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Harry Potter & the Shipgirls

Akagi Vs Bertie Botts

I found these jelly beans and thought you might have enjoy them, they have every flavour ever. Don't eat more than one at a time!
Fair winds and following seas, Harry.

Setting the note down Akagi chuckled to herself. Don't eat more than one at a time? Had Harry forgotten who she was? She was Akagi and there was NOTHING she couldn't eat! The packaging on the candy was rather friendly, a cute clown character was a background of white and red stripes like that of a circus. There was no listing of flavours but she could see the many beans of different colours through a window on each side.

Opening the pyramid like top she poured half a dozen into her hand. One a ripe orange colour, perhaps mango? Another deep uniform green, she was sure this was watermelon. The third was deep red with white specks, had to strawberry. Fourth was maybe chocolate covered peanuts? Or maybe it was chocolate doughnut flavoured, going off the dual tan and deep-brown colours. The fifth was either coconut or vanilla by normal jelly bean terms, but from the milky swirling if the package truly did have every flavour this might just be cream. The last one was kind of cute, orange with lines, it looked just like a little pumpkin!

Thus, confident with her assessment of her randomly acquired jelly beans, Akagi tossed them all in her mouth at once.

~10 minutes later~

Kaga knew something was wrong when her more joyful sister failed to great her as she walked in. She simply stood faced away at their shared desk.

"Akagi? Are you okay?" she asked, cautiously approaching her frozen friend.

Moving around Akagi she could finally see the others face, twisted by a strangely convoluted look of disgust and horror. After a gentle shake failed to move her, Kaga picked up the letter left on the table hoping to learn more. Looking over the short warning she could guess what had happened, quietly amused that Akagi's taste buds had finally met their match.

Reaching in she nabbed one, popped it into her mouth, and savoured the flavour. It tasted precisely like strawberry and peanut butter ice cream, that was pretty impressive! Enjoying the spoils of Akagi's failed battle she left the dorm, with the smallest of smiles on her face.

Spoiler: Akagi's jelly bean flavours
Ripe orange=Curry,

Deep green=Olive,

Deep red w/ white specks=Chili,

Tan and deep brown=Éclair,

Milky white=Soap,

Orange with lines=Pumpkin
Operation Eldrige
Harry Leferts

Frowning, Enterprise continued to watch through her CAP and scout planes over the activity of Operation Eldridge as she sided up to Yamato. "So... how are you doing?"

Yamato just moved her parasol some as she also watched through her scout planes. "I, Yamato, am doing just fine, Enterprise-San." She then tilted her head some as part of her crew noted something. "You, however, seem rather nervous."

Much to her surprise, Enterprise just scowled and crossed her arms against her chest. "Can you blame me, Princess? We're raising some wrecks for Intel here, but the ships involved were so dangerous that the Abyssals actually sided with us and then left once they were sunk." Glancing at Yamato, Enterprise frowned some. "You were there, weren't you?"

Grimacing, Yamato nodded. "Yes... I, Yamato, was there for the battle." A shudder ran through her before she shook it off. "It was... horrific. They looked somewhat like what we did, and yet... and yet they were powerful enough that their leader managed to score a mutual kill against the Jellyfish Princess and half her fleet. Never have I, Yamato, seen such a battle. Not even in the previous war in which we fought each other."

For her part, Enterprise was chewing her lip, but nodded. "Yeah, I saw the reports. But no one mentioned where they came from."

Several moments passed before Yamato shook her head. "Perhaps..." At the look from Enterprise, she continued. "There was an atoll near here. I only caught a glimpse before that Submarine that was helping us destroyed the entire island."

Letting out a whistle, Enterprise shook her head. "Destroyed the entire atoll? You shitting me there, Princess?"

All Yamato did though was turn her head and glare. "I, Yamato, saw it with my own scout planes, Enterprise-San. Do not accuse I, Yamato, of lying."

Enterprise just held up her hands in a placating gesture. "Whoa there, I wasn't saying that you were lying. Just making sure because... well.. Sweet God, Almighty, if you're right then a Sub destroyed an entire atoll. That's some serious fucking firepower right there.

Nodding, Yamato let the tenseness in her shoulders leave a bit. "Perhaps, and I, Yamato, can see your point, Enterprise-San. Such power..." She slowly shook her head. "The ocean itself parted before the power she unleashed..."

Several seconds passed before Enterprise let out a sigh. "So, uh... what was the deal with the atoll?"

Thoughtful, Yamato looked back through her memories and frowned. "There were... structures, upon it. It looked as if one had transformed the sand on the surface into glass and written symbols into it. I, Yamato, only got a brief look at it before it was destroyed. But it was from there that these... things... apparently came from. Then the Submarine left with the larger, normal one it had arrived with before the portal closed, but not before leaving that odd beacon that was recovered. I have only heard rumors, but it was a great boon from what I have heard."

Chewing her lip, Enterprise only nodded as she glanced to where she could see one of the four Iowas. What had surprised her before she looked deeper into it was that all the Iowas, Washington, the Kongous, Nagato and Mutsu, even Australia and her sister New Zealand along Warspite and Vanguard as well as other Royal Navy Battleships were part of the operation. That was not mentioning the 1st CarDiv and 5th CarDiv along with Enterprise and the other Yorktowns, or the mass of Escort Carriers and Destroyers. In the distance, she could see Saratoga who was watching carefully. "All this for such a small ship... They even got Wanko from what I heard to raise a little hell as a distraction though she doesn't know what we're doing here. Hell, I don't know if she would even care as long as it hurts the others."

With a shake of her head, Yamato let out a soft sigh. "Perhaps... but the Abyssals went out of their way to destroy any wrecks they found. This... is the only one remaining."

Simply grimacing, Enterprise let out a grunt as she internally finished the thought. 'And it's not just the Abyssals that everyone is worried about...' It was then that she spotted that the activity on and near the salvage ships had increased and gave a nod. A trio of Cruisers holding massive lines of cable began to move and Enterprise could almost feel the scraping of something deep below the water. "Looks like they're nearly there."

Face expressionless, Yamato nodded as she watched the Heavy Lift Ship begin it's work. After nearly fifteen minutes, the water begin to slowly part as a heavily damaged superstructure of a WWII Destroyer Escort rose above the water. Shuddering, Yamato remembered the battle against it before one of Iowa's armor piercing shells hit something from what was knife range for the Battleship. Then it slowly sank beneath the waves, the glowing symbols that adorned it's hull dulling before flickering out. "And I, Yamato, cannot be happier for this to be done with."

A shiver going down her keel, Enterprise nodded. "Agreed on that, Princess. Agreed on that." She then jabbed Yamato in the stomach. "Ready to sail all the way to America by the way?"

The Battleship just gave her a look, though there was some thankfulness there. "I, Yamato, am. After all, I have been told much about America and wish to see for myself as I never have been there."

Putting her hands behind her head, Enterprise snorted. "You're in for a treat. Once we drop, uh, that thing off, I'll show you one of my favorite places to eat." At the raised eyebrow, she smirked. "You showed me yours, so I might as well show you mine."

Several moments passed before Yamato raised an eyebrow and began to move off. "My, my, my... You Americans are so forward and lewd, Enterprise-San. I, Yamato, never expected such from you."

Enterprise just stood there blinking in utter befuddlement before she realized how her last words could be taken and, despite herself, felt the heat rising to her cheeks. "GAH! You fucking perverted Jap! I didn't fucking mean like that!"

All she got was giggles from Yamato before scowling. Once Yamato was out of hearing range, and her blush calmed down, Enterprise snorted before promising to get Yamato back for winning this round.
The Trapdoor
Harry Leferts

The tryouts had gone by rather quickly and he managed to get his position onto the team, something that he couldn't wait to tell his mother. It probably helped that between the flying class and the tryouts that Harry had been practicing flying. Just the same though, the news of Harry's new position on the Gryffindor Quidditch team had spread, as expected, through Hogwarts like wildfire. If he was not the target of so many rumors and discussions Harry would have found it hilarious how similar it was to how gossip spread back home in Yokosuka. But it was tiring which was what found Harry standing outside of Hogwarts on the grounds early in the morning just after the sun had risen.

Under his feet, the frost covered ground crunched as his breath fogged in front of him. Making sure that his flight jacket was fully done up, Harry let out a sigh, though he still had smiled at how people had reacted when it had shown up at the Hogwarts table with a note stating that Houshou was proud of him and to wear it with pride. Warmed, Harry shook his head as he glanced around. "Didn't think that it was going to be this cold."

A snort though caught his attention and he glanced to where Hermione had decided to lean up against a broken wall of stone. "It's October in Scotland, Harry. Of course it is going to be cold out."

More then a little sheepish, Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, still kind of used to how it is back in Yokosuka." Then he raised an eyebrow as he looked Hermione over and gave a cough. "By the way, speaking of cold... aren't you chilly?"

Hermione just blinked as she looked herself over. 'I got my sweater... my robes... and my scarf...' Looking up, she frowned. "Not particularly."

With his eyebrow raising more, Harry just glanced at her normal Hogwarts robes, not the heavy winter ones that people had started to wear when heading outside. "Right."

For her part though, Hermione was staring at the patch on the back of Harry's coat with a frown. It looked like a red haired woman with a winged helm and then she narrowed her eyes as she read the words. "'Ghosts of Razgriz... Razgriz Air Command Squadron'?"

Snickering, Harry nodded. "Yeah, Houshou-Oba really knows me too well and I can't wait to show Akagi-Oba!" With a nod, he pulled down the flight goggles and did an internal checklist. 'Hmm... all appear clear...'

As he did this though, Hermione just frowned. "That still does not answer my question you know."

Internally having completed his checklist, Harry looked over his shoulder at her and flashed her a grin. "When history experiences a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies." Swinging one leg over his broom, Harry felt it float upwards as he continued, the wind in his hair. "However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time as a great hero!"

Blinking, Hermione raised a finger to comment, only for Harry to take off into the air. "... That still does not answer my question!"

Meanwhile, up in the air, Harry grinned even wider as he felt the wind rush past him. 'Now... for some simple maneuvers...' Leaning to the side, Harry felt the broom respond quickly as it moved sideways across the air in that direction. With a nod, Harry then fully tilted and performed a barrel roll with what seemed like ease. Of course, feeling the cold by this time on his face, Harry quickly pulled the scarf that had come with the coat up around his lower face. Several small climbs, turns, and dives later, Harry nodded. "Huh... not bad."

Glancing around, Harry frowned as he quickly took note of the time. "Hmm..." Just tapping his fingers against the wood of the broomstick, Harry frowned behind his scarf. "I wonder..."

Leaning down until his body was flush with the broom, Harry began to put on speed before he tilted his body a little bit and pulled upwards. In response, the broom began a wide turn while also climbing upwards. Down on the ground, Hermione frowned as she narrowed her eyes at what her friend was doing before she blinked. "Is he... that's a Chandelle! Not a great one, but still... did one of the Carriers he knows teach him that?"

His flight evening out, Harry scowled a bit. 'That wasn't nearly as good as I thought that I might manage... need some more practice.' Looking down at his broom, he frowned some. "A lot more practice... but..." Quickly shaking it off, Harry took a deep breath and then looked upwards. "Let's see how you climb then." Pulling back on the broom, Harry began to rapidly climb. The whole time though, he kept an eye on the device on his wrist. Akashi had sent it when he had asked, having salvaged the altimeter from a wrecked plane. As he watched, the numbers began to climb and within no time, Harry was more then 2,000 feet in the air.

Then 3,000.


By the time he leveled off, he was nearly six thousand feet in the air and breathing heavily as he looked around. 'Note to self... maybe see something about oxygen masks.' Then he blinked as he looked around him as he moved in a lazy, circular path. Slowly, his eyes widened. "Oh... wow..."

As careful as he could, Harry pulled out his camera and took various photos of his surroundings, including one of Hogwarts down below. That done, he secured the camera and then tilted downwards, his broom moving into a dive that slowly sped up as he tilted until he was facing the smooth surface of the Black Lake like an arrow. When he finally pulled up and leveled off, his feet were nearly skimming the surface as he rocketed toward Hogwarts. The wind whipping past him and whistling by his ear, Harry grinned behind his scarf so much it hurt. During his flight, there was only one thought going through his mind.

He had never felt so free.

Rubbing his neck, Harry frowned as he looked around the hallway. "Where the heck are we?"

Neville just blinked in confusion before shaking his head. "Um... I don't really know... But the stairs moved here so it can't be that bad, right?"

Before any of the others could answer though, Harry's and Hermione's heads whipped around at the sound of giggles to see that odd female teenager that they had seen several times near a door at the end of the hallway. Then with a grin, she suddenly ran down the hallway and out of sight except for the sounds of giggles that could be heard. Sharing a look, Harry and Hermione both took off down the hallway before coming to a stop as they came to the corner. The hall was a dead end but they could still hear giggles coming from somewhere nearby. Catching up with them, Ron looked at each of the two who where staring at each other. "What the heck was that about?"

For several moments, Harry was quiet and Ron was about to ask again when Harry shook his head. "Hermione and I have been seeing this girl hanging around and just saw her again. She was at that door." Harry pointed at the door in question and then down the hallway. "Then she ran down here but..."

Scratching his head, Ron frowned. "I didn't see anyone... how about you, Neville?"

The slightly pudgy boy shook his head. "No, I didn't see anyone either."

At that, Harry frowned thoughtfully. "That's odd..."

Suddenly, Ron clapped him on the shoulder. "Eh, maybe she went down some secret passageway. There's supposed to be lots of them in the castle and Percy is always complaining that the Twins keep using them to cause trouble."

Blinking, Harry turned back to the hallway and looked around it for any spots where a hidden passageway could be. However, he had no such luck but turned in time to see Hermione try the door. "Hermione?"

Eyebrows furrowing, Hermione frowned as she jiggled the knob. "She was trying to get in here, but... it's locked."

Just walking up, Neville frowned a bit as he took it in. "Really? I wonder why..."

Slowly nodding, Hermione looked down the hallway in both directions and then back at the door before pulling her wand out. Eyes wide, Ron held out his hands. "Whoa!"

Rolling her eyes, the witch looked over at him. "I learned a spell some time ago that's supposed to be able to open locks." Turning back to the door, she pointed her wand at the door. "Alohomora!" With a click, the door unlocked and Hermione opened the door and looked inside. Right behind her, Harry, Neville, and Ron did the same thing. "Why is it so dark in here..."

At that moment, Harry felt a hot, smelly wind blow into his face and then opened his eyes as he could spot something. He tilted his head back as did Neville who realized what they were looking at first and poked Hermione in the shoulder. "U-uh, Hermione? Th-that's a Cerberus!"

While all three heads focused on them and growled, Hermione gulped a bit. Even though she knew that she was perfectly safe, seeing something from myth having stepped out into reality still caused her to pale. "Yeah... I see it.

Very slowly, all four backed away and then closed the door, whose lock clicked when the door was shut automatically. Taking a big breath, Harry looked around as he realized something. "Guys... I think that this is the third floor corridor."

Scoffing, Ron looked over at him. "Ya think, Mate? I mean, the warning about a horrible death along with there being a giant, monster dog in a room kind of hints at that, maybe."

Harry was about to reply to his sarcasm when Hermione shook her head. "Did you see what it was standing on?"

That caused Neville to wince. "Um... the floor?"

Just shaking her head, Hermione looked each of them in the eye. "No. It was standing on a trap door, the Cerberus is guarding something."

Frowns and thoughtful looks were shared among each of them at that before they went back to the stairwell, deep in thought.
Hoppou comes to visit 1
Harry Leferts

Hoppou stared at the box in front of her with a frown as the clock continued to tick in Harry's uninhabited room. Despite the letters that he had sent to her, Hoppou was still missing her Big Brother deeply. Especially all the times that he would hold her at bedtime and then read her stories. She really liked that. Now he was far away from where she was and only talked through letters.

At the moment though, Hoppou was rather high on sugar from all the candies and other sugary treats she had eaten at the Halloween Party. Hence why she had woken up and was now in Harry's room waiting for his next letter to her to come through. Of course, as any parent would tell you, a child high on sugar and all alone would think up bad ideas. Ideas that normally they might just dismiss out of thought.

Sadly for all involved, Hoppou was extremely high on sugar and was looking at the owl box in front of her thoughtfully.

Yet still, the clock ticked for what seemed like an eternity to the little Abyssal, but was really just minutes, as the little Abyssal stared as if the box held all the answers in the universe. All of a sudden, she scampered to her feet and rushed into her bedroom, careful not to wake up Nagato who was sleeping. Within a few minutes, she returned with a stamp in her hand that she licked before plastering on the end of her nose. Then, opening up the owl box, she crammed herself inside as best that she could and closed the door. For several moments Hoppou sat in the box with her red eyes looking around and the only sound being her heavy breathing. Then there was a sound like a groan and the doors in front of her changed into a blank wall as the world seemed to move sideways.

Before Hoppou could do anything though, she fell backwards as a door that had not been there moments before flew open. Falling off the end table, Hoppou blinked and looked around, "Big Brother?" Not getting an answer, she sat up and looked around the empty Dorm. Then Hoppou focused on the bed that the end table was at the end of and looked it over. "This... is Big Brother's bed!" Examining it, she looked around to see if anyone was there and then listened. Not hearing or seeing anyone, she did what any child in her situation would do.

She got up onto the bed and began to jump down on it.

Eyes closed in happiness as she bounced, Hoppou grinned. "Wheeee!" After several minutes, she stopped and flopped down onto her back and stared up at the canopy. Then Hoppou rolled off the side of the bed and patted herself down before looking around. "Hmm... where is Big Brother?" Her eyes lighting up as she noticed a clock, Hoppou nodded. "Wait! Hoppou knows! Big Brother is in Great Hall!"

Without a care, Hoppou began to run out of the room and then leapt down the stairs with her arms wide. "PO!" Landing like a cat, Hoppou then ran for the door she could see and waited until it opened, she had read what her brother told her after all. Hearing a gasp though, she turned to see a portrait of a fat woman looking at her in fright. "Hello!"

Swallowing, the Fat Lady stared at Hoppou before she managed to choke out a reply. "H-hello..." Despite what some might think she did keep up with things and knew that, without a doubt, it was an Abyssal in front of her. Licking her lips, she gave a unsure smile. "S-sorry for l-leaving b-but... I really must be going..."

All that Hoppou did was tilt her head in curiosity before she shrugged it off and began to run through the halls and then down various stairwells. Suddenly she stopped as she turned a corner and blinked as she spotted an old man grumbling about some crazy paintings to a cat before he stopped as he spotted her. Hoppou just raised a hand to wave when he screamed and began to run. For several moments, Hoppou stood there and then began running after him and his cat. "Wait! Hoppou wants to know where the Great Hall is so she can see Big Brother!" Eventually though, she lost sight of him and pouted. 'Where did he go? Silly person.'

It was then that a smell hit her that caused her to winkle her nose before she heard a grunt. Turning, Hoppou tilted her head back at the massive human-like thing in front of her that was just staring. "Ergh?"

Just tilting her head, Hoppou frowned as what was in front of her didn't look like a shipgirl, Abyssal, or human. "Hi! I'm Hoppou and I'm looking for my Big Brother, do you know where he is?"

The troll just stared down at the tiny thing in front of him as some part of him was telling him to run and keep running. But then it spoke and he narrowed his eyes. "RAAAAGH!"

For her part, Hoppou just blinked completely unconcerned. "You being mean. Hoppou don't like mean people. Also, Hoppou think that your mommy should give you a bath."

Once it had filtered into it's brain that the little thing in front of it had insulted it, the troll roared in anger and raised it's club upwards before swinging it.

Ron groaned as he looked over at where Hermione was glaring at him. "I said that I was sorry, okay? I didn't have a good sleep last night and I really did not need to be lectured in front of everyone."

A scowl on her face, Hermione's glare just intensified. "Then say what you want to say to my face, not behind my back."

Softly sighing, Harry rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Oh for... it's been hours, can't you two just give it a break until after the feast?"

Turning around, Hermione was about to say something when the doors slammed open and Professor Quirrel rushed in. Stumbling to a stop, he took a note of all the eyes staring at him and swallowed. "TROLL! Troll... in the dungeon." He then took a breath as he raised a finger. "Just thought that you should know."

Just finishing, he collapsed to the floor in a faint. For some odd reason though, the way he did caused Hermione to frown as she tried to feel out why she had a feeling that something was wrong. At the same time though, the Great Hall exploded into sound as everyone was talking to each other with some panicking at the thought of a troll being in the school. The teachers tried to restore calm to the students until after a few minutes, Dumbledore raised his wand and created a sound like a cannon firing. Everyone in the Great Hall stilled at that as they looked toward him and he looked over his glasses. "Now then, there is nothing to be concerned about. The teachers will search the school and the Prefects shall take the students back to their Common Rooms until such time as everything is safe."

Various people began to rise when a Hufflepuff Third Year, rose up. "Wait!" At everyone looking toward him, he blushed some. "It's just that if the troll is in the dungeons, then aren't us Hufflepuffs and the Slytherins in danger? I mean... they're down in the Dungeons and we're not far away."

Stroking his beard, Dumbledore nodded. "That is true... five points to Hufflepuff." He then turned toward the teachers even as he noted that Quirrel was stirring. "Pomona, you and Fillius need to escort the Hufflepuff students to their Dorm. Minerva? You and Severus shall do the same with the Slytherins. Once the students are safe in their Common Rooms, begin your searches from there."

Each of said teachers nodded and got up and were about to begin to move then the doors slammed open and Flitch came in with Mrs. Norris yowling as if she was being killed. "HEADMASTER! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!"

With a blink, Dumbledore gave him a small smile. "We have already been informed about the troll and are taking steps to solve the problem and make sure that all the students are safe, Argus.'

That caused Flitch to blink in confusion before he furrowed his eyebrows. "A... troll?"

Now sharing looks with Dumbledore, Minerva nodded. "Yes, a troll. Quirinus has already informed us of it being in the Dungeons."

For nearly half a minute, Flitch just stared at them and became slightly faint. "... Professor... I didn't know about any troll..."

Confused, and slightly worried, Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Then what are you talking about, Argus?"

Shaking, the man pointed toward the closed doors. "Headmaster, I got a report from the Fat Lady about how she spotted one of those Abyssals. I thought that she was just drunk again but I came around a hallway when there she was! It was frightening Headmaster! We have one of those Abyssals sneaking around the school!"

If Quirrel's reaction was explosive, the reaction to this was likely nuclear as the Great Hall just exploded into noise and panic. It took several minutes for Dumbledore to restore calm as he shot off cannon blast after blast. Finally, when people were much calmer, Dumbledore took a deep breath though internally he was panicking. 'First a troll and then an Abyssal!? What is going on here...?' Shaking off his thoughts, he narrowed his eyes. "Where did you see it, Argus."

The caretaker winced a bit at the stare as he realized that he was no longer looking at Albus Dumbledore the Headmaster. Rather, he was now looking at the Albus Dumbledore who had torn his way across Europe during the war with Grindlewald before finally defeating the Dark Lord at his own base of operations. "It... it was on the Fourth Floor, Headmaster. But I did my best to lose it as it kept following me down the hallways. Even after I think that I lost it, I took several detours to confuse it if it was following me."

Digesting that, Dumbledore was about to say something when a enraged Snape spoke in a silky tone. "You mean to tell us... that you do not know where this... Abyssal... may be? And that you are not sure if it was still following you?"

Standing a bit straighter, Flitch glared at Snape. "I told you that I took several detours and made sure that several minutes had passed after I had last seen it!"

Once more, several people just stared at him as Dumbledore closed his eyes. "I see..." Internally, he winced. 'Which means that I can see trouble coming from this as the parents will be quite angry with the time between the sighting and me being informed.' Externally, he didn't show anything and just nodded. "Very well." Dumbledore glanced over at Hermione who looked a moment from summoning her rigging and gave her a slight nod, which she returned. 'A true Gryffindor... but I am happy to have her here in this case.' Clearing his throat, he raised his wand. "Students! Due to-" Before he could finish, the doors once more slammed open and he blinked. 'Is this... going to be a thing tonight?'

Then what was on the other side stepped through and all thoughts fled from his mind. Blinking, Hoppou walked in just looking around as she dragged the troll via it's leg behind her. Her eyes widening, she continued to scan the room. "Wow..."

Everyone was frozen in place and just staring as they held their breaths. However, Hermione noted that Harry gave a groan. "Oh, bloody Hell no, Hoppou... Mum is going to kill us..."

Utterly confused, Hermione turned toward him and was about to ask when Hoppou locked her eyes onto them. Said eyes widened before she happily grinned and, after dropping the troll's leg, ran toward the Gryffindor table before leaping into the air. Even as spells were shot at her and missed, Hoppou only had eyes for one thing as students began to move except for Harry who sighed and raised his arms. "BIG BROTHER!" Landing in his arms, she hugged him around the neck and buried her face into his shirt. "Big Brother! Hoppou found you!"

Exasperated, Harry nodded as he wrapped his arms around her. "Yes, you did, Little Sis."

It was about then that the biggest explosion happened in the Great Hall.
Hoppou comes to visit 2
Harry Leferts

Just about everyone was about to panic at the Abyssal grabbing Harry in an embrace when her words filtered through their minds. '... Did she just call Harry Potter her Big Brother!?'

Meanwhile, Harry just sighed as he rubbed a slightly teary Hoppou's back. "There, there, Hoppou, I'm here now."

Almost ever person in the Great Hall stared at the sight in front of them before they heard a chair scrape and turned to see a smiling Hagrid walk down from the Teacher's Table to the Gryffindor Table. Not even worried in the slightest, he came to a stop in the cleared out area by Harry and shook his head with a chuckle. "Why 'ello there, Hoppou. Now wha' yeh be doing here?"

Hoppou just looked up at him with a blink. "Hoppou missed Big Brother, so Hoppou came to see Big Brother."

Laughing at that, Hagrid didn't notice people slowly relaxing before he reached out and patted her on the head. "Aye, I can see tha'." He then glanced to the troll who was staying as still as possible, though whether that was because of fear or a possible concussion by the bump on the head, no one knew. "And thankee for takin' care of a problem."

With a blink, Hoppou tilted her head to the side. " It was really mean and bopped Hoppou. So Hoppou bop it right back! Then it fell and went BOOM!" Several people jumped back as Hoppou threw her arms wide. "Then Hoppou grab it and begin to bring it to Big Brother! Because Big Brother would teach it lesson about being mean to people!"

As he scratched his cheek, Harry noticed people boggling at him. Hermione then leaned over and hissed at him. "Harry... why is an Abyssal Princess of all things calling you 'Big Brother'!?"

Blinking at the odd question, Harry frowned at her. "Because I sort of am?" In the quiet of the Great Hall, Harry didn't notice that his voice carried. "A bunch of the other Abyssals tried to kill her, but Mum found her and brought her back home. Long story short, she's on our side now and Mum adopted her..." Then he frowned some. "Though.... I guess that also means that Wanko is my big sister... Don't quite know how that works."

Eyebrow twitching, Hermione fought every fiber of her being not to summon her rigging and begin blasting. Partially not to harm her friends and partially because she was sure that she wouldn't get too many rounds off before the tiny Abyssal ripped her to shreds. "Wanko...?"

Harry only shrugged. "Harbour Princess, the one by Australia anyways. She's Hoppou's big sister I guess, or at least that's what they call each other." Looking down into Hoppou's eyes, and only getting a blink back, he hummed. "She also likes to bring over Revina, a Re-Class, when she visits Hoppou. And because we're taking care of Hoppou, she's turned to our side as well and is helping out."

Suddenly, Dean snapped his fingers. "That's right! I read something about that in the newspapers!"

Off to the side, Katie nodded. "Yeah, Mum mailed me about that to tell me all about it... that's the Princess?" At Harry's nod, she shook her head in disbelief. "Wow... just wow... Didn't expect her to be like, well, that."

A throat being cleared caused Harry to stiffen and slowly turn to see a displeased McGonagall. She was just about to open her mouth when Hoppou pointed at her. "Old Cat Lady!"

There were various snorts and snickers all across the room. Some claimed that Snape also was snickering, but he denied it and would do so to his dying day. Attempting not to glare at Hoppou, McGonagall raised one eyebrow and then looked at Harry. "Old... cat lady?"

More then a little sheepish, Harry shrugged. "Um... I kind of wrote home and told them about that class and how you can turn into a cat..."

Closing her eyes, McGonagall took a deep breath. "I... see." Opening them again, she looked down at Hoppou. "Be that as it may, I must ask if your mother knows that you're somehow here in Hogwarts?"

When no answer was forthcoming, Harry looked down at Hoppou and raised his own eyebrow before frowning and speaking in a tone of voice that any brother could recognize. "Hoppou..."

Quickly, Hoppou shook her head. "No, Hoppou did not telly mommy. But Hoppou really wanted to see Big Brother again!"

Sighing, all her brother did was rub her on the back. "That's great, Hoppou, but you still should have told Mum what you were going to do." To stop her was left unsaid. "And Mum is not going to be very happy with you running off like you did, even if it was to visit me. Okay?"

Utterly dejected, Hoppou hung her head a bit but nodded just the same. "Yes, Big Brother..." Then she looked up at him with slightly teary eyes. "Does that make Hoppou bad?"

Rolling around his thoughts inside of his head, Harry frowned down at her. "It doesn't make you a good girl." With another sigh, he pulled her close. "But Mum should understand just the same, though you do know that she's going to punish you for this, right?" Getting a nod, Harry looked up at the Head Table, but blinked at all the stares coming in his direction. "..."

It was then that a flash of fire caught his attention and there was a beautiful, red bird the size of a swan there perched on Dumbledore's arm. Looking around, it spotted Harry and Hoppou and flew over. After landing on the table, it tilted it's head one way and then another before letting out a small bit of song. Then it leaned down and gently nuzzled the tears from Hoppou's face and made her giggle. "Pretty bird!"

Slowly, Harry nodded. "Yeah... beautiful."

Reaching out, Harry began to pat the bird with Hoppou joining him. Simply watching him, Hagrid nodded. "Yup, the 'Eadmaster's phoenix is somethin' else, 'e is. Name's Fawkes."

With a frown, Hermione looked up at him. "... As in... Guy Fawkes?"

Just nodding, Hagrid smiled. "Yup! Somethin' about always catchin' fire. Don' really know myself fer sure."

Beside him, Minerva sighed. "The Headmaster has... an odd sense of humor."

That got her a snort from Harry. "I think that I kind of like it, Dess. In fact... it's better to be humorous then to let things get too heated." For several moments there was quiet before Fawkes just hid his head in his wing and gave a warble which caused Harry to blink. "Hey, they should get you fired up."

Needless to say, there were several groans at that one, though Harry was happy to note that people were much more relaxed now. Before he could continue though, Dumbledore lifted his hand and gave a cough. Lifting off from the table, Fawkes flew over and landed again onto the Headmaster's arm and took the piece of parchment held up. "Now then, please wait for her to be ready, Fawkes."

Giving another warble, Fawkes launched himself from Dumbledore's arm and vanished in a burst of flame. Soon shaking it off, Harry pointed toward the food. "Want some, Hoppou?"

Eyes wide as she looked at the spread, Hoppou nodded as she adjusted herself on Harry's lap. "Yes, please!" She then began to pick out what looked like the tastiest bits of food and then began to eat. Due to the others having calmed down, various people leaned in to watch Hoppou and Harry interact with each other as the small Abyssal munched her way through a mountain of food. It was only five minutes later when another burst of fire announced Fawkes return, though he had not come alone.

Mainly because standing there with the phoenix perched on one muscled shoulder was Nagato in her usual clothing.

One could be forgiven for not knowing that she had just woken up as she looked around before she focused on the Gryffindor table, but she did give a nod toward Dumbledore. "Headmaster, I'm quite sorry for all the trouble that has been caused tonight."

Simply smiling, Dumbledore chuckled a bit and gave a nod. "It really has not been much trouble. In fact, your daughter has solved a rather big issue that turned up tonight."

A frown on her face, Nagato followed his gaze to the troll that was still on the floor. "Oh?"

From where she was on Harry's lap, Hoppou nodded. "Yeah! Big mean thing was mean to Hoppou! Was all 'Raagh!' and I said that it's mommy should give it a bath and then it bopped Hoppou with a big stick! So Hoppou grabbed it and bopped it back! Then it fell down to the ground 'oooow' and Hoppou said, 'I'm bringing you to Big Brother so he can give you a talking to and-"

Nagato only quirked an eyebrow as she listened to Hoppou's story, but not much else. By the time that Hoppou finished, Nagato was only nodded. "I see... Headmaster, I take it that this..."

Lips twitching a bit at the story that Hoppou had just told them, Harry coughed. "Um, troll..."

His mother gave him a nod. "This... troll, is a danger to the children?"

Eyes twinkling like mad, Dumbledore smiled in a way that was not kind toward the troll that had threatened his students. "It was, yes."

With a hum, Nagato turned and walked toward the troll. As it turned out, said troll was awake and tried to scramble to it's feet, only for Nagato to reach out and grab him by his clothing and then lift him above the floor. The troll struggled with it's legs kicking at the air for a few seconds until Nagato glared at it and caused it to freeze. "Now then, what shall I do to you? Especially as you threatened my son and tried to harm my daughter?"

All the troll did was whimper out something and Dumbledore walked up. "Ah, it does seem like it's less likely to cause trouble for us." He adjusted his glasses some and chuckled. "I know that you came here to pick up your daughter... but would it be much trouble if I asked if you would help escort our guest outside of the castle? I'll come as I have a few questions for him."

Looking at him, an unheard conversation happened between Nagato and Dumbledore before the Battleship nodded. "Very well. Harry, take care of your sister until I return."

Just smiling, Harry nodded. "Will do, Mum."

Then Nagato turned and gave Hoppou a frown. "And when I come back, we shall be having a conversation, Hoppou regarding this. And I will chose how you will be punished once we get home."

Sulking a bit, Hoppou nodded. "Yes, Mommy... and Hoppou is sorry."

Her expression softening, Nagato only sighed. "I know that you are, but you still did bad." Turning once Hoppou gave another nod, Nagato nodded. "Headmaster."

With that the two of them left with the troll as whispers began to burst out. All Harry did was blink as he heard one of the Seventh Years mutter to herself. "Holy shit... you could grate cheese on those abs.

Her friend meanwhile just snorted. "Abs? Merlin, she's got the whole package. Did you see how she just lifted that troll as if it weighed nothing? And that figure! I want to know how she got that."

Then she reached over and smacked her boyfriend, who was looking with some drool, upside the head. "Ow!"

Percy meanwhile just adjusted his glasses some. "Well... I have to say, Harry, your mother is... something else? Especially as I've now met her in person."

On Harry's face there was just a smile. "Yeah, Mum's just awesome like that."

Blinking, Neville just nodded. "That's... one way of putting it. Another way would be, um..."

While shaking his head, Ron snorted. "Bloody terrifying?"

Slightly sheepish, Neville nodded. "Um, yeah..."

Meanwhile, Hermione just stared unblinkingly where Nagato had gone. '... A shipgirl was here. There is no way that she does not realize that I am a shipgirl as well' Hearing a yawn, she looked over and blinked as she realized something. "Um... Harry, what's that on her nose?"

Looking down, Harry raised an eyebrow as he realized that Hoppou was looking rather tired and had started to snuggle into his chest. "It's a postage stamp. Hoppou, why do you have a stamp on your nose?"

Once more yawning, Hoppou blinked. "Hoppou go through mail to get to Big Brother. So Hoppou needed stamp!" She then smacked her lips a bit. "Hoppou sleepy now..."

Chuckling, Harry's smile grew just a touch. "Well, how about you go to sleep then, hmm? I'll be right here." As her eyes slowly closed, Harry began to softly sing. "You are my Reppu, my only Reppu. You make me happy, when skies are grey. Oh please, don't take my Reppu away..."

He continued to sing as Hoppou drifted off into slumber with various people watching. Up at the staff table, Snape slowly nodded. 'That... was something that Lily would have done.'

By the time that Nagato had returned, Hoppou was fast asleep and the Battleship merely sighed as she gently picked her up. In response, the Abyssal twisted and snuggled into Nagato's neck as said shipgirl looked down at Harry. "I'm sorry about cutting this short, Harry, but I need to get Hoppou home before she causes anymore trouble, okay? But I will be here with some others when you have your first Quidditch match."

Eyes wide, Harry grinned. "You're coming to it?!"

Softly snorting, Nagato just rubbed the top of his head. "I will be, after all the Headmaster has invited me to them and I would not miss them for the world unless I am out on an operation at the time. Now, you be good and I'll see you in a while, okay?"

All Harry did was nod. "Not a problem, Mum! I'll send you some letters tomorrow!"

Fawkes landing on her shoulder, Nagato smiled. "Good night, Harry."

Waving, Harry nodded. "Bye Mum, you and Hoppou have a good night."

Then with a burst of fire, Nagato was gone along with Fawkes and Hoppou...

And that was the signal for various people to begin to barrage Harry with questions about what had just happened as well as about his mother and sister.
Hoppou comes to visit 3
Harry Leferts

Wringing his hands, Fudge paced in a circle in Dumbledore's office. "Albus, what are we going to do!?"

After a few moments of silence, Dumbledore just held out the candy bowl and smiled. "Lemon drops?"

Needless to say, both Fudge and Amelia just stared at him before the Minister threw his hands into the air. "This is serious, Albus! Hogwarts just had one of those... those... Abyssal thingygummies show up! These are the beasts that have been killing good wizards and witches throughout the world and are breaking the Statute!"

Amelia noted the expression hardening on the Headmaster's face as well as the glare he was now giving Fudge and stood back some as Dumbledore rose to his feet. "They have also killed untold numbers of muggles and other beings as well, Minister."

However, Fudge just waved him off. "Yes, yes, that too I suppose. But you still had one here in Hogwarts! And what is worse about it is that it is apparently the adopted sister to Harry Potter! And his adopted mother is a shipgirl!? I have been getting letters from concerned citizens all morning, Headmaster!" He then shook his head. "Perhaps Lucius is right and I should push a law through which would make sure that Harry Potter is at least safe and placed with a proper family."

This time, it was Amelia who spoke up. "That would be a very... bad idea, Cornelius. According to my Susan, Mr. Potter is quite happy where he is. More then that, if you were to take him away then I would guess that we would have some very angry shipgirls paying the Ministry a visit. In such a case, I cannot promise yours or anyone else's safety."

Clearing his throat, Dumbledore then spoke. "It would not work much anyways. I have kept a close eye on Mister Potter and I can tell you that the Japanese Ministry would then interfere. As far as they are concerned, everything is in the right for it. Also, his adoption has gone through in the Muggle World and unless you want to cause a large stir by trying to cover that up or interfere, which I can assure you that the ICW would likely frown upon, then you are best suited to leave it be."

As Fudge slumped into a chair, Amelia coughed. "He does have a point with the first, Albus. Hogwarts was visited by an Abyssal Princess after all and Mr. Potter does live with her and is apparently in contact with more."

Part of Amelia was relieved as Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "Of course, but all we need to do is put the proper spin on things."

Fudge looked up hopefully as he nodded. "Yes, yes, spin... but what kind?" A frown crossed his face as the other two magicals watched him. "Hmm... perhaps play up how Harry Potter seems to have some control over them? That he's tamed the savage beast as it were, yes, that might work a bit..."

Glancing at Amelia, Dumbledore shook his head slightly at her exasperated look. "There is, of course, other views that you could use. Mister Potter's sister is now on the side of humans partially because of him, and she is protective and loving of him as any little sister. Due to that, Miss Wanko has also made peace with humans and now is fighting for us. Use it to give a little hope to people that the war might end soon."

Just frowning, Fudge nodded to himself deep in thought. "Yes... that... hmm... Maybe also use how with this they will come to realize that obeying the Statute is for the best. Especially his mother."

Eyes narrowing, Amelia scowled. "I hope that you are not using Mr. Potter to blackmail his mother and other shipgirls, Cornelius. That would be very inadvisable to say the least."

For a few moments, Fudge blinked before he smiled. "Perish the thought, Amelia."

Neither of the other two were convinced though they didn't say as much. It was nearly a half hour later that Fudge left which meant that only Amelia and Dumbledore was in the office. Sitting down heavily in one of the chairs, Amelia sighed before blinking at the small tumbler on the table beside her that was filled with an amber liquid. Glancing up at Dumbledore, she raised an eyebrow in silent question which he chuckled at. "I believe that both of us need it."

After some thought, Amelia sighed and tossed it back before closing her eyes as she felt the burn of the alcohol. Letting out a sigh along with some wisps of smoke, she shook her head. "Dealing with Cornelius some days, I hate to think of my liver if I had to do with just muggle medicine."

Chuckling, Dumbledore just nodded. "I feel much the same." Downing his own shot, he waited some time and then leaned back. "I am worried though with how things are going Amelia. If Lucius gains too much influence..."

Simply grimacing, Amelia shook her head. "Agreed, though at least I've managed to reverse all the cutbacks to my budgets. As it turns out, having monsters attacking people does wonders for convincing people that we need to keep the large Auror forces on standby." Then she frowned. "Unfortunately, we still have problems. Some are using this as an excuse to stir up... problems, to say the least."

Dumbledore only snorted at that. "Fenrir Greyback needs little excuse I am afraid. Though I am working on something that, perhaps, might stop it. But I do need to know something. Is Fenrir's 'Dead or Alive' status still around?"

Narrowing her eyes, Amelia nodded. "It is, in the eyes of the Ministry he is little more then a beast to be put down if caught. I believe that as soon as he was in custody they would execute him after all..." She then raised her hand at Dumbledore as he opened his mouth. "No, I do not need to know anymore then your question, Albus. I don't want to know. It's for the best so that I can state I did not know anything."

Thoughtful, Dumbledore sighed. "Understood." Leaning back, the Headmaster grimaced. "It might take some time though to put things together. That said, there's a more pressing issue."

However, Amelia shook her head. "I'm doing what I can for them, Albus. Yes, officially they are under our protection and control, but they live on an island that might as well be in the middle of Abyssal territory. And with how the Wizengamot wants us to pull back Great Britain only... there's not much to be done."

A tired expression on his face, Dumbledore closed his eyes. "I see... it's much the same with the ICW I'm afraid. Though I do have some ideas there, though it may... break a few eggs."

Softly snorting, Amelia shook her head. "Albus, you and I both know that's an understatement... but the world is changing around us I suppose, quicker then we would like. I'm no fool, I know what the state is and will be... so you have my support."

That got her a thankful nod from the Headmaster. "Thank you, Amelia, that takes a weight off of my."

On Amelia's face, there was a tired smile before she raised her tumbler. "Then perhaps you can show me your thankfulness by providing me another drink before I need to head back and deal with the chaos that will be going on."

With a chuckle, Dumbledore pulled out his bottle and did exactly as she asked.
Ron the Dick (omake)

I'll just leave it here...


Studying magic, in Ron Weasley's opinion, was hard chore. Potions, transfiguration, charms and so on blended in one dizzying kaleidoscope, each demanding undivided attention, and – seemingly – all the free time he could spare.

Almost as important – at least in Ron's opinion – were several chess matches he was currently playing through mail, weekly notes he sent to Ginny, and the reading he assigned himself. That last one took up depressingly small part of youngest Weasley's day, but he forced himself to remain optimistic.

Besides, Ron wasn't alone in this, as he had fellow housemates to relate to. Some of them, at least.

One of them, of course, was famous Harry Potter. The easiest way to describe him was "different". Harry effortlessly and obliviously defied any attempt to categorize him. He usually held himself as military, posture and all, but at the same time possessed strong accent, and had at least three verbal ticks in his speech. He took a lot of surprises that shaken newly introduced muggles to the core in stride, but freaked out at the sight that didn't faze even them. And so on.

Ron's current theory was that he had been exposed to a different magical culture growing up, which in itself was weird – he was clearly raised by shipgirls (plural, despite him claiming being adopted by one) at military base, and every magical tried to stay fair distance away from armed forces. The secrecy meshed very badly with rather transparent military world.

His other male friend – Neville Longbottom – was a bit easier to understand, but had some hidden depth as well. For instance, he reminded Ron – very strongly – of Warspite's Gunny. As battleship explained senior marine sergeant aboard the ship was called Gunny, and it was his job to rein in the terror that were bored marines. Ron didn't understand what was so bad about marines being bored (Warspite refused to elaborate) but he found out that sergeant could shut up both Fred and George with a single look. While still being two inches tall, and having cute fairy body.

That impossible combination of unassuming looks and iron core was what Neville demonstrated on occasion. For instance, during the fabled flight lesson, (the one that netted Griffindor youngest seeker of the century) not only did he gave the broom strong enough command to lift off by itself, he also managed to hold onto the blasted thing for solid two seconds when cushion charm gave up the host allowing Harry to catch him.

That, and the fact that he also made himself lighter (Harry would have been yanked of his broom if he did), spoke of strong if untrained magical core with equally strong will behind it. Control could have use some work though, because Ron barely managed to pull his wand out before Neville's magic collapsed, and it fell to Hermione to stop his fall. Weasley just didn't have the power to hold a boy of Neville's size through sheer willpower, without spells.

And then was proverbial elephant in the room. Hermione Grainger. A shipgirl posing (rather convincingly) as a muggleborn witch.

She was doing a good job Ron had to admit. Both Dean and Seamus were convinced. Nevertheless, she made enough mistakes for anyone paying attention to catch on. The boat on the lake, huge (as in HUGE) appetite, her horrible flying, the whole scarf thing… Harry, Ron was sure, caught on at first day. Weasley himself took several weeks, but when Hermione walked over the surface of a shallow puddle he later slipped and fell into… that sort of gave it away.

There were other, more subtle things to note. A bit slow, but photographic (literally, Ron suspected) memory. Ability to repeat gestures with mechanical precision – he seen Warspite do this trick enough times to notice. The fact that she never got lost in the castle… the list gone on.

Hermione also possessed a hearing sharper than human, as Ron found out after he lost his temper after being shown – once again – that human mind and body can't compete with those of a ship. Shipgirl incognito could replicate and memorize information fast enough to be considered a genius. But those things could only take one so far.

Something needed to be done.


"Hermione, I think we need to discuss something." Ron said bluntly, as the four of them sat in Griffindor common room with their books. "It's about what I said on Halloween."

That got him deeply annoyed glare. Ron firmly fought down the urge to squirm at how much it resembled the one his mother gave him on occasion.

"I still stand by what I said if you want to say something, say it to my face." Shipgirl grumbled.

"That's what I'm doing." Ron said, and quickly added, noticing that Harry once again intends to interfere. "In fact, that goes for you too Harry."

That got him offended look from Harry, incredulous from Hermione, and curious from Neville.

"You're telling me, that I too, would end up in bad place if I keep that up?" Harry clarified.

Ron sighed, and started explaining.

"What I meant was that the way both of you studying magic is… not wrong, but certainly not right." He said finally. "I should have worded that better, but…"

He trailed off, but then pulled himself together and continued.

"But I was too annoyed by my failure at class." He decided to keep the lecturing part out. One hurricane at a time.

Harry and Hermione exchanged glances, and decided this topic did in fact merit discussion.

"Okay." Hermione said, and Ron was sure someone on her bridge opened a fresh logbook. "I'm listening."

"The way you treat magic." Weasley said. "You think of studying here as just learning another set of natural laws. Some similar to the ones you already knew, some different."

"And that's wrong… how?" Harry asked dumbfounded. Hermione remained silent, but nodded in agreement.

"You are here to learn how to do magic, how to become wizards… or witches. Not just… spell casters." Ron tried to explain, but understood from their expression that he wasn't getting his point across. "Sure there are rules, but…"

The confusion on Harry's and Hermione's faces remained, and Ron shrugged in frustration. He wasn't getting through! He should have talked to Percy before bringing this up…

"There are no laws in magic." Neville said suddenly. Everyone focused his attention on him, but he continued, unaffected. "There are only rules. Rules that can be bent or outright broken."

Ron had no idea where Longbottom got this quote – it sounded like one – but it seemed to get a point across. Both muggleborns now had a thoughtful look on their faces.

"Thanks, Neville." Ron said, before continuing. "It's as he says. You treat the rules that are taught here as absolute laws, as one – and only – right way to do magic. This isn't right – it's the easiest way to do things, that's why it's taught in school, but it's hardly the only one."

Weasley sighed deeply, and gave Hermione a long stare.

"That's what set me of at Halloween. I was having trouble concentrating because I was…tired." Yes, that was good way to say he overtaxed his magical core during the experiment precious evening. "And that's why reacted so badly when you started to correct my gesture and spelling errors."

"You mean I was giving wrong advice?" Shipgirl asked, but this time there was no ironclad surety in her voice. "That if you were less tired, the spell would have worked?"

"The part about poking someone's eye out was certainly true." Ron joked, getting a snort in return. "The rest, not so much. Look."

He dropped clean sheet of parchment on the floor nearby, and pulled out his wand – one of the few truly new things among his school supplies.

"Vingardium Levioso!"

Hermione cringed a bit at his pronouncement, but promptly forgotten about it as parchment lifted easily of the floor. After a minute, Ron lowered his wand, and the sheet dropped back.

"Any words, and most of gestures are there to help you to focus your magic." Ron explained. "They are useful, but they aren't necessary. Take Harry, for example."

Harry jumped a bit when he was put on the spot so suddenly.

"The paper talismans you showed us have almost exact same functions as amulets sold on Diagon Alley." Ron said. "Yet they were made without use of any latin-derived spells we use here, the gestures used to imprint the symbols were also different, and unless I'm mistaken, the brush wasn't anything special – it's all about ink. Right?"

Harry just nodded silently.

"See?" Ron asked turning to Hermione. "Different symbols and words, different gestures, different tools. Same result."

There was a pause when everyone, including Neville, was giving Ron strange glances. "What?"

"You know how Ofuda's are made?" Harry asked.

"What? No. Percy have done personal paper about differences in eastern and western magic schools last summer." Ron grimaced at the memory. "Wouldn't shut up about it."

Then he lifted his wand again.

"How about another demonstration?" He suggested. "Remember the spell I showed you on train, Harry?"

Hermione groaned. Neville snorted. Harry kept his face neutral, but the corner of his mouth twitched a bit.

"The one that failed to do anything?" He asked, vividly remembering Ron's face getting as red as his hair. "The one you said Fred and George taught you? Sure."

Ron pointed the wand at the parchment on the floor and recited.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,

Turn this boring parchment yellow!"

Snickers Hermione started emitting at the start of the spell died in her throat, as the sheet turned from dirty white to bright yellow.

Yamato & Enterprise
Harry Leferts

Walking along a park pathway, Yamato glanced around before turning toward Enterprise who seemed utterly unconcerned with their surroundings. Both shipgirls had gone "Civilian" for their little trip which made Yamato slightly nervous. But currently she was interested in their surroundings. "I, Yam... I must admit that I am rather impressed with this park."

A grin on her face, Enterprise turned and began walking backwards with her hands behind her head. "Yeah, I kind of like to just spend some time walking around. I just let the war... slip away."

There was a thoughtful look on Yamato's face before she slowly nodded. "Yes, I, Yamato can understand that... though there are few parks near to Yokosuka base."

Still walking backwards, Enterprise gave a grunt. "Yeah... though there's that island, Sarushima, that you can just visit." Tilting her head back, she considered the sunlight dappled canopy. "But you should go and find somewhere to just... let everything slip away and relax."

Glancing at Enterprise, Yamato raised an eyebrow. "I see..."

Suddenly, Enterprise grinned. "By the way... I noticed that you aren't doing that whole... 'I, Yamato' thing as much anymore."

Flushing some, Yamato grimaced. "I, Yam... I was told that perhaps doing so would help people relax around me."

Chuckling, the Carrier shook her head. "Eh... maybe, Princess." It was then that she spotted something and grinned. "And here we are! Sam's!"

With a blink, Yamato looked in the same direction as Enterprise and spotted a food truck there with the name that Enterprise had given it on the side. Raising an eyebrow, Yamato took a sniff and tilted her head as she could smell the food cooking as well as the grease, her belly rumbling a bit as it reminded her that she needed to top off her fuel tanks some. "I see, Then I, Yamato, shall see if this place is truly as good as you say."

Just scoffing at her, Enterprise turned back around and began to stride toward the food truck. "You'll be surprise." Coming up to it, she reached out with one hand and rang the bell that hung from an arm and when a man looked out, grinned. "Hey there, Sammy boy."

The man just grinned right back and snorted. "Hey there, E."

He then blinked and raised an eyebrow at the sight of Yamato before looking at Enterprise who shrugged. "She's a friend and decided to bring her along so that she could have a taste of real, American cooking."

Slowly nodding and taking the hint, he hummed. "The usual then?"

Enterprise snorted a bit, but smirked. "Yeah, play it again, Sam."

All he did though was shake his head and turn toward Yamato. "And what would you like?"

Frowning thoughtfully, Yamato looked over the menu on the side of the food truck and tilted her head. "I... believe that I shall try two of your bacon double cheeseburgers, three... bacon wrapped hot dogs?"

She glanced toward Enterprise who nodded. "They're pretty damn good."

Just nodding, she turned back. "And a large fry."

Taking it all down in a notebook, Sam frowned. "And to drink?"

Opening her mouth, Yamato then closed it thoughtfully before considering the choices. "I shall take one bottle of iced tea."

Eyes sparkling, Enterprise gave the Battleship a light punch to the arm. "Ooo! Living dangerously I see, especially if Kongou ever finds out about you drinking it."

A moment later though, she was fixed with a look from Yamato. "It is not dangerous as long as someone with a rather large mouth does not talk about it."

For a second, Enterprise stared at her and then gave a loud laugh. "Oh, fuck I needed that." Still chuckling, she made a motion with one finger across her chest. "No worries here, I won't tell the Bongou about this. Scout's honor." When Yamato hummed, Enterprise snorted and crossed her arms. "I'm serious here, she won't hear about it from me."

Both of them just slipped into a silence with Enterprise tapping her fingers on the metal shelf until Sam yelled from inside the truck. "Oy! How many times do I have to tell ya not to do that, E! Do you realize how hard it is to get dents out of that!?"

About to reply, Enterprise was stopped as Yamato spoke up. "Yes, she does have a rather poor issue with impulse control."

Slowly blinking, the Carrier glared into the food truck and then at the smirking Yamato. "You both suck."

It was a few minutes later when their food was handed to them and the two quickly paid, though Enterprise left a generous tip which Sam nodded at. "Thanks, E. Hope that you and your friend both enjoy it."

With a smile, Yamato nodded. "I, Yamato would like to thank you."

All he did though was tip his head at her before he went back inside to do whatever he did as Enterprise and Yamato both said goodbye. Then Enterprise led Yamato over toward one of the picnic tables and sat down to eat. Waiting until Yamato had taken a bite of her burger, Enterprise munched down on her hot dog before chewing and swallowing. Taking a sip of her drink, Enterprise cleared her throat. "So?"

There was a thoughtful smile on Yamato's face before she nodded. "It is very good, actually."

Scoffing, Enterprise leaned back. "Very good, she says."

Yamato just watched the Carrier continue to eat before she frowned and swallowed another bite. "I, Yamato would like to ask you something." Getting a grunt, she continued. "What brought you to this place?"

For almost a minute, Enterprise was silent before she spoke up. "Because... it's quiet."

Raising an eyebrow, Yamato frowned. "Quiet?"

Just closing her eyes, Enterprise nodded. "Yeah... quiet. You noticed how Sam didn't really make a big fuss about you being there?" Even though she was not watching, Enterprise knew that Yamato had given a nod. "Sam's like that. He knows who you are just like he knows who I am... but he doesn't treat us as these big legends, he treats us as... well, people. Friendly customers really."

Taking another bite, Yamato considered this before she nodded. "I see... is that as much a problem for you here in America as it is for me in Japan?"

Several seconds passed before Enterprise opened her eyes and grabbed a fry. "Yeah." Popping it into her mouth, she chewed before swallowing, washing it down with her coke. "When I returned, they made this huge deal of it, you know? As if I'm some kind of huge hero, even though I was only lucky... I soon found out about how my name was legendary. They plastered it all over the place... I'm sure that you can relate."

Also thoughtful, Yamato nodded as she remembered her surprise at such things as a museum dedicated to her and the 'Space Battleship Yamato' that she had come across. "I, Yam... I can."

Grabbing another fry, Enterprise waved it around. "Then there was the food places. Like... dammit, no matter where I went to enjoy a meal, they took my picture, and more then once I found out that they framed it while stating that I ate there... heh, never visited those places again. I ain't like what they seem to think, it was all just luck. Hornet... Yorktown... Wasp... Langley... so many of them. They are the true heroes because they gave it their all in the end. It's them who should be remembered in history... not me. Not 'Lucky E'." She then pointed the fry at the food truck. "Then one day, I was walking around when I came across Sam's here. My fuel tanks were low and I needed something to eat, so I decided to try it. And you know what happened?"

Having finished her first burger, Yamato took a sip of her drink. "No, what?"

On Enterprise, there was a soft smile that caused the Battleship to blink. "Sam there did not do anything but raise an eyebrow and make some friendly talk as he made me a damn good meal. No fawning over me, no sucking up, and no kissing my ass. He treated me like anyone else. So... a week later I returned and he had not put up any signs stating that I ate here or anything. He got a loyal customer out of me that day, especially as he has never treated me as anything but someone he knows."

Both shipgirls lapsed into thoughtful silence before Yamato slowly smiled. "Then, perhaps, I, Yamato shall also visit from time to time."

Chuckling, Enterprise clapped her on the shoulder. "That's the spirit." She waited until Yamato brought up the first hot dog to her eat it before grinning. "Now go ahead and jam that piece of meat into your mouth, you'll love it."

For several moments, Yamato blinked before she narrowed her eyes and tossed a crumped napkin at the laughing American. "Lewd."
First match of the year 1
Harry Leferts

It went without saying that the next few days at Hogwarts after Hoppou's unexpected visit were crazy even by Hogwarts standards. Everywhere that Harry had gone he could hear conversations regarding him. Some talked about how him and Hoppou were brother and sister, as well as Wanko and Revina. More then a few of the theories had caused him headaches.

Harry swore never to let Revina know about the one that stated he was making them his servants. After all, knowing the Re-Class, there was every chance that she would decide to act the part. A few of the others caused him to blush and blanch as well, especially as he was only eleven years old for Pete's sake!

Those ones he definitely was never going to let Revina know about for his own sake and his mother's oil pressure.

And then there were the conversations about his mother, more then a few of those caused him to have a near permanent twitch to his eyebrow. Though those calmed down rather quickly for some reason and he tried to ignore the somewhat pleased expressions on various witches' faces when the conversations were silenced. Other ones however had caused him to snort in amusement. During the past few days more then one girl had come up to him asking for the diet that his mother was on to look the way that she did. Something that caused him no end of bemusement, especially their expressions when he revealed both what his mother ate and how much. Most of them thought that he was kidding with them.

Eventually though, that passed and things settled down with little changing except now he had photos of Hoppou, Wanko, and Revina on his little dresser. Those had gotten some looks oddly enough, especially Revina's and Wanko's. The only other change was that he got a few looks, though those became easier to ignore the closer that they got to the first Quidditch match of the season, which was between Gryffindor and Slytherin. And most of that was due to Wood working them practically to the bone with morning practice and practice once classes were let out.

Needless to say, Harry was thankful for Hermione's help in keeping up with his homework.

Soon enough though, even Wood was forced to take a break. If only due to the industrial strength stink bomb in his locker, which he blamed the twins for even though they swore it wasn't them. No one really noticed Harry and Katie sharing a handshake behind their backs. Grant you, he now owed Johnston a favor, but he wasn't worried about that. Mainly because said Destroyer had very simple wants.

Finally the day arrived and found Harry in the morning eating some toast slowly as Hermione and Ron debated Quidditch strategies across the table back and forth. Poor Neville was likely to get a crick in his neck from looking from one to the other as if it was a tennis match. Swallowing his bite, he looked at his two friends in amusement he snorted. "Are you sure that I'm playing and not you?"

Hermione just gave him a look with a slight frown. "You really should eat more then toast, Harry."

The young man though shook his head as he swallowed another bite. "Can't, I don't want anything too heavy on my stomach and... well, I'm kind of nervous so..."

All that did was cause Hermione to sigh as she groaned. "I know, I know."

Before she could comment though, they noticed that everyone was now looking at the doors to the Great Hall in surprise. When he turned and spotted what was there, Harry gave a grin. "Mum!"

Meanwhile, Nagato just chuckled as she stood there in her usual civilian outfit of a black turtleneck and jeans. Her eyes twinkled a bit as she shook her head in amusement as he came over and gave her a hug. "I told you that I would be here for you. And I'm not the only one."

With a blink, Harry turned and his eyes widened as he saw who was there before running over to give Shinano a hug. "Shinano-Chan!"

Softly smiling even through her blush at his affection in front of so many people, Shinano leaned down and returned the hug with a sigh as various people whispered. "It's good to see you, Harry-Chan!"

Then she stood up as two others made themselves known with a snort, all the whispers stopping. "What, no hugs for us?" Isokaze then looked toward Hamakaze with a fake pout. "Now that's just sad."

Raising an eyebrow, Hamakaze hummed as she looked at her fellow Destroyer. "Harry-San must have his own reasons you know."

A chuckle escaped Harry before he hugged first Isokaze and then Hamakaze. "It's good to see you both."

Hamakaze only smiled as she shook her head. "The same for us, Harry-San."

Putting her hands behind her head, Isokaze gave a nod. "Yeah, we're kind of interested to see this Quidditch thing."

Meanwhile at the Gryffindor table, Hermione almost choked on some bacon as one of the Fifth Year witches looked down at her chest and then up at Hamakaze before looking at Shinano. "Okay, that's just not bloody fair that is. How the hell did they get those?"

Another witch frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. "Maybe that white haired one drank a lot of milk?"

That caused a Fourth Year to stare at her in surprise. "Drinking a lot of milk will get you ones like... that?"

Only shrugging, the one who had mentioned milk shook her head. "Maybe? That's what I heard anyways. Though... do you think that she uses a bra or support charm?"

A Seventh Year witch scratched her head. "Do they make ones that big?"

However, what caused Hermione to bang her head on the table was a Sixth Year wizard she could hear at the Hufflepuff table commenting on how he would love those pillows to sleep against. She was only thankful that a witch beside him had smacked him upside the head before something happened. Especially as she knew that Hamakaze had heard from the flat stare she had given the wizard in question. The Destroyer's gaze then turned to other wizards, and a few witches as Shinano looked more nervous then Harry felt.

Which was when Harry grabbed her hand and began to drag her over to the Gryffindor table and sat her down. "Come on, Shinano-Chan, you can sit here beside me."

It would have been comical the sheer difference in size between the eleven year old and the Amazonian shipgirl if not for how happy she looked. "Okay..."

Nagato then sat on Harry's other side, the bench groaning just slightly before Hamakaze and Isokaze took up positions on Shinano's and Nagato's sides respectively. Looking around, Nagato gave a small nod of appreciation at the breakfast laid out. "Impressive."

Taking his toast, Harry just smiled at her. "You guys can take some if you want."

Eyes wide, Shinano looked down in surprise before she waved her hands. "I... I can't."

Hearing a scoff, she looked up to see Percy gesture at the food. "You certainly can, go ahead and eat as much as you'd like. After all, it would not do to not be hospitable to guests at our table."

Now blushing, Shinano placed her hands in her lap and smiled a bit. "Um, thank you..."

With a chuckle, Percy nodded. "Percy Weasley."

Blinking, Shinano nodded as she remembered where she had heard the name before. "Wait, the Prefect? Harry-Chan talked about you in his letters."

Much to her surprise, Percy seemed inordinately pleased, though the two red haired twins began to mutter about heads getting bigger. At the same time, Hamakaze and Isokaze grabbed some food and began to eat, while Nagato piled a much bigger plate before smiling at her son. "Excited?"

There was an uneasy smile now on Harry's face as he answered her. "Yeah... though I'm really nervous too." Feeling a hand on his head, he blinked and glanced up to see his mother rubbing his hair. "Mum?"

All she did though was give him a proud look. "I know that you'll do just fine, after all, you are one of the prides of the Big Seven."

On Harry's other side, Shinano rapidly nodded. "That's right, Harry-Chan. I know that you'll be great at this and will win!"

Blushing, Harry gave a slight chuckle as his mom began to eat, Shinano also having a large plate of food in front of her. "Heh, thanks Mum, Shinano-Chan."

Meanwhile, the rest of the school just stared at the sheer amount of food that both the Battleship and the Carrier were putting away and put away until breakfast was over and they all made their way to the Qudditch Pitch.
First match of the year 2
Harry Leferts

By eleven in the morning, the stands had filled up and the shipgirl guests had joined Hermione, Ron, Neville, Dean, and Seamus on the top row of the Gryffindor section of the stands. They had gotten some looks, but Nagato had just smiled and chuckled as she stated that they were going to sit with her son's friends. Which was not to say that the Battleship had not been amused when Hermione fell into formation as a screening element as they made their way to the stands. Now sitting down, she watched as Dean unfolded what looked like a ruined sheet with "Potter for President" painted onto it with a lion below it. Moments later, Hermione did something that made the paint flash different colors which caused her to snort in amusement as she thought of something. At their looks, she just gave them a smile. "I was just thinking of what Iowa's reaction to that would be."

Interested, Dean looked up at her. "Really?"

Nagato just grinned. "Most likely knowing her it would be something along the lines of... 'I would vote for him.' Less swearing then there would be from New Jersey of course."

That caused Shinano to giggle before she blushed at their looks. "Jersey-Mama would definitely do that."

Unsure about what she had called the Battleship, Dean shook it off and handed her a corner which she took. Meanwhile, Neville was just watching the shipgirls before he frowned. "Um... I would have thought that more of Harry's friends would have shown up..."

Softly smiling down at the boy, Nagato shook her head. "They certainly wanted to, but the six of us were all that could be spared."

With a slow nod, Neville was about to say something when he stopped and frowned. "But... there's only four of you..."

Raising an eyebrow, the Battleship shook her head. "Archie? Albie?"

Hermione twitched something fierce as the two Subgirls popped up with Archie having a large smile on her face. "Did you know that there's this fishy in that lake that walks around on two legs?" She then held out a bag that had a plimpy in it that seemed as confused as the wizards. "They're so cool... I'm calling him Bob."

Beside her, Albie nodded as she fingered a spear. "And those mermaids have some great stuff, Jane is going to love this."

Frowning, Nagato coughed. "You were given that, right?"

All Albie did though was hum which made Nagato sigh. Meanwhile, Hermione just stared. '... American Submarines... they have American Submarines here...' Shuddering, she turned back to the field. 'I'll be checking all my things when they leave.'

While she was thinking that, Shinano was nodding at something Dean said before tapping the side of her head. "Actually, we're making sure to get video of this right now."

His expression one of being boggled, Ron stared at her. "But... muggle electric stuff doesn't work in Hogwarts."

It was Albie who answered as she pulled out some popcorn from somewhere which made them do a double take as they wondered where she got that. "Yeah, but magical sparkly shipgirl bullshit." Ron opened his mouth and she gave him a grin. "Magical. Sparkly. Shipgirl. Bullshit."

A tap to her shoulder though caused her to turn to Hamakaze who pointed at the field. "They're coming out now."

Expression one of both interest and intensity, Shinano stared down as Harry came out in his Quidditch robes before she bit her lip. "He looks really professional..." Seeing a flash, she turned to see Nagato take a few pictures and then blinked and the camera was gone. "Um..." The Battleship just winked before they turned back to the match to see Harry mount his broom and shoot into the air with the rest of the team. "Wow."

Nodding, Nagato kept an eye on the match and could feel her crew doing the same. "It does make for an impressive sight." Several minutes later though, she winced as one of the girls, who she remembered was called Katie, got hit square in the back by a 'Bludger'. "That is safe... right?"

Beside her, Hermione nodded as she followed the various players easily. "Perfectly, they have special Quidditch body armor on to blunt the force of impacts. Also, the school's bludgers are covered in soft leather unlike league ones which are barely padded... though deaths are rare."

Ron grunted a bit. "Yeah, few players have died in games even from being hit in the head."

He stood up alongside everyone else and cheered as Angelina scored a goal, though there were snickers from Lee Jorden's commentary. Once they sat down, Hamakaze nodded. "Like in martial arts matches then."

Just shrugging, Ron grunted. "Yeah, I guess... though sometimes when a ref makes a bad call they can disappear and be found months later in the Sahara."

That got him looks of surprise and shock from the shipgirls before they turned to see Hagrid walk up. "Budge up there, move along."

It was a good thing that there was some space by the shipgirls as there was enough for the giant man to squeeze in as Nagato gave him a nod. "Hagrid-San."

All of them could tell that he had a grin behind his beard as he looked over the field. "Bin watching from me hut." Patting a massive pair of binoculars, Hagrid chuckled. "Not the same as being up here though... any sign of the Snitch?"

Eyes skyward, Shinano shook her head as she felt her pilots nod at what they were seeing. "None... though Harry-Chan is using a search pattern we do to look for it."

Tilting her head back, Nagato only nodded as she chuckled. "He's taking a page out of our books... that's my son." She winced as he just missed a Bludger, one of the twins knocking it back a moment later. Both Destroyers also twitched at the sight as if they wanted to do something, but held themselves. "Hmm..."

However, when the Captain of the Slytherin team nearly knocked Harry off his broom as he was diving for the Snitch, there was a crunch of wood and everyone looked up before turning away as Shinano ignored the wooden splinters falling from her hands. where they gripped the seat Hagrid just mumbled to himself as he shook his head. "Gonna need ta repair tha'..."

Shinano though was just glaring with pure rage as a debated raged around her about what Flint had done. At one point, Flint had looked at them with a sneer only to blanch and turn away at the sight of the expressions on Shinano's and Nagato's faces. Part of Shinano, a small part, felt gleeful at that. Suddenly, she heard a gasp and looked at Isokaze who was staring upwards. "What in the world..."

Each of the Kanmusu's heads shot in the same direction and they focused in on Harry trying to hold onto his broom as it bucked in his hands. They barely heard Seamus as he asked if Flint knocking into Harry had done it. However, they did hear Hagrid's comment. "Can't nothing interfere with a broomstick except for powerful magic. No kid could do that to a Nimbus Two Thousand."

Focused on her son, Nagato stood up when a buck nearly threw Harry from his broom, one hand gripping onto it. Gulping, Albie was staring upwards. "Okay... I think that Texas might ask him if he wants to try out bull riding after this."

Hearing Hermione comment that one needed to be looking at the target to jinx it, Shinano began to scan the crowd for someone muttering and holding their wand. Much to her annoyance, there were several people looking skyward fingering their wands as they muttered under their breath. Then she heard Lee Jordan shout. "Wait, is that one of Harry's guests? Um, Hamakaze or something running through the stands?"

With the sound of metal straining from how fast it whipped around, Shinano shot her head around to see Hamakaze running down the stairs, one eye on the sky. She then reached the railing, but just jumped and placed one foot on it before pushing off. The wood beneath her foot practically disintegrated from the force as she shot into the air almost forty feet higher then the railing and then came down.

And when she landed, the whole stadium shook from her nearly full mass slamming into the pitch, cratering it. Part of Shinano noted that someone with a turban stumbled and fell from the shaking. However, Hamakaze just kept her eyes on the sky as she ran from the crater. However, she slowed down as Harry's broom stopped it's bucking and he pulled himself back on...

Then just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, he dove straight as an arrow for the pitch. Something told Hamakaze to wait though and she did as he leveled off and then did something that caused her to boggle...

He stood up on his broom as if it was a surfboard and reached forward to grab at a golden object she was sure was the Snitch when the broom hit a slightly raised patch of ground and he was flung off from it. Tumbling, Harry came to a stop and stood up before he began to hack and cough before seeming to puke into his hand. Grinning, he then raised his hand where the Snitch was now struggling to get free.

Hamakaze just sighed in relief as the entire stadium went wild, though she noticed that Shinano, Isokaze, and Nagato were already rushing down the stairs as well toward the pitch, Harry's friends following. Another part noted the Slytherin Captain arguing with the ref that it did not count and that Gryffindor had not won...
First match of the year 3
Harry Leferts

Growling, Nagato paced Dumbledore's office as Isokaze waited off to the side. "I want to know exactly what in the hell happened out there, Headmaster! My son was nearly killed by someone."

A sigh escaped from the elderly man as he glanced to where Amelia Bones was watching the Battleship pace. Part of him was rather impressed that she did not let any of her nervousness show, even when Nagato fixed eyes nearly glowing in anger on her. "We are currently investigating what occurred, Miss Nagato, as you can see, I have brought in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to look into it."

Nagato then fixed Amelia with a glare. "Do you have any leads? Suspects?"

The witch spread her hands out and nodded. "Oh yes, we have at least two dozen suspects." Seeing Nagato start, she sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "As much as I wish otherwise, there were far too many people there who could have done it. Some are Death Eaters found innocent at the end of the last war. Others are famly members of Death Eaters. Almost any one of them could have done it."

Suddenly a voice piped up from behind Dumbledore's chair and caused him to blink. "What about their magic?" Both Dumbledore and Amelia turned to see Albie there in a staredown with Fawkes before the Subgirl turned toward them. "Like... with guns. You know, match the spell with the wand?"

Chuckling without any humour in it, Amelia shook her head. "Unfortunately, Muggle law enforcement has it much easier then we do. It's very hard to match a spell to a specific signature. There are spells that can examine the last spell a wand cast, but anyone smart would start firing off harmless spells as soon as they were out of sight. After a dozen or so, it would become near impossible to determine if they cast a spell. And that would be if we got a warrant to examine their wand in the first place. Not an easy thing, let me tell you."

Grimacing, Nagato growled. "So they get away with it, that's what you're telling me."

Eyes narrowing, Amelia sighed. "I can only promise you that we will look into it as much as we can, and if we find the culprit, we'll prosecute to the fullest extent of the law."

Slowly, Nagato reached up and rubbed her face. "Is there anything that can be done then?"

This time, Dumbledore nodded. "As a matter of fact, yes." Once he had their attention, he continued. "I shall do my best to make it to his games this year to watch. I doubt that many would try something if I was there."

Relaxing some, Nagato nodded. "I suppose that is the best that I can hope for... thank you for answering my questions." With the slighest smile, she sighed. "Now then, i think that I'll go and make sure that my son is alright."

A twinkle in his eye, Dumbledore chuckled. "Oh, I am sure that he's enjoying the party that is no doubt happening in Gryffindor Tower." Giving one last goodbye, Nagato as well as Albie and Isokaze left, though Dumbledore noted that Albie looked like she had something in her mouth and looked to his candy bowl.

Which was currently empty.

Even Amelia blinked at that and furrowed her eyebrows. "Wasn't that just a few minutes ago...?"

Dumbledore nodded. "Yes.

Now frowning, Amelia looked between the empty bowl and the door that the shipgirls had left in. "But... how... when..."

All Dumbledore did was sigh and wave his wand, his bowl filling with candies before taking one and unwrapping it. A moment later, he popped it into his mouth. "I have found it best not to ask, Amelia."

However, Amelia was still utterly puzzled and tried to figure out how the Subgirl had taken the candies without any of them seeing or knowing.

Hands behind her head, Isokaze grimaced. "Well... that was a waste of time."

With a soft, almost nonexistent sigh, Nagato had a similar expression. "Perhaps, but at least they're doing something. Part of me was worried that they might just drop it right there." Up ahead, she spotted a man heading in their direction. As he reached them, Nagato cleared her throat. "Excuse me."

Coming to a stop, Snape frowned and gave her his best glare. Part of him was annoyed as it slid off the two like water off a duck's back. "Yes? How may I... help you?"

There was a small smile on Nagato's face as she examined him for a moment. "Professor Severus Snape, I believe?"

Simply raising an eyebrow, Snape frowned more. "I am, though I know that you're Mr. Potter's adopted mother."

If she had noticed the emphasis on the word "Adopted", Nagato didn't show it. "That's correct. I've heard quite a bit about you actually and I was wondering if I could ask a question."

For a moment, it looked like Snape would snap at her, after all, he was under quite a bit of stress. Then he composed himself. "I assume that you have heard about me from your son. However, I'm... sorry to say, but I will not treat him any different then I would any of my other students."

Much to his surprise though, he only got a chuckle. "I wasn't going to ask that, though my son has said that you are a very strict teacher to say the least." That caused Snape to quirk an eyebrow only for his eyes to widen at her next words. "I was wondering if you were the Severus Snape that was friends with my son's biological mother when she was a child."

For what seemed like an eternity, Snape thought that his heart was stopped before he shook it off. Taking a shuddering breath, he fixed Nagato with a look. "I was. We were... best friends until an incident in our Fifth Year ended it." Despite himself, he couldn't help but continue. "Something that I have always regretted." Then Snape narrowed his eyes. "Who told you that?"

Nagato had an odd smile on her face. "Her name is Rose."

Eyebrows furrowing, Snape scowled. "I know no one of that name."

In Nagato's eyes there was an odd gleam. "Do you remember a silver tea set?"

That, if anything, caused Snape to become more confused as he narrowed his eyes. "Yes, as a matter of fact I do." His gaze then turned far off as his mind drifted back. "Lily was quite proud of it and liked to bring it out for the two of us to have tea with. It was an heirloom that had been passed down through her family." Then Snape returned to the present. "Why?"

Pausing for a moment, Nagato gave him a smile as Isokaze stood off to the side watching. "Harry inherited it a few years back and because it was more then a hundred years old, it became a tsukumogami. A tsukumogami is-"

Snape then cut her off. "An object over a hundred years old which has gained a soul and thus sapience." At her raised eyebrow, he softly scoffed. "I spent some time in Japan several years back during a conference of potions masters and I learned some things outside potions while there as one of them had knowledge of what I believe are called yokai. I assume that this Rose is the name chosen by the tea set?"

However, Nagato shook her head. "No, that was the name that Harry gave her." Turning, she looked out a nearby window to the grounds. "One of his favorite pastimes is to ask her to tell him stories about his mother. Your name was the same as the friend that she mentioned more then once as Lily's best friend in her childhood so I wondered if you were the same person."

For almost a minute, Snape was silent before he gave a small nod, his voice soft. "As a matter of fact, I am... does Mr. Potter know?"

Lips twitching, Nagato hummed. "He's heard your name in the stories, yes, though I don't know if he's made the connection or not. Thank you for answering my question."

A thoughtful tone to his voice, Snape just frowned. "You are... welcome."

With that, he turned and walked away with his eyebrows furrowed deep in thought. Once he was out of sight, Isokaze turned towards Nagato with confusion plain on her face. "What the heck was that all about?"

Mysteriously smiling, Nagato only shook her head as she turned and continued on her way to Gryffindor Tower. "Just a few thoughts is all."

Still confused, Isokaze looked in the direction that Snape had gone in then shook her head as she followed Nagato. "Whatever."
Victory Party
Harry Leferts

Moving between the moving, dancing bodies, Harry eventually reached his destination with the full goblets in his hand unspilled. "Here you go, Shinano-Chan."

Said Carrier gave him a happy smile as she took the goblet from him and then passed another to Hamakaze who was right beside her. "Thank you, Harry-Chan." As Hamakaze thanked him as well, Shinano looked down at the juice that was in it and blinked. "Um, what is this? Doesn't smell familiar..."

Harry just smiled up at her. "It's pumpkin juice." Seeing her blink, he shrugged. "I know it sounds weird, but it really does taste good."

Taking his word for it, she sipped some and then gave a happy smile. "It does!"

Part of Harry was amused though as both Shinano and Hamakaze munched on some of Hagrid's rock cakes, which had gotten them and Archie more then a few looks. The Subgirl was somewhere around as every so often, Harry glanced at the refreshment table to see yet another rock cake gone. "You really seem to like those."

With a blink, Shinano swallowed and then nodded as she licked her lips. "They really are pretty good..." She then frowned. "Do you think that we might be able to get Hagrid-San to give us the recipe so that the cooks back in Yokosuka can make some?"

Her honest question only made Harry smile before he nodded. "I'll see what I can do. Or maybe ask him if he wants to make them for the base and I'll send them through."

Eyes wide and sparkly, Shinano nodded. "I'll ask Ooyodo-San! She was already mentioning something about rabbits since you mentioned he sells some he catches." There was a happy smile as she quickly gobbled the rest of her cake and then looked around only to blink as there was a plate there beside her with several others. Looking around, she gave a small squee. "Thank you, Archie?"

Said Subgirl popped up behind the couch and then patted Shinano's head with a smile. "You're welcome, Shina."

And then she was gone, disappearing back into the crowd as a bemused Harry watched. "I wonder how they do that...?"

Just snorting, Hamakaze shook her head. "American Subs are something that I would rather not try and understand. One gets a headache if they try... or their pants stolen."

One of the Seventh Years was walking by and overheard that before pausing as he seemed to think it over. Then he tightened his belt and glanced around as he walked off. Harry tried not to laugh at having seen it and instead focused in on Hamakaze. "By the way... Hamakaze-San?" Partway through another rock cake, Hamakaze looked up and nodded for him to continue as she chewed her mouthful. "I just want to say thanks for what you did during the game. I really, really appreciate you coming out onto the field to catch me if I fell."

Much to Shinano's amusement, Hamakaze's cheeks pinkened. Though instead of looking away like some might, she just gave Harry a small smile and a nod. "You're very welcome, Harry-San. I couldn't let you get hurt, especially with what was happening. You are, after all a friend, so it was not a problem."

Suddenly, Shinano heard Archie's voice in her ear. "Ooo, she's one of, whatchamacallits... Kuuderes."

Looking around though, the giant shipgirl couldn't spot her friend anywhere and she frowned. 'Where did she...' Then she realized what Archie had said and frowned thoughtfully as she watched the slightly flushed Hamakaze before a slight twinkle entered her eye. "Hmm..."

Meanwhile, the Destroyer shook her head. "I'm just sorry that the captain of the other team tried to get your win thrown out due to my interference."

Just chuckling, Harry shrugged with a smile on his face. "It wasn't going to go anywhere considering his and his team's actions during the match, including when I was nearly thrown off my broom. Madam Hooch was not impressed by them using it as an opportunity to score more goals. Besides... like she said, you didn't interfere with the match at all since the match was in the air and you were on the ground to catch me. She even asked him if he was going to claim that she interfered in the match by being with my team underneath me to try and catch me if I fell."

Gently, Hamakaze hummed a bit. "Still, I am sorry for that."

Once more, she just got a smile from Harry and a shrug. Meanwhile, not wanting to be reminded of seeing Harry nearly fall a hundred feet, Shinano changed the subject as she looked around. "This is a very energetic party... Is it always like this?"

A laugh caused all three of them to turn to see the three Chasers there before Alicia nodded. "Every time we win actually, Gryffindors know how to party, don't we!"

Raising her goblet, she got a cheer from the assembled House which, even though Shinano flinched a bit, the Carrier had to smile at before Angelina chimed in. "Yeah, McGonagall won't bother stopping the party really... speaking, are you bunch going to hang around until the end?"

Thoughfully frowning, Shinano shifted a bit. "I, um... don't really know actually. But we might and I would like to."

Katie then laughed some as she reached over and grabbed Harry in a headlock and gave him a shake. "Then just sit back and enjoy, after all your guests of our little Seeker here. After all, with him we're going to win all the way to the cup."

Slowly, Shinano nodded with a slight blush on her cheeks. "Yes, Harry-Chan is very... special."

Having her 'Teasing sense' tingling due to the blush on Shinano's cheeks and how she glanced at Harry, Angelina grinned and was about to say something when two things stopped her. One was something poking her just below the ribs, like someone's fingers, and the other was the even glare that Hamakaze gave her. Then a moment later the fingers were gone and she looked around only to see no one close enough. 'Ookay... what the hell?'

At the same time, Katie took a sip of her own drink as she raised an eyebrow at Shinano. "By the way... you're that 'Awesome Carrier' that Harry keeps talking about, aren't you?" Getting a shy nod, Katie smiled a bit and held out her hand. "Nice to meet you at last, Harry told us that some of his tricks on his broom he learned from watching your pilots. Hopefully you're enjoying yourself."

If Shinano was lightly blushing before, her face now felt on fire but she shook Katie's hand. "Th-thank you, but Harry-Chan is probably just saying that... he's very good on his own. But I am enjoying myself, though I'm not usually in places so... loud."

Somewhat amused by how Harry protested that he was not just saying that which caused Shinano to twiddle her fingers in happiness, Katie chuckled. 'Holy shit, I want to just hug her.' Then a moment later, she did exactly that as Shinano gave an eep. "Glad to hear it." Then, reaching over and giving Harry a last ruffle of his hair, Katie and the others left. "See you."

Watching them go, Hamakaze hummed. "They seem... nice."

Harry only nodded as he watched them enter the crowd. "Yeah, they're actually pretty great teammates. Just watch out for their teasing."

The Destroyer only nodded before she turned in a different direction. "And it seems like Nagato-Sama and Isokaze-Chan are back..." Off to the side, she blinked as she spotted Archie and Albie talking with Fred and George. For some odd reason she had a bad feeling before she shrugged it off. 'I wonder what that was about...?'

Much to Harry's amusement, Nagato stopped by Hagrid and received several rock cakes and began to eat one happily as she walked over followed by Isokaze. Upon reaching them, Nagato sat down and pulled Harry into a one armed hug. "And here we have the star of the show."

Flushed, Harry had an expression on his face between a pout and a grin. "Mum!"

Chuckling, Nagato looked down at her rock cake with a odd look on her face. "You know, these are pretty good actually."

Where she sat, Shinano nodded as she swallowed the remains of another. "They really are."

Moments later though, there was a unsure expression on Harry's face which made his mother raise an eyebrow in a silent question which Harry scratched the back of his head at. "I was just wondering if, um, you were going to stay here for the rest of the party..."

For almost a minute, Nagato kept a straight face before she suddenly smiled. "We have been given leave for a time, so I don't see much of an issue if we stayed for the rest."

If Mutsu was there, she likely would have teased her sister and asked where the strict, by the rules Battleship had gone to. But thankfully she wasn't there. Then Harry looked around and nodded happily. "So what do you think of Hogwarts?"

Tapping her chin in thoughtfully, Nagato slowly nodded. "It's actually a rather interesting place... and since we're staying, perhaps you can give us a tour tomorrow, I did receive some permission as it's not uncommon for parents to look around.

Excited, Shinano clapped her hands together her eyes practically glowing in happiness. "Can you, Harry-Chan?"

Laughing, Harry just hugged her. "Sure! I can't wait to show you all everything!"

When the party wound down that night though, Nagato gently placed a blanket on Harry and Shinano where they slept cuddled up on the couch before picking a chair and glancing around. On another couch was Albie and Archie and on a chair was Hamakaze and Isokaze, all asleep and cuddled up together. Then with a yawn, she slipped the blanket over herself and then went to sleep with a soft smile.
Nicolas Flamel
Harry Leferts

Despite it being November and being in the Scottish Highlands, there was little snow on the Hogwarts grounds as Harry walked out of the Castle's doors. He was followed by his mother as well as Shinano, Isokaze, and Hamakaze. Even the two Subgirls had stuck around them strangely enough instead of doing their own thing. Scratching his chin, Harry frowned a bit. "So... we've done the Great Hall..."

Slowly nodding, Shinano wrapped her scarf just a bit tighter to ward off the cold even though she only had her sweater and a skirt on. Her fellow shipgirls did the same as the Carrier spoke up. "That was a very nice breakfast..." Patting her stomach, Shinano smiled. "I haven't eaten that well since the last convoy."

There was a thoughtful expression on Hamakaze's face. "Is there always that much food...?"

Harry just chuckled. "Yeah... it's actually pretty amazing. I just hope that I can learn how they do it because it would be pretty useful back home."

All Nagato did was ruffle his hair. "It would actually."

Trying not to laugh, Harry grinned up at her before he went back. "Anyways... we've done the Library and the Dungeons."

With a grin on her face, Albie wiggled her fingers in the air. "Yeah, that potion's lab was like something out of a horror movie with all those creepy things in jars. So awesome."

Beside her, Archie just nodded as she kept one eye on the open book on magical fish care she had in one hand. "Mmm... I liked the Libary though."

As Albie commented that she only liked the Library because the books on magical fishes, Harry blinked at the sight of the book. 'When did she...?' Then he shook it off as something to deal with later on. "We've also seen the Transfiguration Classroom, the Charms Classroom... you've met the ghosts..."

Just nodding, Isokaze looked around. "And now we're outside."

Scratching his chin, Harry shrugged before he frowned. "Well, there's some stuff to see out here actually. Kind of wish that Ron and Neville were out here though."

However Hamakaze shrugged with an odd expression on her face. "They told you that they wanted to sleep in a bit."

Even though he wanted to know more, Harry shoved that aside. Both Destroyers had asked him not to wake up the two boys and he did as they wanted. Suddenly, Albie spoke up. "I kind of wish that you would take us to that Third Floor Corridor that the Twins told us about, sounded kind of interesting."

Coming to a stop, Harry looked around to see if anyone was in earshot and, after confirming that there wasn't, cleared his throat. "Well, uh, there's a good reason for that. At the beginning of the year, there was an announcement that the Third Floor Corridor was off limits for the school year unless you wanted to die..."

One could have sworn that they could hear a record scratch before Nagato turned and regarded her son, saying only one, flat, word. "What."

Simply wincing, Harry nodded. "Yeah... and please don't be angry but, uh..."

Crossing her arms, Nagato regarded her son. "Let me guess, you went and found out why one would get killed?"

An uneasy expression on his face, the young wizard tilted his head from side to side. "Well, not why in particular. But how, kind of?" At her narrowed eyed gaze, he put up his hands. "The stairs that we were climbing shifted and we ended up there by accident. We saw a girl trying to get in and ran after her, only for her to vanish in a dead end. Then we had a look at the door and what was inside so..."

Pinching her nose, Nagato counted back from ten before she spoke. "And what, exactly was there?"

Not hearing footsteps approaching, Harry chuckled weakly. "A giant, three headed dog that was standing on a trap door?"

Hearing Hagrid's voice, Harry jumped. "Wait, yeh saw Fluffy?"

That, if anything, got him stares with Shinano raising her hand. "Uh, Fluffy?"

On Hagrid's face, there was a proud expression. "Aye, Fluffy. Bought him off this nice, Greek chappie in the pub, i did. 'E thought that the little fellow was dangerous for some odd reason..."

For several moments, Harry just stared at Hagrid in disbelief. "Hagrid... that dog is big enough to be a small kaiju."

Eyebrows furrowing, Hagrid attempted to try and understand what Harry had just called Fluffy before he remembered something that Lily had mentioned. "Oh, like that Godzilla fella in them muggle movies? Nah, Fluffy's not that big, though they're both misunderstood, at least in th' case of Godzilla I reckon."

Yet again, that just got him looks from everyone of them before they shook it off. Then Nagato glared at him with a scowl on her face. "I don't like the fact that something so dangerous is in the same building as my son, Hagrid-San and I want to know why it is."

His expression turning bullish, Hagrid grunted. "Now, Fluffy ain' dangerous. Wouldn' hurt a fly. And why 'e's there is between th' Headmaster and Nicholas Flamel..." As if he realized what he had said, Hagrid grimaced. "I shouldn' have said tha'."

Really interested now, Nagato only had to take one look at Hagrid's face to realize that any more questions at the moment would make him clam up. Deciding to defuse it, Nagato gave him a nod instead. "I see... well, my son was actually about to show us the grounds, Hagrid-San. Maybe you'd like to join us?"

It looked like Hagrid was going to say no, but then he spotted Harry's hopeful expression. "Aye, I don' mind much." Then he became thoughtful. "In fact, I have a bit of a treat for yeh if yeh'd like. I was just about to go and bring some food for the unicorns."

That caused all the shipgirls to snap their heads to him with Albie staring at him in awe. "There's unicorns... actual unicorns here?"

Chuckling, Hagrid pointed at the forest. "As a matter of fact, yes. We got a herd O' them that live in the Forbidden Forest. I bring them hay once a week to eat, though lately somethin' has them spooked."

Frowning, Nagato glanced to the forboding group of trees. "I thought that the forest was dangerous though?"

With a shake of his head, the massive man began to walk. "Nah, or at least the outskirts aren'. Deeper in, sure, iffin yeh don' know your way around it. And we ain' going in far, just a few hundred feet."

Still frowning, Nagato only glanced around and sighed. Not only was Harry giving her Destroyer Eyes, but so were Shinano, the Destroyers, and the two Subgirls. "Very well then."

Pumping her fist, Albie hissed. "Yesss! And I so got to get a picture of them for Jane, she'd love one."

Hagrid chuckled and gave her a wink. "Well then, 'aybe yeh might also get some hairs from them. I sometimes brush them after all and if a few go missin'..."

All Albie did was point at him, her next words getting chuckles, snorts, and giggles. "This guy? This guy right here is beyond awesome."

Even as he continued to chuckle, Hagrid began to walk and motioned for them to follow him as he made his way to the forest. Meanwhile, Nagato made a note in her logs to find out who this 'Nicholas Flamel' was.
Harry Leferts

Nagato looked around the large clearing, which had a small pond, they were in with a slightly thoughtful expression on her face. Leaning against a tree, she could only watch as Hagrid, with help from Shinano, set down several large bales of hay. Then he giant man pulled out a knife, though it looked more like a small sword, and with a deft flick of his wrist cut the ropes binding the hay bales. "Yeh got yer spread it around a bit. Otherwise they cluster up an' they don' seem ter like tha' much."

Nodding, Shinano easily broke apart the hay bales with Harry's help before she looked up. "Like this?"

With a smile, Hagrid nodded. "Yup, like tha'."

Suddenly, Isokaze pulled up from where she had a large crate. "Where do you want this, Hagrid-San?"

For a moment, he rubbed his chin and then pointed at a spot. "Righ' abou' there should be good."

Walking over, he tore off the top with an ease that made Nagato's eyebrow raise. Mainly because of the strength it spoke of which only made her more impressed with the gentle giant. 'He could easily do a lot of damage to someone, and yet...'

Meanwhile, Hagrid tipped the crate over and out spilled some carrots and apples which he spread out. A chuckle escaping from his lips, he gave a wink to Harry and the shipgirls. "Them unicorns love apples and carrots. Cannot get enough of them, they can."

After one last look, Hagrid brought his fingers to his lips and let out a high pitched whistle that reminded Nagato of a ship's which cut through the air like a knife. Eyes wide, Albie grinned at that. "So cool..."

However, the fact that he had whistled was what caught Nagato's attention. "You tamed them?"

That only caused Hagrid to laugh, though there was nothing cruel there. "Nah, can' tame unicorns. Too wild and free sprites yeh see an' trying... well, a unicorn would die rather then be tamed by anyone. Jus' lettin' them know that we got some food out fer them is all."

Slowly, Nagato nodded as she thought it over. "I see... that does sound like how they're portrayed in legends."

As they waited, Albie and the others chatted with the large man, Archie especially seemed interested in the giant squid and how Hagrid had come across it. All of a sudden though, Hamakaze's head whipped around. "Something's coming."

With bated breath, Harry and the shipgirls scanned the edges of the forest for any sign. Then they saw a flash of silver and turned.

Not one of them didn't gasp as the first powerfully muscled, brilliantly white furred body passed between the trees into the clearing and then stopped.

Shinano could feel her crew all stop to watch in awe and she was certain that she was not the only one. The unicorn stallion seemed to examine them from where he stood, his fur seeming to just glow in the winter sunlight with it's fur so white that they couldn't help but think that freshly fallen snow would look grey in comparison. A beard like a goat's hung from his chin and from his forehead came a spiral horn with it's hooves looking like they were made of gold. Then Shinano felt his eyes lock with hers and she trembled a bit. In his eyes there was something there. There was intelligence, but not of a human sort along with an ancient wisdom. With a start, Shinano realized that it was also judging her, it was judging each of them. Having had that realization, she straightened her keel just a bit more and met it straight on the best that she could.

For a brief moment, she swore there was amusement and acknowledgement there before it focused on Harry. Several moments passed and then it nickered and walked toward the spread out hay. With barely a glance, it bent down and began to eat.

Then more leaves crunching and branches snapping could be heard and they turned to see the rest of the herd come out. It was the most beautiful and magical sight that any of the shipgirls had seen. For once, the near constant chatter of the crews ceased among the shipgirls as they manned the rails and watched.

Not feeling the need to speak, the group walked over to a fallen log and sat down, Harry between Shinano and Nagato. Gently, and slowly as to not startle the herd, Nagato placed her arm around Harry's shoulders and held him close. "They're so beautiful..."

All Harry could do was nod along with the others while Albie leaned forward and she propped her chin on her hands. "I wish that Jane was here... she'd love this."

Hagrid only chuckled from where he sat before he shook his head. "Well, iffin yeh bring her next time, I don' see a problem with her seein' this sort o' thing." Reaching into his pocket, Hagrid pulled out some carrots and handed them to Harry as well as the shipgirls which they raised an eyebrow at before he motioned at them. "Jus' hold them out. Yeh will get some come on over ter munch on them."

Eyes wide, Isokaze looked down at the carrot and then up at the unicorns which had some of them now looking at them intently. "Uh... is this safe? For Harry I mean? After all, aren't unicorns supposed to, you know, dislike boys and men?"

Shaking his head, Hagrid snorted. "Nah, tha's a bit o' a myth tha' is. Adult unicorns will avoid males, true enough. But the youngsters are more curious and they don' have as much o' a problem. Just don' make no sudden movements an' they won' do a thin'."

It was then that they heard something and looked up to see several smaller, golden horses which Harry recognized as yearlings walk toward them lead by a small, silver unicorn that couldn't have been older then six years olf. Swallowing, Harry just held out his carrot slowly and waited as did the young women around him. For a moment, the oldest of the group seemed to examine him and then she, though Harry didn't know how he knew that, leaned in and began to munch on the carrot in his hand. An eep caused Harry to look at a wide eyed Shinano who was looking down at the yearling that was tugging at the carrot in her hand. "It's... it's eating my carrot..." Slowly, she reached out with a trembling hand and then placed it on the hornless head with a look of awe as she felt the fur under her fingers. "Amazing..."

And she wasn't the only one as the others were also petting the unicorns that had come up.

Though to Harry, his highlight was when the shipgirls had walked over to the herd and patted the adults. The look of joy they held for being so close to something so pure and innocent was something he fixed in his memories. And they were memories that he would return to time and again in the future when he needed his spirits lifted, helped by the photos he took.
Rose & Haruna's Dreams
Harry Leferts

Happy New Year everyone. And as a gift... have another bit:

Standing on the concrete pier, Rose wrapped her arms around herself as she stared upwards. Thanks to the fact that with the war, most of the base and the surrounding city were blacked out at night meant that the stars came out and shone down clear as day. Letting out a soft sigh, the tsukumogami's breath misted in the cold air. 'So... beautiful.' The stars and the Moon high above were reflected in her eyes as she continued her thoughts before two arms suddenly wrapped around her waist. "Eep!"

Behind her, Haruna gave a giggle before smiling. "Hello, Rose-Chan."

Much to Haruna's surprise, Rose spun around in the embrace and quickly hugged her. "Haruna, you're back!"

Her cheeks turning red, and not from the cold, Haruna gave a small nod. "Hai, we just returned an hour ago. Haruna met some sailors who said that they saw Rose-Chan come this way and here you are." Then she felt a bit of wetness and blinked as she looked down to see Rose burying her face into her outfit. "Rose-Chan?"

Almost too soft to be heard, Rose muttered into Haruna's outfit. "I'm... I'm sorry, I do not quite know what has come over me..."

Tighting the hug some, Haruna whispered to her. "Talk to Haruna, Rose-Chan."

For several seconds there was no sound except for that of the wind and the waves before Rose spoke. "I... missed you, greatly, Haruna. Master has been gone for some time and then you left and, well... You've been gone for over a month and it has been very hard. And you were deep in Abyssal terriory as well, so I was worried..." Closing her eyes, Rose took comfort in the two, strong arms that now encircled her. "It brought up some rather bad memories..."

Gentle, Haruna shifted Rose a bit in her arms. "Of the wars?"

Slowly, Rose nodded. "Yes... my Mistresses had their sons leave for both and... more then one did not return. And one of my future Mistresses had one that went away, each day she would worry and fret. Even when I awoke, I didn't realize what had happened, but I learned and... it was hard." Tilting her head back, Rose looked up at the Battleship holding her with her eyes shiny and wet. "I think... that I now know some of what they felt and I do not like it."

Reaching up, Haruna cupped Rose's cheek and rubbed her thumb along it. The tsukumogami leaned into the hand and placed her own on top of it. Haruna would be lying if she said that a part of herself was not pleased that someone cared for her that deeply that they were affected, but the larger part ached to see her friend in such a state. "Rose-Chan..."

With a sniff, Rose shook her head. "You must think me quite silly."

Moments later, Rose's eyes widened as she was pulled into a much tighter hug then before and her hat fell from her head to the ground. The two of them stood there as Haruna buried her nose in Rose's hair, just taking in the now relaxing scents of tea, silver, and polish that was just... Rose in her mind. "Haruna... does not think that Rose-Chan was being silly at all."

Feeling actual steam leaking from her ears, as well as a boiling sensation in her chest which for a human would been akin to their heart pounding, Rose swallowed. "Y-you don't?"

A deep hum rose in Haruna's chest as she shook her head. "No, because Haruna has felt the same." Knowing that Rose was surprised, Haruna continued. "The whole time that Haruna was away, Haruna has missed Rose-Chan and was thankful that she could at least speak with her. Haruna has also worried and is happy to find Rose-Chan here safe and waiting."

That, if anything, only caused Rose's temperature to increase, but neither commented on that as Rose pulled Haruna into a tight embrace. Eyes closed. Rose could smell steel, oil, seawater, and cordite. Haruna's smell in her mind and one that made her feel safe. The words that tumbled out of her mind surprised them both though. "I'll always be here waiting."

Both women stood there with wide eyes before they slowly relaxed before Haruna mumbled back. "And Haruna will always come back." Companionable silence descended on the two as they stood there, neither of the two needing words, just the other's presence. Eventually, Haruna pulled away some and smiled down at Rose. "Haruna heard some good news from Ooyodo about Rose-Chan... about her job?"

Still blushing, Rose nodded with a bashful look on her face. "Mm-hm..."

Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a wallet and then handed Haruna a card. On it was Rose, sans hat, with her full name. Looking down the card, Haruna blinked at one piece of information. "Rose-Chan was born in March?"

Part of Haruna wanted to coo at how Rose bit her lower lip for a moment and then nodded. "That was when I was made, yes. I don't know how I know, but I somehow know that I was made in March of 1883, or at least completed at that time. I don't know the exact date though so I took a guess." Looking down at the same card, Rose felt herself soar. "It was not much trouble as it seems the laws regarding Kanmusu personhood also count for myself. I'm... a person, not just a tea set, in the eyes of the law. I... still cannot believe it."

Eyes wet, Haruna felt her face nearly hurt from the smile on her face or the happiness that was coming from her friend. The shipgirl herself remembered when said laws, and similar ones, had been passed sometime after shipgirls began to show up. It was helped as one had a hard time of arguing that a Natural Born, once they became a shipgirl, could no longer be counted as a person. "Haruna is glad. Though Haruna does wonder what Rose-Chan shall do now."

Humming, Rose also had a smile. "Well, for now, Admiral Goto has officially hired me on as a 'Special Contractor' in the docks. While I cannot help with the healing, I will be providing comfort to those who need it. Whether that would be through a cup of tea, or some small snacks, I will be helping in what ways I can. And in the future...'

Now raising an eyebrow, Haruna looked down at her. "In the future?"

Unable to help herself, Rose gave a giggle that lifted Haruna's spirits as she knew her friend's mood had greatly improved. "Well... with my new pay, I can save up for a dream of mine. A little bit odd, i suppose, but it is mine." Lifting her head, she looked up at Haruna with eyes that sparkled in the moonlight. "In the future, i hope to open a tea shop, some place where people from all around can come and find teas from all around the world. Perhaps with a small cafe to the side."

For some reason, that just struck Haruna as so... so Rose, that she could not help but be happy for her. Then another thought struck her and she decided to take a chance. "Haruna has her own dream for the future."

That caused the tsukumogami's eyes to widen. "You do?"

Softly giggling, Haruna nodded. "Haruna does, though it might be odd as well..." There was a sly expression on Haruna's face as she leaned down. "Promise not to tell?"

Eyes gleaming like the silver that made up her true body, Rose nodded. "I promise."

Glancing around, Haruna leaned in to whisper into Rose's ear, the smaller woman shivering at the feeling of her breath ghosting across it. "Haruna would like... to open a book shop."

Instead of laughter, Haruna only saw a thoughtful look on Rose's face. "A book shop?"

Now it was Haruna's turn to be bashful as she nodded. "Hai, a book shop that would sell stories for children. It has been Haruna's dream for a long time."

Feeling Rose's fingers intertwining with her own, Haruna raised an eyebrow as Rose had an thoughtful smile on her face. "May I ask why a book shop?"

Her answer not coming right away, Haruna looked out onto the water for several minutes before she began to speak. "Haruna was... a ship once, long ago. Before Haruna's steel was used to rebuild Japan, before the wars... It was a different time and Haruna first met Haruna's Onee-Sama shortly after launching. Even though we were ships, we could still somehow speak to each other. Do you know of the Washington Naval Treaty?"

Knocked slightly off balance by the question, Rose slowly nodded. "I heard of it. The one that saw some ships... scrapped?"

Slowly, Haruna nodded. "We were all worried about what might happen, that we might be... scrapped. But Onee-Sama was always there for us and used to tell us stories, fairy tales she had learned back in England while she was built. The stories that Onee-Sama told us always comforted us in the dark days. When.... when Haruna was alone, with no one else... Haruna used to use retell them to Haruna. Even when Haruna sank and they came with tools and cutting instruments, the stories were still there..."

A tear slowly made it's way down Haruna's cheek and Rose reached up and gently wiped it away. "Oh, Haruna... That's... thank you for sharing that with me, Haruna. It makes me feel quite special."

Giggling through some of her tears, Haruna shook her head and then leaned her forehead against Rose's. "But Rose-Chan is special..." That got a something between a snort and a giggle from Rose. And then Haruna took a deep breath. "But Haruna is not finished yet... when Haruna returned, Haruna found a book with the stories in them. Haruna could not read the words, but eventually Haruna learned how. Now Haruna wishes to share them with others."

Eyes gleaming, Rose shook her head in amazement. "Haruna, that's wonderful. I think that your dream is a lovely one and I want to see it happen..." Then her eyes widened some. "Perhaps we'll even setup our shops next to each other! Wouldn't that be lovely?"

Widely smiling, Haruna nodded. "Haruna would like that." The two swayed there in the moonlight with their foreheads touching as the Battleship sniffled a bit, imagining the scene of the two of them owning shops next to each other. "Haruna would like that a lot."
Transfiguration for presents
Harry Leferts

Hearing a knock at the door, McGonagall looked up from her desk in her classroom and folded her hands in front of her. "Come in." For a moment, she thought it was one of her Fifth Year students who's class had just left, but she raised an eyebrow as she did see who it was and gave a slight smile. "Mister Potter, how may I help you?"

Slightly nervous, Harry glanced around and then coughed. "Um... do you have a moment, Professor?" Getting a nod and having her gesture at a desk in front of her, Harry walked up and sat down. "I have a few questions about something regarding Transfiguration..."

Much to his surprise though, McGonagall softly smiled at him. "I see, I shall attempt to answer any questions that you may have, Mister Potter."

Taking a deep breath, Harry then let it out. "I was wondering about something and it's been really bothering me. Can one use Transfiguration spells to manipulate something? I don't mean changing it from one substance to another, but... like sealing a piece of paper inside of some glass for example?"

For a moment, McGonagall considered the question and then leaned back with her smile widening just a touch. "As a matter of fact, yes. Manipulating the shape of a substance is in fact a very easily done form of Transfiguration magic. Simple shapes are the easiest, of course. But more then a few have gotten enough proficiency that they have created detailed pieces of art with just their wand."

As he became thoughtful, Harry nodded. "Huh..." Then he turned his attention back onto McGonagall. "And how hard is it to, um, learn it? At least simple shapes?"

Even though she was curious about the line of questioning, McGonagall steepled her fingers in front of her as she considered the question. "Not very hard, though it would be rather tough for your average First Year to do much. After all, this year I will be teaching you the foundation for further learning about Transfiguration."

That only got her a nod before Harry scratched his head. "Yeah... I guess that you need to have the foundation first before you build the house."

With a small chuckle, McGonagall gave him an nod. "An apt description if I had ever heard one."

Biting his lip, Harry eventually cleared his throat. "Okay, but are some materials easier to work with then others?"

Now truly curious, McGonagall leaned back and considered him before she answered. "There are indeed some materials that take to it much easier then others, Mister Potter. Organic materials such as wood, bone, ivory, and the like can be worked with the easiest. Why that is, though, is a matter of some debate. Some believe it's because they were parts of living creatures and living creatures change as they grow and live their lives. Perhaps there's some form of imprint that makes changing their shape easier, though I don't know about that myself. Next would be materials such as crystals. Ice is the easiest of these to work with, but glass and quartz are nearly equally easy, Then you begin to get into things such as stone and metal, which are generally much harder to manipulate the shape of."

Part of McGonagall was amused as Harry was writing in a small notebook. "Huh..."

Waiting a moment, she then continued. "It also depends on the hardness of the material as well. Soapstone, for example, is much easier to work with then granite or harder rocks are. Silver or gold is easier then iron, and so forth."

Still writing, Harry nodded along before he looked up. "How hard would it be to learn to do that?"

Eyebrow quirking a bit, McGonagall considered the question, as well as the young wizard in front of her before finally answering. "Not very hard, though it would take a lot of work for, say, a First Year to learn to do so with any real effectiveness. But it can indeed be done." Leaning forward, she hummed. "May I ask why you wish to know this? While I do not mind and encourage for my students to learn, I must wonder in regards to specifics as I don't want anyone to be harmed." For several seconds, Harry shifted around uncomfortably before he looked at the door. Before he could say anything, McGonagall's wand waved in it's direction and it glowed. "Do not worry, Mister Potter, I assure you, no one will be listening in now as I have little doubt that someone might try."

Thankful to her, Harry nodded. "Well... I was wondering because I kind of wanted to make some gifts and... was wondering if I could use Transfiguration for them."

Out of all the answers that she had expected, that was not one of them. Nonethless, McGonagall gave him a smile. "That is a very nice thought, Mister Potter. Three points to Gryffindor for having a good reason."

Blinking, Harry just stared for a moment before he shook it off. "Thanks..."

A thoughtful expression on her face, McGonagall pulled out a sheet and then wrote on it before she slid it towards him. "Listed there are some titles that should help you learn more if you wish to pursue your idea. Each of them is in the Library and Madam Pince can help you find them if you have problems. If she asks, just tell her that I suggested them to you."

Relaxing, Harry gave her a nod. "Thank you, Professor, this will help out a lot."

McGonagall though only shook her head. "No need for thanks, Mister Potter. I rather like conversations such as this one." Her gaze then became one of remembrance. "In fact, more then once I had similar conversations about Transfiguration with your father when he was my student."

Despite himself, Harry's eyebrows rose at that. "Really?"

That got him a fond chuckle from the normally stern teacher. "Yes, your father was quite gifted in Transfiguration as a matter of fact. By the time he left Hogwarts he was quite close to receiving his Mastery in Transfiguration. Of course, many of our talks occurred during detentions that your father served with me. Many, many detentions seeing as he was a prankster with his friends. Though his heart was in the right place."

Inside of Harry's mind, another piece of the puzzle that was his birth parents slid into place. Softly smiling, he nodded. "Thank you for that, Professor, I don't know much about either of them, so..."

Pressing her fingers together, McGonagall considered her next words, but finally nodded. "If you wish, I do not mind telling you stories about your parents. Merely come to see me and I shall try my best to make some time if only to tell you what I can. It is the least that I can do."

Now really smiling, Harry nodded. "I will..."

Several minutes later, McGonagall was still staring at the door deep in thought as she waited for her next class. 'Gifts... I wonder of what sort and for whom now...'
Hamakaze has fans (Omake - not entirely sure if canon)

Finally got to use the one-off character name. Originally I was going to have it come from a character who wasn't going to be at Hogwarts who had fallen for a fictional view of Harry from those one-knut stories. She would have sent a letter after forgetting to address it and the magic post would have actually gotten it to Harry a few months ahead of Harry getting his school letter, leading to some confusion and him stumbling onto the magic world while visiting London with the subtlety of a thrown brick. Though I got beat to the punch, so the lead in got awkward and I couldn't figure out how to make it work.

I still want to pull off Shipgirls On A Plane though, maybe it'll be a trip to find out why his letters aren't getting to people.

"Excuse me! Could I have a minute of your time?"

Harry lifted his head up where he had been laying down outside to watch the clouds and guess the coming weather. A girl in Hufflepuff robes stood a respectful distance from him; she was short, even by the standards of his adopted home country, and her dark shoulder length hair was sharply contrasted by her light skin. Sitting up and crossing his legs into a more comfortable position, he made a welcoming gesture to his side.

"Sure, I wasn't really doing anything. How can I help you miss...?"

"Histeria Bulbtress, third year Hufflepuff." She answered as she sat down, extending her hand to him.

She continued as he shook it, "I...", her voice wavered slightly, "was hoping you tell me how to send a letter to Miss Hamakaze. I swear I'm not asking for a boy!"

It would have been generous to say a few boys had found the busty mid-teen destroyer attractive, as the phrase 'few' would have been a gross understatement, and her actions on the quidditch pitch had only made things worse. Someone had managed to snap a picture of her mid leap and distributed it through third parties to make a hefty sum off of the schools male attendees. As much as it exasperated Harry, academically he had to admit that it was a very tantalizing image much in the manner of The Clothed Maja.

In the animated photo she seemed to be forever ascending. The force of her travel causing her skirt to ruffle about her waist in a way that only just so slightly protected the modesty that had been the last concern in her mind at the time and with ever so slightest of slowings would show what was underneath. Her actions strained the clothes that fought to contain her top heavy figure that was only emphasized as the wind pushed the looser parts of her clothes closer to her. And of course she had caught the light is such a way that gave her pantyhose a sheen that only emphasized her legs firm physique.

Thanks to it, he had already been asked for her contact information, sometimes persistently, by numerous boys from all of the houses.

He had refused them all.

"So this isn't because the picture?" he asked, wondering if he needed to be concerned with girls as well for the destroyers peace of mind.

She blushed and rapidly shook her head, "N-n-no! I mean yes! i-i-i mean-"

Harry quirked an eyebrow at her flustered response, "NONOTINTHATWAY!"

The girl took a few moments to gather herself, "Her face in that picture, she looks so determined to save you. People may say that Gryffindor is the house of heroes, but the strength of will to save a friend no matter what is the greatest thing you could have as a Hufflepuff."

She made a small smile, "I'd really like to be friends with someone like that."

Harry smiled back, "Okay. Get to the Great Hall early for dinner and I'll give it too you."


Hamakaze tilted her head as she read the letter from one Histeria Bulbtress. Her own understanding of written English wasn't the best since being a shipgirl let her cheat on the spoken part, so she had just used context to fill in the blanks as best as she could.

"Hey Isokaze." She passed her sister the letter, "While this girl isn't saying anything about my body, I think she's trying to pick me up; what do you think?"

Isokaze speed read the letter, which did her no good as her written English was no better than her sisters.

"Ehhh. She seems nice, just don't commit to anything."

So starts a pen-pal partnership filled with misunderstandings. On one side a girl with a talent in having things come out wrong wanting to talk with someone she admires; on the other, a shipgirl who's not so sure if she's being subtly hit on by said girl. If anyone wants to use her here's a short bio I pulled together with the help of some character gens:
Spoiler: Histeria Bulbtress
Hufflepuff third year (as of Harry's first)

Gender: Female
Age: 14 (As of snippet date, the age cutoff leads to her being older then most students in her year for a period of time)
Birthday: September 17
Skin: Light
Hair: Dark, mid-length, straight
Eyes: Very dark, average-sized
Height: Very short
Build: Narrow, slightly muscular (Herbologist family leads to greater than average physical labour for wizards)
Likes: Exotic foods, exciting plays, and swimming
Dislikes: That loud Muggle music (metal), horror novels, and chickens
Best skill: Singing
Worst skill: Getting her words right when nervous
Personality: Nice, very creative, not very calm
Wizarding summons?
Harry Leferts

All that could be heard was the scratching of a pen against paper or pages turning as Harry and Hermione at across from each other at one of the Library's many tables. In front of Harry was one of the books that McGonagall had recommended to him and every so often he made some notes in his notebook. "So... are you ever going to tell me why you're studying those Transfiguration books, Harry"

Looking up, Harry blinked behind his reading glasses as Hermione was watching him. "There's really nothing to it, I just kind of want to know somethings after all." Part of him considered asking Hermione why she was reading a book on the laws of Magical Britain as well as politics, but growing up among members of the military meant that Harry had the good idea that he wouldn't be told. That, and perhaps it might be best not to bother in the first place. 'I wonder how much longer before she admits it to any of us though...'

Suddenly, a clearing throat caused both Hermione and Harry to turn away from their books to see one of the 'Odd Couples' of Hogwarts. Both were Seventh Years though the boy was in Slytherin and the girl in Ravenclaw. That was not what made them an odd couple though, rather that was the fact that she was actually a Muggleborn. A fact that had caused her boyfriend to catch some flak in his own House.

But anyone in said House only tried once to try and get him to drop her.

Needless to say, when the two returned from Summer Vacation as a couple it had sent tongues wagging. None of that mattered though to either Harry nor Hermione as neither cared about that. That said though, they had to blink when Melanie gave them both a smile though she was focused mainly on Harry rather then Hermione. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but... you're Harry Potter, right?"

Sharing a look with Hermione, Harry slowly nodded. "Um, yeah, I am."

Much to his surprise though, Melanie sat down and was looking at him in interest. "I just want to confirm something first that I've heard, your mother is a shipgirl, right? And you lived on a military base with other shipgirls?"

Harry was not quite sure where this was going, but nodded with a slight frown. "Well, it's not exactly a secret I guess, but yes?"

Clapping her hands, Melanie grinned. "Great, I got a few questions for you regarding summoning."

For several moments there was silence as Harry and Hermione both just stared at her before Andrew, her boyfriend, coughed into his hand. Highly amused, he just raised an eyebrow at her. "Mel? I think that you might be coming on just a touch too hard."

However, she just waved him off with one hand. "Pish! No, I'm not, am I Harry?"

Still more then a little confused, Harry just blinked at her large smile before he shook it off. "So... why do you want to know about summoning?"

If anything, the girl's smile grew larger before she gestured at herself and then her boyfriend. "Andrew and myself are working on understanding it better. It's sort of a personal project really. Besides... this is magic that the Muggles discovered, not us! Do you know how incredible this is?!"

Once more, Hermione and Harry shared a look before the hidden shipgirl there cleared her throat. "Why ask Harry then? I mean, all the information is available publically after all. There's no real secret to the whole thing after all. I wouldn't be too surprised if there's books written on the subject."

All that Melanie did though was shake her head and smile. "That might be true, and you're right that there's plenty of information out there including books, but hearing about summonings from someone who has actually been at one, or even participated in one, would tell me a lot more about them and how they work."

Chuckling, her boyfriend shook his head. "We've already done a lot of research into it, but haven't gotten the chance to talk to someone who witnessed it first hand since they're usually on bases or are shipgirls themselves."

That caused Hermione to raise an eyebrow, but before she could say anything Harry frowned in thought. "Well... it's not exactly something that's secret. Or at least I've never been told that talking about what one might see at a summoning would be a secret..."

Hermione shook her head. "I don't know much about them, but I'm pretty sure that they're not secret." Moments later, she blinked though. 'What was with that look that Harry gave me just now?'

After a few seconds, Harry chewed the inside of his cheek in thought before shaking his head. "Um, would it be okay if I check first? I mean, I'm pretty sure that it would be okay, but..."

Even though she looked disappointed, Melanie eventually nodded but then smiled. "That's fine actually. Just send me an owl with your answer and I'll meet with you."

Getting confirmations from Harry, she stood up and then walked off with Andrew, the two quietly chatting. Still pretty confused about what happened, Harry turned toward Hermione who looked thoughtful. "Well... that happened."

Softly snorting, Hermione shook her head. "Yes, that happened... but why?"

In reply, Harry scratched his head with a frown. "Not a clue really and..."

Hearing him trail off, the Cruiser looked over at him. "Something wrong?"

When he answered though, he had her full attention. "They're not thinking of performing a summoning, do you think?"

Now thoughtful herself, Hermione frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. "... Surely not." Then several moments passed as she rolled it around in her head before turning toward Harry, unsure. "Right?"

Just shaking his head, Harry finally shrugged. "Don't know, though if they are, then why hasn't someone else tried it?"
The Gustav's
Harry Leferts

Muse... what are you doing?


Muse... stop!

Muse: No, halping!

Muse, you stop right now or so help me...

Muse: No! Imma muse, I do what I waaaaannnntt! Now write!


Anyways, smthng, I think that this is what you've been waiting for...

One finger tapping on the steering wheel along to the beat of the music coming out of the radio, Bismarck glanced to the side and smiled as she noticed Eugen looking out the window in interest. Not that there was much besides the usual winter landscape of Germany. "Thank you for accompanying me on this mission, Eugen."

Blushing, yet looking highly pleased, Eugen played with her hat a bit as she smiled brightly. "You know that you only need to ask, große Schwester. I'll accompany you anywhere."

As per usual, that caused Bismarck's boilers to warm from the declaration from her loyal friend, in this life and any other. The fact that the Heavy Cruiser considered her an older sister was perhaps the best part as Bismarck hardly ever saw her sister in real life, due to the other Battleship preferring to work up in Norway. Though even that was between bouts of her shitposting alongside Musashi on various forums before getting banned. Something that annoyed Bismarck every time it was brought up. "Tell me, how is Hanna doing recently?"

That caused Eugen to perk up a little more. "She's actually doing quite well as a matter of fact, her awakening is proceeding, though slowly and I cannot be any prouder of her..." For a moment, it seemed that Eugen was indecisive before she shook it off. "Though she's currently in England."

Raising an eyebrow, Bismarck glanced at her long time friend in some surprise. "In England? Without you?"

Her surprise was to be expected as everyone knew that Eugen, more then her other sisters, was extremely protective of the youngest Hipper. Often the two could be seen walking around together or having fun. Scratching her cheek, Eugen hummed. "Yes, Victory wanted to see if Hanna could help her with a project of hers."

If anything that, that caused Bismarck to raise her eyebrow even more. "Oh? Victory wanted Hanna for something. How... odd. I wonder what that crazy Brit might want her for..."

Knowing the unasked question, Eugen shook her head and looked somewhat ashamed. "I'm afraid that I cannot tell you why..."

Softly snorting, Bismarck shook her head. "Do not worry, you have nothing to be sorry for, Eugen. If you were able, then you could tell me. Though Victory best take care of Hanna or else I shall be very... displeased."

Once more smiling, Eugen nodded. "Danke, danke!"

Chuckling, Bismarck shook her head and brought her attention to the GPS unit in her dashboard and hummed. "Almost to our destination."

At that, Eugen frowned, but nodded. "Yes... how do you wish to handle this?"

For several moments, Bismarck tapped her fingers against the steering wheel deep in thought. "I believe that I shall be the one to confront them, Eugen. You shall be my backup just in case. However, for the rest I believe that we shall, how do the Americans say it? Ah, play it by ear?" That got her a nod from the Heavy Cruiser. "Yes, other then that we shall have to play it by ear, though be careful. We don't need any humans injured."

Expression steeling, Eugen nodded at that. "Understood."

It was only a few minutes later that Bismarck pulled her car onto a dirt road that had tire tracks running up and down it and within fifteen minutes, she came into sight of a military blockade and pulled to a stop before pulling her window down as Eugen turned off the radio. As soon as she did, a German soldier looked in and raised an eyebrow at her. "Identification?"

Without speaking, Bismarck pulled out her wallet from somewhere and showed off her id which the solder took and carefully examined. Handing it back, he took Eugen's offered one as well and examined it just as closely before the second soldier beside waved. "Let them through."

Once the blockade was pulled to the side, Bismarck gave the two soldiers a salute as Eugen did the same in her seat. "Danke."

Both of them returned the salute and then nodded as they took a step back as Bismarck drove on while Eugen kept an eye on them. "Efficient."

Hearing a helicopter above them, Bismarck frowned. "Very, but then that is to be expected of German soldiers."

Also looking up, Eugen noted several armored vehicles with their weapons pointed at what was an old factory who's cracked and crumbling outside was marked with graffiti. "Well... as if all of this was not worrying. Quite a bit of firepower pointed there."

Snorting, Bismarck shook her head. "One cannot blame them, they have good cause to be worried if they were correct. Though I really wish that they had instead flown us here... though I know the reasons why they didn't."

Eugen grimaced a bit and shook her head. "Perhaps one day, we'll be better accepted."

The car coming to a stop, both shipgirls took a moment to collect themselves and then stepped out into the bitter cold, easily keeping their balanced on the churned up earth around them. As they got out, a uniformed Officer began to walk toward them and the two glanced at his rank insignia before saluting him which he returned with his own. "Frau Bismarck, Frau Eugen, thank you for coming."

All Bismarck did was smile tightly as she felt the stares on her. "We came as quickly as we got word, Oberstleutnant. What seems to be the current situation?"

For a few moments, it looked like he was considering his next words before he sighed. "We believe that the three of them were summoned sometime last night by an unidentified group, who we are still searching for. According to the descriptions though, it might be one of those groups of Neo-Pagans."

With a frown on her face, Eugen narrowed her eyes. "Neo-Pagans?"

Grimacing, the Officer nodded. "Yes, they were described as wearing long cloaks with pointed hats when they were spotted by a nearby farmer running into a wooded area. We have extensively searched, but they have not been found yet." Seeing the looks shared by the two shipgirls, he frowned. "You know who they might be?"

Simply sighing, Bismarck nodded. "We have our suspicions, yes. But that information is above your paygrade."

Eyes still narrowed, the man ground his teeth but nodded. "I see... Well, as of 07:00 hours, police were called and arrived on site, only to be confronted by the three recent summons. After a few minutes though, things escalated..."

Bismarck summed up both hers and Eugen's thoughts at that. "Shit." Then her eyes hardened as she looked toward the building. "How bad?"

Very slowly, the Officer shook his head. "Not as bad as it could have been. The Officers managed to escape with generally minor injuries though a nearby field has a rather large crater in it due to the road being overshot... though we're not quite certain that it was actually overshot and not purposeful. As for the police, their own cars are going to need to be replaced."

Turning toward the building, Eugen frowned. "So they're in there?"

With a similar frown, the Oberstleutnant nodded. "Correct, Frau Eugen. Several helicopters and fighters arrived within minutes to find the three summons heading for the nearby village at a slow pace. At the sight of the aircraft, they retreated back here and we have had them holed up since."

Sighing, the Battleship relaxed some. "Thank goodness for small mercies." She then glanced around one last time. "We shall handle this then, though a suggestion?" At his nod, Bismarck grimaced some. "Pull your men back just in case there is some issue and we are needed to explain a few facts."

All the Officer did was nod. "Very well, and good luck."

Both shipgirls began to walk toward the building and soon entered through what at one point been a doorway. But now it was a hole with twisted pieces of rebar poking out. As they passed through, Eugen grumbled to herself. "Damn wizards... what they were they thinking?"

Her only answer at first was a sigh before Bismarck shook her head. "One must wonder, though this could, and may, still turn out much worse then it has."

Neither bothered to hide their progress and within minutes found themselves where the old factory floor had been. "HALT!"

Unconcerned, the shipgirls did so and looked at the three who stood in the middle of the space with large cannons pointed at them. Taking a moment, Bismarck looked them over and frowned. Each of the girls that she was looking at them looked to be in their teens, though between their busts and hips one could be forgiven for wondering. But it was what she could see around them that caused her grimace before she cleared her throat. "Schwerer Gustav, Dora, and Langer Gustav I believe."

There was a gasp as one of them pointed at her. "I... I somehow know her! That's the Bismarck! And beside her, that's one of the Hippers!"

Each of them relaxed some as did Bismarck and Eugen, though the two shipgirls kept an eye on them as the Battleship continued to speak. "That is correct." The three girls walked closer and soon were within reaching distance. Unnoticed by them, Bismarck and Eugen kept a good eye on them and were ready to move at a moment's notice to grab them if needed. Neither of them were about to take any chances. "Now then... we need to have a talk..."
Intelligence Analysis in Yokosuka
Harry Leferts

Hearing the sound of a mug being put down, Naka looked over from her monitors to see a steaming cup of coffee, black, having been set down. With a hum, she took it into her hands and then sniffed it gratefully before sighing and looking at Nagato with a nod. "Thank you."

Just nodding, Nagato sipped her own coffee and looked over the monitors, each of which showed a different view point of Harry's Quidditch match. "Find any suspects?"

After a few sips, the Cruiser snorted and set down her cup. "Suspects? Sure?" She waved a finger around as she kept an eye on the monitors while her fingers flew across another keyboard. "According to what we were told, in order for someone to have jinxed the broom, they would need to keep their eyes on Harry throughout the whole time and be whispering the spell near constantly. There's just one, small, problem..."

Raising an eyebrow, Nagato looked at her. "And what exactly would that be?"

Naka pointed at the screen not showing the videos and Nagato blinked at the several dozen pictures there. "There were no less then a hundred people looking up at Harry during it and moving their lips. Eliminating various students below... Seventh Year, only brought that down to forty. And those were just ones that I can say were the most likely to have kept their eyes on Harry the whole time. Something that I can't confirm a hundred percent because of how the footage jumped around."

Expression blank, the Battleship looked at her directly. "I am so sorry for the footage jumping around due to myself panicking over my son being in danger of falling to his death. I shall try much harder next time to keep the cameras steady and on target."

Her eyebrows twitched a moment later as Naka nodded and waved her off. "You are forgiven for that." Then Naka's expression became serious. "I am kind of pissed off that it's so damn hard to try and get even this much. I want to find this bastard and put him in jail, just like you no doubt do. But the parameters are too damn wide and while I am trying to use a program to read lips, I don't expect much. Dammit, even that spell that allows for someone to take control of someone doesn't help because someone could have cast it and forced someone to cast the spell."

A voice then spoke up from nearby and, one of Naka's eyes glanced at the source while the other managed to stay on her monitors. Needless to say, that ability of hers creeped people out at times. Iowa didn't seemed phased though by it. "Why not cross-reference it with pictures of those... what were they called, Death Eaters?"

Beside her, Jersey nodded. "Yeah, image recognition is pretty fucking common ain't it?"

With a shake of her head snorted. "Sure, image recognition would be great, just one problem... I only have names that belong to them, no pictures. And considering how many people got off with the excuse that they were being controlled? Unless I got pictures, there's not much that I can do."

Frowning, Kaga sighed as she also watched the video alongside Akagi. "So we're back at square one..."

The Cruiser shook her hand from side to side. "Kind of, at least we eliminated most of those there. So that's something and I got some hope for the lip reading program I found."

And with that, Naka turned back her full attention to the screen as Nagato turned to the two Carriers in interest. "By the way... I was wondering what your own thoughts were on this?"

Kaga raised an eyebrow at her and frowned. "I assume that you mean the sport itself? And perhaps the flying?" At the nod, Kaga became thoughtful as she watched the flyers go across the screen. "It is very... interesting actually. Very different from anything that could be done with aircraft, of course, but interesting to watch."

Beside her, Akagi munched on her empty juice can. "It's a three dimensional sport, though I did see Harry perform some maneuvers that were rather familiar."

Snorting and lowering her sunglasses a touch, Jersey smirked. "I think that the fucking best part was at the end when the kid went into that dive, pulled out at the last damn moment, and then surfed his broom. Sure, he sort of messed it up and took a tumble, but that was still fucking awesome to see." She then chuckled. "I fucking swear that I heard Johnston squeal at that and now she's trying to figure out a version that she can play."

That caused Iowa to give her a look. "Wait, seriously? How is that going to work?"

All Jersey did though was shrug her shoulders. "Not a fucking clue. But it'll be hilarious to see no matter what they come up with."

Not bothering to comment, Kaga looked back at the screens and hummed. "I have to say though... a number of my pilots want to see if Harry will be willing to take them on a ride on his broomstick."

Unable to help herself, Iowa grinned and snorted. "Lewd."

Pinching her nose, Kaga shook her head as Akagi tried not to laugh. Eventually, Kaga gave Iowa a look which made the Battleship laugh out loud. "Very funny."

Iowa was completely unrepentant as she shrugged. "Well, Akagi certainly thought so."

With a slow blink, Kaga glanced at her fellow Carrier who was trying to hide her amusement. "Et tu, Akagi?"

Just shrugging, Akagi was able to just keep it to snickers. "Sorry." She then turned back to the monitors and tilted her head. "I think though that I would like to go flying with Harry-Chan though. It might be fun."

Her hand shooting into the air, Naka grinned. "I called first dibs!"

Frowning, Akagi was about to say something when Nagato snorted. "You'll still need to get in line as the list for rides is rather long. Shimakaze is right at the top of the list followed by several other Destroyers as well as Natsumi."

That caused Naka to pout a bit. "Well, that's not fair." Realizing something, she raised an eyebrow. "You didn't say that Shinano was going to ask for a ride. I would have expected her to be one of the first really."

Now it was Nagato's turn to grin. "Isn't it obvious?" At their looks of interest, Nagato pulled a picture out from nowhere and held it up. "Shinano asked while we were at Hogwarts if Harry could take her for a ride."

All of them leaned in, with Naka pausing the video to do so, in order to better look at the picture. In it, Shinano was behind Harry and holding onto him tightly with an excited look on her face, though said face was also rather red. With a scoff, Naka leaned away. "You show Yamato and Musashi yet?"

If anything, Nagato's grin grew. "Didn't have to. White wanted a copy and placed it in their room so the last time that Yamato and Musashi visited their sister..."

Facepalming, Jersey shook her head. "How the fuck is it that White manages to be a momboat without trying?"

Nagato only shrugged at that. "She does a good job of it, and Shinano looks at her as such."

Knocks at the door caused them to turn and blink before the door opened and Goto poked his head in with Ooyodo behind him. "So... I decided to check in and see if anything else has been found?"

Waiting until he walked in, with of all people Niyodo behind her sister, Naka then simply told them the same thing that she had told Nagato which made Ooyodo grimace as she brought up the truly massive coffee cup to her lips and took a gulp. Said mug having been a gift from Harry and on it were the words 'I've cut myself down to a few cups a day'. Lowering it, Ooyodo let out a sigh. "Lovely."

On Nagato's face, there was a frown as she looked toward Goto who was looking enviously at Ooyodo's mug. "Any word on Nicholas Flamel?"

However, Goto merely sighed. "None, we're running on little information besides what you got. We know that he's a wizard associated with Albus Dumbledore and is hiding something valuable in Hogwarts. The Spooks are going stupid and already checked records of those born in the last hundred years in case he turns up there."

Grumbling, Naka waggled a pen in her fingers. "I swear though that the name is familiar, but I can't place it for the life of me."

From where she leaned against the wall, Iowa shrugged. "You're not alone in that."

No one noticed the confused Niyodo pull out her phone and begin typing as Goto shook his head. "That's great and all, but it doesn't help us in determining who this person is and what might be hiding there."

Suddenly Niyodo began speaking and their heads whipping around to look at her. "Nicholas Flamel was a successful French scribe who lived in the late 12th to early 13th Centuries and has a reputation of being an alchemist. Among other things, he is supposed to have found a method to create the Philosopher's Stone, an item that could make one immortal or transmute lead into gold." Hearing silence, Niyodo looked up and nervously held up her phone. "Um... I typed the name into Google..."

A moment later, Ooyodo was hugging her little sister with a large smile on her face. "I am so proud of you!"

Meanwhile, Goto sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Someone is going to be rather pissed off that they missed that..."

Naka only shook her head. "I'm not surprised, we know that wizards hide themselves so assuming something like... that... no wonder we missed it."
Shiromizu tries a Salamander 1
Harry Leferts

Harry just raised an eyebrow as he looked at the sheet of parchment hung up on the Common Room bulletin board with a frown. "A list to see if anyone is staying over at Hogwarts during the holidays?"

With his hands in his pockets, Ron glanced to where Shiromizu, who had been visiting again, was now slithering across the floor of the Common Room. Then he shrugged it off. After all, it had become rather common to see her around Gryffindor Tower at various times. Not that she left the tower very often as the whole castle was rather freezing in various places. "Yeah... I'm going to be staying myself actually along with Percy and the Twins."

That caused Harry and Hermione to stare at him before the witch spoke up. "Wait, you are? Why?"

Scratching his head, Ron sighed. "Mum, Dad, and Ginny are visiting Charlie in Romania over the holidays and Mum's dragging Bill along. They don't really got the money to get us over there as well."

A grimace on his face, Harry shook his head. "That's not right..." He then looked at the sign up sheet while deep in thought. "What about Warspite?"

Unseen by Harry, there was a slight amount of pink on Ron's ears before it disappeared. "Nah, I couldn't impose on her, mate. Besides, I'm pretty sure that she's going to be out on sortie though she promised to visit either on Christmas or the day after if she can manage."

Inside of Harry's head, an idea began to roll around. One that was slightly crazy, but might work. "Hmm... could you hold off signing up for a bit? I might have something actually."

Blinking, Ron gave his friend an odd look, but shrugged. "Sure, I guess. I'll let Percy and the Twins know." When Harry nodded, Ron turned toward Hermione. "What about you? I know that Harry's not staying, so..."

Hermione though shook her head. "Sorry, I'm heading home as well. My sisters managed to get free time and Mum and Dad are taking us to the Alps since we'll all be together for a skiing holiday. I can't wait to help Mum and Dad teach them how to ski."

For a moment, Ron and Harry blinked at the odd answer as why should her sisters not know how to ski, yet she does. Then they remembered what she was and dismissed it as not that very odd. For her part, Hermione blinked at that but soon shrugged it off. Before any of them could say anything though, Percy stumbled through the portrait hole and was walking towards the stairs when he stopped and turned. Much Harry's amusement, his face was both pale and red as he noticed what was going on near the fire. "What the bloody hell are you doing, Jennifer!?"

The Fifth Year witch looked up from the cauldron which had smoke coming from it, along with a flicker of flames every so often. "Doing my Care for Magical Creatures project of course!" Something tried to get out and she took a firepoker and flipped it back in. "We're doing salamanders."

Sputtering, Percy looked from her to the cauldron. "Salamanders!? In the Tower?! Are you mad, woman?!"

All Jennifer did though was huff a bit. "I am not, Percy Weasley! And I don't care if you are a Prefect, talk to me like that and I will slap you!"

However, Percy was not backing down and gestured around them. "The floor is wooden, the furniture that you are sitting in is flammable, the rug on the floor is also flammable! It is not Arithmancy, Jennifer as to why this is a bad idea!"

She just waved at the cauldron and then knocked another salamander back inside. "I am right here, Percy, none of them are going to get out!"

The sound of hissing caused Harry to look down to see Shiromizu looking up at him. "{Normally I would not ask, but I am rather bored. So what are they talking about?}"

Just shrugging, Harry waggled his hand from side to side as the argument continued. "{She's taking care of some salamanders in that cauldron I guess. Though Percy does have a good reason to be pretty angry with it.}"

Looking between Harry and the current argument, Harry had the feeling that if she could, that Shiromizu would be raising an eyebrow. "{Why? Salamanders are tasty and all that, but they're not really all that dangerous.}"

Softly snorting, Harry ignored people watching him as he shook his head. "{Different kind of salamanders, these are magical lizards that live in fire and are sort of composed of fire. Though I am surprised that she has them in a cauldron full of fire though in the Common Room. Normally you keep them alive by feeding them some pepper.}"

That caught Shiromizu's interest. "{Composed of fire you say... fufufufu... I wonder if they're spicy?}"

Rolling his eyes, Harry tried not to laugh as his voice turned dry. "{Why don't you try one and see?}"

If he had not had his attention split between watching the argument and talking with Shiromizu, his instincts honed over years of dealing with shipgirls would have alerted him when Shiromizu froze and became thoughtful. Then Harry stiffened as he heard her next words. "{Perhaps I will...}"

Snapping his head around, the last thing that Harry could see of his snake was her tail slipping under one of the couches. "Dammit, Shiromizu!"

With a slow blink, Hermione looked at him. "Something wrong, Harry?"

All Harry did was shake his head and sigh. "Nothing at the moment, but I just know that something bad is going to happen..."

Even though both Hermione and Ron bothered him, Harry didn't say anything else. Finally, Ron sighed. "Right... so what's your idea?"

Humming, Harry tilted his head from side to side and then turned to Ron. "I might have somewhere for you to go for the holidays."

Of course, that was when someone screamed and people began to hop up on furniture as what everyone had expected to happen, did. Mainly that one of the salamanders had escaped from the cauldron and was now scrambling across the floor. Behind it, there was smouldering footprints and splashes of light as people tried to hit it with spells. "DAMMIT PERCY! SEE WHAT YOU DISTRACTING ME CAUSED!"

Face red as he sputtered. Percy growled at her. "WHAT I CAUSED!?"

Meanwhile, Harry just watched though he blinked as he heard an amused voice speak up. "My, my... now isn't this exciting?"

Blinking, Harry looked up the stairwell and could see a female student watching everything with an air of amusement, the light glinting off her glasses. Then she gave him a wink as she noticed him watching and Harry realized that it was the same girl that him and Hermione had seen trying to get into the Third Floor corridor. At the moment though, she seemed to be enjoying the chaos rather then help. Just as he was about to say something, a crash caused him to look away for a moment and when he looked back, she was gone. 'Where did she...?' Frowning, he noticed Neville walking down the stairs. "Neville... did you see where a girl who was just on the stairs went off to?"

Neville came to a stop and looked at Harry. "Um, no... why?"

With his frown deepening, Harry gestured at the landing. "She was just there a few seconds before you came down."

The other boy boggled as the black haired wizard seemed not to be paying attention to the chaos that was going on in the Common Room. "Uh, Harry? I was at the top of the stairs for the last minute, I didn't see anyone down here."

Seeing Hermione look at him in interest, Harry just became thoughtful. "Huh... that's odd..."

At the same time, Percy was looking around with his glasses askew. "Where did it go?!"

Fred pointed at the couch that Shiromizu was under. "It went under there!"

For a few seconds as various Gryffindors walked closer to it, Harry stared and then held his face in his hands as he shook his head back and forth. "Don't tell me that she actually..."

His three friends looked at him only to turn back to what was happening as Percy held up one hand with his fingers splayed out. "Okay... on the count of five." Getting nods, he began to count down. "Five... four... three... two... one!" Using levitation spells, they lifted the couch only to blink at the sight of Shiromizu with the salamander's tail in her mouth. A tail that she swallowed just a few moments after with an odd look on her face. "... What the..."

It took Ron a few times, but he managed to get something out. "Mate... did she just eat the salamander?"

Sighing, Harry nodded. "Yes."

Ron took a deep breath. "A lizard that eats fire and is made of it?"

Once more, Harry nodded. "Yes."

Almost as one, the entire House turned to him and someone at the back asked him the one question going through all their minds. "... Why?"

In reply, Harry just blinked before he answered. "Because she wanted to see if it tasted spicy."

Everyone just looked between him and Shiromizu who was now just staring ahead before smoke began to waft from her mouth and nostrils. There was a extremely odd look on her face. Slowly everyone leaned in to better look at her.

Right before she let out a massive belch of flames that singed George's eyebrows off and made him jump back with a curse. Meanwhile, Shiromizu was running around with her eyes nearly bulging from her head and her mouth wide open, a torrent of smoke streaming from it. "{ARRRGGGGHHHHH! IT BURNS! IT BURNS LIKE THE FIRES OF HELL! SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP!}"

Suddenly, she passed a jug of milk on the table and then came to a stop. Before everyone there, she used her tail to untwisted the top and promptly lifted it back and began to pour it into her mouth. Slowly, Hermione raised a finger. "Harry... is your snake drinking milk...?"

Harry just gave her a look. "Because drinking milk after eating something spicy helps?"

The witch just stared at him and then the other magicals who just shrugged and went back to watching. "She twisted off the top and is now drinking the milk in the jug and all you got to say is that!?"

With a frown, Neville just looked at her. "Is... that really all that weird?"

Beside him, Ron nodded. "Yeah, that's not even in the top ten weirdest things to happen in the Common Room since term began."

Meanwhile, Shiromizu, with smoke still coming from her mouth, took a moment to take a deep breath. "{I... REGRET.... EVERYTHING!}"

Sputtering, the shipgirl tried one last time. "B-but snakes can't drink milk!"

All Harry did was just shrug. "Her problem, not mine."

Everyone saw Hermione just cradle her head in her hands. "... I give up, I just give up."

While she walked away, Harry looked toward Ron and Neville who just gave a shrug and then all three went back to watching the entertainment.
Shiromizu tries a Salamander 2 Aftereffects
Snippet 215: Harry Leferts

The abandoned town was covered in a thick layer of snow and all was quiet, the geckos had long since settled into their long winter sleep under the ruins of the nearby castle, only a few of them awake to tend to the mounts. But the quiet was deceptive as there was signs of movement everywhere. Some were in the form of small animal tracks that criss-crossed the snow. Others however were different and Misa just smiled at it as she passed by with another bag of stones.

Which she promptly dumped on top of the old well, burying it still further as she gave a nod. "Hopefully this keeps you buried for longer this year." Stretching in the cold winter Sunlight, she let out a sigh as her rear flippers waggled in the snow. "That should be enough for today I think."

Soon, she entered one of the ruined houses and smiled at the various tsukumogami that ran around. One of them, a paper lamp with one eye and a long tongue poking out looked at her in surprise. "Lady Misa!"

Chuckling, she shook her head and smiled. "Hello, Lan." A giggle escaped from Misa's mouth before she held one hand against it. "I was in the neighbourhood when I decided to drop in." Her gaze swept across the other tsukumogami before she gave a small nod. "I do hope that none of you mind."

One of them, what looked like a tiny samurai made of bits and pieces of broken porcelain raised a fork in salute to her. "Of course not! You are always welcome in any of our abodes, Lady Misa! Especially when the Ursuper is asleep due to the snows."

Slowly nodding, Misa looked over the small building in thought and then hummed. "Thank you all." She then tilted her head with a small frown on her face. "However, I must ask... may I have a list of supplies that you need for the warmer months? Especially to fortify your homes?"

Various voices answered her before a dragon made up torn paper, books, and scrolls came up and handed her a piece of himself. Though when he spoke, it sounded like paper rustling against each other. "Here you go, Lady Misa."

Gently taking it, Misa looked it over and examined it before nodding. "I shall head down the mountain in a few days and arrange for the supplies to arrive... I only wish that there was more that I could do in regards to... her. All I can do is sell my fabric creations for supplies."

Feeling a gentle pat against her hand, she looked up to see the paper dragon give her a kind look. "You have done your best by us, Lady Misa. Each winter, you buy us just some time to survive the warmer months when She is awake. None of us blame you for what the Usurper has done as she is quite powerful and..."

With a gentle smile, Misa patted the paper paw. "And those like me are not well known for being very good at fighting."

A arrow quiver and bow spoke up then with a snort. "HA! We're just waiting for Lady Shiromizu to come into her own now that she's safe. One day, she'll return you see and then give old bug-face the beating of her life!"

There were murmurs of agreement from the others before Misa smiled with some tears in her eyes. "Thank you all, my friends. I am both honored and blessed by your friendship and loyalty."

Just as she was about to say more, the door flung open and she turned to see a broom there that began to dance around. "Lady Misa! Lady Misa! I bring news to you! I bring news!"

Frowning, Misa leaned down and blinked. "What sort of news?"

When the broom tsukumogami spoke, Misa's breath caught in her throat. "Lady Shiromizu's spring! It's... you got to come see it!"

Eyes narrowing and every muscle tense, Misa narrowed her eyes. "Show me."

Several minutes later, it seemed that most of the village was there and they were all staring at the spring in confusion. The spring was still flowing from it's location on the mountainside, the stream that was created winding it's way among the landslide debris to the lake below, tumbling and burbling even now with a whitish color to it. Though in the years since, Misa and the others had separated the patch of lake from the others with rocks creating a smaller pool of water. All of that they noted within a minute, but that was not what caught their attention.

Rather it was the fact that the water was gently steaming in the cold, mountain air with the ice that was on it melting away.

Confused by what she was seeing, Misa slithered her way down to the water and then slowly placed one hand in. After a few moments, she pulled it out with a look of befuddlement on her face. "Odd..." She looked up at the gathered yokai and frowned. "It's warm."

One of the Karakaze Kozo tilted it's body to the side to show that it was utterly confused. "Warm?"

Slowly, Misa nodded as she pulled her hand out and shook it. "Yes, it's warm though not hot, like a warm seep." On her face, there was a thoughtful expression as she tried to come up with an explanation. "It's too warm for the ice to form, but... not really a hot spring." Looking up at the spring itself, Misa only shook her head. 'Now what did you do, little sister?'

Burping, Shiromizu looked up at the ceiling. "{Harry... kill me now... please.}

However, all Harry did was continue to do his homework with Shiromizu on his head. {Sorry, can't.}"

Another groan escaped from her as did another burp. "{You are a horrible, horrible friend, Harry Potter. You should take pity on my poor self. I'm dying here...}"

Softly snickering, the young wizard glanced up at her in amusement. "{You're not dying, Shiromizu. We both know that... besides, you're the idiot who decided that they were going to eat another salamander because, quote, 'I'm not letting a bunch of flaming lizards beat me'.}"

Rolling around on his head, Shiromizu hissed at hm. "{And you are a horrible person for laughing at me and not stopping me, Harry.}" A hoot caused her to look over at Hedwig who seemed highly amused by the whole thing, if an owl could. "{And you can just go and shut up.}"

For several minutes, all there was in the room was of Harry doing his homework, the snores of Harry's roommates, and Shiromizu's complaints. Suddenly, Harry looked up at her. "{By the way... is it just me or are you warmer now?}"

Pausing at the odd question, Shiromizu looked down at him. "{... I haven't noticed anything.}

There was a frown on Harry's face before he shook it off. "{Probably my imagination then.}"

Yet again there was silence before Shiromizu spoke up. {Harry, please! I-}"

Sighing, Harry looked up at her. "{If I give you something for your stomach, will you let me do my work?"

That got him a nod from the snake. "{Thank you!}"

Utterly amused by the whole thing, Harry got up and walked toward his trunk as he had made up some stomach ache curing potions after the first salamander. And found himself glad that he did when several of the others also escaped.
Shiromizu tries a Salamander 3 Penpals
Harry Leferts

A frown on her face, Hermione looked toward Harry as he yawned. "Are you sure that you're okay, Harry? I mean... you've been pretty tired recently."

Shaking it off, Harry just chuckled as he smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm okay, Hermione. I'm just a bit tired because I've been doing some extra work recently with presents since Christmas is coming up."

That got him a surprised expression from Neville. "Wait, you're doing work that involves presents? For Christmas?"

With a nod, Harry hummed. "Every year I try to make something for a group of the shipgirls that I know... this year I decided to make something for DesDiv6, I just hope that they'll like it." Then he frowned thoughtfully. "I'm also making RO-Chan something too... just waiting on some materials right now."

Raising an eyebrow, Ron glanced at him. "What sort of materials?"

However, all that Harry did though was simply shrug at him. "Some things here and there. Like a thunderbird feather."

Simply frowning, the only girl of the group stared at him in deep thought. 'What kind of gift would need a thunderbird feather?' After giving it a few moments though, and not getting an answer from Harry, Hermione just shook it off and then changed the subject. "By the way... I noticed that Shiromizu is around you more often now, something happen?"

Blinking at the question, Harry finally gave her a smile. "Shiromizu's not being affected as much by the cold really. She says that it feels warmer suddenly in the castle.

Each of them turned toward Harry and then looked down to his collar. Within moments, Shiromizu poked her head up and out of his collar and they all did a double take at the sight of her with a tiny scarf and hat perched on her head. "{As I told you, it's actually rather pleasant right now for some odd reason.}"

Harry only shook his head. "{And as I said, it's not. We really should schedule an appointment to get you checked out because it does feel like you are giving off heat for some odd reason.}"

Frowning, Hermione looked at Shiromizu seriously and then at Harry. "Harry... why does Shiromizu have a scarf and hat?"

Moments passed as Harry and Shiromizu looked at each other and then back at the witch. "Why wouldn't she had a scarf and hat."

Bobbing her head, Shiromizu looked at her directly, though there was definite amusement in her expression. "{Yes, why wouldn't I have a scarf and hat?}" Then she tilted her head to the side, brought her tail up to her chin, and flicked the end of her scarf. "{Fufufufufuf. Besides, I find that this looks rather fetching on myself.}"

Eyes closed and pinching her nose, Hermione took a deep breath as Harry translated what Shiromizu said. "Right..."

An intrigued look on his face, Neville leaned in and nodded. "It does look pretty good."

To his confusion, Shiromizu gave him a smile and nodded. "{I knew that there was a reason that I liked you.}"

Looking at Harry, Neville blinked as he translated what his snake had said. "O-kay..."

Before Harry could comment, he heard a laugh. "Harry!"

His eyes widening at the familiar voice and laugh, Harry turned and found his face pulled into the chest of a partially awoken, and completely non-treaty compliant, Heavy Cruiser as she hugged him. Pulling away some, he looked up and laughed. "Hanna!?" Hugging her right back, he laughed some "What are you doing here?"

Scratching her cheek, she chuckled some before shrugging. "Um, Victory needs me for something... can't say what though, but we're here to talk with a Albus Dumbledore." A moment later, Hanna blinked as she caught sight of Hermione who was wary. Then she gave a nod to her fellow Natural Born and turned to Harry with a smile. "Mind introducing me?"

With a nod, Harry pointed first at Hermione, Ron, and then at Neville. "These are my friends, Hanna. This is Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Neville Longbottom."

An arm slung over Harry's shoulders, the nearly fourteen year old gave them a smile and held out her hand. "I'm very pleased to meet you all."

One by one, they shook her hand before Ron frowned some. "You, know Victory? And Harry too?"

Lightly laughing, Hanna nodded. "Ja, I know her at least somewhat. As for Harry..." She looked at Harry who was snickering and shook her head. "We've been pen pals for a long time before we met in person. We have... some things in common." For a moment, Hanna's expression was stormy before it cleared up and she smiled brightly. "Though I have not seen Harry for quite some time."

Ron nodded with some interest before he furrowed his eyebrows. "Bill had a pen pal once with a student at Castelobruxo in South America."

That caused Harry to turn towards him. "What happened?"

With a frown on his face, Ron waved him off. "He wanted Bill to come and visit, and when Bill told him that he couldn't as we didn't have the money, the pen pal sent a curse through the mail as he thought that was being insulted... I think that's why he became a curse breaker actually..."

For several seconds they stared at him before Hermione spoke up. "He... sent a curse via letter to your brother because... your brother was unable to come to visit due to money issues."

Just nodding, Ron gave a shrug. "Pretty much."

Still lost, Hermione took a deep breath. "He at least got in trouble for it, didn't he?"

However, the red haired wizard shook his head. "Nah, the school stated that there was nothing wrong with what he did and that Bill should have known better then to insult him... I think that Mum said that Dumbledore stopped the pen pal program after that..."

Blinking, Hanna soon shook it off and spotted a smirking Victory watching them from a distance before she felt herself blushing some as she knew how it must have looked. She also noticed the time and frowned with a sigh. "I think that you need to be heading to your next class, hmm?"

Also realizing the time, Harry winced a bit. "Yeah..."

Moments later though, he brightened as Hanna chuckled at him. "Well, I should still be around for a few hours, so perhaps I shall see you at lunch or for supper?" At his nod, she clapped him on the shoulder. "Danke, I'll see you then." With a final nod from Harry who hurried off to his next class, Hanna walked over to Victory who was now grinning. "Not one word."

Rocking back and forth, the old sailing ship chuckled. "I wasn't going to say anything. Though I do wonder what he may say when he sees the outfit that I picked out for our little mission." Seeing her confusion, Victory grinned all the wider. "Red cloak with hood."

That caused Hanna to slap one hand against her face as Victory began to laugh.
Operation Red Riding Hood
Harry Leferts

Sitting down, Hanna looked across the desk to where Dumbledore was pouring over some papers as Victory looked over his shoulder. Finally, he leaned back with a sigh. "Fenrir must be around here with his pack, and it is in the 'territory' that he's claimed."

With a deep frown on her face, Victory looked up at Hanna and then back down. "You think that he's using the vacation homes there over the winter? I don't think that many people would be there in the colder months."

Dumbledore thought it over and then nodded. "That would make the most sense. Fenrir, for all his arrogance and hate is not stupid. And it would give him a chance to... work over any new pack members."

The arm of the chair strained under Hanna's hand as it clinched and she glared at the map. "A good word for what that... Scheißkerl does with those children he takes."

Frowning, Dumbledore nodded before he sighed again which caused Victory to raise an eyebrow. "Something wrong, Bumblebee?"

After glancing at her, Dumbledore reached up and took his glasses off his face. "I am just unsure about this, Victory, that is all." Narrowing her eye, the old shipgirl frowned but did not say anything which made Dumbledore chuckle. "No, it is not about killing Fenrir. I have killed my fair share of men in my time to my dismay, you know. And I will be the first to agree that there are those who deserve death and Fenrir would be one of them. As much as it pains me, the Ministry was right to put a dead or alive on his warrant. Rather it is..." He looked up at Hanna and frowned. "I have... problems, with sending someone so young to fight."

Hanna's eyes hardened at that. "I may look young, but I am a shipgirl. A proud member of the Admiral Hipper class."

Looking at her over the bridge of his nose, Dumbledore took a moment to examine her before he slowly nodded. "That may be true, but you have not fully awoken as one yet. And so, to me, you are still a fourteen year old girl."

While her lips twitched at the glare that Hanna shot back at Dumbledore, Victory just held her arm across her chest and waited. She didn't have to wait long before Hanna's expression softened and she looked away. "... I remember sometimes, you know."

Breath catching in his throat, Dumbledore glanced at Victory who only nodded before he turned back to Hanna. "From when you were a ship? But I thought that..."

Letting out a sad chuckle, Hanna shook her head. "That because I was unfinished that I did not see war?" Her gaze became far off as she stared at something only she could see. "No... I still saw war as a ship, even if it was only as a floating platform for weapons. I... do not like to think about what happened, and it helps that usually Eugen is there to hold me close and whisper that her and my sisters are there... and, well, I did not have a childhood really."

There was silence for several minutes as the various instruments in the office made their sound before Dumbledore spoke up, his voice soft. "But would this affect you? In the end, you may need to take lives after all. And while Fenrir is deserving of whatever may happen to him, some of those in his pack were once young children he bit and then warped. They only follow him because they have been twisted by him."

Softly, Hanna sighed as she shook her head. "Yeah... but this way no one else gets hurt and you both said it yourselves, he needs to be put down. Him and... his pack. And other shipgirls have tried to hunt him down after all."

Victory frowned, but nodded. "As much as I hate to admit it, we have. But the bastard can smell us coming a mile off. And we've confirmed that you don't smell like a shipgirl yet. At most... you smell of being around them, which we suspect will make him target you if only to try and prove his 'Alpha' credentials by harming a shipgirl, if indirectly, by targeting someone close to one. Especially with... one of the more recent attacks."

Grimacing, Dumbledore nodded as he remembered how angry Victory was when she burst into the office and he was not much better. Trying to bite a brother of a Natural Born on purpose... "He is becoming more dangerous and he's trying to drag the other weres into it."

With a grunt, Victory shook her head. "That's putting it mildly to say the least. And with the Aurors stretched thin, he's trying more and more often..." Her eyes then hardened. "Hence why her Majesty's government has sanctioned this. With hope, once he's gone along with his pack, things might become simpler with the packs around Britain as they're too afraid of him not to follow him."

On Hanna's face, there was a frown. "What about any... young members of the pack? Those he has only just taken?"

His fingertips touching, Dumbledore looked at his window. "I do have an idea as to that." At their looks, he gave a slight smile. "I... know of a werewolf who can help them. He's a very good friend and absolutely hates Fenrir because he was the one who turned him."

Tilting her head, Victory just nodded. "Give me a name and I'll look into it. Anyone who could help would find the government very thankful to them... though the details of what is going to happen can never be told."

Dumbledore just gave a small smile as he gave her a nod.

Chewing thoughtfully, Harry blinked as he noticed Hanna walk into the Great Hall for lunch before he stood up and waved. "Hanna! Over here!"

Several people turned their heads and did double takes as the strawberry blonde German made her way across the distance with a bright smile on her face which was similar to the one that graced her sister's, Prinz Eugen, face when truly happy. "Harry! Guten Natchmittag!"

Laughing lightly, Harry smiled right back at seeing his friend. "Guten Natchmittag, Hanna."

That caused Hermione to do a double take at him. "... I keep forgetting that you know German, Harry."

All Harry did was shrug as Hanna tapped Neville on the shoulder. "Mind moving over a bit?" Eyes wide, Neville shuffled to the side and watched as the taller girl sat down beside Harry and then pulled the chuckling eleven year old close. "Sorry that it took so long. I was held up a bit."

Hugging her right back, Harry only shook his head. "That's okay, Hanna."

With that, Hanna turned back to the table and felt her eyebrows raise at the sheer amount of food. "I didn't expect this..." Then she grinned as she began to pick and choose some food. "Hmm..."

Eyebrows furrowing, Ron glanced at her and then frowned. "Are you... a shipgirl?"

Hanna just gave him a grin. "Do I look like one?"

Frowning, Ron looked at her with narrowed eyes and shrugged after a few moments and then turned back to his food which made Hanna laugh at him before she launched into a conversation with Harry about various things. Though more then a few became confused when said conversation shifted into German. Granted, Hermione could tell from the twitch in Harry's lips that he was doing so exactly to confuse the hell out of people listening in.
An Enthusiastic Walk
Harry Leferts

Stepping out of the small mobile trailer, Hanna adjusted her shirt a little before kicking the toe of her boots into the ground. "Huh... these don't feel too bad."

A snort came from the man beside Victory as he walked over and examined her jeans before nodding. "They shouldn't, and they seem to be a good fit which is good."

There was a slightly confused look on Hanna's face as she looked over the jeans with a frown. "I still don't understand what the big deal with these are... or how they're supposed to help me any."

From where he was crouched down, the man chuckled a bit and jerked on her pant leg a bit. "That's the beauty of these. See, they're fire hose work pants, they make them a lot tougher then other pants. Normally, they're worn by workers out in the woods to protect themselves... should be pretty hard for werewolves to get through."

Victory chuckled a bit and then tossed a vest which Hanna caught and began to slip on. "You didn't think that we were going to let you head out there without any protection, did you?"

Lips twitching, Hanna shook her head. "Not really, no. If only because my sisters would kill you." Rubbing the vest with her two hands, she hummed. "Kevlar too?"

The man nodded as he looked it over. "Yeah, rated against knives and stabs, so once more should be proof against werewolf claws."

Before Hanna could say anything though, the man then walked over and pulled out a red hoodie. Seeing it, Hanna looked over at Victory with a bemused expression. "Seriously?"

Grinning widely, Victory nodded. "Seriously."

Just putting it on, the fourteen year old knew better then to question Victory. "Let me guess, kevlar as well?"

Once it was fully on, Victory sighed with her answer causing Hanna to laugh. "As a matter of fact, yes."

For next few minutes, the man helped adjust Hanna's vest under the hoodie before handing her what looked headphones that attached to a small device. At her look, he grinned. "I know, but you'll be able to hear us and vice versa."

Quirking an eyebrow at him, Hanna hummed as he gave her a watch which had GPS and she could see monitored her vitals. "What? No lasers built in? Have I been lied to?"

Softly laughing, the man shook his head. "Sorry, Double-O-Eight, but it will have to do."

With a shake of her head, Hanna adjusted the ear pieces to be more comfortable before taking the small baton that Victory handed her and slipping it behind her back and under the hoodie. "So... what kind of backup can I look forward to?"

Leaning against the table, Victory took her in and nodded in approval. "We got several Destroyers waiting in various vehicles at different entrances to the park. Once the fighting starts, the closest should be no further then ten minutes, fifteen at most. But... we got two others for backup..."

There was a frown on Hanna's face and she was about to ask when the ear piece came on and Hanna could hear two voices on it. "Waddle waddle, waddle waddle... til the very next day."

Very slowly, Hanna turned to the madly grinning sailshipgirl and sighed. "Akron and Macon?"

If anything, that made Victory's smile widen even more as she nodded. "Akron and Macon. They'll be watching you from above and will be launching some aircraft to help."

As the two airshipgirls launched into a rendition of "Narwhal", Hanna only shook her head. "... Better then nothing, I suppose..."

Walking along, Hanna was the vision of some teenager out hiking in the woods. Slowly, she was bobbing her head to none-existent music when she heard Macon's voice. "You got several people following you."

Besides a frown, Hanna didn't give any sign as she leaned down to pick up a stick. When she stood up there, there was three somewhat dirty people in front of her. One of them she recognized from pictures as being Fenrir Greyback. Jerking back, she gave him a slightly nervous smile. "Guten Abend, out hiking?"

There was a cruel smile on Fenrir's face as he nodded. "Oh, you could say that. We live around here." Behind him, the others had similar smiles on their faces before Fenrir took a deep sniff. "Hmmm... you know some shipgirls?"

With a blink, Hanna took a step back. "Uh... Ja? My sisters, but how did...?"

Fenrir grinned to reveal sharpened, yellow teeth. "You smell of them."

Suddenly, two large guys grabbed Hanna by her arms as she put up a struggle. "Hey! What are you doing, let go!"

Chuckling, Fenrir shook his head as other, similarly dirty men and women came out of the woods. "Sorry, I'm afraid that we can't do that. Have to prove a few things, like who the true alphas are. Don't worry though." He spread his arms wide as Hanna seemed to slump from exhaustion. "You'll see things our way very soon."

Then the smile fell off his face as Hanna shook and began to laugh. "Oh... you're not going to show me that you're an alpha." Her head then whipped up and all that Fenrir had of warning was her grinning. "I'm going to show you!"

All of a sudden, Hanna tensed and then she pulled with her arms and both men were smashed into each other. Grabbing one, she threw him at Fenrir, knocking him to the ground as one of the women became more animalistic and launched herself at Hanna. Unfortunately for her, when she tried to bite it didn't pierce through the fibers of the jeans and Hanna's fist came down on her head.

Meanwhile, Fenrir was trying to get the man on top of him off as he snarled. "GET HER!" Just as he managed to get out, he felt a steely grip around his ankle and was pulled back and up into the air. He only had a moment to see Hanna grinning up at him before she swung him like a makeshift club into two of his followers.

Upon impact, Fenrir felt something give and his whole side felt as if it was on fire. Then he was swung in the opposite direction and he could make out Hanna having one of the female werewolves in her other hand. Said female's head collided with a male's and there was a sickening crack.

Hanna just continued to use the two werewolves in her hands as flails until she finally let go of Fenrir and sent him flying into a tree. Then she pulled out the club and twirled it in one hand as the others launched themselves at her only to hear the drone of aircraft and look up as several tiny biplanes dove down toward them.

All Fenrir could do was watch from where he was slumped against the tree in pain at what happened and on that day, one of the true monsters breathed his last.
Harry Leferts

Wincing some as he held his wrist and tried not to move it, Harry walked into the infirmary and blinked at the sight of who was laying back on one of the beds there. "Hanna? I... what are you doing here?"

Sheepishly smiling, Hanna gave a wince before scratching her cheek. "Uh... I kind of got hurt, nothing too bad though!" Then she noticed that Harry was holding his wrist and frowned. "And it seems that I'm not the only one."

A scoff caused both of them to turn as Madam Pompfrey walked in with several potions in her hands. "Nothing too bad she says." Giving a glare to the teenaged girl laying back in the bed, Pompfrey noted with some satisfaction that she flinched. "You had several bruised ribs, deep bruising on various parts of your body, and strained muscles as well as a twisted ankle."

That caused Harry to frown as he looked toward his friend. "How the heck did you get those?"

However, it was what Harry noticed flashed in her eyes that caused him to truly worry before she shook her head and give him a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Sorry, Harry. You're a good friend and I wish otherwise, but..."

Slowly, the wizard nodded. "You can't tell me."

With a shrug, Hanna gave him a sigh. "Sorry."

Madam Pompfrey then reached Hanna and began to get her to drink various potions as Harry waited for his turn. From the expressions that Hanna was giving, said potions did not taste the best, though that was Harry's experience with them. 'I guess that American commercial about that Buckley's medicine is right... tastes awful, and it works.'

Then Pompfrey placed a small container in Hanna's hand. "Here, place this salve on your injuries twice a day and it'll help heal them without a mark." Then the mediwitch turned and Harry gave a wince at her expression as she let out a sigh. "And you, Mr. Potter, let me guess... Quidditch injury?" At his nod, Pompfrey sighed and shook her head. "I keep telling Albus that's too dangerous, but no one listens."

On Harry's face there was a more then cheeky smile. "But you do like coming to the games. They're a real ball."

Raising an eyebrow, the Mediwitch shook her head. 'Sometimes, he's like the unholy combination of his mother and father...'

It was only the work of less then a minute and Harry's wrist was healed before she bustled off into her office. After she did so, Harry walked over and sat next to Hanna. "She doesn't know about how you only need a couple of hours in a dock bath before you're okay, does she?"

Hanna only shook her head. "No, she doesn't." Almost a minute passed before Hanna spoke up again. "Harry?"

As he hummed, Harry turned and blinked at the expression of need on Hanna's face. "Yeah...?"

Taking a breath, she let it out. "Can... you stay here for a bit?"

Simply raising an eyebrow, Harry snorted. But before Hanna could comment, he gave her a small push. "Come on, move over so that I got some room." Once she did so, he laid down next to her and placed his head on her shoulder, the muscles underneath his head relaxing. "Better?"

A few seconds later, she nodded as she buried her face into his hair, her voice muffled by it. "Y-yeah... much better, my freund. Thank you." With a shuddering breath, she sighed before wrapping her arms and legs around him which made him blink before he placed one arm around her hips. "Thank you."

Not quite sure what was going on, but recognizing that his friend needed some comfort, Harry only nodded. "Not a problem, Hanna." Even as he felt some wetness soak into his shirt, all he did was rub her back. "Not a problem."

Poking her head out a few minutes later, Madam Pompfrey raised an eyebrow at the two cuddling on the bed before Harry gave her a slight shake of the head. Then she gave him a nod and ducked back into her office. 'After all... I got some paperwork that I need to do...'

Meanwhile, Harry let out a hum before he glanced over at Hanna who was not watching him through slightly red rimmed eyes. "You feeling better, Hanna?"

With a watery smile on her face, Hanna nodded. "I am." Shifting into a slightly more comfortable position, she gave a small chuckle. "Don't tell anyone, hmm?"

Snorting, Harry gave a shake of his head at that. "I'm not stupid, Hanna."

After yet another minute, Hanna shuddered and then let out a breath. "So... how did you get hurt? I've heard of this Quidditch, but the explanation was... rather confusing."

Grinning a bit, Harry scratched one cheek. "Well... Wood, the Captain of the team, decided to have me learn a little bit about being a Beater just in case it was needed. Unfortunately, I hit one of the Bludgers wrong and sprained my wrist... bit stupid on my part really. As for the game? It's kind of neat."

Expression becoming thoughtful, Hanna chuckled. "I can imagine, a sport played on flying broomsticks? However, I do hope to see one of your games one of these days if possible."

The two just continued their talk for the next few hours as they caught up again, neither talking about why Hanna was injured. A fact that she was thankful for to say the least.
Crazy Cats
Harry Leferts

You're all going to hate me for this...

Having convinced Madam Pompfrey to let Hanna leave the Hospital Wing, if only to get some dinner, Hanna sat down next to Harry. As she began to pick and choose, Harry grabbed a dinner roll. "You know, Hanna..." The German looked up from where she was about to eat when Harry shrugged. "Kind of amazed that you're here alone."

Suddenly, Hanna looked nervous as she glanced from side to side. "Um... well... heh... I'm not..."

That caused Harry to blink and look up at her in confusion. "You're not?"

Very slowly, she nodded as a hesitant chuckle escaped from her. "Uh... no..."

Narrowing his eyes, Harry missed Hermione suddenly stiffen and her eyebrows twitching. "Who?"

Just rubbing the back of her neck, Hanna looked around. "I wouldn't worry too much, Harry... besides, we should enjoy dinner, you know?"

Utterly unamused, Harry frowned. "Who is with you here, Hanna, and why are you avoiding answering..." His words trailing off, Harry could hear something and blinked. "Why am I hearing... No."

Hanging her head, Hanna shrugged. "Heh... sorry?"

All Harry did though was facepalm as he sighed. "Oh boy..."

Neville was about to ask when he looked up at the window where owls came in for mail. Said window was big enough for several owls to enter, so it was big enough as a singing Akron and Macon entered. "This is the song that doesn't end! Yes, it goes on and on, my friend."

Slowly, Harry turned and looked at the sheepish Hanna. "... Seriously, Hanna... those two?"

"... Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because..."

Laughing slightly, Hanna barely paid attention as two cats floated in, who were also singing it. "They wanted to see this place?"

"This is the song that doesn't end! Yes, it goes on and on, my friend..."

"Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow..."

With a sigh, Harry just gripped the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "And now the flying asshole murder cats are singing it..."

In an attempt to try and ignore what was going on, Dean turned toward Harry. "... Flying asshole murder cats...?"

".. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end..."

Sighing, Harry nodded. "Mainly because that is what Jersey calls them. Kind of fits as even Mum doesn't mind me calling them that too much."

"... Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow..."

All Dean could do was nod at that. Meanwhile up at the staff table, Snape was staring at them before he began to bang his head on the table. "Merlin no... please no..."

Blinking, Flitwick glanced at the potion's Professor before turning toward McGonagall who was trying to ignore it. "Is anyone else reminded of that incident in Lily's Seventh Year when James annoyed her by betting that she could not prank anyone?"

"... Started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because..."

Just letting out a deep breath, Sprout looked at Flitwick seriously. "Where the Seventh Year Slytherins were cursed to sing that song for a full twenty four hours?"

Chewing on a breadroll, Flitwick nodded as the Weasley Twins joined in on the singing. "Quite an impressive piece of spellwork there."

Softly smiling, Dumbledore began to sing. "This is the song that doesn't end..."

That got him the stink eye from both Snape and McGonagall. Meanwhile, Harry was just watching Macon and Akron as the two airshipgirls drifted around the ceiling singing. Hermione just glared at him as did several others. "Harry... I swear that if you do not do something right this minute..."

"... And they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end! Yes, it goes on and on, my friend..."

"... Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow..."

Frowning, Harry rubbed his chin in thought. "Hmm..." Snapping his fingers, Harry grinned. "Hey! Akron! Macon!"

Both airshipgirls blinked and floated down toward the Gryffindor table. "... Forever just because this is the song that doesn't end!"

Ron took a chance and shoved a dinner roll into both of their mouths, however, they just continued to mumble the song as they chewed and then swallowed. However, harry just sighed and then shook his head. "No, no, like this Ron." Before either Akron or Macon could react, Harry's hands shot out and his fingers began to scratch at one spot behind their cat ears. For a moment, their eyes widened and their ears flicked before they stopped singing and rolled over onto their backs, purrs coming from their mouths. "There we go."

Looking between them, Percy finally turned to look at Harry. "... What?"

All Harry did though was shrug. "Don't ask me how it works, it just does."

Meanwhile, Katie leaned in and blinked at the sight of the cat ears. "Those are actually real!? Flying catgirls!?"

Yet again, Harry only shrugged. "Hey, at least they wear pants."

That only got him looks from various people as they tried to figure out what he meant by that. Moments later though, Hermione cleared her throat and pointed upwards. "Harry..."

Blinking, Harry followed her finger and found himself looking at the two cat blimps, still singing the song. After a few seconds, he nodded at his hands. "What? I only got two hands and they're kind of full right now."

Hermione's answer was to bang her head on the table.
Hanna Snowball Bomber
Harry Leferts

It had been a few days and Hanna had finally gotten a clean bill of health which meant that she could finally head home. Harry had been spending time with Hanna and while he still did not know exactly what happened, he had helped a bit. At one point, he had even shown her some of the gifts that he had been working on. Now though, they were looking out on the sight that met them that morning when they awoke as they waited for Eugen to show up.

Mainly that overnight there was a snow storm that coated the fields and the castle in a thick blanket of snow.

A smile was on Harry's face as he looked out onto the winter wonderland that their surroundings had been turned into. "Wow... Isn't it amazing, Hanna?"

The German girl glanced at her companion and gave a small smile. "Ja, it is... It's beautiful, Harry." Leaning her chin against her fist, Hanna sighed. "Now all we got to do is to wait for my sister to arrive."

Several moments passed before Harry's eyes widened and a thought crossed his mind. "Hanna...?" When she glanced over at him, she saw that his lips had curled upwards into a smirk. One that made her blink at the shiver that ran down her back. "How is your sister going to get here?"

Frowning at the odd question, Hanna thought it over and then pointed. "Meine Schwester will be coming up the road there through the gate." At his raised eyebrow, she shrugged. "She's going to be shopping in Hogsmeade to see if there is anything there that can be given as gifts for Weihnachten."

Just humming, Harry considered the path that came up from the gate, though it was more like a road as Hanna had said. He had heard that horseless carriages brought people up from the station in Hogsmeade and back down. "So... she's going to be walking up that path..." Slowly, his smirk grew into a grin as he also realized that he had a chance to really cheer up his friend. "I have an idea."

Hanna just blinked at him and gave him a look. "I am now frightened, Harry."

Pouting, Harry huffed at her. "Oh, come on, I'm not that bad!"

Slowly, the German raised an eyebrow and softly snorted. "I have heard many, many stories, Harry. Hence why I am frightened."

If anything though, that caused Harry's pout to grow while the two talked, neither paying attention to the amused looks that they were getting from students passing them by. "That's being mean, Hanna. Besides, it's going to be hilarious." Then he snickered a bit. "Where's your sense of humor?"

Blinking, Hanna just kept a blank facial expression, barely. "I am German, we do not have a sense of humor." All Harry did was to stare at her for a few moments before he snorted, soon followed by Hanna. Both of them soon were laughing and leaning against each other as they looked out. Eventually though, Hanna calmed down and then flicked a tear away from her eye. "Okay, so what is this idea of yours?"

Smile wide, Harry told her and Hanna stared at him before she imagined it. Then she threw back her head and practically howled at laughter as she imagined it.

The two of the side by side as they laid in the snow, Harry and Hanna watched the approaches to the castle with their binoculars. Both of them were covered by a white blanket which hid them from view as Harry whispered to her. "See Eugen yet?"

A frown on her face, Hanna suddenly grinned. "I see her, she's at the gate. Bismarck is behind her as well."

His lips curling upwards into a mischievous grin, Harry chuckled. "Then she can see what shall happen... Everything ready?"

That got him a scoff from Hanna as the German teen glanced at him. "All preparations have been completed with all the usual German efficiency, Harry. We are ready for the operation."

Nodding, Harry tried to keep a serious expression on his face as he watched the unsuspecting Heavy Cruiser walk through the gate. "Bloody good. Then get ready, we shall move out once she is past Point Zeta."

On Hanna's face there was a similar serious expression, though the twinkle in her eye gave away how amused she was by the whole thing. "Understood."

Meanwhile, Eugen hummed to herself as she walked up the road with a slight smile in her face. The ends to the scarf she wore moved with the wind as she stuck her hands in her pockets. Looking around, she let out a soft sigh. "It really is beautiful, isn't it, Bismarck?"

For her part, Bismarck just nodded as she also looked around, the scarf that was the gift from Hood the year before around her neck. "Ja, looks like it belongs on a Christmas card."

Thinking it over, Eugen smiled even more. "It does... perhaps we should take a picture..." As she noticed Bismarck raise her phone to take some pictures, something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye as her spotters noticed something. With a blink of confusion, Eugen turned in time to see Harry and Hanna on a broomstick approaching her at high speed. Both of them wore heavy clothing and had on goggles. But what caught her attention was that there was a large, blanket wrapped object hung underneath the broom. "Hanna-"

Suddenly, Hanna shouted as Harry pulled up some. "RELEASE!"

Moments later, the broom passed just enough so that their feet missed Eugen's hat by inches. Bit it was more what was in the blanket which Hanna released as they ascended that was more important for Eugen. Said Heavy Cruiser only had time for her eyes to widen...

Right before the several dozen snowballs smacked into her at high speed. In the distance, Harry and Hanna could be heard laughing as they flew off, the two shouting the same thing. "SUCCESS!"

Bismarck just stood there as she took pictures of Eugen frozen, her entire front covered by snowballs. "Hmm... it seems that your Schwester is in a better mood then we expected." All she got was a muffled something from Eugen and the Battleship nodded as she smiled. "Well, of course I am taking pictures. They just did a textbook anti-ship bombing run, we need to preserve this for posterity as you must be proud of them."

The only answer she got from Eugen was yet more muffled words which turned Bismarck's smile into a full on grin.
This is the work of Harry Leferts and others.
Cross posted from SV and SB as each site has things exclusive to the other.
Permission granted by Harry Leferts and the Mods alethiophile, Megaolix and Biigoh


These are some of the Authors of Harry Potter and the Ship Girls on Sufficientvelocity and Spacebattles

SV/SB Names/Handles - Single name if same on both sites

Harry Leferts - Original idea/Core writer Generally a Snippet/chapter a day
SisterJeanne/Yellow Hammer - Backbone writer/Number 2
Sakuya's Butler/Barricade
OnceUponWhatever/ NotHimAgain
Kab2 /?

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