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Well hello reader my username is SittinginHell. take a wild guess and yes I"m in fact sitting in...


On Vacation
Mar 7, 2023
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Well hello reader my username is SittinginHell. take a wild guess and yes I"m in fact sitting in hell.

Ben 10 and Marvel are owned by their respective owner not me so support them as well

Scrolling through my phone late at night. Trying to find some serotonin online; having horrible luck. Tossing and turning worrying about bills and work. What I didn't suspect was for a blue swirling portal to appear in my living room.

Know fully coherent, I grabbed the weapon closest to me. An empty Coke bottle hurts, right? Brandished it like a club towards my assailants to my surprise, what stood right in front of me was not a ghost or a demon but instead.

"Professor Paradox?"

I started to question my sanity. Maybe the lack of sleep finally caught up, or my mind just snapped. What really didn't help was the little Galvan on his shoulder.

What I could only assume as Azmuth was riding shotgun on the professor's shoulder. They both looked uninterested in me.

"This, this is who you chose?" an uncharacteristically deep voice bounded out of the tiny Galvan's mouth. A posh English accent answered.

"He fits all of the criteria, you asked for"

The bearded Galvan just shook his head. "7.888 billion Humans on this earth but he is the only one you can find, that either says something about this Earth or about him."

Their conversation was confusing me. Hell, them just being real was throwing me for a loop. If they were real, does that mean Ben was real as well? What about Vilgax, or Maltruant. If there real, why haven't I died yet.

I raised my hand; it was a problem of mine. In any awkward conversation or if I'm out in public and I want to talk to you. I'll raise my hand; I don't mean any disrespect, it's just a way for me to intervene in a conversation I have no power over.

Both multidimensional geniuses stopped their verbal altercation of words bigger than my tiny little monkey brain can process.

"Yes, Chase." The professor acknowledged my soon to be question.

"What, the hell is going on."

The professor looked at Azmuth smiling, and the Galvan sighed and turned away from the professor.

"Chase R, you have been chosen if you so wish, to carry out a mission. Myself and Azmuth are going to transport you into another universe and you are to live your life the way you see fit in this alternative universe"

I stood there for a second. Why would I go to another universe? It was insane just to think about it. My friends and family are all here in this Universe.

My mother would be worried, she would probably never rest until I was found. I did not want that for her. My younger sister would be heartbroken. She would have no idea what's going on. I couldn't just uproot my whole life just because some temporally gifted English man said so.

"You will be erased from this timeline. No one will remember you and no one will miss you."

It was like he could read my mind, the way he tried to soothe my worries. That still didn't change anything for me why me in the first place. I was a no one not even a high school diploma to my name. I dropped out due to my mother's medical bills.

"I won't forget them though, I'll miss them." I knew my answer before he tried to convince me. It was going to be no.

"Before you answer my question, I would like you to hear out Azmuth." The professor looked over to his right shoulder right wear Azmuth was standing up.

"We need you to go to this Universe to save it from destruction. We don't expect you to go unprotected either. I built you an Omnitrix, should you decide to go."

That was huge for someone like Azmuth just to give away an Omnitrix. He must really have wanted someone to go, but did it have to be me.

"Why do you want someone to go to this new universe? The truth please." They both gave each other a side eye.

"Vilgax has learned a way to travel universes, were trying to stop him but Ben is busy with something else." The Professor looked embarrassed. Azmuth clicked his tongue.

"Of course, you had to tell him." Azmuth looked upset. He had every right to be too. Vilgax was on his way to conquer a universe that didn't have Ben in it. Which from a villainous standpoint was smart.

But what was Ben busy with, knowing his life probably something that'll destroy his universe. Why me though?

"In this Universe you are an…anomaly"

That didn't sound good coming from Paradox.

"You are the only Chase alive at 18 even in your copied worlds, most Chase's die at birth and your twin survived but not in this one. By a serious of fortunate or unfortunate events your doctor decided to save your life instead of your twin sister's"

Paradox started to walk out of my room heading down the hallway towards the door. I followed wanting to know more.

"Your future is uncertain but, in this Universe, you are less than insignificant. Most people are insignificant in the timeline, but you are more so."

That soul crushing news finally opened my eyes to why they chose me. I walked outside with Paradox in front of me. I looked up at the light polluted sky to see the north star shining bright.

First, I'm a fan of the Ben 10 franchise. I won't be totally useless if they drop me in a random place with an Omnitrix. I'll be able to protect myself at least.

Second, I'm not important even if Paradox didn't erase me from this timeline, it wouldn't affect much. What would happen? A pour family mourns a lost son. Then my disappearance fades into the background. It's sad but that's what would happen.

Lastly, I'm a young adult. I'm not some kid that will make as many stupid mistakes as a 10-year-old would. I'm also not a rigid adult. I still have the thought process of a teenager, but I have enough self-control not to do stupid shit.

Sighing in defeat I sat down on the cold concrete in front of my apartment.

"So how does this work?"

Looking up at the Professor, he smiled down at me. "As we said we were going to give you full control of a "superweapon" and then you're going to hunt down Vilgax. What you do to him after you find him is none of our concern"

"As long as he never comes back"

The voice came from my side. Looking down I saw Azmuth attaching an Omnitrix to my wrist.

A few uncomfortable twists of my wrist later I had my very own Omnitrix. Azmuth pushed a button on the side and the device lit up a bright green. There was a small pinch and then the famous Omnitrix sound. The first alien that showed up on the holographic screen was of a Galvan.

"Look at that you get to walk in my shoes" Azmuth smirked and pressed a few buttons on the green watch. It made a long beep and then spoke.

"Boot up sequence complete, scanning host…… host scanned. Chase Rose set as owner. Communication settings set to Homo-sapiens sapiens. Language set to English. Universal translator online. DNA sequencer online. Connecting to Codon Stream…. Connected. Master control locked."

After the end of the message there was a short sequence of beeps.

Studying the Omnitrix, it was primarily black with green and white outlines. The face of the watch like device was the famous Omnitrix symbol.

I stood up and brushed off the blue jeans I was wearing. I noticed that the Omnitrix wasn't as heavy as I thought. About as heavy as a regular watch.

"Thought it would be heavier."

"Of course not, how would a ten-year-old hull it around his wrist all day" Azmuth shook his head in disappointment.

"Now that Azmuth gave you his gift, it's time for you to be on your way." Paradox pulled out a pocket watch and clicked it.

Everything stopped the leaves blowing in the wind. The noise of cars a few blocks away. Even cat that was jumping out of a trash can.

Pointing the face of the stopwatch outwards, he created a light blue portal a meter away. "That's your ride, walk through, note temporal travel can be disorienting for the first time" He winked at me as he and Azmuth walked through the portal.

Studying the portal that could lead me to my doom. The swirling blue and black portal of doom.

Looking down at my new accessory, I chuckled.

"Time to hunt down a galactic warlord"

I stepped towards my new life disappearing just as fast as Azmuth and Professor Paradox.

Touching down in alley way, the sun shone, and sound of cars honking. I looked around myself checking if anybody saw me come through a portal. Sighing in relief at the empty ally I looked down at the Omnitrix.

It was time to check the aliens in my Omnitrix. I did not know what aliens I had in the watch besides Grey Matter.

Grey Matter was good, it opened some doors for me. I could hack into advanced computers easily. Creating algorithms impossible for less intelligent beings to understand. I was also small which was good for hiding.

Dialing up the Omnitrix, the face of the watch popped up. A green holographic avatar of a Galvan showed up. Turning the face of the watch, it showed me the next alien in the queue.

Ripjaws, an Angler fish-man that's as best I could describe this alien. A fully aquatic alien wasn't bad but wasn't great either. If I timed out underwater, I could be in trouble. Ripjaws isn't the best alien but it's not the worst I could have gotten.

I guess if Vilgax ever tried to swim I could bite him.

XLR8, a semi armored velociraptor with spheres attached to his feet. A speed alien was needed. Though not as strong as Fast Track, much faster and can stop on a dime unlike the bipedal cat man.

Heatwave, a humanoid volcano. Pyrokinesis and Terrakinesis. Fire was always a good deterrent for bad guys. Flying also helped.

Wildmutt was a welcome addition to the team of aliens. A monstrous beast with no eyes and orange fur. It would be good to be able to track and hunt suspects. The only downside is being unable to talk and It will take getting used to all of Wildmutts advanced senses.

Ghostfreak was good for scouting or if I wanted to I could interrogate someone of importance. I just hoped this one didn't have a mind of its own like original Ben's did.

Feedback was a lovely surprise for me. I don't know how but this alien held back an explosion that would've destroyed a whole universe. That fire power always helped

Ditto I didn't know how to exactly describe the Splixson. He wasn't shown much on the show and I knew the basics of his powers. Copying himself, that was about it. He was an off-brand Echo-Echo without the sonic screams. I could still use him though.

Diamondhead was awesome in the show, and I hoped that it translated here as well. Almost indestructible and cool looking. I will be using him a lot.

I don't know how Azmuth did it, but he was able to get my favorite alien on the Omnitrix.

Cannonbolt, one of my favorite aliens. He was just a walking pinball ready to be used. He could protect himself and others by rolling up into a ball. And if you wanted to keep firing at him. The Arburian will make your day worse by running you over.

I couldn't wait to transform into one of these aliens knowing the power they held. I almost just said "fuck it" and hit the watch. But there where somethings that needed to be done first.

Looking around at the multi-floored buildings around me. I scanned for anything that would tell me what city I was in. Not finding anything I turned to my phone.

I wasn't surprised that I didn't have bars.

Stranded and with no idea where I was, I threw my phone in the dumpster next to me.

I knew what I had to do I just did not know where to start. I looked down at myself and I remembered that I still had on my "I love milfs" jacket. Getting annoyed that I forgot to change into some new clothes, I took the shirt off and threw it away as well. Rocking the plain grey George shirt and blue jeans didn't seem so bad.

I still needed some money.

I guess Grey Matter was going to tinker around with some ATM's later today.

Sighing, I looked around for the exit. I found it and walked out into a passing crowd disappearing in the background.

Edge of Nowhere

The sound of wet flesh hitting the ground echoed in the dark hallways of a large spaceship. Deep grunting and the sound of metal crashing into each other masked the sound of voices.

A guttural scream of agony silenced the noises.

A large purple alien with gold decorative armor was on the ground holding the stump of an arm. Around him was a ruined room with bodies lying strewn.

The sound of sliced air brought the head of the titan up.

"Who are you to say my dreams are childish"

Holding the sword was a green hulking figure. His head looked like a squid and his armor was red with a black accent. Glowing red eyes squinted.

"Throwing a fit just because you don't get attention from someone. That is what you're doing. I pity your children"

Swinging his sword, he cut the air and he placed the sword on his back.

"Who are you"

The shadow of the green alien grew, and the four pairs of red eyes shone brightly behind him. As he declared his name.

I really hope this protagonist isn't a self-insert, because dear God he's one of the dumbest people I've ever seen.

Two strangers who look like fictional characters show up in his home through preternatural means, and they tell him that he should abandon his family and move permanently to a different dimension, because, according to them he's insignificant. And he just... believes them?

Why? Because they strapped something that LOOKS like an Omnitrix to his wrist?

He didn't even know where they were sending him. He didn't pack. He didn't try to say goodbye to his family, or discuss this decision with anybody. He simply went, "welp, this guy who looks like Dr. Paradox said I'm insignificant and should permanently change worlds so... Adios."

And then on getting to the new world, the first thing he did was toss his phone (the most valuable object he owned), and plan to commit a crime for cash.

And the worst part is, even if we were to take everything that happened at face value, and assume that those really were Paradox and Azmuth; the fact that he, after two whole seconds of thinking about it, casually decided to go after one of the most powerful and terrifying space warlords in fiction, doesn't really say very good things about his reasoning capabilities.

Vilgax was made for a kid's show, so it may be hard to notice, but that guy is like Thanos and Darth Vader wrapped up in one. And yet this boy just decided to go fight him, because Azmuth gave him a watch.

Well, guess what Chase? Ben Tennyson had a watch. And a team. How'd it work out for him?

And to think this same person actually gave us this line:

Lastly, I'm a young adult. I'm not some kid that will make as many stupid mistakes as a 10-year-old would. I'm also not a rigid adult. I still have the thought process of a teenager, but I have enough self-control not to do stupid shit.

Ha. Ha ha.

Yeah, kid. No stupid decision making here. No, siree.

Anywho, your dumb protag aside, the story actually looks interesting. The prose flows well, the grammar isn't bad, and I'm always up for seeing Omnitrix users in alternate worlds.

You have my watch.

See what I did there? *wink wink nudge nudge*
Love the concept waiting to read more
Yeah... the MC supposedly being insignificant because he is unique in all the parallels of his world makes no sense, if anything, the opposite would be true.

Here's hoping the MC does not remain dependent on the Omnitrix as his only means of protection/power. Learn the mystic arts, and use Grey Matter to study Technology, the Sciences, and unique Serums and DNA to enhance/improve yourself...
Serums/treatments like the Super Soldier Serum, Infinity Formula, the Elixir of Life, Extremis Formula, Goblin Formula, Banner Formula, Spider Serum, Heart Shaped Herb(and its Aztec/Atlantean counterpart), The Tablet of Life and Death, etc...
DNA from mutants(like Wolverine, Apocalypse, Xavier, etc...), Inhumans, Eternals, Deviants, Kree, Skrulls, Asgardians, Celestials, Ego(like the seed left on earth), etc...

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