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Issues with Button placement for embedded Media on mobile devices


Feb 9, 2018
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Whenever I go to post anything while I'm in portrait mode the insert button for anything like Image Insert, Embed Media, Spoiler and adding links the insert button in the dialog box is pushed off screen and unless I closed the dialog box and go into landscape mode I'm unable to use it while on my phone.
I'm using Chrome on mobile phone.
This issue seems to crop up more often when replying in a thread and when trying to add links to already typed text.
Screen size for context 2400 × 1080
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This is a test patch of text in Firefox

This is some really long text to test spoiler boxes. This test is in Firefox. The goal is to have at least two entire lines in the editor box at my screen size.

Can't reproduce the spoilers in Firefox. Specifically, the insert button is pushed partially off-screen, but only like maybe 10% of it, so it's still easy to click. Screenshots are 2340x1080.

Sounds like a browser issue. Might be zoom-related/text size setting related, actually. I'll go test something and get back to you.
Okay, after setting Firefox's text size setting in accessibility settings, the spoiler button is not accessable in portrait mode.

Testing landscape mode...
In landscape mode, the buttons can be reached in landscape mode.

Interestingly, switching to landscape mode lead me to discover that there is a cancel button in the spoiler dialog box. I didn't know that existed before testing it today, which suggests that there's another bug.

So, Sksk4128 it seems like there's two bugs here. One that might be browser side where the text size setting in your device renders the buttons unreachable on your device because of size and scaling issues, and another where the forum software design doesn't work for anyone at 1080 pixels wide and normal text size and ~443 ppi density.
After going into my device's accessibility options and reducing the font size/scaling back to default I get the insert button mostly off the edge of the screen.
That seems to be working in Chrome for everything but the spoiler via portrait mode.
This leads me to believe that the insert/cancel buttons styling is breaking because of the spoiler dialog box is wider due to the input textbox length being much longer than the rest.
Just discovered a related bug:
I accidentally clicked on the "plan text paste mode" button in the editor, and the confirmation dialog box that popped up had the button off the side of the screen. This broke the entire page for me until I refreshed, because the confirmation dialog disappeared when I entered landscape mode and the only button was off-screen.

Firefox on an android phone, no zoom settings, 1080 pixels wide in portrait mode.

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