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Jason Wu, right or wrong?

Is Jason wrong?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 14 66.7%

  • Total voters

Fellow Human

Soup Master
Dec 10, 2020
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For those that don't know, Jason is a prolific reader who often first posts TFTC basically. This happens in dozens of fanfics, leading to new people making the same discussion over and over and over again with comments like "HOW", "beaten again" and such leading to derail about first posting and Jason, not the chapter itself.

Our bot got muted. Now I don't mind his first posting and resulting newb replies, but I do get how it bothers other people, so I agree with the mod for once.
IMO we're not freaking robots that only know what's ok or not if there is an explicit rule. Perhaps the rule hasn't been made yet but you know what you're doing is against forum etiquette. Ofc this can lead to mods arbirtarily twisting the rules how they like, but it isn't the case here.

Jason Wu said:
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter. Momma's Boi Percy strikes again. It's cute that he does though
Contentless rushing for the first post after an update is a violation of Rule 5. We see it as an attempt to make one's self the topic of discussion, rather than the story that people are here to read. Editing in something relevant to the post afterwards is something of an edge case, that we're willing to let go to an extent. But if you're going to do so over and over and over again, clearly knowing that you are stepping on the rules and doing it anyways, confident in the idea that you can escape on a technicality, eventually our patience will run out.

If you add to that using the report button to try and shut people up about calling you on it... well. We can see who really started it. We have access to a post's edit history. You are not fooling anybody who matters. The person we punish, if we are to punish anyone, is the person who started the derail. In this case that is you, Jason Wu.

If Jason is reporting those who "bother him" like some newb always replying "It's impossible to beat Jason Wu" or when someone beats him to first post "Hah you must be slipping Jason", that's some thick skin.
Nothing wrong with saying thanks, but not even reading the chapter first and knowing it will derail the thread?

Some will say, no author complained, but the thread is there for all users, most of whom are readers. Forum etiquette serves for readability. Who wants to read 5+ pages of comments between each chapter, especially if 2 pages are derails or shitposting? (some fics are just that popular so multi page discussions are normal)
That's why we keep the threads clean, not for "mods lording it over".
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