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Harry Potter & the Shipgirls

The mechanics of never-builts
Harry Leferts

Had a flash of inspiration regarding an idea rolling around my head. Not quite sure if it's complete, but... have something in the Japanese magical side:

Startled out of his thoughts, the old man blinked and looked to the much younger man beside him before grunting. "Ah, you've returned I see."

The younger man just bowed before frowning as he glanced at some plans beside the old man which looked like a old model of a Battleship. "Shishou." Standing up straight, he pulled out two boxes from his robes and held them in front of the older man. "I've brought the items that you asked for..."

Having noticed the unsure expression on the young man, he just chuckled. "Jiro-Kun, please, relax." Gently taking the two boxes, he took a deep shuddering breath. "Was there any trouble?"

With a grimace, Jiro shook his head. "Not at Kure, or any more then normal. The Kanmusu, they don't pay too much attention to what is out in the water as long as it's small and close to the surface. It was hard to locate the spot, but it was exactly where you reported it to be, Shishou. However, the other item... was much harder to retrieve without being seen. Ormoc Bay is quite busy."

Just grunting, the old man opened both boxes to reveal pieces of metal, heavily rusted from decades spent in the ocean. "That is to be expected..." Almost reverently, the old man reached out and with a trembling hand, placed it on one of the two chunks. "But thank you for going through the trouble."

Still confused, the young man glanced at the cup of tea that appeared and sat down with a frown. "But why did you wish for those two items, Shishou?"

Chuckling, the old man closed the box and then set both of them aside. "Mmm, do you really wish to know, Jiro-Kun? Especially since..."

All Jiro did was smile himself. "Consider it a small payment, Shishou. Even though I understand what must be done after we have this conversation."

For several moments, the old man observed Jiro before giving him a soft, fond smile. "You are a good student, Jiro-Kun. Very well." Placing a hand on the box, the elder of the two hummed. "I assume that you know of the shipgirls as anyone else. These two pieces... they belong to the ships Ooyodo and Shimakaze. For the task ahead of me, I have need of them both."

Raising an eyebrow, Jiro narrowed his eyes. "You not going to try and..."

That got him a glare from the old man. "Control them through magic? Bah! No, I would not dare and doing so after..." Eyes softening, the old man took a deep breath. "Those two... they saved my great grandson from an Abyssal attack, though they did not know that he was one of us. I doubt that they would have cared. Shimakaze, she grabbed him from the water and sped across it to bring him to shore safely, Ooyodo protecting them and then keeping him stable. I am within their debt... and I met the two of them three years ago and looked into their eyes. Did you know what I saw?"

Slowly leaning forward, Jiro shook his head. "No, Shishou... what did you see?"

Now smiling, the old man sighed. "I saw their fondest wish. And if the Kami look down upon me favorably, I shall make it come true." He then glanced to the boxes once more. "Ideas can take the form of kernals, watered by belief they can sprout. But... sometimes they do not get the chance. But the metal shall be the sacred soil, and the energy they contain and can channel shall be the water. It shall be like how the bud is supplied until it can grow on it's own. However, it will take time, Jiro-Kun... time that I am not sure I have. But, it is my hope to help our protectors in what ways I can in my remaining time."

Frowning, Jiro glanced at the tea again and shook his head. "Others won't like this, Shishou, but then that is why you have brewed the tea."

The old man only nodded. "I am sorry, but it is the only way, Jiro-Kun. And I thank you deeply for your help and for being my student for all these years. Tomorrow, I shall visit you and tell you that you have graduated and that I have nothing more I can teach you. After which, you shall leave and head wherever it is that you please, though I may have it where find yourself being quite far from me. What I do, I must do alone."

Jiro only bowed low. "No, I should thank you."

With a deep breath, Jiro reached over and slowly drank the tea. Once it was done, he laid back as he focused on the past two weeks, his memories already blurring the more he focused on them until he was unconscious. Then the old man got up and gently chanted before he nodded. "Thank you." Once he had returned his student to his room, the old man came back to the hidden room before running a finger along a mirror upon which a face appeared. "Ah, Flamel my old friend. I have need of that bottle of elixir you bet me back in 1904 over whether my non-magical brethren could beat the Russians..."
Guy Fawkes Night
Harry Leferts

Harry wiped some sweat from his brow as he looked over at where Kongou and Mikasa were tossing some more wood onto the pile. Granted, some fairies were also stuffing balls of paper between the wood as well. "Um... how much more do you figure?"

Sharing a look, Kongou and Mikasa tilted their heads before Kongou spoke up. "I think that we have enough wood, Dess."

With a frown, Mikasa looked up at the pile which was taller then her or Kongou, let alone Harry. "Just enough, maybe, Chibi-Kon." She ignored Kongou telling her not to call the Fast Battleship that. "Hmm... I think that we're done, Dess. So." Clapping her hands together, Mikasa turned and gave Harry a smile. "Go and get the last bit, Harry-Chan. And Mikasa-Obaa-san will make sure that this is a wonderful night!"

As Harry nodded and ran off, Kongou frowned some. "Perhaps something a bit... more?"

Just smiling, Mikasa pulled a bucket from inside her outfit and held it up. Kongou blinked at the items in it. "Got plenty of coal for it."

For several moments, Kongou nodded before she pulled out another bucket, this time with a water like liquid. "And I got some alcohol, Dess! But we should wait."

Unseen by either of them, Tone had spotted them and looked at the wood pile and then at the buckets before her eyes widened. 'I got to let Teitoku know!' Neither Kongou nor Mikasa noticed Tone run off as fast as she could.

"Are you sure that you're okay, Ooyodo?"

Finishing her yawn, the Cruiser reached up and rubbed at her eyes a little before stretching. Satisfying pops could be heard as she groaned. "I'm fine, Teitoku. All I am is a bit tired , is all. Nothing to worry about at all."

Goto just raised an eyebrow at her before his frown deepened. "You've been rather tired for the past few days and I'm starting to get worried." He then leaned forward and supported his chin on his hands. "And Shimakaze has also been acting exhausted at times... Perhaps you should both take some time off rather then overwork yourselves."

All he got though from his faithful Secretary Ship though was a glare which strangely enough had him thinking of a dragon. "I'm fine. A little bit of tiredness won't get me down and it goes away when I have something to eat in the cafeteria or have a nice, long sleep. I don't need to take a vacation."

Raising an eyebrow, the Admiral shook his head. "If you say so. But if you're still this tired in a week along with Shimakaze, then I'll have Akashi order you both to take some time off."

Before Ooyodo could reply with a scathing remark though, the door slammed open to reveal Tone who was out of breath. "Kongou... Mikasa-Sama... Wood... Oil..."

Nearly as one, Ooyodo and Goto looked at each other before frowning and saying the exact same thing. "What?"

Sucking in a deep breath, Tone shouted at them. "Kongou and Mikasa-Sama have a big pile of wood that they're going to set on fire!"

The seconds ticked by as that sunk in before Goto's eyes widened and he ran out. "SHIT!"

Following behind him, Ooyodo groaned a bit as part of her imagined the paperwork. "Oh for fucks sake!"

Once she caught her breath, Tone ran off to lead the two. It only took several minutes, but finally they reached the spot to find several other shipgirls there already. Coming to a stop, Goto sucked in some much needed oxygen before looking over at Musashi who was watching in curiosity. "What the hell is going on here!?"

Blinking, Musashi just shrugged. "This Musashi does not know."

Just as he was about to ask again he spotted Harry carrying a cheap straw chair upon which a dummy sat. Said dummy had a crude, paper mache head on it though part of Goto could only stare at it. 'Is that... the mask from that movie?'

Then Harry reached Shinano and was talking with her while pointing at the wood pile. Confused, Shinano only nodded before summoning her rigging and having Harry stand on her flight deck as she held up over the center, where he placed the chair and dummy before pulling it away and setting Harry down. Then they both backed up as Harry gave Kongou a thumbs up. "READY!"

Kongou just nodded. "Dess!"

And then, before anyone could stop her, she tossed what was in the buckets at her feet onto the wood before giving a nod to Mikasa who summoned her rigging as did Kongou. Mikasa then grinned. "BURSTING LOVE!"

There was a bang and then a glowing shot hit into the wood and within moments, the whole thing was ablaze with Goto pushing to the front of the line. "WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING?!"

Confused, Harry looked up at Kongou before he turned back to Goto and shrugged. "We're celebrating Guy Fawkes Day."

For several moments there was silence as the fire began to grow in intensity. "... Say what?"

Harry just scratched his head a little bit. "Um, there was this guy a few hundred years ago named Guy Fawkes. He tried to blow up Parliament."

Behind him, Mikasa nodded as she sighed. "Though some British people are sad that he failed."

Then Kongou chimed in. "He killed himself before he could be executed. So every day on the date of his capture, British people burn him in effigy, Dess. It's a big thing over in England! And Harry needs to be in touch with his English heritage!"

Once more, the other shipgirls and Goto stared at the three before the Admiral turned to Ooyodo who was looking at her phone. After almost a minute, she nodded which caused Goto to blink. "Huh..."

Just smiling, Kongou then turned back as she placed a hand on Harry's shoulders. "Now for fireworks!"

Eyes wide, Goto shoved his fingers into his ears as both Kongou and Mikasa brought down their arms and various fairies began to set off fireworks to much appreciation from the other shipgirls.

They all (outside the other Kongou sisters) thought that the whole thing proved that the British were weird though.

But hey, free fireworks.
Victory the Sherbert Thief
Harry Leferts

Albus tiredly walked up the stairs to his office before letting out a yawn. The gargoyle swung open as he approached and all he wanted was to relax after yet another day dealing with the Ministry. However, once he walked into his office, he knew that he wasn't going to get it as Victory jauntily waved at him with a smirk. "'Ello, Albus."

For several moments, the Headmaster looked at her with a frown and then back at his door before turning back to her with a raised eyebrow. "Should I ask how you managed to get up here?"

Tapping her chin, Victory finally just circled her finger in the air. "No."

With a sigh, Albus just shook his head in wry amusement. "I see."

Now grinning, Victory looked at him before shaking her head. "You always were a smart one."

Slowly, Albus' eyes twinkled though he raised an eyebrow as Victory's one eye also began to twinkle. In reply, the twinkle in his eye increased only for her to match. Back and forth the two went in their silent contest until finally Victory pumped a fist into the air as her eye twinkle surpassed his, much to Albus' disappointment. "That's my trick."

However, all Victory did was smile before d'awwing at him. "Aw, come on, Bumblebee. Don't pout. Besides, I'm older and more experienced then a young one like yourself." Then she hopped off the chair she was lounging on and popped a lemon sherbet into her mouth as she passed him. "Anyways, I did what I came here to do, so I'll be seeing you around."

Confused, Albus watched her go before chuckling. "Ah, Victory." He then walked over to his desk and sat down with a sigh. Reaching for his bowl of lemon sherbets, he blinked and then looked into it as a wind whistled past and his smile turned brittle. Then he began to look around as his eyes widened and he stopped after half a minute. "..."

Walking down the hall, Victory raised her hand and began to tick off on her fingers. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One..."

A shout from the office she had left caused the hallway to tremble a bit. "VICTORY!"

Softly snickering, Victory let out a sigh. "Ah... Chalk up another for me, Albie..." Then hearing the sound behind her, she began to run.

There was a frown on McGonagall's face as she looked at the student beside her. "Mr. Weasley, I assure you, there is nothing to worry about. Albus is perfectly reasonable and will let you keep the classes that you chose next year."

Percy just shifted a bit. "I know, but I would still like to ask him to make sure. I've heard that they're going to be taking away the option and I need those OWLs and NEWTs in the future!"

Sighing, McGonagall looked toward the ceiling. "Honestly, you have nothing to worry about when you see the Headmaster." At the unsuredness in his eyes, McGonagall frowned. "Despite what some might have you believe, the Headmaster is perfectly sane-"

Before she could finish, a voice shouted out. "EXCUSE ME, COMING THROUGH!"

The two looked up in confusion to see a young woman in a strange uniform leap onto the banister and slide down it standing up. She passed them and whipped the hat off her head before waving it as Percy blinked. "What in the..."

And then the woman leapt off the banister, planted both feet on the wall, and then bounced off to the next flight of stairs, landing on the banister as she continued to make her way down. "CAREFUL YOU TWO! BUMBLEBEE IS OUT TO STING!"

Sharing a look, McGonagall and Percy both frowned as they said the same word. "Bumblebee?"

It was then that another sound made itself apparent and they looked up to see Dumbledore on what looked like an odd muggle contraption fly off the top of the stairs and into the air as he flew over their heads. Then he hit the wall and the contraption continued to speed down it as if it was horizontal. "GET BACK HERE, VICKY!"

From far down below, there was an angry shout. "DON'T CALL ME VICKY, YOU OLD BAT!"

McGonagall just stood there with her eyes closed as she heard Dumbledore shout back. "YOU'RE OLDER THEN ME! NOW STAY STILL SHERBET THIEF!"

As the sounds faded away, Percy slowly turned to McGonagall who looked like she was nursing a headache. "Um..."

However, she just held up a hand. "Correction, mostly sane. Now, I believe that you will have to wait until tomorrow, Mister Weasley. As for myself, I believe that I shall retire to my rooms for the evening." The sounds of armor crashing somewhere nearby caused her to wince and nod. "Yes... I shall do that..."
Eye Drops
Harry Leferts

Softly groaning, Harry stumbled a bit on the path only for an arm to steady him. "Whoa there, Harry-Chan. Careful now, don't want you to trip."

There was a pout on his face as behind his sunglasses, Harry narrowed his eyes into a glare. "I really hate those drops." Adjusting his sunglasses, he kicked at the floor a little bit. "Everything is just so blurry."

Imuya just ruffled his hair a little as she placed her arm on his shoulder, guiding him past various people and obstacles. "I don't blame you at all, Harry-Chan. Heck, I'd hate them too if us shipgirls had to use them for when we get our rangefinders and periscopes checked."

Crossing his arms, Harry leaned into her as he huffed. "I wish that I had rangefinders." Behind his sunglasses, he blinked a bit. "And they're starting to ache."

Eyes slightly wide, Taigei pulled herself away from looking at the various sights around them. "Wait, they are?" She bent down a little to look and then glanced at Imuya. "Are they supposed to ache?"

Sighing, Imuya tightened her hold a bit. "Only if he tries to focus." Frown on her face, Imuya turned toward Harry and shook her head. "And you know what the doctor said, Harry-Chan. Don't try and focus, you'll only strain your eyes."

His shoulders slumping, Harry whispered low enough for the two shipgirls to hear. "I just want to be able to see."

Once more, Imuya gave him a friendly squeeze before glancing up and smiling. "Well, we'll get you home soon enough, I see Iowa and Musashi are here."

And, sure enough, the two Battleships were in some discussion, most likely about burgers, when they noticed the trio. Iowa was the first to walk up and then bend down in front of Harry with a smile. "Hey there, Kiddo. How did the exam go?"

With a sigh, Harry looked away. "Okay, I guess... but they put in those stupid drops into my eyes."

Iowa just gave a wince. "Dilating eye drops, huh? I have a friend who had to have those and according to her, they're annoying."

At the same time, Musashi frowned as she adjusted her glasses. "Dilating eye drops?"

Nodding, Iowa gestured at her own eyes. "Yeah, they put them into the eyes to make the pupil as big as possible so they can see into the eye better."

Somewhat interested, Musashi bent down and looked Harry in the eye. Not that she could see much with the sunglasses in the way. "This Musashi is interested to see what that looks like." Glancing at Imuya, who only nodded, Harry reached up and pulled the sunglasses off before blinking. For her part, Musashi only raised an eyebrow as she realized that there was almost none of the emerald green iris that Harry was known for. Instead, there was just a wide, black pupil almost taking up the entire place where his iris normally would be. Frowning, Musashi leaned in and hummed as she more closely examined one of his eyes which tracked her. "I, Musashi, see now. But why the sunglasses?"

Kicking at the ground a bit, Harry shrugged as he put the sunglasses back on. "My eyes start to really ache if I don't have them on."

When Musashi glanced at her, Imuya frowned. "Think of it as... having your rangefinders at wide angle while also trying to focus on one spot at the same time." The Yamato class Battleship just winced a bit at that before nodding and standing back up. Clearing her throat, Imuya gave Iowa a look. "Anyways, we should get Harry back to the base as soon as we can so he can lie down and rest."

Just nodding, Iowa walked over to the car she had rented and opened the door, Taigei helping Harry into it. "Sure thing." Once Harry was buckled in, she looked around. "How did it go anyways?"

Harry looked up at that and smiled as Imuya and Taigei got in on either side of him. "Oh yeah! The doctor said that I might not need glasses except for reading anymore."

That caused the American to grin and ruffle his hair. "Well, that's some pretty good news. Maybe we'll throw you a party or something to celebrate, huh?"

Nodding as both the Battleships got into the front, Harry leaned against Imuya who only placed her arm around his shoulders. "Thank you for coming with me."

Eyebrow raised, Imuya shook her head a little bit. "None of us mind, and you know that Nagato-San would have been here except she got pulled off for an assignment. But I think she'll be happy with the news. Now just rest those eyes, okay?"

Humming, Harry leaned more into her as Iowa started the car and, before he knew it, was lulled off to sleep by the sounds of the turbines inside of her chest.
Proper Fish'n'Chips
Harry Leferts

Thanks to sasahara17 for inspiring me with this...

While it wasn't uncommon to see the Kongou Sisters together, despite often being assigned to different bases (such as Hiei's assignment to Sasebo). What was uncommon though was the image of all four sisters sitting around a table with embarrassed and ashamed faces as grumbles could be heard from the kitchen. All four were watched over by Akagi and Kaga, the later Carrier's lips turned upwards in a smirk. Several shipgirls on the base were looking through the door curiously when Nagato arrived and looked in before nodding. "That's right... today is that day, isn't it?"

Blinking, Yamato looked over at the Battleship with a confused expression. "What day?"

Nagato glanced at the four Kongou sisters who, since they sunk more into their seats, obviously could hear her. "Oh... you see, they had the idea of making sure that Harry stayed in touch with his British heritage in various ways. One of which was by making him what they called fish and chips." Her tone then turned dryer then inland Antarctic air. "Using fish sticks and shoestring French fries."

That only got her looks from the others, Shimakaze fighting back a yawn before she looked back in. 'Dammit... why am I so tired lately outside of battle...' Shaking it off, Shimakaze snorted. "So?"

Clearing her throat, Nagato caused them all to blink as she did a passable impression of Harry's voice much to their surprise. "'Those are not fish and chips! Those are fish fingers and you have them as a snack!'"

For several moments she got stares before Fubuki raised a finger. "Um... Nagato-San? That was kind of creepy..."

All Nagato did though was smirk while Naka looked at her thoughtfully. "How many other impressions can you do."

Not even a moment later, she blinked as the Battleship whistled and it took her a moment to realize it sounded nearly exactly the same as actual bird song. Smirking, Nagato turned back to her. "A few things I suppose." Looking back at Kongou and the others, she shook her head. "They sort of got into an argument with Harry... which he won when Warspite was called up about it." There were winces from everyone except Nagato who contained her laughter. "She found it hilarious and ordered Harry to cook up a 'Proper meal of fish and chips for the poor, confused dears.'"

Just about as one, they all turned to Kongou who smacked her head into the table, Yuudachi shaking her head. "Poi..."

Hearing a sound, they all turned to see Goto escorting a sheepish Mikasa who he guided through the crowd. They parted and soon Mikasa was sitting at the same table with an extremely amused Goto behind her. At the looks, Nagato's bemusement racheted up several notches. "Sadly for Kaa-San, she tried to side with Kongou... So she has to be given a proper fish and chip dinner." Taking a sniff, Nagato barely kept her stomach from grumbling.


Tilting her head, Fubuki frowned a little. "But... how did they get the supplies for it?"

Simply shrugging, Nagato shook her head. "I have no idea... but Harry claims he has enough for all of us. Akagi and Kaga are getting a bigger portion though as part of their deal."

Almost as one, they all turned to 'The Red Castle' who simply had a smile on her face as she loomed over the nervous Kongou sisters, Kaga looking like she wanted badly to crack a smile or laugh. Before anyone could say anything though, Harry walked out pushing a cart upon which there were several cardboard containers lined with paper. Inside where thick cut, fried potatoes topped with what looked like large pieces of battered and fried fish. All of that had a single lemon slice. Within moments, he set the plates along with condiments down in front of Kongou, her sisters, and Mikasa who just boggled at the meal. Then Harry reached up and adjusted his chef's hat. "Well? Go on."

Blushing, Kongou glanced at the others before she slowly put on the condiments, giving a small glare at Goto when he snorted. And then she took a bite. Within moments, she was attacking the meal and was soon followed by her sisters and Mikasa. All Harry did was give a serious nod. "There, now you know what a proper fish and chip meal is like."

Kongou just gave him a thumbs up. "DESS!"

Now smiling, Harry waved at his mother who walked in to take a seat as Harry gave Akagi a large plate, bigger then any of the Battleships', much to her enjoyment as she rushed off to a table pulling along Kaga who had her own plate. Within moments, Harry was back in the kitchen making more with a smile on his face.
English Christmas Pudding
Harry Leferts

There was a slight frown on Nagato's face as she glanced around as she entered the cafeteria. 'Hmm... I haven't seen Harry all day... that's odd.' A sniff though caused her to blink and turn her head toward the kitchen as she lifted a single eyebrow and made her way over. 'Then again, the one place that I haven't checked...'

Upon entering the section given off to Harry, Nagato raised an eyebrow at the sight of not just Shinano, which was not uncommon to see, but also Taigei and Maruyu (who also wasn't a surprise with how often she visited from Kure). The Submarine Tender was frowning in thought as she was looking at several steamers, though Nagato couldn't see what was in them. "So... how many more hours?"

Harry glanced over at the steamers and frowned as he measured out some ingredients before nodding. "About three more hours, I think."

Crossing her arms, Nagato shook her head a little in amusement as she walked up. "Well now, I guess that I found out where a certain someone has been hiding all day."

It warmed her boilers that when Harry looked up, his face brightened at the sight of her. "Mum!" Of course, a moment later she had to bite back a coo as he wagged a spoon at her. "And I wasn't hiding!"

Lips turned just slightly upwards, Nagato crossed her arms as she looked down at the pout on her son's face. "Of course not." She then gave a look over and raised an eyebrow as Shinano played with the apron on her between her finger tips. "Now then, what exactly are you cooking now?"

Perking up, Harry grinned at her. "We're making Christmas Pudding!"

For several moments, Nagato stared at him before she turned and looked at the calendar. "... But November isn't even over with yet..."

Yet again, Harry was wagging his spoon at her as he nodded seriously. "I know that, Mum. You have to make Christmas pudding more then a month before Christmas, everyone knows that!"

Amused, Nagato crouched down to look her son in the eye before shaking her head. "Well, I didn't know that, Harry."

Surprised, Harry frowned and then tapped his chin. Then he shrugged. "Well, they do. They got to age a bit after all."

Humming, Nagato straightened a bit and blinked as two items caught her eye. "Hmm... is that a bag of..." Quickly checking, her eyebrows shot up. "Silver anchors?!"

Nodding as he went back to measuring ingredients, Harry nodded. "Yup! Kidd gave them to me." He shuffled a little bit with a slight blush on his face. "Usually you put silver coins in some for wealth in the new year but I, um, read that small anchors will symbolize safe harbor for the year."

Eyes wide, Nagato crouched down again to gently hug him with a soft smile on her face. "That is a wonderful idea, Harry. I'm sure that the girls will love that." The Battleship glanced at the anchors yet again. 'Though I will be asking Kidd where she got them, just in case... And letting the others know so they don't just bite through them.' Shaking that off, Nagato straightened up as she patted Harry on the head. It was then that she walked over to a bottle and took a sniff before pulling away in surprise. "Is this brandy?"

The young boy nodded as he began to pour the mixture he had made with the ingredients into a bowl and started to mix it. "Well, yeah, you need brandy for pudding."

Slowly raising an eyebrow, Nagato pulled out her phone and began to check something on it. "And it's okay for children to eat?"

By the time that Harry was looking up, Nagato had put away her phone and he was giving her an odd look. "Um, yes? I mean... I never got any, but they always gave them to kids..."

A wince came from Nagato and she could see Maruyu grip the knife she was using on some dried fruit tighter as Shinano had a spark of something in her eyes that caused a shiver to run up the Battleship's keel. Taigei only narrowed her eyes before she distracted herself by checking on the steamers. "I see... well, you would know more then I would." She then noted the old looking book and frowned. "Is that the cookbook that you're using?"

Looking over, Harry nodded and smiled again. "Uh-huh. It belonged to my Grandma and was one of the few things that... well, I had before I got the trunk." He then looked around before leaning toward Nagato. "It's an old family recipe passed down. The book says that she was taught by her grandma."

Nagato could hear the lightest whistle of steam before she glanced over to see that not just Shinano, but also Maruyu and Taigei were all blushing heavily with surprise on their faces. Obviously they didn't know that fact which only caused Nagato to smirk. 'I see that you didn't know that.' Turning her head, Nagato had to stifle a chuckle at how he was not examining the steamers in confusion. 'Then again, he did just give them something of a great honor after all.'

Needless to say, Harry blinked as a still blushing Maruyu bowed to him. "Thank you, Harry-Chan."

Slightly confused, Harry just nodded as Shinano and Taigei also thanked him. "You're welcome?" Moments later though, Harry shook it off and brought over a bowl toward her and nodded at it. "Um... could you wash your hands so that you can give it a stir, Mum?"

Bemused, Nagato walked over to the sink and started to wash her hands as she looked over her shoulder at him. "I don't mind, but is there a reason?"

Once more, Harry blushed before looking at the bowl. "It's..." He shuffled a little bit an didn't notice Taigei bite back a giggle. "Everyone is supposed to give it a stir and then make a wish, which is supposed to come true."

Somewhat interested, Nagato raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

However, Harry's next words caused her to freeze. "Hm-hm. I kind of wished for a Mum and a new family before..."

Quickly drying off her hands, Nagato turned and then pulled her son into a hug. Something that he accepted gratefully. "Oh, Harry..." Gently kissing him on the head, smiled at him as they shared the moment. Then she pulled away and took the bowl into her hands before gripping the spoon and gave it a stir. 'To any of the kami listening, I wish my son many, many happy years.'

And then she passed the bowl to Shinano who also did a stir as Nagato pulled Harry back into a hug as the two watched. "Mum?" When Nagato looked down to see Harry staring back up, she gave a nod. "Do you think that I should keep a bowl or two ready so that the others can stir? Naka-Nee, Inazuma-Chan and her sisters as well we Tenryuu-Oba and Tetsuta-Oba did yesterday. So did Yamato-Oba and Musashi-Oba."

Humming, Nagato nodded in thought. "I believe that they'll love that, Harry. And Mutsu as well as Jane are here as well, so I'll ask them to come by."

The smile she got from Harry caused her to give him a similar one.
HMS Hermione Deploying!
Harry Leferts

Eyes squinting as she tried to see through the darkness, Hermione frowned a bit before shivering as the chill wind reminded her that it was practically winter. A warm chuckle though caused her to blush before Warspite walked into view. "My, have you forgotten your scarf, Hermione?"

Hermione's blush only deepened as she could hear Phoebe chuckle at her natural born sister's embarrassment. "It's a scarf, you cannot honestly believe that it will make me much warmer in this weather."

Taking the scarf from the smiling Warspite, Phoebe just rolled her eyes and gently scoffed. "And you, Hermione, should honestly listen to us." Within a moment, she had wrapped it around Hermione's neck and said girl could only blink as she felt much warmer, as if she was now wearing a thick winter jacket. Reaching up, she touched her fingers against it in utter confusion. "How...?"

Once more chuckling, Warspite held a hand against her mouth. "I'm quite sorry my dear, but not even I quite know how it looks. Only that it does, indeed, work."

With a dry tone in her voice, Phoebe smirked. "I believe that the Americans just refer to it as being... what was the term?" She tapped her chin in mock thought before snapping her fingers. "Ah, yes, Magical Sparkly Shipgirl Bullshit." Reaching over though, the other Dido class ruffled Hermione's hair fondly. "Now then, how about we head down to the water, hmm?"

All three of them began to walk down towards the ramp used by the shipgirls to enter the sea loch with Hermione frowning as she looked around. "Just one question though... why are we doing this at this time of night?"

Warspite frowned for a moment before she shook her head. "I'm afraid that politics have interfered my dear. While natural borns such as yourself are accepted, the issue is more due to your... physical age."

Raising an eyebrow, Hermione looked at herself and then back at Warspite. "Because I'm ten?"

The Battleship simply nodded. "Quite. We were not in the same dire straits as Japan such as it was after all, thankfully. So to the public at large, those who appear in fifteen or older are acceptable... but shipgirls who look younger cause the public to... shall we say, become extremely uncomfortable with the thought." She frowned slightly as she remembered how the Japanese DesDiv6 were going to come to England to help out a little, only to be turned down at the last minute when several politicians interfered due to how young they looked. A moment later though, she shook it off. "Due to that, the Royal Navy is simply going to... train you in various ways until you reach the proper age, hence why we're doing your first training sortie at night where no one is going to be watching... Though later, that term might be a bit stretched as it were."

Suspicious at the twinkle in Warspite's eye, Hermione turned toward Phoebe who gave her a smile. "Well, one can classify sorties into the Irish Sea as being 'Training Sorties' after all. Or you being in the Baltic as being for much the same reason. Perhaps the Red Sea as well."

However, her smile turned into a frown as Hermione gave a shiver. "In-into the Baltic?"

At the fear in Hermione's eyes, Phoebe reached down and hugged her. "Oh, Hermione... you don't need to fear them anymore."

Grimacing, Hermione took a deep breath. "It's... okay. I have to get over my fear of submarines, don't I?"

Eyes slowly widening, Warspite remembered something. But before she could say anything, a voice shouted out. "AND WHAT IS THIS? DOES THIS FAIR MAIDEN FEAR THOSE OF US BENEATH THE WAVES!?"

Closing her eyes, Warspite cursed under her breath. "Oh, in the name of the Queen, no..."

Just then, Hermione's radar picked up something moving toward her that was shaped like a sub hanging from a chain. When she turned though, said sub did several flips before landing into a pose. "FEAR NOT! FOR I, HMS UPHOLDER, SUBMARINE OF THE ROYAL NAVY SHALL BRING THEE NO FEAR!" Before Hermione could react, said Subgirl grabbed Hermione and pulled her into a hug that caused her face to be buried into two large, soft objects. "FOR I SHALL CHASE OFF YOUR FEARS AND PROTECT YOU FAIR... Um, what was your name again?"

Phoebe raised a finger. "Hermione."

Nodding, Upholder looked at her. "Thank you..." Clearing her throat, she began again as a madly blushing Hermione tried to escape as she realized what her face was buried in. "FAIR HERMIONE! FOR LOVELY BRITISH CRUISERS SUCH AS YOURSELF SHOULD INSTEAD BE IN AWE AND INSPIRED BY ONE SUCH AS MYSELF! HUZZAH!"

Simply holding her face in her hands, Warspite just sighed. 'Why did it have to be her? And not one of the nice American submarines?' Looking up, Warspite felt pity for the struggling Hermione. '... Is it any wonder that I thought that nice Ushio might have been submarines from how they looked...' Finally, Warspite reached over with her cane and bopped Upholder on the head causing the sub to let Hermione go, the Cruiser sucking in a large amount of air now that she was freed from her prison. "Enough of that."

Whipping off her hat, Upholder grinned as she went into a bow. "BUT OF COURSE, LADY WARSPITE! YOUR EVER INTELLIGENT WISHES ARE MY LOVELY COMMAND-"

Yet again, Warspite bopped her on the head. "I said enough." Ignoring how Upholder was now rubbing her head with a grimace, Warspite took a moment to check on Hermione who was simply staring at Upholder in utter confusion, which caused the Battleship to sigh. "Now then, I am assuming that there's no threats in the Loch?"

Seeing Upholder opening her mouth, Warspite raised her cane again which caused the sub to flinch before she pouted. "You're no fun." As Warspite raised her cane again, Upholder straightened. "No enemies at all, Ma'am! Loch is all clear for exercises." Then before any of them could react, Upholder seemed to vanish and then reappear in front of Hermione. Once she did, she whipped off her hat and went into another bow while grabbing one of Hermione's hands and kissing the knuckle. "Worry not, for I shall keep all foes from reaching you from position under the waves, for you are truly the heir to Helen of Troy." Dodging another bop from Warspite's cane, Upholder put her hat back on as she hopped onto several crates and leapt back onto the chain. Her momentum then carried her out over the water. "I BID YOU ALL, ADIEU, UNTIL DESTINY HAS US MEET IN PERSON ONCE MORE!"

And at the height of her swing, Upholder let go and performed several flips in the air before slipping into the water with barely a splash. Slowly, Hermione turned to Warspite who just groaned before she answered the unspoken question. "You shall learn, my dear, that submarines without a doubt are the oddest of us shipgirls..."

Just glancing at the water, Hermione blinked as she swore, she saw a hand lift from the water and give her a thumb's up. "... I see..." Shaking it off, she walked to the edge and gulped. "Well... I suppose it's time." Taking a deep breath, Hermione felt her boilers begin to supply more power as Phoebe stepped up beside her. "HMS Hermione, deploying!"

Within moments of her stepping onto the water, her rigging materialized around her. Then she looked at Phoebe who smiled as behind them, Warspite summoned her own rigging. "Now then, we shall start with the basics..."
Shinano in trouble
Harry Leferts


At the voice, Harry's head whipped up to see both a worried Natsumi and White there before he turned back to the summoning pool. "N-no word?"

White only shook her head as she came and sat down beside Harry. "Uh-uh." Frowning, she stared down at the waters as the candles flickered in the small breeze that seemed omnipresent. "Shioi is out looking for her, and so is Yamato with her group."

Confused, Natsumi sat down on Harry's other side as White offered him some strawberry milk which he took with thanks. "Something happen with Shinano-San?"

Frowning, Harry nodded as he looked at the water. "She was supposed to meet up with the incoming Convoy but... there was a big storm."

Just nodding, White frowned as she looked up. "Yeah, Mama's coming with the convoy and I heard that Enterprise is helping them." That caused Harry to turn and look at White in surprise, but the Escort Carrier just continued. "Because of the storm and an Abyssal attack though, the group that Shinano was part of got separated and... they said that the last sight of her in the squalls was of her taking damage. They think that her radio's been knocked out."

Wincing, Natsumi leaned into Harry to give him some comfort. "I'm sure that she's okay, Harry-Chan." Then Natsumi frowned a bit as she looked around. "But... why are you here?"

Several moments passed before Harry answered. "Because... it's peaceful here and... I was hoping that someone can come. I... I've been asking but..."

It was then that Natsumi noticed that the hairs on her arms were raised and was certain that if she was in her fox form, the fur would have been as well. All of which caused her eyes to widen. 'Oh...' Sucking in a breath, Natsumi let it out as she noticed that even White now felt the charged atmosphere. "Harry..."

However, he just ignored her as he slowly stood up, his hair covering his eyes as he clutched the bars hard enough to turn his knuckles white. "B-but no one has come." Also standing, Natsumi reached up and just placed a hand onto Harry's shoulder as he shook. "I just... I just don't want to lose anyone. I know that each time... But Shinano-Chan is in trouble, I just feel it." Swallowing, he stared down at the pool before him. "I don't know if any of you are listening, or even if you care, but I do! And... even though I'm not in the Navy and I don't have a right, please! And... I know that I'm not Japanese... But, if any of you can hear me, just come and help Shinano-Chan! Please! She needs help!"

Unnoticed by Harry as he squeezed his hair shut, but there was the feeling as if the atmosphere was charged and Natsumi looked at the water to see that it was starting to slosh around before she had to yank her hand from Harry's shoulders at the almost static shock. 'Not good... his emotions are boiling over.' Inside though, her heart ached as she realized just how important his "Family" really was to him. 'Please... listen to him.'

Also gripping the railing, White nodded. "He's right, Shinano needs help."

Harry then shouted for anyone to hear. "PLEASE! JUST PLEASE COME AND HELP SHINANO-CHAN!"

Not even a moment later there was the sensation as if a rubber band had been snapped and if any of them looked at the summoning materials, they would have seen a large amount just vanish. As they did so, a breeze whipped past and Harry could have sworn that he felt a hand brush against his cheek. "Shinano... Our pain was nothing compared to yours... we're coming."

Feeling weak for some reason, Harry fell to his knees as the door to the summoning chamber blew open with a bang and then slammed shut. Within seconds, Natsumi was there and helping him to his feet. "Harry-Chan, you idiot. You are so lucky that the kami must have taken an interest with you."

All Harry did though was look at the door with tired eyes and a smile on his face. "She's going to get help..."

Both White and Natsumi shared a look before they began to help Harry stumble his way out of the summoning room.

Gritting her teeth, Yamato ignored the slamming of the waves against her hull as she pushed herself to continue, part of her thanking that the storm had abated. 'Where are you...'

Several airplanes buzzing above her caused her to blink, even more so when Enterprise radioed in. "There you are, I thought that I was going to have to comb the entire Pacific looking for you."

Even though part of her wanted to snap at the annoying American, Yamato reigned it in and let it out. "I'm afraid Enterprise that I, Yamato, am busy right now and cannot be distracted by... your little games."

Much to her surprise, Enterprise snorted. "Look, I know that you and I don't get along, Hotel." Part of Yamato bristled at the nickname even as Fubuki, Mutsuki, and Yuudachi winced. "However, I am out here to help you. So let us put that bullshit aside for now and save your sister's ass. We'll be within visual contact in the next five minutes."

Swallowing, Yamato just nodded. "Understood."

The seconds ticked by until they all got the radar contacts and turned to see Enterprise along with Willie D, O'Bannon, as well as Hoel and Sammy. Pulling up alongside Yamato, Enterprise gave her a nod before she scanned the horizon though both her own senses and that of her aircraft. "Anything?"

Yamato just shook her head. "None." For almost a minute there was silence before Yamato spoke up. "Why?"

Expression blank, Enterprise didn't say anything. But before Yamato could ask, Enterprise spoke. "It's weird, the two of us despite everything have one similarity between us."

Raising an eyebrow, Yamato narrowed her eyes. "And what might that be?"

Part of her expected for Enterprise to smirk and give some smartass comment, but that was not what she got. "Both of us lost our sisters in the war, unable to help them when it really mattered. Though I do sort of envy you, at least you didn't go without them for more then a decade." Seeing that Yamato was listening, Enterprise continued. "No doubt though that got you pissed as hell and most likely you lasted as long during Ten-Go just to make us know it. Lord knows that part of why I made it was because I wanted you all to fucking burn for losing Hornet, Yorkie... and Wasp." When she looked at Yamato though, there was no anger, just understanding. "So if you're anything like me, you are not about to fail them this time and God have mercy on the souls of those who think otherwise."

Slowly nodding, Yamato hummed. "Much like you would burn anyone who may harm your own sisters."

There was the same understanding in Yamato's eyes as was in Enterprise's, with said Carrier nodding with a bloodthirsty smirk. "Damn straight. Now that I can respect from anyone. Now let's go and do what we should have done and protect our family. Together.

Eyes narrowed, Yamato only snorted. "Of course, together. And if any Abyssals are foolish enough to harm them, then shall their language only be spoken of in Hell once we are through with them."

As the two shook hands, Fubuki leaned over to whisper to Hoel as Enterprise laughed. "Did... that just happen?"

Hoel just nodded in surprise. "Ye-yeah..."

Of course, that was when Enterprise's head whipped around and she narrowed her eyes. "Contact! It's one of Shioi's planes and..."

Clinching her hands, Yamato let out a breath. "And?"

After a moment, Enterprise shook her head. "Sorry, had to shoot down the planes that were following it. Shinano is thirty five miles, North-Northeast at half speed. Some of the JMSDF vessels are trying to help as well as Shioi but... they got one Wo and... what looks to be a Re-Class with some Destroyers." Her frown became deeper as she shook her head. "I can handle the Wo as well as the aircraft, and maybe some of the Destroyers, but my boys will have to come back to be rearmed."

What Yamato said next caused her to whip her head around in shock. "Then spot for me, and I, Yamato, shall end that Re. My guns have a range of 26 miles."

Eyebrows raising, Enterprise shot off a flight before shaking her head. "You're fucking nuts. That's your maximum range, no way that you can hit anything."

All Yamato did was look at her as she redlined her boilers. "No, not alone. I, Yamato, need for someone to spot for me."

Slowly, a grin came over Enterprise's face as she chuckled. "Then I'm going to feed you so full of targeting data that you won't know what to do with it all."

The corners of Yamato's lips turned up at that before she brought her attention back to the horizon. 'Perhaps... she is not quite so bad.'

Minutes ticked down as the group closed in on the battle going on, every so often Enterprise wincing at what she could see. "There goes one of the JMSDF vessels... they rammed that Abyssal Destroyer though and took it with them." Suddenly, her eyes widened. "What the Hell?! Didn't expect that!"

Looking at her, Yamato frowned. "What happened?"

Eyes narrowing as she concentrated, Enterprise frowned. "Two Japanese Destroyers just showed up out of nowhere as if... they were summoned" Shaking it off, she continued. Looks like they're both Kagerou class, but I don't know which ones... But they blew that wannabe Carrier's leg off with torpedoes and it looks like they slowed down the Re. And... got the Wo." After several moments, Enterprise nodded. "I'm loading up another strike, we're within twenty five miles."

Beside her, the Battleship just nodded. "Give me the targeting data."

Smirking, Enterprise did so as they continued to come closer, now able to see smoke rising up. As Yamato elevated her guns, Enterprise hummed. "You know, if you pull this off, I'll have to treat you to something, because Hell, this deserves it."

Yamato smirked herself a bit. "There is a small ramen shop that, I, Yamato enjoy."

Head tilted to the side, Enterprise hummed. "Ramen, huh? Why the hell not."

Then she gave her some last second targeting and Yamato raised one hand. "Fire!"

Under the concussion of her guns, the water actually cratered and then they waited, Enterprise firing off another strike that climbed into the sky. Suddenly, Enterprise gave off a surprised whistle. "Shhiiiit! Two hits, one stern and the bow one penetrated the second turret. Damn, that was just beautiful."

Her cannons lowering to reload, Yamato gave her an nod before she elevated her guns again. "Shall we?"

The only reply she got was a laugh from Enterprise before the Carrier gave her the targeting data as she mopped up the rest of the Abyssal task force. It wasn't for another fifteen minutes that Yamato and Enterprise came within sight of the limping Shinano, all of the Abyssals either sunk or fled. Glancing at Yamato and noticing how she flinched every so often, Enterprise pulled close before whispering out of the corner of her mouth. "How's the boilers and engines?"

Looking at her, Yamato only frowned. "Boilers and engines are easily replaced."

With the rest of the sentence unsaid, Enterprise pulled back with an understanding nod. Clearing her throat, she spoke a bit louder as they spotted the two Destroyers beside Shinano. "So... any idea who they are?"

For several moments, Yamato narrowed her eyes before she suddenly smiled. "Ah... Hamakaze and Isokaze."

Now within hearing distance, the group could see that the Destroyers were looking between the Japanese shipgirls and the American ones before Shinano placed a hand on Hamakaze's shoulder and began to explain even as blood and oil ran down her face from a ragged tear in her scalp which stretched down to one ear. Once they got within hearing range, they could see Hamakaze nod and hear her reply. "I see... However... Shinano, this time I shall keep you safe."

Close enough, Yamato nodded. "And I, Yamato thank you for it." Then she tilted her head in curiosity. "Though... perhaps you could explain how you were summoned."

Of course, when Hamakaze explained that a foreign boy with green eyes somehow called them, Enterprise nearly burst a gut laughing while Shinano tried not to faint as she attempted to not blush. All her sister did was smile though as hers and Enterprise's escorts quietly whispered to each other.
Repair Bath Relaxation
Harry Leferts

Laying back in the warm, mineralized waters, Hamakaze allowed herself to relax for several moments before she opened her eyes to look across from her to where Shinano seemed to be dozing in a berth of her own. She blinked though as she felt a head lay against her shoulder and turned her head to see Isokaze there. "You happy, Hamakaze?"

The Destroyer let her lips curl upwards a bit into a smile, which still felt odd to her, as she nodded. "Yes, we finally did it. We protected Shinano like we were supposed to." A glance to where Yamato was watching a door close though caused Hamakaze to frown as she whispered. "What do you think of..."

Eyebrow raising, Isokaze also frowned. "The Americans? I... don't know. I know that Shinano-San and Yamato-Sama both said that we're allies now, but..." She then shook her head a little bit before putting it back on Hamakaze's shoulder. "It will take some time before I'm comfortable, you know?"

All Hamakaze did was nod as she continued to watch Shinano, though she did wonder why said shipgirl was wearing a bathing suit of all things in the baths. The thought though drifted away as the Destroyer felt the damage she had taken also vanish, almost as if it was being slowly washed away by the waters around her. 'If only we had these before...'

Less then a minute later though, she was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of a door opening and a familiar voice drifting in. "Shinano-Chan?"

Much to the two Destroyer's surprise, Shinano's eyes popped open and she smiled brightly as she sat up a little. "Harry-Chan?"

There was the sound of wheels against the tile before Harry came into view pushing a cart. Once he was within sight, he took in Shinano and sniffled a little before putting the brakes for the cart on and running over to hug the surprised shipgirl not caring about how his clothes were getting wet. "I-I was so worried about you! They said that you were missing and... and..."

Eyes wide for several moments, Shinano slowly reached over and returned the hug though one of her hands were missing fingers. "I'm sorry... if I was a better Carrier..."

Pulling away, Harry just tapped her on the head with the best serious face he could make, which just looked cute on the nine year old. "Stop that! You're an awesome Carrier! Even Enterprise thinks that you're awesome!"

Her face red, Shinano sank a little bit more into her berth, though there was a soft smile on her face as well. "Thank you." Suddenly, she perked up a bit as she tightened the one armed hug she had on Harry. "But I should be thanking you!" At his look of confusion, Shinano giggled a little bit and then pointed at where a confused Hamakaze and Isokaze were laying and watching them. "You summoned them and they saved me!"

With his eyes wide, Harry stood up and then turned to the two Destroyers and bowed with a blush, missing the slight disappointed look on Shinano at the hug ending so soon, as well as the amused expression on Yamato. "Th-thank you for coming and helping Shinano-Chan!"

Hamakaze noticed that Isokaze sank down a little, but nodded with a small smile at Harry. "You don't need to thank us, we wanted to help her. We failed her once and won't fail her again."

Poor Shinano felt like her face was on fire as she looked at the Destroyer in surprise before sinking down. Then Isokaze spoke up with a slight grin. "Besides, maybe we should thank you as you called us."

Taking some pity on her sister, Yamato held a hand to her mouth as she glanced toward the covered cart. "Harry-Chan?" Once she had his attention, she gestured at the cart. "I, Yamato, am wondering what is on the cart?"

Now beaming, Harry walked over to the cart and pulled off various covers to reveal plates of food. Almost immediately there were grumbles from all the shipgirls that caused ripples in the water, though the two new Destroyers looked surprised as they looked down to where their stomachs were under water. 'We're... hungry?'

At the same time, Harry began gesturing at various things. "I got tempura... tonkatsu... rice..." He continued to tick off as the shipgirls began to drool before he finished up. "I also got tea and gingerbread cookies!"

Reaching up, Yamato wiped a little bit of drool from her lips. "I, Yamato, would like some of the tonkatsu."

While the others called out their own orders, Harry, pulled out several boards. Then with practiced ease, he hooked the boards across the berths to create tables for the food which he then set out before finishing with using his tea set and pouring some of the drink into cups for each of them. Within moments, the shipgirls began to eat only for Shinano to stop when she noticed that Harry was preparing to leave. "Um, Harry?" When he looked over at her, she just bashfully smiled. "Could you... stay for a bit? I want to talk with you?"

All Harry did was pull up a seat beside her with a smile on his face. "Sure!"

He did blink and look over at Yamato who let out a small giggle which she waved off. Unnoticed by Harry, Shinano, and her sister, Hamakaze was watching Harry in interest alongside of Isokaze. It didn't pass their notice that Shinano relaxed even more with Harry there as the two talked... well, Harry talked. Shinano was mostly busy satisfying her hunger though she did speak up every once in a while or nod between bites. 'Hmm... so this is the son of Nagato... interesting...'

If anyone had listened closely though, the soft sound of the steam from the tea pot was almost like a happy song. Almost as if it was glad that Harry was happy and that everyone was okay.
Enterprise & Yamato at Foodstall
Harry Leferts

Blinking, Enterprise looked at the Yatai in front of her and then at Yamato who continued to walk toward it. At the start of the war, said food carts had been in decline for various reasons. But then, not long after, they levelled off and then began to grow in numbers. After all, a yatai was easier to move when the Abyssals attacked then a restaurant.

Much less expensive to lose as well.

It was a few seconds later that Enterprise realized that Yamato was still walking for the Carrier to jog and catch up to her. As the two ducked under the overhang, Enterprise snorted. "Huh, what do you know? You weren't pulling my leg."

Confused, Yamato frowned a bit. "What do you mean?"

All Enterprise did though was wave her hand around. "I mean... come on, Hotel-"

She was cut off as Yamato growled at her. "Not a Hotel!"

For several moments Enterprise looked at her before she nodded. "Okay, how about Princess?" Closing her eyes, the blonde missed the blink from the Battleship who mouthed 'Princess' before Enterprise continued. "Anyways, this really doesn't seem like the kind of thing that you would be into, you know?"

Yamato just turned to Enterprise to see her looking at the menu as the Carrier ordered. "Once more, I, Yamato, don't understand what you mean..."

Looking at her, all the American shipgirl did was raise an eyebrow in surprise. "Huh, what do you know? You really don't know what I mean." After a few seconds, Enterprise gestured at the stall around her. "No offense to you, Sir..." The old man just chuckled, amused as he already guessed where this was going as Enterprise turned back to Yamato, who gave her own order. "But when you said that you wanted to go to a small ramen shop, I thought you were joking. I mean, the Pride of the Japanese fleet going to a ramen stall? I expected some fancy restaurant or something."

Her back straightening, Yamato gave Enterprise a short glare. "And why would you think that of I, Yamato?"

Softly snorting, Enterprise twirled some chopsticks in her fingers as she waited for their meals. "That, right there is a reason. You refer to yourself formally after all. Then there's the whole Japanese noblewoman thing you got going on. Not to mention how they've portrayed you in the media." At the look of surprise, Enterprise smirked. "I do try to keep abreast of what's going on around the world, never know who you're going to work with."

Tilting her head, Yamato made a pointed look at Enterprise's chest, or rather lack of one, before she answered. "Perhaps you have not kept as... 'abreast' as you might think."

Much to Yamato's amusement, the chopsticks slipped from a shocked Enterprise's fingers. The Carrier then startled some and glared at Yamato. "Did you just make a crack about what I think you did?"

Pretending to be confused, Yamato tilted her head. "Whatever could you mean?" She then turned toward the owner who was trying not to laugh as he cooked while Enterprise narrowed her eyes even further. "As to your... question, I, Yamato, do not hold myself above those who I protect. What they eat, so shall I and no better."

Now leaning her head against a closed fist, Enterprise frowned. "And yet, I've seen you both in the media and in life at those fancy, stick up your butt functions looking comfortable."

With a slight nod, Yamato gave her the point before she shook her head. "Those functions, as much as I, Yamato, may dislike them, do serve a purpose." Sighing, she shook her head. "But I, Yamato, do wish that they would be far less common then what they are."

Enterprise made an odd sound that caused Yamato to look up. "Tell me about it. I mean, fuck, I hate those things and would be much rather out on the waves kicking Abyssal ass. Buuut nooo. Because of all the shit I went through during the war, they feel a goddamn need to throw me into those schools of sharks on a routine basis. I spend more time fending them off then actually fighting."

As she glared at nothing in particular, an odd silence fell on them both broken by only the sound of cooking. Within minutes, two bowls were placed in front of them which the two began to dig into. Swallowing a bite, Yamato nodded before speaking. "I, Yamato, find myself agreeing with you strangely enough. We are meant for battle, to protect, not... laying around being useless except for photos."

Chewing, Enterprise nodded. "Damn straight. That was what we were made for and fuck the suits who think otherwise." Just when she was about to take another bite, she stopped and then blinked as she stared at the back of the cart. "Holy fucking shit, Lord Almighty help me... I'm agreeing with Yamato on something."

Slowly blinking, Yamato looked at her calmly before turning back to her food. "Something that I, Yamato, am also surprised at."

Tilting her head back, Enterprise just frowned. "Huh.... strange times that we live in." Finishing off the bowl, Enterprise nodded as she was given a second. "Speaking of the fucking suits, you hear what new bulllshit they're going to put the two of us through?"

With a sigh, Yamato nodded. "Due to us working together they have decided that we shall be... paired up during sorties and for escort duties."

A grumble escaping her, Enterprise glared at nothing in particular. "'The Greatest Battleship and the Greatest Carrier', 'Oh, you both will be so inspiring working together.' 'A real morale boost!' Fuck that noise." Closing her eyes, Enterprise scoffed. "Makes me lose my appetite."

Highly amused, the stand owner watched as Enterprise shoved a large amount of ramen into her mouth, while at the same time Yamato nodded with her own eyes closed. "Indeed. It is much the same for I, Yamato."

Shaking his head, the owner watched as Yamato also ate nearly a quarter of what was in the bowl. Beating her chest as she swallowed, Enterprise let out a gasp before sighing. "Bah! Enough of that or else I'm just going to get pissed off. Anyways, how's your sister healing up?"

Thankful for the change in subject, the Japanese shipgirl nodded. "Shinano-Chan is nearly repaired. Which is not surprising as she is a Yamato."

Much to her surprise, Enterprise nodded. "Yeah, the kid is tough as they come." Then she leered at Yamato. "And it helps that she doesn't have shit DamCom like most Japanese ships did and still do"

Despite the tick above her eyebrow, Yamato did not rise to the obvious bait. "Indeed, White Plains-San is a highly effective teacher. Far better then most American Fleet Carriers."

It went without saying that the two of them traded verbal barbs during their conversation to the amusement of the owner, until finally, they were done after almost two hours. Leaning back, Enterprise patted her belly as she let out a relieved sigh. "Damn, that was good."

Patting her lips with a napkin, Yamato nodded. "There is a reason that I, Yamato, frequent here."

Simply nodding, Enterprise looked at the receipt before placing down a roll of bills. Before the owner could go to take them, Yamato took the bills and separated an amount that she gave to the owner who nodded. When the Carrier beside her opened her mouth though, Yamato whispered into her ear which caused her to blink. "Wait... seriously?"

Picking up her parasol, Yamato nodded. "Indeed."

With a glance at the owner who only gave her a raised eyebrow, Enterprise only shook her head as she turned. "Huh... not wanting a tip, that's different." Then she shrugged it off and gave a wave. "Anyways, thanks for the meal, I'll have to come back here again."

As the two walked off, still sometimes trading verbal spars, the owner glanced at the clock and began to close up as he chuckled. "Crazy shipgirls..."
Natsumi's Christmas Gift
Harry Leferts

Pouring some tea into a cup, Haru gently smiled at Harry as he sat on the wooden balcony of her home by the Shrine. "Here you go, a little something to warm you up."

A smile was on Harry's face as he took the cup in his hand and sipped it. "Thank you!"

Haru just nodded as she took a deep breath of air and then let it out in a puff of mist. "Ah, winter has a loveliness all it's own." Getting into a more comfortable position, Haru hummed a little bit. "Now then, you wanted to talk with me?"

Much to her amusement, there was a blush on Harry's face as he looked around and then turned back to her. "Um... yeah..."

Gently, Haru just motioned him on. "Well then, I'm open to talking about anything, Harry-Chan." Leaning in, her eyes twinkled in a little bit of mirth. "Especially with a pot of tea and when it has to do with Natsumi-Chan."

That caused Harry to just stare at her with a dropped jaw and wide eyes. "How did you know that?"

Chuckling, Haru waved around a hand. "The kami told me, of course." Not quite sure if she was pulling his leg, Harry gave her a narrowed eye look before shrugging it off and turning back to his tea as he became nervous again. Placing a hand on his shoulder, Haru gave him a soft smile. "Harry-Chan, you know that you can ask me anything."

With a deep breath, Harry looked around before he leaned toward the Miko. "I... was wondering if you have any ideas as to what I can get Natsumi-Chan for Christmas."

Placing her hands into her sleeves, Haru tilted her head. "Christmas?"

All Harry did was nod a bit as he shifted. "Yeah..." He then furrowed his eyebrows as he stared into his tea. "She's really hard to shop for."

Head tilted back, Haru slowly nodded. "I see..." Then she smiled a little bit and turned back to Harry. "Any ideas in particular?"

Crossing his arms, Harry scrunched his nose in thought before he perked up. "I know that Natsumi-Chan was looking at some jewelry during the last festival."

With a gentle hum, Haru nodded. "Jewelry is always a good choice. Especially with Natsumi-Chan becoming older. But what kind?"

Just out of sight, Natsumi leaned against the wall of the building as she brought one hand up her chest. She felt like her face was on fire as she listened in. 'Harry-Chan is... thinking about buying me jewelry...?'

That caused Harry to frown for a moment before he turned to Haru. "Earrings?"

For a moment, Haru blinked before she winced. "Uh..."

Confused, Harry tilted his head to the side. "What': wrong?"

Grimacing, Haru coughed a little bit. "Our family has... issues, let's just say, with earrings. Clip ons are not so bad, really uncomfortable, but not bad. But pierced?" A shudder ran through her. "No thanks!"

In her hiding spot, Natsumi bit back a whimper as she rubbed her earlobe. 'Issues is putting it mildly, Oba-Chan.'

Now frowning, Harry sighed. "Mmm... what other kind of jewelry then?"

There was an odd smile on Haru's face as she made a thoughtful noise. And then her smile became pure vulpine as a thought occurred to her. "Well.. you could always get her a choker."

Unknown to Harry, his next words were echoed inside of Natsumi's head by her own thoughts. "A choker?"

Slowly, Haru nodded as she finished her tea and set down the cup. "Yes, a choker." She then flashed a grin at Harry. "I am positive that Natsumi-Chan would adore getting a choker from you."

Not quite sure, Harry gave it some thought. "A choker?"

Where she was hiding, Natsumi also gave it some thought as she brought a hand up and rubbed her throat. 'A choker...?' There was a smile that broke out on her face as she imagined it. 'I wonder why Oba-Chan would-' Her thought cut off right then as she considered how she would look like with one as a fox. '...'

Smirking, Haru nodded. "A choker would be just perfect for Natsumi-Chan."

If one was close at that moment, they might have sworn that steam was coming off of Natsumi's face. Before Harry could say anything, Natsumi rushed around the corner and pointed a shaking finger at her aunt. "E-e-ero-Oba-Chan!"

Eyes wide, Harry stared at her in shock. "NATSUMI-CHAN!?"

Bringing a hand up to her cheek, Haru smirked at her. "Ara, ara, listening in while we're discussing Christmas present ideas for you? How naughty of you."

Finger shaking, Natsumi just continued to yell at her aunt. "Y-Y-YOU PERVERT! GIVING HARRY-CHAN SUCH LEWD IDEAS!"

Simply grinning, Haru tried to look innocent. "Whatever could you mean?"

Just blinking, Harry only had one thought in his mind as he continued to watch Natsumi yell about how lewd and perverted her aunt was, while said aunt barked out laughter. '... What?'
Christmas Shopping
Harry Leferts

Frowning thoughtfully, Shinano looked at the shelves in front of her as she placed her finger onto her chin. "Um..."

Suddenly, a voice beside her caused her to start a little bit. "Shinano-San? What exactly are we looking for?"

There was a slight blush on Shinano's face as she glanced at Hamakaze before turning back to the shelves with a sigh. "I'm... looking for a Christmas gift for Harry-Chan but... nothing seems to fit."

Head tilted to the side, Hamakaze frowned a little bit. "A gift for Harry-San?"

If anything, the blush on Shinano's face became deeper as she nodded. "Hai, Harry-Chan is very important to me."

Hamakaze then asked the one question that had been on her mind for quite some time. "Why?"

Blinking at the, to her, odd question, Shinano turned to look at one of her "Escorts" for the day. What she saw though was simple curiosity and nothing more. "Why?" When Hamakaze nodded, Shinano tilted her head back and bit her lip before shaking her head. "Harry-Chan is... special."

Just raising an eyebrow at the non-question, Hamakaze hummed. "Special?"

Once more, Shinano nodded. "H-hai, special." Reaching up, the Support Carrier played a bit with her braided ponytail. "Ano, Harry-Chan is so nice to me. And he's always there for me, to encourage me. S-sometimes..." Biting her lip, Shinano checked around only to notice that no one was listening in as her shoulder slumped. "Sometimes, I just feel so useless and some days... I just want to curl up because I'm not that great of a Carrier." Eyes narrowed, Hamakaze was about to say something when Shinano straightened her back. "But then, Harry-Chan is right there and telling me that I'm a great Carrier and he'll give me a hug or pat my head... I like it when he gives me a hug, it feels... warm. Just like he is."

Surprised at the answer, Hamakaze just stared. "You like his hugs because... they're warm?"

Inside her own little world, Shinano nodded some. "Really warm, as if my whole hull is being warmed up from both the inside and outside. It's like when White-Sensei or Honshou-Kaa-San hugs me. But... different, because Harry-Chan is just... Harry-Chan." Shaking it off, Shinano turned and gave Hamakaze a smile. "He doesn't care that what I am because to him, I'm... me, but great. I'm not a Yamato, or a shipgirl that they need to be something I... I'm not but, to Harry-Chan... I'm me." She gave another look around and leaned down. "And sometimes, if I've had a really bad day, he bakes me these cookies and gives me hot chocolate he makes just for me. They're almost as warm as his hugs."

The Destroyer just nodded at that. "I see..."

Not really paying much attention, Shinano turned back to the shelves. "And he's helped me when he can in other ways... Um, like with my fairies."

Blinking, Hamakaze looked at her in confusion. "Your fairies?"

Shinano just nodded. "I wasn't able to practice them landing on me that often because... being in my rigging would consume resources I know are needed elsewhere. I told Harry-Chan that and... he built a floating flight deck for my pilots to practice on, just to help me."

Not having expected that, Hamakaze's eyebrows raised nearly to her hairline. "He built a flight deck for you, Shinano-San?"

With a smile of remembrance, Shinano nodded. "He did... and then there's other things." She looked down at herself and wrapped her arms around in a hug. "It was so hard to find things for me to wear. There wasn't places for someone of my... size or displacement. And I... don't really like wearing what Musashi-Nee-San and Yamato-Onee-San wear. B-but at my first Commissioning Day party, Harry-Chan gave me a gift and... there were clothes inside that actually fit me. This sweater was one of them."

Raising an eyebrow, Hamakaze leaned in to look at the butter yellow, turtleneck sweater. She also glanced at the plaid skirt that Shinano wore. "Huh, I didn't know that."

Gently smiling, Shinano just nodded. "I found out from Iowa-San that Harry-Chan had them shipped all the way from America, just for me." She then sighed as she hugged herself tighter. "And they're warm, just like him."

As she considered this, Hamakaze hummed in thought. Both her and Shinano lapsed into silence for almost a minute before suddenly Isokaze popped up. "This place is amazing!" She then looked at the slightly startled Shinano and rubbed the back of her head as she heard Hamakaze sigh. "Sorry about that, Shinano-San... oh! You were looking for something for Harry-Chan, right?"

Blushing, Shinano nodded. "Hai..."

However, a moment later her blush deepened as Isokaze held up an item in front of her. "How about these?" Of course, said item was a keychain that had a chibified Shinano along with a chibi version of her hull on it. Isokaze then pointed to a stand in the shop. "They got others there as well! Like, Nagato-San or Yamato-Sama... They even have Destroyers!"

Frowning, Hamakaze looked at the stand herself in deep thought. "Hmm..."

Even as she looked away, Shinano played with end of her ponytail before shaking her head. "Um, maybe something else, I think..."

Isokaze just shrugged. "Okay."

Much to Shinano's surprise though, Hamakaze looked at her. "Would something like that be good?"

Looking in the direction that the silver haired shipgirl was pointing at, Shinano walked over for a closer look. After examining it, she blinked. "Three dimensional portraits in crystal? I didn't know that they could do that..." Biting her lip, Shinano slowly nodded. "I... think that Harry-Chan might like that..."

And for those wondering...
Spoiler: Here's Shinano
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More Christmas Shopping
Harry Leferts

Hands held behind his head as he looked around, his breath misting in the cold, mid-December air, Harry blinked as he looked at the black haired girl who was looking around in awe. "Never been off the base, Maruyu-Chan?"

The Submarine blushed as she shook her head. "Um, n-no, not really. Things have really changed a lot since I was afloat..." She then placed her finger on her chin in thought. "Though... my crew is not sure about this Christmas thing, it's a Western holiday after all."

Just shaking her head, Shioi looked around the decorations. "Well... Christmas is a bit different here then what they might think. We've made it our own after all. Like dinners at KFC!" Then she slumped a little. "Though with rationing you can't really do that, so I've never gotten the chance."

Shutting the book she was reading, Hachi nodded as Harry reached over and patted Shioi on the arm. "Hacchan thinks that we should be more focused on what we're going to buy."

Of course, that was when Iku chose to suddenly lean onto Harry's back, wrapping her arms around his neck as she giggled. "Or to keep a good eye out for when Harry-Chan here buys us our presents!"

Harry just stumbled a bit before tapping Iku's nose with his finger causing her to go cross-eyed as he chuckled. "But I already bought your presents and hid them, Iku-Chan!"

Eyes comically wide, Iku boggled at him. "Whaaa... b-but Harry-Chan, part of the fun of Christmas shopping is to see if and what you might have bought us." At his laugh, she huffed with a pout before crossing her arms against her chest and looking away. "Takes all the fun out of it."

Staring, Maruyu just watched as Harry was trying to cheer up a pouting Iku before she looked at the other submarines. "Is this... normal?"

Unable to help herself, Imuya giggled as she nodded. "It is." She then raised an eyebrow as she groaned at Iku. "... I don't think that Harry-Chan can carry your big stern around, Iku."

From where she was now on Harry's back, Iku scoffed as her eyes twinkled with mirth. "Bah! Harry-Chan is really strong though!" Looking down, she grinned at the nine year old who was standing there as he tried to take a step without falling. "Right?"

Beneath her, Harry nodded as he tried to carry her, heedless of the looks that they were getting from the crowd. "Yeah!"

RO only laughed as she tried not to fall over at the pair's antics while Maruyu just blinked. "... What?"

Moments later though, Iku got off Harry's back but then swept him up and onto her own. "Well, if Harry-Chan can't carry me, then I'm just going to carry him!" Turning her head, she took in the puffing Harry and frowned a little bit. "You okay?"

All Harry did though was give her a thumbs up. "Yup!"

Bouncing him a little so that he could be a bit more comfortable, Iku just smiled as she felt him place his arms over her shoulders. 'This is kind of nice though I wish that he was bigger so he could carry me...' If her cheeks were not flushed by the cold, they certainly were by the image in her mind of being carried on the back of a much older version of the boy on her back. The fact that said image laughed and gave her a grin that caused her diesels to become revved up just a bit faster didn't help before she shook it off. 'Eh, something to dream about.'

Then she came out of her thoughts to listen to Harry talking with RO about something. "... So have you got the newest group done?"

Nodding, Harry smiled. "Yeah, Karina is my favorite though."

More then a little bemused, Iku looked between the two with a raised eyebrow. "What are you two going on about now?"

With a blink, Harry pulled out his phone and tapped the screen expertly before holding it out for Iku to look at. "It's a new game that we've been playing, see?"

On the screen, there was a girl in a sailor fuku with toasters attached in various places. As she talked, Iku just blinked and then tilted her head to the side. "... I... what?"

RO just raised her finger and nodded seriously. "Kaden Shojo is pretty awesome! It's a real fun puzzle game."

Up on Iku's back, Harry began to seriously nod. "See, there was this interdimensional portal through which all these magical chips fell through, and they turned appliances into appliance girls!"

Slowly, Imuya blinked as she tried to comprehend that. "... Appliance girls..."

At the same time, Harry nodded and continued. "Like Karina! She's a toaster girl and my favorite! But yeah, you got to solve puzzles in order to keep them powered or to defeat the evil Viruses which come from an dark manufacturing plant."

Expression deadpan, Iku connected the dots as did the other Submarines. '... They actually went there... seriously?'

Brightening, RO looked over at Harry and smiled. "Oh! By the way, is it true? What the rumours are saying about Naka and Kaden Shojo?"

His own expression bright, Harry nodded. "Yeah, she somehow convinced them to let her roll out an international version, she's doing the same with some other games too! Like she did for the Kantai Collection."

Maruyu just looked at the other Subs in confusion. "Kantai Collection...?"

Facepalming as Shioi laughed, Hachi shook her head. "A... game they came up based on us. You play as an Admiral fighting the Abyssals using shipgirls... Anyways, somehow Naka got the JMSDF involved and they released an international version. The money is going into each military's funds to help fight the war."

With a nod, Harry ticked off on his fingers. "There's also one for airplane girls and vehicle girls! Though I feel sorry for poor Rafale-Chan..."

As Harry and RO launched into another talk about different games which caused Maruyu's head to go back and forth as if she was following a ping pong match, Iku just shared a wry smile with the others. It hadn't taken long after the first shipgirls had appeared before where games anthropomorphized objects. Especially with how popular they had become. Though the less said about Naka's involvement, the better. She was downright vicious about such things. Shaking off the image with a shiver, Iku looked around. "So who are you buying for, Harry-Chan?"

Humming, Harry shrugged a bit. "Well, I was looking for some stuff for Mikasa-Oba, Kongou-Oba and some others... though I am looking for a Chibi Maru Kongou for Goto-Oji."

Lips twitching, Iku watched as Hachi choked before Shioi looked at Harry in surprise. "But don't you normally call Teitoku...?"

Nodding, Harry smiled. "Teitoku? Yeah, but Kongou-Oba told me to call him Oji outside of duty. Mum just sighed and muttered something I couldn't hear before waving me on."

The Subgirls considered that before they nodded, it did make sense after all. But then Iku snickered some. "So you're going to get Teitoku one of those little chibi versions of Kongou's hull?"

Harry just grinned a little bit. "Yup!"

Laughing, Hachi reached over and poked him in the side. "You little prankster! That's going to be hilarious to watch!"

Even as he attempted to squirm out of the way, Harry giggled. "I know! I can't wait to see Kongou-Oba's reaction."

For a moment, they all tried to imagine how the Fast Battleship would react to Goto being given a chibi version of her hull before they all burst out laughing. None of them cared at the stares they got, simply that for a little while they got to enjoy these moments with each other.
Christmas 1
Harry Leferts

Snuggling deeper into the bedding, Natsumi let out a loud yawn before she tried to bat away whatever was trying to wake her up. "M'goaway..."

A snicker could be sounded before she was once more nudged. "Can't do that, Natsumi. Kaa-San is cooking breakfast before we do some presents. After all, you're leaving after lunch to head back to Haru-Oba-San's."

With a yawn that spread her maw wide, Natsumi blinked away some sleep to look at the form of a fox beside her before finally sighing. "Okay, okay, I'm up, Onii-Chan."

More snickers escaped from the fox as he watched the smaller one stretch out before she hopped out of bed and onto her hind paws before walking out the door. "About time."

The only response that Natsumi had for that was to stick her tongue out at him and then running toward the bathroom as he playfully growled at her. Several minutes later found her entering the kitchen where another female fox stood by the stove cooking as her five tailes waved behind her. "Ohayo, Haha-ue." She heard the tapping of keys and looked to where another fox was working on a laptop. "Chichi-ue."

Said fox looked up and grinned at Natsumi before giving her a fond nuzzle as she passed by. "About time you woke up, sleepy head. Your Oba-San working you to the bone?"

From the stove, her mother only laughed. "From what Haru-Nee told me, she's more tired out from chasing around a boy."

Opposite from Natsumi, two kits looked at her with matching grins on their faces. "Ooo! A boy?"

That also got her father's attention who watched her over the rims of the glasses perched on his muzzle. "A boy now?"

All Natsumi did was flatten her ears against her skull as she tried to glare at her mother, which bounced right off as the vixen grinned. "Oh yes, a young boy from England as it turns out and adopted by the Battleship Nagato. According to Haru-Nee though, there's some great thing in store for him by the kami. But she won't tell me what."

Humming, her brother spread some peanut butter on a piece of toast and munched down on it. "A great destiny as seen by the kami, huh? You aim pretty high, Imouto. Buuuut, maybe I should have a chat with this guy to make sure he doesn't break your heart."

It wasn't a surprise to him as Natsumi grabbed a newspaper and bapped him on the head with it. "You won't go anywhere near to Harry-Chan!"

Once more, the two kits grinned as they spoke as one. "Onee-Chan has a boyfriend! Onee-Chan has a boyfriend!"

Both of them giggled as they dodged a swipe of the paper before it was yanked out of Natsumi's paws by one of her mother's tails as said matriarch walked past carrying plates on her forepaws and other tails. "Now enough of that, Natsumi-Chan. The table is not for fighting you know."

Grumbling, Natsumi just pouted. "Hai, Haha-ue."

Just smiling, her mother gave her a gentle lick and then placed some food in front of her. "Now, eat up. After all, you need your strength and then time to unwrap some presents."

The two kits perked up at that and threw their paws into the air. "YAAAAY PRESENTS!"

Natsumi just rolled her eyes at them with a fond expression on her face.

Leaning back, Natsumi sighed as he looked around at her family. Her two younger sisters were playing with some new toys as well as with the discarded wrapping while at the same time her brother was looking in awe at the poster of Yamato with said shipgirl's autograph on it. She was started out of her thoughts as her father let out a sigh from where he was sitting cuddled with his wife, their tails intertwined with each other. "Well, I think that is the last of it."

A giggle though caused them all to look at oldest of the vixens there who simply grinned as she disentangled herself from her husband. "Not quite... Give me just one moment."

Confused, Natsumi's older brother looked at his father. "What's Haha-ue talking about?"

However, his father only shook his head. "Not a clue."

Several moments later though, she returned and deposited a present in front of Natsumi. "Now, this arrived just yesterday via a nice Tengu your Oba-San sent. According to her, it's from a certain young boy for you and she asked that I give it to you once all the other presents were done."

Once more, Natsumi's ears flattened against her skull as she easily guessed why her aunt asked that. 'She wants me to just die, doesn't she?'

Almost as if she could hear her daughter's thoughts, her mother giggled and pushed the package forward. "Now, now, open it up, Natsumi-Chan. I think that we all want to know what this Harry-San got you for Christmas."

Just sighing as she knew that there was no way that her mother would let her escape now, Natsumi reached down and, within moments, tore apart the wrapping to reveal a box which she opened only to blink as she looked at the package inside. Part of Natsumi felt thankful that her face was hidden under her fur as she was certain that it was even redder. It certainly felt hot enough. "... Harvest your own pearl?"

Raising an eyebrow, her mother rubbed a paw under her chin. "So that was why I smelt the alcohol. Well? Aren't you going to see what's inside?"

Embarrassed, though curious, Natsumi opened the package and gave a glance at the silver necklace with an empty pendant. 'I... guess that is where the pearl goes.'

After some work, she opened the can and then with the tools provided, opened the oyster only for her eyebrows to raise at the sight of the softly pink pearl that laid there. A gasp caused her to look up as her sisters stared at it in awe. "It's so pretty..."

However, it was her father's reaction that caused her to blink. "I wonder..."

Before Natsumi could ask though, her mother leaned closer and gave her a look. "You know the meaning of pearls, right, Natsumi-Chan?"

Shyly, she nodded some. "Hai, Haha-ue..."

All her mother did was nod before she pulled away with a smile. But then her brother spoke up. "Oy, Natsumi-Chan... you positive that this Harry-San doesn't know that you're a kitsune?"

Furrowing her eyebrow, Natsumi only nodded. "Um, yeah? I know that he doesn't."

Much to her surprise though, her brother only snorted as he gave her a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Because you're a kitsune, and he just gave you a pearl that he sort of picked out."

The only sound that could be heard was the ticking of a clock before the rest of the family turned toward Natsumi who only crouched down and hid her face behind her paws. 'Oh kami, no... strike me down now, please, and save me from this.'

Sadly for her, it didn't happen and within a few seconds her whole family was asking her questions regarding Harry as she just let out a whine.
Christmas 2
Harry Leferts

Leaning back in her chair, Musashi picked a bit at her teeth as she nodded towards Enterprise who was sitting at the table alongside CarDiv1 at the neighbouring table. "This Musashi would like to say I enjoyed the meal, and thank you."

Simply nodding as she patted her own lips, Enterprise smiled a little bit. "Don't mention it, I'm just happy that Operation Santa's Sleigh went off without a hitch with the super convoy."

Yamato just frowned a little bit as she looked down at her now empty plate. "I, Yamato am still surprised at just how much food and supplies we brought."

Grinning, Enterprise snorted a little bit. "That's the true might of America right there. Enough food and supplies for everyone to enjoy Christmas." Stretching a little bit, she let out a sigh. "Not to mention mobilizing every bit of strategic airlift we had between us, the Canadians, and the Japanese. Hopefully the boys down in Taiwan are enjoying Christmas as well."

With a hum, Kaga glanced around as Christmas music played. "I am thankful that the Australians are taking care of those in the Philippines and such. Not to mention Europe with England and Iceland."

Akagi just smiled as she adjusted the Santa hat on her head as she tried to slip some reindeer antlers onto Kaga's. "I enjoyed the sortie last night to provide security for Santa Claus-Dono with our planes providing him an escort."

It was with some wry amusement that Yamato watched as Kaga leaned to the side to avoid the antlers again and again as Akagi continued her efforts. The whole time the Battleship noted that Kaga's expression did not change though she swore there was a twinkle in her eyes as well as an very slight upturn of her lips. "I, Yamato am still not sure about that. Is it really a tradition?"

Blinking, Enterprise looked up and nodded. "Yeah, the whole tracking of him is." She waved a hand around as the other Japanese shipgirls turned their attention to her. "Apparently back in the 1950s, some kid managed to call NORAD on Christmas Eve by accident. And when he found out, he asked the radar operator if he saw Santa Claus and where he was... so the operator played along and since it's been a tradition."

Slowly nodding, Musashi let out a booming laugh. "This Musashi likes that!"

However, what caught her attention was Akagi wagging a finger at Enterprise though everyone blinked as Kaga somehow had the antlers and a red nose put on her without anyone noticing. "You're acting as if Santa Claus-Dono does not exist."

Just staring at the sight of Kaga sitting there with antlers and a red nose, Enterprise eventually shook it off. "Because he doesn't?"

Setting down her fork, Hornet just looked at her sister before sharing a look with Akagi. "Uh... E? Both me and Red Castle here had our pilots escorting something up there across Japan through our sector. And something about the right size was right there on my radar."

Enterprise stared at her sister. "Bull and shit."

Not even a moment later, Yorktown shook her own head. "E, I saw something on my radar as well though my pilots weren't able to get close."

When Kaga and Musashi chimed in as well, Enterprise just shook her head. "But... that's impossible!"

Highly amused, Yamato just sipped her drink before setting it down. "I, Yamato, would like to remind you that we are ships, and yet women."

Grumbling, Enterprise slumped a bit into her seat before she glanced over at the table taken up by DesDiv6 who, like a number of those tables where natural borns sat, had their human family with them. Then she blinked a little. "Wait... where did those Destroyers go?"

Now sitting up a bit straighter, Yamato noticed that someone else was gone. "Or Shinano?"

Before any of the others could comment, the doors to the kitchen opened up and Shinano walked out along with Taigei and Maruyu, all three pushing carts with something on top which they began to set onto tables. Enterprise could also see Harry and Inazuma with their own carts that had what looked like a pots on gas flames and a lighter. Eyes widening as she realized what they were setting out, Enterprise hissed before turning to her fellow Carriers. "Uh... do any of you have any problem with fire?"

Confused, Kaga and Akagi shared a look before Kaga shook her head. "None, as long as it is not a big flame or else we would have issues with candles."

Slowly, Enterprise let out a breath as Hornet shook her head as well. "That's... good."

Pretty confused by this point, Yamato was about to ask when Enterprise pointed and they all followed her hands to where Harry and Inazuma brought their ladles out of their pots before bringing lighters to them. Within less then a second, ghostly blue flames covered the ladles which they then poured out over the dessert they had brought out. Some shipgirls jerked back from the flames while others stared in amazement. Then the two moved to the next tables as the flames went out only to repeat the process. It was Akagi who recognized it and smiled. "Christmas pudding!"

At the looks of confusion, Enterprise chuckled and shook her head. "Never been to England?"

Intrigued, Yorktown leaned forward to better look at her sister. "Nope, why?"

Out of the corner of her eye, Enterprise noted that the Kongou sisters were practically bouncing in their seats to the sighs of Goto. "Over in Britain they got this dessert that they call 'Christmas Pudding'. It's not bad really, though when it's served they pour a mixture of alcohol over it that's on fire. The flames burn off the alcohol pretty quickly though so kids can eat it as well while leaving the pudding itself untouched." She then gestured at the rest of the Destroyers of DesDiv6 who were coming from behind Inazuma and Harry with carts that had different bowls, each with their own ladles. As soon as the flames went out, the Destroyers would talk with the people at the table and then spoon out what looked like cream that soon covered the desserts. "Then you put a cream or rum butter... or something similar on top."

It was then that Shinano reached their table and began to set out the puddings which Yamato nodded at. "You seem happy, Imouto."

Blushing, Shinano gave them all a bright smile as she nodded. "I am, everyone is here for Christmas..." She then bit her lip and Enterprise winced internally as some of her fairies commented on weaponized adorkablenes. "And, um, I hope that you like it. I helped Maruyu-Chan and Taigei-San make them with Harry-Chan..."

Musashi only snorted and crossed her arms across her chest. "This Musashi is sure that it came out perfect and that we'll enjoy it, Imouto. After all, you helped."

The flush on Shinano's face was only offset by sparkle of happiness in her eyes as she set down the last one. "Thank you, Onee-Chan... Um, be careful, there's some silver charms in some of them that you shouldn't eat."

By the time that they were all finished and sat down, Shinano could only happily smile as all the pudding disappeared rapidly. And more then a few shipgirls were happy that they got silver anchors in their puddings before they moved on to the other desserts.

In the darkness, the only sound was the crunching of footsteps on frost covered grass as the Moon shone done through the winter clouds as Goto stared at the hull in front of him, one hand in his pockets. At the sound of the footsteps, he turned to see Kongou walk up and stare at the hull before he spoke. "How are your sisters?"

Kongou just gently smiled at him as her breath misted. "They're settling down and won't bother us." Seeing Goto about to say something, she reached over and placed a finger to his lips. "And the other Battleships accepted my excuse that I wanted to take a walk to work off a little bit of the food."

Chuckling, Goto shook his head. "You certainly enjoyed the pudding, didn't you?"

Brightly smiling, Kongou nodded. "Dess!" Then her smile became soft as she looked at the ship in front of her before walking forward and reaching out to place her fingertips against the cold steel, which seemed to warm under her touch. "This is her, isn't it?"

Hands in his pockets, Goto only nodded as there was a far off gaze on his face. "Hai, JDS Kongou... my old ship." Walking up beside his girlfriend, Goto reached out as well. "I served on her for years before I became her Captain. Fought like hell against the Abyssals in those few battles and even sank a Dreadnought... might have lost her when you showed up and saved our asses that one battle."

Pulling back, Kongou only nodded as her eyes swept the hull, taking note of the damage still unrepaired on her namesake. "I've visited her before though... I've never been on her." Kongou's eyes softened some. "I've talked with her too, though... it's sad that she's like this."

Goto only sighed in sadness as he shook his head. "The damage was too severe, she'll never sail again." Tears prickled at his eyes as he took a deep breath. "But I'm not ready to have her scrapped yet, I know that she still has that burning desire to fight in her... so she's taken defending the base."

A hand placed on his shoulder caused him to look over at Kongou who smiled. "She does a wonderful job at that. I'm proud of her."

Placing his own hand over hers, Goto gave it a squeeze. "That she does." Arm held out, which Kongou placed hers through with a blush on her face, Goto gestured toward the ship. At her look, Goto chuckled. "It's something I've done when I can since you shipgirls arrived. After all, if ships have spirits... anyways, want to join me?"

Gently, Kongou placed her head onto Goto's shoulder. "Dess."

It took only minutes for the two to reach the bridge before Goto slowly ran his hands along the various instruments with a fond look in his eye. "Hey, it's been a little while, hasn't it? And don't worry, I haven't forgotten you." Reaching into his pocket, Goto pulled out a small bag filled with chocolate coins, candy canes, and the like before he set it onto the chair. "We brought you something to enjoy..."

More then an hour passed before the two left, both of them hanging back at the end of the gangplank for a moment, Kongou turning to the Destroyer. "Merry Christmas, Musume."

The human beside her tipped his hat. "Merry Christmas."

Both of them turned and stopped as they felt a wind ruffle past them and they could have sworn, for just one moment, two small arms wrapped around their waists as a whisper reached their ears. "Merry Christmas, Otou-San, Okaa-San."

With identical looks, Kongou and Goto looked back at the silent hull before sharing a raised eyebrow. Then smiles broke out on their faces and the two walked off. Meanwhile, up on the bridge, all that remained on the Captain's chair of their gift was an empty treat bag and some wrappers.
Texas Teaches Southern BBQ
Edgar Fizzlewhip

"Alright Harry, you said you wanted to learn about barbecuing, right?"

"Yes ma'am, Miss Texas."

"Well, first thing you need to learn is that grilling and barbecuing ain't the same thing. Grilling is nice, and it's a good way to cook a meal if you've only got half an hour but it ain't barbecue and it never will be. Barbecue is low and slow." Here she patted the smoker beside her. "So, let's get the wood loaded in here, and start getting it ready."

"Texas, where are you, girl?" Another shipgirl was approaching, slightly shorter than Texas with the slightest hint of crow's feet at the corner of her eyes. "And who's this?"

"Momma, this is Harry, he's Nagato's boy. Harry, this is my momma, USS South Carolina. She was America's first post dreadnought battleship. Anyway, I'm teaching him how to barbecue."

"I hope you're using a proper vinegar based sauce, and not that ketchup based goo you pretend is barbecue sauce."

"Momma, I ain't even gotten to talking about the wood, much less sauce."

"Oh good, I caught you before you could fill his head with tripe about mesquite."

"Momma, mesquite gives a nice flavor. And my 'ketchup based goo' is a better sauce than your vinegar based piss any day of the week."

New Orleans, who had been watching the affair quietly until this point, tugged on the sleeve of Harry's shirt and said,"It's best if we leave them be for now Harry. This is going to take a while. How about I teach you how to cook a proper gumbo instead?"

Edit: They first version of this came before I was quite finished. The last time I try writing something this long on my phone.
Christmas 3
Harry Leferts

Yawning, Ashigara put away the DJ equipment she had set out and slumped in her chair as she looked around the now empty dining room. Most of the shipgirls had left much earlier and pretty much the only people remaining were in the kitchen cleaning dishes or putting leftovers away. Not that there was much left overs. Almost despite herself, Ashigara turned to look at the small bit of Christmas cake left on the plate beside her before snatching up. "At least one of us won't be unwanted." Slowly chewing it, Ashigara blinked as she heard a sound and noticed that Captain Yonehara was dozing on one of the tables. "What in the world?"

Frown on her face, Ashigara walked over and nudged him. "Mmph."

Amused, Ashigara nudged him again. "Hey, Sousuke, get up." When he opened his eyes and sat up, the Cruiser had to bite back a giggle at the sight of the napkin stuck to his face. "Uh..."

Seeing her point at his cheek, it took a little bit for his hazy thoughts to gather and he reached up before yanking it off his face. "Ugh... someone probably caught a picture of that."

Now giggling, Ashigara shook her head a little bit before a smell hit her and she raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me that you're drunk, Sousuke."

However, Yonehara just waved her off with a small chuckle. "Nah, just a little bit buzzed." Getting up though, he wavered on his feet and it was only by Ashigara grabbing him that he didn't fall. "Uh... okay... maybe a little bit?"

Unable to help herself, Ashigara only shook her head as she began to help him to the door. "Let's get you back to your quarters to sleep it off." Partway to the door though, Yonehara stopped and was staring at something on the ceiling. Following his gaze, Ashigara winced at the sight of the mistletoe in the doorway. "Great... even the kami now want to poke fun at me."

Blinking, Yonehara looked from the mistletoe and then to Ashigara in confusion. "Um, what?"

Ashigara though only fixed him with a look as she snorted and then pointed up. "The mistletoe. What do you do under a mistletoe, Sousuke?"

He just stared at her and then at the mistletoe before looking back at her. "... Kiss?"

Nodding, Ashigara put a finger into the air. "Exactly! If you're under the mistletoe, you're supposed to be kissed by someone. But all it's doing is making sure that I remember that no guy would ever want the Hungry Wolf. Fuck, I've been told no guy wants someone like me." Eyes closed, she shook her head not noticing the odd look on Yonehara's eyes. "Pfft. Bastard plants, they're mocking me."

Perhaps it was because of all the frustration that had built up over the past few months from being around the woman he deeply cared for. Or perhaps it was due to the alcohol in his system lowering his inhibitions, but Yonehara frowned. "So... you'd like to be kissed under the mistletoe?"

Just shrugging, Ashigara shook her head. "Sure, as long as it was a guy who wants me, you know? Who'd take me out on dates and stuff." When Ashigara opened her eyes though, she found that Yonehara's face was pretty close to hers. "Wha... what? Uh, Sousuke...?"

Yonehara just leaned closer as the Cruiser's cheeks turned red and frowned. "A guy who wants you, huh? And he'd have permission to kiss you?"

Swallowing, Ashigara nodded as she felt her boilers begin to redline. "We-well, yeah, any guy who wants to kiss me like that ca-" Any other words coming out of her mouth were cut off as Yonehara's face shot forward and she found herself being kissed before being pressed against the doorframe. For a few moments, her eyes nearly popped from her head before slowly, they closed as she wrapped her arms around the officer's neck. "Mmm..."

Unnoticed by either of them, Harry and DesDiv6 were watching from the kitchen with blushes on their faces. "Whoa..."

Blinking, Hibiki looked toward Harry with a red coloring her cheeks. "Is there another way out?"

With a shake of his head, Harry pointed in one direction. "Yeah, there's a door over there, why?"

The Destroyer glanced back toward where Yonehara and Ashigara were kissing, only for her eyes to widen as the Captain's hands drifted lower and Ashigara wrapped one leg around his waist. "Becausewe'regoinginthatdirectionrightnow!"

Akatsuki just looked at Hibiki with a frown on her face. "But-"

She wasn't able to finish though as Hibiki yanked her sister out of sight of the two adults groaned, soon followed by Harry, Inazuma, and Ikazuchi. "WE'RE GOING NOW!"

Neither Ashigara nor Yonehara took note of the slamming of the door.

Giving Zui a pat and the turkey warbling, Akagi looked over at Kaga who placed some eggnog in front of her. "That was a wonderful party." She then snickered a little bit as Kaga sat down, still with the antlers on her head and the red nose. "Thank you for playing along."

Expressionless except for a raised eyebrow, Kaga blinked. "Whatever do you mean?"

Unable to help herself, Akagi just chuckled before bringing up her phone and taking a picture of Kaga. "Yes, whatever could I mean." Then her face lit up as she pointed at Kaga. "You're smiling!"

Raising her eyebrow a little bit more, Kaga hummed. "No, I'm not."

Eyes narrowing, Akagi pointed towards one spot. "Liar, I see your lips upturned!"

Kaga just gave a sigh as Akagi continued to grin. "You're seeing things." Suddenly, her phone beeped and she looked down before bringing something up. "..."

Intrigued, Akagi ignored Zui as she made her way over to look and then blinked. "Zuikaku sent you a picture?"

Amused, Kaga just held it closer so that her fellow member of CarDiv1 could see it better. "She did."

For a few moments, Akagi blinked before turning toward Kaga in utter befuddlement. "Is that a turtle wearing a elf hat eating a strawberry?"

Sighing, Kaga nodded a little bit. "That would be Zuikaku's pet snapping turtle, Kashu.."

It took almost a minute, but then Akagi's cheeks puffed out before she lost the fight and began to laugh while leaning against the stoic Kaga. "Sh-she has a snapping turtle... n-n-named Kashu!?" At Kaga's nod, Akagi began to laugh so hard tears prickled at her eyes as Kaga allowed herself a small smile at the sight. "O-oh! By the ka-kami!"

With a small chuckle herself, Kaga nodded. "Indeed." She then looked up at the clock and let out a sigh. "Anyways, we should be heading to bed, we'll need to be up early after all."

All the laughing Akagi could do though was nod through her laughter. Though a few moments later that turned into a squeal as Kaga twisted around and then picked her up. "LET ME DOWN!"

Eyes twinkling, Kaga only shook her head as she left the room, Zui giving a warble before the turkey settled down for the night.
Christmas 4
Harry Leferts

Quietly opening the door, Hermione's mother peaked into her daughter's room and had to hold back a smile. Mainly because Hermione was being cuddled by not just Phoebe, but also Dido and Cleopatra. How those four fit in said bed was a mystery to Helen Granger. On the floor was several of Hermione's other "Sisters" in their sleeping bags, all cuddled against each other. Despite being nervous about their daughter being a shipgirl, they still loved her. And now it turned out that they now had more daughters as the other Didos had accepted being adopted into the Granger family.

Remembering the shock from the shipgirls at the offer still brought a smile to the woman's face. However, more important to her was the memory of them accepting it fully and with happiness, and as her hand placed itself against her lower belly, Helen teared up as she remembered that a void that had only been partially filled by her daughter was now fully gone. Something that she was thankful for. Ever since then, the various Didos had been stopping by to stay the night or day on their shore leaves. It was at the point where there was almost always one, if not two, of them besides Hermione there with them. 'Not that I'm complaining...'

Suddenly, Bonaventure's eyes opened and the Cruiser smiled a little bit. "Mornin', Mum."

Helen just smiled as she whispered back. "Good morning, Bon. I was just checking in on you all."

There was a smile as the Cruiser glanced at her sisters and then back at the woman at the door. Despite looking to be in their late teens, all of them had decided to call Helen "Mum" after she adopted them into their family. "What time is it?"

Chuckling, Helen shook her head. "Just a little past eight. And don't worry, I'll have some breakfast done up for when you all wake up. However, for now, just enjoy a bit of a lay in, hmm? You all work so hard that you deserve it. And you got a few days off to rest and relax."

If anything, that caused Bonaventure to smile even wider as she snuggled back into the cuddlepile. "K', love you, Mum."

With a rueful shake of her head, Helen just closed the door. "And I love you too."

Smacking her lips, Bonaventure sighed a little bit. "We got the best human Mum, ever."

From where she was laying, Cleopatra nodded. "As if there was any doubt."

The two shared a smile and then soon dozed off until about midmorning when they all decided to get up to the smell of breakfast cooking.

Opening the door, Ashigara practically floated into the quarters that she shared with her sister only to blink as Myouko stood in front of her with her arms crossed. "And where have you been all morning?"

At the memory of where, Ashigara only sighed and now it was her sister's turn to blink as she could have sworn there was sparkles surrounding the Cruiser. "Somewhere... wonderful." Then she perked up some and went for her drawers. "Anyways... I'm just going to change out of my clothes."

Rapidly shaking off her confusion, Myouko turned around with a glare. "That wasn't an answer, Ashigara."

Beside the eldest of the three, Haguro nodded. "We were worried about you when you never came home last night." Watching as Ashigara sighed again, Haguro frowned. "And you haven't been around all morning either."

Smiling, Ashigara twirled around before ducking into the bathroom. "Something wonderful happened."

Haguro blinked and looked toward Myouko with a frown on her face. "... I think that something is wrong with her..."

All Myouko did was grumble as she scowled at the closed door. "No kidding, this isn't like Ashigara at all." Then she paused and frowned thoughtfully. "In fact... she's acting really odd. Like..." Her eyes then widened and she sucked in some breath. "Like she was drugged!"

Now sitting up on her bed, Nachi's jaw dropped. "Drugged? You don't think that she's tried to escape from not getting a boyfriend by... actually using drugs? Ashigara? No way!"

Tapping her chin, Myouko shook her head. "No, I don't think she would do it on purpose. But maybe one of the others slipped her something as a joke?" Punching a fist into her palm, Myouko narrowed her eyes into a glare. "I bet that one of those Americans did it! They're always pranking us Japanese shipgirls!"

Slowly, Haguro raised a finger. "Um... what if she just had something happen that made her really happy though?"

With a blink, Nachi raised an eyebrow before jerking her thumb at the bathroom where singing could be heard. "But what could have made her that happy? I mean... she's practically glowing!" Waving her hands around, Nachi shook her head. "She's practically got all her signal flags out!"

Finger on her chin, Haguro looked up at the ceiling in thought for almost a minute before shrugging. "Maybe... she's got a boyfriend?"

This time almost two minutes passed before Myouko shook her head. "As much as I love our sister and hope for the best in regards to her, I doubt that it's that. She comes on way too strong for any guy to go on a second date with her, let alone a first. Besides, we would have heard about her going out on the first date."

Just frowning, Haguro blinked. "What about that Captain, Yonehara?"

Looking over, Nachi frowned. "Yonehara Sousuke?" At the nod, she snorted. "He's interested in her, but the guy gets all tongue tied about it. Maybe if he wrestled up the courage to do it, but that won't happen for a while, if ever honestly."

While they were puzzling over Ashigara's actions, they heard the shower stop followed by a few minutes later by Ashigara herself coming out already dressed before she rushed over to the mirror and began to fix her hair. As she let out a sigh, Myouko leaned toward her. "So... where are you going?"

Brightly smiling, Ashigara giggled, actually giggled. "I'm going out, my boyfriend is taking me on a date for lunch... I'll see you all later!"

Outside of the door opening and closing, utter silence filled the room before her sisters snapped their heads to stare at the closed door in shock, the same word passing their lips. "BOYFRIEND!?"

Nearly as one, they ran to the door and looked into the hallway only to find Ashigara had already left. Then they ran to the windows and stared as Ashigara ran out and jumped onto Yonehara before pulling him into a heated kiss that he returned. Several minutes passed before they finally separated and Ashigara waved to her sisters who slowly waved back as her and Yonehara walked off. "..."

Stunned, Haguro turned toward the other two Cruisers. "... Wow..."

After a few moments, Myouko just smiled and nodded. "Yeah." Then her eyes narrowed. "And he better treat Ashigara right or else."

That got her nods from the other two as Yonehara felt a shiver run down his back, though he dismissed that a moment later as his new girlfriend cuddled his arm to her chest with a happy sigh.
Granger Family vs. Gossip

As funny as it would be, I think I won't derail the thread further with the "Finns are mongols" -meme. As funny as it is. Instead, have a snippet.

* * *

Helen Granger sighed and put down the bowl when she heard the doorbell ring. "Cleo dear, could you please continue kneading the dough, please?" she asked one of her new daughters and went to quickly rinse her hands.

"Sure thing, mum!"

The sudden inclusion of fifteen more daughters to the family - Helen still wondered would she she have made the offer is she had known exactly how many Didos there were - had certainly put pretty much everything upside down. But she couldn't deny that she enjoyed having the girls around. Honestly, they were a downright godsend whenever something new regarding Hermione popped up. She would most definitely not have taken that sudden disappearance of the aluminum foil roll from the kitchen, or the midnight raid of the fridge by the fairies, or what happened in the bathroom, quite as calmly as she did if Phoebe hadn't been there to explain things to her.

Bless that girl.

Still chuckling at the recent antics at the Granger residence, Helen went to open the door. And then froze.

On the porch stood, Mrs. Wilkins, one of the neighborhood ladies, with entirely too curious look in her eye, and entirely too fake smile on her face. "Good afternoon, Helen dear. I haven't heard a peep out of you for closer to two weeks, so I thought I'd come by to see if everything is all right. May I come in?"

Helen's good mood vanished into thin air as she looked at the smiling face of the worst gossip she had ever known. Of course the recent hullabaloo had been noticed. On the off-chance that Mrs. Wilkins hadn't witnessed it herself, she had probably heard about it from a dozen people already. Of course it was her, who first decided to come and investigate herself.

For a few seconds Helen didn't really know what to do. She tried to return Mrs. Wilkins' smile, but in the current situation it was hard to summon one. In the rush of recent events she had completely forgotten put any thought on how to present her new family members to the neighborhood. In fact, the fact that other people would certainly take note of a large number of young women suddenly coming and going from the Hermione residence had completely slipped Helen's mind.

Then the decision was taken out of Helen's hands, as Cleopatra rushed out of the kitchen. "Mum! Is the dough supposed to turn like this!?"

Helen felt her smile crack, as Mrs. Wilkins' eyes grew big for a moment. She then gave Helen a very meaningful look before peering around her to look at what seemed like a teenage girl peering from the kitchen into the hallway. Mechanically, Helen turned her head to look at Cleopatra, who looked back at Mrs. Wilkins.

For a few seconds the three women just stared at each other. Then Cleopatra quickly looked down at the mixing bowl, frantically glanced around in the lobby, and then gingerly placed the bowl on top of a drawer, and gingerly tried to remove the worst of the dough from her hands. Mrs. Wilkins, for her part, merely raised an eyebrow and gave Helen another very meaningful look.

It took Cleopatra maybe a minute or two to mostly clear her hands of the dough. In the end, when the girl grew frustrated with the exercise, and started licking what still remained in her hands, Helen was finally shocked into action. She quickly walked to the girl, and firmly pushed her back to the kitchen. "Cleopatra, be a dear and wash your hands like civilized people do."

For a few seconds the cruiser had a flabbergasted look on her face, like she hadn't even considered this course of action. She thengave Helen a sheepish smile, and quickly dashed to the sink. Helen, for her part, turned back to Mrs. Wilkins. "Won't you come in, please, Sally."

Wearing an immensely self-satisfied look on her face, Mrs. Wilkins nodded and stepped inside, drawing the front door closed behind her. "Thank you so much for having me over, Helen, dear," she said before glancing towards the kitchen. "It looks like some things have changed here, have they?"

Helen just gave a small nod. Just then Cleopatra rushed back out of the kitchen and held out her hand for Mrs. Wilkins to shake. "Hello there, ma'am! Are you friend of mom's? I'm H-, I mean, I'm Cleopatra Granger, nice to meet you!"

Mrs. Wilkins quickly took the offered hand, and gave Cleopatra a very smug smile. "Hello there dear, I am Sally Wilkins, I live just down the street. Very nice to meet you Cleopatra, have you lived here long?"

Cleo quickly shook her head. "Oh, no! We just finished the adoption papers a few days ago and the admir-, I mean I-, I mean we all just officially moved in." There was a pause. "Though I'm the only one here at the moment, the others are all on-duty. Even Hermione."

"On duty? Adoption?" Mrs. Wilkins said in very curious voice, causing Cleopatra to nod enthusiastically.

"Yeah, it was so awesome that Hermione's parents were willing to take us all in! This way we're even more a real family!"

Before Mrs. Wilkins had time to continue her interrogation, Helen stepped in to try and wrestle back at least some control over the situation. "Cleopatra dear, would you be so kind and bring Sally and I some tea and biscuits in the living room, please? Feel free to set a cup for yourself, too."

Cleopatra's whole face light up. "You mean, like, brew a pot, take cups and plates, and that platter we have in the cupboard, and bring them all to the living room? And then sit down to drink tea with you and Mrs. Wilkins?"

Helen nodded, "That's right, dear."

Cleopatra grinned and saluted, her whole being downright trembling from excitement. "Will do, ma'am!"

Her smile still feeling a bit brittle, Helen gestured towards the living room. "Shall we?"

Mrs. Wilkins nodded. "Oh yes, please, most definitely Helen, dear. I mean, I feel like you've been downright holding out on us, not introducing your new daughters and all."

* * *

I attempted to make the characters sound British. Except Cleopatra, who I just tried to make sound like a bit of an airhead. The results are undoubtedly abysmal, as I have a very shaky grasp of how to make characters speak like stereotypical Britons. And the aim was to make Mrs. Wilkins like a character who could have stepped out of Keeping Up Appearances. The kind Hyacinth Bucket would loathe to host but couldn't think how to get rid of.

Snippet 9: sasahara17

Hey all. Here's a little quick set of ideas I thought I should throw up. It just occurred to me that Harry is a wizard. In some fairy tales, wizards, witches and fairy godmothers grant wishes and give powers to children or people willing to form diabolical evil pacts. Thus this.

Darthcourt note - Including this because of a later storyline mentions Kiyoshimo's constant trying to be a battleship and I was always sketchy about this snip in particular.

"No, Kiyoshimo-chan, I really can't do that."

"But I wanna become a Battleship! I wanna, I wanna!" Kiyoshimo stomped her foot down on the ground petulantly before folding her arms and pouting.

"I know you do, but I really, really can't do that," Harry said as he attempted to talk some reason to the destroyer for the umpteenth time that morning, "Magic does not work that way, and I'm also not allowed to use Magic while I am not at school."

"But I saw you change all those spare parts into a new boat anchor for Ikazuchi yesterday! A few flicks of your wand, and then voila! New boat anchor! You used magic then, so why not now?" Kiyoshimo asked.

"Kiyoshimo, that was a controlled experiment approved by the Japanese Ministries beforehand. We wanted to see if my magic could help speed up supply and repair times," Harry said wearily, "And in the end, it turned out Ikazuchi's magic didn't recognize the boat anchor as part of her rigging until we did a further ritual, so it wasn't very efficient."

"But it did work eventually, right?" Kiyoshimo insisted.

"Well, yes. But the amount of resources…"

"Then that means you can transmogitify my rigging so that I can become a Battleship!" Kiyoshimo reasoned happily. Her logic was simple - If Harry could use his wizarding powers to change scrap metal into a new boat anchor for Ikazuchi, then he could do the same with Kiyoshimo's rigging.

In her view, all it would take would be a a few flicks of Harry's magic wand, and then Kiyoshimo would finally be the battleship she had always wanted to be!

"Transfiguration doesn't work that way," Harry tried to explain yet again. "Besides, it takes more resources to-"

"Resources? Ah-ha! I get it, you want payment from me for your services, right Harry-chan?" Kiyoshimo nodded in understanding (or perceived understanding as was the case here), "I get, it, I get it. You're just like those dark wizards in the books, needing proper payment and everything. Not to worry, I, Kiyoshimo, have payment for you!"

"Kiyoshimo-chan, that's not what I mea-"

"I OFFER MYSELF!" Kiyoshimo slapped both palms flat against her (flat, unimpressive, Ryuujou would sympathize with) chest, causing Harry's jaw to drop. "That's good payment right? Payment of my immortal soon to be Battleship-soul is good currency for Wizards, right? Akagi's computator said so!"

"…nope." Harry spun on his heel and ran off as fast as his two legs could carry him. The young wizard had decided he needed to find someone much more sensible, like the submarines, to hang out with.

"Eh, Harry-chan? Where are you going? Come back! I need you to turn me into a battleship!" Kiyoshimo called out as she began chasing the fleeing wizard.


A/N – Then one day, Kiyoshimo learns about Pollyjuice potions. I think it goes without saying that Yokosuka Naval Base would have a hell of a time fixing that mess!
Harry falls ill
Harry Leferts

Completely, and utterly miserable, Harry sneezed again before laying back with a groan. He absolutely, positively, hated being sick at times. Once more, he cursed at the common cold in his head at whoever might be listening as he pulled his blankets closer and sniffled. "Ugh..."

For several moments, Harry closed his eyes before he let out a cough while wincing at how his throat felt like sandpaper. However, he opened his eyes as he heard the sound of metal clattering against metal and blinked as he turned his head to the side. There, practically right in front of him, was his tea set with steam gently rising from the spout. Another burst of coughs wracked him before he sat up and looked around. "Mum?" Not getting an answer, and remembering that Nagato was out to get him some cough drops, he furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to remember if he had heard anyone come in.

There was a frown on Harry's face as he couldn't remember hearing anything and he could have sworn that his tea set was where it normally was before he shook it off. Sitting up and snorting back some mucus before blowing his nose, Harry looked at what was set out and frowned. "Let's see... honey... and tea?" Still frowning, Harry leaned down and sniffed as he tried his best to smell, only to catch the barest hint of something in the tea. '... Ginger?'

Eventually though, his curiosity was too much and poured some of the tea out and into a cup and brought it fully to his nose. Blinking, Harry hummed. "Yup, ginger." Looking around again, Harry just frowned before he added some honey to the tea. "I wonder who made it?"

A hiss caused him to look toward his tank where Shiromizu was watching him in equal parts amusement and worry. After all, she liked him being sick as much as he did. "{Do not worry yourself, Harry. The one who made the tea for you cares and will never harm you.}" She then tilted her head and flicked out her tongue a little bit. "{In fact, I would go as far to say that they would protect you.}"

Blowing his nose again, Harry looked around and nodded. "I'll have to thank them... some nice ginger tea will help." When he heard a clatter, he looked down at the tea pot only to blink at how the lid stilled. However, he soon shook it off and pulled out one of his manga as he read, the blankets tucked around him as he sipped the tea and felt it sooth his throat and clear his sinuses a bit. It was about an hour later that he turned at the sound of the door opening and, soon after, Nagato poked her head into the room which caused Harry to smile through his sniffles. "Mum!"

Gently smiling herself, Nagato walked in fully and took in the tea pot. Smelling the ginger among other herbs though, she shook it off as she internally sighed. 'I wish that he wouldn't make tea while sick.' Kneeling next to him though, she pulled out a bag of cough drops, a small tin, and a bottle of cough syrup. Seeing the face that Harry made at the last item, Nagato chuckled a little bit. "It'll help, I promise."

All Harry did though was stick out his tongue a little bit. "But it tastes gross."

Lips twitching, Nagato only shook her head. "Maybe so, but it'll help you get better quicker." Pouring out a measurement, Nagato watched one of her Fairies come out and examine it closely before it gave a thumbs up. Then she handed it over to Harry with a raised eyebrow. "Now, best get it over quickly."

Still making a face, Harry took the syrup and quickly downed it before put it down the now empty cup. "ACK! I hate that stuff!"

Nagato just couldn't help herself at the expression of supreme distaste on Harry's face as he stuck out his tongue and laughed. Her son's expression as he used the last of the tea in his cup to wash away the taste only made her laugh more. "I'm sorry, you're just too adorable."

Being pulled into a hug by his mother, Harry just let out a sigh. "It's not funny."

Her chuckles dying down, Nagato kissed him on the head. "It is." Then she pulled away the blankets as he yawned a little bit. "Now, let's get this vapour rub stuff on your chest before you lay down and get some sleep."

Blinking, Harry watched as the Battleship opened the tin after taking off her gloves and barely skimmed the whitish goo that was inside. "Chest rub?"

With a hum, Nagato brought her fingers to her nose and took a sniff before pulling back with wide eyes. "Phew!" Looking down, she stared at the stuff. "Tenryuu told me that it helps with colds... so I bought some."

Just sneezing, Harry nodded after blowing his nose. "Yeah, Aunt Petunia used to use it on Dudley..." He then shifted a bit uncomfortably as Nagato raised his shirt. "But she never used any on me when I was sick."

For a few seconds, his mother paused before she glanced up at him with a frown. Then she softly smiled and began to rub it in. "Well, I will make sure that you are taken care of." Seeing his flinch, she raised an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

Harry shook his head a little bit and shivered. "It's... a bit cold."

In reply, Nagato began to rub in with the smell already causing her to winkle her nose. "Tenryuu said that it would feel a bit cold at first, but that would go away." Part of her noted that Harry was already breathing easier and internally nodded. Once she was done, she quickly wiped her hands on some tissues and bundled Harry back up as he began to nod. "Now then, time for some sleep, hmm? The more rest you get, the quicker you get over this."

Yawning, Harry smiled and kissed Nagato on the cheek. "Okay, Mum. Thanks."

Lightly blushing, Nagato gave him a beaming smile and kissed him on the forehead. "You're very welcome, honey." She waited until he was laying back down before slowly taking the cough syrup and the vapour rub container, leaving the cough drops so he had something when he woke up. Then with a final smile, Nagato closed the door. "I'll see you later once you wake up."

The only answer she got back was quiet breathing that made her smile grow before she closed the door fully. About an hour later when Shiromizu poked her head out of her castle den to see Harry shivering as he had kicked off his blankets in his sleep. Slowly, she was about to come out fully when she paused. Meanwhile, Harry's shivers died down as two pale hands that poked out from black sleeves that had brass buttons gripped his sheets and fixed them. Then one of the hands stroked his hair as their owner sighed. "Oh Master, do get better soon. I... dislike seeing you suffer. But I shall have a nice spot of tea for you when awake, I think."

And then the hands pulled back and Shiromizu poked out more from her home before rolling her red eyes as the tea pot's lid clattered. 'Tsukumogami, honestly...'

With a shake of her head, she pulled herself back into her home where it was warmer then even Harry's room before going to sleep herself. After all, someone had to keep watch over her friend besides that tea set.
Meet Rose
Harry Leferts

Standing in front of the full length mirror, two silver colored eyes stared out from inside a pale face. "Most odd..."

After a few moments, the person began to examine themselves more closely with a thoughtful gaze as her mind drifted back. If one was to ask her, she couldn't tell them exactly when she began to think for herself. In fact, the first things she could remember were that of warmth and joy as tea filled her and people talked. There was no real thoughts, just emotions. Happiness and joy at being used and cared for. Though for some odd reason, every time there was this one young woman with a long neck and blonde hair, her emotions soured, for the life of her the tea set couldn't figure out why. Something about the woman, or thinking about her, caused a small shiver as if she knew something that she didn't quite understand. Even then though, she somehow knew that she was old. But the years continued on.

And then she felt something else, something that she never wanted to feel again... grief combined with sadness.

If she could have talked, the tea set wouldn't have been able to tell you, but she somehow knew that her beloved owner had died and it left her feeling... empty, in a way that pouring all the tea from herself never did. After a final serving of tea during the funeral, she was cleaned and then put away in a trunk. Into darkness and seemingly forgotten, and it was around then she began to have thoughts while something else happened. Another emotion bubbled up there after some time, that of fear. Fear of being forgotten in that trunk, that she might tarnish until unusable for tea, covered in a thick layer of dust. Or even worse, sold and then... melted down for her silver. The thought of which haunted her.

She still hated dark and confined places, just the idea of being put away like that caused her to shiver.

More and more often though, she began to think. And through that she also began to remember. All the way back to when she was a tea set on a train that ran through the English countryside. She could remember serving on the train for several years before it was stopped and the conductor at the time bought her, gifting her to his daughter for her wedding day. Oh, it was a wonderful time and now that she could think and feel, she could look back and actually feel joy. For years passed though there was ups and downs. For example, she could remember how her first Mistress' son went off one day in a very nice uniform, though she couldn't help but wonder why he never came back. He had to have known that she would have been waiting with a cup of tea for him, shouldn't he? Sadness filled her at the memory of her first Mistress crying as she read something in a letter sometime later before pulling her daughter in close, both of them weeping. Not even the tea helped that day or during the weeks after.

But... years passed and eventually she was passed down to her second Mistress, the first's daughter. At one point though, times became rough and her family fell on bad times. But even then, despite discussions between her second Mistress and her husband, they didn't get rid of her. He had tried to convince his wife that the money from the tea set would help, but said wife, her Mistress, would not hear of such a thing! No, she was to be kept. Those memories while tinged with sadness also brought pride to the tea set that her Mistress regarded her so highly.

And then something else happened. The tea set could remember the whispers and the fear that filled the household with an awful tension. Something horrible was brewing on the horizon. No matter, she would be there with a nice cup of tea to make them relax, as was her job. However, one day the house shook and there was screaming before her cabinet was knocked over and there was dust and smoke everywhere. She was in that cabinet for a time before her Mistress' daughter opened the door, her face full of dirt and dust.

To this day she still did not know what had smashed her home so thoroughly.

But the family soon moved to a new home out in the countryside. They were safe and so was she now, though every so often she could hear odd droning sounds above and her family would head for the cellar. Usually she tried to calm their nerves with tea though. Her Mistress' youngest son became sad though one day. Some girl he had liked named Myrtle was gone, and the tea set could now remember her and how after telling him she was going to a special boarding school, she never came back. The Mistress' two oldest sons one day left in uniforms though, one of which looked like that uniform from years before. He returned though he was missing a leg and sometimes had an odd look around him.

The younger brother did not.

However, time went on and decades passed as she was handed from mother to daughter. She could remember how there was fear several times in the households and at least once, they went into this odd cellar built into the backyard. Or another time with her final Mistress where the household celebrated some wall coming down, most odd that. Why celebrate a wall being torn down? No matter, she made sure that they had a lovely tea. It was also around this time she remembered Mistress' daughter, the one with red hair and green eyes, using her as she talked with her friend. Said friend was a bit odd with his hair and pale pallor. Then she went off to school where sometimes she came back. Though there was that one time she turned a teacup into a frog, thankfully it was not one of hers though! Even Mistress' daughter knew better then to do such to her. It was also around this time that the old friend stopped coming and was eventually replaced by a young man with glasses, messy hair, and an easy laugh.

She decided that she liked him and his laugh.

It was those memories and thoughts though that helped her during her time in the trunk. At times she drifted into them and lost sight of the world around her, boring and horrible as it was. Slowly, she began to think more and more, and feel more emotions. But as the years passed in darkness, she despaired. There was tea to make and yet here she was.

Then... one day... the trunk was opened! And she was then unwrapped and saw a face before her. She could recognize the eyes as those of the Mistress' daughter and some of the other features, such as the cheekbones and maybe the nose. But others were from the young man that had been with the daughter. Where were they though? She should have been handed to Mistress' daughter after all.

An awful truth was given to her that day, her Mistress' daughter had died. But she also took heart that she was in good hands! Her new Master, true to his word, gently washed and polished her to a brilliant shine! Why, she could swear that her thinning places had thickened again and all the dents as well as the scratches disappeared. It was almost... magical. Then, with her all spick and span, he began to use her. Oh, now that she could think and feel, she was able to enjoy the parties he put together. Though she was amused at young Akatsuki, such a darling wishing to become a lady. Of course, there was that odd snake of his that sometimes turned into half-woman, half-serpent. Not to mention how those girls sometimes looked like ships!

Much to her surprise though, she soon found that she was able to actually move. Not too much at first, just her lid. But soon, she found that she could toddle her way across the countertop. What fun now that she could have her own adventures! Though she only did so when no one else was around.

However, something had happened that left her in awe. She could take on a form so alike her Mistresses and her Master while also being a tea set. She could be in both places at once. And looking into the mirror, she just frowned a little before adjusting her double breasted jacket and smoothing her pants, though she could also change them to a skirt with only a thought. If anything though, her uniform combined with her cap made her look like the conductors on the train she had called home so many decades ago. If one had seen her from a distance though, they might have thought her a young man until they noticed the barest of swells on her chest and hips that marked her as a woman. Lifting her cap off her head, she examined her dark, reddish brown hair which resembled the color of tea. Said hair done up in a tight bun that could be hidden under her cap.

Bringing up one hand, she wiggled her fingers in front of her eyes and giggled before gasping. Placing her hand against her lips, she looked around to make sure that no one had been around to see her lapse of decorum. Not seeing anyone, she went back to looking at her hand in interest. It, like most of her body, was covered in a very pale skin, though not unhealthily so. Several sounds distracted her though and she poked her head out of the room to see those odd little people go by and into her master's room. A few moments later, she could hear that serpent-woman's voice speak up. "I don't know why you and all the other fairies keep coming back. I don't even know how to gift luck or bless things with luck!"

"Desu! Desu desu desu desu DESU!"

There was a sigh. "Oh for... Alright. I hereby gift your ships with luck, so that they may win the battle ahead and return home afloat." Several moments passed before the female voice spoke up again. "And, uh... thank you for the offerings..."

Biting her lip, the tsukumogami held back more giggles before she spotted the time and made her way toward her tea set. After all, her Master would be home soon and may need her for tea! While she could talk with him now, it was best to leave that until she could understand what was going on herself. No need to bother her Master with it.

Soon after, she reached her true self and reached out with a finger to touch it. With a sigh, she settled into place as she felt much more at ease now that she was once more part of her normal self.

After all, she was a tea set.
Hibiki's Survivors Guilt
Harry Leferts

Hibiki's expression was stoic as she continued to walk across the base at a slow, but steady pace, the only signs that something was wrong was the slight tightening around the eyes with each step. When she heard Harry's voice though, she almost paused, but kept moving. "Hibiki-Chan? HIBIKI-CHAN!"

When he ran up to her, she just glanced at him. "Harry-Chan..."

However, Harry just narrowed his eyes at her. "What the heck are you doing here, Hibiki-Chan! You're supposed to be back at the docks getting healed up!"

Simply grunting, Hibiki continued her slow pace. "Nyet. I am... okay..."

If anything though, Harry's eyes narrowed still further. "You screws were badly hurt during the last sortie, Hibiki-Chan." He then took in the tightness around her eyes and the way she paused for just a second before putting her right foot down. "You're hurting!"

Just shaking her head and letting out a breath, Hibiki let out a hiss. "I... am... fine..." Glancing toward Harry, she shook her head. "Besides, I am needed to head out with Kaa-San and the others."

At Harry's wince though, she blinked only to flinch at his next words. "Um... they already sortied, Hibiki-Chan... I just saw them head out."

Pausing, Hibiki looked in the direction of where she knew the rest of DesDiv6 had left in and nearly collapsed. "They... left..."

Eyes wide, Harry grabbed her and helped guide Hibiki over to a nearby bench. "Whoa!" Once she was sat down, Harry blinked at her. "What just happened, Hibiki-Chan?"

All she did though was slump in her seat and hold her head in her hands as shudders ran through her. "I should be there... with them."

More then a little confused, Harry glanced down at her swollen ankle and then back at Hibiki's hidden face before sitting down beside her. When he placed an arm around her shoulders though, he blinked as she leaned into it. "What do you mean?"

Swallowing heavily, Hibiki looked up and Harry froze at the tears in her eyes. "Because I must be there with them, Harry-Chan. I... I can't lose them again so I have to be there to protect them. No matter what, I need to be there and make sure that they come home."

It took a few seconds, but Harry remembered about Hibiki's history, how she was the last of DesDiv6 and survived the war. Pulling her into a hug, Harry just stroked her hair. "Oh, Hibiki-Chan."

Tightly clutching his jacket in her hands, she took a deep, shuddering breath. "I don't want to be without my sisters again... without Kaa-San or Oba-San... I don't want to be the last one. That is why I must be there... each sortie. To protect them."

Just sitting there, Harry ignored the cold, February wind that passed them both as he comforted his friend. "How would you help though, Hibiki-Chan?"

The Destroyer only let out another sigh. "I... maybe my guns and torpedoes would make the difference this time... and they'd come home..." She then clinched her eyes tightly shut as if to ward off memories. "Because it's all happening again."

Now that caused Harry to blink in confusion as he looked down at her. "What do you mean, Hibiki-Chan?"

There was silence for several moments before Hibiki spoke up. "Did you see Akatsuki-Chan's Kai Nii, Harry-Chan?"

Slowly, he nodded. "Yeah... there's a big searchlight for it."

His friend then tilted her head back and Harry could see resignation in her eyes before she buried her face back into his jacket. "Akatsuki-Chan sank... when using her searchlight to light up American ships... and she might be ordered to do the same with the Abyssals."

Harry thought this over and then hummed. "But how could you protect her?"

To his surprise, her answer was almost immediate. "Use my own spotlight to divide their attention along with my guns and torpedoes. Also get between her and the Abyssals."

Blinking, Harry looked down at her in shock before he shook it off. "I, uh, see..." Another glance at her swollen ankle though caused him to wince. "Hibiki-Chan... your screws are damaged though. What if you did go with them and you needed to run?"

A moment later, his breath caught as Hibiki looked away. "... As long as my sisters are safe."

It was then her turn to be surprised as Harry grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at him directly. "The heck, Hibiki-Chan?!" Seeing the wetness in her eyes though, the Destroyer felt like her fuel tanks had just dropped out of her hull. "How can you say that?!"

Swallowing, Hibiki tried not to look at him directly. "If it means that my family gets to live..."

While he shook his head, Harry shuffled a little. "But Hibiki-Chan, you know they wouldn't leave you behind, they'd stay and fight!" The next words out of his mouth caused Hibiki's breath to hitch as he pulled her back into a tight hug. "And I don't want to lose you either..."

Closing her eyes, Hibiki nodded against Harry's shoulder as she tightened the hug. "Sorry."

Both of them sat there for several minutes just hugging each other tightly until Harry pulled away an it and wiped his nose. Seeing Hibiki flinch again, he just nodded. "We should get you back to the docks... um, that way you can be healed up if you need to head out and give backup."

Her ankle/screws throbbing, Hibiki shifted around. "Da. That's a good idea. " Getting off the bench though, she gasped and then fell back before grunting. "Perhaps... I may need a little assistance."

Seeing Harry's expression, she knew what he might say about her going out on sortie now. However, all he did was sling one arm under her armpit and brought her own arm over his shoulders. "Well, come on then."

With a grunt, and cheeks being flushed, Hibiki stood up. A moment later though, her cheeks went conpletely red and her boilers redlined as Harry put his free arm behind her legs and lifted her into a bridal carry. "Eep!"

The boy only looked down at the red Destroyer in confusion as he got used to her weight. "You okay, Hibiki-Chan?" Not trusting her voice at the moment, Hibiki slowly nodded before Harry smiled. "Okay then, let's get you back to the rocks."

With her head in the crook of his neck, Hibiki only hummed as she smiled and snuggled deeper. After all, she felt warm and comfortable. 'This... is nice.' She was a bit disappointed though when it ended though at the docks and they were met by an annoyed Akashi.

It was worth the ribbing she got from her mother though when Tenryuu found out how she got back to the docks. Not to mention worth the interrogation that her sisters put her through. Her dreams made it even more worth it.
Akagi's Jet
Harry Leferts

Wheeling the cart full of food into the small warehouse, Harry cleared his throat. "Akagi-Oba? Where are you?"

There was a giggle from behind a curtain before the grease smudged face of Akagi poked out with a bright smile. "Hello, Harry-Chan. And I'm right here!" Then her smile brightened even more at seeing the food cart that Harry was pushing. "Oh! Is that lunch?"

Still smiling, Akagi walked and was wiping her hands on a rag as she did so. But what caught Harry's eye was that she was out of her usual uniform and was wearing something more like Akashi or one of the maintenance crews for a warship. Of course, if there was a male there older then Harry, they might have stared a bit as it became apparent that Akagi had large... fuel tanks, now that they were not being squished down. "Yup! You missed lunch, so Kaga-Oba asked that I bring you some food."

Gently, Akagi went to pat him before realizing that her hand was still full of grease and hugged him
Instead. "Thank you, I appreciate it."

Harry watched as Akagi walked over to a utility sink and turned on the water. Within seconds, steam was rising from the water as Akagi squeezed out a glob of orange goo onto her hands began to scrub. "Um, Akagi-Oba?"

Looking over her shoulder, Akagi nodded. "Yes, Harry-Chan?"

Just frowning, Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Why do have so much grease on you?"

For a moment as she rinsed off, not caring that the water was scalding, Akagi hummed before raising a finger. "If you'll give me a minute, I'll show you." After washing her hands twice more, Akagi wiped her hands dry and motioned for Harry to follow her. Though she did snatch a rice ball and had just gulped it down as she pushed through the curtain. Holding her arms out to the side, Akagi grinned. "TA-DAH!"

It took a few moments of staring, but Harry finally brought up one finger and pointed at what looked like a partially finished airplane. "Is that... what I think it is?"

Twirling in the air, Akagi giggled before flinging herself onto the plane and rubbing her face on the cockpit. "Yup! My very own jet!" She then stood up and ran one hand along the nose. "A Viper Jet MKII actually. Top speed of eight hundred and four kilometres an hour, a range of a thousand and four hundred kilometres... and it seats two!"

As Akagi walked over to eat some more food, Harry walked around the small jet in awe. "Wow... this is so cool! And you'll be flying it?"

Her finger raised, Akagi nodded as she swallowed. "Hm-hm. I've had my pilot's license for a few years now and whenever I'm over in America, I've been learning how to pilot other Viper jets. That way once I'm finished building her, I can take her out for a spin."

Off to the side, Harry could see several fairies hard at work in various projects. "That'a going to be so awesome to see."

Looking around, Akagi grinned. "Want to see something really cool?" At his excited nod, she held back a laugh and walked over to a drawer and pulled out a model. "Here's what it'll look like once I'm done."

What caught Harry's eye wasn't how the design looked, but rather the paint job. He looked back and forth between the model and Akagi who looked like she was about to squeal. "You're... going to paint it to look like it's a Razgriz plane?!"

Akagi just nodded with a face splitting grin. "Yup! I can't wait!" Suddenly, she scowled. "As long as I can keep Akashi away and from 'Improving' it."

Frowning, Harry looked at the jet. "Will I get to ride in it?"

With her smile back on her face, Akagi nodded as she patted his head. "Of course! I might even teach you in a few years and the two of us can fly our own planes..." She then tapped her chin. "We'll just have to convince some others to join us and we can have our own squadron." Akagi then pumped her fist into the air as she began to recite. "When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon."

Harry then continued, also pumping his fist into the air. "And as a demon, it uses it's power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies."

Both of them spoke as one. "However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero!"

The two of the shared the same grins at the end. And on the other side of the base, Nagato felt a shiver run down her back for some odd reason while Naka felt like facepalming for some reason and yelling at Akagi.
Harry's Onmyoji test
Harry Leferts

Quietly sipping her tea, Ryuujou watched Harry do the same as beside her both Haru and Junyou whispered to each other. She ignored how the two of them were also sharing a bottle of sake between them. Finally, the Carrier placed her cup down and considered Harry before folding her hands on top of each other. "Now then... the three of us have been teaching you various things regarding Onmyodo. Are you ready for our evaluations of your progress so far?" Her expression softened some at the nervousness on Harry's face. "There is no shame, Harry-Chan, in waiting a bit longer."

It had the effect that she was looking for as Harry straightened his spine a bit. "No, Ryuujou-Sensei, I'm ready."

Lips twitching, Ryuujou nodded. "Very well then. Haru? If you would start?"

The disguised kitsune paused from where she was chewing some tofu before she swallowed it down quickly. Letting out a sigh, she smiled at Harry. "Well, his calligraphy has improved quite a bit from where it had been when he started. Though that is not too surprising considering he's been working on that for two years. That means though that his charms have a bit more luck to them as do his talismans." Haru then gave him a look. "If he keeps progressing, then by next year I should be able to teach him something that should make any evil beings feel uncomfortable in a area."

Making a note on a clipboard, Ryuujou nodded some. "Hmm... that means that I'll have to work on some tie ins... no matter. And the second thing that you were teaching?"

Simply nodding as she drained what was left in her cup, Haru nodded. "Harry's also advanced in what I've taught him regarding identifying various plants and how to harvest and prepare them to make sure that they're at their most useful. I may have to ask Nagato-San if she doesn't mind me taking him on a trip to the countryside at some point so he can get some practical experience in it."

Slowly, Ryuujou nodded before she smiled. "That wouldn't be an bad idea, really. If you need some help, just ask." Once Haru gave a sound of agreement, Ryuujou turned toward Junyou who was draining her bottle. "Junyou..."

The Carrier blinked and set down her bottle. "I suppose you want to know my evaluation?"

Expression deadpan, along with her tone which caused Harry to giggle, Ryuujou snorted. "No, I want to know if you've taught Harry-Chan to drink."

Junyou only blinked at her and snorted. "Why didn't you say so? And nah, haven't taught him that yet as he's too young. Though I did get him to promise me that once he's legal, I get to take him out for his first drinks. Already got the spots picked out."

At her leer, Ryuujou groaned and banged the clipboard on her face. Thus, she missed the wink that Junyou sent Harry. "That wasn't what... you know what I mean."

Snickering, Junyou just shook her head. "Yeah, but it's easy." Just ignoring Ryuujou's glare easily, Junyou scratched her cheek. "As to my portion... Harry-Chan still needs a lot of work on sensory skills. Not that you're bad, kiddo, but this is just the start. I can say that in regards to reading the signs of the natural world, Harry can make a pretty good attempt at guessing when a storm's going to break and how bad it's going to be."

Intrigued, Haru leaned against her hand. "Really? Huh, that's good. What about on the more supernatural side?"

Holding up a hand, Junyou waggled it back and forth. "There's good and bad there. In order to teach him, I took him to some spots I scouted out."

Worried, Ryuujou frowned. "Nowhere dangerous I hope."

Snorting, Junyou gave her a look. "What do you take me for? And no, that was rhetorical. Besides, firstly anything dangerous would need stupid enough to think messing with me was a good idea. And secondly, I wouldn't expose kiddo to it." Taking another drink, Junyou let out a sigh. "Mainly taking him to places and not telling him what happened to see what he could tell me. He only gets more then twinges from major hotspots though. With some luck, within the next three years he should be able to start sensing things such as underground springs or gaining insight about places. But, there is something else."

Raising an eyebrow, Ryuujou frowned. "And what's that?"

Junyou only shrugged. "Harry-Chan seems to be able to use a second sight of sorts with us shipgirls. Doesn't work on anything else, but it does on us."

Curious, Haru glanced at Harry. "Oh? And what kind of sight, Harry-Chan?"

The nine year old shifted a little bit before taking a breath. "Um... if I really concentrate hard, I can see your hulls?"

For several moments there was silence as a floor Ryuujou stared at him. "... You can see our hulls?"

He just shrugged a little bit. "Kind of? It's easier to see with shipgirls like Miss Enterprise or Kongou-Oba."

Thoughtful, Ryuujou stared off into the distance. "Yes... I suppose that it would be easier since they carry more spiritual weight... Harry-Chan, could you do that now?" She watched as he nodded and then closed his eyes. When he opened them, Ryuujou could almost see a glow. "Okay, I'm doing something now... what do you see?"

Frowning, Harry narrowed his eyes before blinking. "You're lowering your elevator?"

All Ryuujou did was lean back and let out a breath. "Okay... that's different. Useful though around here." Suddenly, she paused as a thought occurred to her and she raised an eyebrow. "Does it only work on active shipgirls, or can you use it on natural borns not woken up yet?"

Harry tilted his head a little to the side and frowned. "Um... I kind of used it when I woke up Miksasa-Baa-Chan."

That bit of information caused both Ryuujou and Junyou, as well as Haru, to pause in what they were doing as they turned as one to look at Harry directly. Eyes narrowed in interest, Junyou just sipped her drink to hide her thoughts. 'That's right... but is that because of how much he has hung around us shipgirls, or is it because his mother might have been a unawakened natural born... that's the main question.' Shaking her head, Junyou just smiled a little bit at Harry. "That's honestly a pretty interesting bit of information, Harry-Chan."

Not even a moment later, Junyou blinked at her empty hand and then turned her head with a playful glare to see Haru sipping from the bottle she had. "Huh... so what have you taught him, Ryuujou?"

It went without saying that the Carrier in question leaned forward with a smirk. "Harry-Chan's come along pretty far in what I've taught him... but how about I show you all?" She then gave a nod toward Harry. "How does that sound, Harry-Chan?"

Eyes wide, Harry suddenly smiled and nodded. "That sounds great, Ryuujou-Sensei!"

Pulling out a piece of silk cloth and a orb of rock crystal about the size of his fist, Ryuujou nodded as she set them both down. "Okay, begin."

With a deep breath, Harry reached out and held his hand over the silk cloth as both Junyou and Haru watched in interest. Several seconds went by before it twitched. And then it twitched again before slowly, it rose off the table and then Harry moved his hand so it was underneath the cloth that undulated in the air above. Just nodding, Haru gave him a clap and a smile. "Very nice, Harry-Chan."

Rubbing a finger against her chin, Junyou nodded. "And how long can you keep it up for and what else can you use?"

After a glance to Ryuujou who nodded, Harry shifted a little bit. "A few minutes, and it's mostly pieces of cloth and paper... I've tried it with heavier things like marbles but..."

The purple haired Carrier just reached across the table and ruffled his hair a little bit. "Yeah, denser and with a smaller surface area to play around with, I can understand why you might be having trouble."

Smiling, Harry nodded before slowly setting down the cloth. "Ryuujou-Sensei is also teaching me origami but..."

Her lips turned slightly up in a smile, Ryuujou took a piece of paper and held it in her hands as it began to fold itself until it was a crane. "That's a bit harder." The crane then began to flap it's wings as it rose up into the air. "But, Harry-Chan's progressing in that as well." With a smile, she nodded toward the orb, Ryuujou smiled. "Now then, time for the next one."

Concentrating as he reached across the table, Harry held his hands on either side of the orb with a distance between them. Said orb rocked back and forth several times before it began to move back and forth, never touching his hands as it seemed to bounce off invisible walls before reaching either one. Then it came to a stop and Harry picked it up and held it in both hands as Haru and Junyou leaned forward. Both of them then nodded as a spark seemed to come into existence in the center and slowly grew until the orb was giving off a light. Haru just shook her head as she smiled. "Not bad, Harry-Chan, not bad at all."

Harry's smile caused both Ryuujou and Junyou to also smile before Harry set down the orb. "Oh! And I've... um, been practicing with the trick you showed me, Ryuujou-Sensei. I can do it now."

Raising an eyebrow, Ryuujou just nodded with an interested look on her face. "Show me."

Moments later, the nine year old pulled out a box of matches and took one out before holding it in front of himself. He stared at it for several seconds before it lit on it's own and then shook it to put the fire out. "See?"

Now it was Ryuujou's turn to clap her hand. "That was excellent, Harry-Chan. I'm very proud of you."

Both Junyou and Haru commented that they were happy to see him progressing which, if anything, made Harry feel even more pride. All three when they gave him his evaluation caused him to nearly leap from his seat in happiness though and he had a small celebration party that night with his mom, the three teaching him, and Natsumi.
Finding Hoppou
Harry Leferts

Coming to a stop in front of Goto's desk, Nagato gave him a salute. "Teitoku! Battleship Nagato, reporting!"

All he did was sigh and rub one side of his head. "At ease, Nagato." Glancing at the other shipgirls there, Goto shook his head. "I'll be brief, I need you and the others for a scouting mission along the NorPac Convoy Route."

Now frowning, Nagato considered this but it was Akagi who was the one who spoke up. "Did something happen? I was under the impression that the NorPac Convoy Route was clear besides the odd flotilla or Abyssal Submarine." Then she narrowed her eyes slightly. "Did that change?"

Sighing, Goto only shook his head slowly. "I only wish that I knew..." With a frown of his own, Goto leaned back. "After we managed to take Nakanotorishima and Midway back from the Abyssals, their activity just dropped to almost nothing along the northern route. And even before that happened..."

Haruna frowned and nodded. "We didn't really get into many fights... we just saw large collections of Abyssals and had to change course. We only fought if we pushed further."

With his hands clasped on his chest, Goto nodded. "Exactly. Intelligence stated that the Abyssals near the Aleutians, while aggressive, mostly tried to make people turn back and only fought if we fired first. Odd behavior to say the least. Even stranger, we still had contact with settlements up in the Aleutians, despite a heavy Abyssal presence. Airdrops were left alone and then chased off once they delivered food or medicine."

Continuing on, Ooyodo shook her head. "There's only similar behavior among Abyssals in the Timor Sea, and that's about it."

Eyebrow raised, Nagato asked the question on everyone's mind. "If there's such a heavy Abyssal presence, then why do you want a scouting mission?"

There was an odd look on Goto's face as he looked at the map. "Because as of two days ago, something changed. One of the American's Virginia class Submarines detected a large Abyssal force heading north including several Re and Wo classes... and two Battleship Princesses."

All of the shipgirls sat up a bit straighter at that with Fubuki staring wide eyed. "That's... a massive amount of firepower..."

Slowly nodding, Goto nodded. "Indeed. And because of that, the Americans followed the fleet... and found them attacking the Abyssals fleet up north. Why is yet to be determined and even stranger, the Northern Abyssal Fleet put themselves between the attackers and the human settlements at least long enough for them to get to shelter. Eventually, they attacked Amaknak Island and began to bombard the entire island, while being attacked. We're still not sure what they were after except whatever it was nearly wiped out the attackers at the cost of the Northern Fleet. The Americans eventually put down the survivors though."

Thoughtful, Nagato nodded as she pieced it together. "It does make sense to check out the situation... but why us? I would have thought that the Americans would be checking it out?"

Coughing, Goto glanced to the side. "You would be right, and a few will be making their way from the west. However, they're currently busy in mopping up the remnants of the attackers and helping where they can elsewhere... So they asked if we could send a scout group of Kanmusu up north to poke around a little bit. You do have some extra orders though." Seeing the nods, he continued. "If you find anything, Intelligence wants you to bring it back here. We want to know what made those Abyssals different... and if what we saw might be the start of an Civil War that we can take advantage of. So stay safe and don't risk yourselves too much."

Nearly as one, all the shipgirls saluted. "HA!"

Making her way along the northern coast of Amaknak Island, Nagato glanced toward DesDiv6 who were guarding her as she listened to comments over the radio. "I've never seen this much Abyssal wreckage in one spot before... how about you, Nagato-San?"

A frown on her face, Nagato glanced at the remains of a Abyssal Destroyer grounded on some rocks. "No, never, Akagi-San."

Kaga then spoke up. "I have some flights over the island but... I don't think that we'll find anything." There was a pause and then she continued. "While I was not around for it, I am reminded of how I heard that some parts of our home looked near the end of the war. Or parts of Germany."

Very quiet, Haruna's voice could be barely heard. "Haruna was around then... it is very like that."

Flinching, Nagato made a note to do something nice for the Fast Battleship as she tried not to glance at the blasted head of a Wo which seemed to be glaring at her from where it was on the beach, though she made note of where it was for the retrieval squads. Suddenly, Hibiki spoke up very quietly. "Nagato-San, I just saw something."

That caught Nagato's attention and she turned toward Hibiki. "What did you see and where?"

Eyes shifting, the white haired Destroyer tilted her head a little bit. "Over there, in the landslide debris where that stream is coming down."

Blinking with a frown on her face, Nagato frowned as she scanned where Hibiki mentioned and had her floatplane do a low level pass. 'What is she...' Suddenly, she saw a flash of white and her eyes widened as her plane spotted a hand in a white mitten sticking out from inside the debris. "Attention all units, this is Nagato. Investigating unknown object, possible body recovery." Only barely paying attention to the confirmation coming over the radio, Nagato made her way over to the landslide and looked up the cliff face as DesDiv6 followed. 'I don't like how unstable that looks...'

With a wide eyed look, Inazuma looked a bit sick. "B-body recovery?"

Nagato just nodded as she stepped out of the water and stilled for a moment as the debris shifted a little bit. Once it stilled, she continued to carefully walk over the slide. "Hai..." There was a sad tone to her voice as she shook her head. "... It may be a child."

That caused the rest of the Destroyers to flinch before they nodded with Akatsuki taking a deep breath. "W-we should recover the body so it can... have a proper burial..." Blinking some tears away, Akatsuki nodded. "It's for the best."

Reaching the spot, Nagato glanced up at the cliff face as a rockfall caused several multi-ton boulders to pass by, one of which she backhanded when it came too close. "I'll get the body, I need you four to keep an eye out and tell me if it looks like the face is going to collapse again." Upon getting some answers, Nagato began to clear away the rock bit by bit. Suddenly, she paused as she realized that the blood seeping from the broken arm was also oil and her eyes widened. 'It... it couldn't be.'

All the Destroyers could see was Nagato throwing rocks to the side now and they looked at each other before Inazuma spoke up at the same time that Nagato froze. "Nagato-San? Is something wrong?"

Trembling, Nagato swallowed heavily as she stared down at two partially open red eyes, her next words causing every shipgirl to speed over. "Everyone... we have a Code Kiyohime... repeat, we have a Code Kiyohime..."

Slowly, the eyes closed, with only a whisper passing past the pale lips. "Please... no hurt... Hoppou..."
Adopting Hoppo
Harry Leferts

Goto looked down at the paper in front of him before leaning back with a sigh as he rubbed the side of his head. A glance at the screen showed him Nagato who was watching with a frown. "And you are certain about this, Nagato? This is exactly what this..." Taking another glance at the report, he turned back to Nagato. "Hoppou, said happened?"

Uncomfortable, Nagato nodded. "That's what she said once she woke up, though we did take precautions using those cuffs Yuubari came up for us Kanmusu." For a moment, it looked like she was considering something, but then nodded. "Teitoku... when she woke up to find us there, she was utterly terrified. I only got her to calm down by ordering the others out of the room and even then..."

Sighing, Goto grimaced a little bit. "Something that I am not happy you did as it could have turned out far worse... but at the same time, it may have been the right decision."

The Battleship took the rebuke for what it was with a nod. "I understand." She then frowned slightly and looked down. "Teitoku... she seemed to think that we were going to kill her right there and then or... open her up. It took some convincing that we were not going to do that, but..."

For several moments, Goto looked down at the paper in his hands. "I won't deny that there's some who think that we should have done exactly that. She is the first Princess Class Abyssal that we have found alive and... generally intact. Not to mention captured. However, those are in the minority and no one wants to start down that road again. Kami knows we of all people know where that leads to eventually."

Nagato swallowed heavily as memories of a certain Army group surfaced inside of her head before she supressed it. More then once, she had nightmares involving her son and that group which lead to long cuddling sessions with a confused Harry and a shivering Nagato. "Hai. And I am glad that said group no longer exists."

Silently agreeing, Goto looked back at the paper. "That does however beg several questions as to what will be done with her. This report though, if we can confirm it does change a few things." Getting up, he walked over to the window and looked out on his section of the Naval District with a frown as he clasped his hands behind his back. "According to what you sent me, she only wanted anyone to stay away from her, correct? And that's why she chased off the Convoys that came close rather then outright sinking them? Even though that had the effect of pushing them south towards Midway Princess..."

With a frown on her face, Nagato nodded. "That is indeed what she told us, Teitoku. And it does make a certain amount of sense I'm afraid... it's also why she left the people on the islands alone."

Looking out the window, Goto grunted. "Yes, apparently the fishing boats could still head out to see a ways before the Abyssals forced them back in, but never fired. Leaving them alone meant that we were less likely to force something. But... I am worried about what she said the response was."

That caused Nagato to grimace. "Yes, apparently when we retook Midway along with Nakanotorishima... and the Americans managed to take out Central Island Princess shortly after she showed up, it changed some things." On the other side of the screen, there was the sound of papers flipping before Nagato nodded. "She was ordered by the others to kill the humans on the islands and to sink as many ships as possible... even target airliners which she had left alone."

Still thoughtful, Goto nodded. "But because she hesitated, they decided to just kill her and wiped out her fleet. My only question though is what then? They can't afford to lose any more Commanders and it makes no sense to kill even one who was not doing all their duties."

A considering look was on Nagato's face for a moment before she shook it off. "Perhaps to you, but..."

Raising an eyebrow, Goto turned toward Nagato with a frown. "You have an explanation?"

Much to his surprise, Nagato looked supremely uncomfortable at his question. "Not so much of an explanation as... an observation." At his nod, she continued. "Back during the War, I can say with honesty that if she was a commander in our Military, we would have had her executed if she was caught doing what she did. I'm ashamed of that fact now, but back then..."

Furrowing his eyebrows, Goto shook his head. "Dark shadows of us, indeed..." Then he shook it off with a sigh. "Of course, chances are they would have replaced her with the Battleship Princesses, one or both of them. However... I believe that you have an estimate on her rigging?"

Once more, Nagato turned toward her notes and nodded. "Hai, according to what we've determined, her rigging was all but destroyed in the fighting. In Kanmusu terms, she would have been sunk. Best case, even assuming we give her access to repair fluid, is that it will take her a year to two to fix all the damage to her rigging. For all intents and purposes she's been..." Face pale, Nagato forced the next words out of her mouth. "Scrapped."

While he tapped his fingers on the windowsill, Goto considered this even though he already knew from the reports sent back. Then he slowly nodded. "Then this gives us a chance of doing something that we didn't think might be possible, but is in this case. Perhaps... perhaps we can flip her to our side of the war. If nothing else, observation might give us insights in how the Abyssals think assuming that she doesn't give us more information."

Considering that, Nagato eventually nodded. "I can see the wisdom in that."

Several moments passed before Goto grunted. "Battleship Nagato, I need you to watch over the prisoner then, personally. Do not allow for anyone to try and take revenge on her for being an Abyssal. If any try, then I leave it to your discretion as to what happens to them until you arrive here in four days."

Nagato straightened her back and gave a salute. "Ha!"

About a minute later, Goto was still staring out the window as he mumbled to himself. "I can only hope that this turns out for the best..."
Neville & the Orions 1

Hm Tiypo and Harry Leferts make some pretty good points. As such, I've removed the snips in question until I can rework them to something more of my liking – I haven't been able to delete the posts since they've been threadmarked, though. Harry Leferts, do you mind removing the threadmarks for all my stuff? I'd like the ability to take them down if I need to in future.

In the meantime, please accept this offering regarding Neville Longbottom.


Neville Longbottom wasn't very familiar with the Muggle world, and indeed there was a time he was deathly afraid of it. He'd spent the vast majority of his life in the wizarding world under the care of his overprotective Grandmother. His sheltered upbringing that had left him with some very crippling confidence issues and, perhaps, a serious social anxiety disorder.

However, ever since he had started at Hogwarts, Neville had been working to overcome his problems. His friendship and initial adventures with Harry Potter that had been what had started Neville's growth. The Sorting Hat had seen his true nature, and knew of the sleeping lion within that had lain dormant for much of Neville's childhood. Slowly but surely the young wizard grew.

It had grown to the point where he could finally, if very rarely, stand up to his Grandmother (something that, surprisingly, he had found her very happy about). In particular, on this very day, Neville had managed to convince his Grandmother to let him make a trip down to the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard to see the Muggle museum ships there with a few of his schoolmates.

His interest in them wasn't totally unexpected. Neville was friends with Harry, adopted son of the Japanese Battleship Nagato, and Hermione, reincarnation of the HMS Hermione, who were both intimately linked with that world. Even though he knew next to nothing about maritime history, was it any wonder that he and a few of the other Griffindors had wanted to visit one of one of the biggest tourist attractions in Muggle Britain to see what all the fuss was about?

"Incoming air raid! Everyone to the shelters, now!"

That had been Neville's plan anyway. He had been admiring the still dormant HMS M.33 when the worst possible thing that could have happened, did. Those Abyssal monsters, the ones that had been plaguing the Muggle world for so long, had decided to launch an attack on Portsmouth Naval Base.

Unfortunately, the Historic Dockyard was just a stone's throw away from the Royal Navy Base. This meant that the tourists there, including Neville and his housemates, were caught squarely in the crossfire between the Royal Navy garrison there and the Abyssal attackers. Now Neville and his friends Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan and Parvati Patil raced across the tarmac along with dozens, if not hundreds, of other muggle civilians to get to the shelters.

And boy were there a lot of people outside that shelter.

"Nan is not going to be happy when she hears about this." Neville muttered to himself, wondering if Augusta Longbottom would ever let him out of her sight after she heard about this.

"This is the worst luck, ever! Why are there so many people?" Parvati hissed before turning to her two half-blood housemates, "You twats, I thought you said the Dockyards were completely safe!"

"They should be! The Abyssals haven't managed to strike directly at British soil in years, not after the fleet defeated Rock Island Princess off Gibraltar," Dean Thomas insisted, "Besides, what are the odds that the Abyssals were going to attack on the very same day that we decided to visit?"

The nearest available shelter for the group of fourth year wizards was the one under the 'Action Stations' building. It had been recently installed as part of new safety standards set forth by the Muggle British Government, but it seemed to be struggling to take in the mass of frightened holidaymakers that were now caught out in the open as a full on naval battle raged nearby.

Everyone in the crowd screamed and dropped to the ground when a series of explosion erupted overhead, the Anti-Air battries from the Naval Base sweeping an entire wing of Abyssal bombers from the sky. The wreckage of the burning Abyssals tumbled out of the air and promptly crashed right into HMS Warrior, utterly destroying the ancient ironclad.

"I know I told Harry that I wanted to see a real naval battle one day, but this is a bit too much," Seamus cowered fearfully, "And he said his home in Japan gets attacked every other year? Blimey, if we get out of this alive, I am never doubting his courage ever again!"

"Put a sock in it, we need to get to safety!" Parvati said, focusing on the task as hand and attempting to fight their way through the thong of people to gain entry into the shelter. Dean and Seamus promptly followed her example.

Neville did not.

As he was getting back to his feet after the recent explosions from the downed Abyssals, the young wizard had noticed something in his peripheral vision. When he had turned to look, what he saw froze his blood in his veins.

In the distance, right across the Mast Pond on the main road, was a small girl in a sundress attempting to drag a wounded man, presumably her father or an older brother, towards the shelter. The two of them must have been left behind by everyone else in the rush to safety. Now there they were, stuck out in the open in the middle of a warzone. Even in such a precarious situation, that brave young girl refused to abandon the man.

"Jesus Christ, that Abyssals just came up on dry land!" Someone behind Neville shouted in alarm.

"That's a goddamn RE-Class!" Another screamed in terror!

Neville's head snapped instinctively to where he had felt the danger coming from, and much to his horror he could see a young girl in a black hooded jacket was advancing down the pier of the still burning HMS Warrior. Being a wizard, and a student at that, his knowledge of Abyssals wasd very much lacking. However he could tell from the reaction of the Muggles around him that this girl was dangerous like nothing else he'd ever encountered.

And all Neville Longbottom could think about was that little girl still struggling across the main road with the wounded man, still out in the open and at the Abyssal's mercy.

"Neville, what are you doing? Where are you? We need to get into the shelter!" Parvati's voice called out from somewhere in the throng of people, "Neville, where the he-"

Neville was moving before he could even consider what he was doing, sprinting away from the 'Action Station's building, around the Mast Pond and towards the main road. No rational thought of self-preservation crossed Neville's mind. At that moment Neville was functioning on pure instinct.

Neville ran over to the pair – noting in the back of his mind that now that he had a closer view the girl couldn't have been older than six – and grabbed on to a fistful of the man's clothing… just before Neville's mind finally registered that the man was, in fact, missing half his head.

The man was already dead.

Neville froze, his bind blanking out at the horror at what was before him. He'd seen death before, yes, but never like this.

"Mister?" The girl, her face streaked with tears, looked up at Neville with pleading eyes, "Mister, did you come help my papa?"

"I… I… I… can't…"

"Neville, watch out! That Re-Class is right on top of you!" Dean's magically enhanced voice thundered across the distance, "Get out of there! NEVILLE, RUN!"

Dean's voice rocked Neville back to his senses… just in time to realize that in the short time that he'd locked up, the Abyssal had finished crossing the pier and was coming towards him. The hooded girl was now so close, Neville could actually see her in her true, inhuman glory. The pale parlor of her skin. The insane grin on her face. Her glowing purple eyes. The huge sea monster that was her tail…

"He, he, he… Heh, Heh, Heh, HEH-HEH-HEH-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The Re-Class broke out into insane laughter, any semblance of sanity leaving her features.

There was no doubt in Neville's mind that this was a monster. A monster that lived only to kill, main and destroy. A monster that the Muggles and their allies had spent years upon years fighting and dying to protect the world against.

"M-M-M-Mister, w-w-what are we going to do?" The girl whimpered

"Get behind me." Neville said to the young girl, pulling her behind protectively behind his own body. It wasn't much, he'd already seen the kind of damage those 'Naval Rifles' could do, but every little bit helped. And while he was at it, Neville mentally took his own fear and buried it so deep in his consciousness it could affect him in the slightest.

His wand hound itself to his hand.

"COME ON THEN!" Neville held out his wand towards the monstrous being that slowly advanced on him, beginning the motions for the most potent shielding spell he could think of. Laws against underage magic be damned, Neville Longbottom was determined to protect this girl, even if it killed him!

"Impressive, but there will be no need for any of that, young man." A calm, almost melodic voice spoke up calmly from behind Neville. The young wizard, wand still in hand spun around in alarm… and was rendered completely breathless for the second time that day.

Posture upright and regal, like the gallant knights of old. Hair and eyes as red as freshly fallen autumn leaves. Features angular, noble, dignified… unfazed by the horror before her. Sword at her side, cape over her shoulder, rigging at the ready…

She was… beautiful.

"I am impressed by your courage, young man, and I would speak with you when this is over," She said calmly, "however, for now, please move the young girl to safety. I will deal with this villain."

With a hesitant nod, Neville quickly gathered the child in his arms and moved out of the way of the two mighty warships. Although Neville's limited knowledge about the ship girls prevented him from identifying who his savior was and who had the advantage, he did notice one thing: the Re-Class was not laughing anymore.

Despite the battle raging all around them, a silence seemed to descend over the Historic Dockyard as the two mighty forces squared off.

"Come, Villian. It is time for us to do battle," The woman drew her sword and leveled it at the Abyssal, "My name is the HMS Orion, lead ship of the Orion-class. Let us see what you are made of!"


A/N – Huh, I wonder if I have accidentally caused Neville to fall in love at first sight?

House Griffindor. Lions at heart and heroes by choice. First into the fight, last to retreat, the house of warriors, knights and braves. Neville, a boy who will grow to become a man that exemplifies those values, has managed meet a ship girl who happens to share a lot of those same Griffindor qualities – HMS Orion, the WWI Battleship and proud member of the Royal Navy's Grand Fleet.

She may be old, but what she lacks in sophisticated technology she makes up with in courage, determination and a very good sense of fashion*… and she's rather impressed with young Neville. So impressed in fact, she's going to take the kid under her wing and teach him how to be a goddamn hero.

It's always right and proper for a knight to have a squire, after all.The Death Eaters are sooooooo fuuuuucked once HMS Orion finishes teaching Neville how to be a badass[
Spoiler: *

As a side note, we really need more snips dealing with how 'half-bloods' like Dean and Seamus will deal with growing up in two separate worlds now that one of those worlds is at war with a fleet of sea monsters and evil spirits intent on wiping out the human race. The difference in values between the muggles and the wizards would definitely be felt more with these changed circumstances.

That's it for me. Hopefully won't be as flimsy as my last offering.
Tunneling Badgers
Harry Leferts

Those that knew Arthur Weasley had much to say about the man. Ones that disliked him liked to call him crazy, obsessed even, with muggles. Always going on about this thing that muggles had created or that thing. It had cost him quite a bit politically in his career. Even his wife sometimes despaired at her husband's hobby, though she considered it mostly harmless. And Arthur would not deny that he was highly interested in muggles, and this had served him well since the arrival of the shipgirls.

Of those who liked him, they would tell one who asked about the elder Weasley's integrity. Of how he was a fair man and a wonderful husband and father to his children. Not to mention having the patience of a saint at times with what he dealt with in both his duties and at home...

And then there were days like today which found said wizard running out of patience and wanting to slap some sense into people... or just drink himself into a stupor.

With a slow breath, Arthur gave a glare to the group of wizards and one witch which caused them to flinch. "Allow me to understand this straight, hmm? You bunch of... people..." Just about everyone could tell that he wanted to call them something else, but was rather too polite to do so. "Decided that if the Muggles were able to summon spirits as shipgirls, that obviously you could do much better." His eyes then narrowed to slits. "While drunk, and making 'Improvements' to what they had come up with. That is correct?"

Much to his surprise, the witch spoke up and showed that she lacked a little something called 'Survival Instinct' as she nodded. "Tha's right, Hurther... Heh... If the muggles can, then us wizards can do so much better."

Eyebrow twitching at both the idiocy and how she got his name wrong, Arthur took a deep breath, only to regret it at the smell of alcohol coming from the ones in front of him. "Yes, I am certain that you all thought as much." The various Aurors with him shifted a little bit and kept an eye out, none of them wanting to attract the attention of Arthur, who was known for what happens when he truly got pissed off. A point that he was seemingly nearing. "But please, do go on."

One of the wizards, emboldened by Arthur's words, stood up. "Well, see... we got a bunch of old cauldrons together and transfigured them into blocks. But we couldn't figure out what the muggles used, so went with oil and coal... they still use coal right?" A look at his compatriots only got him a shrug, and also let him miss Arthur's eyebrow twitch again. "Righto, so then we went through the process... but we also added our wands for some magic. Took us... how long?"

Scratching his chin, one of the other wizards stumbled back into one of the Aurors only to be pushed forward. "Eh... a bottle of firewhiskey?"

The witch just frowned and looked at him. "How long is that?"

All he did though was shrug. "Don't ask me... heh... But I can get through one of them bottles pretty fast if ya know what I mean, eh? Eh?"

For a moment, Arthur just stared at him before the sound of flesh meeting flesh caused him to glance over to see one of the Aurors, a man named Kingsley Shacklebolt, facepalm with an expression of pain on his face. Slowly, Arthur turned back as the group continued to bicker about how long it takes to down a bottle of firewhiskey before he finally hissed. "And what happened then?"

Pausing, the witch looked at him in confusion. "Well... there were these badgers, see. And they had smoke coming from them."

It went without saying that all those sober just stared at her. "... Badgers."

Arms crossed against her chest as she swayed back and forth, the witch nodded seriously. "Aye, badgers." She then pointed. "Then they went over there and dug them tunnels."

Nearly as one, the Aurors and Arthur turned to look at said tunnels... which had been dug into pure chalk. Even now, some smoke could be seen leaking from them before Arthur turned back to them and grit his teeth. "Aurors... take these... these... persons, back to the Ministry and give them a Sobriety potion before we explain the problems with what they did."

Simply nodding, and wanting to get away from the furious Weasley, most of the Aurors grabbed one and then Apparated away. In the end, the only one who was left was Kingsley who followed Arthur to the cliff. "So... what do you think? I never knew that the muggles had ships that travelled underground."

Crouching down, Arthur leaned in close to one of the tunnels and peered into it before shining a light from his wand. "I don't think that it is one of the ships, Auror Shacklebolt. I believe that what they summoned is a muggle tunneling machine."

Just blinking, Kingsley waved away some of the smoke as he grimaced. "Tunneling machine?"

A hum escaped from Arthur as he continued to look in. "Yes, the muggles made them to make tunnels through rock. Rather ingenious actually. Some were steam powered in fact, which explains the smoke."

Despite being confused, Kingsley just nodded. "I see... and what should we do about these... tunneling machines?"

Arthur just looked at him and sighed. "There's not much that we can do, I think. They're too heavy to yank from their tunnels. And even if we did, I doubt that they would be too pleased..." Becoming thoughtful, Arthur nodded to himself. "I need you to head to the Leaky Cauldron, ask Tom to put together some... roast beef I think. Maybe some chicken as well as some good stout."

Slowly, Kingsley raised an eyebrow. "A little bit peckish?"

However, Arthur just turned toward him. "No, but perhaps we can draw them out with some food... and I'll see about dropping them off to the proper muggle authorities. Perhaps they can use them."

Looking at the tunnel, Kingsley just shrugged. "If that's what you want, I guess."
Base on lockdown
Snippet 104: Harry Leferts

There was a slight smile on Iku's face as she watched Harry playing Go Fish with Taigei and Hachi before she turned her head at the tap on her shoulder and blinked at the sight of Maruyu there. "Hmm? Is something wrong?"

Frowning, the smaller submarine gulped as she looked down at the floor and bit her lip. "I... was just wondering what is going on is all, Iku-San."

Not even a moment later, she felt a hand on her head and looked up to see Iku smiling down at her before the larger Subgirl wagged a finger at her in mock disappointment. "It's just Iku, or Iku-Chan. Remember that." Then her expression became serious as she glanced around. "But as to what is going on...? I take it that you're worried?"

Maruyu nodded as she shifted a bit from foot to foot. "I was requested to come down here by Nagato-San herself along with..."

With a hum, Iku remembered that Maruyu had shown up with her freight tube which was now in the Submarine Bay, ready for deployment at a moment's notice. "Yes... that is rather odd."

Swallowing, Maruyu nodded a little bit as she nervously played with her fingers. "I... I don't mind coming down here to spend time with Harry-Chan, I really like that. But they had me brought in by one of those odd planes they bought from Korea."

Tilting her head, Iku remembered the sight of the plane flying faster then Shimakaze could run, but doing so just meters above the water. What she didn't tell Maruyu was that she knew that there was an even bigger one being developed between Japan, Korea, and the United States for use for rapid deployment of shipgirls. Hey, she was a Submarine, sneaking around was her thing after all. "Mmm... I can see how that would make you wonder."

The sound of laughter caused them to turn to see Taigei ticking a squirming Harry as Hachi held him down which caused them both to smile. But then the smile dropped from Maruyu's face and she shuffled a little bit. "I just don't understand why, and also there's how the base is on lockdown when that strange Light Aircraft Carrier came into sight..."

Iku just blinked. "You mean the Amphibious Assault Ship?" Getting a nod, Iku just sighed and rubbed one side of her head. "Shioi and Imuya are both out on patrols with RO. And you're right, I don't like this, not at all." One finger tapping against her arm, Iku grimaced a bit. "Tell me something, did you think it odd that Harry-Chan was brought here by Haruna earlier? And we were told that we were to keep him here with us for however long the base is on lockdown?"

Eyes widening, Maruyu looked up at the concrete ceiling as she remembered that the Sub Pens were the most reinforced areas of the base, practically a bunker capable of withstanding sustained bombardment. "... Don't tell me..."

Glancing back at Harry who was now being cuddled by Hachi, Iku sighed. "This is not mentioned to Harry-Chan at all. But we're operating under a Code Kiyohime, I have no idea how, but they managed to capture one of the higher ranked Abyssals." Slowly, she gave Maruyu a piercing look. "You understand why you're here now?"

As she nodded with a gulp, Maruyu glanced toward Harry. "If... if something happens then I'm to evacuate Harry-Chan and-"

The older Subgirl nodded. "And whoever survives to reach our pens within ten minutes. And then we bug out no matter what. No 'Just one more minute', no 'I can see some more coming', as soon as ten minutes are up, we're gone. Hachi and myself, or Shioi and RO if I'm out on patrol with Hachi, will escort you to open ocean before we scatter and try and provide a distraction. With hope, the fleet will rendezvous at Point Alpha-Two-Three. However, you will head for Point Kilo-Nine-Five-Beta where those under your care will be picked up."

Searching Iku's face, Maruyu paled as she realized what, exactly, Iku was saying and hinting at. What was basically a suicide mission as "Distraction" meant that they would be running just below the surface with them coming up every few minutes before submerging. "I... I..."

With an uncommonly serious expression, Iku leaned in. Her eyes glistening a little as she swallowed. "If that happens, promise me. Promise me that you will not look back no matter what and will not stop for anything."

Just nodding, Maruyu bit back a whimper. "I... I promise. I swear it upon my honor."

Relaxing, Iku softly sighed. "Thank you." Another glance showed her Harry now ticking a red faced Taigei as Hachi laughed. "Don't mention any of that to Harry-Chan, kay?" At Maruyu's nod, Iku pulled her into a one armed hug. "Now, just relax a little bit and don't worry. Maybe go and have a game with Harry-Chan since I know that you enjoy it as much as we do." The blush on the smaller Subgirl caused Iku to laugh some as she tightened the hug briefly.

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