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Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Diamond Hunter

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Any interested can read this on SB
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Ya know? Usually I like and watch any new SFW fic I see here, because i can only respect any Madlad that posts such fics in the place that litteraly has written "An oozing pit of lewdz and body fluids" in its welcome mat.

But this not only gets the customary respectful like&watch, but also my love. Because fuck me this is a well written, source material&character respecting, funny piece of art.

Kudos my man!
Loving it so far.
Looking forward for more stand violence.
Thank you. I also post on SB, but got so little traction I was worried my writing was too subpar. I'll try to keep it up.
There's your issue.

It's not a Wormfic or adjacent, compounded with being a niche fanfic setting mix of Jojo and HxH... Of course it won't get much traction over at the Taylor fetish boards:V
Well, funny enough Jojo part 3 is a big inspiration to Yu Yu Hakusho whole arc with the Pyschics, that later ended being recycled in Hunter X Hunter. Also Gon from Hunter X Hunter is inspired by Kid Goku and Dragon Ball is based on Journey to the West and in an old Anime movie I can't remember the name right now.
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