Chapter 76
Charles Flynn
I trust you know where the happy button is?
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Of course, things went horribly wrong almost immediately.
'What do you mean the trees won't burn?' I send frantically.
'It rained last night and the wood's still thoroughly hydrated. Right now, the forest's about as flammable as asbestos.' Yan sends back, his irritation quite thoroughly evident.
'Dammit. Hold on for a change in orders.' I turn to Drake. "We have a problem. The trees won't ignite. We'll need to revise our strategy."
"Damn." he growls. "We only have four hours until sundown, Flynn, figure something out!"
Right, right. 'Yan Qing? Can you punch the trees hard enough to make them go away?'
'I guess?'
'Right. Do that.' I command. 'Cursed Arm, it's your job to track down and kill escapees. No survivors.' We do not need any trolls doubling back to follow us.
"All right." I say to Drake. "I managed to work out a substitute. We're good to go."
The plan is fundamentally simple. The Assassins destroy their escape route behind them, while a spearhead of Servants presses in to crush them. Left with only the options of death by sunlight or death by Servant, the enemy will be completely exterminated.
But first...
'Georgios, you are free to give them the chance to surrender.'
'Thank you for letting me do this, Master.' he sends back, already entering the outskirts of the troll encampment's perimeter.
I don't honestly have much hope of a peaceful solution. But still, you never know.
'Bloodaxe refused on their behalf.' Georgios sends back after a few minutes. 'Backup would be greatly appreciated, he's a formiddable opponent.'
'It's on its way,' I send back, before switching to a general broadcast. 'All Servants, commence operation.'
I turn to Drake. "We're starting." He nods, and then starts barking orders to his crew.
Vlad, Xuanzangf and Tamamo lead the charge, clearing a sunlit corridor through the forest by toppling every tree in their way. In the distance, I see more trees begin to topple as Yan Qing starts his own foray into the exciting world of clear-cutting.
"All right! Follow them!" Drake bellows, and his men charge in after my Servants, Elizabeth leading the charge. He follows after, leaving me to guard the ship with only a skeleton crew and Galahad for company.
"You know, you just sent them off to risk their lives, while you stay behind," Galahad observes.
"Is there a point to this?"
"Just making sure you're aware of your cowardice." he says with a grin.
"I'm sure that all you bold, shiny knights probably don't remember this, what with all the brain damage from honorably bashing each other over the head and all that, but us squishy normal people without oodles of combat training and superhuman durability have what we like to call 'a sense of self-preservation' and 'common sense.'" I shoot back. "And I'm sorry if they disagree with your knightly sensibilities."
"Oh!" Galahad replies, clapping his hands together with a thoroughly feigned expression of joy. "So that's what this modern 'chain of command' thing I keep hearing about is! Truly, you're just so very much more advanced than us uncivilized barbarians! Really, we're just so backwards, what with our commanders going out and fighting on the front lines, instead of just sitting back and sending in the, what did you call them again? Ah, yes, the 'cannon fodder' to fight and die for them! Truly, you absolute paragons of egalitarianism and efficiency are the gold standard to emulate, here."
"Oh, wow," I shoot back, legitimately irritated. "Such a rousing defense of the masses, from a feudal lord. Tell me, how are those serfs of yours-"
"Will you two SHUT THE FUCK UP?" one of the remaining crewmembers shouts at us.
Both Galahad and I take a step back from our previous position of shouting at each others faces and awkwardly turn away from each other.
"How's the battle going?" he asks after a few minute's silence.
"Well enough. Assassin's line of deforestation is nearly complete. Hassan's already picked off five stragglers. The frontal assault is already nearing the enemy camp."
"So, things are going... according to plan."
"I'm as braced for the imminent catastrophe as you are."
In the end, the thing we didn't see coming was the troll warrens beneath the forest.
"So they've all retreated?" I ask Drake.
"Aye. Bloodaxe fell, but we can't follow them in. They're too well entrenched, we've only got an hour before nightfall."
"Anything useful recovered?" I ask, desperate for this to not have been a wash.
"A few nautical charts, with a destination clearly marked."
"Well, at least we have a new heading, then." I mutter. "We destroy all their ships and take off. Sound good, Sir?"
The troll ships, low-slung canoes that most closely resemble hollowed-out trees, are all destroyed, and we set off as the sun begins to set, chasing after an unknown lead.
And as we sail, I pray to God that leaving those trolls alive won't come back to bite us somehow.
'What do you mean the trees won't burn?' I send frantically.
'It rained last night and the wood's still thoroughly hydrated. Right now, the forest's about as flammable as asbestos.' Yan sends back, his irritation quite thoroughly evident.
'Dammit. Hold on for a change in orders.' I turn to Drake. "We have a problem. The trees won't ignite. We'll need to revise our strategy."
"Damn." he growls. "We only have four hours until sundown, Flynn, figure something out!"
Right, right. 'Yan Qing? Can you punch the trees hard enough to make them go away?'
'I guess?'
'Right. Do that.' I command. 'Cursed Arm, it's your job to track down and kill escapees. No survivors.' We do not need any trolls doubling back to follow us.
"All right." I say to Drake. "I managed to work out a substitute. We're good to go."
The plan is fundamentally simple. The Assassins destroy their escape route behind them, while a spearhead of Servants presses in to crush them. Left with only the options of death by sunlight or death by Servant, the enemy will be completely exterminated.
But first...
'Georgios, you are free to give them the chance to surrender.'
'Thank you for letting me do this, Master.' he sends back, already entering the outskirts of the troll encampment's perimeter.
I don't honestly have much hope of a peaceful solution. But still, you never know.
'Bloodaxe refused on their behalf.' Georgios sends back after a few minutes. 'Backup would be greatly appreciated, he's a formiddable opponent.'
'It's on its way,' I send back, before switching to a general broadcast. 'All Servants, commence operation.'
I turn to Drake. "We're starting." He nods, and then starts barking orders to his crew.
Vlad, Xuanzangf and Tamamo lead the charge, clearing a sunlit corridor through the forest by toppling every tree in their way. In the distance, I see more trees begin to topple as Yan Qing starts his own foray into the exciting world of clear-cutting.
"All right! Follow them!" Drake bellows, and his men charge in after my Servants, Elizabeth leading the charge. He follows after, leaving me to guard the ship with only a skeleton crew and Galahad for company.
"You know, you just sent them off to risk their lives, while you stay behind," Galahad observes.
"Is there a point to this?"
"Just making sure you're aware of your cowardice." he says with a grin.
"I'm sure that all you bold, shiny knights probably don't remember this, what with all the brain damage from honorably bashing each other over the head and all that, but us squishy normal people without oodles of combat training and superhuman durability have what we like to call 'a sense of self-preservation' and 'common sense.'" I shoot back. "And I'm sorry if they disagree with your knightly sensibilities."
"Oh!" Galahad replies, clapping his hands together with a thoroughly feigned expression of joy. "So that's what this modern 'chain of command' thing I keep hearing about is! Truly, you're just so very much more advanced than us uncivilized barbarians! Really, we're just so backwards, what with our commanders going out and fighting on the front lines, instead of just sitting back and sending in the, what did you call them again? Ah, yes, the 'cannon fodder' to fight and die for them! Truly, you absolute paragons of egalitarianism and efficiency are the gold standard to emulate, here."
"Oh, wow," I shoot back, legitimately irritated. "Such a rousing defense of the masses, from a feudal lord. Tell me, how are those serfs of yours-"
"Will you two SHUT THE FUCK UP?" one of the remaining crewmembers shouts at us.
Both Galahad and I take a step back from our previous position of shouting at each others faces and awkwardly turn away from each other.
"How's the battle going?" he asks after a few minute's silence.
"Well enough. Assassin's line of deforestation is nearly complete. Hassan's already picked off five stragglers. The frontal assault is already nearing the enemy camp."
"So, things are going... according to plan."
"I'm as braced for the imminent catastrophe as you are."
In the end, the thing we didn't see coming was the troll warrens beneath the forest.
"So they've all retreated?" I ask Drake.
"Aye. Bloodaxe fell, but we can't follow them in. They're too well entrenched, we've only got an hour before nightfall."
"Anything useful recovered?" I ask, desperate for this to not have been a wash.
"A few nautical charts, with a destination clearly marked."
"Well, at least we have a new heading, then." I mutter. "We destroy all their ships and take off. Sound good, Sir?"
The troll ships, low-slung canoes that most closely resemble hollowed-out trees, are all destroyed, and we set off as the sun begins to set, chasing after an unknown lead.
And as we sail, I pray to God that leaving those trolls alive won't come back to bite us somehow.