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Lilith Game [Crossover/CCG Quest]

Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

Malcolmo said:
No thanks I'd rather we didn't die right after character creation.
She's being magically compelled to obey us. I doubt she'd try to kill us because we told her to surrender an article of clothing. I doubt she'd be able to try to kill us, period; it sort of defeats the point of the whole "bind your enemies to make them your servants" thing. ;)
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

nick012000 said:
She's being magically compelled to obey us. I doubt she'd try to kill us because we told her to surrender an article of clothing. I doubt she'd be able to try to kill us, period; it sort of defeats the point of the whole "bind your enemies to make them your servants" thing. ;)
I'd rather she actually liked and respected us as opposed to thought of us as a pervert. Besides what type of person immediately asks someone they just took control over to take off their underwear?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] Introduction?
- - [X] Find out what is happening?!?!
- - [X] Can it be? Are you in some kind of shonen manga?

Incredulous, Genre Savvy indolent rich kid?

One that Doesn't act like a pervert? I game.
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

{X} Introduction?
- - {X} Find out what is happening?!?!
- - {X} Can it be? Are you in some kind of shonen manga?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

No, you fool... this is Hayato Mikogami... you know where he's from? Sekirei... http://sekirei.wikia.com/wiki/Hayato_Mikogami
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

nick012000 said:
[X] Introduction?
- - [X] Find out what is happening?!?!
- - [X] Tell her to give you her panties, to test how much control you have.


If we can't make ridiculous choices like this why not just run it on SB?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

mc2rpg said:

If we can't make ridiculous choices like this why not just run it on SB?



[X] Introduction?
- - [X] Find out what is happening?!?!
- - [X] Tell her to give you her panties, to test how much control you have.
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

There's a good reason not to do that outside of respect for a fictional person's fictional modesty. Evil Overlord List rule 48: "I will treat any beast which I control through magic or technology with respect and kindness. Thus if the control is ever broken, it will not immediately come after me for revenge."

On the other side of things, having her give us her panties is missing a prime opportunity to honk her mammies.
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

This is her first impression of you after all...

Edit: Vote called, turn incoming.
Post 1
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

Plan Biigoh: Biigoh, Redon, Malcolmo, Pipeman, Darik29, R.A.G.
Plan nick012000: nick012000, mc2rpg, Jiven

As fair warning, I have never seen or read Sekirei, so characterization is not likely to be accurate.
You have only one thing to say to this. "What? No, Just.. what. What is going on!"

"...You, a Player in the Lilith Game, have bound my card to you?" The blond asks hesitantly. "And then summoned me for.. something?" You blink. "Lilith Game? Is their a camera crew around here? Damn it, Takashi, I analogized for that!"

"You don't have a clue, do you." She says tiredly. You blink, feeling her sudden depression in your mind. "And, oh, for another thing.." You say. "What's up with this sudden telepathic connection? I mean, I can feel you in my brain meats. This is not possible!"

"Right, utter beginner." She says to herself. "Well, master, this is how it was explained to me, so this is how I will explain it to you..."

"Once, great creatures made war with each other, aided by powerful elemental spirits and dragons and mortal minions and so on. However, these beings were immortal, so no side could claim final victory. And so one sage, who's name is lost to history, invented a way to seal his fallen foes into almost indestructible slips of parchment." She informs you as you feel her belief in the truth of this with every word she says, knowing that she isn't, and can't, lie to you. "Being as it was a giant advantage, everyone else soon stole it, and ancient gods and spirits were being sealed left and right. Eventually one by the name of Lilith was the last one standing, but her mortal servants backstabbed her in her weakness after the last battle. They also stole the secret of sealing fallen enemies, and soon started using it on each other as they fell into civil war over what to do next. No one won."

Interrupting, you say. "So, wait. Gods and demons are real, and the reason we don't see them any more is because they're all trapped in a card game?" Nodding, Mami agrees. "You have the gist of it, Master. To sum up the rest, the secret got scattered far and wide as loosers in that war fled before they could be given the final defeat and plotted to return and win later on. But other people stole the secret, being as it was very powerful, and soon it became the dominate, or at least most widely spread, system of magic on the world. For reasons no one ever bothered to explain to me, the culture of 'people who are in possession and make use of the magic cards' has become known as the Lilith Game in modern culture. Or at least it was last time I was out."

"Besides myself, their should have been a few other cards in the pack. If you focus on them for a moment, you should be able to understand what they do." She finishes up.

.."So, basically, my life is now a Shonen manga." You sum it up. "Eeeeh?" Huh, she looks cute when confused.

[ ] So, time to go look at those other cards she mentioned.
[ ] No, you aren't done, you want more explanations from her! (Write in for specific questions.)
[ ] Control. Right. Well, maybe you should test that? Prove that this isn't a joke. That you aren't simply drugged to make you think you have this telepathic thing.
[ ] Well, if she is serving you now.. maybe you should ask Mami about herself? (Write in for specific questions.)
[ ] How did she and those other cards end up here anyway?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] So, time to go look at those other cards she mentioned.
[X] How did she and those other cards end up here anyway?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] So, time to go look at those other cards she mentioned.
[X] How did she and those other cards end up here anyway?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] Control. Right. Well, maybe you should test that? Prove that this isn't a joke. That you aren't simply drugged to make you think you have this telepathic thing.
-- [X] Have her take off her panties and give them to you.
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] So, time to go look at those other cards she mentioned.
[X] How did she and those other cards end up here anyway?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] So, time to go look at those other cards she mentioned.
[X] How did she and those other cards end up here anyway?

Let's go thought the initiation quickly, so we can have yummy adventures in card land.
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] So, time to go look at those other cards she mentioned.
[X] How did she and those other cards end up here anyway?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

nick012000 said:
[X] Control. Right. Well, maybe you should test that? Prove that this isn't a joke. That you aren't simply drugged to make you think you have this telepathic thing.
-- [X] Have her take off her panties and give them to you.
This isn't just any girl in front of us. It's Mami Tomoe. If we're going to do something perverted, the only sensible choice is to give her breasts a squeeze.
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] So, time to go look at those other cards she mentioned.
[X] How did she and those other cards end up here anyway?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

(x) Worse, our life is now pokemon. Well, whatever, beautiful young girl at our beck and call. Can't be all bad.
(x) Accept with the grace of a young bocchama. Even if this is the most interesting thing to happen to you, ever. And you're just starting to get hormones. Maintain! Stay calm!

(x)Oh wait, here's a question: god, spirit or beast, which are you?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] So, time to go look at those other cards she mentioned.
[X] How did she and those other cards end up here anyway?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]


/trapped after being backstabbed by mortal servants/

q-q that is so fuckin cruel man! Poor Lilith...
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

Lilithium said:

/trapped after being backstabbed by mortal servants/

q-q that is so fuckin cruel man! Poor Lilith...
But do we even know the type of person this Lilith was? What if she earned her backstabbin'. What if they just generally didn't want all da supernatural power in the on berks hand who could have been anything from saintly saint to greek god?
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

(x) Worse, our life is now pokemon. Well, whatever, beautiful young girl at our beck and call. Can't be all bad.
(x) Accept with the grace of a young bocchama. Even if this is the most interesting thing to happen to you, ever. And you're just starting to get hormones. Maintain! Stay calm!

(x)Oh wait, here's a question: god, spirit or beast, which are you?
Post 2
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

Plan Biigoh: Biigoh, Darik29, Malcolmo, Jiven, Pipeman, minuseven, R.A.G.
[X] So, time to go look at those other cards she mentioned.
[X] How did she and those other cards end up here anyway?

Plan Nick: nick012000
Plan Guile: Guile, mc2rpg

Second Post now has card list and some data you know now.

Frowning, you look back down at the other cards in your hand. Right. Well, if one summoned a girl, what do the others do? Your eye catches on the one with a large cannon on it, and you try to focus on it. After all, she said it should be natur-- 「Smoke. Iron. Blood. The thundering guns. You can see it. You can hear it. The power.. of the Cannonade.

...After a few moments, you manage to blink the last of the gunsmoke out of your minds eye. Gah. That was.. Not expected.

Huh, you sat down on the wall while you were out. Don't remember doing that.. Hey, where did Mami go? Oh, there she is. Up on the tower in the middle of the roof. Considering how the link feels.. you think she's looking around at the landscape.

Well, one card down, lets see what the others do. Hum, Mind Ward or Dimension Key next.. Wait. How did you know there names?.. And you suddenly realize you now more then their names. You know what they do. How to use them. What kind of Card they are. How charged up they are...

Soul Anchor, Mind Ward, Dimension Key, Summon Cannonade, First Aid Kit.. Wait. First Aid Kit?..

Huh. That does look to be an old world war 2 first aid kit. One of the American ones, to be precise. How long have these cards been here, anyway?

Looking up to call Mami down, you see her land in front of you, guided by your desire that she return. "Master?"

"Tomoe.... How long have you been here, anyway? And how did you get here?" You ask. She sighs. "I do not know how long I have been here. To be sealed, but have no summoner.. It is a sleep that never ends, one without dreams or desires.. Simply a stasis, awaiting someone to awake us."

"As for how.. My master was loosing. Original master, I should say." She corrects herself. "I do not know the full story. When I was sealed he was already in a bad situation, and I was never one of those he discussed things with... But he plotted to survive, hide, and eventually return. But he would have to leave himself lightly burdened, and hard to track. And so, he left.. well, not just me, but several other deposits, I do not know how many or where, hidden so that he could reclaim them later."

"That you have sealed these cards as yours..." She shrugs. And then grins with... Huh. However pretty she looks when she smiles, that amount of malice is not attractive. "Dead or sealed. I don't know which, and I don't really care."

[ ] Wait, dead or 'sealed'? How does that work? I thought she said all the spirits and stuff were already sealed!
[ ] If she's now your minion, maybe you should learn a bit about her. (Write in for specific questions.)
[ ] So. You have a hot looking blond standing right in front of you, and she'll do whatever you say. Test that?
[ ] Lunch hour is getting kinda late. Maybe you should figure out how to unsummon Mami and continue this later?
[ ] Write in.
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] Wait, dead or 'sealed'? How does that work? I thought she said all the spirits and stuff were already sealed!
- - [X] Lunch hour is getting kinda late. Maybe you should figure out how to unsummon Mami and continue this later?
- - [X] Share your lunch with Mami. If shonen manga are anything to go by, this will help the two of you bond... or something...
- - - - [X] Unless you're in a seinin or ero manga... in which case, it'll be even nicer bonding with her...
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] Biigoh's plan

Slow beginning, before we do have fun with our girlz.
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] Wait, dead or 'sealed'? How does that work? I thought she said all the spirits and stuff were already sealed!
- - [X] Lunch hour is getting kinda late. Maybe you should figure out how to unsummon Mami and continue this later?
- - [X] Share your lunch with Mami. If shonen manga are anything to go by, this will help the two of you bond... or something...
- - - - [X] Unless you're in a seinin or ero manga... in which case, it'll be even nicer bonding with her...

This is going to end up in the NSFW forum before long at this rate.
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] Biigoh's plan
Re: Lilith Game [Orignal/CCG Quest]

[X] Biigoh's plan

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