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Ladyblog Interludes(Sidepiece to Miraculous Quest)

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Hello everyone. This here is a sidepiece to Miraculous Quest I am running on another site...


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Jan 22, 2019
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Hello everyone. This here is a sidepiece to Miraculous Quest I am running on another site.

This fanfic itself will be mainly about showing the reactions of the everyday people of Paris to the events that take place in their city along with the achievements of players through a PHO style format. Normally this was supposed to be just a one-off interlude but I decided to make it a recurring thing and the site I am running the quest on doesn't support PHO format or the editing options QQ itself offers. So I decided to post all Ladyblog pieces here.

Having said that I am pretty new to writing stuff let alone fanfics and English is not my first language. So expect a lot of typos, grammar mistakes, and tons of edits just to fix them all. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy it despite all its faults.

For those of you not familiar with the quest, link to the quest is in the spoiler down below.

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♦Topic: Welcome to Ladyblog
In: ► Boards ► General ► Announcements

AlyaCesaire (Original Poster) (Chief Mod) (Admin) (#1 Ladybug Fan)
Posted on September 7, 2015:

Hellooo Paris! This is Alya Cesaire and I would like to welcome all of you to the Ladyblog, a blog dedicated to Paris' superhero duo. Some of you may know me as the girl who brought you the first live footage of Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Well, as the #1 fan of Ladybug, I now take upon myself the solemn duty of bringing you peeps the freshest news about Ladybug and Chat Noir from now on.
Having said that, with the message boards now online and open to public everyone can now talk about how awesome our heroes and/or discuss/debate things about them.

(Showing Page 1 of 78)

Replied on September 7, 2015:
Superheroes. I still can't believe we have honest to god SUPERHEROES! What is next? Aliens?

Replied on September 7, 2015:
Oh, look. Another Ladybug fansite. How original. It is not like we don't have thousands of these.

Replied on September 7, 2015:
@JeSuisMonte Way to be an asshole dude.

Replied on September 7, 2015:
OMG! That was so awesome. Both of them were so cool. They totally kicked ass!

Replied on September 7, 2015:
So, superheroes are a thing now... I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, superheroes are cool. On the other, that means supervillains are a thing too and I am not looking forward to the insidious schemes of Dr.McCrazy von Evilstein.

Replied on September 7, 2015:
@argos I think the big bad we are dealing with is more a magical moth guy than an evil crazy scientist guy.

Replied on September 7, 2015:
@L337 So get flamethrowers instead of EMP's. Got it.

Replied on September 7, 2015:
Mayhaps you should rethink your decision. I mean you almost got flattened taking that video. If it weren't for that cutie Chat you might have been seriously injured.

AlyaCesaire (Original Poster) (Chief Mod) (Admin) (#1 Ladybug Fan)
Replied on September 7, 2015:
I know! It was so crazy. I couldn't do anything. Really though that I was gonna die but then BAM! Chat throws his baton and saves my life. Sill, as an aspiring journalist I can't let fear and risks stop me. Awesomeness of Ladybug and Chat Noir must be shared with everyone.

Replied on September 7, 2015:
Welp, hoping you don't get killed in a supervillain fight.​

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(Showing Page 52 of 78)

Replied on September 9, 2015:
Okay, we all know Fairplay was stronger than the Garbageman. It actually took both Ladybug and Chat Noir to take down the former while Chat Noir wiped the floor with the latter all by himself. Ladybug was there only for the clean-up.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
Are we really calling the poor guy Garbageman?

Replied on September 9, 2015:
@Atrix And Fairplay was all Ladybug. Chat Noir went down like a chump in the first half and then Ladybug was the one to bring that guy down. Basically Ladybug > Fairplay > Chat Noir > Trashman.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
Trashman is not any better.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
@L337 See here mister! Chat Noir went down because he was protecting Ladybug! I am sure he could have also wiped the floor with the guy on his own like he did with Mr. Trash.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
@PrincessSparkles Chat Noir pulled a sneak attack on Trashman. Ladybug actually went hand to hand with Fairplay.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
@PrincessSparkles Mr. Trash? Seriously?

Replied on September 9, 2015:
@EverdayJoe It is better than what they are calling him in the video thread.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
@L337 I legit thought that Trashmaster died when Chat Noir landed on him. Still can't believe the guy doesn't have any brain damage or even a concussion. Perks of having superpowers I guess.

AlyaCesaire (Original Poster) (Chief Mod) (Admin) (#1 Ladybug Fan)
Replied on September 9, 2015:
Alright. Bring it down people. This topic is not for versus debates. Please keep those in related topics. Thank you very much.​

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♦Topic: Supervillain at the Mall(NEW!)
In: ► Boards ► News ► Supervillain Fights

AlyaCesaire (Original Poster) (Chief Mod) (Admin) (#1 Ladybug Fan)
Posted on September 9, 2015:

Good Evening to all my Peeps out there. Today Paris witnessed another fight between its superhero duo and a new supervillain named Handsome Mask at the mall down in 15th arrondissement. According to witnesses, Handsome Mask first appeared inside a music store before starting a rampage and turning all the people in his sight into his minions with his powers. Chat Noir arrived at the scene first and engaged him, keeping the villain contained inside the mall. Ladybug arrived soon after and after a grueling fight, the duo managed to defeat the villain and its minions before turning everyone back to normal.

I was fortunate enough to nearby the mall when the fight started and managed to arrive there pretty early and record most of the fight. There are also some short interviews I did with the witnesses afterward at the end. From what I have been able to gather, Handsome Mask's power seems to be the ability to turn others into masked minions who he can command. He is also shown to be super strong, durable and agile. A pretty nasty combination if you ask me. He was alost able to corner Chat Noir before Ladybug arrived and even then the presence of the minion meant Chat Noir was too busy the assist Ladybug. Nonetheless, our heroes managed to prevail at the end, Ladybug coming through with her lucky charm and saving the day.

Here is the video. [LINK]

(Showing Page 1 of 95)

Replied on September 9, 2015:
Welp. First, it was a stone monster, then the trash guy and now this. Guess it is time to move out of Paris.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
Do we know anything about where these supervillains are coming from? I know that Hawkmoth guy makes them but like how does he do it?

Replied on September 9, 2015:
That video is so awesome! Wish I could have been there and seen it with my own eyes.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
@LemonPie No one really knows yet. There are some speculations, especially in Hawkmoth's own page but nothing solid other than that all the villains are actual everyday people.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
So you are saying the next villain could be any one of us. I for one am not looking forward to the going all evil.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
When you do, make sure not to suck as much as Trashman.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
At least Ladybug is able to revert all the damage. Otherwise, these fights would have been a lot more costly.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
Wow, that was actually scary. Especially the part where Chat got swarmed. Hope he is okay.
@UltinesTHEMEGA Trust me. You don't.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
@VyrixTheSkurg That way it would at least have gotten the law enforcement to get off their asses and do something.

Replied on September 9, 2015:
@EverdayJoe I think you are being kinda unfair here. I mean what do you really expect regular policeman to do against superpowers?
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(Showing Page 67 of 95)

Replied on September 10, 2015:
Look, it is clear that Ladybug is the stronger of the duo. Chat Noir gets his as kicked against Handsome Mask and has trouble with mook control while Ladybug just solos the villain by herself. Everyone who thinks that Chat isn't the sidekick are just deluding themselves.

Replied on September 10, 2015:
Chat faced Handsome Mask plus his minions. Ladybug only had to contend with Handsome Mask himself.

Replied on September 10, 2015:
Ladybug did carry that fight. On the other hand, Chat did actually contribute so.

Replied on September 10, 2015:
Being a sidekick, especially to someone as awesome as Ladybug isn't really a bad thing. Can't see why people are complaining.

LemonPie (Verified Pie)
Replied on September 10, 2015:
Maybe because those people actually admire Chat Noir and the effort he puts into keeping this city safe?

Replied on September 10, 2015:
Plus it has only been like what? Three or four fights? It is too early to form an opinion.
@LemonPie How did you get that tag btw?

Replied on September 10, 2015:
Four fights actually and every one of them with the exception of Trashman, Ladybug did most of the work while Chat supported her.

LemonPie (Verified Pie)
Replied on September 10, 2015:
Now that is just unfair to Chat Noir.
@argos46 Bribed her with a pie.

Replied on September 10, 2015:

AlyaCesaire (Original Poster) (Chief Mod) (Admin) (#1 Ladybug Fan)
Replied on September 10, 2015:
It was delicious.​

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as the #1 of Ladybug,
as the #1 fan of Ladybug,
the villain and its minions
word choice of its over his suggests that Alya doesn't view akumatized people as people. Its fine if this was intentional, but I felt I should point it out in case it was an accident.
I mean what do you really regular policeman
I assume there was meant to be a verb between really and regular (such as want or expect)
as the #1 fan of Ladybug,
word choice of its over his suggests that Alya doesn't view akumatized people as people. Its fine if this was intentional, but I felt I should point it out in case it was an accident.
I assume there was meant to be a verb between really and regular (such as want or expect)

Thanks. With those, I have already hit the 10 edit count for the first post.
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♦Topic: Fire at 20th Arrondissement
In: ► Boards ► News ► Superhero Sightings

NiteOwl (Original Poster) (Confirmed Night Owl) (Sleep is for the weak)
Posted on September 11, 2015:

As those of you who watch late-night television might know, there was a fire down at 20th Arrondissement tonight. While the details about the events are sparse, here are the few things we know.

-The fire started in an old residential building close to Charonne.
-It was contained before it could spread to nearby buildings thanks to the rapid response of the Fire Brigade.
-Chat Noir was involved with rescue at some point.
-There is a suspiciously big media blackout about the event.

So considering these points, I want to hear your thoughts. If anyone has any further knowledge, please do share. A lot of people are in the dark about what really happened and there are some really wild rumors out there.

(Showing Page 1 of 53)

Replied on September 12, 2015:
20th Arrondissement! Are you fucking kidding me? That is practically the MIDDLE OF PARIS! How the hell did a fire start there?

Replied on September 12, 2015:
Was it supervillain related?

NiteOwl (Original Poster) (Confirmed Night Owl) (Sleep is for the weak)
Replied on September 12, 2015:
@EverydayJoe Like I said, details are spare but from what I was able to find out through further research, it seems the building that the fire started in was one of those old historical buildings.
@TeaTime No one knows what started the fire but basically it went from zero to hell in a matter of minutes.

Replied on September 12, 2015:
I bet it was @argos46 with his new flamethrower.

Replied on September 12, 2015:
I am still waiting for it to arrive. Amazon Prime fastest delivery service my ass.

Agent13 (Guy in the know)
Replied on September 12, 2015:
@NiteOwl I talked to some friends from the fire department and the police force. There are currently some heavy inquiries being thrown around. From what I have gathered, the building in question was not up to code and was a heavy fire risk. By the time firefighters arrived, half of the building was already covered in flames. It was thanks to Chat Noir that they were able to evacuate the building though it seems something serious happened because everyone I asked was tight-lipped about his exact role and contribution. Apparently there were some reporters who recorded it all but had to hand in their cameras to the police.

Replied on September 12, 2015:
What is this? The 18th century? What happened to free media?

Replied on September 12, 2015:
I hope no one was hurt, Chat Noir included.

Replied on September 12, 2015:
@AlyaCesaire Do you know anything about this?

AlyaCesaire (Chief Mod) (Admin) (#1 Ladybug Fan)
Replied on September 12, 2015:
@Atrix No comment.
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(Showing Page 53 of 53)

Replied on September 14, 2015:

Replied on September 14, 2015:
@Hackerman I don't feel so good...

Replied on September 14, 2015:
@Hackerman Is that blood?

Replied on September 14, 2015:
@Hackerman Chat Noir can't... He can't...

Replied on September 14, 2015:
I don't think a normal human would survive that. But on the other hand, Chat is a superhero and if comics have taught me anything that superheroes are near-immortal. Especially considering we are still in the rise to fame part of the story.

Replied on September 14, 2015:
@L337 Not the fucking time for jokes.

Replied on September 14, 2015:
@Hackerman 's link doesn't load for me. Can anyone inform me what this is all about?

Replied on September 14, 2015:
Same. The link doesn't load for me either.

AlyaCesaire (Chief Mod) (Admin) (#1 Ladybug Fan)
Replied on September 14, 2015:
I have received some very important emails from some very important people. As such, this thread is closed until an official statement is made about the fire and the surrounding events.​

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 50, 51, 52, 53
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You were last banned on September 15, 2015. Your ban expires in 3 days, on September 18, 2015.

Private Messages from AlyaCesaire:

AlyaCesaire: Alright, not gonna lie, the way you destroyed that guy was pretty cool even though it was over an argument about cheese. I didn't even know there were that many different types of cheese.
CheeseFairy: What can I say? I am a cheese guru.
AlyaCesaire: Regardless that kind of toxic behavior is not something I can approve so I am going to give you a small timeout.
CheeseFairy: OH COME ON! That guy deserved it!
CheeseFairy: Who mistakes gouda for cheddar?
CheeseFairy: An idiot. That's who!
AlyaCesaire: That may be so but perhaps you should consider that not all of us peasants have your "refined and distinguished palette" the next time someone says something wrong about cheese.
AlyaCesaire: Also, enjoy your new tag.

♦Topic: Ice Age 2: Supervillain Edition
In: ► Boards ► News ► Supervillain Sights

AlyaCesaire (Original Poster) (Chief Mod) (Admin) (#1 Ladybug Fan)
Posted on September 16, 2015:

Today, citizens of Paris have experienced Ice Age thanks to Hawkmoth and his newest supervillain Stormy Weather.

Unfortunately, I was unable to stream it as I was stuck inside a frozen carousel through the whole thing. Nonetheless, through the power of investigative journalism, I have been able to piece together what happened. Here is how it went down.

As most of you know, today was the finals for Kidz+ competition for the new weather girl. According to witnesses, after a disheartening defeat, contestant Aurore Beauréal stormed out of the studio. Minutes later, she returned as Stormy Weather, Hawkmoth's newest supervillain.

After freezing Mirielle and running everyone else out of the building Stormy Weather then proceeded to terrorize Paris until she was confronted by our heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir. Outmatched by our heroes, Stormy Weather then retreated back to TVi studios where she made her announcement to whole Paris.

It is at that time the ice storms truly set in, leading to heavy snow and ice throughout the city.

Thankfully Ladybug and Chat Noir were able to quickly defeat Stormy Weather after a second confrontation at the top of TVi studios building, restoring the weather.

Overall to most Parisians, this might seem like the usual supervillain fight but one thing to note about Stormy Weather is that the effects of her storms were felt not only in Paris but over half of France. This leads to some scary implications about Hawkmoth's capabilities.

Thankfully, our own superhero duo is just as capable as they were able to save not only Paris but the whole France before the situation got worse.

Thank you once again Ladybug and Chat Noir! You are both awesome!

(Showing Page 1 of 134)

Replied on September 16, 2015:

Replied on September 16, 2015:
@L337 Really?

Replied on September 16, 2015:
So apparently just moving out of Paris is not enough to be safe from Hawkmoth's bullshit. Gonna have to move out of the whole country.

Replied on September 16, 2015:
"Overall to most Parisians, this might seem like the usual supervillain fight..."
The fact that Alya can use that sentence seriously says a lot about Paris' current situation.

Replied on September 16, 2015:
Honestly, I wasn't expecting to get use out of my new flamethrower this soon.

Replied on September 16, 2015:
What I wonder is just what kind of person it takes to go all Ice Queen on a whole city over some stupid popularity contest?

Replied on September 16, 2015:
@ForceFantome Duuuuude.

Replied on September 16, 2015:
@Atrix Don't "duuuuude" me. She literally unleashed an Ice Age because she couldn't handle losing.

Replied on September 16, 2015:
That is no reason to lose your cool.

Replied on September 16, 2015:
@Atrix Are you Chat Noir?​

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(Showing Page 72 of 134)

Replied on September 18, 2015:
This was indeed a scary one. All of our windows were iced over at one point and the door wouldn't just happen. I was so scared.

Replied on September 18, 2015:
I was at the mall when the storm hit. Thankfully shopowners helped everyone get warm.

Replied on September 18, 2015:
I am with Fantome on this one. Fuck Aurore Beauréal. I had to spend an HOUR locked inside my own car because of her little temper tantrum.

Replied on September 18, 2015:
@MarlinRouge Try being stuck inside the metro. We had to make like penguins and share our body-heat to get warm.

Replied on September 18, 2015:
@ForceFantome Yes, yes. We get it. It sucked. Get over it instead of taking your frustrations out of someone else.

Replied on September 18, 2015:
I think you guys are all being too harsh on the poor girl.

Replied on September 18, 2015:
@JeSuisMonte No one asked your opinion asshole.
@FleurDeRiz How are we being harsh? We literally had to go through an ice age because of her. It is a fucking miracle no one was hurt.

Replied on September 18, 2015:
Stormy Weather was kinda cute though.

Replied on September 18, 2015:

AlyaCesaire (Original Poster) (Chief Mod) (Admin) (#1 Ladybug Fan)
Replied on September 18, 2015:
I can see that I have been too optimistic in thinking that everyone would act like decent human beings and show some empathy. That is on me.
On the other hand, insults, verbal abuse, death threats and etc are all against the rules of this board. As such, everyone who were involved in such actions were given three-week-long timeouts to think over their behavior.
I would also like to ask everyone to be more considerate towards Aurore. Remember people,
Hawkmoth is the real villain here, not Aurore.

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