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Lilith Game [Crossover/CCG Quest]

Post 28
At this point, any Foxwife comments are being treated as antivotes to any chances of collecting these two.

[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [X] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
--- [X] Ask about fairy magic for those two girls who's hearts you have already.

[X] Maybe Mami would like to hear this? You could ask if they mind if you call her out.. assuming you don't mind letting out who your current sole summon is.

Nodding to yourself as you take in the information, you come upon a sudden thought. "Before we continue.." You ask the two. "With the cards I have found comes a warrior who, while has had some dealings with those of the magical world, was sadly somewhat ignorant of the greater scheme. Would you mind if I allowed her to listen in as well?"

Glancing at each other, they find no reason to disagree with that idea. "If she wants to learn, more power to her." Minori notes.

"Good." You reply as you summon her. "Kojoro and Minori, this is Mami Tomoe. Mami, this is Kojoro and Minori." And thusly is the conversation put in further delay as the three of them introduce each other, and she and Minori find a mutual delight in tea. Eventually though, you are once again forced to interupt them. "While this is a lovely conversation, and I'll have to make sure that Mami gets a chance to continue this conversation.. I do have a few more questions." The two kitsune are told.

"Aaah.. Sorry." Minori apologies. "I just.. there's not many people who care about tea enough to hold a good conversation." From the way Kojoro is yawning, she shares your opinion on how interesting the conversation was.."Anyway, yes, more questions.."

"Sorry master.." Mami mutters embarrassed..

"It's ok." Her master says with a nod. "It's nice to see you actually enjoying yourself.."

"But." You utter, looking at the Kitsune.. "I notice you've been careful not to talk about how the Lilith Game is viewed around these parts, and I kind of have an interest in knowing, you know?"

They sigh and look at each other.. "You noticed.."

"...well, remember what we said about power?" Minori says after another longer moment of silence. "To be able to use the Lilith Game.. You have it. You probably have a lot of it. And.. Well, there's not good way to say this.." Kojoro interrupts here. "What my sister is trying to find a good way to say is that nine out of ten famous players are utter utter dicks."

Sighing, Minori admits the truth to that. "By the very way the game works, people willing to go out and hit other people until they can't resist being crammed into a card.. have a fairly large advantage over those who don't. While, yes, how many cards you can actually support isn't so easily ranged, the sheer varity is a powerful advantage."

Kojoro nods. "And even the ones who don't.. as my sister said you have power. The kind of power that means even if you never gain another card, if you choose to dive into the World of Mystery you will be Someone, no doubt about it."

"It doesn't help that.. well, I'm not actually sure of the right word.." Minori muses. "Maybe traditional? Well, it comes down to the fact that life extension magics are a thing. The World of Mystery has always been more conservative then the Mundane World because of that.."

Kojoro nods. "Old people die less, so they're still here to whine at people if you dare change the 'good old ways'. Only replace 'whine' with 'set on fire'."

Pausing for a moment she continues with. "..Honestly, things have been getting tense lately. To many new people who neither know or care about the old ways running into traditionalists who aren't willing to accept any lip..."

Mami frowns. "That doesn't sound good."

Minori rolls her eyes. "You could say that.."

"While interesting, we seem to have gotten a bit off subject.." You remind them. "..Right. Um, anyway.." Minori continues. "What it comes down to is that Lilith Game players have a shady reputation, and a reputation for overwhelming power."

"Nooot the best combo." Kojoro agrees. "I'd be careful about, well, admitting what you are. Not that you'll get a lynch mob or something, but you could get a lot of annoying attention if it becomes common knowledge.."

"A shady reputation is shady, after all." Minori finishes for her sister. "I've known you for a while.. and to be bluntly honest, you could have just carded my sister and never mentioned you actually found her to me... if you didn't just card me too. I'm pretty sure that means I don't have to worry about you going on a power trip and trying to take over the campus.. But the fact is that people have gone on power trips and tried to take over whatever campus they were on."

Nodding, you glance at Mami for a second as you both consider that. "Master." She says. "Perhaps we should continue to keep quiet about this.." Nodding, you agree. "Seems wise to me."

"Anyway." Minori says. "Any more questions while were here? Honestly, I'm kinda surprised that no one has come to check up on me yet.. They did know my sister had gone missing..."

Frowning at those memories, our hero searches for a quick change of subject. "Come to think of it, what did you mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans', anyway?"

They glance awkwardly at one another, in an unspoken argument over who actually has to answer that. Eventually, Minori sighs in defeat once her sister makes big solemn eyes and shamelessly exploits her recent captivity. "Well.. you know how in folklore Kitsune were actual foxes?" She says in an embarrassed voice. "And you've noticed how we're.. well, not?"

"About.. oh, three, four hundred years ago, an Archmage by the name of Kazuo Yoshida... His formal title was 'He Who Broke The Sky', if that matters, decided that the original linage of spirit blessed actual foxes had potential.. so he kidnapped them all. And did a breeding program." She continues. "People like me and my sister.. we're the more human result."

Looking sadly down at her tea, Minori sips it for a moment before she gives a bit more info. "The so called high clans... they were the finished product.. Me and my sister.. The Low Clans is just a catch all term for all us cast offs. The also rans.."

"..They get all the attention because, well, they have the impressive magical powers." Kojoro interjects bitterly. "Me and my sister? Cantrips at the best. No matter how strong we are, we just can't handle any greater powerflow beyond a few minor tricks literally built into us."

"Product is the right word." Minori says savagely. "He sold off a lot of us to settle one debt or another. Why not? It's not like any of us could do anything to stop him after all... And then he died, and no one else managed to get us tied back down. I just wish I knew who did the deed.."

Kojoro sighs sadly and pats her sister. Mami just.. looks sad. Must be waking up memories.. Just how much was a bastard was her old owner, anyway? She did manage to avoid getting specific about what he did..

Deciding to change the subject though, as this is getting.. well, into areas you don't want to think about to much yet, you give it a moment and then let out an attention getting cough. "Speaking of 'Own', your sister isn't the only one I.. managed to find in the fey party. On the other hand, your sister was the only one without having.." You pull out the heartstones and show them to the sisters. "Well, this being attached to her. They called them Heartstones..."

Minori spits her tea out. "WHat?" She says with a start, strangling the yell she begin with as she barely avoids choking on her drink. "Are you sure about that." Kojoro speaks for you. "That was what they called them.. why?"

Minori puts her face in her hands and breaths heavily. "Because.. Because they should be treaty bound, regardless of their access to this campus, not to use them on any mortal native to this area. If they can... Mikogami, thank you for showing me those, but I don't know how much I can help, especially if you want to keep your role in getting them quiet. But I'll see what I can find out.."

She really really looks afraid at this news. That probably isn't good..

[ ] More Questions?
--- [ ] For 'Most places don't have enough numbers to need special magic governments' the campus sure has a lot of magical entities on it. Why is that?
--- [ ] So what does magic society as a whole think of the Lilith Game, anyway? They've seemingly made a point of not bringing that up so far...
--- [ ] Is the fey breaking loose like this common or something? And why did they come back now?
--- [ ] Speaking of magical entities, what did she mean by 'Just Kitsune after all, and not even of the high clans'?
--- [ ] So, like, why is magic a secret anyway if Archmagi are so powerful and stuff?
[ ] Just ask about fairy magic for those two girls who's hearts you have already.
[ ] Maybe Mami would like to hear this? You could ask if they mind if you call her out.. assuming you don't mind letting out who your current sole summon is.

[ ] This conversation has been.. enlightening. Perhaps you have something else to ask her, about what you have just learned?
So, yes, as Minori said.. someone else is probably going to want to check on her sometime.. The more questions you ask, the more likely someone else will show up..
And really, if this has given you more questions feel free to ask them.. I'm not going to spoon feed you more questions in this session.. decide what is important to learn about yourselves.. this is a game about discovery as much as anything else, after all.
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[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, please, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] Any way to tell if someone's been carded?
[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, please, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] Any way to tell if someone's been carded?
--- [X] What are heartstones?
Why magic is secret may be somewhat interesting, but it's ultimately not important.
Regardless of whether it is because magical beings prefer humanity to be unaware and easy prey, humanity may actually be a threat if they were aware, there is a Nasuesque requirement to keep magic secret for it to function, or people are simply aware that the sheer number of humans ensures that there are several thousand archmage class talents out there and noone wants them to come into their power.
Unless we intend to change the secrecy status, we don't really care and we don't want to change the secrecy status, because all the bigwigs are averse to change and we are still squishy.
[X] More Questions? (Choose Three max, please, for the sake of my sanity and post sizes.)
--- [X] Any way to tell if someone's been carded?
--- [X] What are heartstones?
I will also note that to encourage people to think up questions I've taken the hard limit of three off, since people seem to be copy pasting from the version that had that limit. (Of course, the longer you talk the more chance someone else shows up, but having the question on the list will have the character wanting to look it up/ask later when he gets a chance..)
Personally, heartstones sounds like bad stuff, so it would be a good idea to know more about them and how to handle them, especially since we don't want to accidentally harm those girls.

Knowing if someone was carded sounds nice, but I'm not expecting much of a tell, frankly.
Serous said:
Personally, heartstones sounds like bad stuff, so it would be a good idea to know more about them and how to handle them, especially since we don't want to accidentally harm those girls.

Knowing if someone was carded sounds nice, but I'm not expecting much of a tell, frankly.
To be honest I'd already appreciate to confirmation that people won't be tell with a glance at Mami that a Lilith Game player is around.
[X]Is there any way to de-heartstone someone?
-[X]Heads up, the fairies didn't seem at all furtive about "collaring" their victims.
-[X]How does this heartstone thing work, anyway?

[X]Ask the remaining listed questions if there's time, or look them up later if there is not.
-[X]Additional questions include:
-[X]The Magic Club seems cool. Would they let us join without telling them what kind of magic we can do?
-[X]How likely is the Magic Club to believe that we're one of the rare non-asshole Lilith Game Card users?
-[X]Is there a way to detect if someone is a Lilith Game summon? IE can someone tell what we are by looking at Mami, and is there a way for us to detect more ordinary Lilith Gamers before they card someone or shank us for our cards?
-[X]How do the cards with inherently magical abilities (like our mental ward, dimensional key thing, and the Soul Gem) we have compare to similar effects?

I'm also interested to know about the possibility of carding the fairyland we spent the party in, but asking about it would needlessly alarm the twins.
[X]Is there any way to de-heartstone someone?
-[X]Heads up, the fairies didn't seem at all furtive about "collaring" their victims.
-[X]How does this heartstone thing work, anyway?
[X]Is there any way to de-heartstone someone?
-[X]Heads up, the fairies didn't seem at all furtive about "collaring" their victims.
-[X]How does this heartstone thing work, anyway?

[X]Ask the remaining listed questions if there's time, or look them up later if there is not.
-[X]Additional questions include:
-[X]The Magic Club seems cool. Would they let us join without telling them what kind of magic we can do?
-[X]How likely is the Magic Club to believe that we're one of the rare non-asshole Lilith Game Card users?
-[X]Is there a way to detect if someone is a Lilith Game summon? IE can someone tell what we are by looking at Mami, and is there a way for us to detect more ordinary Lilith Gamers before they card someone or shank us for our cards?
-[X]How do the cards with inherently magical abilities (like our mental ward, dimensional key thing, and the Soul Gem) we have compare to similar effects?
[X] More Questions?
--- [X] Any way to tell if someone's been carded?
--- [X] What are heartstones?
[X] More Questions?
--- [X] Any way to tell if someone's been carded?
--- [X] What are heartstones?
I think knowing why magic is secret may be important.
Post 29
[X] More Questions?
--- [X] Any way to tell if someone's been carded?
--- [X] What are heartstones?
--- [X] Heads up, the fairies didn't seem at all furtive about "collaring" their victims.

"Understandable.." You admit with a nod. "Though speaking of help, just to make sure, people can't just look at Mami and go 'oh hey someone who got carded or anything, right?"

Minori might still be resting her face in her hands, but she still manages to shake her head. "No. Not casually, at least. Sufficiently high quality active scanning effects might be able to, but if you've got someone to hit you with those anyway.."

Considering that for a moment, you have to shrug. It is true, after all, if people get suspicious enough to start actively waving sensory effects directly at you, they're probably going to find something...

"Alright then, that is a relief.. As fair warning however, the Fey.. weren't seeming to be treating the whole heartstone thing as anything unusual, so.. take that for whatever it means." Kojoro sighs. "Wonderful. Right, thanks for telling us.."

Smilling, you wave it off. "No worries.. I live here too after all. Though speaking of heartstones.. what are they, anyway?"

Mami stirs. "They looked.. Master, remember my anchor?"

You double take as you realize that those things do look a lot like the image on the Soul Anchor card, stylistically speaking. "Oh my."

Minori frowns. "While I don't know what that means, I can tell you that heartstone's are, as far as I know.. a crystallized bit of the 'donator's' soul. An important bit, that offers you.. much influence over whoever it is even if you don't know any control spells to key to it. They are.. not good news at all."

"I'll have to agree on that.." You say. "Well, I do hope this is taken care of soon, but.. Honestly, you two probably could use some more time together, and I want to get out of here before anyone else shows up. As such, I'll leave you two to share the bad news while I vanish like a ninja."

Kojoro nods, her hand going to hold her sisters. "..Yah.. And.. Thank you for getting me out and not keeping me.. We owe you.. So.. thank you again. If you need something.."

You nod. "I'll remember that, even if I hope I won't ever need it.." As Mami returns to being a card and you pocket her.

Leaving the room, and leaving the sisters to do.. whatever sisters do together after one almost gets kidnapped by the fey (And just in time as you see another supervisor type person heading in the direction of Minori's room..), you return to your room.

Now, what did you want to do next again.. Right, the Bottle Fey.

And so, after locking your door, you get the nine bottled very minor fairies and set them on your table.. You know, you could just card them all, you realise. They count as belonging to you right now, and you can probably just threaten them into not resisting.. But do you really want to do that?

[ ] No, you should talk to them. Willing allies/minions that aren't limited by your ability to summon them from the cards could be very useful.
- [ ] Topic?
[ ] Just card the lot of them, it'll be simpler.
[X] No, you should talk to them. Willing allies/minions that aren't limited by your ability to summon them from the cards could be very useful.
-[X] Learn who they are and present yourself.
-[X] How they got caught.
-[X] If they're going to make your life hell should you let them out. Tell them you don't like keeping someone trapped, but you did get warned about the kind of mischief they can get up to.
[X] No, you should talk to them. Willing allies/minions that aren't limited by your ability to summon them from the cards could be very useful.
-[X] Do you have TV and videogames? If they might get mischievous, see if you can at least get them interested in something that can keep them occupied that doesn't involve malevolent practical jokes on real people. Make small talk through the bottles while you play a videogame, maybe, and poll them for advice sometimes? Not that character choices have a whole lot of impact on branching stories or anything these days, of course.

As far as carding the wee fae goes, on a scale of 'why am I doing this', it leans kind of close to 'Because I can'. And that's probably not a good thing.
[X] Teach the Faeries how to code video games.

Sorry, can't resist.
[X] No, you should talk to them. Willing allies/minions that aren't limited by your ability to summon them from the cards could be very useful.
-[X] Do you have TV and videogames? If they might get mischievous, see if you can at least get them interested in something that can keep them occupied that doesn't involve malevolent practical jokes on real people. Make small talk through the bottles while you play a videogame, maybe, and poll them for advice sometimes? Not that character choices have a whole lot of impact on branching stories or anything these days, of course.
[X] Just card the lot of them, it'll be simpler.

Fey are obsessed with hierarchy IIRC they'll run off at the first chance in order to be at the bottom of a faerie court pecking Order.
We don't want to play too much of a nice guy, though. How will we get one of every set otherwise?
[X] Just card the lot of them, it'll be simpler.
[X] Just card the lot of them, it'll be simpler.
They are mooks.
[X] Just card the lot of them, it'll be simpler.
[X] No, you should talk to them. Willing allies/minions that aren't limited by your ability to summon them from the cards could be very useful.
-[X] Do you have TV and videogames? If they might get mischievous, see if you can at least get them interested in something that can keep them occupied that doesn't involve malevolent practical jokes on real people. Make small talk through the bottles while you play a videogame, maybe, and poll them for advice sometimes? Not that character choices have a whole lot of impact on branching stories or anything these days, of course.
Yay, update! :D

[X] No, you should talk to them. Willing allies/minions that aren't limited by your ability to summon them from the cards could be very useful.

I don't want to become the guy that resorts to magical slavery just because it's more convenient.
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