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High Pressure (Saga of Tanya the Evil/Avatar: the Last Airbender)

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In this story, Tanya is reborn as an air nomad twelve years prior to Sozin's genocide. No, she isn't the Avatar. But the Fire Nation doesn't need to know that.
Prolog: In Which Being X is Arrested New

We Just Write

Blatantly Plural
Jul 21, 2020
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Ultimately, it had been pure bad luck that ended my career in the Imperial Army, along with my second life. Yes, I had been cornered by Mary Sue, but that wasn't the actual proximate cause of death. That honor went to the stray artillery shell that landed between us with barely any warning at all. After the initial explosion, I was just barely conscious enough to realize that the Type 95 Computation Orb had been severely damaged, before it also exploded. If I had to guess, it blew my head clean off. Assuming it didn't reduce my body to mist entirely. That wasn't a particularly safe assumption.


In the void between death, I couldn't help but feel rather conflicted. I definitely hadn't wanted to die in the Great War, especially not like this. But the knowledge that this went against Being X's plans for me was coldly satisfying.


Then Being X's rant was interrupted by a sensation I could only really describe as a crashing noise akin to a door being bashed open, despite it not really being sound, exactly.

"You are under arrest for Soul Trafficking and Worship Extortion! Stand down immediately!"

What followed was a tirade of obscenities on Being X's part, accompanied by more crashing 'noises', and what I could only presume were indications of some kind of violence taking place. I 'felt' a blow just barely miss me, and felt with a dreadful certainty that actually being hit would result in my death being emphatically permanent.

With no better ideas, I tried to "run" away from the altercation. I had no ideas of where I could go. I just knew I needed to be somewhere other than here.

The next thing I knew, I was opening a pair of brand new eyes as a midwife with a partially shaved head and blue arrow tattoos snipped my umbilical cord. Well, there was one good thing about this situation: no-one would complain about me screaming my frustrations to the world at the loudest volume my infant lungs could produce.

Over the next four years, I quickly gained a reputation as a precocious learner. I quickly realized that I had been born into a monastic order of some variety, and while the magic of my second life was absent, it seemed all members of the air temples were able to manipulate the motions of air in ways that definitely counted. And I, fortunately, was not an exception.

I also wasn't an exception to the custom of shaving my head, though fortunately as a girl I didn't have to shave all of it.

So I quickly started experimenting with my newfound "airbending", seeing what I could do with it. Make no mistake, the amplified jumps, gliding, and maneuverability were very useful, but it wasn't quite the same as the flight of my second life. And then there were the techniques I tried inventing myself, such as using air currents to pick up some sand and whirl it around as an improvised abrasive cutting tool, when I was about seven years old.

That particular technique caught the attention of the monks when they realized I'd invented it myself. I distinctly remember seeing concerned expressions on several of the monk's faces, but all that happened was being sent to a room with Monk Pava, where I was directed to pick four toys from a collection of hundreds. If that was some kind of test, I must have passed, since I never heard about it again, nor did I receive any form of punishment for my innovating. What kind of test it could have possibly been escaped my comprehension, though.

I even managed to make a friend as an effect of my messing around. While it was an interesting exercise, sucking all the air out of a glass jar and sealing it shut wasn't really all that useful. But for a small child like Avi, an evidently empty jar that she couldn't bend any air inside of was endlessly fascinating. Though a year my biological elder, Avi quickly started following me around and helping with experiments, evidently having her curiosity sparked. She also became a rigorous note-taker, writing down everything we managed to learn in the process.

So on my tenth birthday, I wasn't terribly surprised to hear Avi ask a question. It's what that question was that I found surprising.

"Tanya, do you think there's different types of air?"

Of course there were, I had two previous lifetimes of knowledge on the matter. But I didn't say that; I wanted to hear Avi's reasoning.

"What do you mean, Avi?"

"So, if we hold our breath long enough we start feeling terrible, right? I've been thinking about that for a while, and the only way that could make sense is if there's more than one type of air."

I nodded in consideration.

"Avi, suppose you're right. What could we do with that information?"

"Well, if we could separate the bad air from the good air, we could help make sure there's good air to breath down in places where there's problems with that, like in mines."

I thought for a moment; that was a service plenty of places would pay very high fees for, not to mention the utility for extinguishing fires if you took the oxygen away. Figuring out how to do it would definitely be a worthwhile use of my time.

And so we spent the next two years figuring out how to separate the different components of air with airbending. It was far from easy, but with a bit of knowledge of the molecules involved and some modifications to the motions associated with airbending, I managed to bend Oxygen and Nitrogen in different directions simultaneously just before my twelfth birthday, with Avi getting the hang of it just a couple days later.

That accomplishment is the only reason we survived what occurred only a couple weeks later.
1: Sozin's Comet New
In my first two lives, it would have been August. The day seemed peaceful enough at first, but something seemed off. I was only able to put my finger on it around ten in the morning, when I saw a column of red marching up the path towards the Eastern Air Temple. I hurriedly smushed together a pair of air-balls under my feet to use as skates, and rushed off to find an adult.

As it so happened, the first adult I encountered was Monk Pava.

"Monk Pava, are we expecting any visits from the Fire Nation today? There are at least a thousand uniformed fire nation soldiers headed our way, right now. And they're almost here!"

Monk Pava's face went pale with fear.

"No, that's not supposed to be happening at all. Tell as many people as you can!"


Something in me went snap at the realization we were under attack. All the Air Nomad teachings of pacifism and respect for life fell into the background, and in its place was the Imperial Officer I'd once been.

The first order I had been given was simple: sound a general alarm that we were under attack. Fortunately, I'd long-since figured out how to amplify my voice with airbending. I jumped up out of any enclosed spaces, cupped both hands around my mouth, and bellowed as loud as I could while hovering for a brief moment:


Given how everyone started rushing around in a panic, I had clearly been heard. Unfortunately, the approaching Fire Nation soldiers had evidently heard it too, judging by the fact that they just about doubled the pace of their advance.

Even more unfortunately, the others here at the Eastern Air Temple were nowhere near organized enough to put up serious resistance. Yes the monks were trying to direct the children to various refuge points, but judging by my estimates of the Fire Nations' combat strength, it would definitely be inadequate.

Suddenly, an excessively powerful fire blast burned open the main gate of the air temple, and I had to revise my estimate of the enemy strength up by an order of magnitude or so. Several more excessively powerful fire blasts lit off several other parts of the temple. Then, from my elevated position near the monks' quarters, I I noticed the fire around the Bison stables abruptly go out.


Just like that, I had a plan. First order of business, collect the only other person I knew could selectively bend different gasses. Second order of business, suffocate these fires.

Courtesy of the glider staff I'd been trained to use, getting down to Avi only took ten seconds or so, though I needed to dodge quite a few streams of fire on my way there.

As soon as I landed, I shouted "Avi, come with me! I have a plan!"

My friend whirled around to see me, panic evident on her face "Tanya, I'm glad you're alright!"

"Avi, we have a very short time before the firebenders here kill all of us! With our air-separation, we can instantly extinguish fires and suffocate the firebenders causing them, and we're the only two people here who know how to do it!"

Avi froze up for a second, and I thought I would need to more directly order her into combat, but she reluctantly agreed.

"Alright, Tanya. I'll do what you tell me."

And like that, we were off. The first group of Fire Nation soldiers we encountered only saw us twenty seconds after I'd put them in a pure Nitrogen atmosphere. One of them tried to shoot a blast of fire at me, looked rather confused when nothing happened, and then the thirty of them abruptly fell over. Avi and I returned breathable air to head level, leaving the unconscious firebenders to their inert gas as we continued on.

For the next thirty minutes, The two of us went on a near-silent rampage around the air temple, snuffing out firebenders by the hundreds. Meanwhile, we quickly accumulated a gaggle of terrified airbenders following in our wake for the simple reason that anywhere we'd been, the fire nation soldiers weren't.

Eventually, it came to a point where there weren't anymore living fire nation soldiers in the air temple. After a bit, one of the airbending children following Avi and I asked a simple question.

"Well now what?"

I thought about the situation for a moment, before ordering "Form into three groups, organized by physical maturity."

The children following me promptly did as ordered, either trusting my judgement, or just being too scared of me to do otherwise.

First, I pointed to the youngest group. "Find everyone in the temple who's still alive. We need to know how many people we lost, who survived, that sort of thing."

Then I pointed to the oldest group. "You're on corpse disposal duty. If all the dead bodies here are simply left to rot, they will get us sick. At the very least get them out of the temple."

Lastly, I pointed to the group in the middle, "Make sure any remaining fires are safely extinguished, so that what's left of the temple doesn't burn down. Forcing the air around a fire to hold still for a while should lead to it suffocating itself in fairly short order."

All three groups promptly got to their assigned tasks. As soon as they were out of earshot, Avi asked me another question.

"Tanya, do you have a plan? For longer than the immediate tasks you assigned the other survivors of the attack?"

In all honesty, I didn't have a plan. I had an industrialized empire that would soon learn their attempt to kill all of us had failed, a bunch of traumatized survivors of an attempted genocide, and a very tenuous grasp on command of what personnel I did have. On the other hand...

"We can't have been the only people the Fire Nation attacked. We need to get allies against their aggression, we need to get them fast, and we need to neutralize as many of the Fire Nation's advantages as possible."

Avi looked a bit confused at that last part, so I rephrased it.

"The Fire Nation has machines that let them make a lot of weapons and tools very very quickly, to very high standards. We need to steal those machines and put them to our own use."

"Ah, now I understand. Tanya, I think that's an excellent idea."
So, where are the adults and what are they doing/thinking?
when nothing happened, and then the thirty of them abruptly fell over. Avi and I returned breathable air to head level, leaving the unconscious firebenders to their inert gas as we continued on.
snuffing out firebenders by the hundreds
Eventually, it came to a point where there weren't anymore living fire nation soldiers in the air temple
I'm confused did they kill all Fire Nation troops or just render them unconscious?
Sure the first group was rendered unconscious while surrounded by nonbreathable air but the others?

Is Avi meant to be a genderbent Aang or did Tanya become the Avatar?

If Tanya is the Avatar she would remind all nations of the last earth nation Avatar who settled all conflicts with a iron fist fir a hundred years
So, where are the adults and what are they doing/thinking?
C: They're still in the air temple at the moment. Most of them are on the corpse removal team's to-do list.
I'm confused did they kill all Fire Nation troops or just render them unconscious?
Sure the first group was rendered unconscious while surrounded by nonbreathable air but the others?
C: The unconsciousness was a transitory state on the way to death, and Tanya assessed that the situation was not conducive to taking prisoners.
Is Avi meant to be a genderbent Aang or did Tanya become the Avatar?
C: Aang is currently in his ice cube, as per canon. In fact, if you read the prolog closely, you would see that the monks administered the Avatar Test to Tanya, and she failed.
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