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  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
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[Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

Good Afternoon. I am Starfighter. I am interested in quests. But for now, I am reading through threads in the archive to start somewhere.

It's kind of relaxing. I am still trying to find an good avatar to use.
Sup, just don't post in any old threads.
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Wrong gibbs, this thread will be open as long as there is new members.

Welcome Starfighter, don't mind the grumpy gibbs!
Jiven said:
Wrong gibbs, this thread will be open as long as there is new members.

Welcome Starfighter, don't mind the grumpy gibbs!
Hehe. Alright.

I think gibbs meant old threads like quest archives.
Hi guys, this is an interesting forum I recently discovered from SV. I'm not really sure if I'm going to contribute to the NSWF sections even though some of my past work from a few years ago would fit right in. Anyway, I'll definitely be lurking around.
Nice to meet you, always good to have more People, that is what a Forum lives off.
Well, Hi all. I'm Yekshiw. Just found this place, and so I'm thinking it might be a cool place to let loose a bit. ;)
There is indeed an IRC channel, coker. :3

Server : irc.freenode.net
Channel : #questionablequesting
auuuuuu... tanuki waves paw!
Yeah, spammer banned.
Soooo... I don't know how many of you might know me from SB. I've got a few stories up over there.

Recently I went rather dark on some snips of mine and managed to get into an equally dark headspace. When I finished revising the first chapter the catharsis hit me so hard I'm still feeling it. So I don't expect to write much here that isn't just smutty fun. I may also wind up moving Tanned Hide over here just for safety's sake once I'm back to a point where I can handle writing more chapters for it.
Soooo... I don't know how many of you might know me from SB. I've got a few stories up over there.

Recently I went rather dark on some snips of mine and managed to get into an equally dark headspace. When I finished revising the first chapter the catharsis hit me so hard I'm still feeling it. So I don't expect to write much here that isn't just smutty fun. I may also wind up moving Tanned Hide over here just for safety's sake once I'm back to a point where I can handle writing more chapters for it.

Welcome to QQ... we don't bite unless you ask for it... but mind the tanuki that licks and auuuuuus fiercely! :3

Also if you're going to do Dark fics/snippets... you're free to post them here... it's up to you how much of a warning you give (some warning is generally held to be a polite thing to do)
Howdy howdy Sammy!

While I might not be one for the Glurge I do wish you the best of luck in your creative efforts.
Tanuki is as Tanuki does... so it welcomes the Imabot

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