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League of Legends General Thread


Needs more handholding. [Forever DM]
Nov 12, 2013
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So, anyone plays this MOBA?


List of Known QQ Players

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ultima333 - Tempts Fate (NA)
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Last edited:
ultima333 - Tempts Fate (NA)

Super casual that almost exclusively does Vs. AI.
I have been playing for quite a while. However, I do not play often, or necessarily well. I still consider myself a noob, despite my "Great Leader" ribbon. Which I honestly have no idea how I earned it...

I like playing: Kog'Maw, Nocturne, and other AD Carries... I also enjoy playing Veigar.
Tanuki is just a noobie that fumbles about on LoL.
I play regularly. "Sekkir" on EUNE (so lonely T_T).
GrandCenobite on NA. though i haven't been on recently
Over the next few days, we'll be rewarding positive League of Legends players with a classic Mystery Gift as thanks for being such an awesome part of our community. If you haven't received a chat restriction, ranked restriction, 14-day ban or permanent ban in 2014, and you meet the requirements to receive a Mystery Gift (you're Level 5 or higher and there are at least 10 skins you don't own), you're on our list!

Free skins :D
Novakiller13 on NA

did rank a year ago but haven't for 2014. otherwise I spend most of my time in ARAM
I'm Carpe Vinum on NA. Got kinda bored of most of the other games I play so I've been doing a lot of league lately. Probably gonna go for gold when the new season starts (only managed silver in the last one).
I had an account for a while, but started to play around last month. Mainly with Hatsune Miku, ops Sona (who was on rotation) and Ahri, which a cousin of mine rec'ed for a starter player. Brazilian server unfortunately.
I had an account for a while, but started to play around last month. Mainly with Hatsune Miku, ops Sona (who was on rotation) and Ahri, which a cousin of mine rec'ed for a starter player. Brazilian server unfortunately.
If you wanna widen your roster to an AD sometime Tryndamere and Yi are both really good pubstompers at low levels.
Wouldn't someone like fiora be easier then riven though? Though not if you dislike french accents.

Though somone like Jax would be best if you want a toplaner imo.
Mystery gift: Guerrilla Tristana.


Guess I have to start playing her again.
Mystery gift: Guerrilla Tristana.


Guess I have to start playing her again.
There's a rework in the pipeline for her. Not sure how I feel about the kit changes (and probably won't be till I get a chance to play her with the new kit) but her new art looks pretty sweet from what I've seen of it.
So post what you guys got for not being a dick on league~

NA- Cowgirl Miss Fortune
EUNE- Sanguine Garen
High command Katarina.

Now if only I actually liked Kat or played her...
Don't, they don't have boobs. I suggest Miss Fortune.

I have no issue with the not having boobs part, but I like easy to aim skills, which is why I like Sona and Ahri (but not the R attack of the latter, only using it to flee or pursuit.)

Of course, having a character who is powerful and pleasing to look at is a nice bonus.

High command Katarina.

Now if only I actually liked Kat or played her...

Is this meant as a suggestion to me? She's on rotation this week, guess I can give her a try...
For melee champs, I'd suggest Leona (tank with stuns), Vi (great jungler), or Fiora (top champ that deals lots of damage).

Myself I don't like Katarina much, I prefer Akali over her.
Is this meant as a suggestion to me? She's on rotation this week, guess I can give her a try...

It's just us sharing what we got for not being dicks on league.

Over the next few days, we'll be rewarding positive League of Legends players with a classic Mystery Gift as thanks for being such an awesome part of our community. If you haven't received a chat restriction, ranked restriction, 14-day ban or permanent ban in 2014, and you meet the requirements to receive a Mystery Gift (you're Level 5 or higher and there are at least 10 skins you don't own), you're on our list!
Hmm... I got Reaper Soraka.

I was just playing right now, but when I tried to play a second round, my notebook overheated midway. Its too damn hot here in Brazil.

I guess I'll make an account over the NA server, once I have the time (which is when my mother is not asking me stuff).
snowstorm sivir

yay I finally got a skin for her

also new ahri skin is nice just those ears seem off for some reason.
In other news, the reworked Tristana was nice. Only played her on custom game against bots to get a hang of her, but still. And now she actually has an ability that scales with her ad. Heresy! :p

Also, let us hold a silent moment for our friend and comrade, Deathfire Grasp and his little sister, Blackfire Torch. They have worked with us through many battles, but are now put to rest. Rest in peace.

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