to skip if people don't want to see it said:
She felt... Numb.

In the heat of battle, there hadn't been time to think, time to really absorb the information she was being given. In the struggle against her country's old madness Masamune-no-Fudo had been forced to push everything away, to focus on staying alive, and slaying the abominations in front of her before they could pay her the same courtesy.

Abominations whose creation she had supported, no matter how unknowingly.

She'd been brought to a medical tent afterwards, but with far more serious injuries among the other members of the strike force and the children who'd stumbled in there with her she'd been quickly shuffled off to one side. When she'd stood and started to move no one had seemed to notice, when she'd slipped out into the night she'd received little more than a nod of acknowledgement from the witch standing outside. She was moving under her own power after all, so it was easy to assume that she was well.

She started walking.

Her sisters would probably look for her, some distant part of her told her she should go to them, that she should face them, but she couldn't with the pain still so fresh.

The words circled inside her mind, a poison tainting every thought. Sins she hadn't even known she carried suddenly come alive to eat away at her. Every denial of her country's crimes stripped away, every lie she'd told herself laid bare for what it was. Ignorance could be argued, degrees of separation were clear, but while logic sang one tune, her heart sang another, a bitter hateful melody for her and her alone. Mocking, condemning, she could not have known but that did not matter, she should have known anyways.

People she had trusted even as they brought back monsters that true heroes had fought and slain. Monsters that were intended to destroy Japan in a final act of bitter hateful spite.

She was still walking, true self in her sheathe, held loosely in one hand. Her feet guiding her she knew not where. It had been early morning when she left, still dark out with only the faintest grey shadows of the coming dawn on the horizon. As she made her way down familiar streets in her haze of self-loathing, Fudo felt the sun's first rays strike her, a dazzling flash in the corner of her vision that made her shy away from the light.

It was a magnificent view of the sun's radiance as it began its ascent, but such sights were not for her, the flash and glare had made that much clear. She was unjust, unworthy of beholding such a thing.

She turned, and her knee impacted something with a hollow metal sound as Fudo found herself standing in front of her car.


She drove in a partial daze, lucky that the streets were so empty this early in the morning. The journey passed in a blur, working the wheel and pedals on autopilot as she retreated further into her own mind.

Ghosts of old Japan, they brought them back, twisted them…

Her history defiled, the gods disrespected, and for what? A war they could not win? Fudo had come to terms with the decision to make peace after the bombs fell, even if it had stung to hear her people reviled in the international criminal courts in the aftermath.

The darkest rumors had passed before her eyes tonight, and if those were true, then what else?

The rapes and atrocities in China, by magicals and muggles alike. The mad fanaticism of the defenders in the pacific...

If I was blind to so much already, how can I know I wasn't blind to it all?

Does it even matter? When what I have already seen is enough to blacken my honor ten times over?

Her hands tightened on the steering wheel for a moment. There was anger, but it felt hollow, empty of force. She wanted to lash out, but she had only herself to blame. She had been a fool, seized by patriotism and zeal. She had spent so much of her life after the war stewing in anger. Raging against the injustices that she now saw were no injustice at all. She had been wrong, and she had no one left to aim her anger at, no one left she could target with her hate.

No one but herself.

She barely even noticed she'd parked until she almost fumbled the door handle getting out of her car. She trudged up the stairs to her front door, hearing the distant sounds of her neighbors beginning to stir, dishes clinking, doors opening, cars turning over, people starting their days and leaving for work in one place or another…

Better that she wasn't among them, she didn't deserve to enjoy their company.

What would her sisters say…

Her fingers slipped on the key as she turned it, that thought freezing her for a moment. It was crushing, the sudden awareness, how long had they been shaking their heads at her behind her back? How much had they pitied her wrapped up in delusions of greatness that had never truly existed? She'd spent so long striving to be worthy of her name, to be worthy of her family.

And now I see that I could never have been worthy. Not like this.

Stumbling into her entraceway, closing the door behind her and shrugging off her jacket, hearing the click of the latch seem to echo in the space. Fudo dropped her coat, the energy to hang it up, to put on indoor shoes and do something, make breakfast, heal, sleep… They all felt like such distant and unattainable goals, she was failing at even the most basic things, so tired that she could not even bring herself to go through the motions. She made it into her living room before she fell to her knees, the strength that had propelled her finally spent. She ached with tiredness, small scrapes and bruises from the hectic melee needed treating, but she felt a deep numbness in her bones. Those pains didn't matter, she didn't matter.

If anything, I have dishonoured the name every time they acknowledged me.

Logic had no place here, in the depths of despair, in the darkness of depression. Fudo had struggled with inadequacy ever since she had manifested, fought with all her might to be worth something, and now she saw that her efforts had only worsened her own position. She had actively made herself less worthy of her sister's attention, turned every bit of acceptance they had given her and made a mockery of it with her own ignorance and stupidity.

Cut away the dishonor.

Fudo's true self was in her hands -when did it get there?- unsheathed, the blade gleamed in the light of sunrise coming through the window, sharp and silver. She turned it over, an almost dreamlike quality to the view.

Cut away your self.

A chill ran up her spine, but the silver was mesmerizing. This was right… Wasn't it? An old way, barbaric in the modern day, but then… She was little better than a barbarian wasn't she?

A moment of hesitant stillness, then her wrist moved, weaving the silver in the air, two passes, a flourish, flipping her true self into a reverse grip and bringing it close, close until the point pressed against her stomach through the thin shirt. Her hand trembled, her skin indented, then broke before the tip, a bead of blood welling up, a spreading crimson stain on the white fabric.

She swallowed convulsively, her hand shook again, more blood welling up to run down her length. What am I doing?

I can restore the honor I've stolen from the Masamune family.

She gasped for breath, her heart pounding in her ears, her world narrowed to herself and the silver line of light, her hand shook, the point of her self bit deeper, like a chip of ice under her skin her. I can. I must.

I Must-!

The sensation of coldness pierced her through, and Fudo saw Red Red Red-


I cannot continue as I am.


I cannot live up to the name I was granted.

But this absolution.


This is one thing I can do right…


Thank you for letting me play in your sandbox Yellow, and sorry to do this to Fudo. At least from here she'll have the chance to get help and recover.

There's one other snip to go in this sequence, I'll post it as soon as I can.
[Ginzan Fest.] Mysterious Ninja Party Crashers
Harry Leferts

Harry had Kenshō in his arms so that she could better see in one of the areas set aside for exhabition matches between magicals at the festival as Natsumi stood beside him. Currently, it was two of the swordsmen who lived in the village and were hoping to open dojos there. One of them had purple hair and clothing and could have been either an effeminate man or a boyish woman while the other was an obvious woman if striking with her pale skin and white hair.

In a flurry, the two launched themselves at each other and the crowd could see the flashes of their swords as well as the sounds as they struck at one another. Leaping away, the silver haired one's sword glowed before she performed a series of slashes that sent waves of magic, which were battered aside by her opponent. Smirking, the purple haired one cut through one of the spells, before sending their own out. Eyes wide, Harry was just watching in pure awe at the two as they fought.

Walking up, Tsukiakari gasped a little, "Yumekako-Sensei... she's still around."

That made Harry blink and he turned to the swordspirit beside her, "Yumekako?" Furrowing his eyebrows, he blinked, "Wait, wasn't she the one that taught, um, Grandfather Ian how to use a sword?"

Slowly, the Kyu-Gunto nodded, "Hai, she is the one with silver hair." Clasping her hands together, she smiled, "I was never sure if she survived all these years or not."

Eyebrow raised, Harry hummed a bit as the two swordsmasters clashed once more in a blur of movement, "Huh." A thought struck him and he coughed before lowering his voice, "Was she, you know? One of the ones who..."

However, Tsukiakari shook her head, "No, actually. Master Ian never slept with her, though he did at times want to. But he felt that it would harm their relationship of Sensei and Student too much. Instead, however, she travelled around with him and helped him learn how to use me on the road." Softly smiling, she gave a nod, "It is good to see her still around."

Nose twitching, Natsumi furrowed her eyebrows, "Odd... while I can tell that her opponent is a sword spirit, she smells... mostly human, I guess? So how could she survive all these centuries? She has to be getting close to two hundred years by now..."

Considering that, the nearly fourteen year old wizard looked at Tsukiakari with a hum, "But she's not human, is she?"

About to shake her head, Tsukiakari paused and frowned, "Perhaps... that is not quite the way to put it. But I do remember her story, which has to do with her name."

That made Kenshō raise her eyebrow as she cocked her head to the side, "Her name, Tsukiakari-Oba-Chan?" At the nod, she frowned in thought before blinking, "Oh! Because it means 'Dream fulfilled child'? But..." Once again, the Kogatana frowned, "But what does that have to do with anything."

Lips twitching, Tsukiakari patted her on the head though she noted that Juuchi was listening in as well, "You see, Kenshō-Chan, back in the 1750s there were these two girls. They cared very much for one another, almost like sisters. But they liked the same boy and did compete with one another as their fondest wish was to have a child. One married him, and the other, rather than be sad, was happy and blessed the two of them. For a time, the two were happy... but no matter what, they could not have a child. And then, the one who had married became sicker and sicker..."

Eyes wide, Harry chewed his lip, "Was it the other girl? Who did it?"

Shaking her head, the Kyu-Gunto sighed, "At first, that is what some had thought. That it was her that was doing it, especially when a shrine nearby found signs that someone was performing the Ushi no toki mairi ritual. So of course, everyone thought it was her even though her friend proclaimed there was no way it was her, for they were like sisters. People kept watch over the shrine, but from the first night, no one arrived. But the woman got sicker and sicker. Finally, her husband who had also loved her friend, kept watch over said friend's house and found her, one night, sneaking out. She got onto a horse and rode through the night, unknowingly being followed by the young man until she came to a stop near an abandoned shrine. There, she dismounted and snuck into the brush."

Grimacing, and shaking her head though she did not say anything, Natsumi internally sighed, 'So it was the friend...'

Meanwhile, Tsukiakari continued the story, "So the young man snuck up on her as well as it was obvious it was her. As the Hour of the Ox came, he unsheathed his sword with a heavy heart and raised it behind her, ready to strike down the person harming his wife... only to pause as she drew her tanto and stalked forward as he could see light enter the shrine grounds from candles. It was another woman from the village, one he remembered as sometimes watching him from afar, clad in white with an iron crown with candles. Sneering, the other woman raised her hand to reveal a nail in her gasp while the other hand held a hammer... right before the friend leapt into view with tanto drawn, snarling."

The three, as well as Juuchi, continued to listen as Tsukiakari told the story. About how the woman admitted to cursing the wife of the man, as she loved him. Therefore only she deserved him and upon her death, she could sweep in and take him as hers. She also admitted to making it seem like it was the friend who was doing it, as she would be blamed. At best, she would be killed by the other villagers, and at worst, driven from town upon the death of the friend. Which was when the husband revealed himself and claimed he would never marry her. And in shock, the evil woman fled, only for the friend to leap upon her once they were off the Shrine grounds, killing her.

But... it was too late, when the two reached the village that morning, the wife of the young man was drawing her last breaths. And with them, she asked that her friend marry him, and be happy with children, as she could not. With her friend promising, and the villagers apologizing, the young woman passed on from the curse. They waited, but the friend and the young man wed and were happy. And the friend did give him a son... until one night, she woke to find her dead friend fighting with the ghost of the evil woman who was trying to attack their son. Paralyzed and unable to move, the parents watched as the ghost of their friend stopped the evil spirit from reaching their child, until dawn's rays caused the two to disappear like so much smoke.

Fleeing their home, the two ran for the local temple, who took them in. That night, the Monks witnessed the fight as the evil spirit attacked and the ghost of the man's first wife fought her off. With the help of the Monks, the ghost drove off the evil spirit once and for all. As the years passed, they saw her at times watching over their children. When they were ill or in trouble, the ghost would appear before them and warn them. One day, her friend asked the ghost why? Why did she not pass on and the ghost admitted that it was because regret that she never got her wish...

A child.

Her friend, however, came up with the solution and offered to share her body, so that her friend could have a child. Crying, the ghost sunk to her knees and thanked her before possessing her. Only the husband knew the truth, though he was unsure. And the new child grew within the possessed woman's womb until it was born as a little girl with white hair and pale skin. Once the girl became a teen, the ghost passed on, happy and fulfilled. The girl though, upon hearing what had happened to her mothers, swore to learn how to defeat such spirits and took up the sword, never aging beyond early adulthood, she became a traveling swordswoman upon her parents' deaths, fighting evil spirits wherever she went.

"... Eventually, she met Master Ian and taught him."

The teens looked at her in awe before a voice filled with amusement caused them to turn, "Well, that was what Haha-ue told me when I was young." When they turned, they found the white haired woman there with a smile. Glancing at Tsukiakari, she narrowed her eyes before they widened slightly upon seeing Harry, "Ah, you must be descended from Ian-Kun then."

Bowing to her, Harry smiled a bit, "Hai, he was my great-great-grandfather." He nodded towards a blushing Tsukiakari, "And as you can guess, this is the spirit of his sword."

With a chuckle, Yumekako grinned a little, "Yes, I can see the resemblence." Bowing towards the Kyu-Gunto, she shook her head, "It has been quite some time, has it not, Tsukiakari-San. Still keeping up your skills, I would hope?"

Still lightly blushing, Tsukiakari nodded, "Hai, I am, Yumekako-Sensei. In fact, I have been learning more under Juuchi-Senpai and some from Honjo-Senpai."

Eyebrow raised, the half-ghost woman gave a slight nod, "Very good, while I never did meet Juuchi Yosamu in person, I have met Honjo-San as well as her Nee-Sans." Lips curling, there was a glint of amusement in her eyes, "Musashi-San is especially fun to spar against, no matter what." Tsukiakari winced, which caught her attention and made Yumekako chuckle, "I see that you have met her then."

Rubbing at her side, Tsukiakari grimaced, "And I have the bruises to prove it."

Unable to help herself, Yumekako laughed before shaking her head, "Well, perhaps one day we should spar as well. Just to see if you have been keeping up with my teachings to Ian-San." Patting the Kyu-Gunto on the shoulder, she nodded slightly, "Anyways, I need to be heading out to check with some people. My dojo is not going to build itself after all, and there is the talk of me getting a job at Shiromizu-Dono's home or one of the other places."

Giving a final nod, she headed off and disappeared into the crowd. Shaking his head, Harry turned back to Tsukiakari before glancing around, "Huh... where's Juuchi?"

Just shrugging, Tsukiakari sighed a little, "Senpai? She's around here somewhere."

The now group of four began to walk and talk as they did so. Eventually though, they came across Sabah leaning against a post which made Harry blink, "Sabah?"

Blinking herself, the Arabian blade smiled at him, "Hello, Master. Enjoying the festival..."

Not noticing her trail off a bit and glance around, Harry gave a small shrug, "I am as a matter of fact, it's pretty fun." Scratching his cheek, he frowned a bit, "Though I am wondering about where Andraste is? Wasn't she supposed to be with you?"

Sabah turned back to him and shook her head, "Ah, Andraste is actually right over there at the open air bar. I... don't drink alcohol, which she accepts. And I accept that she does like a good drink now and again, hence why she's over there."

Eyebrows raised in surprise, Harry turned and nodded as the shield was, sure enough, happily drinking from a mug of beer as an male Oni looked on with a grin. She was clad in a dark purple yukata with sakura blossoms on it. Glancing at Sabah, Harry noted that she had a very dark blue one on that contrasted well with her dusky skin tone, "Huh..." Suddenly, he did a double take and stared a little, "Uh... Natsumi-Chan? Right there next to Andraste, is that... who I think it is?"

Doing a double take herself, Natsumi gave a nod, "Hai... that's ZUN there drinking and his wife is next to him." Blinking, she raised her own eyebrows, "And she is a Tengu after all."

For a few moments, Tsukiakari tilted her head before snapping her fingers, "I remember him! The Oni, I mean. Master Ian actually enjoyed his beers. Apparently he learned from the Dutch themselves how to make it in Nagasaki for his own use back in the Seventeenth Century and made some for the magical sailors and such. He was quite good..."

With that, the Kyu-Gunto walked off towards the bar before nodding at those there and pulling up a seat. Lips curling, Harry shared an amused look with Sabah before giving a small shrug, "Well, I guess that I can wait here for a while, right Natsumi-Chan? Or..." He gave a look around, "We could look at some of the stalls and open stores."

Nodding, Natsumi smiled a bit, "Sure, we can kill some time for that." Entering one shop, which had various odds and ends, she blinked a bit at the Western witch who stood behind the counter, "Um... hi?"

Brightly smiling, the blonde witch, who had a cat on top of her head that looked far too intelligent, laughed, "Hello! I'm Helen and welcome to my shop! Oh, and this is Plato, if you're wondering." In return, the cat waved at them, helped by Helen doing so, "So welcome to my fuwa fuwa odds and ends shop!"

Highly bemused, Harry gave a small bow, "Thank you, Miss Helen..."

Shortly after, they left the shop with Kenshō wearing what looked like a normal hat version of a brodie helmet from WWI. The shopkeeper having mused about where it could have come from, but shrugging it off and throwing in a purple ribbon. Heading back, they found Sabah...

And a very strange sight.

Mainly that of a somewhat drunk Andraste and Tsukiakari arguing with another woman. As he got close, Harry blinked a little as he realized what was being argued, "Um... is that woman arguing about science? And magic being nothing about science?"

Lips curled into a smile of amusement, Sabah chuckled, "Yes, she's claiming that magic can easily be quantified by science and when she proves it, she'll show the naysayers. Apparently she keeps going on about it."

Confused, especially as a young woman who looked barely out of high school tried to drag the scientist away while calling her sensei, Harry scratched his head, "Huh..."

Unnoticed by him, the Arabian blade's eyes went to the side and towards the roofs before narrowing, "It is rather amusing, and most likely they will not remember come morning." As the two were finally separated, she shook her head in fond amusement, "Let's get Tsukiakari and Andraste before they cause any more trouble, hmm?"

With a nod, Harry sighed and followed behind even as Natsumi and Kenshō snickered and giggled respectively.


Chest rising and falling as Natsumi cuddled into his side and Kenshō slept on top of him in goldfish pajamas, because she loved goldfish, Harry slept peacefully in his room. The window was open just enough to let the cool, mountain air in. It was another peaceful night now that they had retired until the next day.

Or, rather, it only appeared to be peaceful.

Inside a tree not far away and on a branch that was just at the right height, a camera shutter clicked close after the owner focused on the two teens and one swordspirit. Taking another picture, the being paused as two leaves drifted down beside it... before it leapt back in time to dodge Sabah's true self as she dropped down from above. Wearing a bone white mask, the Hassassin narrowed her eyes, "You're quite good, and I have heard things about the Shinobi of the Far East. And it seems that they might well be correct." Head tilted to the side, the Arabian blade narrowed her eyes, "May I ask what you are attempting in regards to my Master? Besides observation."

The other warrior of the shadow blinked slowly, and Sabah noted the eyes which was all that she could see of the face, were emotionless orbs. Almost as if they were crystal rather than flesh, before the being spoke in a female voice, "My mission."

With a slow nod, the Hassassin frowned a little, "I see and I can respect that from one warrior to the other. Yet, I cannot leave it at that alone, you must understand."

Her opponent blinked slowly and tilted her head slightly before her wrist flicked and Sabah leaped upwards, barely dodging the darts, though she grabbed one from midair as she spun on the other hand. Said dart was brought to her mouth and she licked it even as she leapt after the Shinobi, 'Tranqualizer along with a poison to make one's memory foggy. Interesting... though I suppose that a dead or missing body would be too telling.'

Slashing out with her true form, sparks flew as the ninja blocked it with a Tanto before running along a branch that should have been far too thin to hold her weight. Sabah, meanwhile, simply threw her true self and used it to teleport behind the other. Once more, her attack was blocked, but her opponent used the momentum to fling herself out onto the lake.

But instead of splashing down into the water, the Ninja actually hit the surface and leapt again.

Eyes narrowing, Sabah threw her true self with a banishing charm and as it began to fall, teleported to it and did it again and again as she followed her opponent. As she fell towards the ninja, some magic burst from her body as she controted it in such a manner that the shuriken passed her by in midair. Landing, she rolled and brought up her true form in time to block a strike of the Tanto, "Impressive, you used magic in short bursts to solidify the water's surface. Rather interesting trick."

Despite the secret behind what she had done being known, however, the Shinobi said nothing as they continued to try and flee. As they entered the forest, it became a fight within the shadows themselves, Hassassin against Shinobi. Sparks flew and branches as well as leaves scattered as the two fought. At times they seemed to melt into the shadows only to strike from the blind spot. No flashy magic, no words, just plain skill. Leaping back, Sabah grabbed hold of a branch and twisted her body to the side in such a way to draw hisses and winces from a normal person in time to avoid another projectile attack.

Grabbing some small twigs, she transfigured them into sharpened sticks which she brushed the pointed ends against her true self. Then, with a burst of magic, flung them at her opponent who deflected each one as the paralysis poison instead sunk into wood rather than flesh. Humming internally as the two resumed their close in duel, Sabah smiled slightly, 'Not often that I meet someone so skilled in such arts. A shame in this case.'

Part of her noted their direction and soon, they burst from the tree line and into the village. There were still a few people around, however which made Sabah worry about collateral. That was, until her foe reached behind her and flung a rope with iron claws in the end that flew through the air and stuck to one of the roofs before another burst of magic sent the Shinobi leaping dozens of feet into the air. Eyes wide behind her mask, even as she leapt upwards towards the roof, Sabah noted that the ninja used the momentum to instead swing around to another roof rather than the one the iron claw was stuck into.

Upon reaching the roof, the Arabian blade spirit's vision tunneled as she crossed the gap between them within seconds. But there was no surprise in that gaze, as empty as it had been before. Instead, the iron claw met her blade in another shower of sparks as she twisted to dodge the Tanto. The two continued their fight, and flight, across the roofs of the village under the pale light of the Moon above. Again, and again, they met in sparks of steel.

Leaping onto one of the strings from which lanterns hung, Sabah ducked under a slash, returning it with one of her own as their own momentum slid them along the rope which should have broken, but did not. Attacking, the Hassassin found the Shinobi stomping onto her blade and holding it there via iron hooks before she attempted to rip out Sabah's throat with the ones on the other foot. Thankfully, Sabah saw it coming and, with the use of a friction cancelling spell on her own feet, ducked under it with her back perpendicular to the roof with only inches between it and the tile.

Yet she still felt the breeze from said foot, even as she lashed out with her own that was caught and twisted. Something that Sabah only used to flip herself around and try to break her opponent's jaw. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Carnwennan leaping towards them, before another Ninja appeared and tackled him into an alley from which the sounds of a fight could be heard.

All Sabah did even as she twisted her body in what should have been biologically impossible ways, was sigh as she realized help would not be coming from that direction soon.

Instead, she noted the incoming iron claw towards her face as if it was in slow motion. No real time to dodge, which limited her options. She could summon herself to her blade, but from the stance of her opponent, that was what they expected. Lips curling into a smirk, Sabah did the exact opposite... and summoned her true self to her hand and used it deflect the iron claw and cut the rope as it seemed to vanish from under the Shinobi's foot and materialize in her hand. Transforming into a mist via partial apparation, Sabah appeared above her opponent and swung downwards towards her back.

Unfortunately, the Ninja was already reacting and the sword barely missed the cloth bodysuit that the Shinobi wore... yet, it caught on something for a brief moment before cutting through it. And, for the first time, her opponent showed an emotion as their eyes widened and they twisted around while grasping at a pouch before flinging out their hand and spreading a cloud in front of them. Sabah was about to run through it when she noted the spark that ignited it into a small fireball.

Leaping back to avoid it, she landed on all fours and looked up to find her quarry was already several roofs ahead, rapidly leaving the village when she took off after her. By the time Sabah caught up, the Shinobi was already at one of the cliffs heading down the mountain and took only a moment before falling backwards. For her part, Sabah with a whispered spell also fell over the edge...

And just blocked the Tanto heading for her neck with her true self.

Part of the Hassassin noted that the claws in the foot of her foe gripped the rock itself, possibly magically even as her own spell allowed for her to walk on said rock like an insect. Lashing out with a fist, Sabah found it first blocked and then the arm twisted as the two began to run across and down the cliff face as if it was almost level ground. Twisting around the arm that held onto her, the Arabian blade could feel gravity pull at her body towards the rock strewn ground two hundred feet below.

But with a burst of magic, her foot contacted the rock with the spell once more gripping it as she spun around in a kick that was met by the Shinobi's own as the two switched to martial arts. Gripping and flipping over each other between kicks and punches aimed at vital points happened as the two were nearly evenly matched. Eye tracking one punch, Sabah grabbed it and twisted with all the leverage that she could get. The only parts of her attached to the rock being her toes holding up her whole body as she slammed her opponent into the rock facefirst. Yet, all she heard was an odd sounding crunch.

However, the Shinobi gripped a crack and twisted herself out of the hold, one foot catching Sabah under the chin and causing her head to snap back as she performed a cartwheel on a vertical surface despite it being something that should be impossible. Finger catching the rock though, the Hassassin pulled herself back to the stone before once more attacking, this time with her own true self being mixed in as they struck again and again.

Arms caught by her foe, Sabah leapt off the rockface entirely, using gravity to whip both herself and her foe around and dislodge the Shinobi causing both to fall several dozen feet as they traded blows in the air. That was, until, the Ninja's foot caught the rockface in a shower of sparks as they slowed down. Spell still active, Sabah was flung off a short distance and caught the rockface herself before running up the cliff and resuming their fight.

Despite herself, she found herself grinning as she enjoyed it. Her heart beat within her chest and blood rushed through her veins and arteries. One Grandmaster against another. East Vs. West as they fought with all their skill. Dislocating her shoulder as her arm was grabbed as easily as breathing, Sabah turned the hold against the Ninja before throwing a punch that was barely dodged as they continued to cross back and forth over the vertical rockface.

Suddenly, though, the Shinobi reached into a pouch and pulled out something that she flung at the Hassassin. For a brief moment, Sabah recognized the items as a group of bamboo pieces, cut into equal lengths and strung together. And then they detonated in a chain of explosions that forced her back. Once the smoke cleared, however, she realized that the Shinobi had leapt entirely off the cliff itself several dozen feet and was even now flying towards the ground.

Instead of fear though, Sabah saw respect in her foes eyes as they reached behind them and there was a tearing sound before they held flaps of cloth that caught the wind. It slowed them down some, but allowed for them to also get more distance as they vanished among the treetops. Chest heaving as she stood there on the cliff as if it was level ground, Sabah gave a small nod of respect back before turning and walking up the rockface. She knew, even if she managed to reach the bottom quickly, that her foe would be gone.

When she returned back to the roofs of the village, she was not surprised to find Carnwennan there with a look of nonchalance which made her smirk, "I take it that you were not able to catch yours?"

The Arthurian blade snorted a bit and shrugged, "No, got away from me. Slippery little fellows." As he fell in line, Carnwennan cocked his head to the side, "Yours?" When she shook her head, he sighed, "I suppose that it is to be expected."

Just humming, Sabah glanced around as they ran across the roofs silently, unseen to the few still out on the streets, "It is, they are very good at what they do. Which does make me wonder what their plan might be as right now, they are only observing. Still, best to be on our toes."

Understanding what was said there, and the respect it carried, Carnwennan only nodded, "Point." He did note that they were heading back along the route that the fight between Sabah and her foe had taken, "I take it that you're looking for something?"

With a small frown, the Hassassin nodded, "I am, while fighting there was a point where I attempted to scratch her back. Didn't manage to, but..." Slowing down as they reached the scene, Sabah looked around, "I did manage to cut something..."

Curious, Carnwennan also scanned the area, "Hmm... you cut something off them? Do you think that it was important?"

Glancing at him, Sabah frowned, "Perhaps, or at least I believe so. They seemed... frightened, when I managed to cut it off. Panicked even and wanting to escape even more than before. Which makes me wonder..." Eyes catching a glint of metal, she walked over and picked it up, "What it could be?"

Only crouching, the older blade spirit raised an eyebrow at the sight of the metal object which looked like, of all things, a small butterfly with gemstones embedded in it, "Interesting..."
[Turkey] Enver marches west
Lord Khuzdul

Hamidiye walked into the hotel lobby Hızır and others took over as their command post. Yavuz and others looked up from the maps they were examining at her entrance.

"Well, so much for that idea," she groused as she took off her jacket. "They did not even pause." She shook the jacket she took off, and with a sound like coins in a piggy bank, dozens of flattened bullets and bullet fragments dropped to the ground. "It was a good idea, not having anyone less bulletproof with me. I did have to punch away a 25mm Nordenfelt shell, but thankfully apparently they do not have anything bigger at hand. They also said something about 'Pasha's orders' so I'm going to assume it is indeed Enver commanding them."

Yavuz sighed. "Well, in that case I am not really surprised. Nonetheless, we should wait for recon's confirmation. Ali is with them, and if anyone can put a bullet in Enver's brain at a thousand paces, it is him. Besides, fliers report that they are scattered in various small camps around the mountain. Last thing we want is them dispersing in small packs. Having to hunt them down in these mountains, now that is both a nightmare scenario and something that would definitely blow this thing wide open." The battlecruiser then turned to Hızır. "How are the preparations for the blocking position going?"

Hızır pointed at the map. "We have awliya and aurors preparing to channel the force towards a section of the Erzurum-Kars road. We have a particular gorge in mind, where a small creek, Keklikderesi, gets close to the road. The creek bank should keep them from scattering east. We can use Barbaros and Turgutreis to block the ends of the valley, and then send you in while we contain them from the west." He dragged his finger along the section of the road he described. "At that point, it is pretty much cleanup. Messy cleanup, but the bulk of the mountain and the spells we are setting up should ensure we avoid alerting the city of Sarıkamış, and there aren't many nearby villages."


Atop a skeletal horse, Enver was surrounded by a handful of attendants and officers. From the top of the ski slope, he had a panoramic view of the valley below, from Sarıkamış to his left to Hamamlı on his right. Below, hidden by the pine forests on the slopes, brief flashes of light and distant gunfire marked the small battles ongoing around him, as his troops gathered.

He turned slightly. "What is the latest count?"

An attendant at his shoulder checked the paper he was holding. "33 thousand. Six divisions and change, Paşam."

"Hm… not as much as I hoped, but better than I feared." He spared a contemptous glance at the firefights around the mountain. "How far along are we with regards to preparations?"

"We are as concentrated as we are going to get, sir. We can move as soon as you give the word."

"Alright then." He glanced at the barely visible shape at the edge of the small crowd. "Sound the march."

His next words made the black flames in the eyes of said figure flare up in shock.

"We march… west."

He turned his horse around.


Ali lowered his binoculars from his position a few hundred meters below the summit. "Yes, it is Enver," he murmured.

The middle aged man in auror robes sitting next to him nodded. "Well, no surprise there. How does he look?"

"Barely better than a corpse, but I can recognize that insane light in his eyes anywhere. He is the same madman he was back in 1914."

"Do you have a shot?"

"No. Too many people around him – wait…" Ali rose slightly and raised his binoculars again. "I think they are preparing to move. Be ready to send a message – what?"

The auror raised his own binoculars. "Is he… pointing… west?"

"What the fuck? There is no road there. And it is completely… That insane bastard! Back to Yavuz, and quick."


"Are you out of your mind! We had a deal, you mad bastard!"

The rotund Arab rounded on Enver the moment they found some privacy some distance away from the marching column. Enver regarded him with an imperious look. "And I have changed the terms of our deal. Pray that I don't change them further."

"Who do you think you – grk!"

His cold hand clamped on the throat of the Arab with a vice-like grip. His voice was a low hiss, as his eyes bore into the pair of flames. "I am the Commander of the Armies of Islam. I am the Minister of War. I am the Hero of the Revolution. And most importantly in this situation, I am the commander of this army! Know your place. I am not stupid. You are of fire. But all I feel in my bones is cold. It was not your power that gave me this form. You might be the facilitator, but not the source of that power." He released the choking man, and stood straight. "You are just the quirk of fate that allowed my vengeance to come forth. But don't worry. A deal's a deal. I am a man of my word. It is just that our deal is not my first priority. My vengeance is." He turned and looked west. "First, I will burn down the edifice of that cowardly traitor. Then we will think about our deal." He smiled thinly. "Besides, think of how much we can grow our army on the way. After all… so much material on the way. And they all belong to me."


Ali stumbled into the room. "West. He is not coming this way. He is moving west. Yes, it is him."

Yavuz looked at Hızır.

Hızır shook his head. "No chokepoints in that direction, not before they make it to a major population center. There are multiple valleys they can slip through." He examined the map. "We lack the numbers to block all of them. We can slow them… but I don't know how much more we can do." He sighed. "And if you lot attack the army there, they would just scatter."

Yavuz nodded. "Slow him then." She examined the map. "We have 40 kilometers before Horasan. 110 kilometers before Erzurum." She scratched her chin thoughtfully. "If we can keep up the delaying action, that gives us three days before Horasan, and a week before Erzurum." She checked the file next to the map and her gaze became grim. "He has a sort of low cunning. Hamidiye's appearence must have unnerved him. He is going towards the only source of heavy guns he knows. The Erzurum Fortress. We cannot let him get there. We need an army." She turned to Korkut. "I think we both know where to get it. I will need that divination now."

Korkut nodded. "I'll get the sheep. And I hope we are right."
[Ginzan Fest.] Breakfast and Magical Entomologist(bug scientist)
Harry Leferts

The Sun had just barely begun to peak over the horizon as Himewari entered the manor's kitchen and paused. Something that was mainly to do with the fact that Harry was already at the stove cooking, the smell of which caused the sunflower spirit's nose to twitch and for her to already feel her mouth water. After a few moments though, she shook that off and walked over to him, "Harry-Sama? What are you doing up?"

Looking over his shoulder, the nearly fourteen year old smiled a bit, "Getting started on breakfast as it needs to be a big one. Especially as Kaga-Oba and Akagi-Oba are here with Mum and Hoppou."

Suddenly remembering just how much the four ate the night before, Himewari winced a little, "Ah, I see." Considering things though, she gave a small nod and made her way over, "Well, I believe that I can help then."

As the two began getting breakfast ready for the rest in the household, they chatted a little bit. Taking some eggs, Harry dropped them into a small pot as he began to explain how to cook them, "... And once they're done, you can just peel off the eggshell and slice them before adding some salt and pepper to them for taste."

Nodding in thought as she made some tamagoyaki, Himewari hummed, "I see, and Lady Shiromizu enjoys it as a breakfast meal?"

With a chuckle, Harry smiled, "Hai, she actually loves anything with eggs in it for her breakfast. Or, at least, that is what I have found." With a small shrug, he pulled out a fresh baked loaf of bread and began to cut it into slices, "She does seem to enjoy it anyways."

Thoughtful, Himewari made a mental note of it, "Thank you, Harry-Sama. I appreciate your help with this."

Just waving her off, the wizard sighed, "Just use -San, please." Head tilting to the side, Harry frowned a little at a thought that occurred to him, "Himewari-San? May I ask you a question?" At her nod, he continued, "I have been wondering about the fact that your a spirit. I mean... I know that Shiromizu and Jin both eat and drink, so I'm assuming that you do as well?"

Head tilting back, Himewari considered the question for a few moments before nodding, "In regards to needing to eat physical food? Now that we are connected with our places of power, we don't truly need to eat as a normal physical being might. We actually receive a trickle of power at all times from our places. That said... eating does help keep our requirements down and also is rather enjoyable just the same."

Lips twitching, Harry shook his head, "I see." Glancing at the cupboards, filled with various foods, as well as the various appliances around, he raised an eyebrow in a little amusement, "I get the feeling that you will have a lot of chances coming up."

Following his gaze, the Sunflower Spirit nodded with a happy smile on her face, "Hai, that is true enough." As his attention turned back to cooking though, he didn't note the far off look on Himewari's face, 'Perhaps soon a picnic with Ryo-Kun...'

Soon after though, the various people staying there slowly began to make their way into the dining room with Misa and Louisiana coming to help cook. It was not long before all the food and people began to eat with Kenshō in Natsumi's lap and Hoppou in Harry's as they all chatted. Out of the corner of his eye, he did notice that Taichi looked flustered while the two Carriers on either side of him as smug looks on their faces. Like that of a cat who caught a bird that turned out to be made of cream.

However, Harry just shook his head in some amusement and chuckled, 'Somehow, I know that I am better off not asking.' Instead though, he turned to Natsumi with a raised eyebrow, "So, where do you want to go today then?"

Natsumi took a bite of some rice and a sip of Miso before humming, "Honestly, Harry-Chan? I'm not sure... Maybe explore some of the other parts of the mountain as well as the main festival? From the flyers, it's spread all over the place."

With a small nod, Misa smiled a bit as she ate her own breakfast, "There are a number of different, and smaller, festivals going on, yes. For example, there is a small community of Kappa near the Misty Falls where Lady Shiromizu's river falls off a cliff into what had been a small, open pit mine. We cleaned it up though before the river even reached it so there were no contaminates and the current is not too bad, especially with the Kappa providing lifeguards for those swimming."

That made Kero blink a little, "Seriously?" At the nod, he scratched his cheek, "Uh, no offense? To you or the Kappa, but considering the stories..."

Lips twitching, the Unagi Hime shook her head, "They're perfectly friendly..." Pausing for a moment, Misa took a bite of omelet before continuing, "Granted, you might want to be careful for another reason. You are a Hero of the Mountain and there's a number of single females there so they might well be very friendly..."

Seeing the expression on her fellow pilot's face, Gyaru cackled, "Oh, that I would need to see." Once she got herself under control though, she shrugged, "Anyways, I'm thinking of heading up the mountain with Ai here, there's apparently a group of Tengu near the summit living there and I want to know more about them. Kudzu said that he would join us as well."

A soft smile on her face, Ai chuckled a little, "And I would not mind showing off a little to either of you, Gyaru."

Just shaking her head, Misa turned back to Harry, "There's a few other places as well, such as the old Mines that have been turned into underground communities. In fact, inside one of the deeper caverns left behind by a shussebora, there's an old manor that's being fixed up." At the looks, she shrugged, "It dates back to the early days when the Statute came down. Some Yokai built it there for a planned community, but... nothing came of it. They fixed it up some when Kuroshi took over as shelter, but it is still a bit run down."

Taking a bite of egg, Shiromizu chewed a bit before shrugging, "I don't know, Mystic Hollow could be fun." At their looks, she smiled a bit, "It's a small cirque on the otherside of the mountain. Used to be home to an old Onmyouji who, uh... experimented with potions and such. There's a bunch of magical fungi there and recently there's a community of Furutsubaki no rei that moved in there since they like the woods and the quiet."

Softly chuckling, her older sister figure shook her head, "The valley that extends from it also has them living there as well. Though, in that case some of the other inhabitants are... unexpected, to say the least, but they get along with the Tsubaki spirits just fine."

Curious, Shiromizu looked over at her, "What do you mean, Onee-Sama? Did someone move in?"

With a slow nod, she hummed a little, "Hai, an old witch as a matter of fact." Sighing, she leaned back as she expected there to be a few issues, "She was one of those who were... forcibly recruited by Kamo during the war. When she first denied him, he abducted her brother and his family, terrorizing them before she accepted his 'Offer' for a special project, the results of which now live in that valley."

Now concerned, Nagato put her food to the side, "She was a member of Sub-Unit-931? Why would you let her stay here?"

Hands clasped in front of her, Misa frowned, "Because I actually know her personally." At the surprised looks, she shook her head, "We met back in the 1890s when she was a young No-majborn. Her field of study was of magical creatures and, in particular, insects. She mixed No-Maj science of entomology with magical knowledge and was quite successful. She even spent a decade until the 1930s studying fairies, sprites, and the like in Britain before returning to Japan. She was a foremost expert... which was why Kamo wanted her to join as he had a special project in mind that could use her expertise and would not take no for an answer."

Frowning, Jin leaned forward, "Wait... what would he want an expert in magical insects for? Or someone who was one in regards to fairies?"

Lips pressed thinly together, Misa shook her head, "I assume that you know of the Okiku Mushi?"

Kero boggled at her, "Okiku mushi? As in the caterpillars regarding the Tale of Okiku?" Seeing the confusion, he scratched the back of his head, "Yeah, you probably all know the story right? Well, supposedly the caterpillars of the Chinese windmill butterfly look like a bound Okiku when in their cocoons and were created by her grudge according to the story..."

The adult Tengu frowned a little and looked at the Unagi Hime, "That... is true, I have heard of them, but the Yokai don't last long and turn into normal butterflies."

Slowly, Misa nodded and sighed, "Hai, and you are right about that. Issue is that Kamo did not want them to turn into normal butterflies. He believed that if one manipulated the process, the result would be a fairy-like being that could be used to spy and perhaps assassinate people with poisoned needles. Hence him having Chouki-Chan join his group whether she wanted it or not. He even had a number of British fairies brought in for the project to... stabilize, the result." She then shrugged a little, "The result was not what he expected, however. Some of them, apparently, became the size of normal children to pre-teens though one or two look adult despite the size. Others were more normal sized as people, but with more insect features. Before he was able to do anything, however, the war ended. The Americans captured her and were going to, ah, sterilize the project when Chouki-Chan somehow broke free and escaped with the subjects. They caught her a few weeks later, she would not tell them where she had put her creations, or children, as she put it. Her trial was pretty quick and she was imprisoned for a decade or two until they released her in the 1950s and she disappeared."

Nodding slowly, Siusan frowned a little in understanding, "Until she showed up here."

Kiss smiled slightly with her own nod, "Until she showed up here with about a hundred of each, yes. She wanted somewhere that they could be safe and believed that the mountain is isolated enough for that. The Tsubaki spirits adore them, though a few have shown... elemental abilities as Chouki-Chan said that at the end, Kamo mixed in other nature spirits such as Yuki-Onna and the like." A frown appeared on her face and she became troubled, "Though about a week ago she mentioned that she believes that she does not have much longer yet the local healers state that she is perfectly healthy for her age. Perhaps she knows something..."

More than one of the adults looked troubled at that. However, Kensuke shook it off and gave the Unagi Hime a look, "But she doesn't cause any trouble? At all?"

Just shaking her head, Misa chuckled, "Not unless you count how sometimes her children cause mischief, no. She mostly spends her days just watching and teaching them."

Suddenly, a thought struck Harry and he blinked, "I just realized something. MACUSA had her notes and stuff, right? From the experiment?" At the nod, he continued and everyone blinked at his next words, "Maybe someone attempted to recreate it? I mean, there was that whole 'Mothman' thing that happened in the US. Hornext was going on about it a few years back since she loved paranormal stuff."

Pinching her nose, Jin snorted, "I'd like to say that is impossible... but some of the guys there are just that stupid. But..." She gave a small shrug, "I'll ask Mom. Might not get an straight answer, but who knows...?"

After a few moments of thought, the nearly fourteen year old wizard hummed a bit as he turned from his now empty plate to sip his tea, "Hmm... I do know one place that I will be visiting thought." Seeing the looks, he smiled, "Kiri Castle. I've been meaning to check up on her while we were here to see how she was doing after all."

Unknown to him, a sly look came over Shiromizu's face before she replaced it with a innocent expression, "Well, that is good. She has been asking about you quite a bit after all."

Blinking, Harry looked over at her, "Really?"

With a smile on her face, the young Mizuchi nodded, "Hai, she has. Even did so back at Kami-Con, same with Mahoutokoro. Both of them wanted me to tell them all about you and how you were doing."

Despite him thinking that was more going on, Harry shrugged it off, "Huh, I'll have to go and see her than. Maybe bring a few treats as well?"

Looking serious, Shiromizu ignored the glare from Natsumi as she looked to the side to hide her amusement, "That would be a good idea, yes. I think that she would really enjoy anything from you."

Much to her hidden glee, Natsumi glared even more at her before shifting a bit closer to Harry. Though from the looks from some of the others, they knew what was going on. Rei, meanwhile, blinked in confusion, "What did Harry-Nii-San do that she wants to see him?"

Reaching over, Sakuya began to wipe her daughter's mouth as she squirmed, "Harry-San managed to heal her by repairing and restoring her castle entirely. So it is not very strange that she wishes to see him again and talk with him."

A look of understanding was on the young Kit's face as she nodded.

Siusan, meanwhile, finished off the rice porridge she was eating before smiling a little and reaching out to hold the hand of the Kitsune beside her, "Myself and Brigid... Haruka, shall be heading to the small museum in town." At their looks, she smiled, "Apparently it is run by one of those child spirits and focuses some on local history as well as Yokai history as a whole. From what I have heard, she is quite the historian."

It took a few moments, but Misa recognized the Yokai, "Ah! You must mean Akiho-Chan. She's a Zashiki-warashi who moved here with the last member of her family after their home was destroyed during the Tsunami up in Fukushima. Said family is a young boy and she practically carried him here upon hearing that they could be safe from the Diet." Expression saddening, she shook her head, "Apparently some Aurors tried to separate them a year ago, but they got away. She did claim they were told to come here from someone they could trust though and she's taken up the family's habit of collecting history and artifacts, so the museum is quite nice when talking about Yokai history as is the archives she has."

Various nods met her at that and soon, they turned to other matters.
Bats and Cannons 1

A.N.-I really want to thank RCNAnon for allowing me the chance to use his wonderful characters and the kind work checking them over for canon compliance here.

Bats and Cannons (I)

6 July 2014

Passel House, Hampshire, England

Spoiler: Morning At Passel House

Ehren du Chasteler smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her normal severe and plain clothing had been packed away in the offered wardrobe and dresser for today's match. Instead she wore her brand new bright orange replica Quidditch jersey with the crossed black cannons behind a cannonball marked with the interlocked Cs of the Chudley Cannons. A knee-length creamy white cotton skirt with her normal white silk stockings and black polished leather penny loafer shoes completed her look.

Her smile grew a bit more smug as she shifted, feeling the reassuring presence of her true body hidden in the sheath sewn into her sport bra. Aunt Delilah and Mutti both stressed being ready for any emergency after all. As well, what Ron and Jean Bart did not know would not hurt them. After all, she was used to acting as a hidden bodyguard for her sister. Being overlooked as a threat until called upon to act was what her very nature and training impelled her to do.


Unknown to Ehren, in the kitchen a floor below her guest room Victoria's brow wrinkled slightly at her observation of the German dagger drawing and then re-sheathing herself as Victoria prepared a Kaisermelange coffee, honey, and egg yolk hot beverage for Miss Claire while the delighted piano chattered with Miss Summer over bacon, eggs, sausage, fried tomatoes, and English Muffins. Apparently another piano concert was being planned for this morning by the pair of early risers, which most certainly met with Victoria's approval.

In fact it might be a good idea to hand over some of the sheet music she had enjoyed as a young dwelling to Miss Claire to see if she was capable of playing it, Victoria privately mused as she whisked the egg and coffee mix together into a froth. Although, Victoria added to herself as she added a tablespoon more honey into the mix, after yesterday's virtuoso performance, I am sure that the number of pieces that the young lady could not play were not large at all, especially considering her ability to play such beautiful and complex pieces such as works by Liszt and Rachmaninoff from memory.

Which certainly provided opportunities for a certain hard-working house's spirit, since Victoria had the sheet music from Mr. Sullivan's famous ballet Victoria and Merrie England, which had been written for Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee in 1897, carefully stored away in her attic

Bless Colonel Gamp for purchasing that score for his daughter to play, although the young lady had a tin ear and no head for music, Victoria added with a mental shudder at the memory of some of the attempts at music that the lady had tried to perform.

Unlike Miss Claire, who was a rare talent indeed on the ivories.

Victoria was rapidly coming to the conclusion that Miss Claire was a model guest, since the dear child was polite, demure, well-mannered, and such a total sweetheart, especially when it came time to entertain the household with music. The only negative if she had visited in the past would have been that a suitable young man from the household literally would have had to drag her away from the piano by force to dance with him to be charmed and courted to join her family! Or perhaps win her hand through piano duets, although the suitor would need to be a rather talented musician himself to meet Miss Claire's level of skill and interest in the arts of music, Victoria judged.

With that thought Victoria smiled happily as she handed the now-prepared steaming mug of Kaisermelange to Miss Claire, who thanked her in her gentle musical voice. Miss Claire's face lit up with joy as she took a drink and she gave Victoria a shy but happy smile and additional words of heartfelt thanks before resuming her conversation with Miss Summer about which pieces of music to play that would help the Abyssal with her plans to work on blueprints as she listened to the serenade.

Victoria was warming rapidly to the brunette musician to the point of pondering how to subtly find out the recipes for her favorite dishes and desserts to provide a treat for the sweetheart (and entice her to make return trips to 'help Miss Summer learn how to entertain the household on piano as a proper lady should' which would also give the house a proper ambience). Victoria was quite in agreement with Miss Claire's firm insistence that a house with no music and joy within its walls was not a proper home.

As for her sister and mother....

The house spirit understood the necessity for Miss Ehren du Chasteler and her mother Ms. Colombe du Chasteler to carry their weapons around now, but she hoped that such would not be used. The wrinkle became slightly more pronounced as she remembered that while the Young Master and his friends would be enjoying the Quidditch match that they had purchased tickets for, Ms. du Chasteler and Lady Duke would be sparring in a rather overgrown section of the property that was slated to be cleared for proper development as a garden.

Victoria just hoped that Ms. du Chasteler and Lady Duke did not make a large mess in the process of their spar.

As for Miss du Chasteler, the blonde dagger spirit certainly did not lack in precise manners, courage, or dogged determination. Victoria certainly respected her work ethic, punctuality and orderliness, and sense of responsibility and self control; why you would almost think that the young lady-in-training was British with her stiff upper lip and pluck.

Which was rather shocking, considering who her mother was.

Clearly her father must have been an extraordinary influence on Miss du Chasteler to have her turn out so well and somehow persuade that Frenchwoman to raise her child right to reinforce the lessons that he had instilled in his daughter before his tragic demise.

Of course, Victoria mused, Prince Consort Albert was German and he was such a good husband to Queen Victoria, the poor lady. If Queen Victoria wore black the rest of her life to mourn her beloved husband, perhaps grief for Ehren's deceased father had made Ms. du Chasteler turn over a new leaf and reform herself after his example?

It was something to think upon in any event. The Frenchwoman had apparently changed somewhat from her last visit a century ago after all. Perhaps she had possibly turned over a new leaf, although the proof of the pudding was in the eating.


After breakfast, Ehren smiled at her partners in crime. Jean Bart, now dressed in a matching orange and white outfit, grinned back at her, and then held out a length of orange ribbon with magically animated cannonballs speeding down it in an endless loop. "Please tie this in my ponytail?"

While Ehren complied, Ron adjusted his orange cloak which was pinned at the neck with a brooch showing a pair of crossed fingers. He picked up a matching bright orange top hat and held it in both hands as he looked at the girls. "Ready to go and cheer our team on to victory, ladies?"

"Ja!" Ehren said, snapping to attention as her mother hid a smile behind her glass of milk and Claire giggled musically.
[Ginzan Fest.] music store
Harry Leferts

As they walked along the pathway towards the village, everyone either quietly chatted with each other or simply enjoyed the sounds of nature and the nearby festival. Entering the village, they could see everyone out and about enjoying another day of fun. As they walked along though, suddenly Taichi blinked and looked around, "Uh, did any of you hear something?"

Looking at him, his mother raised an eyebrow, "Hear something? Like what?"

With a small shrug, Taichi frowned a little, "Muffled grunts? Or growls maybe?" Pausing, he furrowed his eyebrows, "There it is again."

Haru blinked and also looked around, "I just heard it as well and it is coming from that alley." She pointed at a darkened, narrow space between some buildings and walked over, "Hello? Is someone..."

Trailing off, she lightly blushed before coughing and looking away. A few moments later, a young woman walked out adjusting her yukata with a hum followed by three guys, triplets in fact. Each of said guys had weasel ears and tails as they flushed with one of them bowing even as his brothers adjusted their clothes, "Our apologies..."

And with that out of the way, they left though one of the brothers grumbled about needy girlfriends and privacy charms. Said girl only smirked and they could hear her reply as she kissed each of the three boys, "Yet you love me~"

Eyebrow raised, Gyaru turned towards Misa who looked away, "She... is a witch who owns and works in a pottery shop and often recycles porcelain and ceramics back into the basic materials. Those are her Itachi boyfriends and... well, I shall have a talk with them later."

Slowly, Kero raised an finger, "Boyfriends... as in more than one?"

Instead of looking embarrassed or insulted, the Unagi Hime looked more amused, "Hai, from what they have stated she could not choose one of them. And being that they are Kamaitachi? They simply decided to share her..." Starting to walk away, she grinned a little, "Not that I blame her for not minding, triplets they were."

Just scratching her head, Rei gave a small shrug as the adults hustled them along, 'Older people are weird...' Shortly after though, she gasp and started pointing, "Kaa-San! Look, musicians!"

Nearly as one, the group stopped and paused to listen as three sisters, for that was what they had to be, played music in front of a small store that proclaimed itself "Prismatic Music Shop". Head tilted to the side, Harry had a bemused look on his face as he chuckled, "Is that... The Gensokyo that the Gods Loved?"

About as amused as Harry, Natsumi snorted a little bit as she nodded, "Hai, it is." When the song ended and they started on the next one, she snickered, "And that would be Faith is for the Transient People." Considering the music for a few moments, the Kitsune nodded, "They're pretty good actually."

Ears twitching a bit, Taichi hummed before smiling himself, "They are very good. I wonder though..."

For a few moments he looked at the shop before he headed inside followed by the group where they were met by musical instruments of all kinds. It was then that a fourth sister appeared from the back as the door chimed and bowed, "Hello, how can I help..." Catching sight of Shiromizu, she bowed more deeply, "Ah, Shiromizu-Sama, welcome to our shop. I am Wakana Aika, the main owner among my Nee-Sans and myself."

Lips curling into a soft smile, Shiromizu bowed back, "Thank you, I'm honoured to be here." As she looked around, she hummed a bit at seeing all the instruments that lined the walls before her eyes caught sight of a group which made her blink, "Are those pianos?"

Hearing that, everyone turned and, sure enough, there were a number of small pianos that were on display. None of them were very big, one was about the size of a desk from a school with a padded seat though it looked like a much smaller version of a grand piano. With a smile, Aika walked over to them, "They are indeed, we make them here." Hand brushing over the polished wood of one that looked like it could fit in someone's lap, she nodded, "They're not really equal to a professional one, but..."

She reached out for the keys and began to play a simple melody on it as they listened. The keys sounded more like those from a xylophone than a piano, but it still sounded good to their ears. Walking over, Shiromizu placed a finger to her chin and looked at the golden name stencilled onto the headboard, "Xylette?"

With a hum as she continued to play "Heart and Soul", Aika smiled at her, "Hai, Shiromizu-Sama. A man named Rhodes Harold designed them back in World War Two to be played by American pilots recovering from injuries. He used scrap wood and bits of airplanes that were damaged and being scrapped. We found a 'How to build' manual online as they had released them during the war." A light blush on her face, she smiled, "We... modified the plans and used some of the new 3D printing technology for the aluminum tubes so that we could get them all to the right size and shape every time." Stopping her playing, she walked over to another, slightly larger piano and sat down on the bench, "And this is based on his Pre-piano which we were able to make as well, though updated with modern technology and a few tweaks to the design."

The sound was still xylophone-like, but everyone nodded along with the notes as they played.

Once she finished with a flouish, Aika sighed a bit, "I'm thankful that enough time passed that we were able to build the replicas."

Considering the pianos, Nagato tilted her head to the side, "Have you been selling them?"

Lightly chuckling, the musician nodded, "We have as a matter of fact. Three weeks back, we had some government officials through here and they seemed impressed, especially with how repairs are so easy and how you need just what amounts to a small solar panel to power the electronics for them. Apparently the JMSDF are buying some of the Pre-pianos for younger shipgirls."

For a few moments, Nagato thought back before she smiled, "Ah, yes, I remember that crossing Teitoku's desk as a matter of fact." With a small shrug, she looked at the instrument, "While you have modern keyboards some of the younger shipgirls would rather play something... more familiar, to them."

Not long after, they left the shop with one of the Xylettes for Rei who was bouncing around with happiness as she wanted to learn how to play piano. For their parts, her parents shook their heads and gave her grandparents, who had bought it, a look. Everyone then walked over to the nearby coffee shop though they paused as a woman with wolf ears and a tail... as well as two feathered wings in a police uniform came out. Seeing the unfamiliar Tengu, the guhin gave them a smile and nod before getting into what looked like a small car and driving off.

Watching for a few moments, Ai raised an eyebrow at the small police vehicle, "Hmm... it has been a while since I saw one of those."

Beside her, Jin gave a snort, "No kidding, Ai. I haven't seen one since the late 1990s at least." Scratching her chin, the Mizuchi frowned a little, "Though I think that I heard they are considering making some electric versions."

Utterly lost, Asuka watched the tiny vehicle disappear around the corner with a blink, "What was that anyways?"

When he noticed her looking at him, Kudzu shrugged himself, "Don't ask me, I've never seen one of those I think... or, hmm... I think that I saw one when I was a kid?"

Snorting in amusement, the undead Mizuchi gave a grin, "That was a 1990s Honda Caren. Basically? They're what happens when you take a 50cc scooter and place a body over it. Not the greatest, but..." Looking around, Jin shrugged, "I guess that it could work well enough around here. Some of the paths and such are narrow enough after all."

It was just a few minutes later when they split apart to go and do their own thing. Harry, Natsumi, Louisiana, and Kenshō with Tsukiakari and Juuchi following at a distance headed towards Kiri Castle. Taking his hand in hers, Natsumi smiled softly as they walked along the cobblestone pathway/small road. Natsumi did note that along one side though there was concrete forming a small path for bikes.

Still, the area was... picturesque with the trees high above and ferns as well as other woodland brush alongside the path. Ditches on either side also had pools of water where she could see frogs and the like leaping in, or the odd animal drinking. At one point though, they all stood to the side as a large turtle Yokai walked past.

Eventually though, they did reach the castle in question and the Kitsune's eyes widened, "Is this Kiri Castle, Harry-Chan?"

With a hum, Harry looked around and took in the differences. Besides the castle itself, the grounds were obviously much better maintained. And he could see a garden pond as well as a traditional Japanese rock garden within view, "Hai, it is."

About to say something, Natsumi blinked as a woman appeared seemingly from thin air with a bright smile on her face. She was dressed in what looked like an expensive Kimono and her hair trailed down to her waist. All in all, she looked like a Hime that had stepped right out of a fairy tale. Upon seeing Harry though, her expression lit up and she bowed deeply to him, "Welcome back to my castle, Lord Harry. It has been some time since our last meeting."

Bowing back, Harry smiled a little, "And it is good to see you as well, Kiri-San." As he straightened, he made a show of looking around and nodding, "Not just your castle, but your grounds are looking wonderful as are you."

Much to Natsumi's amusement, the castle spirit blushed at that and seemed to become a little more shy, "A-ah, thank you, Lord Harry. I will admit that I am quite happy with all the work that has been done in order to set things up here and make my grounds once more as good as they looked so long ago." Turning, she bowed to the two women there, "Lady Louisiana, and you must be Lady Ono Natsumi. Lord Harry and Lady Shiromizu spoke very highly of you as did Lady Louisiana."

Lightly blushing, the fourteen year old Yokai bowed back, "Thank you, and you are correct as to whom I am. And I am also very pleased to meet you as well as Harry-Chan has told me quite a bit."

To some exasperation from the Kitsune, Kiri looked very happy to hear that, "That does me some good to know that Lord Harry has done me such an honour." She then turned towards Kenshō with an unsure look, "And hello..."

Brightly smiling, the sword spirit faded from view before appearing beside Kiri, "Hi! I'm Kenshō and the spirit of one of Master's blades, a Kogatana!" Bowing, she giggled, "I'm happy to meet you and you're really pretty."

Rapidly blinking, Kiri still recovered quickly enough, "I see, thank you for the compliment, Lady Kenshō." Giggles escaped from the Kogatana before she once more faded from view and reappeared nearby examining a flower, 'Hmm... interesting trick.' The castle spirit shook off said thoughts though before gesturing towards her home, "Would you like a tour of my true self?"

Sharing a look, they nodded while behind them, Louisiana smiled, "Oui, that does sound rather nice, Miz Kiri."

With a small bow, the castle began to walk towards herself as she gestured at the gardens while explaining about them and the work that had been done to restore them. Entering the main keep, both teens as well as the Battleship were awed by the look of the castle around them as they walked through it. Above their heads, giant beams stood while the floors themselves were nearly polished to a shine. A few times, they met various Yokai and such visiting. Reaching the top levels, Natsumi looked out over the countryside.

From where they stood, they could see not just the surrounding area, but also the surrounding peaks of the Japanese Alps, some of which were still snow covered. It was... a truly stunning view. Stepping beside them, Louisiana took a deep breath and let it out, "Is this not a beautiful view, ma chérie? Mon chéri?"

Humming, Harry gave a smile, "It is, very much so." Turning, he nodded towards Kiri, "You must be very happy."

None of those there missed the slight wetness of her eyes, but pretended not to see it as she blinked it away, "Hai, Lord Harry. So very happy that I am once more... like this." Placing her hand on the wall, she looked out onto the grounds of herself, "It means so very much that I can once more look out onto immaculate grounds, to see my true self standing tall." Brightly smiling, she looked Harry in the eyes, "And it is because of you saving me that I can do so, once more."

Embarrassed, Harry scratched at his cheek, "I'm glad to hear that. Besides which... well, you were in trouble. It was the least that I could do."

For several moments, Kiri just stared at him before glancing at Natsumi and nodding, "Hai, and that is exactly what makes you... you, Lord Harry." Taking a deep breath, she let it out, "I saw you, yesterday for Lady Shiromizu's enshrinment. You in your Kimono with your blades at your side... you looked every inch the daimyō that I see you as. And Lady Natsumi looked every inch the Hime to go along with it."

This time, Natsumi blushed at the compliment, "Thank you, Kiri-San. I truly appreciate it."

Simply nodding, the castle guided them along and they killed some time talking about various things. Kiri, for example, admitted that she was still unsure about becoming a tourist site, but told them that some people from MEXT had come to take photos of her. Apparently, much to her confusion, they were extremely pleased with her state and looks. Their compliments confused her as she was only a small castle after all, but they acted as if she was equal to one of the great palaces of Edo or Kyoto. They seemed even more happy when the group was informed that the one of the guard towers was in fact for Moon viewing with a fully functional tea room and balcony for it.

Much to her bemusement, Harry and Natsumi shared a slight grin at that.

Once they were done the tour, they did hang around for a little bit longer. Not just to chat and share some treats with the castle spirit, which she enjoyed greatly, but also because she wished to perform tea ceremony for them. Something that at least the women in the group had a sneaking suspicion was for more than just to spend some time with them. However, Natsumi still agreed that it was very good tea indeed and that Kiri had performed the ceremony perfectly.

But eventually, they did leave with them bowing to the castle spirit as Harry spoke for them all, "Thank you for having us over."

Softly smiling as she bowed back, Kiri giggled slightly, "It was my pleasure, Lord Harry, Lady Natsumi, Lady Louisiana, Kenshō-San, Juuchi-Sama, Tsukiakari-San. I hope that you enjoyed your visit." She then blushed a little, "And my offer for you to spend time here still stands, Lord Harry. You merely need to ask and I would have no issue with you staying the night."

Natsumi glanced at Harry and chuckled a little, "One day, he might."

Understanding was on the castle spirit's face as she bowed to the Kitsune and said her goodbyes before heading back towards her true self and vanishing. Unseen by them, she reappeared on her roof and softly smiled as she watched Natsumi walk with Harry's hand in hers before shaking her head though a small thought occurred to her as she remembered that Harry mentioned that he looked very much like his father, 'I wonder...'
Butterknives meet Momknife 1

First of all I have to thank Yellowhammer for going with what started as a silly idea of mine that blossomed in this 2 part story.
So thanks for lending me your characters and coping with me all this time.
The Butterknives meet Momknife I.

22 July 2014

Taitō City, Tokio.

Arriving at Ueno Park, Colombe parked her rented vehicle at one of the parking sites available, exiting it she thought about the differences between Tokio and the other metropolis she had been in the last years; there weren't so much, but these differences were what make each one of them unique.

"This way Colombe-han, Toku-han, Ehren-han and Claire-han" said the only one of the group of five who knew where was their destination.

"Musashi, I'm thankful for your offering to contact someone for a visit to the museum." said the rapier.

"Don't worry about it, I had to come here sooner or later, so it isn't a burden." and looking at Toku said. "And with this I can grant one of the wishes my little sister had."

"You remembered." said Toku with blurred eyes.

"Of course; even if my only goal is the understanding of the Way, I hold my sisters close to my heart."

"Thank you Onee-san."

Blushing, Musashi said scratching her head. "Don't mention it, we have arrived."

In front of them stood, behind the grate, a big wooden gate.
Spoiler: Kuromon

"Wow, what an imposing gate, but it looks very old to be the entry gate."

"Actually it's called Kuromon" a woman approaching from the gate said in English. "Its one of the two remaining gates from the Edo mansions, the other is located in the University of Tokyo; the normal entrance is located down this road, but this way it can be viewed as you enter the museum compound."
Spoiler: The woman

Stopping at the grate, she opened it and then stopped in front of the visitors.

"It isn't known the exact date of construction, but we know it's from the late Edo period, late 18th century or early 19th century, its original place of construction is located in what today is Chiyoda, in 1892 it was moved to the Togu Palace in Akasaka, and some time later of Prince Takamatsu, the third son of Emperor Taisho; it was designated an Important Cultural Property in 1951 and finally moved to its current location in 1954."

Then she bowed to the family and friends. "Welcome to the Tokio National Museum, My name is Yasutsune Yuuki and I will be you guide today." said the guide. "Normally today we are closed, but for you we will make an exception, please follow me and don't touch anything."

'Luckily Jackie isn't here or she would try to visit this guide's house' thought Colombe after seeing their guide's looks.

Closing the grate behind them, they continued to the inside of the museum compound.

"First we will visit the Horyu-ji Homotsukan, or Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, opened in 1999 is a two-story building that is house of the 319 items given to the Imperial Household by the Horyu Temple in Nara." said the guide going to the building at the left of the entrance.
Spoiler: Horyu-ji Homottsukan

Stopping at the door of the building, Yuuki turned to the du Chasteler and the two Masamunes. "Usually the tour begins with the Honkan building, but regarding our special visitors it will be left last, as our master piece is in full display."

As the family was travelling between rooms and listening to what Yuuki explained, they were surprised by the amount of history behind those items, every single question answered by her, as if she had lived using this artifacts, so they began to wonder how many more they could see in the entire visit.

Encouraging them to exit the building, she spoke "And this ends the tour of the gallery of Horyuji Treasures, I hope you liked it; if you have any questions, please ask me before we continue the visit."

Looking to her two daughters, who shook their head negatively, Colombe said "We don't have any, thank you, you have a gift to explain the details that very few have".

"Thanks for the compliment, it has to be my years of experience in this kind of work." bowing she continued "We will resume the visit then, the next building we will visit is the Heiseikan, it's placed in the back left of the complex, so if you follow me, please."

Going back to the entrance they passed a building with blue roof. "To your left you can see the Hyokeikan, or Congratulatory Gallery, opened in 1909 in honor of the wedding of the Crown Prince Yoshihito and Sadako Kujo, later known as Emperor Taisho and Empress Teimei; in 1978 it was designated as an Important Cultural Property as an example of the architecture of the late Meiji era; it is normally closed to the public except during special exhibitions."
Spoiler: Hyokeikan

Colombe wasn't an expert in construction, but she recognized some similarities of its design with european ones from the last years of the 19th century and the time, but when she first visited Japan, there weren't any buildings like that.

"To-chan." Colombe whispered "What was the time-lapse of the Meiji era?."

"If I remember well, it is from 1868 to 1912" said the Masamune.

"More accurately" said the guide surprising both "is comprised from 23 October of 1868 to 30 July of 1912, from the finish of the Meiji restoration until the Death of the Emperor Meiji."

Continuing to the back left of the complex the guide continued explaining. "To your right is the Honkan, or Japanese Gallery, where the main display of the museum is, I will enter in detail of its history later, as the visit places it in the last place."

They stopped in front of a modern building. "This building is the Heiseikan, or Heisei Gallery, opened in 1999 in commemoration of the wedding of Crown Prince Hiro to Masako Okawa on 9 June 1993, it houses in the first floor the Japanese Archaeology Gallery and a thematic exhibition and in the second floor there are 4 galleries for special exibitions; the thematic exibition involves the Imperial Ceremonies record such as paintings and materials, the second floor is empty as there aren't any special exhibition held at this moment."
Spoiler: Heiseikan

Entering the gallery, they were awed by the time-lapse of the items it contained, pieces from 35,000 BC to ones near Colombe's birthday.

'Seeing these pieces really gives me some things to think.' Seeing her daughters and the two Masamunes, she knew they were thinking the same as her. Same as the first building Yuuki answered any questions about some of the item displayed.

After a prudential time, Yuuki encouraged them again to exit the building. "And we have finished the tour of the Heiseikan; Do you have any questions before we go to the last Building in the visit?."

After this question the blonde teenager raised her hand. "I have."

After she got the guide's attention, she explained "For what I saw in the map at the entrance, there are four buildings more, one is in front of us now, another little one is between this one and the Hoeyu-ji Homotsukan, the third is at right side of the entrance and the other one is out of the complex, There is a reason we can't visit them?."

Giving her a gentle smile, she answered. "Good question, fräulein; the one in front of us is the Shiryokan, or Research and Information Center, opened in 1984 it holds books, magazines, images and other documents relating to history, archaeology and the fine and applied arts in Japan, Asia and Middle East, so it isn't a part of this private visit, but if you want to enter, tomorrow morning opens at 9:30 AM; the little one is the Azekura Repository, constructed of logs, this structure originally stood at the Jurinin Temple within the Gangoji Temple compound in Nara and was used as a sūtra repository, being relocated here in May 1882, it is being studied and we cant access it now; the one at the entrance is the Toyokan, or Asian Gallery, opened in 1968 it displays the museum's collections of Chinese, Korean, Indian and Southeast and Central Asian Art, including some Egyptian objects; actually is being refurbished and the expected reopening will be in January 2015; and the one outside the compound is Kuroda Kinenkan, or Kuroda Memorial Hall, in 1930 it became the headquarters of the Art Research Institute, later becoming the Tokyo Research Institute for Cultural Properties; in 2000 they moved out, with the Hall reopening as a public gallery in 2001, in 2007 its administration was transferred to the Tokyo National Museum, witch renovated it, it is scheduled to reopen at the same time as the Toyokan. I hope I have cleared your doubts in this matter." After an affirmative answer she said "Any other question?".
Spoiler: Shiryokan

Spoiler: Azekura repository

Spoiler: Toyokan

Spoiler: Kuroda Memorial Hall

"Actually I have one." said Colombe "You said Kuroda Memorial Hall, had he, by any chance, exposed his work in France in the last years of the 19th century?"

"Yes he had." responded affirmatively Yuuki "Kuroda Seiki arrived at France in 1884, two years later he decided to abandon the study of law to become a painter, he stayed in France until 1893, date in which he came back to Japan, but not before having been praised by the Académie des Beaux-Arts of Paris."

'So he is the same guy I talked to when I attended some business back then' thought Colombe. "Thanks for the answer."

"I'm glad to help." said Yuuki bowing. "Any more questions?" having responded negatively she continued. "Okay then, let's go to the last building in the visit."

Approaching the last building the guide spoke "As I said earlier, this building is the Honkan, or Japanese Gallery, it houses the museum's main display of Japanese art from prehistory to the late 19th century; it is located on the former site of the main hall of the Kane'i-ji Temple, which was destroyed during the Boshin War. The first Honkan incorporated a brick structure used as the main hall for the first National Indrustrial Exibition in 1877; It was replaced by a two-story brick hall incorporating Anglo-Indian arquitecture, with two green onion like domes surmounting the towers flanking the main entrance; unfortunately this building was ruined by the Great Kanto earthquake of 1923. Designed by the famous architech Watanabe Jin the actual building is a reinforced-concrete structure in the Imperial Crown Style, with a neoclassical base and a Japanese roof. It opened on 10 November of 1938 with a ceremony attended by emperor Showa. In 2001 the building was designated an Important Cultural Property of Japan; now if you follow me I will guide you through the rooms".
Spoiler: Honkan

Entering the building Yuuki inmediately went to the stairs "We will begin from the upstair rooms in a counter-clockwise route beginning from the south-eastern room finishing in the south-western room, in the bottom room we will do a clockwise route beginning at the south-eastern room finishing in the east room due to a technical issue about the east room, as it only can be accessed from the north gate; now if you follow me, we will start with the ancient Japanese art room".

Following her they admired a culture very different of the one they were accustomed, but knew it was theirs too to some extent, they went from room to room until they reached the north-eastern room of the 1st floor, in where there was an exposition of masks from the 14th to the 16th century.

"Now we will enter the 13th room, where the metalwork and ceramics are held, please follow me." said the guide going south through the door.

Upon entering the room they felt it, radiating from the center of the room there was power, and not from only one source.

After some second viewing their reactions, the guide spoke "As I see you are very interested, we will go directly to the swords here exhibited and we will skip the ceramics and the other metalwork."

'The sheer amount of power here is overwhelming' thought Colombe, glancing at Musashi, she threw the Masamune a questioning stare.

Approaching the rapier, she whispered at her ear "If you are questioning why they are here Colombe-han, is easy to explain, most of them refuses to materialize, they have their reasons".

"Ahem!" exclaimed the guide, "Please, if you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them, if not, please try not to talk while I'm exposing; now as I was saying this is the famed Kunitsuna Onimaru, said to have moved itself to kill an Oni who was cursing Hojo Tokimasa in the first years of the 13th century."

As she was explaining the other blades exposed there, they reached the last one; unlike the others that were only the bare metal, this one was complete, her hilt and guard mounted, and alongside it was a sheath.

"And this is the famed Yasutsuna Doujigiri, sword of the legendary Minamoto-no-Yorimitsu, also known as Minamoto-no-Raikou. Let me expose some of the legends around this tachi."

As she was exposing some of the legends, Colombe noted something about her speech, and the pieces that was fluttering in her head clicked in place.

"And with this concludes the visit to the museum, thanks for coming and I hope you have enjoyed the visit." said the guide bowing to the visitors.

Looking at her sides and then to the guide, the three du Chasteler and the two Masamunes bowed to her. "I definitely have enjoyed it, Yasutsune Yuuki" said Colombe. "Or should I say Yasutsuna Doujigiri?" asked with a smug face.

At the snicker of the two Masamunes and the surprised look of the other two du Chasteler, the guide only raised her hand to her mouth, and with a fake amazement face she said. "Ara, Ara~, I have been discovered, how have you reached at that conclusion?."

Still with her Patented Muramasa Smug Face, Colombe said. "First, It was odd that the museum would open only for us, even if Musashi or Toku called, so the called has to be someone important; second, even if the museum agreed to open, it would be difficult for them to get a guide in such short time, so you have to live near, or have means to be here immediately; third, the issue with the guided visit not beginning here, I thought it was strange and when I saw the last room, I knew that you had to be a weapon Tsukumogami; and last, the way you were telling the legends about you, your speech was like if you lived them, so I connected the dots."

"Impressive, Toku-San talked a bit about you at the bunker incident, and her opinion really stands firm, you have a brain as sharp as your edge. Its true, I am the spirit of the tachi Yasutsuna Doujigiri, pleased to meet you Du Chasteler Colombe, daughter of Muramasa-no-Norimune, and daughters."

"Pleased to meet you too, Doujigiri-San, can you explain why did you keep us in the dark about your identity?"

Opening the stand, she took herself and her sheath and said. "It's easy, I simply didn't mention it, Yasutsune Yuuki is my current no-mag identity, I like to teach others about Japan, and since you know so little about it, I wanted to give you a full tour inside my means" heading to the exit she urged them. "Lets talk while we go out."

"So when you exposed the legends..." said Claire.

"Yes, they were true facts, I am the oldest blade in here, although I only arrived here in 1947 at my own volition."

"I suppose there's a story behind it." said Colombe.

"Long story short, after the war and discovering some of the plans Kamo had, I was disillusioned and I vowed not to enter a war again, so I retired here to teach, almost cutting my ties with the magical world except some visits from time in time, like Musashi; but recent events has forced me to reconsider my stand, the last string was the bunker incident."

"Oh, right, Shuten-Douji." said Colombe.

Denying with her head Douji said "No, it wasn't for him; it was for the kids, they didn't deserve to face that kind of things, so after I talk with all my old acquaintances; I'll try to get back my old position."

"Kotegiri-onee-han will be delighted if you come back" said Musashi.

"Maybe; now that the visit is finished, I invite you to my current place of training, would you like to come?"

Looking at her sides, she answered "We'd be delighted, but is it isolated enough for the non magicals to detect something?"

Douji nodded. "Don't worry, it has the usual repellent wards around it; so before we pick the portkey, do you need to take anything with you?"

The two Muramasas negated with their head, Colombe looked at Ehren, who said "Nein, Mutti" and then she looked at Claire. "May I bring the electronic keyboard there? Maybe something there gives me some ideas to compose."

"You can, of course. Ehren, go with Claire and help her carry what she needs." turning to Douji she said. "Although I want to spar with you and possibly Ehren too, Claire is a non-combatant because she is a piano's spirit."

"No worries, I don't spar with those who aren't willing, besides, there are very strong protective wards around the house for those who aren't dueling as I tend to be... a bit destructive when I let loose, and I'm sure I will enjoy her music."

As Ehren and Claire came back with her electronic piano and some other things, Douji asked Musashi "Musashi dear, can you carry them to the pool in the garden while I close the museum?"

"Hai, Douji-han." nodded the Masamune.

After a short wait, They were all reunited in front of the back pool.

"Please, put one hand in this lamp and wait a bit." said Douji putting her hand at the top of a wooden lamp.

Doing so, they disappeared into thin air.
Thanks for reading, next part tomorrow.
[Ginzan Fest.] Castle tour
Harry Leferts

Footsteps softly ringing out as she stepped along the flagstones, Himewari smiled softly as she looked around at the sunflowers that bordered the pathway as her hand was gently held in Ryo's own. Reaching up, her hand gently caressed one of the giant flowers, which turned towards her, not unlike a pet happy to see it's owner. Here and there, bees and other insects went from flower to flower, "This... is so... so wonderful."

Squeezing her hand, Ryo smiled at her, "Hai, it is."

With a small giggle as she closed her eyes, the sunflower spirit nodded at her boyfriend, "It really is." Opening her eyes with a soft sigh, Himewari noted that there was a painted bridge that crossed one of the small streams that came from Suihou's spring, gently bubbling. Feet lightly dancing on the ground, she pulled a chuckling Ryo along with a bright smile on her face that, to him, lit up the world around them as much as the Sunflowers did, "Wonderful."

As she slowed to a stop, Ryo reached up and cupped her cheek, which she leaned into, "Mmm." Leaning in, he gently kissed her before pulling back with the two of them breathless, "Almost as much as you, Himewari-Chan."

Looking away with a blush, though happy, Himewari chewed her lip, "Thank you." She turned back to him with shining eyes before placing her arms over his shoulders and kissing him again, which left the two smiling and flushed after, "Thank you, Ryo-Kun."

The make spirit gave a small chuckle and glanced away as he scratched his cheek, "Just... telling the truth, Himewari-Chan. If places are a representation of the spirit who calls them home, well... it would need to match you, would it not? Though it might find it hard to do so..."

Himewari, if anything, blushed more than before at those words before also looking away, "A-ah... um... th-thank you."

Gently brushing her some strands of hair behind her ear, he smiled a bit and kissed her on the cheek, "Like I said... it is just the truth."

In reply, she kissed his cheek and giggled softly, "Maybe I'll believe you this once..."

Just nodding, he once more took her hand in his before they started walking again while exploring the sunflower field. Here and there, the paths sometimes split off or new ones merged. And along the borders of the path, there were smaller sunflowers, often with different colors, with the taller ones behind them. There were also stone lanterns which had been enchanted to light up as soon as the Sun set. Himewari also knew that the entire area would become filled with fireflies as dusk turned to night, with them filling the night with soft orbs of light that would drift between the various flowers. Which leant a magical air to it, yet those walking along the paths would be safe as she would not let anything happen to them.

Years from this point, and unknown to her? After the fall of the Statute, the field would become a hot spot for couples to take moonlit strolls with each other. One of the big draws for married couples who came in summer to the mountain for a honeymoon. But married or not, those walking the paths would feel safe and secure, even in the night. Mainly because Himewari would keep an eye out for any dangers.

Children, too, would come to love the sunflowers and their laughs and giggles would be heard for years to come as they ran between the tall flowers, always watching over them, sounds that would bring joy to those that heard them.

For now, in the present, however, it was mainly the villagers who walked the paths within the field as they decided to take breaks from the festival for a little bit of quiet though more than a few would return time and again. Walking along, Himewari just took deep breaths of the scented air from the flowers... her flowers. And those words made her heart swell within her chest every time that she thought of them and each time, she swore loyalty to the Mizuchi who gave her this this wonderful gift.

Spotting a stone bench which had Haruka and Siusan sitting on it, just leaning against one another, the Sunflower spirit smiled while internally cooing at how cute they were, especially as they had caught Haruka feeding the Irish spirit a peanut butter treat, "Good day, Siusan-San, Haruka-San. Enjoying yourselves?"

Glancing at Siusan, Haruka smiled back at Himewari before bowing slightly, "We are indeed, Himewari-San. You have a wonderful sunflower field here, it is quite beautiful."

With a sigh, Himewari gave her a nod, "Thank you, I'm glad that you think so, Haruka-San. I'm quite happy with it after all..." She looked at Ryo before bowing slightly, "But I think that I will let you get back to your time together."

All the Kitsune did was nod back and turn her attention back to the Irish fox spirit as the other two spirits moved on. Since they were in her field, Himewari could "See" them go back to what they were doing as Siusan picked up a peanut butter cooking and slowly fed it to Haruka, love on both their faces. Something that made her softly sigh at how romantic it was.

Something that did not escape her boyfriend's notice either.

Once they were out of ear shot of the two fox spirits, Ryo kissed Himewari's cheek which made her blush and stutter a little, "Himewari-Chan."

Cheeks reddened, Himewari looked away, "Ryo-Kun... what was that for?"

Just smirking, her boyfriend chuckled, "For being you... for being completely adorable." Giving her another kiss on the cheek and squeezing her hand, his smirk widened into a grin at her blush deepening. Looking around, Ryo turned back to her, "So where is it that you want to show me, Himewari-Chan?"

Lips twitching, she leaned against him, "We're nearly there, Ryo-Kun... just a little bit further, I promise."

More than a little curious, Ryo simply let her guide him through her field until he realized that they were nearly at the center. Once they were out of the sunflowers and into the middle field, his eyes widened a bit. It was not a very big clearing after all, but off to one side there was one of the main streams of Suihou's spring, bubbling gently as it ran over the rocks to give an ambiant noise with pools that had lilies within them. Stone benches and tables could also be seen here and there, though the library spirit could tell that they were covered in cushioning and self-cleaning charms. There were also one or two trees which gave shade to the area.

But what caught his attention was what was in the middle of the clearing.

Stone paths, their own and others, coming from the sunflowers lead to a structure in the middle. As a matter of fact, it was a pavillion with benches inside where one could sit in the shade. Himewari lead him up to it and entering it, he could see that the pillars that rose and held up the roof were decorated with carvings of sunflowers. Lanterns hung from it, which would light up at night to provide a soft glow to the area. Part of him could imagine him and Himewari sitting here in the evenings and simply enjoying some tea. Or perhaps local musicians could play within it as well as people danced the time away. With a sigh, Himewari placed a hand against a pillar and let her fingers trail along it as the wind brushed her green hair a little.

Walking up beside her, Ryo placed his hand on her shoulder, "Himewari-Chan? Are you alright?"

Just shaking her head as she leaned against his shoulder, Himewari sighed, "I am... just... just overwhelmed. Lady Shiromizu has done so very much for me, for us. And yet, all she has asked in return is our friendship. Truly... the Seven Lucky Gods have smiled down on us."

Only nodding slowly, Ryo hummed before speaking, "They have indeed." Looking out onto her field, which rustled, his expression turned sad, "But you miss your original field, don't you?"

Blinking away some tears, the Sunflower spirit gave a sad chuckle, "Is it that obvious?" At his look, she was quiet for a few moments, "My field... was beautiful, lovely. I used to dance among my flowers in the summer and sleep with them in the winter. When the earth clearing equipment came, I cried and grieved for each plant that was torn down, my heart ripping apart. I... I could have hated them, and perhaps a small bit of me did. Yet... yet I did not as they did need homes and a school was made there, where children could learn and play. As sad as I was that my home was gone, I could not hate them for that. And not all my plants were killed as the humans also took seeds from them, spreading them to other fields and gardens. Some even at the school itself."

Ryo just watched as she reached out and spread her hand before turning in that direction. From some of the sunflowers rose sparkles of light into the air and danced in the sky. His eyes tracked them as they created patterns and flew around.

Lightly smiling, Himewari shook her head as the last of her tears dried, "But somehow, I do not know how, Lady Shiromizu found some of the descendants of those plants and had their seeds planted here. I shall always miss my first home, Ryo-Kun, but I do not despair though I will always be saddened. For I have a new home now, one that Lady Shiromizu has granted me and that I..." Turning, she clasped his hands in hers and looked into his eyes, "That I can also share with you, Suihou-Chan, and our friends. Perhaps in time, Lady Shiromizu shall also take in others that need homes, and they will find a place once more. But I am content with this, with you."

Fingers gently tracing her chin and cheek before they gently brushed into her hair, Ryo gave a sigh, "Himewari-Chan..."

Then, slowly, he leaned in and the two shared a gentle kiss as the smells of summer tickled their nose, the brook bubbled, and the Sun shone down upon a field of flowers that tried their best to give homage to it.
Butterknives meet Momknife 2

As promised, here is the second part.
The Butterknives meet Momknife II

22 July 2014

Somewhere in Chiba, Japan

In the middle of the forest there was a two-floor cabin; rumors in the nearby town says that the cabin was left abandoned three hundred years ago because the was a fight between a samurai and an Oni, and the battle was so terrible that even now those with a very good hearing sometimes hear sound of clashing steel coming from where the cabin was; but all the people brave enough to try to reach the cabin during the clash failed, but when some time passed after the sound ended, they were able to reach it, only to find the ruins of the cabin and signs of fight around it; It is said that the spirit of the samurai protect the fools who try to reach it when he is fighting the spirit of the Oni; so the place was normally avoided.

But even if someone was there, no one would see six spirits appear from nowhere in the cabin that in reality was well maintained, the rumors being spread from the time the SoS was imposed; and the sounds were from the sparring the weapon spirits do, mostly muffled by the silencing charms surrounding the cabin, disabled until needed; same with the no-mag repellant charms.

"We're here." said the tallest spirit, smiling slightly, "We need to enable the wards around the cabin and we can start."

"I'll go" said Tokunotakai, running a hand through her shoulder-length black hair as she stretched. Toku then looked at her young stepdaughter whose blonde hair and Teutonic looks showed her German heritage."Ehren, would you mind to accompany me?, That way I can teach you some things about wards."

"Jawohl, Dame Tokunotakai!" said Ehren du Chasteler, after that she addressed her older brunette sister who was looking around curiously. "Claire, can you assemble your things alone?"

"Don't worry sis" Claire said looking at the younger blonde woman. "I can always ask mother for help, right?."

"Of course my dear." said the aristocratic blonde mother of the two. Looking at the tallest one she said. "This is a good place Doujigiri-San, can you tell me a bit about it?"

"Douji-San will suffice Colombe-San, this is one of various places around Japan hidden to the no-mag for the Tsukumogami trusted by the Throne to hone our skills, the last time I sparred here was... 5 years ago, Musashi-San?"

"Hai Douji-han." said Masamune-no-Musashi, running fingers through her peach-colored hair. "And I lost." she smiled at the thought of being able to further her understanding of the Way.

"But only because you tripped, Musashi-San." acknowledged Douji.

"Still a loss is a loss, Douji-han."

Intrigued Colombe said "If you defeated Musashi, you must be powerful, but may I ask how much?"

Narrowing her eyes Douji said. "If you were another person, I may showed you by force, but I know you don't have bad will behind that question so I will ask you a question of my own; Do you know how powerful are the abyssal princess?."

Thinking a bit, Colombe responded "Yes, "I fought them during Blood Week alongside some other brave men and women."

Smirking, Douji said."During the first attack to Tokio, I held my terrain with one of them, although she was playing with us; but I invoked my last resort and killed her."

Impressed by that statement, but not showing it, Colombe asked. "Are you saying that you killed an Abyssal princess alone?."

"Hai, but after that I needed two months to recover fully, It's not a technique I can use often."

"That's... amazing, but with that feat we should have heard of you." said Colombe with a bit of disbelief.

"I didn't advertise it, as I did what I needed to do, it's not my fault -"

"that it ended like this" said Colombe finishing her sentence. "I know what you mean, I had my fair number of situations like that."

Humming a bit Douji responded "Indeed". 'It's no wonder if what they told me about your father is true'

"As a matter of fact." said Colombe remembering something. "Musashi-San, Douji-San, are we sparring with our true bodies?"

"Hai" said Douji. "But I'll use a spell variant of the barrier spell, our true bodies won't harm the other opponent, instead, the part of the barrier hit will be coloured, making visible that it was hit."

"Impressive" said Colombe "I will ask you to teach me that spell, It could help us when we spar back in home."

"Very well, if we have time I'll teach you how to use it."

Glancing at the forest, Musashi said "Looks like Toku-han and Ehren-han have enabled the wards."

Arriving from the task, Toku and Ehren went to where the three stood, while Claire was setting up her electric keyboard in the cabin's veranda.

"Now I will explain how will we spar" said Douji. "The rules for the spar are simple, a 30 minutes duel where there is a score based on how many times you struck the opponent; whoever has more points at the end of the time is the winner; with that explained, who will be the first?"

"If it is fine with you, I'll be first against you, Dame Douji" said Ehren.

"Very well." said Douji."We'll start by putting on the ward spell we'll use in the spar, I'll touch you with my true body and create your shield; then you do the same and I'll create mine; Colombe-San, please listen and watch what I do." flipping her blade, Douji touched Ehren in her left shoulder with her blunt side and began to chant the spell, when she finished, she crouched in front of her, and doing the same as Douji, Ehren touched her in her left shoulder with her flat side, but before she began she saw Ehren's eyes and paused for a second.

She had beautiful blue eyes, brimming with resolve and determination, but behind that she noted a different set of eyes filled with distrust and self-hatred; she had seen eyes like hers a long time ago, when a boy at her care hated himself for being weaker than her siblings, but didn't seek help for the same reason.

Is there some problem, Dame Douji?" asked Ehren.

Snapping out of her thought process, Douji said. "No, no, I was only admiring the color of your eyes, I'm sorry for spacing out, lets continue." she started chanting the same spell as before with the difference of object and target. "Done, now we can spar without worry".

"For what I heard, my understanding of the spell is that it's a mix between cushioning and barrier charms, but why do you need to touch the opponents blade?" asked Colombe.

"Resonance, the barrier around the blade is attuned to the opponent's barrier, so even if you are the strongest and you opponent is the weakest, you can't pierce it in the slightest, and because the resonance the parts of each barrier touching visibly changes color."

"And the cushioning charm is to absorb the impact of the blades, very clever." Colombe nodded.

"Hai, and now that we are finished, we can go to the field to start the spar."

Claire was delighted, even when back at home she sometimes watched the spars between Mother and Ehren, this match was completely different from them, at first they seemed at equal level, this was strange but Claire realized something, Douji was deliberately restraining herself, but that didn't mean that Douji was mocking her, Douji was doing so to let Ehren improve against someone better than her bit by bit, same as her Mother did in the past when she was teaching Ehren, to push her past her limits. The clash of steel on steel, spell and counterspell was a symphony of combat in Claire's ears. Just like when she had witnessed spars in the past, Claire's fingers found the keys of her keyboard and began to make a harmony of what she was experiencing.
Spoiler: Inspiring theme
Uplifting their spirits, Douji and Ehren continued clashing, evading, learning, until the fateful end of the music came.

"Time's up" said Colombe. "Final score Douji 13, Ehren 5."

Exhausted, the german dagger sat on a nearby rock to rest a bit, approaching her Douji congratulated her. "Good work, Ehren-San; you have good evasion moves and swiftness in your moves, you only lack a bit of experience but as young as you are you have proved yourself."

"Danke for the compliment, Dame Douji."

"And I need to admire your talent, Claire, I never felt like I had before listening to you." said Douji bowing to Claire.

The only response of the piano spirit was a smile and a few notes played in the electric keyboard.

Turning to Ehren, Douji held out her hand.

"If you like I can guide you to the shower."

"It would be an honor, Dame Douji." said Ehren accepting the held out hand for getting up.

Entering the cabin, Douji spoke to Ehren. "The shower is the last room to the right; I must say that I am impressed with the quality of your steel. Would you mind if I looked at your true body?"

Ehren blinked as the elder sword spirit continued. "Being in a museum with weapons from different periods and styles caused me to be curious about weaponcrafting you see."

Ehren nodded slowly and then drew her dagger body, handing it over hilt-first. "Ach so. I was forged in Solingen which has been known for the quality of the blades forged there for centuries, dating back to the Holy Roman Empire." The blonde spirit gave a faint but proud smile.

Douji carefully hefted the blade, performing a slow stab. "Good...no perfect balance for stabbing, slashing, or even throwing. If I did not know better I would think that your smith was from one of our swordsmithing schools with the quality of your steel and the folding to produce this woodgrain and subtle hamon pattern on the edges and point, Ehren." She traced the inscription of 'Mein Ehre Heisst Treue' in Fraktur script as she flipped the dagger over in her hand, puzzling out the foreign words and the odd letters as she now held it by the blade.

Then her finger slid up to the engraved serial number and to Ehren's hilt. It reached the eagle and swastika of the Nazi party and touched there. "Oh, you have an auspicious good luck symbol! Such honor to be descended from the Hachisuka Cla---"

Ehren suddenly grabbed her hilt as pain, anger, and guilt surged in her blue eyes. She pulled the blade away violently from the shocked Douji as her face twisted in agony. The dagger sprinted through the bathroom door, slamming it behind her and throwing the lock on the door.

Douji approached the door, hearing the muffled sobs coming from the far side, "Ehren-san...? Ehren-san...."

All she could hear was the sounds of grief and pain.

'Oh my, I messed up and I don't even know why.' thought Douji with guilt. 'I don't think I can solve this myself, I'll talk to Colombe-San to see if she can shed a light.'

After a quick wash up in the bathroom of the 2nd floor, she exited the cabin, she looked at the training ground to see Musashi and Toku in battle while Colombe and Claire were watching and counting the score.

Approaching the watchers, Douji asked. "Colombe-San, may I talk to you privately?"

Turning to Douji, Colombe saw her worried face. "Of course." Then Colombe talked to Claire "I leave you in charge, I'll be back shortly". Then she turned again to Douji. "Let's go to that tree."

Reaching the tree, Douji explained to Colombe what happened earlier; after Douji finished Colombe sighed.

"Let me ask you some questions before I answer. First, what do you know of the Germans in WWII?"

"Not much."replied Douji "Only that they were allies of Japan in the Pacific War."

"That explains your mistake." Colombe said."You need to know the truth about the Nazis and their deeds to understand why Ehren hates her past so much. The muggle," the rapier's face twisted in loathing and anger, "organization that commissioned Ehren to be made was as brutal and vile to the people of Europe as Kamo's mages were in Asia. You can learn about the Schutzstaffel from the books or the Internet."

"Internet?" asked Douji. "Some people kept mentioning it at the museum, but I don't know what is it, can you explain it to me?"

Sighing Colombe said "It's like a big compilation of books, magazines and other things, almost all that you can imagine is in it; you may can ask my aunts for help."

'Interesting, maybe I shouldn't have isolated myself so much' thought Douji. "If I need help I'll ask them, thanks Colombe-San, and please tell Ehren-San that I didn't mean ill."

"Don't worry about it, I'll go to talk to her later." said Colombe.

"Thanks, I'm in your debt" said Douji bowing.

"Don't mention it; looks like the spar has finished, lets go see who has won."

They walked towards the duel field, where Toku and Musashi were talking with Claire, but when they arrived, Claire went to the cabin alone.

Seeing that, Colombe smiled. "Looks like the problem will be solved without me." at the intriged look Douji gave, she explained. "Claire decided to resolve this matter herself, don't worry about it, she will make Ehren understand."

"It you say it with that confidence, it must be true, Colombe-San."said Douji, turning to the pair of spirits that just finished their duel, she asked. "How did it go, Musashi-San, Tokunotakai-San?"

"I lost." said Toku. "But it was a close call."

"Hai." said Musashi. "only one point of difference."

"Maybe next time Toku-San." said Douji. "Now you can go wash up a bit, but use the bathroom in the 2nd floor, please, the one on the 1st floor is... occupied right now."

With a bit of concern, but knowing that Douji wouldn't say that if it wasn't true, the two made way to the cabin.

"Would you mind to spar Douji-San?" asked Colombe."Even if there is no one to count the points."

"I don't mind." replied Douji. "We can count ourselves for that matter."

Putting theirselves in position, they agreed to begin when a thrown coin reached the floor with a timer set at thirty minutes.

And they began.

At the first exchanges Colombe knew that in a normal battle she would lose, so she used every trick she knew, every little opening for her advantage, and it worked, after a while they were so engrossed in their battle that at first they didn't notice the subtle change in the ambient, only when they took some distance they paused a bit and smiled at the sight.

Two sisters playing the keyboard.
Spoiler: Piano Bonding
With that weight off their shoulders, they continued their duel, even as a little while later, they saw Musashi take Ehren for a little spar. They continued their duel until the alarm ticked off.

Wiping the sweat off her face, Colombe said. "What a splendid duel, I hadn't tried so hard for a long time."

"Nor me Colombe-San." said Douji "I was impressed by your movements, I haven't seen any of those in my life."

"And even with that for me to lose..."

"Don't sweat it, the close score between us says wonders of you." said Douji with pride. "I know of others more powerful than you that didn't touch me a single time."

"Thank for the compliment, I guess. We should wash up for the next duel."

"I agree, as those two would need it too."

After Douji and Colombe washed up, they waited for Ehren and Musashi to do the same, as the next duel would be Musashi against Douji.

As they exited the cabin, Musashi went to talk with Douji.

"Same rules as the last one Musashi-San?"asked Douji.

"Hai Douji-Han, first strike wins."replied Musashi.

Turning to Toku, and the two Du Chasteler daughters, Douji explained to them the change of rules of this particular duel.

After Douji finished, she and Musashi occupied her positions in the center of the field. They stood one in front of the other while they waited for the signal to begin their duel.

"The duel starts.... now!" said Tokunotakai.
Spoiler: Battle Music
As one the two unsheated their blades and launched at each other in an instant, as the three blades clashed it was like the world was filled by that sound. No one backed an inch, until they jumped backwards and trusted forward again, a horizontal slash from Douji stopped by Musashi's daito, followed by a vertical one with her shoto, Douji twisted her body to her left, narrowly missing her.
"Subarashii" said Toku. "It's like they are dancing."

"Indeed, I have seen a lot of duels, but very few ones like this. It reminds me of another times." said Colombe admiring the duel.
Time passed but neither won over the other, Musashi wasn't as powerful as Douji, but what she lacked in strength was compensated by pure skill, so they were tied.

As they reached the time limit the pace increased, as neither wanted to lose.

Musashi launched a vertical attack with her swords 'If this continue like this it will be a tie' thought Douji as she parried the double attack of Musashi.

Jumping for distance she lowered her blade. 'I need to use the move I practiced from the last time I lost to her, I hope it works.'

Musashi lunged towards her, each sword ready for a cross cut, but as she began the movement, Douji pointed her true body to Musashi and charged at her.

They collided no one moved, it looked like as if time was stopped for an instant, illusion that was broken as Toku raised her hand.

"The duel has concluded, the winner is ... Douji-San!"

"And this time I have won fair and square." said the winner.

"Hai" said the loser. "But this move is too reckless for your style, Douji-han."

Douji's tip was touching Musashi's chest as her blades were stopped by Douji's reinforced guard.

"Yes it is, but the last time I lost to you I decided to try this move to beat you, I would have used it the last time if you hadn't tripped." said Douji. "Even if you know your opponents moves, they can surprise you with an unexpected move, like now."

"Thanks for the advice Douji-han" said Musashi as she felt a step closer to understanding the Way.

Sheating theirselves, they walked towards the cabin, where the rest was standing.

"It's late, so if you wouldn't mind, I invite you to have dinner here, after that we will go back to the museum and then it's up to you." said Douji.

Looking at her sides, and meeting positive answers, Colombe said "It would be an honor, Douji-san."
Thanks for reading. I hope you liked it.
We're Getting The ButterKlavier Back Together [2018]

A.N.-Speaking of Claire....

We're Getting The ButterKlavier Back Together

Castle Moulbaix

July 1st, 2018

Antonio "Tony" Stradivarius Potter lowered his bow from the strings of his violin true body. The tsukumogami brushed sweat-stained dark brown hair out of his eyes as his girlfriend Claire du Chasteler applauded enthusiastically at his arrangement of Debussy's Arabesque #1 for violin.

Claire then smiled at him, a blush highlighting her ivory-pale skin as the wind ruffled the branches of the apple orchard that they were playing in. The piano spirit glanced at her younger sister Ehren, who was wearing a matching creamy white lace sundress as she sat against a tree to act their chaperone. She then leaned in and spoke in her gentle musical voice. "A duet to finish things off, Tony?"

Tony nodded enthusiastically at the thought of playing with his soulmate as Ehren perked up from her review of a book on magic. "Beethoven?"

Claire's smile widened and grew smugger as she lightly touched the keys of her true body. "Ja. Beethoven." Her eyes gave him a challenging stare as she asked with a twinkle of excitement. "Kreutzer?"

Tony grinned in a matching smirk as he immediately thought of the notorious technical challenge and emotional intensity of the offered piece of music. It would be a suitable piece for them both to demonstrate their mastery, he thought as he adjusted his tuning slightly to A minor. "Ja. Kreutzer!"

With that he began the soft, soulful but highly demanding A major four bar introduction notes of the opening of Ludwig van Beethoven's Violin Sonata #9, Opus 47.
Spoiler: Claire, Tony, and Beethoven

When he finished the first violin solo and his bow lifted, Claire, perfectly as always, played the A major chords backing him and establishing the tone of the piece in her piano solo portion and then the duet began to start in earnest as the 18 bar introduction began to turn into the more passionate A minor key.

Back and forth the lead of the melody went between piano and violin as the piece hit its stride and the technical difficulty mounted for both.

He soared on wings of musical flight as behind and below him she lifted him up with her backing melodies played with such emotion and passion that it caused his heartstrings to weep.

Then as she took the lead he supported and amplified her with pizzicato string plucks before softly and sweetly playing contrapuntal harmonies as her melodies soared in perfect harmony with his music.

As he finished one of their passes, handing the lead back to Claire once more, he noticed a small group of blondes making their way out from the castle in their direction. Ehren blushed slightly but noticeably as their playing picked up a notch with the melody now hammering through their two souls as one with the raw emotional fire and passion and fury of Beethoven at his most masterful in the dark and angry Presto in A minor.

His bow and fingers flew like lightning across his strings in a heroic and passionate shower of notes as the piece tested him to the utmost. Just as it was testing the piano at his side whose fingers were flashing like lightning across her keys from E Major tonic into E Minor and then into the B major dominant sforzando heroic chord that broke through the passage that had been yearning for it. Both of them were enthralled in a moment of pure bliss as the tension of the piece broke and surged like a great wave carrying them along.

For an eternal moment, it was as if his fingers were on her keys as hers were on his strings and bow in perfect communion with each other as the semitone they had been playing finally rose to D flat major. He sensed more than saw Claire's matching involuntary shiver of near-orgasmic pleasure as the piece reached its climax and resolution and release was finally reached for both musicians.

Finally they finished the first movement and Claire graced him with an overjoyed smile on her blushing face and whispered words of thanks that he returned as their eyes met before beginning the more delicate and placid bars of the Andante con verizone in F major. He noticed that a half-dozen unfamiliar blondes had gathered with Ehren to watch the impromptu outdoor concert as they serenaded their audience with their musical joining.

Finally the last notes stilled, and he surveyed the newcomers more closely as they applauded.
Spoiler: Enter The Malfoys

Ehren, with rosy blushing cheeks and sparkling joy-filled eyes from the piece that she had witnessed, spoke quietly to a blond-haired boy flanked by an energetic peach-haired late-teenage girl on his right and a demure and elegant silver haired young lady on the left that stood next to her. A blue-eyed blonde in an elaborately ruffled dark red dress with an Egyptian necklace at her throat favored him with a smile as she stood next to another blonde girl, clearly the sister of the boy, since their near-twin features denoted that family bond.

Claire's eyes opened and she focused on the newcomers. "Nimue! Johnston! Niobe! Draco! Cleo! You all came!" the piano said in an overjoyed voice as a smile lit her face up. "Tony! My cousins came!" she turned to him with joy filling her face.

Ehren nodded. "Ja. The band is back together as we discussed, Big Sister. This is the young violin who I have mentioned in my letters to you, Cousin Draco." She gestured to Tony.

The young man stepped forward and looked him over, before extending his hand. "Draco Malfoy."

Tony took it and shook, after setting his violin down on Claire's bench. "Antonio Potter. My friends call me Tony."

Draco smiled. "Draco then. may I introduce my girlfriends?"

The peach haired bundle of energy dressed in a sleeveless navy-blue dress styled similar to the 1940s stepped forward. "USS Johnston, Dee Dee Five Five Seven. Biggest badass ever to sail." The silver haired girl in the prim and modest pink Victorian dress gave her a violet-eyed quelling look and Johnston rolled her sparkling hazel eyes at her friend. "It's true!"

The silver-haired girl then curtsied politely and spoke in German-accented English. "I am the spirit of Seiner Majestät Schiff Niobe. To be fair, Johnston does not just talk the talk, but she walks the walk when it comes to heroism. I am led to believe that you are an instrument spirit like Claire, ja?"

Tony nodded to Niobe as the other two girls approached to join in the conversation. The leading one spoke in British English with considerable warmth in her voice. "Her Majesty's Ship Cleopatra, Pennant thirty-three. That was impressive playing, I had a skipper who enjoyed Beethoven."

The last girl smiled politely at him as she adjusted her emerald silk blouse and blue jean combo. "Nimue Malfoy, Draco's little sister. Claire said that we were needed so..."

She looked at the other girls, who gave identical smiles and nods. The four young ladies pulled out matching sunglasses and black fedoras and put them on. "...we're on a Mission From God. It's time to get the band back together."

Tony blinked and turned to Ehren. "Band?" He asked with an uncomprehending look.

The dagger gave a small smile as she put on her own fedora and glasses. "Ja. The band. What you have before you is the famous wizarding band Stahlhexe. Cleo is our lead guitarist, Nimue is on rhythm guitar and the organizer of our ensemble, and Niobe is our bass guitarist. Johnston's the best damn drummer in the US Navy," Johnston grinned and nodded enthusiastically as she claimed Draco's right arm for her own, "and I'm the vocalist. As for Claire..." Ehren trailed off meaningfully with a small smirk.

He turned to see his piano girlfriend in sunglasses and a fedora that she had put on from somewhere. She giggled musically at his clearly surprised expression. "Songwriter and keyboardist. Haven't you ever met a rock star before, Tony?" she said in a teasing tone.

The violin shook his head while a smile formed on his face. "I knew you were special, Claire, but I never expected this... wow." He said in a heartfelt voice while Draco chuckled and put his arms around the waists of Cleo and Johnston as Niobe embraced him from behind.

The Malfoy heir then leaned close and whispered to him as they headed indoors. "From one guy to another, you are in for a treat, Tony."

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