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Into the Fire - Daenerys GOT ASOIAF SI

Wait wait wait. Timeline fob here. Ned's wishes? If this is when Dany is five-sixish Jon Arryn is hand of the King and Ned Stark is still in Winterfell. In either book or show timelines. Viserys and her spent years living by themselves begging and petitioning support until they went to Pentos.
Wait wait wait. Timeline fob here. Ned's wishes? If this is when Dany is five-sixish Jon Arryn is hand of the King and Ned Stark is still in Winterfell. In either book or show timelines. Viserys and her spent years living by themselves begging and petitioning support until they went to Pentos.
as i said in another version of this thread, my headcanon is that the only reason the Exiles didn't get assassins sent after them from the start was Ned
EDIT: Before he left to rule the North
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Yup, still loving this direction, I just find the idea of an SI using the red faith to save the world to be potentially a lot of fun. The interludes felt a little rushed but the main part was great. I would probably try to build the surrounding characters up around dany though. As it is, the story is feeling a bit shallow, like she's the only real person there. Maybe a mentor or another young priest she makes friends with, who starts off as a crazy fanatic basically seeing her as red God jesus, but gets to know her and becomes her version of Missandei or something.

Where is Thoros of Myr in the timeline atm? He could totally be an awesome mentor/Trainer/bodyguard. Full of fire puns and suspiciously accurate insights...
Chapter 7
Into the Fire – Daenerys GOT ASOIAF SI


Traveling by ship is damn slow.

I mean, not ridiculously, these were efficient enough cargo ships for the era of ship development I had found myself in, but still, the view got old after a while.

I spent the many weeks of travel being taught about the faith, what was expected of me as a higher ranked Priestess (I wasn't really being given power yet, but once I was older oh boy would I be high ranked) and even some basics on how to look into flames.

By the time we arrived in the grand port of Volantis, I had enough of the basics down to not spread disinformation about "our" practices.

Heh, going to have to get used to being a member of the church.

Once we'd arrived, my escort quickly brought me in to meet the High Priest of R'hllor, who… bowed down to me.

Looking up, he had a manic beaming smile on his heavily flame tattooed face.

"Blessed of R'hllor! We welcome you to the greatest temple of the Lord of Light."

I tilted my head in confusion, he seemed remarkably sure of this, everyone else seemed to get that I was important in the flames, but not exactly the reason.

Maybe he's just that kind of nutty? Works for me.

"I gratefully accept your welcome High Priest. I am Daenerys Targaryen, I would know the name of R'hllor's… greatest servant."

Ooh I just felt a chill, playing the Game is different than I thought it would be.

Thankfully he seemed to take this in stride, simply bowing his head and accepting what was basically me placing myself higher than him. You see, all of R'hllor's priests declared themselves to be slaves of R'hllor.

I'd just hinted that I was more.

"This humble servant of R'hllor is called Benerro, I lead the faith in Volantis. I have heard word of your wondrous goal, how may we be of assistance in meting out R'hllor's will?"

I smiled, leaving the topic of asking about the exact international structure of the faith for later.

"Several components are needed. First off all, we will need dragon eggs, as many as can be procured, but one will do for the initial ritual. We also need a suitable sacrifice, a powerful magician, I do not know if they need to be of any particular skill-set, but a shadowbinder from Asshai would be ideal."

The High Priest's followers began to mutter amongst themselves, but I ignored that to press a hand to my heart.

"And of course, I shall accompany them both into the flame, to become mother to all dragons to come."

Benerro's eyes were wide, before he simply nodded and rose.

"It will be as is proclaimed. No matter the cost." He stated, before smiling at me.

"Now, your quarters have been prepared, would you like to see them?"

A hand was extended towards me, and I took it with a nod.

He proceeded to lead me into the temple.


Months later


The Temple of the Lord of Light in Volantis was truly ginormous. Several times larger than even the Sept of Baelor, there wasn't even just one main chamber.

The main chamber was huge yes, but other than that there were several others off to the sides, clever engineering allowing for each wall of stained glass windows to receive natural light, little alleys between each chamber with raised and angled polished marble platforms reflecting as much light as possible into the windows, which threw red, orange, and yellow light all over the many chambers.

The halls to get around the temple were like elongated churches in themselves, lined seemingly forever with tall stained glass windows and luxury everywhere.

Rising high above were dozens of towers and castle like constructions melding everything together, bridges crisscrossing everything.

Each worship chamber had a skylight right above a central fire pit, and at night each was lit, alongside dozens outside and across the temple grounds.

Still, I stood in the circular central chamber, hundreds of curious worshipers who'd arrived for the standard night fires looking to the five year old holding the hand of the High Priest of R'hllor.

The Red Faith was definitely a people's religion. Unlike in Braavos, thousands of followers were already swarming the grounds. The prayers of the devotees and the loud proselytizing of the priests almost hurt my sensitive young ears, but I still grinned as I saw the men of the hour approach.

A small group approached me, one man kneeling and offering me the huge stone egg of an actual dragon.

Taking it, I felt the rough scales and smiled gently, letting the fantastical moment fill me before I crushed those feelings to look upon the necessary part of what would happen next.

The sorceress they had snatched was ancient, yet still I could see her eastern features easily enough, was she from Yi Ti? Maybe some other eastern nation, I doubt many are actually born in Asshai.

Her hair was white from age, skin pale, no doubt from living in such a dark cursed land such as Asshai, yet otherwise she seemed remarkably healthy for her advanced age. Skin still pulled tight, musculature not deteriorated, form not yet as saggy as would be expected, and most of all she seemed remarkably alert.

She was gagged, yet still I could hear the desperate cries from her throat as she realized what was happening.

I spoke quietly.

"Sorry for this, but if it is any solace at all, know that you shall bring magic back to this world in force." Bowing my head, I turned away and let one of the priests help me down into the huge metal lined pit.

For such a huge fire-pit that is regularly used, it had no ashes. Must be something the lower priests clean, I could totally see that being an added ritual to everything else.

I noted holes for pipes leading underground, hm, wonder if they're for air?

Sitting cross-legged in the center, I held the egg in my lap as the magic woman was tied to a pole which was secured next to me.


As the ritual began, wood was quickly formed up around us into a large rectangular, almost cabin-like, structure. Tinder filled the floor up and over my legs, and finally glistening oil was allowed to drip down the logs for an easy start to the fire.

Benerro himself was leading the ritual, seemingly a fusion of the typical night ritual, plus some on the fly stuff about what we were doing now.

I saw, through the gaps between the logs, a taller priest come in with a long iron rod which held a torch sized flame at the end.

Reaching in, it touched down just in front of me, and I got to see the flame take to the tinder and the small twigs that were spread about, and soon enough low flames had spread about the bottom of the pit.

The woman behind me began to shake, her gagged screaming forcing me to cover my ears.

Soon enough the flames were making their way up the logs with the help of the oil, and I sat my head back and closed my eyes to commit the woman's voice, what I could hear of it, into my brain.

If I'm never going to forget this, than may as well remember it correctly.

After several minutes had passed, her screaming was long done, yet still I could feel her legs shaking manically. At this point the flames were raging chaotically, even I could feel the heat like you would feel heat seep from a cup of tea into your hands, almost but not quite burning you.

I wonder what those outside were seeing? Was this a huge roaring magic fire, or was it just another night fire like any other?

Lowering my hands, I hugged the egg to my tiny body.

It'll all be worth it, just keep this in mind.

The woman's shaking stopped.

It's worth the sacrifice.


It's worth it.


The Fire was kept up all night long.

Of course it was, this seconded as a night fire after all.

At some point I got lightheaded and was forced to bring my face down by the air pipes to refresh myself, it didn't matter how much fire or smoke entered my lungs, as long as I could steal a little bit of oxygen it was fine.

This happened several times throughout the night, until eventually I fell asleep, somehow, even with everything else happening, I fell asleep, clutching my egg to my chest.


When I awoke, it was to ash and cinders.

Pressing an arm down into the fine particulate, I pushed myself up.

Opening my eyes, I found myself in a sea of ash. Still smoldering cinders covered the sea with a layer of charcoal, smoke still rising, yet gently.

Looking around, I felt my heart skip a beat in panic.

Where's the egg!?!

Scrambling up, I stopped at the sound of … chirping?

Looking down, I couldn't stop a slight squeal at the sight of a tiny dragon baby looking up at me, it wheezed, releasing a tiny breath of warm air in my face.

It was an ashy grey, it's horns and other harder bits glinting silver, which the occasional mark of black on it's body.

Reaching forth, I chuckled a bit under my breath.

"I suppose I have no choice but to name you Ash, huh?" I said, voice hoarse, yet I couldn't help my feeling of elation.

I'd just brought about a dramatic change to an entire planet, and I couldn't help the feeling.

Hmm, I'll be needing water now I suppose?

Looking up, I noted the large crowd looking down at me with amazed expressions, and I grinned up at them, before lifting the baby WMD with some triumph, trying to ignore the event required for it to be born.

"Behold the future!"

I closed my eyes as the crowd went wild, simply hugging my dragon to myself.

There's still so much to do.


A/N – I'm actually going to have to research how priests talk to crowds aren't I? Damnit, now I've got to trudge through a bunch of religious crap.
Oh well, I may as well have asked for it, writing this.
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I wonder if there will be anything different with the dragon, since someone distinctly magical was sacrificed instead of an average joe.
I wonder if there will be anything different with the dragon, since someone distinctly magical was sacrificed instead of an average joe.
Mirri Maz Duur, who was the woman Daenerys burned in canon, was actually a sorceress. She learned magics over in Asshai in her youth, and in fact used Daenerys' unborn child as a sacrifice to "save" Khal Drogo's life, which is why she was burned.
Basically, where'd you get the average joe thing from?
I forgot she was actually a sorceress, I havn't seen the show in years, so I forgot. I should probably rewatch it before posting in this thread, shouldn't I?
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Am I the only one who thought of this song while reading this? That said I am looking forward to the reactions of the major factions out there.

Robert's totally going to be trying to find and smash as many dragon eggs as possible, isn't he? Simply out of fear, to try to stop her from hatching an army of dragons and pulling off Targaryen Conquest Mk 2.

Somehow I don't think that the faithful of Rhyllor would take those sorts of actions kindly...
Chapter 8
Into the Fire – Daenerys GOT ASOIAF SI




"You all said she was toothless."

The voice was quiet, yet everyone else in the room still stiffened in some way or another at the statement.

Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Hand to the king and foster of said king bowed his head.

"It was nothing else than a simple minded mistake on my part Robert, I had no idea that… magic, still lived in any fashion. The implications are worrying."

Robert looked into his foster father's eyes before looking away with a snort, and then ignoring the plain face of Varys.

Even he couldn't blame the Spider for something nobody could know… except for the dragon-spawn herself, it seems.

Still, he glared at the parchment on his table. The writings of dragons hatching dragons for all to see.

The wood of his chair groaned from the force of his grip.

The his eyes widened as a thought came to mind.

"This is a Royal Decree from your king. Search all the lands, send a missive to my brother on his island, and Driftmark, and this keep itself, anywhere it seems relevant.

"Search for any blasted dragon eggs, and bring them here for me to smash apart! I don't care what price, as long as that bitch doesn't get any!"




The Prince of Dorne fingered the missive from one of his informants in Essos.

"And you are sure of this?" He said lowly, looking up to said man.

The man nodded, something strange in his eye.

"Yes, hundreds personally saw the prin- Daenerys lift the dragon in triumph. It is small yet, not even the size of her itself, but I know enough to know they grow fast."

Doran nodded, remembering his histories.

Steeping his hands together, he thought over the news, trying to work it around his many plots.

Eventually, he pulled a fresh piece of parchment from the easily reached lectern of his solar, inking a pen in preparation.

"I shall not be making any promises as yet, we both know how that worked last time, and I doubt she would accept being a lesser partner in any marriage agreements as yet, but I think we should begin… talks."

The plain-faced man simply bowed his head as he began to write.




The rumors were what drew him from his hangover.

Eavesdropping from his table at the tavern, tankard of dark beer in hand, he listened as several began to discuss in hushed whispers of the dragon being awakened in old Volantis, of a child walking into fire, then leaving unharmed, of red robed persons roaming the lands hunting eggs and sorcerers.

Thoros sighed, tapping his fingers on the table, before shaking his head.

Pulling back, he downed the last of the drink before slamming the tankard down and standing up.

Dropping a few pennies, he left for the door.

"About time I stopped drinking my days away." He muttered, squinting his eyes as the light of day stung them.

He'd take what few he had managed to convert with him though.




"These happenings are worrying."

Three small palanquins were arranged in a circle, four slaves each holding up the three figures sat upon them.

The speaker was a golden haired man with proud Valyrian features, like the rest of them, sat cross legged upon silken pillows and cloth of gold.

The other's nodded, silver and silver-blonde respective.

"Yes, the Temple holds much power over the inhabitants of the city, if they seek to enforce change, they can if we do not act to stop them."

Taemys tilted his head up at this point, not to the conversation but to the casually raised fingers of his master.

Solid gold carafe in hand, he walked forth, head bowed, before refilling his master's crystal wineglass with the ease of a lifetime's practice, not a single drop going where it wasn't needed.

With that done, he backed up again, stood perfectly in line with both the other personal house slaves of the Triarchs.

The heavy political discussion they engaged in washed through on ear and out the other, he knew better than to let himself react in any manner not needed.

He was a slave raised from birth to serve those of high station. From his copper skin to silver-grey hair and pink eyes, he's been bred to exactly his master's preference.

So he took a subdued pride in being an excellent servant. He continued to fill his master's cups when needed, and later his master may slake his lusts on him or the dozens of other slaves of all races, sex, and class as he was meant to.

And when he wasn't to be noticed, he was still as a statue, awaiting his master's whims.

One thing made his eye twitch though, the tiniest reaction, unnoticeable even by his master, but nevertheless an amazing show for all his years of servitude.

"The dragon will be an issue if we allow it to be grown, I shall begin having my contacts search for methods that can be effective against them."

The muffled sounds of approval were ignored by Taemys like they had been before.

A Dragon?

He thought back, far to when he was just a small child, listening to older slaves tell tall tales and ancient stories to pass the time.

He remembered the awe and wonder he felt when listening to tales of old Valyria that were so common among his home, he remembered hoping to on day be able to cast his eyes upon such a creature, powerful enough to melt castles and large enough to lift an elephant off the ground.

He regained his composure, as much as it was lost, quickly, but he felt a strange feeling in his chest all the same.

Truly, wonders still exist.




In a darkened room, a man worked his fingers around the tip of a strange device, muttered words tinged with frustration echoing through the room.

He sat stewing for hours, much like he had many other times over the course of his life.

So when a small flame appeared on top of dark glass, the man froze with complete and utter shock… then slowly, blue lips pulled into a manic grin.


A/N – Bit short, but I wanted a sort of interlude chapter to just show everybody's reactions to what's happening.
Also, just finished writing a basic outline/notes for how the rest of the story will go, subject to change as needed, but I know that it's existence will comfort some who think this story wont ever finish, a constant worry with these.
"Search for any blasted dragon eggs, and bring them here for me to smash apart! I don't care what price, as long as that bitch doesn't get any!"
One) He's not gonna have much money for partying if he spends it all on dragon eggs

Two) Westeros is not a great source of dragon eggs. So this isn't even going to be that effective.

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