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You know, on a lark I looked up Ziz to see if it was a legitimate name. Other than the bird...

Turns out Zizi is a diminutive/nickname of/for Elizabeth. Drop the second "i" and it doesn't sound like a kids name.

You can use that as you will, but I thought it'd be funny if some thinker, [cough]Tats[/cough], called her Elizabeth to get the smaller of the two's wayward attention, causing Ziz to pop up straight like a mom using a middle name combo on their kid. :D

i would like to see someone draw that it sounds too cute
Welcome back.

As per usual amount of trolling, I can imagine human sized Ziz walking up to Taylor in the street and saying something along the lines of "Its you. You were the one who was going to free me eventually. I will do anything to help you.


Even deal with bully's."

I imagine you might use some trolly excuse for the simurgh to make friends with a random teenage girl.

Your imagining is accurate xD Guess the ship has sailed on me pretend... haha... pretending not to... hahahahahaha... be a massive troll?

Oh I was just thinking about this fic earlier wondering if it's ever be updated again. And what do you know, it did.

Eh Taylor/ziz is fine I suppose ... But si/ziz is so much better. Even if it is entirely in a mental realm. Ziz is best waifu. We need more waifu ziz stories. A lot more.

Why not both?

Well Hot Damn! *chairwiggle*

Why do I have the feeling, that once Eidolon's issues with the Conflict Engines is solved, Ziz and Ziz!SI will split, with the SI in the so called "Avatar"? She's already getting teenager emotions, so this could be the start of that.

Also, love that you called Behemoth, Beth.
Let them stew on that! "OMG! Behemoth's a Girl?"

Annnnnd I was beaten to the punch... :(

Watches the Ziz!Pout Intensifying....

I see your chair wiggles and raise you spinny chair wiggles!

Two Zizzes? Oooh... No, no, muse come back I NEED THE PRIME TIMELINE!!!

Yep, Behemoth is Beth in this timeline. She shares similarities with the version of her in one of my plot bunnies, Temporal Drift. hint hint nudge nudge

Speaking of letting the troll flow through you... well, Star Wars is on my PASI's roll list, and die to my muse being an atemporal squirrel, the Palpatine encounter may or may not already have a plot bunny associated with it...

Why not have the SI as Ziz be Taylor's waifu instead?

Why instead? :p

As if the 300 year ranged absolute precog duo would let that happen :p

Glad I'm not the only one desperately hoping for this!

This woman/man/sophont has a point.

Also, even I'm rooting for TayZiz shipping. And I'm the author!

Wonder how many heart attacks and suicides she causes unintentionally by descending and talking. Also wonder how The Fallen are going tor react to this.

Plenty, though somehow every single person will live through the experiences with no lasting effects.

Well, beyond getting superpowers, that is. And funny thing that a completely unrestricted Shard construct is right there if the Shards have any questions or issues... Hmmmmmmm.....

The Fallen? Heheheheheheh

Valefor is going to lose his mind, IMO.

This guy knows what's up.

Holy fuck! The holy church of lewd likes this! They like this a lot!

Hey! There's the QQ I know and... know! xP

Beth?! Is Behemoth trans? That would be absolutely freaking hilarious :D

Nah, not trans, but that is an interesting thought.


For the terror inducing name of Khan, she had to use the Endbringer who could hypothetically end reality.

This guy Treks.

I am so glad this is updating.

As am I glad to be back to writing it!

Beth is a GIRL and has always BEEN a girl.

She's just sensitive about her weight.

And her eating habits. Though one could say she's a bit high energy.

Well, by that token Levi-tan is a girl. She liked Japan enough that she even took a chunk home with her!

Damn it we've gotta have a boy in here somewhere and it can't just be Khan's duty!

... Though I have to admit that Khan having to deal with three Endbringer sisters, all older than him, one of which is me as Ziz...


Hey QQ's back!

So do I!

Possibly literally! It depends how vindictive SI!Ziz is feeling when they meet.

S/he'll probably treat him like a pet.

"Bad Valefor! Bad. Down. Now massage my feet. Good boy!"

Our sibling's cape names can be Arielle and Pele!

Honestly, as a teacher I reflexively assume ignorance, because usually if people don't know stuff, that's my fault. Also if people make jokes about soccer I doubly assume ignorance.


Not a Quest.

Please don't reply to people by editing a post before the one you're replying to. It makes it very hard to read the thread when it's non-chronological. Posts are not a scarce resource.

Oh, now I get the previous post.

Anyways, while this isn't a quest... Well, I am a GM. Would people be interested in a quest with my particular blend of writing styles and tropes?

Think I found a typo in the latest chappie here;

I wilt see into my chair.-> I wilt into my chair. (or 'I wilt sheepishly into my chair.' , maybe?)
Yeah, heh, whoops. Thanks!

You know, on a lark I looked up Ziz to see if it was a legitimate name. Other than the bird...

Turns out Zizi is a diminutive/nickname of/for Elizabeth. Drop the second "i" and it doesn't sound like a kids name.

You can use that as you will, but I thought it'd be funny if some thinker, [cough]Tats[/cough], called her Elizabeth to get the smaller of the two's wayward attention, causing Ziz to pop up straight like a mom using a middle name combo on their kid. :D

Did not know, will likely use this info somewhere somehow in the future. Thanks for looking it up!

That scene is adorable, have a cookie.

i would like to see someone draw that it sounds too cute

Am not artsy type artist or I would.

Oh my god, I didn't expect this to update! Awesome! Looking forward to more of this!

Yeah! Am back baby! See you in the next chapter, random reader!
More my dad than me (but my dad is as old [or older] as a decent number of people my own age's grandparents, so...;)), and I was more of a Next Generation fan, than classical. Even so, I watched when my dad watched as a kid. Including all 6 Star Trek movies on VHS. #2 and 3 were some of my dad's favorite movies, so Khan is definitely remembered. Not helped with new trilogy #2 :p.
Good point.
Also, even I'm rooting for TayZiz shipping. And I'm the author!
So does that mean Ziz will seduce/romance Taylor in future chapters?
Anyways, while this isn't a quest... Well, I am a GM. Would people be interested in a quest with my particular blend of writing styles and tropes?
I at least would be interested in seeing where a quest run by you would go.
More my dad than me (but my dad is as old [or older] as a decent number of people my own age's grandparents, so...;)), and I was more of a Next Generation fan, than classical. Even so, I watched when my dad watched as a kid. Including all 6 Star Trek movies on VHS. #2 and 3 were some of my dad's favorite movies, so Khan is definitely remembered. Not helped with new trilogy #2 :p.

Literally TNG. Hello fellow Next Genner! o/

Good point.

So does that mean Ziz will seduce/romance Taylor in future chapters?

I at least would be interested in seeing where a quest run by you would go.



Straight into the Crack Layer of Writerspace, of course. We've gotta spin up the Word Drives to get there though.
Those who grew up watching TNG... are the next generation from those who grew up with TOS.

Cue cymbals.
That was bad, and you should feel bad :p

Technically speaking, TNG started before my birth (I was born in 1990), but I had started watching it before it concluded (1994). With satellite, watching both was very possible, since reruns existed :p
"Khan was set to come online within three years. He's a temporal manipulator," I explain. "Much like the Parahuman you called 'Grey Boy', only… about my own power level."

More fear? Come the frak on.

Frakking ama-ziz-ing. Loving it.
That was bad, and you should feel bad :p

Technically speaking, TNG started before my birth (I was born in 1990), but I had started watching it before it concluded (1994). With satellite, watching both was very possible, since reruns existed :p

Puns are one of the joys in life. Bad puns are even better. Yang and I would get on like an entire planet on fire.

That just brought to mind that some future kids are gonna mean Elon Musk's satellite internet network when they say that, and now I feel old (even though I'm not even 30!)

O_O Did not expect such exuberant approval. You really want a quest? From me? Mr. What's An Update Schedule?

I joined the service that year.

Good God I feel old... :eek:

Thank you for protecting my civilian ass serving

Woman, incidentally... but if the author is rooting for TayZiz, then there's such hope here! Please don't crush it!

Adorables will be plausible until morale improves, then confirmed

I know this is kinda out of the blue but I just found this treasure:

Edit: Oh btw the artist is Flick-The-Thief.

Adorables intensifies

"Khan was set to come online within three years. He's a temporal manipulator," I explain. "Much like the Parahuman you called 'Grey Boy', only… about my own power level."

More fear? Come the frak on.

Frakking ama-ziz-ing. Loving it.

^_^ I'm sure the fear will just stop eventually. Their adrenals will burn out, at the latest.
I know there's already a description for Ziz' looks but just wanna post my headcanon here


Lustrum: "An Endbringer is a victim of the Male Gaze.....what is this world coming to when lovecraftian entities end up making men expect women to conform to their beauty standards."
Teacher: "I am currently amassing an army with the help of numerous inmates who wish to create beautiful fanart of the Simurgh."

That said, any idea whats going on with the inbred, ISIS-esque, breeding southern redneck(minus accent)cult of losers? Particularly the branch that the Mathers are part of?

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