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Khay_Cee_Padua's Story [Honkai Impact 3, FF, Arknights, etc.]

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So, there is underrated story that I like in webnovel, a lot of 50k word count story with 1M +...
Omake: I Need Some Bleach
Omake: I Need Some Bleach

Inside the Elysian realm. Mei was en route to the lounge. And try to ask him about his signet. She saw him with Elysia, lazing about in the couch and watching a flick.

Elysia laughed. "I remember that! That was when you and Su spied on Kevin's date. You guys even dubbed it!" She was in tears while laughing.

"It was some good material. I even recorded the look on his face when we showed it to him." He chuckled, remembering their silly times in high school.

Mei looked on with interest. Kevin and Dr. MEI? On a date? Her mind just can't comprehend the cold and straight faced Kevin having a simple date with the calculating Dr. MEI.

"Ohh Mei. Interested in seeing these? Kevin and the others aren't around. And I just wanted to view my things from the past." He patted the couch and gestured for her to sit.

She hesitantly sat. Thinking that this is some kind of forbidden knowledge. "Umm, what were you guys watching?" She asked to be doubly sure.

Elysia perked up and grinned. "We were watching Kevin's awkward date with MEI. Ein, start it up again! I want her to see the super grumpy Kevin being all awkward." Elysia excitedly urged him.

He nodded with a wide grin as they replayed it. Mei watched intently, after the video ended. She felt like she watched a celebrity or VIP have a scandal.

"Go on, how about Mobius? When she's playing with Hamsuke!" Elysia exposed Mobius' like for small animals.

Mei's eyes widened. "That Mobius... She likes small animals!?" She almost choked, thinking about her playing with hamsters and kittens with an evil grin on her face.

Ein nodded. "That's right, she even made Klein live stream some because they'd always run away from her." He started the video and it showed Mobius in her adult form. Playing with a chinchilla and watching it have a dust bath.

Mei watched, flabbergasted. Who would've thought that Mobius could be this cute? She looks like a normal girl playing with her pet. She looks so happy. Mei started to think about their lives.

After the video ended Ein turned it off and stretched. "That's enough Elysia. Mobius might kill her if she learns of this." He chuckled.

Elysia puffed her cheeks and snatched the remote. She opened it again and mashed the next button as a video played.

It was a POV as Elysia was naked with Mobius. She was straddling Ein's hips as Mobius pleasured her breasts.

"Ahn~ I'm going to cum!" Everyone froze as the video showed Elysia tensing up and her eyes rolled, with her tongue out. Drowning in ecstasy.

A thud was heard from behind them as Mobius fell from her levitating device. Absolutely shocked out her mind.

Mei's eyes were peeled wide open. Her body didn't listen, as she witnessed for the first time a pornographic film. She tried to form words but it came out as incomprehensible sputtering.

Elysia turned it off after gaining her wits, and then her ears turned an atomic red. "Hehe~ I'm sorry." She smiled wryly.

Ein sighed and shaked his head. "I told you Elysia, there's a reason only I could access those files. It was a good one though, you and Mobius had really good synergy." He laughed.

Mobius stared at empty space with soulless eyes as she mumbled. "My... My dignity is in shambles."

Mei's mouth was wide open, if flies were present they would enter in droves. She quickly stood up. "Excuse me. I need some bleach to cleanse my eyes." Forgive me mother, father. I saw an act of debauchery.

She used her herrscher powers as she ran. "Ahh, there she goes. She must have some questions Ellie, go and apologize to her and Mobius okay? And I won't help you. It's your fault after all."

Hah, everything is peaceful. Just the way it should be. He leaned on the couch as he closed his eyes.

Omake: Contest
Omake: Contest

"Mobius, you look so cute right now." Elysia went up to her and smiled.

Mobius didn't respond and just looked at her dryly. What are you up to now Elysia...

Elysia sighed. "Ah, I'd love to be a kid again. No worries, no responsibilities.

Mobius raised a brow as she stared at her hard. The audacity of this woman! Telling me that I have no responsibilities... She hissed in her mind.

"Recently, my uniform is a bit tight. I guess that's the trouble with growing up, having big breasts." She poked her breasts for a bit.

Mobius squinted her eyes at her. "You're just fatter Elysia. That's what you get on indulging in Ein's food." She huffed.

"Are you sure? Aren't you just thinner? But it doesn't matter. The serpent never submits to death. You can grow up once again right? I'll look forward to seeing your bodacious body again~" She grinned at Mobius.

Hua entered the lounge with Kevin and Ein. "Ohh, nice to see that you guys are getting along." Ein smiled. Yare yare daze, these girls are too feisty.

Everyone looked at him weirdly as they just sat on the couch. Eden and Su then came in, Eden even had a banner with a cute chibi Hua on it.

Ein then took out a table as Hua and Kevin sat on opposite ends. "Okay everyone, it's time for Hua and Kevin's noodle eating competition, it's tight though. Who would end their ties? It's 49-49 right now, place your bets." Ein was the MC for the event.

Mei noticed the ruckus and looked inside. She saw Elysia and Eden holding a banner with Fu Hua on it. What the... What's happening here?

Elysia noticed her and quickly called her over. "Mei-chan! Here, I want you to cheer for Hua. This is a monumental moment, they're tied." Elysia gave a glow stick to Mei as Mei slowly grasped it.

"Okaaaay?" Fu Hua? Having an eating contest with Kevin? This is surreal, she's usually very strict and proper. Enforcing the rules like the law.

Ein then took out bowls of noodles as Hua and Kevin prepared themselves. Holding a pair of chopsticks. "Alright, the slurp down starts in 3, 2, 1, go!"

They were neck on neck as they finished their bowls like frying beans with lightning.

(Keke xianxia crap like this always confused me at first.)

Ein quickly replaced their bowls as they gulped it down like they were machines. Not even wasting a single drop.

Mei was honestly cheering for Fu Hua as she waved the glow stick around. While Su psyched Kevin up.

"Come on Kevin! Stuff your face more! Beat her up! You can't lose here!" Mei was gobsmacked. Su is a very calm individual, always meditating with his eyes closed. She even thought he was blind, though she did caught him sleeping once.

"Go on Hua! Don't let him one up you! Kevin's gonna be the loser! Come on and beat him for the 50th victory!" Eden cheered as Elysia waved the banner of Hua.

The bowls quickly stacked up on top of each other as the contenders kept on eating bowl after bowl of noodles. Ein was getting bored so he spiced things up, he gave them some spicy broth. Upping the spiciness every time they finish a bowl.

Kevin didn't mind as his powers help him with it. Though how Ein made a broth that could affect MANTISes who knows. Hua grew up in china and ate spicy food for as long as she could remember.

As they were sweating, Kevin with ice pellets. They started to slow down after the 40th bowl. "Go Hua! Beat up Kevin, H U A Hua!" Elysia did a dance while shouting a cheer.

I am unbeatable. Ein-san made this for us, this delicious bowl of noodles that I could never tire of. I will win! Hua then started to speed up and ate faster than Kevin.

after a few more bowls, both of them stopped as Ein counted the number. "The winner is... Hua! She ate 2 more bowls than the ramen meister Kevin." He lifted up her arm as Kevin literally dropped on the table face first.

"Thank you Eden-san, Elysia-san, Mei-san. Your cheering wasn't for naught as I am now the undisputed champion." Hua then slumped on the couch and closed her eyes.

Mei smiled. I never thought I'd see Fu Hua like this. And on her sim too, when I get back to them I'll tell her all about it. She remembered her friends.

She then tried to talk to Ein. "Um Ein, could I ask you about your signet? You never appeared before anyone right? Do you think I'll inherit it?" She got nervous as everyone looked at them with interest.

"Hmm, my signet huh? Truthfully, I don't have anything to give you." Mei then got disappointed, his strength would be a big boost.

"But pure skill and fighting prowess. Have you defeated all the flame chasers except Aponia, Elysia, and Kevin?" He asked curiously.

Mei got confused. Aponia? Who is that? Everyone looked awkward with the mention of that woman.

Elysia tapped Mei on the shoulder. "Um, Mei? I don't think you should talk to Aponia without Ein by your side." She unusually said seriously.

"Ohh it'll be fine. Aponia won't hurt you, just don't listen to her cryptic words too much." Ein waves his hand without a care in the world.

"Ohh I know! We have a special dimension here in the golden courtyard. Let's have a little fun there next time, Raiden Mei, beat up at least half of the flame chasers first." He gave a wide grin as everybody tensed up.

Omake: Getting Served
Omake: Getting Served

In a special Dimension in the Golden Courtyard. There was, Kevin, Elysia, Mei, Mobius, Eden, Su, and Hua in front of Ein. All lined up like new recruits for boot camp.

"Okay guys, you know the drill. We haven't done this with this many members before. And where's the others?" He asked them.

"Kalpas said he wants it 1on1 mano a mano. Aponia doesn't like to fight you, and the others are safekeeping they said." Elysia sad while rolling her eyes.

"Hmm, Aponia and Griseo is understandable. But the others? Tell them I'll be training them, they must have forgot." He grinned widely.

Everybody tensed, like they are going to fight for their lives. Mei gave a deep frown. "This won't be a normal spar huh?" She asked Eden and Elysia.

Eden nodded. "His words when he was training us? *My hands are the epitome of gender equality.* As he decked Elysia on the face back then. Well, at least he held back." She then prepared herself.

Mei took out her sword, and watched his every move with such intensity. You'd feel the pressure she's emanating.

Ein stretched and took off his shirt. His muscles rippled, ripped like cut obsidian. As he traced lines on his torso, front and back.

Chains then appeared with massive stakes embedded on 14 parts of his body. He flexed, as the stakes were removed and the chains were removed one by one.

He sighed as hot air and steam came out of his mouth. And everyone had grave looks on their faces. Kevin immediately shouted.

"Fight like your lives depend on it! Su! Give support with Mobius! Hua, Mei, on me! Elysia, Eden you're our long range artillery."

Mei then saw Kevin's skin started to turn blue starting from his arms. Mobius used her honkai cascade form immediately as green lightning rained down. Su's tuft of green hair started to turn into colorful feathers. A massive dome of pink crystals appeared and tons of it were orbiting Elysia. The air around Eden started to vibrate violently. Hua's hair turned white and feathers floated all around her.

Mei wasn't sure if she'll leave here alive. As the flame chasers emanated honkai energy in waves. Seeing them all cooperating for the first time.

"Raiden Mei. This is a fight of a lifetime, savor it now and learn from it. For you will die immediately if this is outside the realm." Kevin said as his voice turned guttural and inhuman.

Ein stretched like he was doing radio calisthenics. "Oya? Why so serious everyone. Let's have a lot of fun shall we? And Mei-chan, if you guys lose..."

She gulped audibly. Her hands were shaking, Kevin's words popped up into her mind. "Me and Elysia would have the privilege to touch your horns anytime we like! Okay? Now, come at me." He said softly.

Everybody jumped high into the air, Mei was confused, but followed nonetheless. As Kevin roared and hundreds of miles of land froze instantly.

Elysia controlled her crystals and an omnidirectional attack of beams pelted Ein's position, as they ricocheted on the dome, making Mei's blood turn cold, these guys are insane! Those two attacks alone would probably kill me already.

Mobius pelted Ein with green lightning and her shadow formed spears that bombarded his position. Hua turned into a pheonix and soared high up into the air. Eden raised her hands and an immense shock wave fired, making a huge explosion of dust from the attack, and the ground shaked like it was hit by an earthquake.

Su started to communicate with everyone, making a mental link. "Mei-san, hit him with everything you got! Anything!" As she drew her blade and red lightning appeared all over.

She gave a slash as a titanic crescent slash tore the ground asunder. Raining lightning everywhere. Hua reached her desired height and went straight down like a missile.

"My blade is formless, but needs no form. It is formless but vast, infinity its span. Its essence, divine. And ends where it began. Emminence! Fenghuang down 1st order!"

A huge blade of fire appeared as it slashed everything apart. A deep red line appeared that was miles long, the ground was scorched and molten rock oozed like a volcano erupted.

Mei was speechless. She didn't know Fu Hua could make an attack like that. She felt powerless from their display.

Kevin then held the judgement of shamash, Elysia with Abyss flower, and Eden with Cosmic harmony.

"0th power. Might of An-Utu." The judgement of Shamash burned bright like a star as it blinded Mei. He's going to use the full power of the sword! She protected her eyes with honkai energy and watched with bated breath.

Eden then held the guns on her hand. "0th power. World Devourer." orbs of black appeared as stones, rubble. Anything, started to float and was devoured by the black orbs. Mei immediately anchored herself or die to the overwhelming gravity, she could see it even distort the light around it.

Elysia raised the lance high above. "I am the black that devours everything. I am the white that gave birth to everything.

Before the birth of the world, I existed after the annihilation. Black Abyss White Flower, Holy Lance Banish Bloom!"

It emitted a black and white light as it pierced the heavens and she flew high up in the sky.

Kevin then roared as he swung the great sword with all his might as a tsunami of flames washed over everything. The intense heat even burning Mei as she struggled to protect herself.

Eden aimed the guns and the black orbs descended. It expanded to gigantic proportions as the ground shaked. It caused an earthquake so strong, it was felt for thousands of miles.

Elysia threw the lance with overwhelming force as it hit the ground. Black and white clashed as the impact made a shockwave that blew everything away. Anything the light touched turned into nothing.

Mei looked at the display of power as she sweated. If these guys are this strong, how did they even lose?

Everyone then heard a clap. "Bravo, even if the divine keys aren't real. Your control of it reached a satisfactory level, though I'm quite disappointed in your attack Mei. I told you to read up on electromagnetism."

He appeared as the dust settled. Sitting on the molten ground like he was relaxing on a couch. Small scratches and what looks like a sunburn appeared on his skin.

Everybody frowned and regrouped. "Prepare! Defend with all you have!" He shouted at the group.

"Raiden Mei. I'll show you something that even they haven't seen." He inhaled and exhaled fire. She saw it melt the surroundings, indicating its heat from just a quick and small source.

His teeth sharpened and black scales appeared on his arms. His 2 thick horns adorned his head like a crown as his pupils shrunk. Like a predator finding its prey.

The very realm shaked as everybody stayed close and deployed a thick shield. "Hmmm, I haven't shown you guys this yet. Have a taste, now let's begin."

He disappeared and Mei with her lightning quick reaction started to survey her surroundings.

He reappeared right above them, his hands raised for a hammer fist. And struck their bubble with so much force, they looked like they teleported back to the ground. The ground exploded as their shield popped like a balloon.

The impact created an explosion that vaporized them immediately, it was like a huge meteor dropping down on the world.

Mei gasped, and gulped a huge amount of air. Panting as if she just woke up from a nightmare. "Wh-what happened?" She patted her body making sure she's still in one piece.

Eden patted her head. "Relax Mei. We just died, insta killed like an ant crushed between a hydraulic press. Overkill, I know."

Ein and Elysia then hummed. "You know the rules~ and so do I~" He started to caress her smooth horns, sharing with Elysia.

"Hmm~" She quickly covered her mouth. "Oho? Are your horns sensitive Mei-chan?"

A certain white haired tuna froze and stood up while eating. "I can feel something's wrong." She then ran and tried to look for what's different.
