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Ingenuity [Worm!Quest]

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Soo... After procrastinating for three months or more, my quest! Apologies for the the locker...


(Verified Procrastinator)
Oct 21, 2016
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Soo... After procrastinating for three months or more, my quest! Apologies for the the locker scene start, but it is traditional. So, Without further ado...

Around you, the locker is slimy and rancid. Insects scuttle across your skin, making you shiver in revulsion. You have been pounding on the door for what feels like hours, but no one has come to your age, or even acknowledged, your plight. This is not the first of the indignities heaped upon you, but it is the worst by a large margin. The only thing that your tormentors have done to you that comes close to this was the theft, despoiling, and second theft of your mothers flute. As your voice gives out, you feel despair wash over you. Your hands go limp as you collapse back into the locker. You have given up. No-one has come to your aid, and you have no hope le-

Two creatures spiraling around each other in eternity. A gem studded sky, with a million falling stars.

One of the million falling stars heads straight towards you. As it collides you lose consciousness, falling into the blackness of oblivion.

The shard imparted onto you
----[] MacGuyver
----[] MekBoy
----[] Vibration
----[] ShadowGames

When you wake up, you
----[] Were in the hospital
----[] Are still in the locker
--------[] You assess the situation calmly
--------[] Try with all your might to get out of the locker

Sorta short.. but done! Voting will be closed... sometime. Depends on how many votes there are.
Feel free to point out any and all mistakes.
Edit: OMG! Forgot Alchemy. Also minor fixes b/c tab isn't working
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[X] ShadowGames

Is this from Yu-Gi-Oh?
Mekboy is from wh40k and should be a tinker shard?
Macguyver is probably a thinker
Vibration could be literal because I can't find a reference for it so either a striker\breaker shard or a shaker\thinker shard.
No idea what Shadowgames might do maybe it's an inverse of King's power?
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[X] MacGuyver
[X] You assess the situation calmly

I want to see how this power would ever match up to the others.
[X] Vibration
[X] You assess the situation calmly
Mekboy is from wh40k and should be a tinker shard?
Macguyver is probably a thinker
Vibration could be literal because I can't find a reference for it so either a striker\breaker shard or a shaker\thinker shard.
No idea what Shadowgames might do maybe it's an inverse of King's power?

Vibration is a personal idea I'm testing, and I prefer yugioh season 0 and the manga.

Yay! Votes!
[X] MacGuyver
[X] You assess the situation calmly
[X] MekBoy
[X] Were in the hospital
Vote Count:
--------Shadow Games : 4
--------Mekboy : 1
--------Alchemy : 2

--------In Locker : 5
------------Assess Situation : 5
--------Hospital : 3
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So. I recently realized two things. One, I forgot one of my options. So sorry~
Second is that I should really give you the particulars of the different powers. So here they are!

MacGuyver: Allows you to use materials around you to deal with problems. Con: Items created break down fast. Limited use window.

MekBoy: Creation of haphazard weaponry using scrap materials. If the user thinks it will work, it will. If the user thinks it won't work, it stops working (usually with explosions) Cons: Offense only.

Vibration: Creation of speakers. Uses resonant frequencies to shake apart materials. Also allows disorientation and deafening of opponents. Cons: No power armor, low options for stealth.

ShadowGames: Allows you to create a pocket dimension where you play a game with your opponent, which reveals their inner nature. Penalty Games punish those who would cheat to win the game. Cons: Penalty Games often induce insanity.

Alchemy: Edward Elric's bullshit alchemy. Gives you the power to create alchemic circles which alter the properties of materials touching the circle of touching things that touch the circles. Circles can be made either by clapping your hands together and touching the ground or by drawing them out on the ground. No biological matter manipulation. Analyzation, Deconstruction and Reconstruction. Also allows you to understand the chemical composition of whatever you are touching. Con: Traumatized by Truth.

Revotes are allowed, but your first vote will be discounted.
Sorry, but I'm nixing the MacGuyver option. This is my first Quest, and I see no possible way to get it to work at this point. If you see a way to put MacGuyver innovation in to action, tell me, but other than that... I'm really sorry. All the other options are still on the board though.
Ok, i'll switch to:
----[X] ShadowGames

Eh, I get that. The amount of bullshit he gets up to in the show would make it difficult to balance. Especially since questers would push for Taylor to build things in prep rather than 'on the fly' like Macguyver does.
Eh, I get that. The amount of bullshit he gets up to in the show would make it difficult to balance. Especially since questers would push for Taylor to build things in prep rather than 'on the fly' like Macguyver does.

Yeah, that's why I'm taking the option out. MacGuyver's whole thing is coming up with solutions on the fly, which is why my power descriptions list him as a thinker, not a tinker. Also why the con is/was item breakdown. His power is one time use objects out of available materials. That is very hard to write, as I have found out.
- I would like to see a shaker power. I don't think I've seen a quest with one, although I could be wrong.

[X] Were in the hospital
- Just calmly assessing things from within the locker just doesn't seem like it would mesh well with a trigger.
- I would like to see a shaker power. I don't think I've seen a quest with one, although I could be wrong.

[X] Were in the hospital
- Just calmly assessing things from within the locker just doesn't seem like it would mesh well with a trigger.
Voting is officially closed! I'll get to work on the second post and try to get up sometime this week... Hopefully. ;)
- I would like to see a shaker power. I don't think I've seen a quest with one, although I could be wrong.

[X] Were in the hospital
- Just calmly assessing things from within the locker just doesn't seem like it would mesh well with a trigger.
Sorry, this is on hiatus... My Grandpa is really sick, and my inspiration dried up. I can tell you that we are ShadowGames in the Hospital however.
Verified Procrastinator Gryffano
Signing Out!
Do Not Necro. This is a Violation of rule 7
[X] ShadowGames
[X] Are still in the locker
--------[X] You assess the situation calmly

FMA alchemy is some awesome BS!

And I guess vibration is Marvel's Shocker?

Edit: damnit, I'm sorry should have checked the date

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