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Hidden in the Fine Print?

Sounds cute. We need to develop poison resistance so we can cuddle with her and then bone her.


Oh, you can carefully cuddle her right now. She doesn't usually have anything built up through her skin enough to affect someone at all through skin contact. Even as a ninja bloodline, that would be pretty broken what with her having no training in it. It's bodily fluids that are the problem.

You could bone her too, but that's likely to have you black out in the middle and possibly wake up in Kekkon's care, depending on what kind of poison the girl's chemical slurry is leaning towards today. Also, I'd need to shunt this into NSFW.

Edit: After looking over gloom pics, couldn't find one I liked, but also think that she looks something like this girl, but not a maid.
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[X] Go with the apprenticeship idea. Phase them in a few at a time so they don't disrupt things too much.
[X] Awaken: Seal-slumbering captives. (Choose to extract 1-8 from containers).\
-[X] 2
[X] Raid something?
-[X] Steal wood from Bear
[X] Send two chunin info-gathering, we need to keep a finger on the world's pulse.
[X] Get tips on making Poison Petals more useful from Kekkon.
[x] Plan Bobs Beard

Not sure why people are ignoring this one, really. It seems like a solid setup for long-term planning in a bunch of ways.
Oh, you can carefully cuddle her right now. She doesn't usually have anything built up through her skin enough to affect someone at all through skin contact. Even as a ninja bloodline, that would be pretty broken what with her having no training in it. It's bodily fluids that are the problem.

Until we figure out what to do with her, can our doc distill her saliva into useful stuff? And maybe give us more info on possible ways to wean her off?
Until we figure out what to do with her, can our doc distill her saliva into useful stuff? And maybe give us more info on possible ways to wean her off?

Doesn't really have the resources or equipment to do more than catch it in bottles and figure out what her body's rocking today. Kekkon is kind of workng out of a storage-shed-like building that the monks who were here before were keeping sand-rakes and spare gongs and stuff in.
Doesn't really have the resources or equipment to do more than catch it in bottles and figure out what her body's rocking today. Kekkon is kind of workng out of a storage-shed-like building that the monks who were here before were keeping sand-rakes and spare gongs and stuff in.
Would acquiring these resources and equipment be more of a stealing thing or a building thing?
Stealing, trading for, trying to kludge something together....

However you do it in the end, you're going to have to draft a building plan and get a list of 'We absolutely must have this, this would be extremely helpful, these would be nice but we can probably survive without them...' items first.
011. Tentative Plans
"Okay. For now... for now we'll start with the apprenticeship idea. You and her both, pick one from the group." you say, while attempting to pry the girl off of you.

"That still doesn't resolve anything for the other six...." Nara says, and trails off as he watches you struggle against the Poison Petals girl's tight grip.

You really ought to try to figure out a coherent name that she responds to consistently.

"... That said, I guess I can't expect you to be able to pull a genius plan right out of your pants." he finishes, seeming a little disgruntled about it. "There's enough we can do without shutting the barrels completely down to kind of figure out more or less what the bloodlines involved are. For most of them, anyway. I'll bring Axe the good news."

"Great." you say, wobbling in place a little with Petals latched onto you like a living back-pack with a grip you can't break.

And asleep. You cannot pry her off of you and she's just sleeping. Wonderful. At this point the only thing you can do is bear it with all the dignity you can muster and hope that whatever she's drooling down the back of your neck and shoulder isn't going to do anything by skin contact.

You can't sit down anywhere to do paperwork with this going on, so you might as well go around and set marching orders going. Thankfully, the ninja make no comment on your situation as you arrange for a squad of Chuunin to head off for Bear, to steal lumber from their logging camps. An extra couple are tagging along, both as back-up if the situation turns bad enough to call for it, and to gather information on things that are going on in the world today. Being in the land of shrines, you don't really get a lot of visitors with news and gossip.

Kekkon is much less helpful when you approach her about Poison Petals.

"There is literally nothing I can do under these conditions." she says, flatly. "I'm not a skilled enough medic-nin to just ignore all of the standard medical facilities and tools and just do everything raw, with variations of the mystical palm jutsu. You'd have to be Tsunade herself... or at least be directly trained by her. The only thing I can do is identify whatever she's oozing today, given a sample and some time with nothing else important to do, and cure accidental poisonings. And that is entirely due to my specialty with poison."

"So, there's nothing you can do about...?" you say, gesturing behind yourself to the slumbering girl with the death-grip on your torso.

Kekkon gives you a very flat and unimpressed look.

"In my professional medical opinion? Deal with it, sir."

You feel like the position as leader of this ragtag batch of ninja should earn you more respect, but you suppose you're leader in name only.


[Nara and Axe are selecting apprentices.
Ninja Activities are Underway]

[ ] Personal actions
[X] Ask Kekkon to put together a list of equipment she needs to improve her ability to do things. It should be sorted by what can be stolen with reasonable ease, what can be built out of feasibly stolen goods, and what you'll have to find a source to actually buy from.
[X] Ask Kekkon to put together a list of equipment she needs to improve her ability to do things. It should be sorted by what can be stolen with reasonable ease, what can be built out of feasibly stolen goods, and what you'll have to find a source to actually buy from.
[X] Ask Kekkon to put together a list of equipment she needs to improve her ability to do things. It should be sorted by what can be stolen with reasonable ease, what can be built out of feasibly stolen goods, and what you'll have to find a source to actually buy from.
[X] Ask Kekkon to put together a list of equipment she needs to improve her ability to do things. It should be sorted by what can be stolen with reasonable ease, what can be built out of feasibly stolen goods, and what you'll have to find a source to actually buy from.
[X] Ask Kekkon to put together a list of equipment she needs to improve her ability to do things. It should be sorted by what can be stolen with reasonable ease, what can be built out of feasibly stolen goods, and what you'll have to find a source to actually buy from.
012. You Got Wooood.
You have little choice in the matter, so...

So you just deal with it. It strains your self control to the very limits to have a young and attractive enough girl crawling and drooling all over you, but it helps that you strongly suspect that if you did anything, you'd die.

Not that the ninja would kill you over it. You're pretty sure that none of them would really care, particularly with the choice of apprentices Nara and Axe are making, and how they're dressing them, but considering that you wake up in Kekkon's care twice over the next week just from her drooling on you?

It gives you a solid idea of what would happen if you tried to do anything fun. And it gives you plenty of chances to discuss how to build a better infirmary with the woman.

Nara picks a young girl to train, and if he knows or suspects what her bloodline is going to turn out to involve, he's not spilling. He does seem to keep things professional, wherever people can see at least, but it doesn't take much to tell that the girl isn't in the habit of underthings.

The selection Axe makes is also pretty...

Like her choice of weapon, Axe has no subtlety whatsoever. If she isn't already training the boy she pulled out of the barrels as much in how to please her as she is teaching him ninja skills and how to fight, it's only a matter of time. The casual handling and touches are... it's pretty obvious.

After just a couple of days, the boy is following her around like a puppy looking for another rub behind the ears. Or something.

... After a little longer, your squad of ninja get back with tons of high-quality building lumber. The operation went off without a hitch. With that said, the spies that tagged along come back with nothing aside from the fact that after a big theft like this, Bear is going to be on raised alert for a little while, and operations in that country are going to be a bit more difficult.

Yeah. You might have guessed at that, on your own.


[Collected sufficient lumber to reduce building costs by 10,000 Ryo.
Bear Country on guard, defenses raised.]

Personal Actions: 1

[ ] Meet: with nearby temple representatives. (Also select personal guard for travel.)
[ ] Invite: nearby temple representatives to meet with you. (See above, but they come here, more details may be wise.)
[ ] Awaken: Seal-slumbering captives. (Choose to extract 1-6 from containers).
[ ] Mingle: with who? (Write-in)
[ ] ??

Ninja Mission Assignments: 1

[ ] Construct: simple Barracks. (Cost 15K Ryo, build communal shelter. Morale -, Discipline and Camaraderie +) [Reduced Ryo costs to 5K if using lumber]
[ ] Construct: basic Infirmary. Not much, but the doctor can see more than one person at a time, and there's space for multiple patients to sleep under observation. (Cost 14K Ryo, build Basic infirmary. Morale + and reduces odds of losing ninja due to injuries from missions gone wrong.) [Reduced costs to 4K if using lumber]
[ ] Refurbish and rework the shrine overall. (Uses Lumber stores, makes outpost Secure and increases Local Opinion)
[ ] Raid something?
[ ] ??
Alright then. We actually can build something. Are you guys thinking infirmary or fortifications?

Fortifications would be pretty good if we want to meet with the priest guys, I'm thinking.
I don't really like that the kids are getting especially close to our captains, being easy to integrate is the sort of things you have problems with in deep-insertion assassins, which is the exact sort of thing I think of when we're talking about special bloodline babies.

I like fortifications a lot since it also ups our opinion, the sooner we're a 'legitimate' part of the land of shrines, the sooner we can put some of these worries off on our benefactors shoulders; but I'd also rather have our ninja working at home the turn(s) preceding opening up the pod people, so they can be interacted with by the rest of our ninja more frequently- like Bob's plan earlier suggested.

So, either
[] Mingle/Interrogate one of the kids for what they know and find out what our captains think
[] More raiding
[] Awaken: all 6
[] Refurbish shrine
[X] Construct: basic Infirmary. Not much, but the doctor can see more than one person at a time, and there's space for multiple patients to sleep under observation. (Cost 14K Ryo, build Basic infirmary. Morale + and reduces odds of losing ninja due to injuries from missions gone wrong.) [Reduced costs to 4K if using lumber]
[X] Meet: with nearby temple representatives.
-[X] Axe as overt security due to her brute force and respectful demeanor toward the representatives, Nara as covert security for his suspicious mind and the fact that covert means shut the hell up. Apprentices assigned according to their masters' judgement.
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[X] Construct: basic Infirmary. Not much, but the doctor can see more than one person at a time, and there's space for multiple patients to sleep under observation. (Cost 14K Ryo, build Basic infirmary. Morale + and reduces odds of losing ninja due to injuries from missions gone wrong.) [Reduced costs to 4K if using lumber]
[X] Meet: with nearby temple representatives.
-[X] Axe as overt security due to her brute force and respectful demeanor toward the representatives, Nara as covert security for his suspicious mind and the fact that covert means shut the hell up. Apprentices assigned according to their masters' judgement.
[X] Awaken: Seal-slumbering captives. x2
-[X] See if either has medical skill; if neither can learn to medic ninja then use for base labor until further notice.
[X] Construct: basic Infirmary. Not much, but the doctor can see more than one person at a time, and there's space for multiple patients to sleep under observation. (Cost 14K Ryo, build Basic infirmary. Morale + and reduces odds of losing ninja due to injuries from missions gone wrong.) [Reduced costs to 4K if using lumber]
[X] Winged One

We need to keep the captives asleep as long as possible given our current food issues.
[X] Construct: basic Infirmary. Not much, but the doctor can see more than one person at a time, and there's space for multiple patients to sleep under observation. (Cost 14K Ryo, build Basic infirmary. Morale + and reduces odds of losing ninja due to injuries from missions gone wrong.) [Reduced costs to 4K if using lumber]
[X] Meet: with nearby temple representatives.
-[X] Axe as overt security due to her brute force and respectful demeanor toward the representatives, Nara as covert security for his suspicious mind and the fact that covert means shut the hell up. Apprentices assigned according to their masters' judgement.

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