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In need of help with coming up with story idea's

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Been having a hard time when it comes to making up new story ideas lately. Alot of the stories I...

Withered Skull

Your first time is always over so quickly, isn't it?
Aug 9, 2022
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Been having a hard time when it comes to making up new story ideas lately. Alot of the stories I want to make involve crossovers and original main character but I'm having a little bit of trouble combining the worlds to make them naturally fit together. If anyone could help me out that would be great

Just leave a comment below and I'll tell you the ideas iv come up with So far.

Most of them involve:
Anime and manga
Video games
Last edited:
A guy well informed about mass effect gets murdered in his sleep and gets tubed to the mass effect universe and he thinks he's gonna get ALL the babes except there's one tiny isty bitsy little problem he's been turned into a Chimera from the resistance fall of man

A SI or an OC in the Naruto-verse with Eraserhead's/Aizawa Shouta'squirk and can shut off all active chakra abilities like Jutsu and blood-line abilities but not self sustaining jutsu like edo-tensei
Izuku may not be able to use it yet but he has the power of 9 heros in him, surely having their ghostly consul will help him in school, right?

Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff learned accidently how this new power can be transmitted. Now in the back seat of a new young heros skull how can they rekindle their old rance and keep this little shit alive with out permanently breaking him?
fusions are agitating and are morale sapping, you are better off noting what you liked from those sources and using it as material for an original setting.
To be honest you haven't given us enough data to forge any ideas. Specific settings? What kind of story you wish to write? That kind of stuff.
After making the sacrifice at the end of ME3, commander Shepard wakes up tied up in rags in a cart on its waay to Helgen. When you need a dragonborn you isekai the best.

Instead of the meeting at the train station with Dumbledore, Harry Potter wakes up as the soul of a sacred gear that allows humans to ise magic without calculations.

In order to fight the sayjins, Tien Shin Han reached the power threshold to awaken the bloodline of his grear-great…-grandmother, Otsutsuki Kaguya.

After getting pierced by a shidori at the valley of the end, a young Naruto wakes up in Rukingai. Follow his steuggles as a shinigami student when the partner in his soul is not a helpful plus soul but an ANGRY Kurama.
As it turns out, the definition of a teenager with attitude is a pretty broad spectrum nowadays. Class 1-A has connected to the Morphing Grid. GO, GO, POWER RANGERS!
Put a character that challenge the in world rules, like a realistic and mature human in a poneyville of all things.
that Dreadlord Vulcan one was really great. the snippets where he was in Jail and had that casually cruelty about him when they interrogated him was one of the best parts out there :D
Dread.lord Vulcan????

I humbly request source .

Also to keep thread in motion.

Iroh knew that one day opposing the Firelord would get him in trouble but his nephew filled the void left by the absence of his son. Unfortunately he never imagined how complex the game of thrones might get for the young Targaryen in exile.

Iwatani has spent the last decade fighting for his life as the unwanted hero of legend, now at last he can be free of his burden and return to his homeworld. Sadly, the job prospects of a professional Isekai hero don't get you very far in modern Japan's cut throat labor market.

Lost and outgunned a lone zeon pilot is trapped far from home on a desolate world beset by pirates. Can the last zaku survive as a mercenary in the inner sphere?
Dread.lord Vulcan????

I humbly request source .

Also to keep thread in motion.

Iroh knew that one day opposing the Firelord would get him in trouble but his nephew filled the void left by the absence of his son. Unfortunately he never imagined how complex the game of thrones might get for the young Targaryen in exile.

Iwatani has spent the last decade fighting for his life as the unwanted hero of legend, now at last he can be free of his burden and return to his homeworld. Sadly, the job prospects of a professional Isekai hero don't get you very far in modern Japan's cut throat labor market.

Lost and outgunned a lone zeon pilot is trapped far from home on a desolate world beset by pirates. Can the last zaku survive as a mercenary in the inner sphere?

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Been having a hard time when it comes to making up new story ideas lately. Alot of the stories I want to make involve crossovers and original main character but I'm having a little bit of trouble combining the worlds to make them naturally fit together. If anyone could help me out that would be great

Just leave a comment below and I'll tell you the ideas iv come up with So far.

Most of them involve:
Anime and manga
Video games
taylor hebert with shadow monarch power/solo levelinh system

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