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Killing Nazis for fun!

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You're a Jew in Warsaw Ghetto and you have found yourself with magic powers after reading out...


Mar 4, 2018
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You're a Jew in Warsaw Ghetto and you have found yourself with magic powers after reading out loud an ancient text with Ancient Hebrew text cover.

And you immediately set to finding a nazi alone and killing him.

"Hanz, your time is up nazi scum!"

How do you use your powers to kill him?

[] Write in
[] Light him up on fire
[] Tear his soul in two with your extendable claws
[] Turn him to stone with your glare
[] Torture him to death with slow disintegration
[] rip him up with super samson strength
[] point at him and say "Angel of Death, take this man
[] Electricute him to death
[] Kick him in the nuts after tying him up and repeatedly healing then destroying his lower body with cancer
[] open a tiny black hole within his heart
[] Mind control him into torturing himself to death
[x] rip him up with super samson strength

And the rest of them muhfuggin phillistines
Um, wouldn't this be better suited for a forum without an explicit no politics rule? Just a thought.
Dude this is literally WW2 period killing literal nazis.

I hope that's not politically divisive. But I will of course agree that there won't be any intentional jokes about anything outside the time period.
Um, wouldn't this be better suited for a forum without an explicit no politics rule? Just a thought.

Holy shit, they're nazis. Next you'll be saying we can't touch on the Rape of Nanjiing. Obvious answer is pointing, I'll pretend to sieg heil every fascist i see, make it to the USSR and become the hero of Stalingrad.
First Hans killed, two more coming
Anyway looks like ripping the nazi in twane with super strength won! 100% vote support!
Flexing your rippling biceps, you grasp the gibbering Nazi's shoulders, and riiiip.
Well, it wasn't really a ripping sound, more like crunching of pig bones breaking, a wash of blood and squishiness. In one hand you held is left side, the other, his right. Unfortunately it seemed uneven, but ultimately it was a success.
It appeared that the gibbering and noise and absence of their guard-member had attracted attention, as you heard two goose steppers coming towards your position.
Thinking quickly, you prepared for adding another two to your avenge list.

[] Rushing to the side of the doorway, ready to ambush them, taking advantage of your camouflage power.
[] Preparing a rune formation with Hans' blood and bones, and inviting a minor Angel of Death to help
[] Just standing there, facing the entry, ready to destroy their morale by tanking the bullets without damage then punching them dead
[] Shapeshifting into a multi-winged lion with eyes of burning coal
[] Pressing hands together and launching metal spikes at them
[] write-in
[X] Shapeshifting into a multi-winged lion with eyes of burning coal

If you aren't shifting into an abomination against all that is good, why even live ?
[X] Just standing there, facing the entry, ready to destroy their morale by tanking the bullets without damage then punching them dead
2nd and 3rd Hans killed
May as well have all three succeed, might encourage people to do drive by voting or something and I like having more ways to kill nazi's.
Bones, blood and limbs. Formation is important. That's it, Hans' legs make the top and bottom of the Samekh, and his arms make up the sides. Now, as I put the rest of the limbs making up a Nun in the middle, chant: הו, אולי תשלח מלאך שיעזור לי להציל את עמך מן המדכא (oh father, may you send an angel to help me save your people from the oppressor)
As you chanted and felt a whisper answer, the approaching steps grew louder, and you flood your body with concentrated fury that had briefly abated due to satisfied bloodlust. But... you were mad. Bronze fur grew from every part of your body, legs got longer, hands became paws with large claws, and, within a few more seconds, the transformation was complete. Large wings, hot glowing coals of eyes. Steps were almost here.
The moment the two nazis walked in, your roar deafened the area, extending your wings fully, and the enemy were absolutely petrified, not moving as you padded slowly towards them, until the last moment. One managed to point their weapon at you and shot, but the bullet refracted off your fur without effect.

Jaws extended,
teeth descended
Nazis expended.

The minor angel of death needs to know your priorities, so that they might fulfill their role most effectively.
[] write in
[] kill any Nazi that steps foot near the Ghetto
[] kill any Nazi soldier they lie eyes on without priority
[] follow and eliminate ranged threats

What do you personally do?
[] just hunt, your like your wing'd form
[] prowl on ground causing a nuisance
[] talk to your people, helping direct a revolt
[] write in
[X] kill any Nazi that steps foot near the Ghetto

[X] talk to your people, helping direct a revolt

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