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Well, since I just found this thread and have been playing with the Generator beforehand, I might as well put up some of the better rolls I got. It might be a bit obvious as to the inspirations for some of these.

Stand Name: His World
Ability: Foreign Material Manipulation
Desc: The user can create and control foreign not of the normal familiarity, this can include material of extra-dimensional origins, from different planets, originate from a divine plane, etc, all forms of material that does not exist in the familiar world.
Condition: Belly
Limit: [Cervical Cancer ](https://www.medicinenet.com/cervical_cancer_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm)
Range: 43m

Power: C
Speed: E
Range: B
Durability: A
Precision: D
Potential: A
(Honestly pretty damn good, especially since I literally do not have a cervix, so no real downside for me. Have no idea what "Belly" is supposed to mean, though…)

Stand Name: Daft Punk Is Playing at My House
Ability: Absolute Life Manipulation
Desc: User can create, shape and manipulate the lives of any/all things, including mortals, amortals, undetermined beings, eldritch horrors, inanimate objects, concepts/conceptual beings, the dead, phenomena, transcendent beings, formless/omnipresent entities, and/or even Supreme Beings.
Condition: At users will
Limit: [Arrhythmia ](https://www.medicinenet.com/arrhythmia_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm)
Range: 22m

Power: D
Speed: E
Range: D
Durability: E
Precision: E
Potential: C
(A stupidly good roll. Seriously, Absolute Life Manipulation? I literally have no need to worry about Arrhythmia and can cure than in an instant.)

Stand Name: Around the World
Ability: Holy Voice
Desc: The user can cleanse, purify, heal, or shatter, destabilize, disintegrate, stabilize living and/or non-living things by speaking/singing.
Condition: Licking your lips
Limit: The users are still weak with persons having Mental Powers and Manipulating Powers especially if it involves sound, music and voice.
Range: 173m

Power: A
Speed: A
Range: A
Durability: E
Precision: D
Potential: E
(A pretty interesting power, but definitely the "weakest" of the rolls here. Still cool, though.)

Stand Name: Derezzed
Ability: Transformation
Desc: The user can morph into superior, more powerful versions of oneself. At times, the appearance of such forms is merely cosmetic, while in others, the user's body is completely altered.
Condition: At users will
Limit: Transformations may have a time, damage, energy, etc. limit.
Range: 17m

Power: B
Speed: B
Range: D
Durability: D
Precision: A
Potential: C
(A pretty good roll, especially since I can think of quite a few ways to Munchkin it.)
Sorry for the double-posting, but I was playing more with the Generator, using one of my favorite artists as the inspiration and….well, I think I'll just show you all. Presenting the Stands created by NateWantsToBattle!

Stand Name: Faith
Ability: Parasite Creation
Desc: The users can create a parasites with many capabilities that have deadly effects to their targets and can even benefit the users and allies.
Condition: Rotating your Whole body
Limit: Less effective if there is no organic material to give to parasites.
Range: 90m

Power: A
Speed: E
Range: A
Durability: E
Precision: B
Potential: E

Stand Name: Havana
Ability: Relativity Manipulation
Desc: The user can manipulate everything related to the theory of relativity from both the special theory and general theory of relativity, including the equivalence principle, the frames of reference, length contraction, time dilation, the E=mc² formula, light, gravity, matter, time and space.
Condition: Fist
Limit: [Torn ACL ](https://www.medicinenet.com/torn_acl_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm)
Range: 206m

Power: B
Speed: A
Range: A
Durability: B
Precision: C
Potential: A

Stand Name: StopRewind
Ability: Ability Creation
Desc: User can create/manifest/develop virtually any ability, be it existing or brand new, and bestow it to others or themselves.
Condition: Rubbing your Upper arm
Limit: Abilities created may be random.
Range: 44m

Power: C
Speed: A
Range: B
Durability: D
Precision: E
Potential: B

Stand Name: Dragon Soul
Ability: Aether Object
Desc: The user has access to an object that grants them aetheric powers. They can range from source materials to apparel to fully-designed weapons; whatever the form, they can impart aether-based powers to those who lack them entirely or augment the already existing quintessential capabilities.
Condition: Breathing
Limit: Inexperienced users may have difficulty controlling the power granted to them.
Range: 13m

Power: D
Speed: B
Range: D
Durability: D
Precision: D
Potential: A

Stand Name: Drowning
Ability: Transcendent Werepire Physiology
Desc: The user either is or can transform into a Transcendent Werepire, a godlike/godly creature. Users of this power are hybrids of transcendent vampires and at least one type of transcendent werebeast, while having none of their weaknesses.
Condition: Listening to music
Limit: May be vulnerable to the effects of Divine Power Absorption, Divine Power Negation, Divine Energy Absorption, Divinity Nullification or Transcendent Negation.
Range: 10m

Power: E
Speed: B
Range: E
Durability: E
Precision: A
Potential: B

Stand Name: Can't Quit the RCG
Ability: Invulnerability Bestowal
Desc: User can make beings and/or objects impregnable to damage and injury, rendering them immune to physical threats.
Condition: Thigh
Limit: The invulnerability that is bestowed may only be effective for a specific form of damage.
Range: 134m

Power: B
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: E
Potential: D

Stand Name: Pokemon Villain Cypher
Ability: Alternate Timeline Creation
Desc: The user can create alternate timelines that are drastically different to the original timeline, such as someone's death or someones birth. The user can change the future as a result of changing a past event to create the alternate timeline. The very differences may be subtle or very big depending on what the user changes.
Condition: Smiling
Limit: May be hard or even impossible to restore the original timeline.
Range: 2m

Power: B
Speed: A
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: E

I just have no words for some of these, especially that last one.
Stand Name: X Gon' Give It to Ya
Ability: Spatial Blast
Desc: The user can release spatial distortions over a specific target area, causing great damage and/or delivering great shock waves of pure force.
Condition: Whole body
Limit: Generally unrefined and indiscriminate.
Range: 207m

Power: A
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: B
Precision: B
Potential: A
Gave it a try

Stand Name: His World
Ability: Power Source Creating
Desc: User can create/develop/form power sources to help them with their powers. They can recharge their powers, conserve and store their energy for later use, and anything else they desire. If the user wanted to they could even use it as a weapon as well.
Condition: Typing on a keyboard
Limit: [Schizophrenia ](https://www.medicinenet.com/schizophrenia_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm)
Range: 11m

Power: C
Speed: A
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: B
Potential: A

Stand Name: Surface
Ability: Machine Lord Physiology
Desc: The user either is or can transform into a Machine Lord, entity that may complete mastery of, though not divine influence over, machines and/or artificial intelligences. This can result in shapeshifting, programming, and many other uses.
Condition: Make a meal
Limit: May not be immune to electromagnetic pulses.
Range: 29m

Power: C
Speed: B
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: B
Potential: A
Stand Name: Surface
Ability: Conceptual Baking
Desc: The user can cook/bake anything imaginable with an incredible taste and can perform miracles with their products, such as time-travel, temporary death, transcendence, etc.
Condition: Whole body
Limit: [Stool Color & Texture Changes](https://www.medicinenet.com/stool_color_and_texture_changes/symptoms.htm)
Range: 14m
Power: E
Speed: B
Range: D
Durability: E
Precision: C
Potential: A
Last edited:
I'll try a few more:

Stand Name: Eevee Cypher
Ability: Multiverse Destruction
Desc: The user can destroy an entire multiverse and everything in it.
Condition: At users will
Limit: May be limited to a certain size or category of multiverses.
Range: 85m
Power: C
Speed: E
Range: A
Durability: D
Precision: D
Potential: E

... okay, so apparently Eevee wants to blow up the multiverse?

Stand Name: End of a Life
Ability: Popularity Manipulation
Desc: Users can manipulate the popularity and fame of themselves and others, causing them to be more likeable than before or unpopular and not so liked. They can make them well known to the public as well, either in a positive or in a negative manner.
Condition: Forearm
Limit: [Macular Degeneration ](https://www.medicinenet.com/macular_degeneration_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm)
Range: 17m
Power: A
Speed: C
Range: D
Durability: E
Precision: C
Potential: E

So by doing something with my forearm, I would be able to control how popular someoen is but the price is eye damage?

Stand Name: Carmen Passion
Ability: Umbrakinetic Polearm Construction
Desc: User can create pole-arms, including glaives, poleaxes, halberds, naginatas, spears, halberds, scythes, guan dao, tridents, etc., from darkness/shadows.
Condition: Twitching your Toes
Limit: How long the polearm lasts depends on the users skill and power, some may need near constant attention, others are effectively permanent.
Range: 25m
Power: C
Speed: D
Range: C
Durability: B
Precision: B
Potential: D

(this has nothing to do with Jonathon Young but sure...)

Pretty cool power and the activation is pretty subtle

Stand Name: Sight for Sore Eyes
Ability: Disease Detection
Desc: User can sense the presence of diseases and gain detailed understanding about them.
Condition: Crack you toes
Limit: May only be able to identify certain kinds of diseases.
Range: 10m
Power: A
Speed: C
Range: E
Durability: D
Precision: B
Potential: D

the ability to learn about what's wrong with people by cracking my toes isn't bad for diagnosis but it doesn't actually give info on fixing things

Stand Name: Hoping
Ability: Crossover Manipulation
Desc: The user can manipulate how things crossover into other dimensions, realities, universes, realms, etc. They can determine if things can leave their home universe, exist in other universes, handle the different physical laws and concepts (if any), gain new abilities, skills, knowledge , etc
Condition: Foot
Limit: May have a limit as to how much change the user can make per entity.
Range: 156m
Power: D
Speed: A
Range: A
Durability: C
Precision: C
Potential: B

Well, this is a pretty appropriate power to end on the meta power to crossover would have all kind os potential... it would have been better to take a few points from Range and Speed for Power and Precision but it's still pretty damn broken
Stand Name: I Ejaculate Fire
Ability: Absolute Command
Desc: The user can impose irresistible commands upon any kind of existence, natural and supernatural, living and non-living. Though commands are usually spoken, the user's intentions are what truly matters. They can impose complex commands with a single word, through a specific gesture or a sheer act of will, unquestioningly bending anything and everything to their will.
Condition: Blinking
Limit: May not work on those with Control Immunity or Freedom.
Range: 34m

Power: E
Speed: D
Range: B
Durability: B
Precision: A
Potential: A

Holy fuck this is broken.
Stand Name: Santiana
Ability: Butterfly Manipulation
Desc: The user can control various species of butterflies. They control them to do their bidding, for example, helping them during situations, using them against foes, and using them to see locations and gather information about a particular place. Some can see through the butterfly eyes that are controlled allowing them to spy on others. Users can also understand or communicate with them, hence creating and strengthening friendships.
Condition: At users will
Limit: Depends on the user's environment.
Range: 25m

Power: D
Speed: D
Range: D
Durability: D
Precision: E
Potential: D

Stand Name: Drop Me Amadeus
Ability: Particle Construction
Desc: The user can create new types of particles, matter, elements, particle variations and components, new forms of energy, etc. effectively creating almost everything.
Condition: Take a shower
Limit: The creation might fade away if the user is destroyed/unconscious.
Range: 31m

Power: D
Speed: C
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: B
Potential: B

Ability: Conversion Negation

The user can transform other beings back into their original species; for example, the user can turn a vampire back into their original species, or reverse a non-hereditary werewolf's lycanthropy.

Method of Activation:
Typing on a keyboard

Limit / More Susceptible To:
Man not work on people who are Indestructible.


Power: D

Speed; E

Range: D

Precision: D

Potential: D

Durability: D

I find this stand funny.
Stand Name: Screaming for Vengeance
Ability: Space-Time Lordship
Desc: The user has authority and control over space-time itself, the fabrics of reality in which all exist in. They can control space-time itself and all things linked to it to a limitless degree.
Condition: Toes
Limit: May be unable to affect those who have Spatiolock, Temporal Lock Spatial-Temporal Lock or Omnilock.
Range: 11m

Power: E
Speed: B
Range: E
Durability: D
Precision: E
Potential: B

^ Hey, this one is high Jojo villain material. XD

Stand Name: Symphony No. 1 in D Major "Titan": Ic. Vorwärts drängend
Ability: Freeze Vision
Desc: User can emit beams of heat-draining energy from their eyes, freezing their opponents in their tracks.
Condition: At users will
Limit: Cold Immunity
Range: 248m

Power: E
Speed: D
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: D
Potential: A

Ability: Conversion Negation

The user can transform other beings back into their original species; for example, the user can turn a vampire back into their original species, or reverse a non-hereditary werewolf's lycanthropy.

Method of Activation:
Typing on a keyboard

Limit / More Susceptible To:
Man not work on people who are Indestructible.


Power: D

Speed; E

Range: D

Precision: D

Potential: D

Durability: D

I find this stand funny.
Seto Kaiba Lite, the Stand. He legit just hacks reality to turn them back. Like that one time he hacked heaven.
This seemed like an appropriate place to share two similar Stand Generators I found.
Websites: codebeautify.org and perchance.org

Mini review/observations by me.
Perchance's Generator seems alright. Hadn't played with it much, but I've seen it generate up to three colors for Stand color scheme.
It also will generate Stand Types (some mixes of Humanoid, natural/non Humanoid, colony, etc)

Can't say with my limited playing with it, that it's too great, especially since it appears to borrow from a pre-made list... at least, I've gotten multiple songs repeatedly, but not on the same list. So you might wanna switch out the songs for ones you'd prefer.
But like the other generator its got the novel idea in providing Colors and some Stand Types.
It will also allow for 3, 10, and 15 generations at once.
Also, unlike what the OP linked, this one does not provide stats either, so that's another minus.


Stands I've generated on Codebeauty.

Down Dismal Ways
Type: Natural Non-Hunanoid
Colors: Pink/Peach
Ability: The User's blood melts through anything.

Late Night Hype
Type: Humanoid Colony
Colors: Gold/Amber
Ability: Turns things into their mirror image

Planet Caravan
Type: Natural Humanoid
Colors: White/Maroon
Ability: Turns people into rats

Here's two using the usual one linked in the op for old tines sake.

Stand Name: Lay Your Love On Me
Ability: Benefic Weaponry
Desc: User can to create or wield weaponry with power over benefic energy, which grants the user a wide variety of benefic-based abilities. This ability is not only specific to mystic weapons, but also technologically advanced weapons. The power of the weapons depends on what they were created for or what level of benefic-based ability they possess.
Condition: Typing
Limit: May not be able to overpower Transcendent Weaponry.
Range: 38m

Power: B
Speed: E
Range: B
Durability: B
Precision: D
Potential: E

^ i like this one because of how nice it sounds. XD

Stand Name: Country Roads
Ability: Nothingness Solidification
Desc: User can solidify or give solid-like properties to nothingness with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond.
Condition: Doing the YMCA
Limit: Emphysema
Range: 171m

Power: C
Speed: E
Range: A
Durability: E
Precision: E
Potential: B

^ That Condition though... for QQ's purposes, this is wildly vague.
Also I think the generator gave me Country Roads at random because I didn't type anything in the box.
Well hell, why not.

Stand Name: Fuck Off Get Free We Pour Light On Everything
Ability: Absolute
Desc: The user is able to go toe-to-toe and even surpass the strongest of beings with nothing but the raw force of their physical blows. Any level of weight the user needs to lift or move is irrelevant as their body can emit limitless amount of force that can repel an object of any mass.
Condition: Flexing your Teeth
Limit: May not be able to harm users of Absolute Invulnerability.
Range: 46m
Power: A

Speed: C
Range: B
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: E

Fucking busted, literally One Punch Man now.
Well hell, why not.

Stand Name: Fuck Off Get Free We Pour Light On Everything
Ability: Absolute
Desc: The user is able to go toe-to-toe and even surpass the strongest of beings with nothing but the raw force of their physical blows. Any level of weight the user needs to lift or move is irrelevant as their body can emit limitless amount of force that can repel an object of any mass.
Condition: Flexing your Teeth
Limit: May not be able to harm users of Absolute Invulnerability.
Range: 46m
Power: A
Speed: C
Range: B
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: E

Fucking busted, literally One Punch Man now.
Yeah, pretty OP….how do you flex teeth?
Yeah, pretty OP….how do you flex teeth?

Being a really buff cartoon character.

...or having nonstandard teeth, maybe constructed like like some wierd tough flexible appendages.

New roll.

Stand Name: Wildfire, Pt. II - One With the Mountain
Ability: Adhesive Mimicry
Desc: User is made up of or can transform their body completely into any adhesives. User can be anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of adhesives, in which case, it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately, the user can transform into homogeneous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.
Condition: Forehead
Limit: Hiccups
Range: 125m

Power: B
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: E
Precision: E
Potential: D

i can sense the perversion potential.
I tried one but it didn't actually give me a name for it (Artist was "Doc Brown")...

undefinedAbility: Rank Creation
Desc: The user can create ranks, including ranks in power/positions in reality. They can create sub ranks of an existing rank, or even make a rank that has more power than the most powerful existing rank there is.
Condition: When under the influence of drugs
Limit: [Joint Deformity](https://www.medicinenet.com/joint_deformity/symptoms.htm)
Range: 27m
Power: C
Speed: C
Range: C
Durability: E
Precision: D
Potential: D

decent power but it increases the risk of joint deformity

"Goldentusk" gave me:
Stand Name: Country Roads
Ability: Smoke Detection
Desc: User can sense the presence of smoke and possibly gain detailed understanding about the smoke they are sensing, including the amount/size of smoke they are sensing and whether it is hidden.
Condition: At users will
Limit: [Fever, Zika (Zika Virus Infection )](https://www.medicinenet.com/zika_virus_infection_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm)
Range: 122m
Power: C
Speed: D
Range: A
Durability: C
Precision: B
Potential: A

... I mean, I guess it could be useful for a firefighter

one more before heading to bed:
"Man on the Internet" goes for:

Stand Name: Cold, Dark & Wet
Ability: Powered Form
Desc: The user can enter or leave a state where one has superpowers, while their normal identity normally does not. While they may be normal human or normal for their species until they activate this power. They may gain a new costume or may have their body completely change into a new form. Unlike a secret identity, the user loses their powers while outside of this form, and unlike a Super Form, the user is not increasing their power but gaining it.
Condition: Cleaning your Ribs
Limit: May need a transformation device to transform.
Range: 137m
Power: D
Speed: E
Range: A
Durability: E
Precision: B
Potential: E

(I can't find a song by that name)

the abilitiy to transform by self-mutiliating and then cleaning my ribs... no thanks
Stand Name: Manic Pixie Dream Queen
Ability: Ice Sealing
Desc: The user is able to seal ice within objects/beings and release them when needed, causing it to have various effects on the target, such as freezing on the inside.
Condition: Eyelashes
Limit: Cold Agglutinin Disease
Range: 199m

Power: B
Speed: D
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: C
Potential: A

I can honestly imagine the uses could be expanded into safely releasing the ice as a body shield, an ice bomb on surrounding threats to the target, or go full builds an ice castle Elsa.

A couple Stands i generated on those generators i limked a while back.

Stand Name: Suck My Kiss
Type: Artifical Non-Humanoid
Colors: Aquamarine/Green
Power: Gives things Negative Mass

Trigger Hippie
Natural Humanoid
Creates and resolves paradoxes

Havana (Picked out by me because i wrote this down and i guess wanted to pick a better name)
Artifical Humanoid
Reverses Velocity

I feel like with the concept of Fate and Gravity in Jojo, Suck My Kiss could go insane things.
And Havana feels like a hilarious counter or road bump to Made In Heaven.
Stand Name: Darude
Ability: Soul Energy Constructs
Desc: Users can turn soul energy into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.
Condition: Humerus
Limit: [Overactive Bladder (OAB) ](https://www.medicinenet.com/overactive_bladder_oab_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm)
Range: 47m
Power: A
Speed: C
Range: B
Durability: A
Precision: C
Potential: B
Stand Name: Believer
Ability: Punishment Manipulation
Desc: User can create and manipulate punishments, controlling the severity of punishment, chancing the type of punishment from any action or even punish actions which usually result in rewards.
Condition: Screaming
Limit: [Lymphocytic Colitis ](https://www.medicinenet.com/lymphocytic_colitis_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm)
Range: 3m

Power: D
Speed: D
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: B
Potential: A
Stand Name: Flow
Ability: Underground Manipulation
Desc: User can create, shape and manipulate the underground and everything in them, including all the aspects of the underground, from the purely physical ones and also mythical/conceptual ones.
Condition: Licking your lips
Limit: [Generalized Anxiety Disorder ](https://www.medicinenet.com/generalized_anxiety_disorder_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm)
Range: 0m

Power: A
Speed: E
Range: E
Durability: B
Precision: E
Potential: E
I am such a fan of avenged sevenfold, anyway here are the stands that I got.

Stand Name: Chapter Four
Ability: Logic Manipulation
Desc: The user can achieve fundamentally impossible feats on a whim, and freely redefine what's possible and impossible. This ability may be either derived from some highly transcendent powers, or simply exist without much of a cause. With it, the user can shape reality, metaphysics and causation with but a thought, and ignore all rules like they didn't exist at all.
Condition: Brushing your hair
Limit: [Cervical Cancer ]
Range: 153m
Power: B
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: C
Precision: A
Potential: A

Stand Name: Afterlife
Ability: Absorptive Merging
Desc: The user can merge with/into a target while simultaneously draining their physical/life energy and/or biological matter, making the target physically weaker and/or causing them extreme fatigue or even death.
Condition: Elbow
Limit: [Tuberculosis (TB)]
Range: 179m
Power: B
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: D
Precision: C
Potential: B

Stand Name: And All Things Will End
Ability: Eternal Sin Inducement
Desc: The user can induce eternal sins onto others, which is a sin that’s beyond a Monotheistic Deity’s forgiveness. Ever since the beginning of time, the eternal sin has been originated when Jesus Christ states that whoever blasphemies against the Holy Spirit, they will be inflicted of the most unforgivable and worst sin to ever possess.
Condition: At users will
Limit: Users of Eternal Virtue Inducement might be able to remove the eternal sins.
Range: 50m
Power: E
Speed: C
Range: B
Durability: C
Precision: D
Potential: C
Bo Burnham didn't give a name

Ability: Nether Artillery
Desc: The user can use various ranged weaponry such as slingshots, bows, guns, cannons, etc., as a conduit to either enhance the weapons' firing capabilities with nether, or channel nether through them.
Condition: Commuting to class/work
Limit: Useless without ranged weapon conduit.
Range: 21m
Power: D
Speed: E
Range: D
Durability: A
Precision: E
Potential: B

I guess that's an okay power

next was Jorge Rivera-Herrans the creator of Epic: The Musical which gave:

Stand Name: Open Arms
Ability: Ningen Physiology
Desc: User with this ability either is or can transform into a Ningen (人é–", "Ningen", "human"), a strange humanoid sea creature spotted multiple times by Japanese research teams expediting the Antarctic.
Condition: Watching
Limit: May only be able to thrive and survive in arctic climates.
Range: 79m
Power: B
Speed: E
Range: A
Durability: B
Precision: C
Potential: C

My stands is aquatic I guess... would have been more fitting if the song was "Get in the water"

An finally went for lin-manuel miranda:
Stand Name: Burn
Ability: Psionic Tendril Generation
Desc: The user has or can generate tendrils/threadlike structures of psionic energy.
Condition: At users will
Limit: Anti-Psychic Presence
Range: 49m
Power: D
Speed: B
Range: B
Durability: C
Precision: A
Potential: D

one of my favorite songs in hamilton and a decent power
Ok I did the thing again and man the first try got a doozy.

Stand Name: Wakeup
Ability: Reality Interface
Desc: User can interface with and control existence/reality like the settings for a system, allowing them to manipulate it like any type of system such as computer, in supernatural, physical, metaphysical, mental, conceptual, etc. level.
Condition: Lips
Limit: May be limited to pre-set options or adjusting reality by certain amounts.
Range: 27m
Power: E
Speed: E
Range: C
Durability: C
Precision: A
Potential: A

Stand Name: Momentz
Ability: Auxiliary Organs
Desc: The user has or can create one or more auxiliary organs (brain, heart, nervous system, etc.) should their main ones be rendered useless. The additional organs may also enable enhanced physical attributes.
Condition: Buttocks
Limit: May only apply to internal organs, such as the heart, brain, lungs, stomach, etc.
Range: 38m
Power: C
Speed: D
Range: B
Durability: D
Precision: E
Potential: D

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