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Lilith Game [Crossover/CCG Quest]

Carrnage said:
[X] Just card the lot of them, it'll be simpler.

Fey are obsessed with hierarchy IIRC they'll run off at the first chance in order to be at the bottom of a faerie court pecking Order.
...Did you even bother to read the previous updates? You were specifically told in character that a big reason they'd want to stay was so that they wouldn't be on the bottom of a normal fey hierarchy, because you have less minions to kick them around.
[X] No, you should talk to them. Willing allies/minions that aren't limited by your ability to summon them from the cards could be very useful.
-[X] Do you have TV and videogames? If they might get mischievous, see if you can at least get them interested in something that can keep them occupied that doesn't involve malevolent practical jokes on real people. Make small talk through the bottles while you play a videogame, maybe, and poll them for advice sometimes? Not that character choices have a whole lot of impact on branching stories or anything these days, of course.

Does it make me a horrible person that the main reason I'm going with this is that I don't want to spend a card on them and want to minimize the ways to identify us as a Lilith Game player?
[X] No, you should talk to them. Willing allies/minions that aren't limited by your ability to summon them from the cards could be very useful.
- [X] Topic? Loyalty, and their interest in becoming members of your new hierarchy.

Minions that you can use without worrying about not being able to wield other cards from your deck could be useful. Unobtrusive but willing minions is also good match for a newbie who has more power than he knows how to use when there are probably more than a few locals that would love to take him as their own powerful minion.
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Post 30
[X] No, you should talk to them. Willing allies/minions that aren't limited by your ability to summon them from the cards could be very useful.
-[X] Do you have TV and videogames? If they might get mischievous, see if you can at least get them interested in something that can keep them occupied that doesn't involve malevolent practical jokes on real people. Make small talk through the bottles while you play a videogame, maybe, and poll them for advice sometimes? Not that character choices have a whole lot of impact on branching stories or anything these days, of course.

Looking at the lesser fey, the blank card in your possession seems to pulse hungrily at the thought of carding. Your hand is already almost to your pocket before you catch yourself. No. Carding someone.. Some people just because you can.. You don't want to go down that path. That is the path of cheesy supervillainism and being horribly beaten up by heroes.

You'll take another path. To be precise.. Looking down at the fairy that all the other ones seem to be glancing at nervously, you ask.. "So, what are your names, anyway?"

The fairy seems to take a deep breath. Well, you think so. She's a bit small, so its hard to tell. "My name is Fara, Master." You raise an eyebrow. "Calling me master already? We haven't even talked about working.." Now she looks scared. "You're.. going to just dump us?"

Blinking, you shake your head. "No.. But really, the first time I met any fey was at the party I.. well, won you all at. I wanted to talk to you about what was going to happen, so it was a little surprising to have you go immediately for the M word."

She nods. "Well.. You did win us. And you're important enough, or powerful enough, that Lord Glitterpuff was willing to deal with you. Besides, if we did run away, where would we go? This isn't our native court, and we have no allies here... and from what it sounds like, the locals are pretty up in arms right now. You're human. You don't have minions yet, besides the scary blond. That's a good opportunity."

"Fair enough." You accept. "So, if you all did work for me, what would you actually do?"

Fara smiles. "Well, besides the fact that most ungifted mortals can't see, us, making us useful guards, watchers, scouts, spies, and messengers? We're also a source of fairy dust, several of us have skills as basic lab assistants, and since you seem to be new at this we do know basic lore about.. well most subjects. You'd be amazed at what people will gossip about when they can't see you.."

Grinning yourself, you nod. "All of that sounds quite useful, I must admit, but let's put that 'give advice' thing to the test. You see, here I have this top of the line gaming machine, and over here, I have this nice top of the line game. I shall now play the game, and you shall advise me in playing it. Sound good?"

After some glancing at each other and shrugging, they give their general agreement.

They.. well, they give sensible sounding advise.. but most of them seem to be running on some really strange misunderstandings of how games like this actually, well, work. Only Fara, and another fairy who calls herself Coda, seem to actually understand it.. And therefor are the only ones who give good advice Still, they're good at making you giggle, and none of them seem outright like idiots or suffer from any immediately obvious personality flaws, so.. well, good enough, you guess?

Of course, now that you've decided to let them out and not card them, you'll need to figure out some living arrangements.. for now you've just left a drawer open, with an old towel covering the bottem and some smaller cloths for blankets or whatever, but.. well, you'd be ashamed to have any minion living like that for long.

Afterwards though, looking at the clock.. wow, you spent almost all morning on this! It's pretty much noon. You really need to get around to talking to Junko and the other girl, whatever her name is, soon.. Picking up their heartstones, you give the hows a few moments of thought.

[ ] Give them the urge to come to you? Probably easily doable, but do you really want to have them show up at your place? The easiest on you over the short term though..
[ ] Meet them at the cafeteria. Everyone needs lunch, right? It'd be easy to give them the unbreakable impulse to meet you there..
[ ] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..

And speaking of the lesser fey, should you take Fara (She seems to be the boss of the group), and maybe one or two more with you? It would let them get a better look at the campus, and they might prove useful, but do you really want to risk being seen with them? For that matter, is being seen with them a bad thing?
[ ] Take some with you.
[ ] Leave them behind.
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something.

No abusing the fragment of there souls to make life easier. Better to continue as we started out, desiring to return to them there souls, than get caught up in doing nasty things. Also

[X] Take some with you.

They are our minions fair and square, and we want to make sure people Know they're our minions so they don't get killed by angry locals. And also we need to show them the school, so they know stuff about it for later. And lastly, hiding is Not going to work much longer. Going to need something that outs us as supernatural without being blatant as to what we are, our new minions are perfect for this task.

And they can help us find our two servants who we will be releasing as soon as possible.
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..

And of course, if we go that way, then the other is pretty much automatic.

[X] Take some with you.

May as well give the fey a test run, see how they handle themselves.
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..

[X] Take some with you.

That we have the fey is honestly not giving that much away, except that we were there in the first place.
Considering how many other students have been playing there one guy getting out of there with a net plus shouldn't be too surprising.
I guess someone looking for the place themselves might approach us, but in that case we can just tell them what we know and get on with our life.
Now that I think about it, it may tip people off that we have the girls' heartstones though, but if someone comes to the conclusion that someone has their heartstones, we're pretty high on the list of suspects anyways, what with coming into contact with them shortly after their visit to fairy land.
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..
[X] Take some with you.
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..

[X] Take some with you.
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..
[X] Take some with you.

Even apart from the main things that others have mentioned, getting seen trying to return peoples' souls while showing other signs of having been in the place to recover them is a perfectly fine introduction to the local supernatural community.
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..
[X] Take some with you.

Maybe we should go buy a dollhouse for the faeries later?
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..
[X] Take some with you.
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..
[X] Take some with you.
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..
[X] Take some with you.
[X] Give them the urge to come to you? Probably easily doable, but do you really want to have them show up at your place? The easiest on you over the short term though..

I wanna be evil.
[X] But still, that would be using their heartstones to force them to do stuff. Much more polite to use said stones to go hunt them down yourselves, the manual way. Maybe the lesser fey could be useful for this? It might take you some time indeed though, and if they've got caught up in something..
[X] Take some with you.
emeralis00 said:
[ ] Give them the urge to come to you? Probably easily doable, but do you really want to have them show up at your place? The easiest on you over the short term though..

I wanna be evil.
I think you need to put an X in those brackets to get it counted by the vote script.

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