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Lilith Game [Crossover/CCG Quest]

Horray, update!

[X] Cover? Why would you ever need something like that? You did it because you knew and liked them, not their contacts or species. You don't really care about things like 'clans' and 'prestige'.
-[X] Okay, so you know nothing about all this and just learned about magic a short while ago. Still doesn't change a thing.
[X] Admit that you don't have a clue what she's talking about. Beyond the obvious basics that is.
[X] Admit that you don't have a clue what she's talking about. Beyond the obvious basics that is.
-[X] "Just" kitsune? I'm new to this whole "magic" thing, but aren't there a bunch of legends about foxwives and stuff? Are they inaccurate or something?
[X] Cover? Why would you ever need something like that? You did it because you knew and liked them, not their contacts or species. You don't really care about things like 'clans' and 'prestige'.
[X]And? You're still cute girls in need. How could call myself a gentleman if I didn't try to help. Before your lives a cover is a meaningless thing.
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[X] Admit that you don't have a clue what she's talking about. Beyond the obvious basics that is.
[X] Admit that you don't have a clue what she's talking about. Beyond the obvious basics that is.
[X] Cover? Why would you ever need something like that? You did it because you knew and liked them, not their contacts or species. You don't really care about things like 'clans' and 'prestige'.
Fellgar said:
... Dude. At least wait until Xellos has put up a plan before you vote for it. ::)

Plan Xellos is the standard option 'Pretend you're Xellos'. That is, the 'Secret' option.
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[X] Cover? Why would you ever need something like that? You did it because you knew and liked them, not their contacts or species. You don't really care about things like 'clans' and 'prestige'.
-[X] Okay, so you know nothing about all this and just learned about magic a short while ago. Still doesn't change a thing.
[X] Cover? Why would you ever need something like that? You did it because you knew and liked them, not their contacts or species. You don't really care about things like 'clans' and 'prestige'.
-[X] Okay, so you know nothing about all this and just learned about magic a short while ago. Still doesn't change a thing.
Vindictus said:
Plan Xellos is the standard option 'Pretend you're Xellos'. That is, the 'Secret' option.

Except I've seen people with the username xellos. You see people voting for plans by name 50 times and see it again well.
Post 27
[X] Cover? Why would you ever need something like that? You did it because you knew and liked them, not their contacts or species. You don't really care about things like 'clans' and 'prestige'.

"Ooy!" You insert as you raise your hands up. "I don't have a clue what you're going on about."

There's a sudden awkward pause. "...No, really." You insist. "Here, let me tell you what has been happening in my life lately. I was off in my normal lunch spot, and then part of the wall disappeared. And in that hole, I found this." You slid the Mind Ward card out and place it on the table. "When I went looking for Kojoro, well, it seems to have worked?"

The pause is even more awkward now before Minori blanches. "Please tell me that's not a Lilith Game Card." You shake your head. "I could, but that would be a lie."

"....Gah?" That seems to be the relevant reaction. As well as twitching. "..I see.. Um.. Thank you for not forcefully carding us?"

You smile. "You're welcome. Even if we don't always get along, that would just be mean of me, and not being a random dick is something that I believe has important lifestyle improvement options."

"....Thoooooough." You continue after a much happier quiet moment. "If you do want to thank me, I really wouldn't mind a bit of 'Magic Thingies for Utter Newbs', if you get my meaning?"

"I can guess." Kojoro says, a ghost of the smile you saw on her face last time appearing. "I can also guess you don't even really know the questions you want to ask, if you did just find those damn things this week." You nod. "Prreeeety much."

"Well, in that case, let me enlighten you." Minori declares with her standard 'I get to lecture someone' smile. "It's the least I can do considering what you did for us."

"Now.. Where to start." She muses to herself for a moment before nodding. "I'm going to lend you a few books, as there's no way I can explain an entire secret history and society in just one sit down, but as for the basics.."

You ask, as she pauses to consider what the basics actually are. "So there actually is a 'Magic Community', not just people living in the mainstream society and using magic?"

Kojoro shrugs as her sister replies with "Yes and no."

"There's kind of a mix, you see." Minori continues. "People like me and my sister, we live in the world of science because, to be frank, it's safer that way. You saw it for yourself. The fey have only been out for a few days, and already those without enough magic to stand as equals to them suffer..."

"They say that guns made humans equal." Kojoro says softly. "If so, the world of mysteries has never had a 'gun'."

"The 'World of Mysteries'?" You interject. "Is that what most people call magical society?" The two of them nod at you. "And the World of Science is the name used for the modern world." Kojoto says softly.

"..And I've never thought of it that way, but my sister is right." Agrees Minori. "Magic... if guns are the great equalizers, then magic is the great unequalizer. No matter how long I live, no matter how wise I get.. My limits were set when I was born a Field Kitsune. Even pureblood humans.. Did you know that only one in a thousand, at best, can activate a Lilith Card? And of those, it's an even smaller amount that can support the effort easily, much less use more then one.."

Kojoro nods as she again looks down at the ground, half lost in memories. "I saw you.. just by what you used at that fairy party, you might literally be one in ten thousand or more.."

"The world of mysteries.." Minori concludes. "has always been the domain of tyrants. This is not an insult, for that is not to say that they are all innately evil or some foolish thing like that.."

"But," Kojoro tells you. "If you sent an army verses an archmage, you have good odds to get a dead army out of it."

Minori frowns. "To be fair, that's never been tested with a modern army.. but historically speaking.." She shrugs. "The powerful will rise to rule. This is the first law of the World of Mystery."

"Of course." Kojoro notes with a grin "That has been changing somewhat recently.. if the world of science has done one thing, it's that it's convinced lots of people that an world of equality is a good thing."

"Indeed." Minori agrees. "The world of mystery isn't one set culture either.. It's more of a set of areas of interest and control, rumors and influence in the bars and stores and halls of government."

"We live here because the 'modernists' faction of society pretty much control the campus." She continues, speaking bluntly. "To many college students who know at least one trick for any one person to be able to claim control of the whole thing, and the Magic Club has been a stronghold for the Equalists since the start."

"There's no secret handshake or real code of special laws here, in general, too." Kojoro adds. "Too many students who aren't part of the greater society enough to know one and yet who still practice anything between a single lucky charm for tests to some ancient family style of debatable power."

"Use your common sense and pretend that everyone has enforceable rights, and no lynch mobs show up, in short." Minori sums up. "If you leave here.. well, it'll depend on where you go. A lot of places just don't have anyone strong enough to enforce central control, or enough numbers to need special rules, but that's not all the places, and just because you aren't part of a faction or group won't keep them from going after you if you break their rules on their turf."

Things fall into a natural pause as the tea kettle goes off and they give you time to think about what they just said after that.

And now that you've had some time to think, you need to decide what to do next.

[ ] More Questions? (Choose Three max, please, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [ ] For 'Most places don't have enough numbers to need special magic governments' the campus sure has a lot of magical entities on it. Why is that?
--- [ ] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [ ] Is the fey breaking loose like this common or something? And why did they come back now?
--- [ ] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
--- [ ] So, like, why is magic a secret anyway if Archmagi are so powerful and stuff?
--- [ ] Some other question?
[ ] Just ask about fairy magic for those two girls who's hearts you have already.
[ ] Maybe Mami would like to hear this? You could ask if they mind if you call her out.. assuming you don't mind letting out who your current sole summon is.
[ ] Something else?
[X] Ask all the questions and hope the GM feels like writing another huge infodump?
(x) Want to work for me? I apparently have some decent talent in magic, at least enough to stand up to fae so you could get a decent patron to call on if in trouble... Though don't go looking for it please.
Pipeman, Happerry said 3 at max for now.

And Fellgar, perhaps we may want to learn more about all this and them before making that kind of proposal.

[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [X] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
--- [X] Ask about fairy magic for those two girls who's hearts you have already.

[X] Maybe Mami would like to hear this? You could ask if they mind if you call her out.. assuming you don't mind letting out who your current sole summon is.
[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [X] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
--- [X] Ask about fairy magic for those two girls who's hearts you have already.

[X] Maybe Mami would like to hear this? You could ask if they mind if you call her out.. assuming you don't mind letting out who your current sole summon is.

Sounds interesting, just here for voting until I catches up :)
[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, please, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] For 'Most places don't have enough numbers to need special magic governments' the campus sure has a lot of magical entities on it. Why is that?
--- [X] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
--- [X] So, like, why is magic a secret anyway if Archmagi are so powerful and stuff?

[X] Maybe Mami would like to hear this? You could ask if they mind if you call her out.. assuming you don't mind letting out who your current sole summon is.
Fair enough, though I'm not sure why Mami wouldn't count towards the three question limit, as well.
Mami listening as well doesn't change how much I have to write like another infodump subject does. Once we get enough of those, it becomes a struggle for me to write them all up and still make the post feel like a cohesive conversation. I spent far to long editing this update so I could read it without wincing at the run on lecturing instead of actually typing up some nice updateness.

As is, I still feel the MC was a bit too silent, but I got fed up and called it 'good enough'.

Also, the longer you spend talking the more likely it is that something will interrupt you. Like, say, someone checking in on Minori after her sister went missing?
I would have assumed Mami adds similar amounts of work, since you not only have to write how we're letting her out, but also have to involve her in the rest of the scene, though I suppose it's probably easier to add that sort of thing organically than infodumps would be.

[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, please, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] For 'Most places don't have enough numbers to need special magic governments' the campus sure has a lot of magical entities on it. Why is that?
--- [X] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
--- [X] So, like, why is magic a secret anyway if Archmagi are so powerful and stuff?

[X] Maybe Mami would like to hear this? You could ask if they mind if you call her out.. assuming you don't mind letting out who your current sole summon is.
[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [X] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
--- [X] Ask about fairy magic for those two girls who's hearts you have already.

[X] Maybe Mami would like to hear this? You could ask if they mind if you call her out.. assuming you don't mind letting out who your current sole summon is.
[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [X] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
--- [X] Ask about fairy magic for those two girls who's hearts you have already.

[X] Maybe Mami would like to hear this? You could ask if they mind if you call her out.. assuming you don't mind letting out who your current sole summon is.
[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [X] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
--- [X] Ask about fairy magic for those two girls who's hearts you have already.
X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [X] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
[X] For 'Most places don't have enough numbers to need special magic governments' the campus sure has a lot of magical entities on it. Why is that?
[ ] More Questions? (Choose Three max, please, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [ ] For 'Most places don't have enough numbers to need special magic governments' the campus sure has a lot of magical entities on it. Why is that?
--- [ ] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [ ] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [X] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
---- [X] Aren't there a bunch of legends about foxwives and stuff? How accurate are they?
--- [X] Ask about fairy magic for those two girls who's hearts you have already.

[X] Maybe Mami would like to hear this? You could ask if they mind if you call her out.. assuming you don't mind letting out who your current sole summon is.

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