De Exodo Dimensioni
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Chapter 59: De Exodo Dimensioni
I had been partly aware of what has been happening in the Underworld while on the run.
Mostly because I was morbidly intrigued by what reaction the entirety of Hell would assume about what had happened back in Kuoh, a minority was about knowing what kind of dangers I would have ended up facing if I didn't move quickly enough out of Japan.
There were brutal words directed at me, the full story barred from people's knowledge as only the crimes were mentioned.
There was no interest in giving out a 'humane' perspective over my actions, possibly because the Satans were aware of the dangerous threat I was and that the required help would have needed the whole Underworld united against me.
A mobilization ensued, some of the greater Lords calling their banners by drafting new blood to their ranks and making sure to swear loyalty to the Four- now Three- Satans.
And while the majority of the Hellish denizens craved for a quick attack against me, as a mean to properly end this 'terrible monster', a full month had passed without any attempt to bring the troops outside of the Underworld.
Confusion stirred, anger still bubbling as, without the proper target nearby, was slowly redirected to the leaders that got them all ready for a war and… the reason behind such a passive and hesitant demeanor was fairly simple as foolish.
If even a single soldier of Hell marched outside of the marked lands, Heaven would have declared war against the 'invading force'. To think that the messy diplomacy that still lived after so many centuries of peace would actually ease up my escape and render impossible any chance for an alliance between the two opposing factions…
Michael was never the best person to rule, his mind too centered around the precepts of a flawed God with a sprinkle of an Inferiority Complex.
A fool, there was no denial after the display or… lack of proper response to my attack.
Heaven was by no means unbeatable and the only thing that a smart guy would have done in his situation would have been… delay.
Delay and evacuate.
People died, people that had to get directly attacked and removed from my path to reach the end of this twisted and psychotic nightmare.
Grigori actively hunted me down during my month-long escape, but the lack of powerful fighters to spare all around the organization ended up causing just a few of those to come close to where I was hiding temporarily during my run.
Then when they got really close in New York, capturing me and all, the skyscraper became a grand grave for those that tried to kill me in that occasion.
The situation also brought attention to the surreal presence of strange DNA in the remaining husk of the building, the news blasting with theories, people 'coming forward' about some details of the supernatural world and the Church was trying and failing to keep up with the downfall of its own foundation.
Normal humans were finally noticing that something odd was going on around them, causing further issues with all those factions, from Christianity and other Pantheons, about the fall of the 'tricky' curtain between the Deities and the mortals blissfully unaware of what was going on in the backstage of the world.
And while both Grigori and Heaven suffered from the recent attempts to take my life, Hell was collapsing upon itself.
A month was more than enough to make people cautious and paranoid about their closest kin. Hesitation, doubts, and panic all played horrible cards to the leaders of Hell as a full-fledged Civil War exploded two weeks in during my 'pilgrimage'.
Initially, it was just some conflicts between a family or two. Then the small fire started to burn brighter than expected as society fragmented in numerous groups, cliques formed by Lords and Ladies tired of the current leadership Hell was 'enduring' after years of stagnating peace.
War erupted, but the participants were all within the Underworld itself.
The entire territory was split in zones of influence, with constant raids between a zone and another.
People were dying, innocents were dying as the world- no, the entire reality registered its first contraction.
I felt it the moment I blasted through the massive walls that led within the initial section of Hell. I paused just a moment, my whole body tensing up in dread at the effects and the… magnitude of this phenomenon.
It's happening far earlier than planned!
I needed to move quickly, even if I had to redo the same atrocities perpetrated within the pearly kingdom.
Just as I returned to look at the hole created, I was greeted by a full platoon of red-armored knights sporting some flags with a familiar purple flower.
I blinked. "The Bael Clan?" I mused vocally, the knights bending the knee and causing me to blink in surprise.
"That's correct, milord." Zekram Bael descended from the sky moments later, behind him his son, Lord Bael, and his grandchild, Sairaorg.
Both father and son bowed, leaving just the young man standing up and staring fiercely at me.
There was shock and embarrassment in Zerkam's face, the founder of the Clan and Lucifer's trusted loyalist seeming ready to murder his grandson the moment he ignored the respectful gesture.
The old man was prim and proper, like the memories of Lucifer reminded me.
"Zeks, you look old." I mirthfully commented, causing the elder to glance back at me with wide-eyes.
He started to vibrate a little, excited by the fact he was finally greeting his Creator.
"M-Milord! Y-You are back!"
"Partly and… things are escalating to an ugly situation for everyone." I replied with a serious but kind tone, the same one Heliel would use to talk with his 'children'. "The dimension is destabilizing the more time passes…"
"T-That- What is happening, milord?" Zekram finally asked, a panicked expression in his face.
I could remember giving him some explanation about a pseudo-loop, nothing too revealing but it was also something that got him even more loyal to the King of the Underworld.
"The reset is not working anymore." I commented with cold tone. "The cycle has to be broken."
He blinked once, then twice, and then the man bowed again. "If this is your command, milords-"
"Hoitsu Sakakibara." Sairaorg spoke loudly, his booming voice being… interesting to hear this closely. "I demand you explain what happened in Kuoh Town."
I sighed, noticing the burning scowl now hanging by the elder's face and decided to intervene before causing further distractions. "And I shall explain. I think everyone in the Clan and those that wishes to follow me has the right for a proper explanation."
I looked up in the sky and I nodded to myself. "But we need to get going. The timer is ticking and I've to reach Trihexa's containment chambers." I muttered, dragonic wings sprouting from my back as I took the lead in the flight.
Some tensed up at the mere mentioning of the Dragon of the Apocalypse, but they all followed my example and, after unfolding their wings, started to follow me towards the deeper parts of Hell.
"T-The Beast of the End?" Zekram's son asked bluntly, surprise painting his tone. "M-Milord, I k-know that the situation is terrible but-"
"Trihexa is part of the 'old' Lucifer." I replied with a tired tone. "It's essential to recover it, something I shall do alone and personally as the situation is that terrible."
Then I turned to Sairaorg. "And I think it's time to also address your concerns. Concerns I'm sure others are feeling right now for the cause they are following."
The Heir of the Bael Clan merely nodded and I started to explain things… from the very beginning.
There wasn't any time to waste in subtlety, the world was dying and if this was the only help I had to divert the obstacles away, then I will make sure to not have any world-shattering revelation spoilered during a fight.
From the original idea behind the loops to the fall of the First Lucifer. From the end of the First Trihexa to the beginning of this damaged route.
The knights were horrified by the tale, while the three 'heads' of the Bael Clan looked merely shocked by the intense narration, the emotions that dripped from every word leaving my lips.
There were hardly any questions during the flight as the story itself took much of their attention.
Still, I detected something strange. While part of Hell was still fighting with the brutality reported by the spies in there, the area we were slowly making ourselves way into was… growing ever so silent the more we flied towards it.
This silence was… familiar. It reminded me of… death.
I blinked as I suddenly felt the terrifying pulse of energy standing right between us and the containment chambers.
My sight locked onto a silent figure, several pieces of clothing lying wasted around her.
I felt nervous, I felt danger coming right at u-
There were hardly any questions during the flight- Wait, did I just reset!?
I blinked and suddenly I remembered what happened.
"Everyone dive down!" The unexpected order caused surprise at the group following my lead, but they all followed me down as…
I saw it, the normal-looking girl with dark-haired combed in a pony-tail. She blitzed right where we once where, halting a moment as her black eyes widened in surprise at the lack of people around her.
Lilith, or whatever that thing was, turned her attention slowly right at me.
The girl blinked, her energy pattern far greater than Ophis or… anyone in this reality.
It was close to mine, the sudden death that I suffered being caused by the immensely powerful strike she used.
Her surprise was divided between the fact we dodged that attack and because she was possibly feeling the strain of that burst of energy.
She rushed down, I moved away and… forgot completely about the group behind me.
The following energy strike was weaker compared to the first one, but it was strong enough to fully vaporize the leaders of the Bael Clan.
My eyes widened in shock, she blinked again and glanced back at me… this time smiling giddily.
"Tag!" The word that was meant to refer to the children's game brought cold dread to my poor soul as I had to dive once more down to avoid the playful blur of utter doom.
Once I was in a 'safe' distance, I decided to throw a powerful blast of raw energy at her and… she deflected it easily. My jaws dropped, the giggling enemy showing more of her dangerous abilities.
I- I have to hit harder then!
I decided to avoid using energy-based attacks, getting closer to the smiling girl, I promptly punched her straight in her face and- "Owie! That was mean!"
If only she could understand that this wasn't JUST A FUCKING GAME!
I roared and decked her in the neck, a surprised look born by the brief pain was soon replaced by a mirthful grin as she reacted by kicking me in the stomach. "Let's fight, Niichan!"
My consciousness faded just a moment at the nickname, my eyes flashing red as I started to realize that this situation was worse than expected.
Everything clicked now about why Lilith of all people was capable of matching up against me.
There were clothes that were once worn by people. People that were alive just moments before I arrived.
There were armors, maid clothes, civilian robes… and I saw a Magical Girl-like dress too.
This was supposedly the part where the Satans were keen to hole up in case of crisis and… Rizevim knew about his plans.
Without Azrael to stop him and without the loop happening as it should regularly happen, the man was surely aware about my necessity to reach Trihexa and…
This Lilith had Ophis, Rizevim, Euclid, Issei, Sirzechs, Falbium, Serafall, Grayfia… and many others within herself.
I can see how the leader of Qlippoth tried to use Lilith as a replacement for me, trying to recreate a proto-Trihexa capable of absorbing the one currently contained… but ended up messing things to a terrible degree.
The first contraction of this dimension had to have sparked Lilith's self-preservation mechanism, the inner dragon-like instincts flaring at the massive danger and urged her to… get stronger.
I was shocked at the speed exercised in the absorption of so many beings but… here she was.
*Lilith wants to play!
She giggled again, her first punch easily dodged and forcing her to attack even faster than before. Of course she was weaker than me but the distance was… minimal compared to others.
In this scenario, I felt close to really lose against someone.
It was in the following exchange of blows that something even scarier happened.
My fist slammed into hers and… something cracked.
It wasn't my hand, nor hers. It wasn't Hell and not even Earth.
Reality cracked once more!
I felt panic surging as my attacks intensified, same for Lilith as her eagerness pushed her further.
This… this has to end now!
If the girl had this much energy… then it was more than right to use it against her.
I slammed a fist on her chest, getting two punches in my face in the process, then I landed another punch, this one in her left-side ribs. Finally, I drove my closed palm in her stomach, causing her to retaliate with a powerful kick.
I was sent flying away, denying myself any recovery as I exploited the distance created by the attack to set my plan in motion without drawing any suspicions.
Lilith giggled again, prepping herself to rush once more towards me but-
"G-Gah!?" Her hands shoot protectively at her chest. Agonizing pain visible in her face as she started to sob uncontrollably, her entire body trembling.
I blinked, my mind now emptied by any chance of redemption as I knew this was going to be my last kill.
I lifted my open palm up. "The fun is over Lilith." I stated with a blank tone and then… I snapped my fingers.
She didn't have any possibility of reply to my words, her entire body turning a bright white and then… a soundless explosion ripped me away from the 'vicinity'.
I blinked, recoiling at the blast as I slammed just in time against… Trihexa's seals.
The painful pushback of the powerful centuries-old runes was enough to make me land on the ground with a painful and crunchy thud and… make me doubt about being able to do much after… this.
I crawled for a while towards the runes before actually attempting to wobble myself towards the large chambers. I paused just a meter or so away from the seals and sighed.
"In the beginning, there was darkness. God wanted Light… but Darkness brought balance. In the end… Darkness brings Light and the world shall be made ablaze."
The seals glowed a dark-red, burning themselves as the containment spells were lifted off from the grounds and… a familiar roar echoed vengefully from the large pit.
I sighed and stared down in the abyss.
The abyss stared back, a toothed grin sported by Trihexa sending chills down my spine.
"And this is how things… will end." I blinked and slowly fell in that seemingly endless pit.
The Dragon roared again, flapping his thousands of wings at once as if craving hungrily for its first taste of freedom after so many years of being contained.
But it was all for nothing as… confusion riddled Trihexa the moment it stared at… itself.
The 'copy' looked shocked too and the simple mortal, the human that was now between the two Beasts, started to swiftly chant several incantations.
And while the two identical creatures were mesmerized by their own appearances, their own energy pools and their hunger…
I smiled with a guilty smile concluding the incantation and… I started to draw both Trihexas' energies.
The powerful sources were already collapsing. It was well-known that two beings of identical and equal presence within the same universe were bent to collapse reality without hesitation.
But with their mindless consciousness being the first thing to fade, the energy was easy to manipulate, to use for the last Reset ability in Lucifer's repertoire.
Something the bastard himself wouldn't even dare to make use of because… it was too dangerous and required too much energy.
Energy that I had with the two Trihexas dying just near enough to me to make this possible.
"Last Encore: Final Reset."
Four words. Four simple words and the entire dimension… collapsed.
I felt pushed in a small space, air forcefully ejected from my lungs as I started to be slammed left and right in an endless darkness where only I was visible.
I didn't have air to scream, nor to properly think and move as I was pulled away from the dying mess that was reality and… sent careening in the next one.
I blinked, my vision fading between unconsciousness and… being alive while I was flung to the next… step of my final adventure.
If only I had knew that Dimension-hopping was this much… painful…
An eternity later and with a tired mind and body, I greeted the approaching cemented floor with the same familiarity one has for… a friend.
I crash-landed in some alley, my face painfully burning as I saw blood spurting out of my new… wounds?
Oh… I don't have Trihexa anymore and I should be worried by… this.
I felt footsteps approaching, but my eyes were too tired to be able to discern the approaching shadows.
The only thing that I know is… that whoever found me was a… woman?
And with this the first section of Broken Trickster DxD is… completed!
But I can say right now that… the show is far from over. Since yesterday I forgot to update, either today or tomorrow I will have an extra chapter!
But for now, since I'm feeling rather… inspired by Oneshots, I think I will write a…
Omake 5: Sleeping is… difficult.
When Kunou began sleeping in my bed, I was elated to have someone adorable snoring nearby and… keeping things warm with her fluffy tails.
It was the cutest experience ever, even the best way to avoid getting nightmares.
Yet this happiness vanished the moment things escalated.
Kunou was soon joined by Koneko, the silver-haired Nekoshou having a more passive positioning, preferring to sleep with her head resting on my free arm rather than on my chest. It would happen once or twice in a while to have her share my torso with the Kitsune but… those were rare moments.
Then… it was Ophis' turn.
The girl was quite… cautious with her positioning, preferring to sleep in a hug rather than being merely covered by sheets. This caused several issues regarding the summer's torrid heat and me waking up in a pool of sweat. She was alright by the morning while I would then be forced to take a long shower to clean up from that… situation.
Sleeping with three chibis seemed to be my limit, I planned to put a stop to eventual other girls but…
Then was the turn of… Maria.
A flat 'no' was given to the half-succubus when she asked to join in, trying to appear innocent and… failing because of the fawning that preceded the request.
A totally justified refusal as the girl was quite versed in being… terribly attracted to me. Not only she had some powerful charm spell but she was terribly taken by my deeds and how 'good-looking' I am.
She would end up try to sneak into my room and… be promptly stopped by Kuroka.
I don't know why Kuroka took the initiative of making sure the girl wouldn't invade my bed for… explicit reasons, but I was sure that there had to be a good and genuine reason behind this good behavior from the young woman.
And hopefully I will not wake up one day to deal with some unpleasant regrets and some sirens ringing by my house's entrance.
With Maria's situation dealt with, the ball landed right into Lilith.
She was similar to Ophis at first, requesting hugs during sleep but… then decided to adopt a more Kunou-esque approach and merely sleep with her head atop my chest.
Nothing horrible happened with her… or at least nothing worth any worry from me but… I still think that four girls sleeping in the same bed can be… quite uncomfortable, no matter the arrangements taken.
"...So I came to you to ask if you knew how to deal with this-"
"I think you are slightly overreacting, Hoitsu-san. I think you should enjoy the fact that you have a strong following of little sisters loving you that much. Some would envy the wholesome and endearing trust those girls have for you."
I blinked, eyes widening at the sudden reply and… that actually make some little sense.
"But the problem is-"
"Being in a relationship, may it be a platonic or a romantic one, has people gaining and giving. You can't expect yourself entitled to only receiving, aren't you, Hoitsu-san?"
I stopped with my lips parted to speak, I frowned and then I closed my mouth. The words now meant something.
"I've to admit that I've… never seen this perspective before. I guess that… work is starting to really affect my perception of things and… I forgot that I've to understand their flaws like they understand mines-" I paused, eyes widening. "I- what if I had problematic sleep? What if I- I was being this idiotic when they are suffering too and-"
"Calm yourself, you lucky lad!" The doctor replied with a bright smile, caressing his curious goatee. There was just something… that made him familiar. "You are just a youth seeking answers about a completely complex situation and I do respect the fact you've come to seek help."
"T-Thanks, Shinhachi-san. I didn't expect to have some… clarity about the matter without causing… issues with the situation itself." I stood up from my chair and shook the smiling man's hand, surprised by the incredibly strong hold and… cool sensation.
"Trust me kid, I faced much much worse than what you are dealing with." The doctor nodded while leading me to the door. "The only thing I've to ask is… if you somehow end up meeting with a cutie, a little girl with warm red-eyes and brown-hair that's called 'Mayu', I need you to avoid trying to pull her in the whole 'Big Brother' situation."
… "Can I ask w-"
"She is my daughter and I will break you legs if she is somehow decides to pick up your habit and have all her friend dog-pile the bed where my wife and I sleep… CAPISCHE!?"
I 'eeped' a little at the unexpected demonic voice and powerful glow coming from the man's eyes. "I- I understand, s-sir!"
He smiled again. "Good. Then you may go..."
I never left a place faster than in that occasion… but seriously.
Who was this John Shinhachi and why he sounded 'familiar'?!
The Living Bot strikes twice! This time meddling in the omake. Goddammit, go back to your place-
You can't tell us what to do, you foo-
...And he's completely gone now. Good.
Anyway, long day and I'm starting to get annoyed by the fact the sky is darkening faster than in summer. I know there is a scientific basis behind the phenomenon, but the fact I get sleepy when in a dark room or with the sound of rain behind me… yep, I'm completely taken out by this stuff…
Future milestone 1: 900 Followers and Favorites.
I had been partly aware of what has been happening in the Underworld while on the run.
Mostly because I was morbidly intrigued by what reaction the entirety of Hell would assume about what had happened back in Kuoh, a minority was about knowing what kind of dangers I would have ended up facing if I didn't move quickly enough out of Japan.
There were brutal words directed at me, the full story barred from people's knowledge as only the crimes were mentioned.
There was no interest in giving out a 'humane' perspective over my actions, possibly because the Satans were aware of the dangerous threat I was and that the required help would have needed the whole Underworld united against me.
A mobilization ensued, some of the greater Lords calling their banners by drafting new blood to their ranks and making sure to swear loyalty to the Four- now Three- Satans.
And while the majority of the Hellish denizens craved for a quick attack against me, as a mean to properly end this 'terrible monster', a full month had passed without any attempt to bring the troops outside of the Underworld.
Confusion stirred, anger still bubbling as, without the proper target nearby, was slowly redirected to the leaders that got them all ready for a war and… the reason behind such a passive and hesitant demeanor was fairly simple as foolish.
If even a single soldier of Hell marched outside of the marked lands, Heaven would have declared war against the 'invading force'. To think that the messy diplomacy that still lived after so many centuries of peace would actually ease up my escape and render impossible any chance for an alliance between the two opposing factions…
Michael was never the best person to rule, his mind too centered around the precepts of a flawed God with a sprinkle of an Inferiority Complex.
A fool, there was no denial after the display or… lack of proper response to my attack.
Heaven was by no means unbeatable and the only thing that a smart guy would have done in his situation would have been… delay.
Delay and evacuate.
People died, people that had to get directly attacked and removed from my path to reach the end of this twisted and psychotic nightmare.
Grigori actively hunted me down during my month-long escape, but the lack of powerful fighters to spare all around the organization ended up causing just a few of those to come close to where I was hiding temporarily during my run.
Then when they got really close in New York, capturing me and all, the skyscraper became a grand grave for those that tried to kill me in that occasion.
The situation also brought attention to the surreal presence of strange DNA in the remaining husk of the building, the news blasting with theories, people 'coming forward' about some details of the supernatural world and the Church was trying and failing to keep up with the downfall of its own foundation.
Normal humans were finally noticing that something odd was going on around them, causing further issues with all those factions, from Christianity and other Pantheons, about the fall of the 'tricky' curtain between the Deities and the mortals blissfully unaware of what was going on in the backstage of the world.
And while both Grigori and Heaven suffered from the recent attempts to take my life, Hell was collapsing upon itself.
A month was more than enough to make people cautious and paranoid about their closest kin. Hesitation, doubts, and panic all played horrible cards to the leaders of Hell as a full-fledged Civil War exploded two weeks in during my 'pilgrimage'.
Initially, it was just some conflicts between a family or two. Then the small fire started to burn brighter than expected as society fragmented in numerous groups, cliques formed by Lords and Ladies tired of the current leadership Hell was 'enduring' after years of stagnating peace.
War erupted, but the participants were all within the Underworld itself.
The entire territory was split in zones of influence, with constant raids between a zone and another.
People were dying, innocents were dying as the world- no, the entire reality registered its first contraction.
I felt it the moment I blasted through the massive walls that led within the initial section of Hell. I paused just a moment, my whole body tensing up in dread at the effects and the… magnitude of this phenomenon.
It's happening far earlier than planned!
I needed to move quickly, even if I had to redo the same atrocities perpetrated within the pearly kingdom.
Just as I returned to look at the hole created, I was greeted by a full platoon of red-armored knights sporting some flags with a familiar purple flower.
I blinked. "The Bael Clan?" I mused vocally, the knights bending the knee and causing me to blink in surprise.
"That's correct, milord." Zekram Bael descended from the sky moments later, behind him his son, Lord Bael, and his grandchild, Sairaorg.
Both father and son bowed, leaving just the young man standing up and staring fiercely at me.
There was shock and embarrassment in Zerkam's face, the founder of the Clan and Lucifer's trusted loyalist seeming ready to murder his grandson the moment he ignored the respectful gesture.
The old man was prim and proper, like the memories of Lucifer reminded me.
"Zeks, you look old." I mirthfully commented, causing the elder to glance back at me with wide-eyes.
He started to vibrate a little, excited by the fact he was finally greeting his Creator.
"M-Milord! Y-You are back!"
"Partly and… things are escalating to an ugly situation for everyone." I replied with a serious but kind tone, the same one Heliel would use to talk with his 'children'. "The dimension is destabilizing the more time passes…"
"T-That- What is happening, milord?" Zekram finally asked, a panicked expression in his face.
I could remember giving him some explanation about a pseudo-loop, nothing too revealing but it was also something that got him even more loyal to the King of the Underworld.
"The reset is not working anymore." I commented with cold tone. "The cycle has to be broken."
He blinked once, then twice, and then the man bowed again. "If this is your command, milords-"
"Hoitsu Sakakibara." Sairaorg spoke loudly, his booming voice being… interesting to hear this closely. "I demand you explain what happened in Kuoh Town."
I sighed, noticing the burning scowl now hanging by the elder's face and decided to intervene before causing further distractions. "And I shall explain. I think everyone in the Clan and those that wishes to follow me has the right for a proper explanation."
I looked up in the sky and I nodded to myself. "But we need to get going. The timer is ticking and I've to reach Trihexa's containment chambers." I muttered, dragonic wings sprouting from my back as I took the lead in the flight.
Some tensed up at the mere mentioning of the Dragon of the Apocalypse, but they all followed my example and, after unfolding their wings, started to follow me towards the deeper parts of Hell.
"T-The Beast of the End?" Zekram's son asked bluntly, surprise painting his tone. "M-Milord, I k-know that the situation is terrible but-"
"Trihexa is part of the 'old' Lucifer." I replied with a tired tone. "It's essential to recover it, something I shall do alone and personally as the situation is that terrible."
Then I turned to Sairaorg. "And I think it's time to also address your concerns. Concerns I'm sure others are feeling right now for the cause they are following."
The Heir of the Bael Clan merely nodded and I started to explain things… from the very beginning.
There wasn't any time to waste in subtlety, the world was dying and if this was the only help I had to divert the obstacles away, then I will make sure to not have any world-shattering revelation spoilered during a fight.
From the original idea behind the loops to the fall of the First Lucifer. From the end of the First Trihexa to the beginning of this damaged route.
The knights were horrified by the tale, while the three 'heads' of the Bael Clan looked merely shocked by the intense narration, the emotions that dripped from every word leaving my lips.
There were hardly any questions during the flight as the story itself took much of their attention.
Still, I detected something strange. While part of Hell was still fighting with the brutality reported by the spies in there, the area we were slowly making ourselves way into was… growing ever so silent the more we flied towards it.
This silence was… familiar. It reminded me of… death.
I blinked as I suddenly felt the terrifying pulse of energy standing right between us and the containment chambers.
My sight locked onto a silent figure, several pieces of clothing lying wasted around her.
I felt nervous, I felt danger coming right at u-
There were hardly any questions during the flight- Wait, did I just reset!?
I blinked and suddenly I remembered what happened.
"Everyone dive down!" The unexpected order caused surprise at the group following my lead, but they all followed me down as…
I saw it, the normal-looking girl with dark-haired combed in a pony-tail. She blitzed right where we once where, halting a moment as her black eyes widened in surprise at the lack of people around her.
Lilith, or whatever that thing was, turned her attention slowly right at me.
The girl blinked, her energy pattern far greater than Ophis or… anyone in this reality.
It was close to mine, the sudden death that I suffered being caused by the immensely powerful strike she used.
Her surprise was divided between the fact we dodged that attack and because she was possibly feeling the strain of that burst of energy.
She rushed down, I moved away and… forgot completely about the group behind me.
The following energy strike was weaker compared to the first one, but it was strong enough to fully vaporize the leaders of the Bael Clan.
My eyes widened in shock, she blinked again and glanced back at me… this time smiling giddily.
"Tag!" The word that was meant to refer to the children's game brought cold dread to my poor soul as I had to dive once more down to avoid the playful blur of utter doom.
Once I was in a 'safe' distance, I decided to throw a powerful blast of raw energy at her and… she deflected it easily. My jaws dropped, the giggling enemy showing more of her dangerous abilities.
I- I have to hit harder then!
I decided to avoid using energy-based attacks, getting closer to the smiling girl, I promptly punched her straight in her face and- "Owie! That was mean!"
If only she could understand that this wasn't JUST A FUCKING GAME!
I roared and decked her in the neck, a surprised look born by the brief pain was soon replaced by a mirthful grin as she reacted by kicking me in the stomach. "Let's fight, Niichan!"
My consciousness faded just a moment at the nickname, my eyes flashing red as I started to realize that this situation was worse than expected.
Everything clicked now about why Lilith of all people was capable of matching up against me.
There were clothes that were once worn by people. People that were alive just moments before I arrived.
There were armors, maid clothes, civilian robes… and I saw a Magical Girl-like dress too.
This was supposedly the part where the Satans were keen to hole up in case of crisis and… Rizevim knew about his plans.
Without Azrael to stop him and without the loop happening as it should regularly happen, the man was surely aware about my necessity to reach Trihexa and…
This Lilith had Ophis, Rizevim, Euclid, Issei, Sirzechs, Falbium, Serafall, Grayfia… and many others within herself.
I can see how the leader of Qlippoth tried to use Lilith as a replacement for me, trying to recreate a proto-Trihexa capable of absorbing the one currently contained… but ended up messing things to a terrible degree.
The first contraction of this dimension had to have sparked Lilith's self-preservation mechanism, the inner dragon-like instincts flaring at the massive danger and urged her to… get stronger.
I was shocked at the speed exercised in the absorption of so many beings but… here she was.
*Lilith wants to play!
She giggled again, her first punch easily dodged and forcing her to attack even faster than before. Of course she was weaker than me but the distance was… minimal compared to others.
In this scenario, I felt close to really lose against someone.
It was in the following exchange of blows that something even scarier happened.
My fist slammed into hers and… something cracked.
It wasn't my hand, nor hers. It wasn't Hell and not even Earth.
Reality cracked once more!
I felt panic surging as my attacks intensified, same for Lilith as her eagerness pushed her further.
This… this has to end now!
If the girl had this much energy… then it was more than right to use it against her.
I slammed a fist on her chest, getting two punches in my face in the process, then I landed another punch, this one in her left-side ribs. Finally, I drove my closed palm in her stomach, causing her to retaliate with a powerful kick.
I was sent flying away, denying myself any recovery as I exploited the distance created by the attack to set my plan in motion without drawing any suspicions.
Lilith giggled again, prepping herself to rush once more towards me but-
"G-Gah!?" Her hands shoot protectively at her chest. Agonizing pain visible in her face as she started to sob uncontrollably, her entire body trembling.
I blinked, my mind now emptied by any chance of redemption as I knew this was going to be my last kill.
I lifted my open palm up. "The fun is over Lilith." I stated with a blank tone and then… I snapped my fingers.
She didn't have any possibility of reply to my words, her entire body turning a bright white and then… a soundless explosion ripped me away from the 'vicinity'.
I blinked, recoiling at the blast as I slammed just in time against… Trihexa's seals.
The painful pushback of the powerful centuries-old runes was enough to make me land on the ground with a painful and crunchy thud and… make me doubt about being able to do much after… this.
I crawled for a while towards the runes before actually attempting to wobble myself towards the large chambers. I paused just a meter or so away from the seals and sighed.
"In the beginning, there was darkness. God wanted Light… but Darkness brought balance. In the end… Darkness brings Light and the world shall be made ablaze."
The seals glowed a dark-red, burning themselves as the containment spells were lifted off from the grounds and… a familiar roar echoed vengefully from the large pit.
I sighed and stared down in the abyss.
The abyss stared back, a toothed grin sported by Trihexa sending chills down my spine.
"And this is how things… will end." I blinked and slowly fell in that seemingly endless pit.
The Dragon roared again, flapping his thousands of wings at once as if craving hungrily for its first taste of freedom after so many years of being contained.
But it was all for nothing as… confusion riddled Trihexa the moment it stared at… itself.
The 'copy' looked shocked too and the simple mortal, the human that was now between the two Beasts, started to swiftly chant several incantations.
And while the two identical creatures were mesmerized by their own appearances, their own energy pools and their hunger…
I smiled with a guilty smile concluding the incantation and… I started to draw both Trihexas' energies.
The powerful sources were already collapsing. It was well-known that two beings of identical and equal presence within the same universe were bent to collapse reality without hesitation.
But with their mindless consciousness being the first thing to fade, the energy was easy to manipulate, to use for the last Reset ability in Lucifer's repertoire.
Something the bastard himself wouldn't even dare to make use of because… it was too dangerous and required too much energy.
Energy that I had with the two Trihexas dying just near enough to me to make this possible.
"Last Encore: Final Reset."
Four words. Four simple words and the entire dimension… collapsed.
I felt pushed in a small space, air forcefully ejected from my lungs as I started to be slammed left and right in an endless darkness where only I was visible.
I didn't have air to scream, nor to properly think and move as I was pulled away from the dying mess that was reality and… sent careening in the next one.
I blinked, my vision fading between unconsciousness and… being alive while I was flung to the next… step of my final adventure.
If only I had knew that Dimension-hopping was this much… painful…
An eternity later and with a tired mind and body, I greeted the approaching cemented floor with the same familiarity one has for… a friend.
I crash-landed in some alley, my face painfully burning as I saw blood spurting out of my new… wounds?
Oh… I don't have Trihexa anymore and I should be worried by… this.
I felt footsteps approaching, but my eyes were too tired to be able to discern the approaching shadows.
The only thing that I know is… that whoever found me was a… woman?
And with this the first section of Broken Trickster DxD is… completed!
But I can say right now that… the show is far from over. Since yesterday I forgot to update, either today or tomorrow I will have an extra chapter!
But for now, since I'm feeling rather… inspired by Oneshots, I think I will write a…
Omake 5: Sleeping is… difficult.
When Kunou began sleeping in my bed, I was elated to have someone adorable snoring nearby and… keeping things warm with her fluffy tails.
It was the cutest experience ever, even the best way to avoid getting nightmares.
Yet this happiness vanished the moment things escalated.
Kunou was soon joined by Koneko, the silver-haired Nekoshou having a more passive positioning, preferring to sleep with her head resting on my free arm rather than on my chest. It would happen once or twice in a while to have her share my torso with the Kitsune but… those were rare moments.
Then… it was Ophis' turn.
The girl was quite… cautious with her positioning, preferring to sleep in a hug rather than being merely covered by sheets. This caused several issues regarding the summer's torrid heat and me waking up in a pool of sweat. She was alright by the morning while I would then be forced to take a long shower to clean up from that… situation.
Sleeping with three chibis seemed to be my limit, I planned to put a stop to eventual other girls but…
Then was the turn of… Maria.
A flat 'no' was given to the half-succubus when she asked to join in, trying to appear innocent and… failing because of the fawning that preceded the request.
A totally justified refusal as the girl was quite versed in being… terribly attracted to me. Not only she had some powerful charm spell but she was terribly taken by my deeds and how 'good-looking' I am.
She would end up try to sneak into my room and… be promptly stopped by Kuroka.
I don't know why Kuroka took the initiative of making sure the girl wouldn't invade my bed for… explicit reasons, but I was sure that there had to be a good and genuine reason behind this good behavior from the young woman.
And hopefully I will not wake up one day to deal with some unpleasant regrets and some sirens ringing by my house's entrance.
With Maria's situation dealt with, the ball landed right into Lilith.
She was similar to Ophis at first, requesting hugs during sleep but… then decided to adopt a more Kunou-esque approach and merely sleep with her head atop my chest.
Nothing horrible happened with her… or at least nothing worth any worry from me but… I still think that four girls sleeping in the same bed can be… quite uncomfortable, no matter the arrangements taken.
"...So I came to you to ask if you knew how to deal with this-"
"I think you are slightly overreacting, Hoitsu-san. I think you should enjoy the fact that you have a strong following of little sisters loving you that much. Some would envy the wholesome and endearing trust those girls have for you."
I blinked, eyes widening at the sudden reply and… that actually make some little sense.
"But the problem is-"
"Being in a relationship, may it be a platonic or a romantic one, has people gaining and giving. You can't expect yourself entitled to only receiving, aren't you, Hoitsu-san?"
I stopped with my lips parted to speak, I frowned and then I closed my mouth. The words now meant something.
"I've to admit that I've… never seen this perspective before. I guess that… work is starting to really affect my perception of things and… I forgot that I've to understand their flaws like they understand mines-" I paused, eyes widening. "I- what if I had problematic sleep? What if I- I was being this idiotic when they are suffering too and-"
"Calm yourself, you lucky lad!" The doctor replied with a bright smile, caressing his curious goatee. There was just something… that made him familiar. "You are just a youth seeking answers about a completely complex situation and I do respect the fact you've come to seek help."
"T-Thanks, Shinhachi-san. I didn't expect to have some… clarity about the matter without causing… issues with the situation itself." I stood up from my chair and shook the smiling man's hand, surprised by the incredibly strong hold and… cool sensation.
"Trust me kid, I faced much much worse than what you are dealing with." The doctor nodded while leading me to the door. "The only thing I've to ask is… if you somehow end up meeting with a cutie, a little girl with warm red-eyes and brown-hair that's called 'Mayu', I need you to avoid trying to pull her in the whole 'Big Brother' situation."
… "Can I ask w-"
"She is my daughter and I will break you legs if she is somehow decides to pick up your habit and have all her friend dog-pile the bed where my wife and I sleep… CAPISCHE!?"
I 'eeped' a little at the unexpected demonic voice and powerful glow coming from the man's eyes. "I- I understand, s-sir!"
He smiled again. "Good. Then you may go..."
I never left a place faster than in that occasion… but seriously.
Who was this John Shinhachi and why he sounded 'familiar'?!
The Living Bot strikes twice! This time meddling in the omake. Goddammit, go back to your place-
You can't tell us what to do, you foo-
...And he's completely gone now. Good.
Anyway, long day and I'm starting to get annoyed by the fact the sky is darkening faster than in summer. I know there is a scientific basis behind the phenomenon, but the fact I get sleepy when in a dark room or with the sound of rain behind me… yep, I'm completely taken out by this stuff…
Future milestone 1: 900 Followers and Favorites.